The tropical waters of Malawi (the second name is Nyasa) are characterized by a large number of fish. Such a variety of fish kingdom is not found in any other lake on the planet.

Origin of the lake basin of Lake Nyasa

Several million years - this is how experts estimate the age of such a reservoir as Lake Nyasa. The origin of the basin of reservoirs may be associated with a volcanic or tectonic fault, due to an exogenous factor, convergence of glaciers and other situations.

The Lake Basin of Malawi arose as a result of a tectonic rift. That is, the origin of Lake Nyasa is connected with the grandiose - the East African graben. As a rule, such lakes are the largest and deepest on the globe. Lake Nyasa is no exception.

The origin of the Malawi Basin, according to some sources, calls into question the continued existence of Africa. In the future, this fault may tear the continent from south to north along a line. This will change the slope of the land and the direction of the flow of water in the rivers.

Discovery history

If it was not difficult for scientists to trace the origin of Lake Nyasa, then its discovery is not entirely clear. For Europeans, the history of this geographical feature began almost four hundred years ago. Then, in 1616, a Portuguese named Gaspar Bukarru, during his journey along the northeast of the lower reaches, which flows into the Indian Ocean, made the first discovery of Lake Nyasa. It turned out that, although Bucarro was the European discoverer of the reservoir, this did not receive wide publicity, and the information itself was buried in the Portuguese state archives. That's why for a long time the discovery of Lake Nyasa was attributed to the Scottish missionary and great explorer of Africa - David Linvingston.

He, not knowing anything both about the explorer Bucarru himself and about his discovery, in 1858 led a large expedition to the Zambezi basin. And on September 16, 1859, he announced the opening date of the southernmost of the Great Lakes of East Africa - Lake Nyasa. By the way, it is worth noting: if his attempt to climb up the Zambezi had not failed, then maybe he would not have started exploring the Shire River and would not have stumbled upon the “lake of stars”, as the explorer himself called Nyasa in his diaries.

Origin of the name of the lake

As already mentioned, one of the largest has two names - Nyasa and Malawi.

"Nyasa" is consonant with the ancient name of Lake Victoria - "Nyantsa". These two words come from different but related languages ​​that belong to the same large language family - Bantu. From here and their same value- “big water” or “large-sized pond”.

The second name - Malawi - comes from the ethnic group of Malawi, which makes up more than half of the population of the same name. African Republic. By the way, the latter owns most of the reservoir. But this will be discussed later.

Due to the duality of the name on different maps, you can find both Lake Malawi and Lake Nyasa.


Where is Nyasa located? The lake fills a crack in earth's crust The Rift Basin, which is located at the southernmost point of the Great Rift system. And the latter stretched between the outskirts of the Red Sea and the lower reaches of the Zambezi River.

Due to the peculiarities of the area where Nyasa is located, the lake has an elongated shape, reaching a length of 584 km with a width of 16 to 80 km in different places. The area of ​​​​the reservoir is 29,604 km, and it lies at an altitude of almost five hundred meters (more specifically, 472 m) above sea level.

The maximum depth of Lake Nyasa reaches 706 m, and the average is 292 m. This means that the deepest places are below sea level. The bottom of the lake does not have sharp drops, the depth indicators gradually increase from south to north.

The relief of the coastline is not monotonous. In some places of the coast, mountains and peaks rise (from 1500 to 3000 m above sea level), in others a coastal plain spreads, which expands at the confluence of large rivers into this water body.

Lake Nyasa on the map of Africa can be found at the coordinates: 11°52′ south latitude and 34°35′ east longitude.


The climate in the area where Lake Nyasa is located is subtropical, and tends to change: in the mountains there is an invigorating coolness, in the Malawi Valley itself it is moderately warm, and in the Lower River area it is really hot.

Autumn and winter are warm and mostly dry, with occasional rain. The minimum temperature mark at this time does not fall below +22 0 C, and the maximum fluctuates at +25 0 C. And even then it is in the mountains. On the plain, the temperature is slightly, but higher: +27 ... +30 0 С.

