Most modern televisions are no longer just repeaters of analog or digital television, they have such features as Smart TV, communication using Skype and much more. But most of the new features that have appeared are based on one paramount one - access from the TV to the Internet. It is thanks to Internet access that you can fully use Smart TV, watch movies from the Internet, chat on Skype, add and use other TV functions. How to set up Internet on TV, a paramount task that arises immediately after its purchase. In this article, I will show in detail how to connect a TV (suitable for any TV - LG, Philips, Samsung, Sony, etc.) to the Internet using a LAN cable.

Almost all modern TVs have functionality that allows them to access the Internet. It remains only to connect and configure it. There are two ways to connect your TV to the Internet:

1 With network cable;

2 Using a Wi-Fi wireless connection.

Connecting a cable to a TV is not as easy as it might seem at first glance, because you need to understand where this cable comes from, where one of its ends is connected. And here there are two options:

1 The network cable is connected to the router;

2 The network cable comes from the entrance (provider's cable).

Let's analyze each of the options in more detail.

Connecting the TV to the Internet with an ISP network cable.

This method does not require any additional devices and at first it may seem that everything is simple, but this is not entirely true. The thing is that providers use various technologies connections such as PPPoE, L2TP, Dynamic IP, Static IP. It is on what technology your provider uses that the settings that need to be made on the TV in order for the Internet to work there depend. You can find out what technology your provider uses by looking at the contract with the provider or by calling technical support. Next, I propose to disassemble each of the connection technologies:

Dynamic IP. If your ISP uses Dynamic IP, you need a minimum of effort:

1 Connect the network cable of the provider to the TV;

2 Make sure your TV is set to Automatic search for network settings.

For example, I will describe how to do this on LG TVs with webOS.

Press the "Settings" button on the normal remote control.

If you have a remote magic, press the "Input" button.

Select the gear icon.

Then select "Network" - "Wired Ethernet connection". There you should see the inscription "Connected to the Internet", if so, then congratulations, you have set up the Internet on your TV.

If you have the message " No connection to the Internet via Ethernet", select this connection and make sure that automatic network settings are set there.

Static IP. With this connection method, you need to find out your network settings from the contract with the provider and register them in the TV settings. We do everything step by step:

1 Connect the provider's network cable to the TV's LAN port.

2 Go to the TV settings and write down the network settings of the provider.

For example, on LG TVs, press the "Settings" button, select from the menu - "Network" - "Wired Ethernet Connection",

Uncheck "Automatically" and write down the IP address, mask, gateway, DNS issued by the provider.

PPPoE, L2TP. Unfortunately, very few TVs allow you to set up the Internet if your provider provides the Internet using PPPoE, L2TP technologies. And for most, the way out of this situation is to use a router to connect the TV to the Internet.

Setting up the Internet on the TV when connected via a router.

For this method, it is necessary that the Internet is already configured on the router (you can find how to configure the router in other articles on our website). Connect one end of the cable to any LAN port on the router.

The other end of the cable to the TV.

Go to your TV settings. On LG TVs, for this, on a conventional remote control, press the "Settings" button

or "Input" button on the remote magic

and select the gear icon.

Go to the "Network" - "Wired Ethernet" menu and make sure that "Connected to the Internet" is indicated below this inscription.

If this is not the case, check that the TV receives network settings automatically by selecting an Ethernet connection. Click the "Edit" button.

And check the "Automatic" box.

Thus, without special efforts, using a LAN cable, you can set up the Internet on any TV (LG, Philips, Samsung, Sony, etc.).

Video connecting TV to the Internet using LAN, Wi-Fi.

You can watch movies from video hosting sites, chat in social networks or read news in a browser not only on a computer and smartphone, but also on TV. To do this, the TV must have a built-in Smart TV function or an additional set-top box for it and a stable network connection. We will tell you how to connect your TV directly to the Internet - for this you need an Ethernet cable or router and a Wi-Fi module.

