But they did not mention the fear that almost all people experience when they go to a new place of work. It is unlikely that he has any scientific name, but this fact does not prevent the newcomer from worrying and being afraid to shiver in his knees, going over in his mind the possible scenarios for the development of events and presenting chilling pictures: either the team does not accept him and builds all sorts of intrigues, then the boss turns out to be a tyrant, giving out stupid orders. It is not surprising that the first day at a new job, as well as the anticipation of it, is a serious test for any of us. How to overcome it with the least emotional loss - in the reasoning of the author of "Cleo".

Maybe I'm especially impressionable, or maybe this happens to almost everyone, but the first day at a new job is always difficult for me, and even waiting for it is exhausting. It usually starts in a couple of days, bringing a lot of unanswered questions and activating a rather rich imagination. The latter does not spare me at all: I imagine how my colleagues arrogantly laugh at any of my awkward actions, do not want to help in anything, and at dinner they pretend that I do not exist at all. Needless to say, the day before going to work, I almost hate her? The fear of the unknown kills absolutely everything positive emotions which I have experienced more recently, and all I can feel is a lump in my throat. I am afraid to misunderstand the first task, I am afraid to become the subject of ridicule and jokes in an already established team, I am afraid, in the end, that this team will not accept me into their "family" and I will, crying bitterly, dine alone in a toilet stall, as they show in American youth comedies. Of course, the latter is nothing more than irony, and schoolchildren are more likely to feel such fear than adults, but we are also not alien to the experience of being forced to communicate with new colleagues. Even the most self-confident person is worried when they find themselves in an unfamiliar environment.

Even the most self-confident person is worried when they find themselves in an unfamiliar environment.

Since I had changed jobs more than once, I also went crazy with fear on the eve of my first working day more than once. And at some point, I decided that it was impossible: it’s stupid to be afraid in advance of what might not happen. Such "empty" emotions become only a source of stress and certainly do not help us to work productively and to win people over to us. If you also lose your appetite at the thought that tomorrow you will go to a new office with new colleagues and new boss, then try to pull yourself together using the tips below. For me, they really work.

Separate the wheat from the chaff

When you are afraid of something, you feel uncomfortable. When you are afraid of something incomprehensible, it is even more uncomfortable. Based on this, I decided that from now on I will always determine whether my fears have any basis. It helps a lot to get rid of far-fetched fears, which are exhausting no less than real ones. To understand if there is a real threat, I write all my fears on a piece of paper and critically assess what can actually come from it, and what is a figment of my rich imagination. When there are half the number of "enemies", it becomes much easier to fight.

When you are afraid of something, you feel uncomfortable. When you are afraid of something incomprehensible, it is even more uncomfortable.

Win mentally

So, we understood what situations really should be feared. But we also know that there is no guarantee that events will develop exactly according to this negative scenario, perhaps everything will turn out the best way... What does "best" mean to you? Imagine how you come to work and see that this is a real dream. Colleagues are friendly, the boss is understanding and tactful, your workplace is comfortable and modern. What more could you ask for? Set yourself up in a positive mood today, mentally conquer all your fears so that tomorrow you will come to work in a good mood and not expect a catch from everywhere.

Suit with a needle

Prepare your first day's clothes in advance. Firstly, those around them will clearly not be delighted with a new colleague who will come to the office in a crumpled skirt and a washed blouse. Secondly, you yourself will feel more confident, knowing that you are dressed up to date. Great importance has the same and what kind of clothes you choose. Of course, if the company has a dress code, then everything is quite simple: comply with it, and there will be no problems. But if there are no clear rules, you should be careful: no miniskirts, children's T-shirts and low-waisted jeans. Think: you yourself would be wary of a newcomer who showed up for a job in what she most likely wore to the club yesterday.

Smile but don't bore

Show that you are interested in this work and really want to understand what is here and what.

Now let's talk about the first working day. Your behavior is no less important than yours. appearance... You know that smiling is disarming and being overly helpful is alarming, so be nice to new colleagues, but don't go overboard: don't deliberately try to please someone and go overboard so that your new boss will notice you today. Perhaps he will notice, thinking: “Who did I hire?”, But this one is not at all what you need. Therefore, do not take on everything at once (no one expects that on the first working day you will begin to grab stars from the sky), do not brag about your successes and knowledge, but rather absorb new information like a sponge. Show that you are interested in this work and really want to understand what is here and what.

Almost all of us are familiar with the feeling of anxiety before the first day of work at a new job. In this article, we will try to explain the reasons for this condition due to, by and large, almost an ordinary event. Moving to a new job is a real challenge for some. We all know the feeling when “our hearts demand changes”, but the inner anxious “worm” gnaws and makes us sit still. The article will focus specifically on the fear of a new job, not to be confused with the usual.

