The first months of fighting on the Eastern Front showed a significant advantage of the heavy Soviet KV and T-34 over German tanks And anti-tank artillery Wehrmacht. The German Pak 35/36 anti-tank gun could not effectively deal with Soviet combat vehicles equipped with anti-cannon armor. Due to its low efficiency, the German soldiers called this gun a "mallet" or "cracker", and German military leaders later called the confrontation between the T-34 and Pak 35/36 "a dramatic chapter in the history of the German infantry."

The Germans had 88 mm anti-aircraft guns, which they successfully used against Soviet tanks, but it was not very convenient. These guns were bulky, expensive, few of them, and they could not always cover the infantry from the advance of tanks. The Germans tried to solve the problem by using special ammunition, sub-caliber and HEAT shells, but this only partially resolved the issue. Worst of all was something else: in close combat with enemy tanks German soldiers remained practically unarmed, since to destroy the formidable combat vehicle using a grenade is very difficult.

It was necessary to look for a different solution, and the German designers found it: at the beginning of 1943, the first 500 Faustpatrons entered service with the Wehrmacht. This weapon was simple and cheap, while at the same time highly effective. His work was based on the dynamo-reactive principle. During the war years, German industry produced 8,254,300 units various modifications this weapon.

The history of the creation of Faustpatron

"Faustpatron" (Panzerfaust or Faustpatrone) was developed by HASAG (Hugo Schneider AG) under the direction of Dr. Heinrich Langweiler. He was faced with the task of creating a simple and effective remedy fighting enemy tanks short distances. It is believed that the Germans were inspired to create the Panzerfaust by familiarity with the American bazooka.

However, there are significant differences between the bazooka and the Faustpatrone: the bazooka is, in fact, a portable rocket launcher, "Faustpatron" is more like a recoilless gun. The Panzerfaust grenade launcher was designed in such a way that any infantryman could use it after a short briefing. The American bazooka had a constant and well-trained crew.

During the war years, the Wehrmacht received several modifications of the Panzerfaust, "Faustpatron" is, rather, the collective name for all types of these weapons.

The first "Faustpatron" did not have a sight, its pointed front part often ricocheted off tank armor, and the weight of the explosive in the warhead was insufficient. The manufacturer took into account these shortcomings, and very quickly a modernized version of the weapon, the Panzerfaust, was adopted by the Wehrmacht. In this modification, the size and mass of the head of the grenade was increased, its front part was made in the form of a flat platform, and the weight of the explosive increased. All this led to an increase in the armor penetration of weapons.

"Faustpatron" received exactly that classic appearance, familiar to us from war films and turned into a simple and deadly weapon, which leaves almost no chance for any tank.

A hallmark of the Panzerfaust was its ease of production and low cost.

With a grenade mass of 3.25 kg, the Faustpatron could penetrate the armor of any Soviet tank. The following figures speak of the effectiveness of this weapon: from January to April 1944, the Germans, using the Faustpatron, destroyed more than 250 Soviet tanks.

This weapon had a great resource for further modernization, which the developers took advantage of already at the beginning of 1944. The changes that were made to the Faustpatron affected almost all the characteristics of this weapon. The new modification was named Panzerfaust 60. The range of aimed fire increased to 60 meters, increased fighting qualities weapons, its production was simplified. Main changes:

  • Increasing the caliber of the launch tube to 50 mm, as well as increasing the thickness of its walls. This made it possible to increase the weight of gunpowder in the propellant charge, which increased the speed and range of the grenade.
  • The grenade was connected to the stem thanks to a special latch, not a thread, which simplified the loading process and made it possible to install a front sight.
  • The push-button type percussion mechanism has been replaced with a simpler and more reliable lever type. The igniter cap has been replaced.
  • Panzerfaust 60 received a more advanced sight.
  • The mass of the upgraded weapon has increased to 6.25 kg.

