Thanks to this amazing part of speech, the language acquires expressiveness and brightness; without it, our speech would not be so colorful and rich. defines an object by its attribute and belonging. They ask him the questions “what? which? which? what?”, and it also answers the questions “whose? whose? whose? whose?"

The secret is depending

In a sentence, the adjective is usually associated with nouns and pronouns. This part of speech is always dependent on them. This connection will tell us how to determine the case Cases in Russian: nominative, followed by genitive, then dative, followed by accusative, then instrumental, and then prepositional. It is easy to find out the endings of adjectives by case if you ask them a question from the part of speech on which they depend. Usually the ending that is in the question is the same as that of the adjective.

What to Consider

Changing adjectives in cases depends on the number and gender of this part of speech. And there are two things to remember here. First, adjectives can be changed by gender only when they are in singular. Secondly, they can be changed by numbers. Let's look at both theses with examples.

masculine, feminine and neuter

Let's take the phrase "noun + adjective in the singular" and see how the ending of the adjective changes in different genders. The gender of an adjective is always the same as the noun to which it refers.

  1. Masculine adjective endings: -oy, -y, -y. Here is an example: a person (what?) is businesslike, smart, sensitive.
  2. Graduation adj. in the feminine: -aya, -ya. For example, clothes (what?) are spacious, summer.
  3. Graduation adj. in the middle gender: -oh, -ee. For example, a plant (what?) Tall, perennial.

Endings of adjectives in different numbers

Adjectives change freely in numbers. In the singular, they designate a sign of one object or group of objects and answer the questions “what, what, what?” For example: smart question, wide road, gentle sun, cheerful team, large crowd, noisy crowd.

In adjectives designate a set of objects, answering the question "what?" For example: high hopes, small disappointments. As you can see, the number of an adjective depends on the number of the noun with which it is associated.

Spelling of unstressed endings in adjectives

To determine this point, you can act on a simple algorithm. First you need to ask a question from a noun to an adjective.

If the question is “what?”, you need to check if the ending is under stress. If yes, then we write -th, if not, then we write -th (th).

If a question from a noun sounds like “whose?”, then at the end you should write -y

If only questions can be asked from a noun to an adjective, then the same ending that sounds in the question should be written (taking into account the hard and soft declension). Let us consider the last statement in more detail.

Changing adjective names by case

Now let's get acquainted with the features of the declension of adjectives in cases. This information will help you figure out the name of the adjective in each case.

First group

These are singular adjectives that have feminine. They lean like this:

  • Nominative case: plum (what?) - ripe, early. Graduation adjectives: -ya, -ya.
  • Genitive case: plums (what?) - ripe, early. Graduation adjectives: -oh, -hey.
  • Dative case: plum (what?) - ripe, early. Graduation adjectives: -oh, -hey.
  • Accusative case: plum (what?) - ripe, early. Graduation adjectives: -yu, -yu.
  • Instrumental case: plum (what?) ripe, early. Graduation adjectives: -oh, -hey.
  • Prepositional case: about a plum (what?) ripe, early. Graduation adjectives: -oh, -hey.

Note that the endings of adjectives coincide in four cases: genitive, dative, instrumental, prepositional.

Second group

These are singular adjectives that are masculine. They lean like this:

  • Nominative case: ball (what?) Big, rubber, blue. Adjective endings: -oy, -y, -y.
  • Genitive case: ball (what?) Large, rubber, blue. Graduation adjectives: -oh, -his.
  • Dative case: ball (what?) Large, rubber, blue. Graduation adjectives: -mu, -him.
  • To determine the ending of an adjective in the accusative case, you must first find out whether it refers to an animate or inanimate noun. In our example, adjectives refer to an inanimate noun that answers the question "what?". Then the question for the adjective will sound like this: the ball (what?) Big, rubber, blue. Endings of adjectives with an inanimate noun: -oy, -y, -y. But if the noun is animate, in the accusative case, the question “whom?” should be asked to it. Accordingly, the form of the adjective will change. For example, a father (what?) Strict, loving. Endings of adjectives with an animated noun: -th, -his.
  • Instrumental case: with a ball (what?) Large, rubber, blue. Graduation adjectives: -th, -im.
  • Prepositional case: about the ball (what?) Big, rubber, blue. Graduation adjectives: -om, -em.

