Greetings students who have moved into the 11th grade! Last academic year the most memorable and important in a student's life. After all, it is required to finally decide on the choice of a future specialty and subjects for passing exams. This time I have selected useful material for you on how to prepare for the exam in chemistry.

Theory for preparing for the exam in chemistry

Exam preparation always begins with the study of the theoretical part. Therefore, if your knowledge of chemistry is at an average level - pump over the theory, but reinforce it with practical exercises.

In 2018 USE year in chemistry consisted of 35 tasks: the first 29 questions involve choosing an answer from those offered, or writing a digital answer after the calculation, the remaining 6 tasks require a full, detailed answer. For the first 29 answers, you can score a maximum of 40 points, and for the second part of the exam- 20 points. Perhaps in 2019 the structure of the exam in chemistry will remain unchanged.

The main theoretical questions in the exam in chemistry cover the following topics:

  • The structure of the atom in the modern sense.
  • Mendeleev table.
  • Inorganic chemistry ( Chemical properties metals and non-metals).
  • Organic chemistry (fats, proteins and carbohydrates).
  • Experimental chemistry in theory (rules of work and safety in the laboratory, methods for obtaining a certain substance).
  • Ideas about the methods for obtaining the required substances and elements in the industrial version (metallurgy and methods for obtaining metals in production, the chemical industry).
  • Calculations by formulas and chemical equations.

Plan preparation for the exam in chemistry

1). Make an annual plan with the calculation by the hour and the choice of days of preparation. For example, do chemistry for 2 hours a day on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays.

2). It is best to involve in the preparation loved one(parents or sister/brother). If this is not possible, then team up with another student who plans to take the exam in chemistry. So you will feel the support of each other and at the same time adjust if one of you is lagging behind. This is a kind of motivation, and classes will be more interesting.

3). Calculate the time to complete each test task. So you will know in advance how much time to spend on the question, and if you “hover” over something, you can move on to another task, and return to the unfulfilled one later.

4). As you approach your exam, try to eat and sleep as much as possible. The examinee should feel rested.

Advice! On the exam itself, you need to decide on the tasks by complexity. The tasks that are easiest for you to understand are best left for the last 30 minutes of the exam. The tasks of the second part will bring you a high score, so it is recommended to start with them, but it is advisable to keep the scheduled time for each task. Answers to simple questions can be given at the end of the exam.

Books for preparing for the exam in chemistry

On one's own prepare for a chemistry exam can be done by studying textbooks and teaching aids. This method is the most difficult, since the student will need maximum concentration of attention, the ability to independently understand the material, perseverance and self-discipline.

Among the popular textbooks for preparing for the exam in chemistry are:

  • "Unified State Examination. Chemistry. Big reference book"(authors - Doronkin, Sazhneva, Berezhnaya). The book describes in detail the main sections of organic and inorganic chemistry and general chemistry. The manual has tasks for the practical part. The book contains 560 pages. The approximate cost is about 300 rubles.
  • « Chemistry Tutor"(Author - Egorov). The book was created for in-depth study chemistry in preparation for the exam. "Tutor" consists of theoretical questions and answers to them (thematic testing), as well as practical tasks by difficulty levels with detailed explanation solution algorithm. The book contains 762 pages. The approximate cost is about 600 rubles.

Courses in chemistry: preparation for the exam

most popular and in a simple way preparation for the exam in chemistry attendance of group courses or individual tutoring is recognized. It does not require self-discipline and independent analysis of materials. The chemistry teacher will schedule a visit and help you understand simple and challenging tasks ah within the approved program.

The material provided in chemistry courses is usually based on questions and topics from last year's USE. The teacher takes into account the most common mistakes of students and gives a complete analysis of such problems.

Chemistry website for preparing for the exam

Distance learning is now popular, so you can take advantage of the opportunity to prepare for the exam in chemistry with the help of online lessons. Some of them are free, some are completely paid, and there are online lessons with partial payment, i.e. you can watch the first lesson for free, and then decide to continue training on a paid basis.