The use of "Faustpatrons" in the vast territories of the USSR was less effective than in a densely populated Eastern Europe due to the short range of the grenade launcher. The German industry was rapidly increasing the production of Panzerfaust: if in April 1944 the Wehrmacht received 100 thousand units of this weapon, then in November of the same year this figure amounted to 1.084 million units. It is for these reasons that most tanks were shot down with the help of Faustpatrons at the final stage of the war. At the end of the war, the Panzerfaust became the main anti-tank weapon of the Wehrmacht, the Waffen-SS troops and militia units. German troops on the front line had several units of such weapons per fighter, which significantly strengthened the anti-tank defense and increased the losses of Soviet tanks.

The need for this weapon in the troops was so great that the military, on their own initiative, set up the collection of disposable launch tubes of the Faustpatron to send them to factories for secondary equipment.

However, Soviet soldiers also gained experience in dealing with grenade launchers. Each tank was defended by a whole group of infantrymen located at a distance of 100-200 meters from it.

German designers continued to work on improving the grenade launcher. At the end of 1944, a new modification of the Panzerfaust appeared, which could fire at a hundred meters. In addition, the armor-piercing ability of the new grenade launcher and the accuracy of its shooting have increased. The Panzerfaust-100 became a truly formidable opponent for any Allied tank, including the heaviest vehicles.

To reduce losses from new German weapons, Soviet tankers shielded their vehicles, changed tactics, tried to avoid close combat.

At the very end of the war, the Teutonic gloomy genius brought to the surface another Panzerfaust model, which had a firing range of up to 150 meters and could be used several times. To increase the firing range, the aerodynamic characteristics of the grenade were improved by changing its shape and reducing the diameter. Stabilizers and special grooves ensured a steady flight of the grenade. The maximum flight range was 300 meters, and the effective firing distance was 150 meters. It was possible to put on a steel shirt with a notch on the body of the grenade, which, when detonated, gave a large number of fragments. So the new grenade launcher became effective not only against enemy tanks, but also against his manpower.

However, HASAG managed to release only 500 copies of the new grenade launcher, and in April Leipzig was captured by the Americans. The Germans also worked on the creation of the "Faustpatron" with effective range firing 250 meters, which was very reminiscent of modern grenade launchers, but they could not realize these plans, Germany capitulated.

"Faustpatrons" inflicted huge damage Soviet troops during the battle for Berlin: in total, more than 800 Soviet tanks and self-propelled guns were destroyed in this battle, most of which were hit by grenade launchers.

"Faustpatron" can be called one of the most effective types weapons german army. In terms of price-performance ratio, it was unmatched. Having created the Panzerfaust, the Germans practically opened a new direction in the weapons business.

Description Panzerfaust

The Faustpatron is a disposable anti-tank grenade launcher that used the same operating principle as recoilless rifles. Its device was very simple. The grenade did not have its own jet engine, the propellant charge was placed in the launch tube of the weapon and fired the grenade. After its ignition, the powder gases pushed the grenade forward and escaped from the barrel back, compensating for the recoil.

The trigger mechanism and sights were mounted on the launch tube. On later modifications of the faustpatron, the grenade received four folding stabilizers. The grenade charge consisted of a mixture of tol and RDX.

Sights consisted of a folding bar and the edge of the grenade shell. In the stowed position, the aiming bar was attached to the eye of the grenade with a pin and blocked the trigger.

The top of the aiming bar and the front sight were painted with luminescent paint for the convenience of aiming at night.

To make a shot, a grenade launcher was placed under the arm, aimed and pressed on the trigger button. The shooter must be careful, since the jet of powder gases from the back of the weapon reached 4 meters and could, reflected from any obstacles, concuss the shooter. Therefore, the Panzerfaust could not be fired from enclosed spaces.

After the shot, the grenade fuse was cocked, it worked when it met with any obstacle.

The performance characteristics of Faustpatron

Video about the grenade launcher

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Panzerfaust 60 in good condition. The paint coating has been restored, completely discharged. This is the most common modification, the production of which began in August 1944. The firing distance has been increased to 60 meters, for which the diameter of the launch tube has been increased from 44 to 50 mm, and the mass of the propellant charge has been increased to 134 g. The firing mechanism has also been improved. The weight of the weapon has increased to 6.1 kg.