Third group

These are singular adjectives in the neuter gender. They bend like this.

  • Nominative case: morning (what?) Sunny, summer. Adjective endings: -oh, -ee.
  • Genitive case: morning (what?) Sunny, summer. Graduation adjectives: -oh, -his.
  • Dative case: morning (what?) Sunny, summer. Graduation adjectives: -mu, -him.
  • Accusative case: morning (what?) Sunny, summer. Graduation adjectives: -oh, -her.
  • Instrumental case: in the morning (what?) Sunny, summer. Graduation adjectives: -th, -im.
  • Prepositional case: about the morning (what?) Sunny, summer. Graduation adjectives: -om, -em.

We see here that in all three groups the answer to the question of how to determine the case of an adjective comes down to one thing - it is recognized by the case of the noun on which this adjective depends.

Fourth group

These are adjectives that are in plural. Let's say the following about them:

  • Nominative case: flowers (what?) Yellow, autumn. Adjective endings: -s, -s.
  • Genitive case: colors (what?) yellow, autumn. Graduation adjectives: -th, -them.
  • Dative case: flowers (what?) yellow, autumn. Graduation adjectives: -th, -im.
  • Accusative case: adjectives related to inanimate nouns are declined according to the principle of the nominative case: flowers (what?) Yellow, autumn. Endings: -s, -s. Adjectives related to animate nouns are declined according to the principle of the genitive case: relatives (what?) Cheerful, close. Endings: -s, -ih.
  • Instrumental case: colors (what?) yellow, autumn. Graduation adjectives: -s, -s.
  • Prepositional case: about flowers (what?) yellow, autumn. Graduation adjectives: -th, -them.

Note that in this group adjectives have similar endings in the genitive, accusative (if they refer to animate nouns), prepositional cases.

Determining the case of an adjective: a sequence of actions

  1. Let's write the adjective on a piece of paper.
  2. Let's highlight the ending.
  3. Determine the gender and number of the adjective.
  4. Let's choose which of the four groups described above the given word belongs to.
  5. Let's determine the case of the adjective at the end.
  6. If in doubt, let's pay attention to the noun on which our word depends, ask a question to it and determine the case of the adjective from it, since it has the same ending.

If it is difficult to figure out whether a noun (and an adjective dependent on it) is used in the nominative or accusative case, you should look at it. If the noun in the sentence acts as a subject, then it has Nominative case. The cases of adjectives will be the same. If the noun is a minor member of the sentence, then it is used in the accusative case. Therefore, adjectives will have the same case.

We looked at how to determine the case of an adjective and made sure that it is not difficult at all.


Russian language lesson in 4th grade

"Changing adjective names by case"

Gizitdinova Raisa Sergeevna

teacherprimary school

first qualification category


Lesson topic: Changing the names of adjectives according to cases.

Lesson Objectives:

Educational goals:

Acquaintance with the algorithm for determining the declension of adjectives;

Identification of the features of the declension of this part of speech;

Development of initial skills research work;

Stimulation of cognitive interests with the help of problem questions;

Development goals:

Development of interest in the future learning process,

Development of the ability to analyze one's own activities;

educational goals:

Raising children's desire for academic success,

Cultivate a sense of friendship and camaraderie.

Raising a love for nature.

Lesson type :

A lesson in mastering new knowledge.




    Cards for individual work.

Used technologies: ICT, health, research(the method of involving students in setting the goals and objectives of the lesson, the method of organizing work in a group, the method of reflection, the method of organizing self-study new material in the practice of work at the lesson)annotation : This lesson consists of several stages, at each of which ICT is used to improve the assimilation of the material. Are used different types activities: frontal work, work in pairs, individual work students, work at the blackboard, work in groups.

During the classes.

1. Organizational stage.

Teacher: The boys looked at each other and smiled. I am glad to see you again and I think that today will bring us the joy of communication and the joy of discovering something new in the lesson. Good luck and good luck to you!

