When a recruitment agency announces the verification of nannies selected for us, most of us have no idea what is being checked and how. When reliability and professional suitability stranger we ourselves have to evaluate, we can do it as recommended by the participants of the conference on nannies and governesses at www.7ya.ru In the discussions cited today we are talking about checking documents, the results of installing a voice recorder and a video camera.

Subject: How
I want to take my aunt with the children to sit. I liked it like a conversation (came to us). The potential nanny is not a Muscovite, originally from Kabardino-Balkaria, has been living in the Tula region for 2 years (she is a little over 50, her son and daughter with their grandchildren there, in the Tula region, they bought an apartment there).
There is her passport data, there is a mobile phone, there is a registration. How to check?
Apparently I need:

    a) “break through” the passport that it is not fake, find out that she is not lying (that the truth is there is an apartment, and there is a son, daughter, grandchildren registered in Tula), that there are no criminal records and records in dispensaries and I don’t know where. In my opinion, this is done for little money and in a couple of hours with access to different databases.
    b) maybe go the other way. To do this not at the bases, but "on the ground", that is, in the Tula region in this town, make sure that there really is an apartment on them where they live, they don’t drink vodka, the neighbors don’t complain, the granddaughter goes to school, the grandson garden, the son works and is characterized positively. To do this, you need to go there and spend a day there (talk with the district police officer, with the neighbors). Well, 300 bucks maximum work, one day business trip...
What do you think? Or maybe someone has in mind someone like a "private detective" of a familiar non-hack-working agency ?? What am I afraid of ... well, there is nothing to steal in the apartment :) but I will trust my aunt like the most expensive thing - children ... I am reluctant to put wiretaps and cameras.
I would just understand that the aunt does not pretend to be anyone. If she lived an honest normal life by her 50s, will she start acting weird in her old age? That is, to understand if there is something alarming in her life now ... Maybe someone faced a similar problem not about nannies, but about housekeepers or just about employees at the company? Or am I messing around?

To get started, take her passport and examine it carefully. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation? Where issued? When? Where does he live in the Tula region?
IMHO, a clear fake will be seen, and a good fake passport is now very expensive, it is unlikely that your nanny had money for it. Secondly, I believe that the detective agency will not be checking your nanny - they will not be in any way responsible for the accuracy of the information provided. And it is absolutely equally likely that they can tell you that the nanny is a fraud (and slander a decent person), and that she is a law-abiding citizen (although in fact she will turn out to be a fraud). I'm sorry, but I don't believe that someone for 300 bucks will do all this work in good faith. And even if he goes to Tula, where is the guarantee that the district police officer will talk to him?
If you want reliable information about the nanny, let her bring you a certificate of no criminal record (for Muscovites, it is done in some structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the request of a citizen within 2 weeks - I ordered it for myself twice, I don’t know at the expense of nonresidents). You can ask to see the documents for the apartment (if they really bought it - a certificate of ownership). About the grandchildren - certificates from the school and d / s, about the son - a copy of the work book and a copy of the passport. That's when it will be really reliable information. But are you suggesting such “chocolate” working conditions that the nanny would be interested in proving to you that she has no bad intentions towards you and your children?

Hm. It is quite possible that she is a decent woman, and even most likely she is. But I would take a non-Muscovite only in one case: she was recommended to me by a person whom I know well and whose opinion I trust. Checking passports and a trip to the Tula region. definitely wouldn't do it.
From the street (and the way you take it is from the street) I would only take a Muscovite or a resident of the nearest suburbs - in this case, my check is limited to a visit to the nanny.
And wiretapping in the early days - not harmful thing. We left the recorder, and also cellular telephone in quiet mode and with auto-raising the handset - they called him and listened to what was happening in the apartment.

I completely agree with you, and normal people live in Kabardino-Balkaria !!! I completely agree about the recorder, we have already found a nanny, she is also from the KBR, she has already worked for our friends, they are very praised, but I will still turn on the recorder.

It is better to do it through acquaintances working in the competent authorities. Their bases are fresh.
advice from an outsider

Subject: turned on the recorder
In fact, we have been nannies for almost 2 years, and have never used a voice recorder or other cameras. And today I turned it on ... in principle, it’s okay - the child plays by himself, the nanny is taking a nap on the couch, apparently they didn’t go for a walk (for example, the weather in Moscow today is so-so, but my child walks in any weather). I tried to make a couple of calls from our phone, but I didn’t figure out how and what ... I read to him a little, the rest of the time - silence, only the noise from the machines that the child plays. A couple of times he tried to tell her that she should sleep on the bed, not on the couch, but she did not succumb:) What do you think? Looking for a new one?
I’ve already had conversations with her, and all sorts of little things have happened to her before (give cookies with soup, she doesn’t follow the potty - well, there, offer the child a potty ...), so I don’t want to talk ... She is almost with us 2 months. Thanks in advance for advice.

