On each young man, after reaching a certain age, an obligation is imposed in the form of serving in the ranks Russian army. Enough a large number of nuances are connected with this, starting from documentation and so on, but in this case the question is: from what day does the countdown of military service begin? Because many young men might not have received accurate information.

Service start

If we turn to the fundamental laws, namely, to the Federal Law "On military duty and the passage military service”, the countdown does not begin from the first day of departure or any other, but from the day when the young man who entered the service is awarded the first rank. It is the date of acquiring the title of "private" that can be considered the starting point of the path young man in the ranks of employees - the beginning of the service. This process takes place after his arrival at the recruiting station.

But the title is not awarded from the moment the private arrived at the place of conscription only because of the presence of the young man. This happens only after passing a special medical commission at the collection point. Only at the end of this procedure, the conscript is honorably awarded the title of "private".

There are no exceptions to the rule, but in order to make sure, a young private should check his military ID for a special inscription indicating that he arrived on time, on a certain day.

After acquisition this rank and the countdown begins. After that, the privates should be sent to the units intended for them. However, in some cases it happens that young men can be detained for a week or two at the collection point. This may be due to a number of specific reasons, but the main one may be due to the fact that it is allowed to have a certain number of conscripts as a reserve. Subsequently, they are assigned to the places of those who could not, for any reason, start the service, either for health reasons, or for family or other reasons.

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However, it must be borne in mind that the privates who are in the reserve can under no circumstances be sent back to the military commissariat. IN without fail they are sent to replenish the number of employees in various directions throughout Russian Federation. Along with this, even the command may be denied leave or dispatch to other units from the assembly point.


Another issue that interests soldiers no less sharply is whether the number of days, or a certain time, that will be spent in order to get home, is included in the term of service. Before the release of the Federal Law, dating back to the beginning of 2008, the rules allowed for a small “discount” for especially distinguished servicemen.

However new law ordered in such a way that from now on, privates who have shown positive qualities during the service will be denied leave or early demobilization. From now on, those who showed remarkable courage and discipline, possessing positive qualities, and those who were the opposite of the first were equated to the same rule, with no exceptions.

Following from the above, the term of service in the army is determined by the year, without any concessions. The day when an ordinary soldier is crossed out from the list of the unit will be the day of completion of the military service of an ordinary soldier. Some exceptions are acceptable, but only in certain cases, for example:

  • if the soldier is being treated in a hospital due to any disease;
  • rank and file own will decides to remain in the unit until the day when a vehicle arrives to transport military personnel who have gone to the reserve to their destination, whether individually or in a group;
  • a soldier takes part in shipping campaigns;
  • the private was detained as a prisoner, as a hostage or an internee;
  • a soldier is absent for undetermined reasons, and the term of service will continue only if his whereabouts or his death is established;
  • if a member of the armed forces is suspected or confirmed to be a criminal, in which case special methods suppression: detention with being in a guardhouse.

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The procedure for conscription into the army in 2020 in the Russian Federation is regulated by the Federal Law of March 28, 1998 No. 53-FZ "On military duty and military service", as well as by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 11, 2006 No. 663 "On approval of the Regulations on conscription for military service citizens of the Russian Federation".

Citizens who are exempted from the performance of military duty, conscription for military service, and citizens who are not subject to conscription for military service are also not called up for military service.

The decision to call up citizens for military service can only be made after they reach the age of 18 full years. Persons over 27 years of age are not subject to conscription. If, upon reaching the age of 27, a citizen had the right to a deferment and did not serve, then he is issued a military ID.

Terms of spring and autumn conscription into the army

You can only be drafted into the army during the terms of conscription. The call is carried out twice a year (spring and autumn calls) on the basis of the relevant decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, which indicate the dates (dates) of the start of the call and when the call ends.

Spring conscription - starts on April 01 and lasts until July 15.

For example, in 2018, the spring conscription was established by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On the conscription in April - July 2018 of citizens of the Russian Federation for military service and on the dismissal from military service of citizens undergoing military service."

In 2019, in accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian FederationThe spring conscription also took place from April 01 to July 15.

The term of the spring conscription in the army in 2020 is from April 01 to July 15, 2020.

Autumn conscription - runs from 01 October to 31 December.

The autumn call is also established by Decrees by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation.

The deadline for the autumn conscription in the army in 2020 is from October 01 to December 31, 2020.

There are exceptions to the general recruitment periods:

  • Citizens living in certain regions of the Far North or certain areas equated to regions of the Far North are called up for military service during the spring draft from May 1 to July 15 or during the autumn draft from November 1 to December 31.
  • citizens living in countryside and directly employed in sowing and harvesting work, may be called up for military service from October 15 to December 31;
  • citizens who are teaching staff educational organizations, are called up for military service from May 1 to July 15.

Military service in 2020

The term of military service is established by Article 38 federal law"On military duty and military service".

Until 2008, the term of service in the army was two years. In 2006, the legislation on military service was amended and the time of service in the army was reduced to 12 months.

For example, for military personnel who do not have military rank officer and those called up for military service before January 1, 2007, the term of service was 24 months.

For military personnel called up for military service after January 1, 2008, regardless of whether the conscript has higher education or not available, the term of service in the army is 12 months.

For servicemen undergoing military service under a contract, the term of military service is established in accordance with the contract for military service.

Some people say that they will soon increase the term of service in the army and in 2020 or 2021 it will be necessary to serve 2 years. We hasten to reassure future conscripts. While this information is not confirmed and is a rumor. The draft law on increasing the term of service in the army for consideration in State Duma RF has not been received.

New rules for receiving a subpoena. Conscripts who have not received a summons will be required to independently appear at the military registration and enlistment office. This bill was passed in 2019.The former method of notifying citizens - serving subpoenas against receipt - has been preserved. However, introduced new way- it is proposed to send summonses by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt to the address indicated in the military registration documents.

Failure to appear on the agenda provides for administrative and criminal liability.

Medical commission in the military registration and enlistment office

Before joining the army, conscripts are subject to a mandatory medical examination. Citizens are summoned to events related to conscription for military service, including to undergo a medical examination, by subpoenas of the military commissariat.

All conscripts are subject to a call for a medical examination and a meeting of the draft commission, except for those who have a deferment from conscription.

The draft commission makes a decision regarding the conscript only after determining the category of his fitness for military service.

Based on the results of a medical examination, doctors give an opinion on the suitability of a citizen for military service in the following categories:

  • A - fit for military service;
  • B - fit for military service with minor restrictions;
  • B - limited fit for military service;
  • G - temporarily unfit for military service;
  • D - not fit for military service.

If it is impossible to give a medical opinion on the suitability of a conscript for military service on the spot, the conscript, by decision of the conscription commission or the head of the department (municipal), is sent to an outpatient or inpatient facility. medical examination to a medical institution, after which he is scheduled to appear for a second medical examination and a meeting of the draft commission, taking into account the expected completion date of the specified examination.

Read more about the procedure for passing a medical examination in the military registration and enlistment office in the article at the link.

Decisions of the draft board

When conscripted for military service, the conscription commission is responsible for organizing a medical examination of conscripts and making one of the following decisions regarding them:

  • about conscription for military service;
  • on assignment to alternative civilian service;
  • on granting a deferment from conscription for military service;
  • on exemption from conscription for military service;
  • on enrollment in the reserve;
  • for exemption from military service.

The decision of the draft commission in relation to each conscript on the same day is recorded in the minutes of the meeting of the draft commission, signed by the chairman of the draft commission and its members, as well as in the certificate of a citizen subject to conscription for military service, and the registration card of the recruit.

A draftee, in respect of whom a decision has been made to call for military service, is handed a summons to appear at the appointed time at the department (municipal) to be sent to the place of military service.

If there are grounds for deferment or release from service, the draft board shall decide on the release of the conscript from conscription for military service or on granting him a deferment from conscription for military service.

A conscript whose grounds for exemption from conscription for military service have been lost or the terms of the deferment granted to him from conscription for military service have expired is subject to conscription for military service. If the conscript did not complete military service in connection with the granting of a deferment from conscription for military service or was not called up for military service for any other reason, upon reaching the age of 27 years, he is removed from the military register of citizens subject to conscription for military service and not in stock.

Distribution to serve in the army

The decision to recruit a conscript into the army in the form, branch of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military units and bodies for military service in military registration specialties in military positions are adopted by the draft commission by a majority of votes based on the results of a medical examination, data from professional psychological selection, educational and special (professional) training, as well as the proposal of the head of the department (municipal) on the preliminary assignment of the recruit . This also takes into account the need for the accumulation of military specialists in reserve for manning troops according to the mobilization plan.

In order to ensure the organized dispatch of citizens called up for military service to the place of military service, the formation of military echelons (teams) and their transfer to representatives of military units, territories and premises equipped with tools and medical equipment necessary for medical examination and control medical examination, as well as equipment and material and technical means necessary for carrying out activities for the professional psychological selection of recruits (hereinafter referred to as the collection point). On collection point conscripts are provided with clothing and food. Here is the distribution of conscripts for service according to military units Russia.

Prior to the departure of citizens called up for military service, from the assembly point to the place of military service, by order of the military commissar, they are assigned the military rank of private, as appropriate entries are made in the military ID and service record.

Prepared by "Personal rights.ru"

Updated version!

The following question appeared in the Vkontakte group:

I have heard more than once that when sent to the troops, people stay at the transit station for more than one day. A friend is now waiting for shipment and has already spent a week at the collection point. They don't want to leave for the weekend. The elder, to his question “Why doesn’t he let him go on a day off?”, answered: “I want it that way!”
A question. Are there time limits prescribed by law? Or will you have to sit there until your "customers" arrive?

Moreover, in this case, it is important to understand: is staying at the assembly point included in the term of service, or are you just sitting there at someone's whim, as if in prison?

The chairman of the Khabarovsk Committee of Soldiers' Mothers, Valentina Reshetkina, draws the attention of conscripts to the fact that in this case everything depends on the position of the conscript himself. The recommendation of the human rights activist on what needs to be done to make the stay at the collection point included in the term of service is posted below. “The term of service begins from the day the rank of private is awarded. According to the law, on the day when the conscript passed the commission and was recognized as fit for military service, he must make a record that he was called up and he was awarded the rank of private. It is necessary to demand that the entry in the military ID on the assignment of the rank be put on the day of the call. This must be requested in writing. And then it is not very important - how long they will be kept at the assembly point, because the service life has gone! The time spent at the assembly point and the time of travel to the place of service is counted in the term of service.

According to the Federal Law "On military duty and military service", the beginning of the service life of a conscripted serviceman is the date of conferment of the military rank of "private", which should occur on the day the conscript arrives at the assembly point. The corresponding entry in the military ID - on the assignment of the rank of "private" - must be made after the conscript passes the control medical board at the assembly point. There can be no exception. But just in case, the conscript should check whether the corresponding entry was made on the day of arrival at the collection point.

All the time the recruit is at the assembly point, after the assignment of the military rank of "private", is included in the service life. As a rule, military personnel do not stay at the assembly point for long, but it happens that some can be kept there for more than one week. The fact is that it is allowed to have a reserve of conscripts, which is used, if necessary, to replenish military teams in case of illness of individual conscripts or the impossibility of sending them for other reasons. Moreover, it is forbidden to return ordinary soldiers who are in reserve to military commissariats. They are distributed according to the last teams to fulfill the norm of conscription of citizens for military service. This is the reason for the delay of some conscripts at the assembly points, as well as the refusal of the command to leave the location of the assembly point.

Is the time of going home after demobilization included in the term of service?

Amendments to the Federal Law "On military duty and military service" from January 1, 2008 were canceled regular holidays military conscripts, thereby depriving the command of the opportunity to encourage conscientious military personnel early dismissal. Today, the term of service in the Russian army is exactly 12 months (neither a day earlier, nor a day later). The date of the end of military service by conscription is the day when the serviceman is excluded from the lists of the unit, except for cases when the serviceman: is on inpatient treatment; at his request remains in the military unit until the day of departure vehicle carrying out individual or organized transportation military personnel transferred to the reserve; participates in the campaigns of ships; is in captivity, in the position of a hostage or internee; missing - until he is declared missing in accordance with the procedure established by law or declared dead; in relation to a serviceman who is suspected or accused of committing a crime, measures of restraint have been chosen in the form of detention in a guardhouse or observation by the command of a military unit.

There are cases when the command goes to meet the soldier and releases him from the location of the unit a few days earlier, but such situations are rare and are possible only if the commander takes them under personal responsibility.

Following the same home from the military unit after demobilization in the total service life is not counted.