How would you like this lesson to be?

Children: Interesting to learn something new.

Teacher: Is everyone ready for the lesson?

Children: Yes!

(1 slide)

The lesson starts

He will go to the guys for future use.

Try to understand everything

To write well.

2. Self-determination to learning activities .

What part of the speech about yourself do you think told the following?

(2 slide)

I'm friends with the noun
And I don't bother at all.
My main note:
I designate an attribute of an object.
What ice? Cold, smooth.
What tea? Hot, sweet.
I change by birth
Numbers and cases.
I love attentive children.
Who am I? .. (adjective).

Teacher: What part of speech will we work with in the lesson today?

Children: With adjectives.

3. Actualization of knowledge and fixation of difficulties in activities.

Teacher: Why do we use adjectives in our speech?

Children.In order to name the signs of objects, accurately describe objects, in order to make our speech expressive.

Words on the board:

cold ... weather, oh cold ... weather

What parts of speech are they? (from a noun and an adjective)

What can be said about the nouns in these phrases?

(in the female gender, singular)

What do you know about nouns?

(change by gender, number, cases, i.e. decline)

About adjectives? (are in the same gender and number as the noun);

Determine the endings of adjectives in phrases;

Why do adjectives have different endings?

(nouns have different cases);

Can adjectives change by case?

(children's guesses)

4. Statement of the educational task.

- Let's try to decline the adjective at the blackboardwinter (does not work)

Let's substitute a nounday . From this noun we ask a question to the adjective.

What are we going to learn in class? (Change adjectives in cases, i.e. decline.)

Formulate the topic of the lesson.

(3 slide) "Changing adjectives by case"

-What are the goals of our lesson?

- Today we will study:


Lesson Objectives:

Decline adjectives.

Recognize the case of adjectives.

Use adjectives in speech and writing.

5. Problem solving. Study.

Let's do the research:

Groups 1 and 2 decline the phrase:winter morning

3rd and 4th groups:good days . (Group work)

(5slide) Research plan.

    Decline the noun and adjective.

    Watch how the adjectives change.

    Make a conclusion.

Identify endings for nouns and adjectives.

Checking work.

(Children explain how they worked:

They changed the noun according to cases, from the noun they asked a question to the adjective, determined the ending of the adjective)

Well done boys!

PHYSMINUTE. (6 slide)

Are you tired?

Are you tired?

Well, then everyone stood up together.

They stomped their feet,

They clapped their hands.

Twisted, turned

And everyone sat down at the desks.

We close our eyes tightly

We count up to 5 together.

We open, we blink

And we continue to work.

6. Building a project to get out of the difficulty (discovery of new knowledge)

What will we conclude?

We repeat in groups how adjectives changed in cases.

- Make a memo to determine the case of adjectives

(Compose in pairs, discuss)

Guys, let's write an algorithm for determining the case of an adjective.


    Find the noun with which the adjective is associated.

    Let's define the case of the noun.

    By the case of the noun, we recognize the case of the adjective.

7. Primary fastening.

a) - Write sentences, inserting the endings of adjectives. Using the algorithm, determine the case of adjectives.

(1 student works at the blackboard, the rest write in notebooks):

Winter sunny day. The sky is clean and clear. The days are frosty.

b) Independent work (Write sentences, inserting the endings of adjectives. Using the algorithm, determine the case of adjectives):

IN winter ... fog rises cold ... dim ... sun. Cheerful ... a flock of birds swept over the snowy ... forest ... glade.

c) Mutual verification (exchanged notebooks).

G) Dictation. (several students work on individual cards)

The blizzard has come and I winter. The earth is softly covered them fluffy th snow. Birds are hungry in winter eat forest. friendly s The kids are making feeders. They will hang them in the school ohm garden.

- Why are birds hungry in the winter in the forest?

How do you help birds? (we make feeders, pour food, hang birdhouses)

- Find phrases noun + adjective. Determine the case, highlight the ending.


Conclusion :

“The adjective changes by case and always stands in the same gender, number and case as the noun with which it is connected in meaning.”


So, our study ends for today.

