The chalet style is gaining more and more popularity every day and is becoming more and more recognizable. He wins the most sympathy in European countries. And here are the main factors of such popularity.

The first is the desire of Europeans to get closer to nature. They are especially fond of the surroundings. ski resorts. The atmosphere of the chalet is like a small cozy country house where you can relax while looking at the mountain peaks.

The second reason is comfort. On the one hand, such a house is quite simple, but it is easy to supplement it with the necessary modern things. Accordingly, inside the building acquires the lightness and simplicity of suburban housing, combined with the functionality and comfort of a city apartment.

The chalet style is a house with a sloping roof. Another typical feature is the wide cornices, which are installed perpendicular to the facade of the building.

Such a house is not only a comfortable, but also a practical home. The building has protruding canopies that reliably protect the base of the building and walls from precipitation. And thanks to the sloping roof, additional thermal insulation is created with the help of snow.

The interior of the house has a good layout and organization. Chalet style is primarily wood in the interior. All other material should be used in harmony with the wood. Stone slabs are often used. For example, for laying out the entrance or decorating one wall.

Today, most architects in their chalet-style building projects recommend dense glazing of balconies, windows and terraces.

Wooden buildings of this style are suitable for people who appreciate the comfort and functionality of every detail.

In general, chalet-style houses are built for good rest from the hustle and bustle of the city. And also in order to feel again what it is true nature around.

MARISRUB company - design to the highest standard

Log houses have many advantages. Our company is ready to implement any project you have in mind. We can also offer you a catalog that contains prepared projects of wooden houses. The choice is yours.

We offer reasonable prices, because we own our own production in the Republic of Mari El, we carry out quality control at all stages of the construction of the building. And that is not all. We offer installment payments. What could be more convenient?

Our consultants are always ready to help you and tell you in detail about all the advantages of the chosen project.

After the ForumHouse film crew visited the site yesterday, there was nothing left to do but create this topic ...). This is a story about what torments of choice we went through, what builders are buggers (all without exception) and what is fast is not always good.

So, let's begin. Back in 2008, now, at the dawn (or sunset) of the first year of Medvedev's presidency, we thought about building our own house. 3 options were considered: glued laminated timber (CB), rounded log (OB) and log manual felling(BRR). Why a tree? Had previous experience living in wooden house my parents from OB (true only summer time). Fired up.

KB was a very beautiful option, many nice projects were found, but it was rejected, firstly, for financial reasons (it is more expensive than OB) and, secondly, for environmental reasons (after all, glue, glue). He later regretted that he abandoned the design bureau more than once, but more on that later.

The hand-cut log also initially went by, because it was expensive. As a result, we almost decided to build from OB 240mm in diameter, and even ordered a project in some company, intending to build with them. These were the first lost 50 thousand. rubles, which will be many more, because the project turned out to be beautiful, but we were convinced from competitors that it was impossible to build on it, because it had technical errors, and the competitors themselves were expensive for their projects (we were still young , gullible).

And then I came across an article in a magazine about wooden houses about a house in the style of a chalet with interiors in the style of English classics, 250 sq. m. In short, not a house, but a fairy tale. Fuse, and no longer wanted to listen to my wife (but in vain), who tried to dissuade me from such a footage and agree to a smaller one, nor my parents, no one.

The firm that built that house from the magazine turned out to be passive in terms of client care, but sold the project of the house. The project was designed for OB 240 mm, and did not contain logs. On the other hand, another firm offered to build a house according to this project from RRR from Arkhangelsk pine at a price not much higher than the price of OB. Persuaded. (God, how naive we were!).

Omitting all the details of the approvals, we ended up going down the most wrong path that can only be: a project from one company, according to which the foundation and log cabin were erected by another, grinding and painting by a third, etc. In general, the house went from the very beginning hand, and sometimes not the most conscientious.

So the first piece of advice to beginners is: NEVER, ever do that! If I were to start all over now, I would choose a good company specializing in wooden housing construction, with a reliable reputation, and build a turnkey house for them according to their own projects, from start to finish. Yes, it is more expensive, but how much health and nerves it saves. Not to mention the house itself... Ask how to choose the right one? Only solid smoking of this market. 2008 is not 2016, now there is much more choice among companies with an established reputation.

Chalet-style wooden houses are an invariable attribute of expensive ski resorts, where the elite are used to relaxing. However, knowing the features of this style and being able to embody them in log buildings, you can easily build a chalet-style house in the Russian outback. This style is characterized not only by exterior features and design differences, but also by interior solutions. If you know how to build a house from logs or timber, then it will not be difficult for you to build a dwelling in this popular European style. Our article will help you understand the intricacies of home improvement in the Alpine style, as well as talk about the nuances of interior design.

Style Features

A chalet log house is a recognizable building with a wide roof. It can be one- or two-story with or without a comfortable terrace. Such a house can be completely log or combined, when part of the walls is made of logs or timber, and part is made of stone. The appearance of such a building was formed in the highlands of the Alps. In fact, this is a comfortable, thoughtful and concise home. Outwardly, such a house cannot be called an elite dwelling, since it was originally built as housing for ordinary people.