In late spring - early summer, the rainy season begins. The air temperature drops to +15 ... +18 0 C in the mountains, and +20 ... +25 0 C in the plains.


Lake Nyasa is fed by fourteen rivers. Among them, an important place is occupied by Bua (or, as it is sometimes translated, Bwa), Northern and Southern Rukaka, which carry their waters from the west, Dwanga, Ruhuhu - from the northeast, Songwe - from the northwest and Lilongwe - from the southeast. west.

The Shire River is the only outflow of the reservoir. It emerges from Malawi in the south and flows towards the Zambezi.

The great depth of the lake means no less volume of the Nyasa water mass - 8,400 km 3. But, despite this, its flow is 63 km 3 of water per year. Of this volume, only 16% flows down the Shire River, the remaining 84% evaporates from the surface. Due to such features, the period of water renewal near the lake is quite long: according to experts, it takes 114 years to completely replace the water mass.

The salinity of Lake Nyasa is within 0.4 grams per 1 liter. The water itself is similar in composition to the water of Lake Tanganyika - the same hard and hard. Both reservoirs are characterized by the same temperature, which, depending on the season, ranges from 23.5 to 27.5 0 C.


Lake Malawi has one of the most diverse ecosystems of any freshwater body of water on the planet. It is inhabited by 500 to 1000 species of fish, represented by eleven families.

Each site, in separate bays and on the coasts, has its own fish kingdom. But the most common inhabitants are lake cichlids, which are divided into two groups: pelagic and coastal. Pelagic cichlids - predatory fish, for the most part live in the thickness of the species away from the coast. Their opposite is coastal cichdids. They differ in a wide variety of sizes, shapes, ways of feeding and behavior.

But fish are not the only inhabitants of the waters of Lake Nyasa. The pond was chosen by crocodiles and African whooper eagles, inhabiting it in large numbers.

In general, the animal world can boast of no less diversity of its representatives. Buffaloes, rhinos, zebras, antelopes, giraffes, predatory lions, cheetahs, leopards, hyenas and jackals roam around the lake. Such a multitude of wild animals is due to the versatility of nature. Here, savannahs with green palms, airy acacias and majestic baobabs adjoin montane tropical rainforests.

Political distribution

Three countries are located around the magnificent lake: Mozambique, Malawi and Tanzania. For a long time there was a dispute between the last two about who owns the waters of the reservoir. And all because of the fact that different years the borders of possession were defined differently: before the First World War, the line passed between the former Nyasaland and the German East Africa, and after 1914 - the lake was on the account of Malawi.

Sometimes these disputes led to clashes. But today the passions have subsided a little, and Malawi is no longer trying to restore its rights to the object we are considering. Although the belonging of the disputed part to Tanzania is not officially recognized.

With all this, part of Nyasa and its basin is proportionally divided as follows: Malawi is subject to 68% of the reservoir, Tanzania - 25%, and Mozambique - only 7% of the basin.


A large number of fish contributed to the formation of such a craft as fishing. The annual volume of fish caught here was five to seven thousand tons per year, of which 2/3 were caught by local African fishermen.

The development of the fishing industry has led to the emergence of small fishing villages on the shores of Lake Nyasa, which live solely by selling the catch. Of course, the inhabitants use a small fraction of the prey themselves, but most of it is sold - the fish is smoked or dried and sold in this form, most often through intermediaries.

More recently, Lake Nyasa has become a place for industrial fishing, and not only by locals, but also by foreigners. This activity is completely market oriented. Fishermen, unlike African fishermen, have fully equipped modern vessels at their disposal.

Despite the great demand for fish, the deep-water part of the reservoir remains underused - improved equipment is needed to expand fishing areas, respectively, more money. In the meantime, there is enough production closer to the coast, no one will be ready for extra expenses.


The beauty of Lake Nyasa in itself could be the reason for the pilgrimage of tourists. But the fish kingdom has become not only a fishing specialization, but also a bait for divers.

Today there are special tours to Lake Malawi for those who like to dive and admire the beauties underwater world. How else? After all, such a variety aquarium fish along with the transparency of the water (visibility is achieved at a distance of thirty meters), there are no analogues in all of Africa.