Well done! I liked how you determined the case of adjectives today.

The teacher evaluates independent work by cards.

At the end of our lesson, we will"Blitz Poll" .

I ask connoisseurs of the Russian language to answer questions.

9. The result of the lesson. Reflection.

a) Homework.

Write 5 sentences about winter.

Write out word combinations. + adj.

Specify the gender, number, case of nouns and adjectives.

b) Blitz survey.

What have you learned about the inflection of adjectives?

What goals did we set for ourselves?

(learn how to decline adjectives,

recognize the case of adjectives).

Have we reached them?

How to find out the case of an adjective?

Who had difficulty?

Who is happy today? Why?

How do you rate your work?

Everyone has a sun on the table. If you have good mood, draw a smile. If Bad mood, then draw the sun a bad mood.


Card number 1

1 task. Write adjectives. Determine the gender and case of nouns.

Coat(…………), frost(……..), snowflake(……….), sea(………), book(………..), cheese(…..),

2 task. Determine the gender and case of adjectives.

Reindeer, old forest, near the mighty oak, tall tree, winter sun, bird noise, at a neighboring house, in a snowy outfit.

Card number 2

Write down the phrases, inserting adjectives according to the meaning. Determine the case of the adjective.

(………..) branch, (…………) stump, near (………..) river, (………..) snow, near (……….) shore, on (……… ..) poplar, for (……….) brother, to (……..) city.

Card number 3

For these verbs, think up and write down the phrases of the adjective with the noun. Determine the case of adjectives.

Hang out (what?)…………. ………….. .

Dig up (what?)…………. …………. .

Tell (what?)………. …………….

Sing (what?)…………. ………………. .

See (what?)……….. ……………….

Hear that?)……… …………….. .

To love (what?)……….. ……………….

    The case of an adjective is more difficult to determine than the case of a noun.

    To do this, it is worth determining the case of the noun, which is directly related to the adjective, for example, a stormy river is the nominative case.

    You can quickly deal with the cases of adjectives with the help of such a table, which lists the questions of each case with examples.

    the case of the adjective is the same as the case of the noun whose sign is mentioned, for example: fresh fruit is masculine for both the noun and the adjective,

    interesting movie - here the middle gender, good weather- feminine

    Determining cases for adjectives is easy. To do this, it will be enough just to make a phrase with any noun, after which it will already determine the case of this very noun. For example, a large table (what?), a noun in the nominative case:

    If it’s hard right away, then attach the adjective to the noun. Then bending will be much easier. For example:

    Blue sky

    blue skies

    blue sky

    Blue sky

    blue skies

    About the blue sky.

    The case of the adjective is determined by the case of the pronoun or noun, the sign of which it denotes and with which it agrees. For example, About the blue sea. Here the noun sea stands in prepositional. This means that the adjective blue is also in the prepositional case.

    Cases of adjectives are not so difficult to learn to determine if these adjectives also contain nouns. And if there are no such nouns, then you need to substitute them hypothetically.

    An adjective, as you know, denotes a certain attribute of an object (an object is the noun that we talked about above). The cases of the noun and adjective in the vast majority of variants coincide. For example: blue sky (Dative), about a good boy (Prepositional), paper documentation (Creative), spring thoughts (Nominative or accusative).

    When we learn to see or imagine these phrases, then determining the case of an adjective will be as simple as determining the case of a noun. At the end, which indicates the case. Or on a question that can be asked to this adjective.

    An adjective is a part of speech that denotes a sign of an object and agrees in gender, number and case with the noun on which it depends.

    Thus, to determine the case of an adjective, it is enough to determine the case of a noun.

    Example: I see a beautiful (V.p.) girl (V.p.). To begin with, we determine the case of the noun: I see (who?) A girl. The noun is used in the form accusative, respectively, the adjective also stands in the V. case.

    Most often in sentences and phrases, adjectives refer to nouns. And what case these nouns will have, so will adjectives.