Fear of a new job is a natural state. No matter how we were oppressed by our previous service, no matter how we were offended by the boss or outraged by low wages - all this is a comfort zone that has set our teeth on edge. Even if you say: "What kind of comfort is this?" - This is true. The comfort is that you know what's in store for you. There is no uncertainty for you: yes, a small salary, yes, a mischievous director, yes, the work is primitive - but no surprises. This is the comfort.

Fear when changing jobs arises precisely from not knowing what to expect. After all, employment affects several factors at once: job responsibilities, interaction with people (boss, employees, clients), working conditions, wage... Dissatisfaction on any of these points can lead to the fact that the job becomes hell and ends up being fired.

The fear of a new job can be caused by a combination of reasons. Most often, it overtakes people who experience a general lack of self-confidence. A person with low self-esteem tends to be more anxious about what others will think of him or her. A new place means a new experience, and it is not a fact that it will be successful.

Such a person is especially let down by his fear of asking another question so as not to seem incompetent. And in a new position, a lot of questions always arise, the lack of answers to which further increases anxiety, and the circle closes.

Previous negative experiences can be an important reason. A person is inclined to transfer his past experiences to a new place and by his behavior provoke all the same problems. If in your previous job you did not have a good relationship with management, you will be especially suspicious and anxious about any new boss. However, it is worth noting that the manager can change at the old job as well. But this is not perceived so sharply, because everything else is familiar.

What kind of people are afraid of a new job

A special fear of a new place is characteristic of people of a certain type, and here we are not only talking about self-esteem. Communication problems are acutely manifested in situations of a new team. Introverts often experience increased anxiety when changing jobs. Their psyche is designed in such a way that the establishment social contacts is slow and in some positions this is a problem. Acquaintance with new responsibilities and colleagues moves slowly and is not always met with understanding. Introverts know this about themselves and begin to worry in advance.

Temperament also plays a big role. Choleric and melancholic people are not able to stay balanced in stressful situations, and a new job is definitely stressful. The questions and misunderstandings that arise knock them out of the rut, the level of anxiety rises, emotions take over.

Worst of all, after this they begin to feel guilty, cheat themselves even more, although in fact, it is likely that no one from the environment attached much importance to their behavior. And again the circle of anxiety is closed. It is for such people that this notorious departure from the comfort zone is a big problem. They are terribly afraid of both a new job and a move.

The situation is often escalated when it comes about a woman on maternity leave, or about a man who suffers in his real job, does not develop and feels an urgent need to change something.

Signs and manifestations of fear

Fear can be so strong that it does not allow you to make a decision to leave your previous position. A person may well be aware that he has outgrown her, that the salary is not satisfactory, that there are better options in every sense, but acute fear does not allow him to take this step. When a person overcomes himself and decides to change his job, the body treacherously turns on.

Before the interview or even before the first working day, amazing metamorphoses begin. A previously calm and cold-blooded person begins to run to the toilet, suffocate, and feel dizzy. These offensive symptoms further increase anxiety: “What if I disgrace myself already there, at work? What will they think of me? " And everything starts with a vengeance.

Autonomous nervous system reacts to stress. There is nausea, legs give way, the heart just jumps out of the chest, the face turns red and then turns pale, the mouth dries up, the armpits sweat, the voice breaks down. Especially suspicious people begin to experience problems long before the event. They have nightmares or they completely lose sleep, their appetite disappears, and chronic diseases become aggravated.

How to overcome your fear of a new job

Pathological fear can be caused by serious mental disorders, so if fear drives you to panic attacks, it is better to contact a psychotherapist or at least a consultant psychologist. A specialist will help you figure out what exactly you are afraid of, what your fear is based on, and how you can work with it.

There are often cases when such an irrational fear has deep roots and this is just one of the possible manifestations. In our time, turning to a psychologist is not something shameful.

Until recently, people had the idea that mentally ill people or those who have a lot of money and free time go to a psychologist. Fortunately, people gradually begin to realize that a psychologist is the same specialist as a hairdresser, whose services you use. Do you find it odd to think that someone with special training can do a better haircut on your head than you do yourself? That is why, with some problems in your head, you should come to a professional, and not suffer yourself or pester your friends and relatives.

However, quite often a person is able to independently overcome the fear of a new job. In order for the fear to decrease, you need to admit to yourself that it is. Honest dialogue with oneself is an important part of the awareness process. Then “protect” yourself: what are you afraid of? Who are you afraid of? Follow your thoughts, no matter how absurd they may seem to you.

Try to get to the bottom of the truth. In fact, you have all the answers to the questions in your head. For example, you are afraid of not joining a team. What does this mean for you? Do you want to find friends there? Perhaps. And if you don’t find it? Yes, you have friends besides work. After all, you can maintain formal relationships with coworkers without getting too close, and it doesn't hurt your reputation in the least.

Want to please everyone? What for? What happens if not everyone likes you? If such questions lead you to the fact that your opinion of yourself depends on what others think of you, then you need to work on self-sufficiency. Concentrating on your merits and positive qualities helps to overcome fear. Yes, you still do not know how successfully you will cope with a new job, however, you have a lot of positive examples in which you achieved a good result.