Usually such tours include both day diving and night diving. In addition to swimming, hiking and transport walks along the picturesque shores of the lake are available for vacationers.

But not only divers come here. In 1934, some parts of the territory were declared forest reserves and bird sanctuaries, and in 1972 their area increased several times, which led to the creation of a national park. For example, ornithologists can make several discoveries by observing the large population of fishing eagles that love to hunt and nest on lake shores.

The journey to Nyasa, like its history, will not leave anyone indifferent!

Hot and friendly Africa gladly opens the doors of its most intimate and interesting places. Safari - please, wild and exotic animals - please. The entire wildlife of Africa is open to visitors, and you can see it in the most beautiful and famous national parks and reserves in Africa.

It is with them that we want to introduce you in this article, transfer them to the world of animals and birds and show what secrets mysterious Africa keeps in itself.

This park is famous for the annual migration of zebras, wildebeests, gazelles and, accordingly, predators that hunt them. The national park is considered one of the most undisturbed ecological systems in the world. Also, it is the oldest park in Africa.

The park is located in Tanzania, the coordinates of the park are 2°19′51″ S. sh. 34°50′00″ E e. Upon arrival, you can stop at the Serengeti Safari Camp and spend an unforgettable time traveling through the valleys and expanses of Tanzania.

Perhaps this is the most famous and popular reserve in Africa. It is located in one of the districts of Kenya, called Narok. Reserve coordinates - 1°29′24″ S. sh. 35°08′38″ in. e. It is named after the tribe that lives here.

From September to October, an impressive event takes place in this reserve - the migration of wildebeests. In general, the reserve is a continuation of the Sarengeti National Park. But most of all it is famous for the lions that live here in large numbers.

Upon arrival, you can stay at one of the many campsites that are located on the territory.

Unlike the previous two, this park is located in the jungle, and you can only travel through it on foot. This park is located in the Albertine Valley, the coordinates of the park are 1°03′29″S. sh. 29°42′01″ in. d.

Here you can enjoy the largest number variety of trees in Africa. The park is also home to exotic and stunningly beautiful butterflies.

Gorilla safari is popular here and there is even a cottage called Gorilla Safari Lodge. The official website of the park will inform you about all the details of your stay in it.

This is both a nature reserve and national park simultaneously. Also, this is the very first national park in Africa. It has the largest number of mammals, the most popular of which are lions, rhinos, elephants, leopards and buffaloes. The park coordinates are 24°00′41″ S. sh. 31°29′07″ E d.

It works from 6.00 to 17.30, on its territory you can stay both in private campsites and in ordinary parking lots. On the official website, you can book a safari and arrival time.

Already from the name it becomes clear that it is located in the Kalahari Desert in Botswana. This is the second largest nature reserve in the world. Desert, you think what to do there. Despite this, the park contains salt lakes and ancient riverbeds along with sand dunes. This park has the largest concentration of wild animals in the world.

The most famous inhabitants are white rhinos, crocodiles, hippos, giraffes, wild dogs, cheetahs, hyenas and of course lions and leopards. Reserve coordinates - 21°53′22″ S. sh. 23°45′23″ E e. Of course, the infrastructure is developed here and everyone can visit and even hunt wild animals.

National parks and nature reserves in Africa have a special charm, and it’s not even about famous safaris, it’s more about the fact that they have retained their original beauty, untouchedness, grandeur and a certain inaccessibility. These factors attract millions of tourists from all over the world to unravel the mysteries and mysteries of the beautiful African nature.

Africa is an amazing continent with outlandish beauties: unusually towering mountain formations, the sources of mountain rivers with thundering waterfalls; evergreen tropical thickets; silent deserts; grassy and wooded savannas; diversified fauna and flora. Most of its territory is under state protection and is included in the list of the World Cultural and natural heritage UNESCO, therefore Africa can rightfully be considered a huge national park of all mankind.

Throughout the world, African national parks are recognized as the legitimate pride of all mankind. In various parts of the continent, people of many nationalities continue to take part in the work of the parks. Thus, thanks to the universal efforts, hundreds of species of rare animals were saved from extinction and extermination.