A wired TV connection to the Internet is reliable, but not very convenient. It is necessary to connect the TV to the router with a standard patch cord wire, inserting it into the LAN port on the back of the TV. In order not to pull a new cable, you can use PowerLine adapters - they are plugged into sockets next to 2 devices and allow you to transfer Ethernet data between them over the electrical network.

After you managed to connect the TV to the Internet via cable, set up the connection. Launch the menu on the TV, find the "Network Settings" item. Select the connection type - via cable - and run the setup program. The device will receive an IP address, close the menu and check the Internet in a browser or other widget.

By WiFi

Connecting to a TV via Wi-Fi does not limit you to wires, but the speed of the Internet is highly dependent on signal strength. To go online, get busy - the procedure is slightly different on different models. How to connect LG TV to internet:

  • in the settings menu, go to the "Network" tab;
  • go to "Network connection";
  • click on "Configure";
  • the system will display a list of available networks, select the one you need;
  • enter the password from the router;
  • the network will connect, click "Finish".

To enable Wi-Fi on a Samsung TV, follow the same steps with one difference - at the beginning of the setup, select that you need to establish a wireless connection, and not via cable.

Configuration via WPS

If you cannot set the correct network settings or do not know its name and password, try automatic tuning in WPS mode. In the TV menu, among the network settings, find the item "Connection via WPS", go to it. Within 2 minutes, go to the router and hold down the small button on it with the WPS signature for 10-15 seconds. To establish a connection on the TV, they will ask for a pin code - it is indicated in the instructions for the router or on a sticker on its back.

If the TV does not have built-in Wi-Fi

If the TV has a Wi-Fi module, it is enough to configure it correctly. If there is no built-in Wi-Fi in the device, you can still organize a wireless connection to the network. Buy an external Wi-Fi adapter that plugs into a USB port. When choosing an adapter, be sure to pay attention to compatibility with a specific model of your TV - universal devices do not always allow you to transfer media content.

Another way to set up wireless Internet without built-in Wi-Fi is to connect the TV to a router or repeater. Take a router - even budget models will do - and put it in adapter or bridge mode, connect it with a network cable to the TV's LAN port.


If the TV does not connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi, first check the network access through the router from other devices - a computer, a smartphone. If the sites do not open anywhere, the problem is in the router settings. If the problem only appears on the TV, try the following steps to fix it:

  • reboot the TV and router by turning it off and on after 2-3 minutes;
  • if the router is behind a pair of concrete walls, the connection will break, the speed will decrease - move the router closer to the TV;
  • when the connection breaks under load or there is not enough channel speed to watch the video - the reason is as a router, buy a more powerful router.

If all else fails, set the connection parameters manually. Turn off the DHCP function in the router settings, enter the IP address and gateway on the TV. In the IP settings, select manual entry and fill in the IP, DNS, subnet mask fields. If you do not know what values ​​to enter, go to the computer connected to the same network in the network connection information. Rewrite the corresponding parameters in the TV, increasing the last digit in the IP address by a couple of units. At the end, write down the MAC address of the TV in the router settings.


We figured out how to connect television to the Internet. Choose from a wired or wireless connection and connect your appliances. Modern manufacturers have made the process as easy as possible, so complex settings are not required.

Progress does not stand still and now on TV you can not only watch terrestrial television, but also surf the Internet, watch online movies. By their architecture, modern TVs can be compared with computers; they have a processor, RAM. But to use all the features of a modern TV to the maximum, you need to connect the Internet to it, home computer, sound system etc. In this article, I would like to touch on one of the main features of the TV - Internet access, namely, ways to connect the TV to the Internet.

Connect your TV to the Internet using a network cable.

The most traditional way to connect a TV is through a network cable. Traditionally, this scheme looks like this - the provider's cable is connected to the router, and cables are already coming from the router to connect to a TV, computer, laptop, etc.

To connect, a network cable (patch cord) is purchased desired length and connects TV and router.

If you have not made any changes to the settings, then thanks to this method, the Internet on your TV will be configured automatically, i.e. you can immediately launch smart TV and enjoy the Internet on TV.