    For example:

    1. Blue sky. Ex. has a nominative fall (what?). So the adjective is also in this case.
    2. Sad sometimes (what?). Instrumental.
    3. Rejoice in the yellow sun (what?). Dative.
    4. He brought good news (whom what?). Accusative.
    5. Came to thank best friend(whom what?). Genitive.
    6. Regret the money spent (about what?) prepositional.

    If there is no noun, then you will have to invent it according to the meaning.

    For example:

    slightly interesting. We substitute the word story and determine its case (who is what?). Nominative.

    To determine the case of an adjective, you need to pay attention to the noun to which this adjective refers - what case this noun has, so will the adjective.

    Example: with a steel needle (answers the question with what ?, which means that this is a tool case - for both a noun and an adjective).

    Tables with adjective endings are, of course, good, but you won’t memorize it, will you? You need to learn how to independently navigate in such a topic as cases.

    Let's take an example:

    I want to say goodbye to old things.

    We have an adjective - old, it describes the attribute of a noun by things. The adjective is always closely connected with the noun, in what form the latter is used, the former will also be in this form, in particular, they will have the same case.

    That is, you just need to understand in which case our noun is used. By the word things, you can pick up the case question what ?, which means that it refers to the instrumental case. And the adjective is also used in instrumental and ends with -y.

    An adjective means a sign of an object that answers the question: what? what? what? The adjective is declined in the singular.

    The masculine gender has the ending th, th, oh. For example: a man (what?) is handsome, loving, cool. For example: what kind of skirt? turquoise, burgundy.

Change in cases of adjectives in the singular

16. Read the table "Change in cases of adjectives in the singular" (see above). Which adjectives decline the same way?

17. Read. Decline, using the table, any of these adjectives along with the noun.

Vegetable soup, nocturnal sky, earthly bark.

18. Read. Determine the case of nouns.

They sewed it from ... fabric, stopped near ... a building, floated across ... the sky, drove up to ... a gatehouse, watched ... a performance, flew into ... a window, adorned ... with frost, grew under. .. birch, swam in ... the sea, read about ... a bear.

    Words for reference: high, silk, blue, forest, open, interesting, young, warm, silvery, brown.

  • Choose for each noun a suitable adjective from the words for reference. Write down the phrases.
  • Indicate the case of nouns and adjectives, highlight their endings.

19. Read the memo on how to determine the case of an adjective, and a sample reasoning.

Think like this: adjective big refers to the word village. Village- neuter noun ( village), is in the instrumental case ( rises(above what?) over the village), in the singular. So the adjective big also stands in the middle gender, in the instrumental case, in the singular ( over the village(what?) big).

20. Read.

      In the north wild stands alone
      On naked pine tree top
      And dozing, swaying, and snow loose
      She is dressed like a robe.
      (M. Lermontov)

  • Be prepared to explain how to determine the case of underlined adjectives.
  • Write down a poem. Write the part of speech for each word in the first two lines.

21. Read.

Valentin Alexandrovich Serov is an excellent master of portrait painting. His painting "Mika Morozov" is one of the best children's portraits in world art. Take a look at the picture.

The kid sat up a little in the chair. I saw something and froze. Curly, curly. Black-eyed. He raised his thin eyebrows. Opened plump pink lips. What struck the little boy early in the morning? Not yet tidied up, in white nightgown, he is ready to jump up at least now and figure out what is happening. Hands clung to the chair rails. A moment of surprise.

The artist managed to peep this moment and reflect it in the picture.

(. Dolgopolov)

  • Decide on a topic and main idea text. Explain the meaning of expressions master of portrait painting, world art.
  • Find adjectives in the text. Say for what purpose they are used in the 1st and 2nd parts of the text.
  • Read the description of the boy. How do you see the boy in this description?

22. Consider in the “Picture Gallery” of the textbook a reproduction of the painting “Mika Morozov” by Valentin Aleksandrovich Serov.

  • Isn't it true that the artist told us the whole story about the boy? Does the description of the boy from ex. 21 with your impression of the painting? What are your impressions of the portrait? And what could surprise the boy? Express your guesses.
  • Compose and write an essay on the topic "What do I remember about the painting by V. A. Serov "Mika Morozov"". Start your essay with the first two sentences from the text of ex. 21.