Main hallmarks such buildings can be called the following features:

  1. Massive cornice overhangs. To balance the proportions, the first floor of the house is made quite wide.
  2. Since a massive roof with large overhangs and a developed truss system are attributes of style, the architects have come up with many tricks that make it possible to use the under-roof space with benefit. This is the attic floor, and overhead light, internal balconies and much more.
  3. Large windows and panoramic glazing are a characteristic feature of the chalet style.
  4. Usually all or part of the first floor is faced with natural stone. In combination with it, walls made of logs and profiled timber are used. The use of modern finishing materials in the exterior and interior of the house is a rarity. It can be said that they do not apply here at all. Instead, natural stone materials and various wood elements are widely used.
  5. It is not uncommon to have a wide terrace or balcony near a log house, which are built under the roof slopes and are limited to carved fences. At the same time, the terrace can be both open and glazed. Such elements balance the massive roof of the building well.

Important: designers often present the chalet style as a kind of country music. And this makes some sense, because the style is characterized by rustic simplicity, functionality and a minimum of decor.

In addition to the above, the chalet style is characterized by:

  • The presence of a basement, which is usually made very massive and lined with rock.
  • Log walls from massive large-sized elements. The attic floor is also made of such material. In the modern interpretation of the chalet, it is permissible to use brick instead of logs, as a more durable and practical material.
  • The interior decoration of the walls is made only from natural materials, so it can be plaster and whitewash. There should be no signs of ultra-modern decor.
  • Under the roof of the house, the attic floor is quite often equipped. Sometimes the attic can occupy only part of the under-roof space, the rest of the roof is part of the interior of the two-height living room, that is, the height of the room is twice as high, and the roof with open beams of the truss system performs the function of the ceiling. A window to the floor is an invariable part of such a living room interior.
  • To fill the rooms with light, and lightness appeared in the interior and exterior, windows are often made quite large.
  • In the setting, only simple, laconic furniture is used.
  • Often, forged details of candlesticks, chandeliers and door handles can serve as an interior decoration.
  • Ceiling beams and elements of the truss system are usually left open. They can be painted in a contrasting color, but the structure of the wood must be visible.
  • The invariable attribute of the style is the fireplace.
  • Often, paintings in massive frames, hunting decor in the form of stuffed animals, weapons and horns are used in the design of the premises.


An Alpine house is a building with a strong foundation and a first or basement floor made of solid stone. Because in latitudes with temperate climate it is quite difficult to find natural stone materials, where they are often replaced with cellular concrete or bricks.

Modern chalet-style buildings are characterized by large areas of glazing. This technique is quite justified, because in the presence of beautiful picturesque landscapes around, an unforgettable panoramic view opens up from the windows. The problem of heat preservation in a house with panoramic windows has long been solved by using modern energy-saving double-glazed windows.

To balance the chalet-style house, which tends to rise, the architects use glazed verandas and terraces, which set a clear, concise form of the building and visually expand it at the bottom. In any case, looking at such a house, there is a feeling of reliability and stability.

You can recognize houses in this style by the massive unusual roof, which has large overhangs protruding far beyond the walls. A building with such a roof has an original appearance. In addition to the aesthetic purpose, such a roof also has certain functions:

  1. It reliably protects the walls and the foundation of the house from rainwater.
  2. In addition, large roof overhangs do not allow snow to collect at the walls of the house into huge snowdrifts. During the melting of snow, they can contribute to undermining the foundation and its destruction.
  3. A high snow cap gathers on the massive roof, which in winter time performs additional thermal insulation functions.

Important: the chalet style is characterized by a certain location of the house relative to the cardinal points. So, the main facade should always face east, and living rooms should have sufficient insolation. sunlight during the day.


The chalet is country style, so it has characteristic elements. Simplicity and practicality reign here in everything. The unchanging attributes of the style are open ceiling beams and support posts, a fireplace with an open fire and natural materials in the decoration are required.

Characteristic features of the interior:

  1. Wooden elements in the interior are processed special formulations, which give the tree the desired shade, but retain the texture of the wood as much as possible.
  2. Often the elements are given an aged, worn look.
  3. Ceilings are sewn up with wood and floors are laid.
  4. Rough beams of a contrasting color against the background of white walls are character traits interior design in this style.
  5. As wall decoration, plaster and whitewash are more often used. To get a comfortable and cozy interior, you can decorate the walls with wood.
  6. Carpets can be replaced with animal skins.
  7. Usually, the flooring boards are not painted, but oiled, which allows to obtain a beautiful color and emphasize the special texture of the material.
  8. The interior design uses textiles made from natural, simple, slightly coarse fabrics.
  9. The furniture is as simple as possible. Leather furniture is allowed.

The color scheme in the interior is a harmonious combination of natural shades. The main color is brown. At the same time, it can vary from light brown to dark almost black. Additional colors can be saturated grassy shades and burgundy with a reddish tint. If variegated interior details are used somewhere, then there should be few of them. They are allowed in accessories. At the same time, even in colorful details, natural colors should be used predominantly.