The advantages of this method:

Does not require configuration when connected.

Cons of the method:

Requires the purchase and installation of a cable, which is sometimes difficult.

Connecting the TV to the Internet using Wi-Fi.

Another popular way to connect your TV to the Internet is via wireless network WiFi. The traditional scheme looks like this - the provider's network cable goes to the router, and the router already distributes the Internet via Wi-Fi.

If you do not have Wi-Fi on your TV, you can purchase a Wi-Fi adapter for this.

Attention!!! It is worth emphasizing that the purchase of a Wi-Fi adapter is suitable if the TV supports this wireless technology. This should be indicated by a line in the instructions for the TV- WiFi Ready. In addition, you need to purchase a Wi-Fi adapter specifically for your TV model, which Wi-Fi adapter model is suitable, you will find out from the attached instructions for the TV or on the TV manufacturer's website.

Pros of this method:

Without laying a cable, you connect your TV to the Internet.

Cons of the method:

If your TV does not have Wi-Fi, you need to purchase a Wi-Fi adapter.

Connect your TV to the Internet using a Wi-Fi hotspot.

If your TV does not support Wi-Fi, and you do not want to pull a network cable across the room, you can connect the TV with using Wi-Fi access points. Those. you have a classic picture - the provider's network cable is connected to the router and distributes the Internet to all devices via Wi-Fi. wifi hotspot access allows you to convert a Wi-Fi signal into an electrical one and "send" it through network cable. By the way, it is not at all necessary to buy a new Wi-Fi access point, another Wi-Fi router may be suitable for these purposes, provided that it supports the CLIENT connection mode.

Pros of this method:

No cabling required.

Cons of the method:

Wi-Fi access point or Wi-Fi router operating in CLIENT mode is required.

Connecting your TV to the Internet with HomePlug AV technology

Another way to connect your TV to the Internet is to use the HomePlug AV adapter. What is the HomePlug adapter AV technology is alternative way connecting network devices using ordinary home/office wiring as a data carrier. Read more about how it works in the article. Internet / local home network via socket. HomePlug AV Technology . So, the essence of the method is as follows - you purchase two HomePlug AV adapters, for example TP Link PA2010. One connect near WiFi router and connect it with a network cable to the router, the second one is near the TV and connect it with a network cable to the TV. You set up a network between HomePlug AV adapters, since this is done with the push of a button, and voila, your TV is connected to the Internet. It is worth noting that HomePlug AV adapters are cheaper to purchase as a set consisting of two pieces at once.

Advantages of the described method:

No need to pull the cable around the apartment / office.

Cons of the method:

Need to purchase HomePlug AV adapters.

As you can see, not only TVs can be connected in the indicated ways, but also any equipment located remotely from the router (computers, laptops, etc.).

Hello dear friends! Time flies very quickly, and new models of TVs are constantly appearing on the shelves of equipment stores. And if you have recently purchased an LCD TV, then you have probably heard that Wi-Fi can be connected to it. Indeed, there is such a possibility. In general, it is worth admitting that the idea of ​​​​writing today's article was suggested to me by my neighbor, who actually turned to me with a request to help connect his TV to global network The Internet, because it is completely far from such things.

In general, we can say that we successfully connected the TV with him, although there was one nuance due to which some difficulties arose during the connections, but in general the procedure is not so complicated as it seems at first glance. Therefore, in this article I will tell you in detail how to connect a TV to the Internet via a wifi router, you will also learn how this process goes in general and what you need to connect it. We will also consider the types of Internet connections for modern TVs. You definitely need to know this so that you have in mind in advance whether it is possible to connect the TV to the global web or not, for example, when buying it.

From the title of today's article, it is clear that a router must be installed in your house or apartment. I already talked about the router in my previous articles, you can look at these articles:

or read this post

If this step is not completed, then you can try to connect the cable to the TV, but this is a topic for another article.