Or maybe, after all, put a camera in order to surely see everything as it is, and not focus only on sounds and guess?

I can't help but agree.
medusa gorgon

Make clear. Yes, openly tell her - what and how. No ceremony. In the end - remind her that there are many more job seekers than employers.
medusa gorgon

Has your child's speech developed by age? Still, silence all the time is not a very favorable environment for the development of a child. Literally every action is usually spoken with them, a lively conversation is needed in its active time. In principle, you can do this from the couch :)
I would probably look at someone else.

Yes, it's developed...
She already works with us, so we didn’t want to change, we found her with such difficulty. But it will.

Oh how I understand you. It’s terribly hard to change - the child is just used to it ... Maybe take a week, stay with her in parallel, participate in everything, point out what needs to be done (she already understood everything in everyday life, now stop on the aspect of development). Make a schedule for her, such as after breakfast 30-40 minutes. active classes with speech, reading, role-playing games, then a walk, lunch, sleep, after - again time for games with speech. Focus on her active participation in these games, ask if it will be tiring for her, because. It is very important for you that the child is not just passively observed, but that you participate in his games, guide him.
If she is naturally lazy, then change it, but it may also be that it just turned out to be such a day: she felt bad, lay down, her head "cracked". And on other days, the child can ride on it like a horse around the apartment, and everyone has fun!

A child with a nanny all day?
I would change without a second thought.
Babysitters don't get paid to sleep.
Mom too

Subject: look both ways
The thread was created to discuss this article.
It is enough to look at any parent conference to understand that not all nannies inspire the trust of parents. Why does the baby cry when he sees the nanny? Is he just not ready to part with his mother, or does he have reason to be afraid? As a result, many mothers come to simple solution: you need to watch the nanny.
Article author: Babina Anna

I think it's a necessary thing. I am for.

Very necessary. Children can be undermined by "dishonest" nannies in such a way that later you can't pay off with any camera!

Our nanny has been living with our daughter since she was 2 months old (now we are 1 year 9 months old). We were always satisfied, and then there was a reason to be wary, without hesitation (this is the safety of our beloved child) we set up cameras - it turned out that we were worried in vain, everything is in order, the nanny in our absence behaves with the child in the same way as with us. Stone from the soul! At the same time, everything is not cheap, but the organization is very simple.

Recently, a domestic recruiting agency learned a story (which was told by the parents of the injured baby) when the "nanny" put the naked baby in the corner!!! This punishment "nanny" came up with this. These days... the only way the parents knew what had happened was through a hidden camera in the apartment.
medusa gorgon

A necessary thing, but ... can you yourself work with PERMANENT video surveillance? I personally don't. And not because I am unscrupulous, but because I will think about how to turn around and how to bend down ... It's unpleasant when someone is looking at you all the time. I think that the voice recorder is quite enough.

If only a camera could be made in the kindergarten! Well, I do not believe that my son eats everything in the garden. He eats very poorly at home, but here you hear a lot of educators, so he is a direct absorber of all food. The lies were tormented.

I agree about kindergarten. In all adequate institutions, both in our country and in the West, you can either be present yourself and see how they communicate with your child, or at least they give you a cassette on which you can see what the children are doing in the kindergarten and how they behave.

With my suspiciousness - I think I'll have to put the camera. True, I have not yet found a nanny, it is very difficult for me to entrust a child to another. Only if so, with peeping...
Linen and beaver

A friend set up a camera. The FIFTH nanny took care of the baby girl, the first four did not fit when the child was crying. So not a superfluous thing in the house.

We will definitely set up a webcam. I can't imagine without it!

Was. Checked.
When a babysitter is alone at home alone with a child, her behavior can change dramatically, even her voice changes beyond recognition. I read nightmares on the site - horror. You need to kill those.