Panzerfaust (German Panzerfaust, armored fist) - german grenade launcher single use from World War II. In connection with the appearance of the Luftfaust project (prototype of MANPADS), the progenitor company changed its name from Faustpatron to Panzerfaust. One of its modifications (Panzerfaust 150) became the basis for the creation of the Soviet analogue of the RPG-2.
The image of the invincibility of tanks compared to infantry faded with the advent of the Panzerschreck and Offenror anti-tank rocket weapons and finally ceased to exist after the appearance in August 1943 of the Faustpatron disposable anti-tank grenade launchers. A recoilless weapon firing a rocket-propelled grenade with a cumulative warhead was developed by the designers of the Leipzig company HASAG - Hugo Schneider AG. Modern name weapons - shooting grenade. Dr. Heinrich Langweiler supervised the work. Depending on the version of the Faustpatron (warhead caliber), its cumulative grenade struck a steel armor plate with a thickness of 140 to 200 mm, and a grenade that never entered service with the Faustpatron - 150M pierced a steel plate 280-320 mm thick.
Development began in 1942 on enlarged samples of the faustpatron. As a result, a panzerfaust was developed, which is a steel pipe with a diameter of 5 cm and a length of 1 meter. On top was a sight and a starter. Aiming was carried out by combining the sight and the upper edge of the warhead. Inside the pipe was placed a charge of smoky hunting powder in a cardboard cap. In the first versions of the Panzerfaust, the powder cap was put into the pipe by soldiers before firing. He also equipped the mine with a separately supplied fuse. Ahead was located warhead 15 cm in diameter, weighing up to 3 kg and containing 0.8 kg of explosive. The explosive was a heterogeneous "alloy" of RDX powder in TNT. It is impossible to obtain a real alloy of these substances - TNT heated to the melting point of hexogen detonates, therefore, hexogen powder was added to the TNT melt and stirred, cooled. The stability of the flight path of the mine was provided by a flexible stabilizer of four feathers of springy steel. Before the shot, the stabilizer feathers were placed in the launch tube in a mine shank coiled (wound) on the rod (it is accurate from wood). When fired, due to the elasticity, the stabilizer feathers unfolded, and provided the projectile with a more or less stable flight. At first glance, the uncomplicated design was distinguished by enviable functionality: the elongated nose cone not only gave the mine an aerodynamic shape, when it hit the armor, it, rumpled, excluded the rebound, gave time for the inertial fuse to work. The explosion of the projectile "out of focus" caused a gentle notch to appear on the armor - "witch hickey" in the front-line language .. A red inscription in German was applied to the pipe: “Achtung! Feuerstrahl! ("Caution! Jet blast!"), warning soldiers not to stand behind the shooter. The action of a jet stream on a person up to 3 meters behind the rear cut of the launch tube was fatal. According to the instructions, there should be 10 meters of free space behind the shooter. Like the Faustpatron, the Panzerfaust was disposable. The grenade pierced steel armor plate up to 200 mm thick.
In urban combat conditions, a short distance made it possible to use weapons with high (albeit later greatly exaggerated) efficiency, which was especially noticeable in the battle for Berlin. The simplicity of the weapon made it possible to create it in the conditions of a besieged city and immediately transfer it to low-skilled defenders.
Many panzerfausts were delivered to Finland as anti-tank weapons against Soviet T-34 and IS-2 tanks.
Samples of captured "faustpatrons" (as the soldiers of the allied forces mistakenly called both panzerfausts and faustpatrons) were used by the Soviet army and industry of the USSR in the development of the first domestic RPG-2 grenade launcher.
According to Wikipedia.

Chinese products. Airsoft version of the Panzerfaust anti-tank grenade launcher.
This model is a modification of the Panzerfaust - Panzerfaust 60. 60 means - that real model hit at a distance of 60 meters (by the end of the war, the Germans brought the range of the Panzerfaust to 200 meters).