Are you afraid of your boss? And why? What makes you think that he is some kind of evil, or a tyrant, or a stupid person? Why do you think he won't like it? What is there of you that should push him away? Conversely, you may be afraid that you will like him so much that he will begin to behave towards you obscenely? What is the reason for this fear? Have you had any negative experiences? Why do you think that you will not be able to defend your boundaries? Answering all of these questions will help you sort out your fear in a thorough way, and, therefore, cope with it.

You may be intimidated by seemingly ridiculous questions: how to call junior colleagues, "you" or "you"? If on "you" - will they consider me too detached, and if on "you" - I can give the impression of an ill-mannered person. How is it customary to eat here? Carry lunch with you, or go to a cafe? Is there a buffet here? Can I drink coffee during working hours? Will I be comfortable workplace? All this is really important, you just need to make it clear that time must pass for adaptation and there is nothing terrible about it.

And most importantly, during a dialogue with yourself, answer the question: “What if everything is bad? Nothing works, the employees are bastards, the boss is a tyrant, the conditions are unsatisfactory. " But nothing! Just quit your job and look for something that's right for you.

There is nothing wrong with that, you are not signing a contract with the devil, you will not have to work at this new job for the rest of your life. This thought often helps to overcome the fear of starting a new labor activity... You just try, what if it's "your" and that's it.

Several useful tips to help you feel more confident when moving to a new location:

  • At first, be friendly, smile and do not try to pretend to be something of yourself.
  • Secondly don't be afraid to ask questions. People love to talk about themselves and show their competence in anything. However, do not go too far, your questions should not be too personal and intrusive.
  • third, famous saying about a strange monastery is very correct. First, observe how the employees of the new team behave. Gradually, you will integrate into it, and if you earn authority, then you will already be able to correct some points that seem inappropriate for you.
  • fourthly, do not let us push our boundaries, and at the same time do not flaunt them. And finally, if your excitement and anxiety cannot be alleviated in any way, think about how you react to new people in the team? Would you pay attention to everything that worries you now? Do you change your attitude towards a person depending on how he is dressed, or how quickly he mastered his new job? Don't overestimate others and value yourself.

Life and business coach Larisa Kislova discusses how to overcome fear of a new job in the following video:


The fear of a new job is familiar to one degree or another to almost all of us. Someone is able to overcome it on their own, someone needs a psychologist's consultation. This is not surprising, because work for many is a second home, and I really want it to be pleasant or at least comfortable to go there. Before starting a new job, try to accept the idea that this anxiety is temporary and gradually you will become familiar with all the nuances, and you will feel good. And if not, then to hell with her, you will find a new one!

Question to the psychologist:

Good afternoon. I don't have any serious problems in my life: a loving young man, a complete family. There are both secondary specialized and incomplete higher education. But at the age of 18 appeared in my life new sphere, in which I still cannot, until now. I hate work and everything related to it. I couldn't do anything at any job, and as a result, the need to go to work turned into the worst thing in life. I did well in school, and I did well in college. But the work somehow went wrong from the very beginning. After completing the first course ped. college, I decided to earn some money for the first time in my life, got a job for the summer as a teacher in a kindergarten. It is still difficult to remember this experience: I cried constantly, I experienced a wild fear of work, such that I wanted to literally climb the wall. I couldn't do anything, my parents and the manager scolded me, I was very ashamed in front of my parents, it seemed that I had simply disgraced them. Once I even got a nosebleed from exertion. V quiet hour when the children were asleep, I was crying all the time, without stopping, I could not stop. When it was all over, I left to study again and decided for myself that work just does not suit me with small children. A year later, we were sent to practice in a camp for a month. The situation repeated itself. At first I tried, worked, nothing worked, the children did not obey, the management constantly made complaints. As a result, I was transferred to the position of a roll-call teacher: the detachment was taken away from me and I just sometimes sat with the children when the others were at a planning meeting and so on. That time I decided to tell my mother that I feel bad and nothing works. She scolded me, began to shout that I was really dumber than everyone!?! And I decided not to tell my parents anything more about my professional failures. After training, I decided that based on my deplorable experience, I should not work with children at all. But my education was pedagogical and my sister arranged for me to be a medical doctor. Teaching English College. It was comparatively calmer, but then something else was added: I didn’t succeed, but they didn’t tell me anything about it, behind my back they reprimanded everything to my sister and then she told me. She was ashamed of me. I felt like a beast driven into a trap, I felt bad, scared, I did not know what to do next and how to live further. I decided to move from my parents to another city. She left. I found a job there that had nothing to do with children and teaching people in general. But she worked for 3 months and quit. Since I couldn't do anything: I worked in sales, I had to fulfill the plans, all my colleagues had 25-30 thousand and only I had 9-10, I was a loser, my colleagues laughed at me, they were disrespectful. They treated me, asked me directly why I should work here, wouldn’t it be better to leave, my direct supervisor called me an invalid. Like I can't do anything. And from constant criticism I began to forget even what I knew how to do. A strong excitement began to appear in me, which outwardly did not manifest itself in any way: from the outside I was calm. But there were no thoughts at all in my head, emptiness, and my throat hurt and I could not say anything. These attacks haunt me to this day. When I'm very worried, I literally freeze. After that, there were about 5-6 more jobs where everything was repeated, I ran away in tears in two days of work. Then I got a job in a large company as a call center operator. We needed money and they paid well there. But in the end, I was fired under the article for not going to work for two months. There, I also did not fulfill the necessary indicators, the manager scolded, each time brought me to tears, I cried right in front of him, I no longer had the strength to restrain my emotions. Only this did not stop him. He needed a result. In the end, he asked me to quit. I wrote a statement, I had to work 10 days, but I could not contain myself and ran away from the first day of detention and did not answer the phone. She took the labor one six months later. After this situation, I turned to a psychotherapist. He advised me to change my sphere, do what I like. I have been looking for something that will be poisoned for a long time and finally found it. I was hired as an assistant in the personnel department. At first everything was fine. I was doing the job. But after the new year, they introduced indicators that had to be fulfilled and on which our salary depended, and everything started again. Only I could not do anything, although I did not sit idle. As a result, they were cut. I lay at home in tears for six months. I gained strength and decided to look for work again. Found a well-paid job. But I could not stand the tense rhythm: every day to distribute personnel to facilities, to look for replacements for those who did not come out, it turned out to be unbearable and again the indicators that must be met and again it does not work, I roar constantly, at the end of the weekend, hysteria and tears, at work every day arose the desire to get up and leave to end this nightmare. But I've already kind of learned to hold back. I tried not to be afraid, to work and not think about anything. The breakdowns were constantly until I quit. As a result, I am 24 years old, my work experience is terrible, I rarely even have anyone answering my resume, but the most important thing is that I myself do not know how and what to do. I don’t want this to be repeated, I don’t want to work as a cashier or a cleaner at 40. And everything goes to this. Any work causes wild fear, I persuade myself that I can handle it, I ask everything if she understands anything. But as soon as some problem arises, this wild fear comes back from which everything freezes and I slow down, I can not speak, and I constantly roar. The future scares me. All my peers have been successfully working for a long time. And I am constantly without money without work, or with work but in constant stress... I can't even sleep on the day before work. I developed pains in the left side of my chest with great excitement and after roaring. I have lost all respect for myself, I try not to talk to anyone about work, for me on this moment this is the worst thing. And I don’t know what to do. I want like everyone else normal people go to work and get money, and not shed tears in the work toilet and then sit with a stone face and not understand even basic things from excitement. I have thoughts of hopelessness, I no longer expect anything good in life, on the contrary: I keep thinking that soon I’m 30 years old, there will definitely be no career, and most likely I will have to go to a low-paid job such as a cleaning lady and live your whole life in poverty. This makes me scared and ashamed. Both my parents and teachers expected more from me. Now I avoid communication with former classmates because I am ashamed. I do not earn anything at all, my whole life is spent at home on the couch, I browse job sites and do not see any vacancy that suits me. Now I feel so bad that I don't want to communicate with people at all. Sometimes I have suicidal thoughts because I cannot accept my life as it is now. I don’t know how I can become an adequate person. I want to be independent and not depend on my parents or my young man... If he breaks up with me now, then I will not survive. There is no money for food or housing and no friends. I have not been in close contact with anyone for a long time, so I am ashamed of myself that I am like that. I really want this nightmare to end. But I don't know what to do: I made up all sorts of lists about my pros and cons, tried to believe in myself, but everything was useless. I will be 25 in December, but it already seems to me that my life has failed. I do not see any prospects in my existence and I do not want a new day to come. There are no more forces. Because of my insolvency, I do not want children. I think they will hate me. I have read a lot of articles and tips on how to overcome the fear of work, but everything is useless. When there is no job I worry about how to find it, I roar every day. As soon as I find it it gets worse. Tell me how to calm down and fix at least something, regain self-respect, how to get rid of fear? I also forgot to mention: I'm not very confident in myself, and I'm ashamed of my appearance. This disturbs me even more. If someone answers me, I will be very grateful.

The question is answered by the psychologist Krotkova Lyubov Ilyinichna.

Hello Tatiana!

Your letter evoked a lot of response in me. One can feel in him both despair and a feeling of hopelessness. Your case is very confusing, because you are walking in this vicious circle, which you have not been able to break: new job -> experiences -> leaving work -> new job and then according to the usual pattern. You thought that a new job would bring a change in your state, because the reason was initially seen in the very process of work. Although this is not at all the point, but in your emotions. They did not change thanks to the device to a different location. As a result, the very fact of employment has become frightening for you, because tied up firmly with the negative. It no longer depends on the profession or field of activity, but depends on the subtle moments that occur when you start your experiences. We either feel or think. Impossible at the same time. Therefore, when you were experiencing strong negative emotions, everything fell out of your hands. This became the reason for the discontent of the authorities. And here it's not about yours professional qualities, but that internal state and being absorbed in him did not allow you to coordinate your work activities. In this regard, the main task is to find the source of your negative emotions.