I used to be a nanny myself. A video camera is very good, but when inviting a nanny, discuss with her what actions you consider acceptable to influence the child. After all, children, like adults, are very different, sometimes very spoiled, not accustomed to respect adults, hyperactive to their own detriment. I had a case when I had to hit a one-year-old pupil on the hand at the moment when she was sticking a wand into a hole with an electric current. The wand was wooden, and it was not dangerous, but it was necessary urgently and sharply - painful sensation- let the child feel DANGER !!! Of course, I did not hit hard, and immediately made a frightened face and said in a stern voice: "No! Bo-bo! Ai-ya-yay!" We didn’t have such problems anymore, the baby understood: it’s dangerous to put sticks in holes. Sometimes the requirements of the parents are beyond the power of the child himself, and the nanny is OBLIGED to fulfill them, even if she feels that the child is suffering. There are many nuances here, and one must responsibly approach not only the selection of a nanny, but also oneself. And I would also like to say that often a young mother is looking for a nanny of about her age, this is not entirely correct. The child is thus deprived of the opportunity to adopt a connection with previous generations, grows as if without "roots". Especially if you rarely see your own grandmothers.

A note for those wishing to install video surveillance in the apartment: the nanny must be notified about it. In addition to ethical aspects, this is also important from a purely legal point of view: not so long ago, the first case involving the illegal installation of cameras in an administrative building was completed in Russia. If, along with the cameras, there would be announcements about video surveillance, there would be no problem, lawyers say. So the precedent is set, be careful.

Selection from the conference

Working with children, looking after and caring for them is based on the full trust of the parties, mutual respect for parents and the nanny, but at the same time requires compliance certain rules security. When accepting a person into your home, entrusting him with work in your family and with your child, you should worry about some points that guarantee confidence in the qualifications of a nanny for your baby and the reliability of information about her person. These requirements help to establish parity and work on the principles of openness in relations, to avoid suspicion and distrust.

A Few Simple Rules to Do Before Signing a Nanny Contract

    Verification of documents as a guarantee of honest intentions of the candidate for the job. Ask the future nanny to show the original documents: passport, diplomas of education, certificates and certificates of course completion, and also try to take photocopies of them.

    Checking a criminal record or prosecution. Specify whether there are any convictions, whether there were any criminal or administrative liability. The easiest way to make such a request is through an agency.

    Nanny mental health check . It will not be superfluous to obtain confirmation of the full mental health person who will work in your family. Check whether he is registered with a psycho-neurological or narcological dispensary The easiest way to do this is through an agency.

    Checking references from previous nanny job . Letters of recommendation do not always contain objective information and do not fully reflect all aspects of previous work. Don't hesitate to do phone call and personally talk with the previous employer.

    Checking the babysitter's medical record . Nanny's health is her guarantee quality work. In principle, you are no less interested than a nanny in ensuring that the person who is next to your child, perhaps even preparing food for him, is healthy and in good health. The best way- send the nanny for a check-up in medical Center in which you are sure or are being examined yourself.

    Installation of CCTV cameras in an apartment or house . By by and large, it should be a mutual requirement. When conflict situations, viewing the recordings from the camera will establish the truth. We, as an agency with extensive experience and practice, recommend that our clients install video surveillance systems and notify the staff that works in your home about this.

This is the minimum set preventive measures to guarantee safety when hiring a nanny, governess or caregiver for your baby. Neglecting the above requirements, you risk getting an unforeseen situation in your family. If you would like to know about additional nanny screening measures that we practice at DomeliPersonal, please call. We have our own professional secrets in the selection of personnel.

For several years of work, we have seen hundreds of variegated letters of recommendation from nannies. It soon became clear that a piece of paper with a template text from the Internet is almost useless, only the contacts of the previous employer are of value. Today Pomogatel.ru will gladly share professional secrets with you.

In our archive there are exceptional recommendations that do not raise doubts about authenticity. For example, the description of the nanny, clumsily written by hand, witnessed by the archpriest with the indication mobile phone and certified by the temple seal. The text uses real church phrases that cannot be imitated, and we never doubted its authenticity.

Even without personnel insight and intuition, everyone can simply check the reliability of recommendations using their own “lie detector”.

On paper or on screen?

Written recommendations are gradually dying off, because not every mother is ready to write out a whole sheet of paper by hand, and not everyone has a printer for printing. Let's remember the English Mary Poppins, "the best nanny in the world", who had no letters of recommendation. By the 1930s (when the first book was written), the recommendations were considered "old-fashioned".