The continent of Africa has an excellent natural basis for the prosperity and development of tourism. South Africa has many different national parks and reserves, where people come to see how animals behave in natural environment habitats, as well as admire the exotic nature of this mysterious continent. The largest number of national parks is concentrated in Kenya.

For visitors to the territory of African national parks, rules are established to comply with certain norms of behavior. So, for example, it is permissible to drive cars only along special paths designated for this, from which it is impossible to move to the side, as well as to lift anything from the ground; driving is allowed only in the car of the park ranger and in his direct escort; you can't scream; It is forbidden to feed animals, smoke, litter and so on.

The main reserves and national parks of Africa

National parks of Kenya

Tsavo- the largest national park in terms of area, occupying the territory of the whole island - Jamaica. This is one of the most attractive tourist destinations in the world where wild African safaris are allowed.

The park is divided into two equal parts, each of which is inimitable and unique: East Tsavo, characterized by a flat area covered with thorns and undersized acacias, and West Tsavo is a volcanically active part of the park with rocky mountains and hills, which is also considered to be more intense and lively .

The Tsavo Park has a fairly diverse wildlife, numbering about 500 species of individuals: zebras, giraffes, impalas, antelopes, waterbucks, buffaloes, cheetahs, leopards, crocodiles, lions. special world fame The park is credited to the many rhinoceroses and the huge herd of "red" elephants, so named because their skin has a pink hue, formed as a result of the reddish-pink dust that covers their bodies.

The main attractions of Tsavo are the springs of Mzima - a real fragrant oasis in the middle of a lifeless and dusty savannah; Growling rocks, from where the most beautiful panoramic views of the park open; volcanic block and crater of Chaumu volcano; swamps of Kanderi - natural source fresh water; waterfalls Lugard and rapids on the seething river, disappearing from sight in a narrow gorge.

Amboseli - a beautiful old park, located near the slope of Mount Kilimanjaro, from where the most successful views of its snow-capped peaks open. Most of the territory of Amboseli is occupied by lakes, so the flora and fauna here are quite diverse: 425 species of birds, more than 50 species of mammals (lions, hippos, leopards, elephants, rhinos, buffaloes, giraffes, antelopes, rhinos and others). Many types of acacia grow in the park - there is no such variety anywhere else.

One of the most breathtaking sights that can be seen here is a calm walk through the savannah of huge herds of elephants. Also lives in Amboseli rarest species rhinoceros, which is on the verge of extinction, is the black rhinoceros.

Located close to the financial and economic center and the capital of Kenya, Nairobi, and this fact, in turn, contributes to its popularity among foreign tourists. The park was opened before other similar parks and is considered the oldest in the country. It incomprehensibly combines the beauty of untouched wildlife and the silhouettes of tall office buildings seen from afar.

On the territory of Nairobi there are many savannahs, steep gorges, plains, forests inhabited by different kinds animals and birds. In addition, it is known for being the place where ivory is burned. In order to stop the poaching of elephants, President Moi gave the order to burn 10 tons of ivory in Nairobi.

Located in the area of ​​the Aberdare mountain range, rich in picturesque landscapes. Its views are amazing: forests of huge trees, picturesque cliffs with crystal-clear waterfalls erupting from them; bamboo jungle; cascades ice rivers; moorlands. Aberdare has a very diverse flora and fauna. It is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

National parks of Tanzania

The Serengeti is the most famous wildlife sanctuary in the world., located in the African Great Gorge at an altitude of 1800 meters above sea level, covering an area of ​​​​about 30 thousand square meters. km. Its name, translated from the Masai language, means "elongated platform." The park has a changing landscape: from short and long grass to hills covered with green forests. The Serengeti African National Park has been recognized by UNESCO as a world cultural and natural heritage site. It is considered to be the main treasury of wildlife.

Representatives of the local fauna due to the unique climatic conditions are very diverse: more than one million large animals live on endless savannahs, plains, lakes and rivers. These are leopards, crocodiles, buffaloes, lions, rhinos, hyenas, giraffes, baboons, foxes, antelopes, zebras; more than 300 species of reptiles; about 450 species of birds. It was on the territory of this park that the world's largest flock of lions was discovered, consisting of 41 individuals. One of the most interesting events in the life of the Serengeti is the annual migration of artiodactyl animals, in particular wildebeest and zebra, moving from the hilly northern regions to the plains of the south.

