Falling oil prices, forced cost cuts and streamlining of financial flows - all these factors have had a serious impact on large energy companies.

Below are the top 10 energy companies.

1 Exxon Mobil

Country: USA

Market capitalization: $363.3 billion

Exxon has become one of five large oil and gas companies included in the Fortune 500 list, despite the unfavorable environment in the global energy market in Lately. Moreover, the company ranks second in the Fortune 500.

Exxon has played a huge role in protecting the oil and gas industry from innovations related to growing concerns about environmental damage, especially in the US.

Attorney General of New York currently is investigating Exxon and its role in hiding the effects of oil and gas production from the public. The company, in turn, denies all allegations.

Exxon Mobil Corp is an American company, the largest private oil company in the world, one of the largest corporations in the world in terms of market capitalization.

The company produces oil in various regions of the world, including the USA, Canada, the Middle East, etc. ExxonMobil has a stake in 45 refineries in 25 countries, has a network of filling stations in more than 100 countries. Proved reserves - 22.4 billion barrels of oil equivalent

2. Petro China

Country : China

Market capitalization: $203.8 billion

PetroChina has become the second largest company in the world, despite the fact that it is recovering from strong financial shocks associated with rising production costs, as well as difficult situation on the world market.

PetroChina Co Ltd is a Chinese oil and gas company. PetroChina was established as part of China's state-owned CNPC in November 1999.

During the restructuring of CNPC, assets for production, processing, petrochemicals and natural gas were transferred to PetroChina.

The legal form of PetroChina is a joint stock company. PetroChina is majority owned by CNPC.

The company is engaged in the exploration, development and production of oil and natural gas, as well as processing, transportation and distribution of oil and oil products, petrochemical products and the sale of natural gas.

3 Chevron

Country: USA

Market capitalization: $192.3 billion

Chevron Corporation is the second integrated US energy company after Exxon Mobil and one of the largest corporations in the world.

The company produces oil in various regions of the world. It owns a number of oil refineries, as well as an extensive network of gas stations. Chevron's proven oil reserves are 13 billion barrels.

Chevron's interests extend to all aspects of the oil and gas industry, including exploration, production, transportation and production of petroleum products, sales and research and development activities.

4. Total

Country : France

Market capitalization: $121.9 billion

The French company Total is one of the companies striving to create progressive standards in the oil and gas industry.

This is primarily due to the fact that at the end of last year a summit was held in Paris with the participation of the heads of 195 countries, main theme which were environmental issues.

6. Royal Dutch Shell

Country : Netherlands

Market capitalization: $210 billion

Royal Dutch Shell Plc is a Dutch-British oil and gas company.

Shell conducts geological exploration and production of oil and gas in more than 80 countries around the world.

Shell also fully or partially owns more than 30 oil refineries.

Shell owns the world's largest network of gas stations, which has more than 43 thousand stations.

In addition, Shell owns a significant number of chemical enterprises, as well as industries solar panels and other alternative energy sources.

7. Gazprom

Country Russia

Market capitalization: $57.1 billion

Gazprom is a Russian transnational corporation engaged in exploration, production, transportation, storage, processing and sale of gas, gas condensate and oil, as well as production and sale of heat and electricity.

Gazprom has the richest natural gas reserves in the world. Its share in world gas reserves is 17%, in Russian - 72%.

Gazprom accounts for 11% of world and 66% of Russian gas production.

The company is currently actively implementing large-scale projects to develop the gas resources of the Yamal Peninsula, the Arctic shelf, Eastern Siberia and Far East, as well as a number of projects for the exploration and production of hydrocarbons abroad.

8. Rosneft

Country Russia

Market capitalization: $51.1 billion

Rosneft is the leader of the Russian oil industry and the largest public oil and gas corporation in the world.

The main activities of OAO NK Rosneft are the search and exploration of hydrocarbon deposits, the production of oil, gas, gas condensate, the implementation of projects for the development of offshore fields, the processing of extracted raw materials, the sale of oil, gas and products of their processing in Russia and abroad .

9 Reliance Industries

Country : India

Market capitalization: $50.6 billion

Reliance Industries Ltd is an Indian company, the country's largest holding company. The company's headquarters is located in Navi Mumbai, a satellite city of Mumbai.

The main business of the company is concentrated in the field of oil and gas production, as well as oil refining (it owns a large oil refinery complex in Jamnagar, Gujarat) - these industries are handled by a subsidiary of Reliance Petroleum.