In Moscow, a nanny with a written recommendation will most likely show a fairly crumpled piece of paper dated to the end of the 90s of the last century. Employer's mobile phone number or profile in social network- today this is the only reliable recommendation of a nanny. Letters without contact information are not even worth reading.

Experienced nannies are well aware of the value of recommendations from employers. Unfortunately, there are unscrupulous applicants who ask their friends and acquaintances to confirm their recommendations. There are known cases of the development of well-thought-out legends outlining the "conflict-free nature of the nanny", "significant achievements in work" and "reasons for parting because the baby has grown up" ... Therefore, it is pointless to look for confirmation of the facts given in the letter of recommendation. It is necessary to pay attention to the information obtained in the course of free narration during the interview. Use the proprietary verification method from Pomogatel.ru!

Check for 1-2-3

1. Come up with some out-of-the-ordinary questions and ask the nanny. Ask the nanny for details about a child she has previously worked with. Prepare one or two questions in advance that any nanny can easily answer. For example, was the baby allergic to bananas (other fruits)? Is it true that at the age of two the baby had mumps? The baby refused baby food certain brand? If the child is older, ask the nanny about your favorite cartoon or favorite toy? If the nanny worked with a student, find out about the progress in mathematics or in learning English. Write down or memorize the babysitter's response.

It's best not to follow the given patterns and come up with your own. tricky question, after all, nannies, preparing for an interview, also read our tips! Please note: the question should not be insignificant or general. Find out the facts not about the nanny herself, but about the child. A mother may not remember if the nanny asked for a raise or if she did some shopping on the way, but she will never forget the details of the child's health or development. It is best not to ask anything directly, but to find out specific details about the child in an unobtrusive conversation with the nanny.

2. Ask your mom the same questions. Call your mother, preferably as soon as possible after the conversation and repeat the questions! The former employer is not obliged to answer your questions, let them know right away that the conversation will take no more than 5 minutes. The introductory part of the conversation of mothers comes down to a formal confirmation of the fact of employment, that such and such worked in such and such a period and performed certain duties. Most will confirm that the nanny is good and responsible, there were no complaints. Of course, if the family was dissatisfied with the nanny or there were problems, the nanny will not tell you the contact number.

After the introductory part comes the moment of truth in the conversation. Apologize, just in case the security question seems weird. It is better to formulate a direct question in the affirmative: your ex-nanny said that the baby was allergic to bananas, is that right? Did your child have mumps at the age of three? The nanny accompanied the child to classes in French? A friend will not be able to answer such a question in detail. At best, the "fake mom" will spit "yes" or "no" at random. The real one will tell in detail that the allergy was not only to bananas, but also to other fruits, as it manifested itself, or will answer that there was no allergy. A real mother will say that the boy had a mumps, but without consequences. A genuine mother will say that her child only learned English, and French is now out of fashion ... If the answer you received was ambiguous, ask a second, pre-prepared question. If the “mom test” is passed, at the end of the conversation, ask about the nanny’s personal qualities, shortcomings in work, and be sure to thank for the conversation, even if you figured out the fake.

3. Match the answers. The discrepancy indicates that the recommendations, and therefore the nanny, are not to be trusted. It is better to take an honest nanny with no references or unverified work experience than to trust a person who is trying to deceive you from the very beginning.

The departed and the silent

In conclusion, we note the case when written recommendations should not be taken into account - if the former employers went abroad and did not leave a phone number. Persistent parents are advised to request Skype coordinates or a link to a profile on a social network. If you refuse to bring you together with emigrants under any pretext, you should know: the applicant is dark. Do not take recommendations seriously with the phone of the parents, which is always silent.

Mikhail Sorokin

How to test a nanny? Internet Portal for free search for domestic staff gives detailed information about all ways and methods . It is optimal to check the nanny before the start of cooperation, but if the nanny is already working, it is better to do this a little later than to be late. The check includes:

  • acquaintance with the documents and recommendations of the nanny;
  • assessment of her appearance, speech, lifestyle;
  • checking against black lists and bases of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • periodic monitoring during the course of work.

Nanny check before work starts

Reasonably and most correctly You want to work with the nanny for a long time and naturally want to know as much as possible about her. Be sure to ask the nanny to bring you the original documents and copies. Keep copies for yourself. Unwillingness to show documents is a reason to refuse to cooperate with the nanny.