I will show the analysis of the procedure for connecting the Internet to a TV through a wifi router using LG as an example. Be sure that the process is identical for other popular brands - Samsung, Toshiba, Phillips, Sony, etc.

How to connect the TV to the Internet through a wifi router?

So, all modern TVs can be divided into several categories:

1. Models with built-in Wi-Fi. it the best option, since the module is already in the design, that is, you do not need to install additional equipment. On such a TV, connecting to the Internet takes no more than 10 minutes.

2. TV with Wi-Fi adapter connection support. Initially, such TVs cannot connect to a router, but you can buy a separate adapter for them. After that you will be able to use wireless connection. Keep in mind that different adapters are available for each model. That is why it is important to carefully study the instructions. Adapters look like this:

TVs without Wi-Fi, but with a wall socket. Older models do not support an external adapter, and there is no built-in module in such TVs. You may find a connector for connecting a cable. Then you can implement the following scheme: connect the TV to a second router that operates in client mode. There is also an alternative option, which involves connecting a cable to a LAN adapter, which can receive Internet via Wi-Fi and distribute it via cable.

I won’t talk about models without a LAN connector and Wi-Fi, although there are some craftsmen who connect the Internet to a TV with an HDMI connector. In this manual, we will consider the option with a TV, where a Wi-Fi module is initially present. I repeat once again that the material will be useful for those who already have a USB adapter.

Important! If you have not yet chosen the right TV for yourself, then when buying, check that the TV has a Smart TV function. With it, using the Internet will be even more convenient, and the built-in Wi-Fi module is definitely taken into account there.

What do you need to connect your TV to the Internet?

We just have to get ready. The main component is a TV with a built-in Wi-Fi adapter or an external USB receiver. If you have the second option, then connect the adapter to the TV in advance. Next, you need to check if the router is working. The device model in this case is not important - it must be working.

If you don't have a router, then maybe open access there are Wi-Fi networks without a password. Sometimes it is impossible to connect to them due to the fact that filtering by MAC address is set. That is why it is recommended that you have your own router and access to its settings. Then, if necessary, you can make changes. Everything is ready, then we proceed to the connection process!

How to connect a TV to the Internet through a wifi router: step by step instructions!

When we turn on the TV for the first time, it itself offers us to connect to the Internet. Moreover, the system provides a choice - to do it via cable or via Wi-Fi. Most likely, you ignored this item at the first start, so I will show you how to connect the Internet through the settings. Also, you might not have seen this menu, which means that the TV was turned on without you or even in the store.

We start the TV and open the settings - press the "Settings" button on the remote control.

In the menu that opens, you need to find the "Network" tab, then go to the "Network connection" section. If you have an English version of the menu, then follow the example from the screenshots:

After that, the system will show us a small instruction, I recommend that you read it. After that, click on the "Set up connection" button.

The TV will automatically start searching for available networks and give you the result. In my case, there are two connections available. If you need to enter data for the connection yourself, then select " Manual setting". Here you may have a question, and in what cases such a function may be needed? You need to connect using WPS technology, drive in a static IP address, or connect with a hidden SSID.

Using the virtual keyboard, specify the password, if present. Confirm the entry with the "OK" button. If the password was entered correctly. Then you will see a message stating that you have successfully connected to the Internet. Click "Finish" and move on. Perhaps the system will prompt you to enter DNS and IP, I recommend leaving all indicators on "Automatic" and clicking "Finish". As the reviews of owners of TVs of other brands show, sometimes the system issues a network card - it makes no sense to describe this process, since it does not affect the operation of the wireless connection in any way.

Great, now all the functions of Smart TV are available to you. The screenshot below shows the icon responsible for turning on Smart TV. Also at the top of the screen you can find out if your computer is connected to the wireless Internet.

Possible problems when trying to connect the TV to the Internet through a wifi router

Sometimes when trying to connect to the wireless Internet, errors pop up. They can be corrected as follows:

Disconnect the TV from the network and reconnect it. This is the easiest way, but sometimes it helps to solve difficult problems.