In addition, Reliance Industries owns large petrochemical facilities, as well as a prominent retail network in the Indian market (grocery, electronics, etc.).

10. Lukoil

Country Russia

Market capitalization: $36.8 billion

Lukoil is a Russian oil company. The main activities of the company are operations for the exploration, production and processing of oil and natural gas, the sale of oil and oil products.

More than half of LUKoil's oil reserves are concentrated in Western Siberia (the main production operator is LUKoil-Western Siberia LLC (located in the Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous region), 100% of which is owned by OAO LUKoil and is the largest asset of LUKoil).

An oil refinery is an industrial enterprise whose main function is to refine oil into gasoline, aviation kerosene, fuel oil, diesel fuel, lubricating oils, lubricants, bitumen, petroleum coke, raw materials for petrochemicals. The production cycle of a refinery usually consists of the preparation of raw materials, the primary distillation of oil and recycling oil fractions: catalytic cracking, catalytic reforming, coking, visbreaking, hydrocracking, hydrotreatment and mixing of components of finished petroleum products. There are many oil refineries in Russia. Some refineries have been operating for a long time - since the war years, others have been put into operation relatively recently. The Achinsk Oil Refinery turned out to be the youngest plant among the considered enterprises; it has been operating since 2002.

The site compiled a rating of refineries supplying Russian regions with petroleum products.
1. - an oil refinery located in the Bolsheuluysky district Krasnoyarsk Territory. The company was founded on September 5, 2002. Owned by Rosneft.
2. Komsomolsk Oil Refinery is a Russian oil refinery located in the Khabarovsk Territory in the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur. Also owned by OAO NK Rosneft. Built in 1942. It occupies a significant place in oil refining in the Russian Far East.
3. - Russian oil refinery in Samara region. Included in the group of OAO NK Rosneft. Year of foundation - 1945.
4. - an oil refining enterprise, located in Moscow, in the Kapotnya district. The plant was commissioned in 1938.
5. - Russian oil refinery in the Samara region. Included in the group of OAO NK Rosneft. The refinery was founded in 1951.
6. Omsk oil refinery is one of the largest oil refineries in Russia. Owned by Gazprom Neft. September 5, 1955 put into operation.
7. - Russian oil refinery. Also known as "Cracking". Part of the TNK-BP group. Located in the city of Saratov. Founded in 1934.
8. - Russian oil refinery in the Samara region. Included in the group of OAO NK Rosneft. Works since 1942.
9. - Russian oil refinery in the Krasnodar Territory. The plant makes up a single production complex with the sea terminal of the Rosneft oil products supply enterprise - OAO NK Rosneft-Tuapsenefteprodukt. The main part of the products is exported. oil company Rosneft. Year of foundation - 1929.
10. - Russian refinery, a leading Far Eastern manufacturer of motor and boiler fuel. It is part of the NK "Alliance". The enterprise's capacity is 4.35 million tons of oil per year. Founded in 1935.

On last week I was at the largest oil refinery in Russia (and one of the largest in the world) - the Omsk Oil Refinery. It is also one of the most efficient plants in terms of the depth of oil refining among its kind in Russia, and not only.

The Omsk Refinery has existed since 1955, and from 2008 to 2015, the first stage of a large-scale modernization of production was carried out, which made it possible to switch to the production of motor fuels environmental class"Euro-5" and significantly improve energy efficiency and environmental friendliness. By the way, they say at the plant that they are ready to switch to the production of Euro-6, if necessary. Taking into account the beginning of the second stage of modernization, which will end in 2020, in 4 years the depth of oil refining will be a record 97% even for world indicators.

If you have never been to such factories, then I want to make a small photo tour of the Omsk Oil Refinery for you so that you can feel the full power and strength of the domestic fuel and energy complex.

When viewed from ground level, everything around seems gigantic, has its own network of roads and it seems that you can easily get lost. In addition, the distance to facilities appear to be less than they actually are due to the size of the equipment and the various installations, pipes and other refinery facilities.

If you climb one of the highest points of the Omsk Refinery - Isomalk-2, 50 meters high, then views open up that even more clearly show the size of this gigantic production.

But that is not all. Last year, this refinery began to implement a project, according to which by 2020 it is planned to create a high-tech complex for the production of catalysts for refineries. This project is so relevant and interesting for the industry that the Ministry of Energy has already given it the status of a National Project. When the project is implemented, not only will the production of catalysts for the creation of Euro-5 and higher fuel standards begin in Russia, but a whole cluster of related enterprises will appear in the Omsk region with an annual turnover of more than 1.5 billion rubles, new workers will be created places and, accordingly, there will be an increase in tax revenues to the budget.

Separately, I would like to talk about those who work at this plant.

For example, CEO- Belyavsky Oleg Germanovich. Initially, I had thoughts that he was one of the “purebred managers”, but he is loved and appreciated at the plant because he is an experienced production worker, has gone from a simple worker to a manager, knows how to run both individual workshops and entire plants.

For the successful development of the plant, the management thinks about the prospects of the entire industry. Great and serious work in this direction is being done at the Institute for the Problems of Hydrocarbon Processing. I won’t lie if I say that specialists work here, whom foreign corporations have long wanted to lure away, but they remain faithful to their Motherland and do not leave anywhere. It is they who develop the country's oil refining industry.

And their developments and equipment make it possible not only to conduct scientific experiments and look for new ways to maximize oil refining, but even now to produce a catalyst for catalytic cracking. For example, this catalyst is supplied to the Moscow Oil Refinery and, according to experts, is much better than imported "analogues".

And this is the creator of the Russian catalyst, which surpasses foreign analogues in all respects. The scientist laughs, answering questions about why he has not yet gone abroad and whether it is time to retire.

Well, the fact that the Omsk Oil Refinery (formerly the Omsk Oil Plant), in close cooperation with the Institute for the Problems of Hydrocarbon Processing, has been producing high-quality fuel for cars and aircraft, vacuum gas oil, bitumen, tar and others for more than 60 years, says the local "Hall of Fame", located At the institute.

The oil issue has always been considered the most important for the economy of any country.

Russia began its history in 1745, from the very day when the first enterprise was founded by the Chumelov brothers on the Ukhta River. Its products were based on ordinary, but very relevant in those days, kerosene, as well as other lubricating oils.

Today, the Russian oil refining industry is considered one of the most successful. The number of enterprises, both small and large, is constantly growing, which is due to the constantly growing income from the processing of "black gold". This industry is best developed in the Central region of the country, as well as in the Tyumen and Chelyabinsk regions.

Russia produces mainly gasoline, kerosene, diesel, rocket, aviation fuel, fuel oil, motor oils, bitumen, petroleum coke, etc. The vast majority of them are created near oil rigs, which allows companies not to spend additional funds on the supply of raw materials. After processing, the finished product is sent to the final consumer.

The main task performed by Russian refineries is a deep one. Their production cycle, as a rule, consists of the process of preparing raw materials, primary distillation of oil and secondary processing of fractions, which includes reforming, coking, hydrotreating and mixing components of the finished oil product.

The largest oil refineries in Russia are located in the Central, Siberian and which account for more than seventy percent of the country's total capacity. These are Gazpromneft-Omsk refinery, as well as Angarsk, Antipinsky (Tyumen), Afipsky ( Krasnodar region), Krasnoleninsky (Khanty-Mansiysk), Ufimsky (Bashkiria), etc. On the territory of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the leader in primary processing oil is Bashkiria.

Oil refineries in Russia, for the most part, appeared in our country after the war: in the period up to 1965, 16 capacities were built, which is more than half of those that exist today. However, during the formation economic reforms in the 1990s, there was a significant decline in production volumes. It is not difficult to explain this: in those days, domestic oil consumption fell sharply, which led to the low quality of the product being produced, and hence the low refining depth ratio, which dropped to 67.4 percent. And only in 1999 the Omsk Oil Refinery was able to approach the standards of the USA and Europe.

Only in last years there is an encouraging trend in this issue, a sign of which is significant investment in oil refining, which, since 2006, has exceeded 40 billion rubles.

The coefficient of refining depth has increased, because in 2010 V. Putin forbade by his Decree to connect to the highways those new oil refineries in Russia, in which it did not reach 70%, believing that such enterprises need serious modernization. The number of such mini-refineries in Russia today reaches two hundred and fifty.

And by the end of the current 2012, it is planned to build the largest oil refinery complex in Russia, located at the very end of the pipeline passing through Eastern Siberia to Pacific Ocean, whose product processing depth will be about 93 percent, which will correspond to the level achieved at the same US enterprises.

The largely consolidated oil refining industry in our country is under the control of ten large companies such as Rosneft, Lukoil, Bashneft, Surgutneftegaz, TNK-BP, Gazprom, etc.