Separately, it is worth mentioning the roof, because it is the brightest and most memorable detail of the house. Hanging over the walls of the house, the roof reliably protects it from various weather disasters. As a result, the building itself and its foundation do not suffer from negative impact weather factors.

Important: since the roof extension can reach three meters, rainwater flows far from the walls of the building and the foundation. That is why basements and basements in such houses never suffer from excessive humidity. This contributes to the durability of the entire building as a whole.

Large roof extensions from the side of the gables of the building make it possible to obtain protective canopies over balconies and terraces, where protection from precipitation is especially needed if these parts of the building are not glazed.

In order for the massive roof with large overhangs to be strong enough, it rests on cantilever outlets from the walls. These consoles perform not only load-bearing functions, but also additionally decorate and diversify the facade of the house. In any case, such additional supports under the roof overhangs should not be abandoned.

Since a residential attic space is being built in the under-roof space, it is especially important to choose the right effective insulation. Only in this case it is possible to achieve a comfortable stay in a room under the roof. As a heat-insulating material, you should choose any modern insulation. Its thickness should be at least 200-250 mm. It is laid between the rafters and hemmed with clapboard, OSB or drywall. To prevent moisture from accumulating in the heat-insulating material, an air gap is made under the crate, which will ensure effective ventilation of the under-roof space.

Shingles can be used as a covering for such roofs. This is a natural material, in fact, wooden tiles, which are made from larch, oak, aspen or cedar. It has sufficient durability and good noise-absorbing abilities. The shingle is fastened with staples and dowels. However, wooden tiles are a rather expensive material, so you can use instead:

  • straw;
  • reeds;
  • flexible or ceramic tiles;
  • natural shingle;
  • composite roofing materials with shingles imitation.

As mentioned above, the word chalet denoted lonely huts in the mountains, usually they served as a haven for shepherds or lumberjacks. In such houses, they took refuge from snow and rain, cooked food right there - in a stone hearth, the prototype of a modern fireplace. The house did not have a specific owner, so the furnishings were extremely simple and uncomplicated. A style has been formed - simple, using natural materials. The first floor was made of stones, sometimes whitewashed with lime for beauty. The second floor was assembled from logs, which were prepared right there from nearby trees. They made a simple gable, low-set roof to protect against cold mountain winds and snow avalanches. The chalet style gained wide popularity as the Alpine ski resorts developed. Skiing was usually done by wealthy people, and many people liked this style. A lot has changed over a long, centuries-old history, but simplicity and natural materials remain unchanged - everything that made chalet house designs so popular.

Advantages of chalet-style houses

The advantage is that thanks to the combination of stone and wood, this characteristic and recognizable appearance is created. The first floor in the projects of chalet houses is built of stone, building blocks or bricks are mainly used. The second floor is made of wood, timber, profiled timber, double timber, round logs are used. The main advantage is the combination of an enlarged plinth and a low, spreading roof. Projects are getting more comfortable and bigger than the first solitary chalets in the French Alps. However, you can be sure that when ordering the design of a chalet house in our company, you will get all the advantages of this technology!

Features in design

When designing chalet houses, it is necessary to take into account their features:

  • high stone plinth (if the chalet project is one-story)
  • stone ground floor (if with an attic)
  • the roof is squat, gable, with large overhangs
  • a feature is the obligatory use of a fireplace
  • use of exclusively natural materials in construction
  • natural colors in decoration
  • rough plaster on the outside, usually white
  • provide open terraces under long roof overhangs
  • balconies and loggias in the chalet are larger than usual

Chalet layouts

In our company, the layout of chalet houses depends on the wishes of the customer and the advice of an experienced architect. There are standard room layout options, the basic principles are as follows:

  1. The following rooms are usually located on the stone ground floor - a kitchen, a bathroom, a boiler room, a workshop, a living room with a fireplace.
  2. The layout of the second, wooden floor should contain sleeping rooms, possibly an office for work.

All layouts are carried out individually, often one-story chalet projects are ordered, sometimes they are asked to turn on a garage, or a bathhouse with a sauna on the ground floor.

Finishing and interior in the style of a chalet

During the construction and exterior decoration of the chalet, natural stone and wood are usually used in the form of a bar or log. The walls of the first floor, both from the inside and outside, are most often plastered in light shades, for example, just in White color. Wooden surfaces are usually painted dark brown for the effect of old, darkened wood. In interior decoration flooring an artificially aged floorboard is used, or painted with a patinated effect, or varnished. To decorate the ceilings in the interior, ceiling beams painted in dark color in contrast to the light ceiling, it can be stretched. By the way, it will look very stylish, but quite natural.

Chalet in Russia

Chalet house designs are well suited to the Russian climate due to their solid construction, autumn dampness and winter frosts are not terrible for them! These are no longer traditional alpine houses, but the main recognizable features have remained unchanged thanks to characteristic features. Chalet style tested by time and harsh mountain climate, so it is great for designing houses in Russia. An example of comfort and simplicity, a combination of reliability and coziness, it is ideal for the hearth. Our design organization successfully designs chalet-style houses, and offers to get acquainted with finished projects, or make customized.