Annually attracting the attention of millions of tourists from all over the world the globe. It is also called the "eighth wonder of the world" and is rightfully considered a world heritage. Most of this giant tropical park is located in a huge volcanic crater of the same name. The diameter of the volcano funnel is 20 km, and the area of ​​​​the crater is 265 square meters. km. The uniqueness of this crater lies in the fact that over the course of several years, many species of animals have formed their own habitat there. More than 30 thousand animals live on its territory.

At the very bottom of the crater is the alkaline Magami Lake, a favorite habitat for flamingos. There are also pastures for zebras, antelopes and gazelles in the area.

Another attraction of the Ngorongoro Reserve is the Olduvai Gorge, famous for the fact that excavations were constantly carried out on its territory. So, the archaeologist Jonathan Leakey discovered the remains of Homo Hablis (“handy man”). Also in the area of ​​​​this gorge is the 100-meter rock Nazara Rock, known for the location of a person there in the prehistoric period.

Other African countries


Kafue is the largest and oldest park in Zambia. Its area is 2.24 million hectares, which is comparable to the area of ​​Wales. Almost the entire park area is a large strip of forest savanna. Kafue is striking in his lush dambos; the beautiful grassy plains of Busanga; ancient savannas; the amazing Lafuta, Kafue and Lunga rivers with hydropower facilities; teak forests with a variety of insects.

The Kafue African National Park, like other parks, provides a place to live for huge animal populations: 150 species of mammals, 480 species of birds, 70 species of reptiles.


Werunga is a national park located in the northeast of the Congo, characterized by outstanding diversity. natural environments a habitat: alpine meadows, peat swamps, snow-capped peaks of the Rwenzori and Verunga mountains, grassy and tree savannahs, bamboo thickets, extensive lava plateaus, low-mountainous moist forests. Its area is 7800 sq. km. The park has a rather diverse flora - about 2000 plant species. And its fauna is represented by 110 species of reptiles, 197 species of mammals and 89 species of amphibians.

Africa boasts an enchanted landscape that includes sand dunes, jungles, and, of course, savannahs. This vast continent is home to a wide variety of animals and plants. Unfortunately, some representatives of the flora and fauna that live on the continent are on the verge of extinction. It was in order to protect them that National Parks were created - a territory where human activity is limited. We present to your attention a list of the 10 best national parks in Africa.

Birunga National Park

Birunga Park, known as the Volcanoes National Park, is located in the northwest of Rwanda and borders the Virunga and Mgahinga National Parks. It is considered the first national park created on the continent. Known mainly because of the mountain gorillas living in it. The park was the base for zoologist Dian Fossey.

Ras Mohammed

Ras Mohammed (translated from Arabic means “head of Mohammed”) is the first nature reserve to open in Egypt. It is located in the south of the Sinai Peninsula, between the Gulf of Suez and the Gulf of Aqaba. This extraordinary national park is famous for its dazzlingly beautiful coral reefs, which attract divers from all over the world, as well as a population of sea turtles. The park is the main attraction on the Red Sea Riviera and the pride of Egypt.

Table Mountain National Park

Table Mountain Park - formerly known as the Cape Peninsula National Park - located in the Western Cape, South Africa. The park was created on May 29, 1998 and includes: Table Mountain, because of which it was named, and the Cape of Good Hope - the farthest southwestern point of Africa. The area of ​​the park is 225,000 hectares, plus an additional 1,000 km. sq. coastal waters and beaches.

Kabarega is an African national park located in the northern part of Uganda. It was founded in 1952 and named after the waterfall of the same name, which is located in the park. It occupies an area of ​​3,839 km2. sq. Cabarega National Park is home to large African wildlife such as elephants, buffaloes, lions, rhinos, etc.