Did not work out? Then you should try resetting Smart Hub settings. We go into this section and go to the "Tools". You will find such a button on the remote control. Next, we need to go to "Settings" and click on the "Reset" button. The TV may ask you to enter the PIN code "0000". Next, you will need to agree to the terms, after which the reinstallation will begin.

If this does not help, then you should try to update everything software TV. You will find this feature in "Support". The system will prompt you to update over the network, but in some cases this cannot be done, because you cannot connect to the Internet. In this case, you need to download the software on the Internet on a computer, and then transfer it to the TV using a USB flash drive. I also suggest you watch the following video:

Well, dear friends, that's actually all that I wanted to tell you today in this article. Concluding today's article - how to connect a TV to the Internet through a wifi router, it will be necessary to note that the process is quite quick and simple. If you have a TV from another manufacturer at home, then I think that you will quickly get used to it with the help of my instructions. Do not forget to write questions in the comments if you encounter any difficulty when setting up a wireless Internet connection. Let's search together possible problems connecting the TV to the Internet.

I will also add that I checked the operation of Smart TV on the TP-Link TL-WR841N router. In addition to the TV, 5 more devices were connected to the router. Real speed was about 2 Mb/s. This indicator was enough for me to fully use the functions of Smart TV. As an example, I can say that I watched YouTube videos in HD format, and there were no noticeable slowdowns in speed.

Smart TV Samsung is one of the best technologies for accessing interactive digital television services. The appearance of this technology on Samsung TVs is a sign of the maturity of television broadcasting, its transition to new principles that link together the achievements of computerization and television. The purchase of such a device is a great event for every family and every individual.

Now, using an ordinary television receiver, it is easy to join the huge media resources of the global network, which has billions of movies, educational and informational videos and other elements of video content. Immediately after purchase digital TV the question arises before its owner: how to set up the Smart TV service on a Samsung TV?

Setting up iptv on a TV Samsung Smart TV and our short note is dedicated to.

Setting up iptv on a Samsung Smart TV means not only providing yourself with access to all services interactive television and his many channels. Other, no less impressive prospects are revealed to the user. For example, the ability to use a television receiver to access social networks and internet pages. In fact, without getting up from the couch, you can interact with all the resources of the global network, without the need to use Personal Computer. However, let's move from words to deeds, and first let's see what difficulties are faced by everyone who wants to start setting up their new device. First of all, you need to know exactly which series of TV receivers your Samsung device belongs to. There are several such series:

  • Series C.
  • H series.
  • Series 5.
  • Series 6.
  • Series D

And others. Below we provide specific settings for each such model, now we will discuss the features of the connection type.

Connection types

Setting up Smart TV directly depends on the type of connection. In fact, the choice is small: there is either a wired connection via fiber optic cable, or a wireless connection via a WiFi module. You can connect iptv this way and that way.

In this case (if two types are used at once), one of the connections will be the main one, and the other will be the secondary one. Which one to make the main one, experience decides. It is necessary to evaluate the quality and stability of the signal first on one and then on the other and choose the one that provides the best and most stable broadcast.

However, this recipe is almost speculative. The fact is that only a cable connection between the receiver and the network is capable of providing an information transfer reception rate of at least 5 Mb / s. And only if your Wi-Fi is connected to a very powerful signal source, high-quality wireless video display becomes possible.

General connection principle

It must be borne in mind that the crossover cable is usually not included in the kit. It must be purchased separately. In general, instructions on how to connect Smart TV and perform iptv settings on a Samsung Smart TV of any series, looks like this:

  • To begin with, we take any router and install Wi-Fi on it.
  • Next, we connect the TV receiver and the router with a crossover. There is a connector on the TV panel for this.
  • Open the TV menu "Network" and go to the "Network settings" section.
  • We are waiting for the result of the end of the settings, which will be performed automatically.

You can establish a wireless connection in the same way by enabling the DHCP option and, as soon as the TV detects the router's network, enter the password for the router's network. Next, set up the widgets. This procedure depends on the series of the receiver. Here are the promised installation diagrams: