Dear friends, are there folk rituals and rituals for Easter? Of course yes. High and pure energies characteristic of this unusual day allow you to use such actions to attract love, material wealth, health and happiness into your life, as well as to get rid of obstacles and problems.

Many conspiracies, rituals and signs for Easter to get married or for money have remained among the people for a long time. Some may bring a smile, and some may come in handy. After all, any action filled with strong intention and good thoughts will surely bring success and positive changes.

Rituals and signs for Easter so that money flows

For this method you need to prepare an Easter egg dyed in green color. Even better if it has a drawing made with gold paint. It is these colors - green and gold - that symbolize money, wealth and prosperity.

On a plate white a napkin with a dollar pattern is placed. If there is none, then you can limit yourself to any picture with a dollar or a drawing of your own making. Birch and / or willow twigs are laid out in a circle on a napkin, making it look like a nest. An egg is placed inside, as well as toy models of what is desired: a car, a house, jewelry.

When the impromptu nest is ready, it is covered with a white cloth and removed to the left corner of the room. Extraneous views should not see this ritual creativity. Exactly one week later, the egg must be removed from the "nest" and given to animals on the street. The shell should be crushed and scattered around the house. The rest of the items should be left lying in place for some more time.

There are also rituals for a quick sale of an apartment or house. True, they can be held at any time, not only on the Easter holiday. If this topic is relevant to you or your friends, then take a look.

Money Easter Talisman

To make it, you need to buy a long light (preferably white) candle on Easter Sunday. Immediately after the holiday, a thread-wick is taken out of it and set on fire simultaneously from two ends. Immediately, you should quickly read the phrase three times: “The fire is eternal, and my spirit is marked with gold, silver and immeasurable goodness.”

Then the lit thread must be immediately extinguished with your fingers and put the rest in your purse. This will be a talisman that attracts money. It is believed that the energy of a special day charges such a little thing.

Ancient rituals for health and well-being

This method was widely used in past centuries. On the night before Easter Sunday or early in the morning, you need to draw water from the nearest spring and, in complete silence, without uttering a single word on the road, bring it home.

In ancient times, such water was called "silent" and, according to its properties, was equated with holy water. To get health, prosperity and happiness, it is supposed not only to wash, but also to sprinkle the house.

Rituals and signs for Easter to get married

In Rus', it was traditionally believed that if an unmarried girl asks God for a groom during the morning service, then her request will be fulfilled in the near future.

In order to “make work” signs and get married, they swing on a swing on Easter. It was for this purpose that in the old days they were specially installed before the holiday and swung up to the Trinity. Swinging symbolizes "rise" and therefore it is associated not only with marriage and the birth of children, but also with the growth of the crop.

Another way to attract love into your life is with dyes. For him, you must have an egg painted in three colors. The pattern or design must be red-blue-yellow. Each color symbolizes a certain state: red is love, yellow is joy, and blue is lightness.

On Easter Sunday morning, over this egg, the girl should whisper the following words: “I took a bright egg and attracted male love.” Then you should take water procedures put on red underwear, tidy up your hair, put on makeup.

After that, the charmed egg must be eaten, while visualizing how one's own beauty, sexuality and attractiveness are becoming more and more noticeable.

Easter ritual to restore relationships

For those who wish to regain their former feelings for a partner and improve a shaky relationship, another method will do. On a red egg, scribble or write "Love". Then the egg is picked up and visualized great relationship with a partner.

You can just remember the moments when love was in its prime. They do it the evening before Easter. Then the egg must be left in the bedroom, and in the morning it should be cleaned and divided into two halves. One must be eaten by the person conducting the ritual, and the second by a loved one.

Easter rituals for success in business

This method is suitable for anyone who wants to improve relationships with business partners, achieve career success or develop their own business. It is necessary to have three eggs: one must be red (it symbolizes good luck), the second is golden (it symbolizes wealth), and the third is green (it symbolizes peace and balance).

In the morning, these eggs should be whispered: “I take Easter eggs and get what I need in business.” Then they must be eaten. You can just like that, you can in a salad. The most important thing is to do it before lunch and do not salt the eggs.

Rites for Easter to expel cockroaches and bedbugs

It may seem strange, but our ancestors used the first day of Easter to get rid of these domestic insects. The whole ritual consists in the fact that the owner, returning from the church, knocks on the house. The wife, without opening the door, asks a question:

- I, your master, my name is .... (name). Well, wife, what are we going to break the fast for?

- We will break the fast with pies, eggs, paska, Easter cakes.

- What about cockroaches?

- And cockroaches are cockroaches.

It is difficult, of course, to believe that words can affect insects more than household chemicals, but how to know, how to know The power of our thoughts and words is a great thing.

It’s great if you found a rational grain in what you read and took note of some rituals or rituals for Easter. Or maybe you will like the signs for Easter to get married or to make money. Moreover, all methods are very simple and affordable.

Good luck and prosperity!

It cannot be said that there are any special signs for Easter so that money is flown. But it is known for sure that Easter is the day with the most strong energy. When the souls of a million believers unite, as it were, into one vitality. Therefore, of course, a variety of signs become even stronger and gain strength.

Especially, oddly enough, this applies to signs for money. Many believe that a variety of signs are ways to improve a person’s financial life. IN Clean Thursday On the eve of Easter, various monetary rituals are held. In this article, we will talk about what Easter signs for money exist and what needs to be done to improve your financial condition. A good dish on the festive table -.

Signs for Easter so that money is connected with hands:
You can’t take money with dirty hands, because they love only cleanliness.
You need to take banknotes with your left hand, but give it away with just your right.
Money cannot be transferred from hand to hand. It is best to just put them on a table or other surface from which another person can take this money on their own.
Usually the person who borrowed money from you and is forced to give it back regrets the money. So, you need to twist the fig in your pocket when you lend your money to someone.
If the left palm itches, this indicates that you will soon have to take money. If it itches right palm- This Easter omen that the money will soon have to be given. Do not scratch with one hand with the other, so as not to sweep away what should come to you.

Signs associated with the table and wealth for Easter:

On a holiday, you need to set a beautiful and attractive dining table in order to attract wealth to your home. It is recommended to put a large banknote under the tablecloth.
When, after the guests leave, you clear the table, then the tablecloth needs to be shaken out into the street (as if following the guests).
You should not sit on the table - this promises poverty in the future.
Any money that is placed on the table must be covered so that, in a metaphorical sense, they do not scatter and float away.
It is not necessary to sweep the crumbs from the table onto the floor with your hand. It also cannot be placed on the table. empty bottles and dishes, put a trifle.
If there are three red flowers in a vase for Easter and three orange fruits on the table, this will attract money to the house. It is believed that red and orange are the color of wealthy people, which brings prosperity to life and great profits.

Signs for Easter so that money is spent related to the house:

If you plan to buy a new house, then before consecrating it, you must definitely put a coin and a grain of bread in each corner. This will bring prosperity to the house.
Still sometimes a coin is placed for this purpose somewhere behind the plinth.
Do not take out the garbage from the house at night and even sweep the garbage over the threshold.
When cleaning is carried out, not on Easter, of course, but on the days before the holidays, then you need to clean and wash everything in a clockwise direction. You should move from the edge of the room to its center.
The broom in the house should always stand with the handle down, but the panicle should stand with the handle up.
Rubbish swept into a heap cannot be left: it should be immediately put in a bucket or at least swept up on a scoop. Remember that in

Happy Easter is just around the corner - it will be celebrated on April 8, 2018. Therefore, many today are already interested in what needs to be done for Easter, how to properly celebrate this main Christian holiday. No less interesting is what folk traditions can be observed, and what do the representatives of the Church think in this regard.

Easter is without exaggeration an international holiday, although Orthodox and Catholic Church usually celebrated in different days. Nevertheless, the meaning of the celebration completely coincides: on this day the Savior was resurrected, who sacrificed himself to deliver all mankind from sins.

And he resurrected exactly when the Jews celebrate their Passover, called Pesach. Here's how they explain it at first glance coincidence church representatives.

What do they do first at Easter?

It is clear that we associate this holiday with colored eggs, Easter cakes and cottage cheese pasochki. There are reasons for that. According to legend, it was the egg that turned red in the hands of the Roman emperor, who only after that was able to believe that Christ had risen. And Easter cakes are Easter bread, symbolizing the body of the Lord. And in general, in many folk cultures, bread is a symbol of prosperity, satiety and well-being in the house.

When to cook eggs and cakes

It is advisable to color the eggs and bake Easter cakes before Friday, for example, on Maundy (clean) Thursday. The fact is that Friday and Saturday are the days of the suffering of Christ, when he was put to death and painfully left for another world. On Saturday the Savior was still not with us; on Sunday he rose from the dead. Therefore, it is advisable to prepare for the holiday in advance.

And if this does not work out, you need to have time to prepare before Easter (on Saturday). After all, it is better to consecrate Easter cake and eggs in the church. Usually this is done immediately after the end of the vigil from Saturday to Sunday. You can do this during the Sabbath or on the holiday itself.


There is a fairly widespread opinion that it is not customary to paint eggs with babies (children under one year old) at Easter, since doing this better people adults. In fact, there are no such restrictions. Moreover, already early years and even from the first days of life, children can join this wonderful tradition. Yes, and parents will certainly be pleased with such assistance.

When to consecrate food for the Easter table

Interested in what to do for Easter, people often wonder how much it is necessary to consecrate products. Church representatives believe that everything should be done according to own will and not against their will.

IN last resort it is allowed to consecrate the Easter table and at home, overshadowing it with the sign of the cross. However, if you allow yourself to come to the temple, the mood will definitely not deteriorate from this.

How to break the fast, what to eat and drink at the table

Of course, each person can answer the question of what must be done for Easter. From the point of view of the church, you should definitely attend the Easter festive service, which takes place on the night from Saturday to Sunday.

Actually, it is after this event that you can break your fast - i.e. sit down for festive table, for which to use almost any dish. Both strong drinks and church wine are allowed - however, everything must be eaten in moderation.

Each person determines for himself how much is too much for him and how much is not enough. And if someone is not sure of the ability to control himself, it is better not to take risks so as not to overshadow the bright holiday. Therefore, what must be done on Easter is to celebrate a wonderful event, to share the sincere joy of believers. And at the same time, do not forget about the natural sense of proportion, which helps out in any situation.

Time to visit family and friends

If you think about what people do most often on this holiday, it will not be a mistake to say that it is customary to visit their relatives and friends on Easter. This wonderful tradition accompanies every holiday - after all, it is never superfluous to devote time to your loved ones.

As for the Bright Resurrection, then coming to visit is just a pleasant duty, which a lot of people fulfill with pleasure. On Easter day (and a week after it) it is customary to greet each other with traditional joyful words: “ Christ is risen!", to which they reply:

Truly risen!»

After that, you can kiss your interlocutor three times on the cheek, regardless of what kind of relationship the greeting is with him. By the way, such an interesting greeting is called christening. It will be appropriate to break the eggs immediately after this, hitting one against the other with either end.

And you can also give a loved one a nice gift. A souvenir in the form of an egg would be appropriate, and indeed any thing that will bring joy and benefit. Of course, in this matter there are no strict recommendations on what exactly should be given for Easter: everyone has the right to choose for himself.

Folk Traditions for Easter: 5 Interesting Customs

And of course, in the question of what needs to be done for Easter, one cannot ignore the popular folk traditions that have come to us from time immemorial. Of course, these customs are not found in the Bible, and church canons do not contain such recommendations. However, if a person can, with the help of his little rituals, tune in to a positive wave and believe in good changes in his life, there will be nothing wrong with that.

Here are a few interesting traditions to do on Easter. It is believed to bring good luck:

  1. The shells of krashenok (dyed eggs) and the stale remains of Easter cakes and apiaries should not be thrown away with general garbage. They should be buried in your dacha - and then the harvest will be much richer.
  2. On Easter day it is better to wear new clothes- it will definitely cheer you up and also help you tune in to good changes.
  3. On this day, you can consecrate water at home, overshadowing it with the sign of the cross. And then wash it throughout the year.
  4. And if you add krashenok shells to any water and wash it, it will rejuvenate the skin of the face no worse than cosmetic procedures.
  5. You can put a purified coin into the consecrated water. And after the holidays, keep it in a secret pocket of your wallet and do not spend it under any circumstances. It will attract financial prosperity and help to establish business.

And finally, the main thing to do on Easter. Of course, good deeds are a noble task of a person, which is best done daily. And it hardly needs to be said that on bright Easter days, the very atmosphere sets us up for selfless, useful deeds that will help someone at least smile and feel happier.

There is one interesting belief that good deeds committed on the Bright Resurrection of Christ triple in strength. And they will certainly return to the person. Like it or not, one thing is clear: good never hurts.

Powerful prayers for Easter.

From the article you will learn what prayers exist for Easter and what conspiracies will help in love, marriage and getting rid of bad habits.

What strong prayers and conspiracies to read on Holy Easter?

Prayers and conspiracies uttered during the hours separating the Liturgy from the Paschal Matins and in the Holy Week preceding them have special power and energy.

On such days, there comes a moment when you can recover from a serious illness, protect your family from misfortunes with a talisman. It is believed that prayers for Easter can attract good luck, successfully start a new business, and even improve your financial situation.

The text of the Easter prayer, which protects from adversity and preserves love, brings good luck and prosperity to the family.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Mother Mary carried Christ
She gave birth, baptized, fed, watered,
She taught prayers, saved, protected,
And then she sobbed at the Cross, shed tears, lamented,
She suffered with her sweet Son.
Jesus Christ rose on Sunday
From now on, His glory is from earth to heaven.
Now he himself takes care of us, his slaves,
Graciously accepts our prayers.
Lord, hear me, save me, protect me
From all troubles now and forever.

Now and forever and forever and ever.

Another text strong prayer, which is read on Easter days:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Mother Mary carried Christ, gave birth, baptized, fed, watered, She taught prayers, saved, protected, And then at the Cross she sobbed, shed tears, lamented, Together with her dear Son she suffered. Jesus Christ was resurrected on Sunday, From now on His glory from earth to heaven. Now he himself takes care of us, his slaves, Graciously accepts our prayers. Lord, hear me, save me, protect me From all troubles now and forever. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen"

Powerful Prayers for Easter

Strong prayer for Easter - Christ is Risen

On Easter week, Orthodox Christians turn to the Lord with prayers in which they ask for salvation for themselves and their loved ones. Prayer will touch everyone who turns to the Lord during the great, great and long-awaited holiday with faith in the soul.

  • They read prayers for Easter in complete solitude. Therefore, when going to pray, make sure that no one will interfere with you.
  • Before prayer, an Orthodox icon and a cup filled with holy water are placed on the table.
  • 3 candles are lit.
  • They read the sacred text when the presence of God is felt.
  • While reading, look at the lighted candles.

Prayer text:

Prayer "Hours for Holy Easter"

The text of the prayer that is read at the end of the akathist of Pascha

The prayer that is read at the end of the akathist of Pascha

Strong prayers for Easter for health

Prayer is a special amulet with incredible power. Prayers for the Easter week can heal a seriously ill person if he turns to the Lord with all his faith, with bright feelings, pure thoughts and with respect for God.

There are several strong magical texts:

  • from an unknown disease
  • from seizures
  • for good health
  • for the seriously ill

In each individual case, a special ceremony is performed, and the text of the conspiracy is read.

Prayer that is read on Easter for healing "From three deaths"

To return to good health: an Easter conspiracy

The rite is performed by the sick or suffering from an illness. The text of the conspiracy is read to oneself at the sound of the first strike of the bells on Easter. Before reading the plot, you need to cross yourself.

“Christ is risen, and the servant (name) is healthy. Amen".

Conspiracy for good vision

In the morning hours for Easter, you need to wash yourself next to the icon and pronounce the following conspiracy:

“As people look at the icon, so would my eyes look well for centuries. Amen."

To recover from an unknown disease, even if doctors cannot determine its cause, the following rite will help:

  • On Easter Sunday, the patient must personally collect the remains of the Easter meal in the apartment: animal bones, Easter egg shells, dry crumbs. The patient should bury all these leftovers in the garden or in the field.
  • But it is necessary to dig in according to this scheme: imagine that the garden or other piece of land in which the remains of food will be buried is a rectangle. And divide the leftovers into 4 parts: bury one part in each corner.
  • At home, the patient should not speak with relatives until the next morning. After a night's rest, your well-being will certainly improve.

Conspiracy from an unknown disease

It is read on the third day after Easter on holy water:

"God created the sky,
God created the earth.
Create, Lord
And health to the servant of God (name).
Like Jesus Christ on the third day
Resurrected to eternal life
So that the servant of God (name)
Resurrected to health.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

The patient should wash his face with charmed water in the evenings for three days in a row.

Easter prayer for healing

Prayer for Easter from the illness of a child and an adult

  • With constant malaise or severe illness, perform a special ritual for Easter. Prepare a small bottle of holy water, which was brought from the church with pectoral cross inside (sanctified).
  • The cross must be taken by the person for whom you are performing the ceremony. The prayer is read three times:

“In the kingdom of heaven there is a wonderful spring. Whoever touches the water, whoever washes with water, ailments will be washed away from him. I collected that water, I gave it to the servant of God (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

  • The cross must be taken out of the bottle and put on the one to whom it belongs. Holy water is sprinkled on the patient's forehead.
  • Put a bottle of holy water near the icon: during the Easter week, a sick person should sprinkle his forehead with water three times a day, over which a prayer was read.

Prayer for the illness of a child and an adult

Powerful Easter Prayers for Good Luck

  • During the bright and joyful Easter holiday, people purify their souls and are spiritually reborn. It is at such moments that many people read prayers, creating powerful energy thanks to great spiritual tension. So magical rites become effective.
  • In spring days, there is also a revival of nature and a stronger bioenergetic connection with man. Therefore, our ancestors held pagan holidays and magical rites during this period.
  • The magical energy of Easter, which is skillfully used, is able to attract good luck and all sorts of well-being. The strength and effectiveness of conspiracies has been confirmed for many centuries.

Prayer-amulet for Easter

Easter food conspiracy

  • The plot is read over painted eggs, Easter cakes, which in themselves have great magical power:

“Christ distributed everything that he had, and so bequeathed to others.
I treat everyone with these Easter cakes and wish good to all my neighbors.
So let everything that is rewarded by me return to me a hundredfold.
May good luck in business come with me, protect me from troubles and failures.

  • Treat loved ones with Easter eggs, spoken for good luck, in a good mood and with pure thoughts.
  • Your generosity will return to you before next holiday Easter, you can successfully complete all the important things.

Easter egg conspiracy

  • At Easter, take a painted Easter egg. Read the plot quietly, bringing the egg to your mouth:

"Easter egg, bright egg, blessed egg,
break all my troubles, overcome all my failures,
Spread the good news, bring me good luck.

  • Now find an opponent for the "fight" on the eggs. Having broken an enemy egg, you can count on the fact that luck will be on your side.
  • You can strengthen the action of the conspiracy big amount broken spell eggs.

Strong prayer and conspiracy to love for Easter

  • Lonely people can perform a love ceremony on Easter. The rite has no dangerous consequences, unless the magical text is read with pure thoughts and good intentions.
  • However, bewitching someone with the aim of revenge or ridicule is dangerous for the one who performs the ceremony. Magic can turn against him.
  • So, you have sincere feelings and you are ready to act! While kneading the dough for Easter cakes, read and pronounce the words:

“I am beautiful, I am handsome, I look like a slender birch.
I am sweet as honey, pleasant as a holiday, pure in soul, neat in body.
I am promised to you alone, together we will be bequeathed by heaven.

  • Bake the cake, take it out of the oven and, after kissing, say the conspiracy:

“Give my betrothed a kiss, promise happiness to be with me.
He will be saturated with you, and his soul will be inflamed with love.

  • Treat your sweetheart with a charmed Easter cake. A loved one should taste the cake first. After that, the beloved will become favorable to you, to the point that you can live with him in love and happiness.

Conspiracy for love

  • Lonely people can also perform the following ritual on Easter: defend the Easter service with a handful of wheat attached to the chest. At home, you need to sprinkle the threshold with grain, pronouncing the plot:

“How many in the church there were lights from candles, so many suitors for me. How many grains are in a handful, so many suitors for me. Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

Conspiracy for love

Strong prayer and conspiracy for Easter for marriage

If you cannot get married, then on Easter, perform this ceremony:

  • Paint 9 eggs with the following colors
  • green - 3 pieces
  • blue - 3 pieces
  • red - 3 pieces

Prepare stickers that show wedding paraphernalia: wedding rings, loving couples, wedding bouquets. Stick these drawings on the painted Easter eggs, saying these words:

“As people love Holy Easter, appreciate and remember maternal affection, So men and guys would love me more than strong, they would appreciate it more than anything. Herds behind me. God's servant (name), walked. Christ is risen, and the suitors come to me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Put the charmed eggs in a beautiful plate and leave them on the table overnight. When you wake up in the morning, choose the most beautiful Easter egg and eat it. The rest of the eggs you need to treat friends and acquaintances.

Conspiracy for unmarried girls

  • You can ask yourself a groom for Easter. When the time comes for the Easter service, say these words:

“God grant a good groom, in boots and with galoshes, not on a cow, but on a horse!” Or, with the first strike of the bells, say the following words: “Christ is risen, and the suitors come to me. Amen".

  • After that, you need to take the towel that was used for wiping on Maundy Thursday, Easter cake, Easter eggs and give it to those who ask for alms near the church.

Easter: conspiracies for wealth

On the Easter holiday, you can conduct a ceremony for money. To do this, you need to prepare a container with water and put 3 Easter eggs there: gold, silver, red. On Easter morning, wash yourself with the water in which the eggs lay and expect good profits.

Conspiracy for money

The ceremony is held in the morning hours on Easter. “Our Father” is read, and then the conspiracy is pronounced three times:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. As people rejoice at an honest bright holiday, as the bells ring for matins, there let the money rejoice at me. In my purse they have both a home and a shelter. Just as on Easter the poor are not allowed to die of hunger, as they are given alms, so you, Lord, give me, the servant of God (name), prosperity in the house. Neither horse nor foot can interrupt my words. Amen."

charmed coin

  • The ceremony is held before Easter. On Saturday evening, until the sun has set, the following words are said on the coin:

“In the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit. Money to money, penny to penny. how people wait Happy Easter, as they go to the temple of God, so the money would flow to me as a servant of God (name). All saints, all with me. Amen".

  • The charmed coin is placed in the wallet.

Prayers for wealth

Conspiracy for money prepared for donation

  • During Lent, collect money, and on Easter, go to church in the morning and give money for a donation. It's better if no one sees it. When leaving money, say the following:

“God gave me, I return to God, God will multiply a hundredfold, return a thousandfold.”

  • Having said the magic words, go to the icon of the resurrection. Pray next to the icon.

Ritual for money

  • Change money three times on Easter. After that, at home, throw coins in each corner and say 3 times:

“Roll into the red corner silver, For us for wealth and good. Amen."

Conspiracy during the Easter meal

  • When you sit down at the festive table, say the following quietly:

“As an eggshell breaks, so my failures scatter like Easter eggs
They will go into my mouth, and the money will float into my pocket like a river.

  • On this day, you should eat more krashanki. But the shell should be broken into small pieces.

Spell to attract money for Easter

  • cook Money Tree that you have grown yourself. Take a pot of wood in your hands and say the following words:

“Let my income always grow, and let my wealth accumulate here. Green leaves, each in turn. You grow, money, I will have income. And in the morning it is true. And in the evening dawn it is true, and in bright day it is true, and dark night it is true. May my word be true. May I have money at home. May my word be strong, may they hold on to me. Let my word be firm, and on this I stand. Amen!"


Conspiracies and rituals of Natalia Stepanova for Easter: how to read and conduct?

Conspiracy from Enemies

The famous healer Natalya Stepanova has conspiracies that protect against the machinations of enemies. The magic ritual should be performed on Easter. Bring purchased candles from church on Easter Sunday. Make one candle out of them by twisting them together. Over a lit candle, say the following words:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
There are seven domes above the holy church,
They have seven golden crosses on them.
I will come, the servant of God (name), to the temple of God with my feet,
I will cross my arms.
Mother of God, Father of God, Son of God,
Take crosses, golden keys,
Lock my enemies with them, evil, prickly tongues.
Close your teeth and lips, lock your arms and legs,
Throw the keys to the deep bottom,
To my enemies
Never take these keys.
Do not destroy my baptized soul,
Do not break my white body.
My first prayer
Enemies have the last word.
Key. Lock. Language.
Amen. Amen. Amen".

Read the text of the plot 9 times in a row.

Conspiracies for Easter by Natalia Stepanova

Easter conspiracy from seizures

  • The text of the conspiracy can also be read on the waning moon, but the ritual for Easter is more effective.
  • Reading the magical text should be one who suffers from seizures. The patient should stock up on shells from Easter eggs that were consecrated in the temple before Easter.
  • The patient should go to the river, holding the shells in his bosom in a bag, turn his face against the current. After that, the shells should be taken out and thrown into the river, saying these words:

"Go away, trouble, to distant shores,
Illness would be me, a servant of God (name),
She didn’t torment, she retreated from my body forever,
I didn't break my bones.
Go, seizures, from the servant of God (name),
Into the wild river, leave me forever.
Save me, Lord, and have mercy on me a sinner.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

And this conspiracy read for children from seizures:

  • It is necessary to collect holy water in the church and speak a conspiracy on it after Easter.

"Baby body, angelic soul,
Before the Savior, innocent, pure,
She is innocent in her suffering.
Cleanse and strengthen
Depart from the servant of God (name).
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Amen. Amen. Amen".

  • You need to sprinkle the face of the child with charmed water.

Sprinkle water on the child's face

Conspiracies read for Easter: how to quit smoking?

Since Easter conspiracies are very effective, during the holiday you can help loved ones get rid of addictions such as smoking.

“Just as a dead man doesn’t get up and walk around, doesn’t wander around the crossroads at all, so you don’t take anything bad in your mouth or any liquid. Don't grieve about it, don't grieve. On the key teeth and lips Amen.

It stands near the temple of the devil,
Smokes, grinds tobacco.
He slips tobacco to the deacon:
"Here, clerk, smoke tobacco, make me, devil, have fun."
The deacon says to the devil:
"The Lord himself does not order me to smoke."
As the holy righteous do not smoke, they do not tar tobacco.
So they do not order the servant of God (name) to smoke,
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

Easter smoking spell

Conspiracies for Easter from booze

  • Carry out a ritual of redemption loved one from alcohol addiction should be done in such a way that no one knows about your intentions.
  • The written text of the conspiracy on paper should not fall into anyone's hands. Put a piece of paper with a plot in an envelope and hide it so that no one will find it.

  • How to conduct a ritual that relieves drunkenness? On Easter Sunday, after the festive service, the consecrated Easter cake is cut into 12 parts. With a cut Easter cake, you need to go to the cemetery and find 12 graves there with the same name as the person you want to save from drunkenness. Leave a piece of Easter cake on each grave, bowing and saying the following:

"Christ is risen!
You, dead man, don't get up, don't drink alcohol.
So for the rest of your life, never get up, don't drink alcohol.
And a slave (name drinking man) Don't drink too.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen"

The ceremony can be carried out for three years, no more.


Easter is the most important holiday of the year for every Orthodox person. For several centuries, this day has had many folk signs and believe. Some of them have survived to our time unchanged.

If the Sun shines brightly on Easter, then the summer will be clear and hot. If it rains, then the summer will also be cold and rainy.

It is believed that if a bird flew to the windowsill on Easter morning, then it was the soul of a deceased relative who came to visit their relatives.

For the whole year to pass in joy and prosperity, you need to have breakfast on Easter morning with the whole family.

Eat a piece of homemade cake - attract wealth. To deprive this food of your attention is to invite poverty.

To meet the dawn on the feast of the Resurrection of Christ is a great happiness.

If a girl hits her elbow on Easter day, then soon fate, taking her by the arm, will lead to her betrothed.

You can get rid of the evil eye and damage on Easter by crossing yourself with a consecrated egg.

If on Easter weep bitterly Small child, then it's time for parents to go to church, to confession. It is believed that through the child, the Guardian Angel makes it clear to parents that there is too much burden of sins on their souls.

If you were given an egg, and it peeled off, it’s a big sin on you.

Unexpected guests for Easter - to great wealth.

To go on a visit on Easter day yourself - to discover new paths to happiness and good luck.

If during the festive meal the Easter cake was eaten in the first place and in its entirety, the year will be extremely successful.

Feeding the birds on Easter day means getting rid of past failures and even illnesses.

If on the feast of the Resurrection of the Lord a stray cat or dog came to your house, this is a great wealth and unexpected joy. In order for well-being to enter tightly into your life, animals should be fed from the heart.

Borrowing money to a friend for Easter is a big financial gain in the near future.

Spilling salt on Easter day - to grief in the family.

Finding a bouquet of consecrated willow on the road is a nuisance.

Spill water, tea or coffee before Sunday sunset - to tears. After sunset - to tears of joy.

Oversleep the morning service, if you were not at night - to big trouble.

Draw a cross on the jamb front door with the soot of an Easter candle - for the whole year, protect the house from troubles and fire.

If a child was born on Easter - be strong and healthy for him.

It is believed that a person who dies on Easter goes straight to Paradise. He is forgiven all the sins committed during his lifetime, and at the funeral in right hand the deceased is invested with a red Easter consecrated egg.

It is believed that on the day of Resurrection it is necessary to ride a swing: all sins will be blown away by the wind.

couples during the morning meal they beat colored eggs against each other: it is believed that the one whose shell remains intact will be the head of the family all year.

To hear the cuckoo at sunset on Bright Sunday - to the birth of a child, and the sound of a woodpecker - to a new home.

To cut yourself to blood on Easter is a disease, and to shed someone else's blood is to take on all the sins of this person.

If a thunderstorm came on the Resurrection of Christ, then the summer will be long and warm, and the autumn will be late and dry.

If the Easter night is clear and starry, the next day there will be frosts.

Easter rituals and divination

Despite the fact that the clergy strongly discourage divination during the Easter week, several ancient rituals that attract wealth and prosperity continue to be used over the years.

Ritual for wealth

This simple ritual is performed on the first evening after the nightly Easter service. For the ritual you will need:

  • soup plate;
  • a handful of millet, a handful of sunflower seeds and a handful of bread crumbs;
  • church candle.

At sunset, you need to be alone, set up and light a candle, and then read any prayer that you know and feel.

Place a plate opposite the candle, take a handful of millet, and, pouring it into a container, say the words:

“Millet grains are like the sun. Hens peck millet, lay golden eggs. Gold river to my house! Amen".

Then pick up a handful of sunflower seeds and pour it to the millet with the words:

“As the sunflower grew, stretched to heaven, so wealth reaches out to me, sprouts from the earth, brings fruits and seeds. Amen".

After that, pour the bread crumbs into the same plate, saying these words:

“Golden rye grows, God's bread is baked and life prolongs. As the crumbs do not turn into seeds, so no one can take away my wealth. Amen".

Mix the grains, seeds and crumbs in a bowl, wait until the candle burns out, and give the contents of the plate to the birds, saying these words:

“As the bird pecks the last grain, wealth will come to me on the threshold! Amen".

Fortune telling on Easter cake

How a year will pass for each family member, you can recognize by Easter cake. To do this, you need to knead the dough with your own hands and divide it into as many parts as there are people in your family.

Having formed Easter cakes, you need to name each one by the name of one of your household members. After that, the Easter cakes need to be baked, and after they are ready, carefully examine them.

  • if the cake turned out to be of the correct shape, evenly baked, then this relative will have a good and successful year;
  • a cake that is burnt or “collapsed” on one side predicts many difficulties and illnesses;
  • if the cake fell apart or burned out - this is a big disaster.

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