Look carefully at the documents. If possible, show them to a professional, for example, an experienced personnel officer will do. Here are the signs of undoubted documents:

  1. The passport is not expired, not damaged, not soiled, not torn. There is a permanent residence stamp or registration document. The photo looks like the original. There are marks on previously issued passports.
  2. Diplomas, certificates of education of the state sample.
  3. Employment history There is. It does not contain records of layoffs under articles, and for teachers, layoffs among school year, especially repetitive ones.
  4. the nanny has from families with contact numbers.
  5. Medical certificates are not expired. They don't have fixes. They were issued in medical institutions at the place of registration of the nanny.

Try to visit the nanny at her house, see if her apartment is clean, if there are any signs of a hangout of drinking people.

Checking a nanny who has already started work

If it is not possible to install video cameras, organize unexpected visits from your grandmother, aunt, good friend, let them come not only home, but also where the nanny is walking with the child. And first of all, carefully look at the baby: has his behavior changed, has he become nervous, does he willingly go to the nanny, how does he behave after the visit of the nanny. In order not to offend a good employee, check correctly.

Make an inventory of valuables for yourself and check back periodically. Keep accurate records of money left at home, especially small bills.

Those inclined to steal sin by taking out several or one banknote from the bundle of money you left at home and see if you noticed or not. Install video surveillance at home and don't forget to watch the recordings. Do not provoke the employee: do not leave very large sums of money in plain sight or leave the safe open.

Detailed information on all types of household staff checks

If parents call a nanny to their child's house, then circumstances require it. But no mother and no father would want a bad or incompetent person next to their child. Therefore, they begin to look for ways to check the recommendations of the nanny, if she provided them, or how to check the nanny and her conscientiousness in performing her duties.

The most effective way - installing video cameras and watching every night everything that happened in the absence of adults in the house, instead of serials - is suitable only for a few because of the high cost of equipment.
It is also not necessary to dress up as a spy and master the profession of a detective. There are several proven effective ways, which are not as aggressive, but no less informative.

If the nanny has already worked somewhere, you need to call, and possibly meet with her previous employers to talk with them about the merits and demerits of the nanny

If the nanny presented letters of recommendation you can ask her for phone numbers and addresses former places work. Such an approach should not confuse either the parents of the child or the nanny, since we are talking about the trust of the most precious thing - the child.

The Internet resource "Our Nyanya.ru" allows you to independently find a nanny in Moscow, as well as other domestic staff without intermediaries. Women who want to work as nannies and are qualified can also find jobs through this online service. All you need to do is register on the site and start looking for the necessary nanny (nanny or housekeeper).

Another helper in verification is surprise. Somehow, try to come home earlier than usual, without warning the nanny beforehand. The gaze will certainly see a real picture of what the nanny is doing and what the baby is doing.

If the work of mom and dad has such a busy schedule that it is impossible to pull off such a plan for returning ahead of time, it is necessary to involve relatives in this. Relatives or even friends can call in in the absence of the owners, referring to a fictitious legend and appreciate the work of a nanny.

Babysitting duties include walking with the child in the fresh air

Naturally, she will have to appear on the playground, communicate with other mothers and nannies. So, the parents of a baby who has hired a nanny can ask the neighbors and mothers of the children with whom they walk every day about how much time the nanny spends on the playground, how they look after the child during the walk, how they communicate with each other, whether they get along.

The great philosopher Seneca said that nothing characterizes a person so much as his home and the relationship of this person to relatives.
You can find an excuse and ask the nanny to visit. During her stay in her house, it is necessary to carefully observe how she communicates with all members of her family (even with animals, if any).
Another side of the personality can be revealed when you observe how the household relates to it.

If the child already knows how to talk, you can ask him to talk about the nanny, after all, which means he must find a common language with him.
Most of the time kids are outspoken.
The kid will definitely tell how much he likes the nanny or does not like it.

The development of the baby while the nanny is in the house is a sure way to understand the situation. With a good nanny, the child will demonstrate new discoveries and knowledge.

If parents belong to the category of people who want to see for themselves, and not hear someone else's opinion, you will need a "radio nanny" device

One part of the included device is hidden somewhere in the children's room, and the second is thrown into the purse. After the simulation of going to work is done, you can take the part of the device that you took with you and listen to what is happening in the house.
If only the sound is not enough, then the option described at the beginning of the article is needed - installing video cameras.

Reflections many families lead to the conclusion that the child needs a good nanny. And many "check" nannies.
If at some point parents consider themselves suspicious, let them remember proverb“It’s better to play it safe so that you don’t get grief later.”
The actions of parents can always be justified, since the value is health and proper development child.