Etosha Park is located in the northwest of Namibia. It is considered one of the largest national parks in the world and covers an area of ​​22,270 square kilometers. It was founded in 1907 and is home to a large number of wild animals. To a greater extent, the park is known for the black rhinos and African wild dogs that live here.

Ahaggar is a national park and the highlands of the same name, located in the central part of the Sahara Desert, in the south of Algeria. The park is famous for its stunning scenery, a large number of sand dunes and mountains, consisting mainly of volcanic rocks. Considered one of the more remote national parks on the planet.

Masuala is a national park located in the northeast of Madagascar, on the Masuala Peninsula. It was founded in 1997 and covers an area of ​​240,520 hectares. Masuala is the largest national reserve in the country. Since 2007, it has been included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. It is characterized by a wide variety of ecosystems - including a tropical rainforest, mangroves and a sea with a coral reef.

In third place in the list of the best national parks in Africa is the Kilimanjaro National Park, which is located in northern Tanzania, near the city of Moshi. The park includes the entire highest mountain in Africa - Kilimanjaro and its surrounding forests. It occupies an area of ​​753 km. sq.

Victoria Falls Park - located in the north-west of Zimbabwe, on the Zambezi River and is considered as the largest waterfall in the world. A notable feature of the park is the rainforest that will grow around the falls, which includes plants such as ferns, palms, creepers, and a large number of trees, such as mahogany, that do not grow elsewhere in the region.

Kruger Park is one of the oldest and largest national parks in the world, located in South Africa. It is located in the two South African provinces of Limpopo and Mpumalanga. Its area is 18,989 km. sq. and stretches for 350 km in a north-south direction. The park is home to 147 species of mammals, 500 species of birds and reptiles, and tens of thousands of insect species.

Maltsev Igor

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Africa is a continent with a great variety of flora and fauna, much more than any other continent on our planet. Thanks to the wide variety climatic zones, subarctic to tropical, Africa has many habitats: humid rainforests, savannas, plains and arid desert Sahara. The reserves of Africa originate from the first state structure for the protection of the forest, which was established in Tunisia in 1884, and almost 40 years later, the first Taza National Park was established in the country. Now in North Africa there are national parks created to protect certain species of animals. The African continent has 335 national parks that protect over 1,100 mammal species, 100,000 insect species, 2,600 bird species and 3,000 fish species.

Continent: Africa Location: Algiers The Taza National Park is one of the smallest protected areas in Algeria. The central natural formation in the park is the Petite Kabylie mountain range. The park also covers 10,500 hectares of Guerrouch forest and 9 km of the Mediterranean coast. The climate in Taza Park is humid Mediterranean, from 1000 to 1400 mm of precipitation falls here annually, and the average annual temperature is 18 ° C, temperatures below freezing are almost never here. Taza national park

The flora is quite diverse, but the most common species in the park are the canary tree Quercus, B. afares and Q. saber, sticky alder, Prunus avium, Salix pedicellata, Fraxinus angustifolia and Acer monspessulanum. In general, local forests have a varied composition and range from 350 m to 1121 m above sea level. The fauna of the park is able to surprise, it contains such unique mammals as magots, recognized as endangered species. In addition to primates, the following animals live in Taza Park: cheetah, maned ram, gundi, caracal, horse and saber-horned antelope, rocky hyrax, dune cat and other mammals. Hyraxes or zhiryaks are not the most typical mammal for Africa, however, they are found in large numbers in the Taza National Park. By itself, the hyrax is a small, stocky, herbivore animal. In Africa, there is a yellow-spotted or mountain hyrax, he is Bruce's Daman. Has the following appearance. The body is elongated by 32.5-56 cm, the weight is approximately 1.3-4.5 kg, and the females are somewhat larger than the males. The mountain hyrax is quite densely built, has a narrower muzzle than other hyraxes, for example, Cape. Outwardly, Bruce's daman looks like guinea pig or groundhog. The hairline is dense and coarse, up to 30 mm long, with black tips. The color of the fur is gray or brownish-red, the belly is always different in color - either white or cream. The spinal gland (up to 1.5 cm long) is yellow. Vibrissae up to 90 mm long grow on the face of the hyrax. Mountain hyraxes prefer to settle on rocky hills, screes and mountain slopes. In the mountains they can be found up to an altitude of 3,800 m above sea level. Mountain hyraxes live in colonies of up to 34 individuals, the basis of this life is a harem, i.e. The group includes one adult male, up to 17 adult females and young. Hyraxes are active during the day or on bright moonlit nights. If the daman senses danger, it emits piercing cries, thereby giving the rest a signal to hide. The damans are capable of speeds up to 5 m/s; jump well.