The video course "Get an A" includes all the topics necessary for a successful passing the exam in mathematics for 60-65 points. Completely all tasks 1-13 profile exam mathematics. Also suitable for passing the Basic USE in mathematics. If you want to pass the exam with 90-100 points, you need to solve part 1 in 30 minutes and without mistakes!

Preparation course for the exam for grades 10-11, as well as for teachers. Everything you need to solve part 1 of the exam in mathematics (the first 12 problems) and problem 13 (trigonometry). And this is more than 70 points on the Unified State Examination, and neither a hundred-point student nor a humanist can do without them.

All the necessary theory. Quick Ways solutions, traps and secrets of the exam. All relevant tasks of part 1 from the Bank of FIPI tasks have been analyzed. The course fully complies with the requirements of the USE-2018.

The course contains 5 big topics, 2.5 hours each. Each topic is given from scratch, simply and clearly.

Hundreds of exam tasks. Text problems and probability theory. Simple and easy to remember problem solving algorithms. Geometry. Theory, reference material, analysis of all types of USE tasks. Stereometry. Cunning tricks for solving, useful cheat sheets, development of spatial imagination. Trigonometry from scratch - to task 13. Understanding instead of cramming. Visual explanation complex concepts. Algebra. Roots, powers and logarithms, function and derivative. Base for solving complex problems of the 2nd part of the exam.

It is realistic to pass the exam in chemistry with 90+ points. And some guys did it in 2017. We talked to people who did a great job.


Roman Dubovenko, 98 points

To successfully pass the exam in chemistry, you need to decide a lot. This is the only thing that can help. In part C, you should give a lot of explanations in the course of solving tasks - this will make it easier and more understandable for the inspectors. You can get points for this.

Everything should be according to actions, regularity is everywhere. Don't forget the calculator and use your own logic.

You need to learn the whole theory and properties of substances. Then success awaits.

I never opened a textbook, I prepared and handed over the notes from the lessons - I had an excellent teacher who was preparing for the exam.

If you want more than 90 points, you have to spend a lot of time on chemistry. Teach, then you will have a good knowledge base, and this is already half the battle.

For me, the tests themselves were difficult, because you need to know a lot to solve them. There was time left on the exam itself, I decided everything quickly.

The penultimate calculation task seemed laborious - a large number of values, so some of the classmates failed this task.

It's funny that I lost a point on hydrolysis. I never made a mistake there while preparing, but I made the wrong decision at the Unified State Examination - my self-confidence and inattention played.


Katerina Verkhovskaya, 98 points

There was practically no chemistry at my school, so for the last 1.5 years I have been preparing with two tutors.

Basically, I solved problems on the sites for preparing for the Unified State Examination, assignments from tutors from their collections, from reference books for applicants to universities.

Chemistry was the last exam for me, so I no longer worried, but only waited, as soon as everything would end.

I wrote everything in 1.5 hours, I double-checked the answers for another 30 minutes. I can’t say that it was too difficult, but there were unusual tasks. For example, a problem about crystalline hydrate.

I can advise you to prepare with a tutor, but do not forget about self-preparation (websites with assignments, keep notes on complex topics).

I lost a point due to inattention. In the 30th task, I forgot to transfer the coefficients from the draft to the clean copy. In general, the last two tasks were the most difficult.


Egor Baranovsky, 92 points

I prepared for a year with a tutor. Classes were once a week - that was enough.

It seems to me that the most difficult thing in a chemistry exam is to memorize all the theory, without which you cannot cope. It was hard, especially mentally.

Drill, drill and drill again.

Pay attention to non-standard tasks. At first they seem ordinary, but in fact everything is not so simple there. Of course, they rarely come across, but still. I just fell on one of these - crystalline.

We passed them briefly, did not repeat. Because of this, a lot pure substance I determined incorrectly. Therefore, all the numbers in the problem were incorrect.

Even in the first part there are many tasks for exceptions to the rules - pay attention to them.

Photo from Instagram @yuika_yula