Knowledge of the world with early years begins through listening and reading fairy tales. In them, good always triumphs over evil, they teach you to be brave and believe in your dream.

Beautiful fabulous birds are very popular characters not only in fairy tales, but also in other works. Bright unusual plumage is the personification of the magical world. Luxurious tails and wings have repeatedly inspired famous artists to create paintings and architectural structures.

IN elementary school this topic will be very interesting. In drawing lessons at school and in art circles, you can devote a separate lesson to these characters.


The general education program on drawing separately highlights the theme "Fairytale Bird". Grade 2 high school children of 8 years old visit - this is the optimal age for the realization of fabulous fantasies. The child already distinguishes colors and their shades well, is familiar with many techniques of drawing and making crafts.

The surest way to turn drawing not only into a useful, but also an exciting activity is to interest the child.

This can be done with a visual demonstration. Show the children pictures, tell the mythological stories of the peoples of the world and this will certainly stimulate them creativity. Pencils and paints, applications and figurines will awaken the child's imagination.

Modern techniques are endless - audio and video recordings can also be used in art lessons. They will help develop imagination and a sense of artistic taste.

Colors and paints

After looking at the pictures, you can begin to discuss the choice of palette for the future masterpiece. Fairy birds can be not only warm fiery shades, but also cold ice ones. Try to pick up Right words and associations. Yellow, orange and red birds awaken energy and activity, blue and purple feathers bring calm and hope. Each child will be able to choose the palette that meets his ideas about magic.

real birds

Another effective technique that will help arouse interest in the image of a fabulous bird can be to introduce children to live birds. Here you can apply different forms. For example, with the help of a game, you can invite children to list all the birds they know - from the most common to the most exotic.

The partial search method will undoubtedly interest the child and help to express himself. Swans and peacocks, hummingbirds and flamingos are found in books and zoos, so children can describe them most accurately. Moreover, it will be useful to analyze the differences between them.

All fabulous birds have much in common with real characters. This is what should be the basis for creativity in the classroom.

Draw with pencils

The simplest and accessible way is drawing. A fairy bird can be made with both pencils and paints.

On a piece of paper, draw a future magical bird with a pencil. First you need to draw the torso and head of an oval and round shape, connecting them with a neck. A graceful long tail is drawn arbitrarily, with a few precise pencil movements.

We work out the head in detail - we draw a beak and eyes. You can draw a perky crest with curls.

Using the same pencil, draw feathers on the body of the bird. We draw each pen separately, the lines should be curved, smooth. Maximum detail will help to paint over each element. Try not to press hard on the pencil. Remove unnecessary lines with an eraser.

A long fluffy tail is the main decoration of the picture. Also draw feathers, as on wings, make a few feathers curly. This will make the drawing more dynamic and alive. We draw the body with small feathers.

Making an application

Colored paper and glue will also help the child bring the magical bird to life. First, draw a sketch of the future crafts. Each element is cut out from different colored paper. Do not limit children's imagination: use the most intricate decor. Glitter, foil and even colored feathers are ideal. This activity develops logical thinking and fantasy in children.

You can decorate a postcard with an application, which will become a memorable souvenir for loved ones and give warmth to children's hands.

Fabulous paper birds will decorate the interior of a children's room or art room.


Fairy birds can also be made in a fairly popular Lately quilling technique. First you need to draw a sketch on paper. Using a variety of colored stripes, form individual elements and fill each detail with them. The most interesting will be the manufacture of plumage, which can be twisted in any direction. This technique will introduce the child to three-dimensional shapes and colors, and will become an ideal field for imagination.

Anastasia Fokina

Abstract of a drawing lesson for children of the senior group.

Theme: "Wonder Bird"

Tasks: consolidation of previously acquired knowledge about various folk styles, memory training (remembering the heroes of fairy tales, developing fantasy, developing drawing skills.

Preliminary work: drawing with children birds.

Materials: pictures depicting miracle birds (Gorodets painting, Gzhel, Dymkovo toy, illustrations by Bilibin and Vasnetsov, characters from films and cartoons, drawings by contemporary artists, pencils and colored pencils.

Educator: Guys, today we will talk with you, and then we will try to draw a magical, fabulous miracle bird. Magic birds are often found in fairy tales, cartoons and films. Also, images of such birds can be found in illustrations for books and in paintings by famous artists. Sometimes it's completely incredible creatures, which bear little resemblance to existing birds. Guys, remember where you met birds that look so unusual?

The children answer. If they find it difficult, you can remind them of the fairy tale about the Firebird, Dymkovo toys in the form of birds, recall the image of birds in the Gorodets painting, Gzhel, and other styles known to children. Here it is worth pointing out characteristics, for example, the presence of a geometric or floral pattern on a bird, unusual shape wings, head and so on. You can, for example, talk about Gamayuns - prophetic birds from Slavic mythology with the head of a man and the body of a bird.

Educator: That's how many different birds you remembered! Guys, it also happens that a bird looks quite ordinary, but can do something that existing birds cannot do. Remember these birds.

The children answer. They can be reminded of talking birds, for example, the Golden Scallop Cockerel, the Ugly Duckling, the Swallow from the fairy tale about Thumbelina ... You can recall the Ryaba Hen, which laid golden eggs, as well as the heroes of modern cartoons.

Educator: Well done! I also remember that in fairy tales there are incredible transformations of people into birds. Can you remember such stories?

The children answer. You can remember the Swan Princess from the fairy tale about Tsar Saltan, Eliza's brothers from the fairy tale "Wild Swans", the heroes of modern films and cartoons.

Educator: We remembered a lot unusual birds Now let's take a break.

There is a warm-up at the choice of the teacher.

Educator: now we ourselves will try to draw an unusual, magical bird, but first we definitely need to remember what any bird will have, no matter how magical it is?

Children: head, body, wings, beak, legs.

Educator: Well, remember our past drawing lessons (you can specify the steps for drawing a bird, think well, well, what bird do you want to draw, take a pencil and get to work!

The lesson ends with a joint review of the finished work and their discussion. It’s good if one of the children wants to tell a story about their bird or explain something.

Some of the work we have done:

Already drew +7 I want to draw +7 Thank you + 73

Step 1.

At the beginning of the drawing of the firebird, draw the approximate general shape of the body of the firebird and its legs. Remember, these are just the initial contours, you should not draw the details at this stage completely, you may have to correct them. For the initial contours of the firebird, you need to draw an oval for the body and triangles for the wings. The tail of the firebird will consist of an arbitrary shape, copy it from my drawing to your sheet. It is also worth painting on the initial contours of the paws of the firebird, so as not to forget to draw them in the future.

Step 2

At this stage, we will start drawing the wings of the firebird. First you need to outline the base of the wings. In birds, wings are arms, but they are, of course, different from human ones. If you look at how a bird's wing is arranged, it is easy to determine this. Wings draw like twigs on a tree. Next, draw curved lines of feathers on them. Now you can draw the body of the firebird, but for this, erase the preliminary extra contour lines. Draw an eye for the firebird and a small tuft at the top. There are many small feathers on the body of the bird, they must be drawn. Try to draw as if the scales.

Step 3

Now you need to draw feathers for the firebird. You need to draw the firebird with all the effects, so the feathers must be drawn in detail. Let's get back to the drawing. Draw the lower contour lines of the wings in a zigzag pattern. After from the previous bases of the wings, take away the bent long "leaves". These will be the main feathers of the firebird.

Step 4

Now you need to draw curved lines from the previous zigzag to the "leaves". Try to make lines with the same slope, except for the bottom lines, which are closer to the body. In detail, we will start drawing the tail of the firebird a little later, but for now it will look like a snag. To draw a tail, you need to divide the tail into three parts. Fill in these parts with shapes that look like orchid flowers.

Firebird - famous character many Russian folk tales. Usually some hero is sent to look for the firebird. She is not visible during the day, hiding in the Gardens of Eden, only at night you can see her, and if possible, then catch her. Then she can fulfill all your desires. It all consists of gold and silver feathers, shimmers, and the light from it emanates such that at night it becomes light as during the day. His bright light it can easily blind a person. In the famous fairy tale P.P. Ershov "Humpbacked Horse", this fabulous bird was caught by Ivan Tsarevich. Do you want to learn how to draw this wonderful bird? Then take your pencils and go, we will teach you this on our website.

Stage 1. We draw auxiliary lines for our future Firebird. First, draw a body, it is small in the form of an uneven oval in the middle of the sheet. We draw a line through it - an axis, at the top of which we outline a round head. On the sides of the body we outline the lines of future wings, open in different directions. They are straight lines, from which smooth curves depart, connecting with the body. From the left wing below, draw the lines of the tail.

Stage 2. Now let's start drawing the individual parts. First, we will smoothly outline the head, select a pointed beak from two parts, from the head comes Long neck smoothly connected to the body.

Stage 3. Draw round eyes on the head. Lines of feathers extend from the back of the head, they are long, curved, ending with fans at the tips. At the bottom of the calf we place the bent foot of the bird.

Stage 4. On the left wing we denote the feathers of the Firebird. At first they are small, the same in size, then they expand, as if swing open and become wider, larger in size. They depart in different directions.

Stage 5. We also draw feathers on the right wing. We repeat everything in the same sequence, only in the opposite direction.

Stage 6. On the left wing, draw the final rows of feathers. They are getting longer, forming a huge fan.

Stage 7. On the right wing, we also finalize the wing by drawing rows of feathers.

Stage 8. Now you need to draw a beautiful tail. It consists of several huge beautiful feathers. Dissolving the feathers of the tail, the Firebird becomes something like a peacock.

Stage 9. We draw additional tail feathers. They are bizarrely bent in different directions.

Stage 10. And now we finalize the entire tail. On the sides of it we draw two more large feathers. They consist of fans with jagged edges.

Stage 11. The final stage in the execution of our drawing is, of course, decorating our Firebird. It should be bright, gorgeous colors. The miracle bird glows with a bright light, dazzles everyone who sees it with its beauty and magnificence. We decorate it in yellow, orange, red, beige colors. The Firebird has opened its wings and shows itself in all its glory. Wonder how good!

Today I want to invite you to draw a fabulous Firebird!

I think it will be interesting and exciting not only for children!

In a wonderful country.
On earth or on the moon
A miracle bird settled -
The real queen.
Surprise with beauty
Feathers, golden tail.
Sparkling with rainbow light...
And her name is the Firebird.
It's a pity that only in a dream
You fly to me.

© Shkonda Natalia

Why don't we put such a bird in our house?
Today I want to invite you to draw a fabulous Firebird! I think it will be interesting and exciting not only for children! For the first time we get acquainted with the Firebird in Russian folk tales, for example, in the fairy tale "The Little Humpbacked Horse" by Pyotr Pavlovich Ershov and in many others.

What does this symbolize amazing bird? I think she looks like a dream-fulfilling bird!

For drawing we need:
Wax crayons or pencils.

Your drawing will look more expressive if you use wax crayons, especially for tracing the outline and coloring the feathers.
While sketching, speak with the child the name of the fragments of the drawing.

First, let's outline the main parts: head, neck, body, tail. Photo-2.

Now we begin to draw the main and auxiliary elements on the wings and tail. On the tail we draw small feathers in the form of droplets. Photo-3.

This is how the base should look like. Photo-4.

With the help of an orange crayon we add volume to our bird.
We paint over the internal parts of the head, neck and body.
Outline the wings and feathers on the tail, without filling the middle. Photo-5.

With bright yellow crayon, you need to fill in those places that remained empty.
This will give shine to our fabulous bird. Photo-6.

Now we will draw the head.
Draw a crest of several curls on the head and decorate them with dots. Photo-7.

Let's draw a beak, eyes, add eyelashes.
At this stage, you can outline the outline with a brighter color. Photo-8.

We complete the drawing.
Add paws, yellow shining feathers on the tail and decorative elements on the wings. Photo-9.

To make the bird come to life, you need to draw grass and flowers, then it turns out that it takes off!
If you paint the sky bright blue or blue, then in contrast we will see that the Firebird really burns and sparkles! Photo-10.

What a wonderful fabulous bird turned out! You can please loved one this drawing!

This gift is a symbol of rebirth, a symbol that everything will change for the better! The main thing is to believe that the Firebird brings good luck!

© Obolentseva Anastasia, for
The author of the poem, © Shkonda Natalia.