The manufacturer of this device is unknown - there was an inscription on the boxes - S.H.I. - Spide Heavy Industries. Maybe it's the manufacturer. The grenade launcher is supplied in two boxes - head and pipe separately...

Weight - about 3-4 kg. The pipe is metal. But the head, unfortunately, is made of plastic like textolite. To the touch, it seems to be strong - it’s still not worth dropping or being an enemy ...


There is a plastic cap on the end of the grenade launcher. Which can be removed .. In principle, for this, the Chinese can be given a solid "five" - ​​with a plug, a grenade launcher can be placed on the ground without fear that earth or debris will fill it ...

The head is attached to the pipe quite primitively - it simply slips into the groove and is fastened with a pin (it is immediately recommended to tie the pin with some kind of rope - because you can ... t)

Incomplete parsing.

The head is disassembled into two parts according to the principle of a nesting doll and fixed with grooves by rotating the halves clockwise. The trigger system can be observed inside.

The trigger system is a metal rod - which, moving along the pipe, presses on the valve on the grenade and thereby initiates it ...

The grenade launcher is designed for conventional 40mm airsoft grenades.

The grenade is inserted into the upper half of the head. It is fixed only due to friction forces - but it goes quite tightly. I turned the half over - the grenade did not fall .... There is another plastic plug on the front that closes the hole for the grenade charge to fly out. So, outwardly with a plug, the grenade launcher also does not differ much from its own combat prototype. And the entourage is not broken. For this, Chinese manufacturers receive another "five". Of course, the plug must be removed to shoot.

The principle of operation is similar to a combat grenade launcher. Let's uncheck the sight and cock it (and at the same time it is also a fuse). Then we press the lever ..... And voila - we earn ourselves a patch on the sleeve)))

I was very pleased that, thanks to the variety of airsoft grenades, the grenade launcher is universal.
Ordinary 40mm grenades can work on infantry, while specialized ones (which fire paintballs or special charges) you can work on the technique ...

Photo special grenades attached...

Pros - entourage appearance, ease of use, versatility, the presence of plugs.
Cons - a plastic head, and a slightly unfinished striker system (I'm afraid it will not put much pressure on the grenade valve).

Photos of special grenades ...

Grenades firing special "charges"

Paintball shooting grenade.

Panzerfaust grenade launcher (armored (tank) fist) - German single-use grenade launcher from the Second World War.

He came to replace the faustpatron and was used by the German troops until the end of the war. One of its modifications (Panzerfaust 150) became the basis for the Soviet counterpart RPG-2.


The image of the invincibility of tanks compared to infantry faded with the advent of anti-tank rifles Panzerschreck and Ofenrohr, and finally ceased to exist after the appearance in August 1943 of the Faustpatron disposable anti-tank grenade launchers. This rocket-propelled weapon was developed by the designers of the Leipzig company Hazag. Depending on the version of the Faustpatron, its rocket-propelled grenade hit a steel sheet with a thickness of 140 to 200 mm, and a grenade that never entered service with the Faustpatron - 150 m could pierce a steel sheet 280-320 mm thick.

The development of the Panzerfaust grenade launcher began in 1942 on enlarged Faustpatrone samples. As a result, Panzerfaust was developed, which is a steel pipe with a diameter of 5 cm and a length of 1 meter. On top was a sight and a starter. Aiming was carried out by combining the sight and the upper edge of the warhead. A charge of gunpowder was placed inside the tube. Ahead was a warhead with a diameter of 15 cm, weighing up to 3 kg and containing 0.8 kg of explosive.

A red inscription in German was applied to the pipe: “Achtung! Feuerstrahl! ("Watch out! Jet blast!"), warning soldiers not to stand behind the user of the weapon. Jet blast burns up to 3 meters away were fatal. According to the instructions, there should be 10 meters of free space behind the shooter. Like the Faustpatrone, the Panzerfaust was disposable and discarded after being fired. The projectile could penetrate steel sheet up to 200 mm thick.