Tsavo National Park Location: Coastal Province, Kenya (between Nairobi and Mombasa) Total area: 22 thousand square meters. km. Year of foundation: 1944 Tsavo National Park is one of the largest national parks in the world. The park is divided into two zones - East Tsavo and West Tsavo. The landscape of East Tsavo is represented by a grassy savanna with thickets of thorny bushes, as well as a swampy area near the Voi River. Animal world The reserve is very diverse. Here live: lions, leopards, cheetahs, zebras, giraffes, servals, spotted hyenas, ostriches, gazelles, buffaloes, various types of antelopes. Also, more than 500 species of birds nest in the park, including migratory birds that settle here from late October to January. Sedentary species also live here: palm vulture, many types of weavers. So, the largest population of the African elephant lives here, which has up to seven thousand individuals. These animals like to douse themselves with red clay, which is why they are often called "red elephants"

Eastern Tsavo The territory of Eastern Tsavo, in fact, is an arid savannah, which is strewn with thickets of shrubs and many swamps. Here is the largest plateau on the planet - the Yatta Plateau, formed from cooled lava. During a drought, the Aruba dam, where animals come to drink, almost completely dries up. In this case, the animals go to the Ati River, which during high water (May, June, November) appears in all its splendor and ends with the seething Lugard waterfall. The reservoirs are home to a huge number of Nile crocodiles that prey on inattentive mammals trying to quench their thirst. In East Tsavo you can see elephants, ostriches, hippos, cheetahs, lions, giraffes, herds of zebras and antelopes. Near the waterfall is a reserve of black rhinos. All conditions have been created here to increase the population of these animals, since due to poachers their number has decreased to fifty individuals. In this part of the park there is a nesting place for many migratory birds arriving here at the end of October from Europe. Water cutters, palm vultures, weavers and other birds live here.

What is West Tsavo? The territory of Western Tsavo, compared to Eastern, is much smaller. The area of ​​this part of the national park is seven thousand square kilometers. However, there is a rather diverse flora and fauna, about 70 species of mammals live in these parts. The landscape of Western Tsavo is more rocky and there are also more varieties of vegetation than in the eastern part. Chulu is also located here - these are young mountains that were formed from compressed ash as a result of a volcanic eruption. They rise at a height of two thousand meters and absorb moisture, and then, feeding underground sources, return it to the earth. According to researchers, the age of the youngest mountain is about five hundred years. This part of Tsavo Park is also famous for the underground springs of Mzima Springs, which translates as “alive”. With the help of groundwater coming to the surface, many reservoirs have formed in the reserve, which provide mammals with vital moisture. Bathing hippos can often be found here, and white and black rhinos wander into the green thickets surrounding the lake. The latter can only be seen at night, during their activity, as these animals wait out the heat of the day in the shade of trees.

Serengeti and Ngorongoro National Parks Southeast of Kilimanjaro in Tanzania is another of Africa's famous national reserves, the Serengeti. By the way, Tanzania is the country where Africa has the most nature reserves. The area of ​​the Serengeti is more than 15 thousand square meters. km, it is the largest in the country. The ecosystem of this reserve is the least affected by human activities. The huge plateau on which the park is located is home to many varieties of animals and birds. It is very interesting to watch them, for example, during a safari. Particularly impressive are the spectacles of animal migration during periods of drought, when endless living strings move, passing a total of thousands of kilometers.