Let's now divide emotions into "before" and "after". "Before" - these are the emotions that appeared in you at the very first place of work in kindergarten... "After" is the aggravation of your condition over time. It is important to talk specifically about "before", because everything that you feel is "after" and in currently too - this is from how everything got worse over time. You have now developed a fear of anticipation and failure, because in the same situations, you felt the same way (bad), and nothing worked. Therefore, now just the thought of work leads you into a panic, because you do not have a single argument that would claim that the next attempt will finally be successful. Although the problem itself is not in the present tense, but at the “before” stage. This is important to understand because at first it seems that your professional life- a series of failures and a deep dark forest, from where there is no way out.

Nevertheless, it is important for you, as it used to be, to find a job: you have unfulfilled needs and dreams related to your career. Thus, there is a clash of your own interests: on the one hand, you want to take place in professionally; on the other hand, there is no strength to go back to work - it stifles fear and feelings of inferiority.

Thus, back to "before". And the “before” was this: “I cried all the time, I felt a wild fear of work, such that I wanted to literally climb the wall”. Why did you cry, Tatyana? Did you initially come with such a negative attitude on the first day of work, or did your feelings grow gradually? Or maybe both at once. I believe you already had a fear of failure at that time. That is how I call for myself what is happening to you. Now this fear of failure, of course, has transformed and has become very voluminous, has grown into depression. But once it could already exist in you in its embryonic form. What happens to us when we are afraid of failure? Of course, with a high degree of probability, we get into these failures. You will unconsciously behave in accordance with your fears. Fears are attitudes towards certain behavior. Therefore, when you just started to work, if there was a nasty worm in you, which was slowly gnawing at you and whispering: “God forbid, you will not succeed. This is your first job. You have to prove yourself well ”, the result in the form of experiences and difficulties in the process of work is quite predictable. I would also like to ask you what exactly did not work. What setbacks have you experienced. For some reason, it does not seem to me that you could not find contact with children. It seems more likely from the side that you already then thought a lot about how to do everything right, and not about the process.

From here we go into the topic of where you have formed the need to comply and do everything "right". As far as I understand, from the family, because you wrote: “Both my parents and teachers expected more from me” and “That time I decided to tell my mother that I felt bad and nothing was working out. She scolded me, began to shout that I really am the dumber of all!?! " and "I was very ashamed in front of my parents, it seemed that I had simply disgraced them." In this regard, it is very important to first of all address the root cause. Namely: to understand the style of your upbringing and what requirements your parents put on you. I got the feeling that initially there were big stakes on you in the family, and you grew up under the pressure of the need to meet these expectations. Not your own expectations, that is, but the expectations of other people. It turns out that your life is an eternal need to be on the level. You even avoid meeting with your acquaintances, so that the truth about your personality is not revealed. At the same time, at the very beginning of the letter, you indicated that you have a loving young man. This is already a lot. You are worthy of love and respect. But something went wrong when someone set a bar for you to reach. Now you put it yourself. This has its advantages as well. The desire to build a career never leaves you. The downside is that you blame yourself and stop appreciating yourself. Something tells me that the question of the value of your own personality was relevant for you even at the very first place of work. It is felt that even then you were not sure of yourself. This is confirmed by your words: "I am not very confident in myself and ashamed of my appearance."

I suggest that your main help should be in dealing with the relationships that you had in your family. The fact that your failure at work could not be accepted by your mother is very significant. We all have the right to make mistakes. It seems that you have not had this right since the time when you just started your career path. But after all, it is impossible to do everything perfectly from the beginning. It is important to work out in detail everything that I wrote to you above. Of course, you did the right thing that you turned to a psychologist. I would like to know what did not work out in the end. I understood from the letter that you have stopped visiting a specialist.

Tatiana, I am ready to provide you with professional assistance. We can negotiate the terms separately. If you are determined to solve the current situation and feel strong enough (otherwise you would not have written to this site), you can write to me personally and we will discuss everything.

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Fear of a new job arises among insecure individuals. This is influenced by the lack of experience in the required area, lack of awareness of the topic, low self-esteem... Young mothers especially panic after maternity leave who have lost their qualifications.

Fear of work is inherent in insecure individuals

Fear arises before the new leadership, position, team. But they will help breathing techniques and affirmations (positive attitudes). If a person is unable to cope with their fear on their own, you can turn to a psychotherapist.

Causes of fear

Fear appears for various reasons - a change in the workplace, team, bosses. A new, high position is stressful. A person is worried before going through an interview, probation, internship. He is afraid not to pass the screening exam, the results of which mean failure or good luck. The reason may be a negative experience at the previous place of work - mistrust of colleagues, an aggressive and overly hardworking boss, poor working conditions, low wages. The person worries that now the same situation awaits him.

Fear of the boss

Often, when changing jobs or moving, the employee thinks about the boss. After all, he does not know about him personal qualities, attitude towards employees. Afraid of being overly exacting and aggressive on the part of the director.

It happens that a world famous company has invited an employee. He settled into a new workplace, established contacts with colleagues, and began to cope well with duties. The boss suddenly changed. Instead of a kind and understanding, a dictator-ruler came. He does not take into account the initiatives and ideas of employees, he is not interested in other people's problems.

Women and young mothers are especially afraid of such bosses. Worried that they will not be able to cope with such pressure, they leave their new place of work.

Others decide to take such a step due to their reluctance to get mental disorders.

Collective fear

A new person in a formed team cannot be ignored. At first, he will be the main object of gossip, sometimes even ridicule. But if the employee initially correctly introduces himself, then such a situation can be avoided.

The main reasons for the emergence of fear of the collective are associated with fear:

  • be professionally unsuitable;
  • not be knowledgeable enough in the right area;
  • fail to meet the set goals (fail to meet the deadline, do the task incorrectly, make a mistake in the calculations, etc.);
  • fail to find contact with colleagues;
  • to be superfluous;
  • to be rejected and misunderstood.

A positive attitude will help to win the favor of colleagues on the first working day. Negative attitudes need to be replaced with positive ones. It is necessary to imagine that the beginner is greeted with joy. They show a new workplace, share secrets, talk about the boss. You need to remember all your successful attempts to meet people. Sometimes a well-told anecdote or a funny story will relieve tension in a conversation.

Social fears

Fear of a new job

A new position means new responsibilities, higher requirements. Responsibility is increasing. If this leadership position, then the person must control the work of subordinates. For any nuisance, incorrectly done task, errors in the report, it is the manager who is responsible. The main reasons for fear of the position:

  • be not perceived by subordinates;
  • not cope with big amount assignments;
  • make mistakes in calculations, drawing up reports, distribution of premiums;
  • to be ridiculed for a ridiculous act;
  • not justify the trust of the boss;
  • stay at work late or after the end of the shift continue to work at home;
  • make bad decisions, etc.

For some employees, even a high salary is not an argument. They are afraid of disappointing the boss who proposed a new position. The features are clearly manifested: self-doubt, low self-esteem, suspiciousness. There comes a panic attack, hysteria, nervous breakdowns.

When moving to a new position, people are often afraid to stay at work late.

Who is afraid of a new job

People who want to change jobs are susceptible to fear. They are afraid to disappoint the management, to be rejected by the team, and to be responsible. It seems that the responsibilities are difficult to cope with. Any invitation to the director's office causes alarm and panic. There is always a feeling that someone will do the job better, and the leader only wants to scold and punish.

  • loss of qualifications;
  • the presence of a small child (requires long care and supervision);
  • frequent sick leave;
  • incomplete education;
  • lack of skills to work with the necessary computer programs or technique, etc.

Overly emotional and self-critical individuals are afraid of a new job. They are afraid of any changes. They consider themselves insufficiently prepared, suitable, trained. Looking for ideal conditions... The fear of a new job arises among those who radically change the work area. Their knowledge is limited to theoretical knowledge and lack of practical skills. But they have great motivation, a desire to learn something new, to work on their own development.

Are worried to start professional activity freelancers. Unstable profits, fear of not finding a customer or completing a task incorrectly are their main fears.

They are afraid of irregular work schedules, low pay, high demands. They can get a bad reputation due to unsuccessful activities.

A person with a phobia of a new job gets a feeling of fear at the mention of it. He takes new changes too close to his heart. But there are those who similar signs not too pronounced and noticeable to others. These people have the ability to control their own emotions. However, especially observant colleagues, after a while, may notice the strange behavior of a beginner. It is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • excessive sweating;
  • pale skin of the face;
  • low pressure;
  • feeling unwell;
  • depressed mood;
  • excessive fearfulness and suspicion;
  • strange, atrophied facial expression;
  • slight trembling;
  • nausea;
  • muscle weakness;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • hysterical laughter, etc.

External manifestation - bags under the eyes. They are pronounced, they cannot be hidden. This indicates a sleep disorder - insomnia. It is associated with emotions, panic, anxiety. Fear of a new job causes mental health problems. The person becomes unbalanced, fearful.

Physiological manifestations of fear and anxiety

Ways to get rid of fear

Successful stewards often speak in public and give advice on how to get rid of the fear of a new job. They share their success stories, talk about techniques. The most popular among them are affirmations, breathing techniques.


A positive attitude is the key to success. Affirmations can help cheer you up before your first day of work. They will improve psychological condition, eliminate all fears, relieve self-doubt. Examples of affirmations to set yourself up for success:

  • I am an excellent specialist, so everything will work out;
  • I have a rich practical experience, I know what to do in a difficult situation;
  • I'm not scared, I'm stress-resistant;
  • I have many important, good skills, I will quickly get used to it;
  • every employer wants to work with me;
  • my new job is perfect for me;
  • my qualities are just created for this position;
  • I am successful in my work;
  • I love what I do;
  • I get the salary I want;
  • my colleagues love and respect me;
  • I have a great prospect career growth etc.

A psychological technique works here - self-hypnosis.

A person sets himself up for a positive outcome. He must accept his failures as a need for self-development, an opportunity for personal growth. After all, thoughts are a powerful source of energy.

Breathing techniques

Any breathing exercises should be done while standing or lying down. Keep your eyes closed. It is important to present beautiful landscape or a picture that evokes pacification. It is necessary to control inhalation and exhalation. Initially, it is important to focus on them. It is important to relax all the muscles in the body. Some breathing techniques:

  1. Breathing in the stomach. Inhale 3-5 s, exhale 4-5 s. The interval is up to 3 s. It is necessary that the stomach inflates in the process.
  2. Breathing with the collarbones. On inhalation, the collarbones rise, on exhalation, they fall. The interval between breaths is 3-5 s.
  3. Wavelike breathing. 3 organ systems are involved - abdomen, collarbones, rib cage... The inhalation starts from the abdomen, goes to the collarbones, and further to the chest. Exhale in reverse order.

It is enough to repeat each exercise 3-5 times. You should not overexert yourself. While inhaling, it is necessary to imagine that the body is filled with pure energy and tranquility. With an exhalation, all the negative comes out. In addition to breathing exercises, a person carries out a meditation session.

Will psychotherapy help

There are situations when a person does not know how to overcome the fear of a new job. Therefore, it is worth contacting a specialist. The psychologist will help you overcome yourself. After the course of treatment, the patient will have a desire to work, learn new things. He will successfully overcome the fear of the team, position, boss.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is about introspection. The possible causes of fear are discussed first. This will help you create the most appropriate treatment and relieve your phobia. During the session, the patient must answer the questions:

  • what happens if i get a new job;
  • what will happen if I say something wrong during the interview;
  • why I am afraid of being rejected by the collective;
  • what is the reason for my fear of the authorities;
  • what happens if I get promoted;
  • what scares me about career growth;
  • because of what I'm scared to change my place of work;
  • why I think that my knowledge is not enough, etc.

With the help of these questions, the client analyzes his own behavior. He has a desire to overcome negative attitudes, change them to positive ones.

An important requirement is that the doctor must be really interested in curing his patient. The client should be as open and honest as possible.

The treatment takes place in several stages. Consists of individual sessions and homework assignments. The therapist helps you to be positive about the interview. If suddenly something does not go according to plan, the person knows how to calm himself down and stay calm. He learns to control himself during stressful situation... A nervous boss or jealous coworkers do not cause irritation or anxiety. As homework assignments can be role-playing game... The patient needs to imagine that he is the boss, and the doctor is his hired worker... Let the client share his feelings, emotions. It is important to realize where the fear of the director comes from.

If fear of new responsibilities is to be dealt with, have the patient describe his / her image of the ideal steward. It is important to define it precisely positive traits... It helps to read books from successful TOP-managers, businessmen, executives large companies... It is necessary to highlight them strengths and understand what the patient needs to work on in order to reach the same heights.

If suddenly the client is worried about being rejected by the team, the psychotherapist offers to attend group sessions. They will help you become socially active and stop being afraid of a large group of people.

Psychotherapy will help get rid of the fear of the director and the new team


A phobia of a new job can arise due to low self-esteem, skill level, and insufficient knowledge in the required field. It happens that a person has high expectations, but the reality is disappointing. Some people worry about new team others are afraid of the new boss. In others, muscle weakness appears due to a promotion or a new position.

Affirmations and breathing exercises can help combat fear. A positive attitude is important and good preparation to the interview. If a person himself cannot cope with fear, you can use the services of a psychotherapist. He will conduct cognitive behavioral therapy and help the client to change the type of thinking and behavior.

Fear of a new job is a pretty serious phobia. It prevents people from living normally, building a successful career and, of course, getting good salary... Anyone wants a comfortable life, but it is not always possible to get what you want. Problems at work, in a team, disrespect from the authorities always cause negative feelings. And the sediment remains on long years... As a result, the person develops ergophobia.

What is ergophobia, how does it manifest

Employment is practically the most important part of everyone's life. Today, work is not only financial independence, but also a chance to show oneself, become prosperous and famous. People spend almost their entire lives on it, constantly disappearing in offices or factories.

Because of this, the fear of employment in recent times is very common and can be seen in many. Ergophobia is an example of disorders that occur in people associated with mental stress: fear of a new job and the implementation of new tasks. The person is afraid to take responsibility and fail to complete the assigned task on time.

Many people find it difficult to overcome fear in a new job. Those around them consider such people to be idlers and losers. And this opinion is wrong. Each phobia is stronger than the desires of the individual. A person cannot see himself from the outside, therefore he experiences nervousness and simply goes crazy. An often considered fear is felt by people who take high positions and claiming good wages.

It often manifests itself in those who already have a mental disorder.

Ergophobia combines fears that are somehow related to work. They are listed below.

  1. Fear of looking for a new job and the first day of entering a new job. This fear occurs in many people. Person can work long time just one job and not trying to find something better. The thought that you can become unemployed and have to look for a new business causes intense fear and emotional stress... Such people have low self-esteem, deprive themselves of the chance to find a better offer and earn normal income. Fear prevents you from building a career and showing everyone what he is capable of.
  2. Fear of poor performance on assigned tasks. Basically, this fear has those people who work in one place and perform only one type of responsibility every day. They will not master the new position, because they may not cope with it. Such people are quite responsible, often suffer from inability to rest, are prone to poor sleep and heavy stress. Also, fear can appear in those on whom there is a lot of responsibility.
  3. Phobia of getting hurt at work, or conflict with other employees. Such fears can negatively impact performance. If they overwhelm a person, then he urgently needs to establish communication with employees or start looking for a new place. The same goes for fear of injury: it is better to minimize risks or find a new job.
  4. Inability to work can also occur due to the presence of other phobias. They have a bad effect on a person and his life. For example, a person may feel fear of a large crowd of people, which can negatively affect work, and it will be difficult for her in a large team.

Phobia reasons

Any situation that happened a little earlier can become the cause of fear. Phobia can even occur in successful person, it's just that its manifestations will not be so bright. TO possible reasons include a sharp dismissal, which was unfair, negative criticism from colleagues and bosses. Frequent fatigue, depression, and health problems can also be the cause.

Frequent fatigue leads to the extinction of emotions, stress and neuroses. And these problems become the source of the phobia. There is a fear of work, a fear that he will complete the task incorrectly. And it is important for him to be responsible and not to worsen the situation, especially if he occupies a high position.

An interview you don't have to fear

Anyone can be afraid of an interview. When a person is invited for an interview, he should find out in advance as much as possible about the company or plant: field of activity, responsibilities. You need to be confident. But dealing with this fear is not easy. It is important to think in advance what questions will be asked, and to prepare at least a little. Usually the interview is of a standard nature, so all the questions are easy to find on the Internet.

When a person is ready, he will be convinced of his abilities, and it will not be difficult to find a new job. The main thing is not to joke with strangers: they are potential future employees and bosses. You should take your work seriously. Self-confidence will help you quickly integrate into the team, prove yourself from the good side and cope with fear at work.

Phobia symptoms

Ergophobia symptoms can be both physiological and somatic in nature. The main ones include the following:

  • increased sweating;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • the appearance of headaches and dizziness;
  • great excitement and panic;
  • sharp redness or blanching of the skin of the face.

Such symptoms are more often referred to as psychological disorders... A person is not self-confident, overly self-critical. He may also deliberately avoid performing a task or stop going to work altogether. This reaction is a serious symptom. Therefore, the phobia needs to be treated urgently.

Phobia treatment

It is not difficult to get rid of the fear of work, it can be treated on your own, but only in the case of a mild form. You need to get rid of isolation and achieve your goals. But if the situation is serious, you cannot do without the help of a psychologist.

The psychologist will conduct several hypnosis sessions, talk to the patient, or engage in cognitive behavioral therapy. At first, it is difficult for a patient to tell a specialist about their problems and the presence of a phobia.

Treatment can be done in groups. Professionals often use motivational training to help a person achieve success. Through such meetings, people have the opportunity to overcome their fear of changing jobs, learn to think and not be led by other people.

To overcome the fear of a new job, it is necessary to take medications and undergo a course of psychotherapy. Sedatives, antidepressants, and tranquilizers are commonly recommended. The advice of a psychologist constitutes a course of therapy, and such treatment can last for a long time. The medications will work much faster. But in comparison with the course of psychological therapy, the pills only remove the symptoms of the disease, while the psychologist helps to completely recover.

Consultations with a psychotherapist do not help immediately, so people have to wait and attend more than one training. To achieve positive results, a person must want to be treated and be sure to reconsider their views on their life and what they do. Sometimes you just need to change your occupation, try to be with your family more often and have a lot of rest. You need to understand that health cannot be bought for any money.


There are many types of phobias, many of which are closely related. Fear of a new job is common and almost everyone has this disorder. Each phobia is at a different stage of development and affects life in different ways, but it must be treated in any case. And the sooner you start doing this, the better.

You need to ask yourself what is important: money and a career or love and family. It is necessary to correctly determine your level of aspirations. The main thing is not to be afraid of change. If work brings discomfort, you need to think about a new one: start from scratch or change the field of activity.

Fighting fears at work can and should be done. Experienced specialists will help in this matter and suggest which method will be the most effective.