In urban combat conditions, a short distance made it possible to use weapons with high (albeit later greatly exaggerated) efficiency, which was especially noticeable in the battle for Berlin. The simplicity of the weapon made it possible to create it in the conditions of a besieged city and immediately transfer it to low-skilled defenders.

Many panzerfausts were sold to Finland as the main anti-tank weapon against the Soviet T-34 and IS-2 tanks.


Part of the captured "faustpatrons" (as the soldiers of the allied forces mistakenly called both panzerfausts and faustpatrons) was also used by the Soviet army in the development of the first samples of the RPG-2.

The very first version of the weapon was the Panzerfaust 30 "Gretchen", developed by Dr. Langweiter from the company "Hugo Schneider AG", officially it was called "Panzerfaust 30 small" (kleine). It was a pipe 762 mm long, from which a cumulative grenade with a mass of 1.5 kg and a diameter of 100 mm was fired at a speed of approximately 30 m / s. The ammunition used the cumulative Monroe principle: a high-explosive charge had a cone-shaped notch on the inside, covered with copper, with a wide part forward. When such a projectile hit the armor plate, the charge detonated at some distance from it and the entire force of the explosion rushed forward. The charge burned through the copper cone at its top, which in turn created the effect of a thin directed jet of molten metal and hot gases hitting the armor at a speed of about 6000 m / s. "Panzerfaust 30 (small)" did not have sights, and the maximum effect was achieved when firing at a distance of up to 30 meters: the grenade was able to penetrate a 140 mm armor sheet at an angle of 30 degrees. The shot was carried out with the help of an expelling charge placed inside the pipe,

The Panzerfaust 30 kleine was replaced by the Panzerfaust 30 grenade launcher, used since August 1943, which was distinguished by a warhead of increased diameter and increased armor penetration. The number 30 means the weapon's nominal maximum range in meters.

The most common version of the grenade launcher is the Panzerfaust 60, which began production in August 1944. The distance was increased to 60 meters, for which the pipe diameter was increased from 4.4 to 5 cm and the mass of the charge was increased by 134 g. The launch mechanism was also improved. As a result, the mass of the grenade launcher was increased.

The latest version of the Panzerfaust weapon is the Panzerfaust 100 grenade launcher, which entered the troops in November 1944. The nominal distance has been increased to 150 meters. The diameter of the pipe was again increased to 6 cm. Holes with luminescent marks appeared on the sight at 30, 60, 80 and 150 meters.

In addition, at the very end of the war, a limited series of Panzerfaust 150 was released. The changes affected head part, and the charge was divided into two parts, which increased the projectile speed to 85 m / s and penetration. The pipe could be reused up to ten times.

Also, the Panzerfaust 250 grenade launcher was planned for release in September 1945, but the development was not completed.

modifications with grenades

In addition, many modifications of the panzerfaust were made:

One of the projects allowed to use it as anti-personnel weapons: included a small rocket, Kleinrakete zur Infanteriebekampfung ("small anti-infantry rocket"), the warhead was 24.5 cm long and 7.6 cm in diameter, only a few copies of this design were made because it turned out that the range was the same as that of rifle grenades.

In late 1944, the Panzerfaust 150 used a projectile (with an increased fragmentation effect) with a connection to shrapnel rings (Splitterringe), notched like hand grenades, to increase the fragmentation effect. Such a grenade simultaneously hit both the tank and the infantry Soviet army, often located on the armor.

Another development was the Schrappnellfaust ("shrapnel fist"), unlike the Panzerfaust, it was rechargeable, also designed to defeat infantry. The Shrapnel Fist weighed 8 kg and had a maximum range of 400 meters.

In January 1945, a new warhead was developed for the Panzerfaust called the Verbesserte Panzerfaust ("improved armor fist"). This modification had a tube diameter of 160 mm with variable detonation distance. There is no evidence that this warhead was used by the Wehrmacht.

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