The central attraction of the Ngorongoro Reserve in Tanzania, formerly part of the Serengeti Park, is considered to be an extinct ruined crater of an ancient volcano. Its dimensions are amazing: diameter - more than 20 km; depth - 610 m; total area- 270 sq. km. It is interesting that a unique biosystem has formed in the crater - many species of animals living here have never been outside of it. The total number of animals inhabiting the crater exceeds 25 thousand. Inside the crater is an unusual Lake Magadi - salty, formed by hot springs. The lake is inhabited by several interesting views birds, including flamingos, herons and pelicans. On the slope near the crater is the grave of German zoologists Bernhard and Mikael Grzimek, who made a huge contribution to the study, preservation and popularization of the Serengeti and Ngorongoro parks.

Masai Mara National Reserve The Masai Mara is a nature reserve in southwestern Kenya. It is the northern extension of the Serengeti National Park. The reserve is named after the Masai tribe - the traditional population of the region and the Mara River, which separates it. The Masai Mara is famous for the large number of animals that live in it, as well as the annual wildebeest migration, which takes place in September and October. The area is 1510 km 2. Located in the East African Rift System, stretching from the Red Sea to South Africa. The landscape of the Masai Mara is a grassy savanna with acacia groves in the southeast. The western border of the reserve is formed by one of the slopes of the rift valley, and it is here that most of the animals live, since the swampy terrain guarantees access to water. The eastern border is located 220 km from Nairobi, which is the most visited by tourists.

Masai Mara is best known for its lions, which live here in large numbers. The most famous pride of lions, which is called the swamp pride, lives here. It has been monitored, according to unofficial data, since the late 1980s. In the early 2000s, a record was registered for the number of individuals in one pride - 29 lions. The reserve is home to endangered cheetahs, mainly due to the annoyance factor from tourists interfering with their daytime hunting. . The Masai Mara has the largest population of leopards in the world. All other animals of the "Big Five" also live in the reserve. The black rhino population is critically endangered, with only 37 individuals recorded in 2000. hippos large groups live in the rivers Mara and Talek. most large population among the animals of the reserve are wildebeest. Every year, around July, these animals migrate in huge herds north from the Serengeti plains in search of fresh grass, and in October they return back to the south. Other antelopes also live in the Masai Mara: Thomson's gazelle, Grant's gazelle, impala, topi, etc. Zebras and giraffes also live. Masai Mara is a major research center spotted hyena. More than 450 species of birds have been recorded in the reserve.

Kruger National Park Kruger National Park is one of the largest game reserves in Africa and one of the largest national parks in the world. Its area is 19,485 square kilometers. It is also the first national park in South Africa, which was opened in 1926, although the territory of the park has been protected by the state since 1898. The park is located in the east of the former Transvaal province between the Limpopo and Crocodile rivers (now the park is part of the provinces of Mpumalanga and Limpopo). In the east, the park borders on Mozambique. Total length The park from north to south is 340 km. The three main parts of the park (northern, central and southern) are formed by the Ulifants and Sabie rivers. The climate in the park is subtropical, the rainy season is usually from October to March (inclusive)

On the territory of the Kruger Park, the vegetation of the park savannah is characterized by light forests, dry deciduous forests, and cereals. The part of the park north of the Ulifants River is mopane weld, while the southern part is thornveld. 17 out of 47 tree species protected by the state grow in the park. Elephants, hippos, giraffes, rhinos, lions, leopards, Nile crocodiles, 17 species of antelopes. According to the park management, about 1,500 lions, 12,000 elephants, 2,500 buffaloes, 1,000 leopards and 5,000 rhinos (both white and black) live on its territory.

Mammals of Nyala Park African elephants Leopard Warthog White Rhino African Buffalo

Birds of the park More than 400 species of birds live in the park. Silver Eagle Brown-headed Kingfisher Toko Tockus leucomelas Buffoon Eagle Guinea Fowl Roller Roller

From snow-covered heights to the scorched land of the Bushveld, from subtropical beaches to the Kalahari Desert... South Africa is a territory where the incongruous combines in an unimaginable way. The best landscapes and the most fascinating places are concentrated in the country's parks and reserves. It is here that it is best to get acquainted with wildlife, enjoying its pristine purity and pristine. 91%D1%80%D1%8E%D1%81%D0%B0#/media/File:Ein_klippschliefer.jpg https://ru http: //