In August it became known that the Russian government was going to create a register of the country's gifted children. The draft law already exists, the "selection criteria" for the geeks have been worked out: the list will include the winners of the final stages of the Olympiads, the winners of intellectual and creative competitions, young athletes, scientists and other guys with outstanding abilities. However, these children are not dry lines in the win rating. Behind each of them, in addition to innate talents, there is an exorbitant diligence and dedication, and their, young heroes of our time, it would be nice to know by sight.


Winner of the gold medal of the iGeo International Geography Olympiad.

A graduate of the Petrozavodsk school bypassed high school students from 40 countries of the world and received gold medal at the International Geography Olympiad, which was held in Tver from 11 to 17 August. The guys were waiting for three competitive stages: theory, work "in the fields" and a multimedia test, everything was on English language... For Yegor, this was not the first Olympiad - he had already participated in three All-Russian and one international geographical competition. According to the boy, earlier geography was just a hobby for him, but in high school he was seriously carried away by this subject and now entered the geography faculty of Moscow State University.


Winner of the XV International Television Competition for Young Musicians "The Nutcracker" in the specialty "Wind and Percussion Instruments".

Fifteen-year-old Giorgi was born in the city of Shuya, Ivanovo region. He studied at the Children's Music School - first singing, then playing the saxophone. He began to participate in music competitions and his virtuoso performance always won prizes. Step by step he went to victory at the prestigious Nutcracker music competition and achieved his goal, having received a gold award in his specialty. The final of the competition was held on the stage of one of the main halls of the country - the Concert Hall. P.I. Tchaikovsky. Giorgi performed Pedro Itturald's Little Czardash, accompanied by the Moscow Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra, after which the audience gave the boy a standing ovation. Giorgi's future plans are to continue to hone his skills and enter the Gnessin School.


The pianist prodigy. In 2014 he carried the Olympic flame during the Moscow stage of the relay. This summer he reached the final of the main music competition country - XV International Competition named after P.I. Tchaikovsky.

Danya was born in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. His musical talent showed up at the age of five, when the kid learned to play the piano. From that moment on, events began to develop very rapidly. At the age of seven, he performed with the orchestra for the first time, at eight - he received the main prizes of the international competition. S. Rachmaninov and the Mozart-Wunderkind competition, two years later - the Golden Nutcracker. By the age of sixteen, he had already gone the path of a serious musician - he performed with the Bolshoi Symphony Orchestra. P.I. Tchaikovsky, with the Mariinsky Theater Orchestra, with the Moscow Virtuosi, conquered New York's Carnegie Hall and even accompanied Diana Vishneva at the Context contemporary choreography festival. In 2014, he carried the Olympic flame during the Moscow stage of the relay. This summer he reached the final of the country's main music competition - the XV International P.I. Tchaikovsky.


Winner of a gold medal in the team figure skating competition at the 2014 Olympics, winner of the European Figure Skating Championship.

Julia was born in Yekaterinburg, where she first skated at the age of 4. By the age of eleven, she mastered all triple jumps, and from that moment she began her path to the sports Olympus: prizes in junior and then adult competitions, victories in the Grand Prix stages, "gold" at the European Championship and in team competitions at the Sochi Olympics ... Julia is one of the youngest participants in the history of Olympic figure skating, the owner of the Order of Friendship and the titles of Honored Master of Sports of Russia and Master of Sports of Russia of international class.


Winner of the Grand Award of the Intel ISEF worldwide competition for scientific and engineering achievements of schoolchildren.

Daniel was born in Vladivostok, then moved to St. Petersburg, where he studied at a school with a mathematical bias. In the 11th grade, together with the teacher, I sent an application for the Intel ISEF competition. The research on algorithms, which he had been engaged in for several months, brought the young mathematician the Grand Award, known as the "Minor Nobel Prize", and at the same time recognition in the scientific world. Besides Danil, more than 1,500 children from 70 countries competed for the award. Their work was evaluated by the owners Nobel Prize, scientists and staff the best universities the world. Despite his obvious ability in scientific mathematics, this year Daniel became a student High school management of St. Petersburg State University.


The youngest grandmaster of Russia-2013, master of sports of Russia.

Mikhail was born in Moscow and learned to play chess at an early age. At the age of 14, he took second place in his age category in the rating of the World Chess Federation FIDE, at 15 he received the title of Master of Sports, and at 16 he became the youngest grandmaster in Russia. The young chess player was supported by Evgeny Kaspersky. Today Mikhail is 18 years old, he is a student of the Faculty of Psychology of the Russian State University for the Humanities and continues to perform at chess tournaments.


Winner X All-Russian competition them. Vladimir Mezentsev "Young Journalists of Russia" in the "Reporting" nomination, winner of the All-Russian competition "Pen Test" -2014.

Dasha was born and studied in Krasnoyarsk. She wrote articles for school and municipal newspapers, constantly participated and won prizes in all-Russian journalistic competitions. Among her works are interviews with journalist, traveler and editor-in-chief of the program "Their manners" on the NTV channel Dmitry Vozdvizhensky, with New Yorker journalist Ian Fraser. This year Daria sent one of her materials - a reportage about a shelter for homeless animals to summer cottage residents of the Krasnoyarsk region - for the competition "Young Journalists of Russia" and took first place in the nomination. The competition was supported by the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, the Faculty of International Journalism of MGIMO, the Union of Journalists of Russia, the radio station "Echo of Moscow", the magazines "Schrödinger's Cat", "Russian Reporter" and other organizations. Now Dasha is a first-year student at the Faculty of Journalism at Moscow State University.



Varya was born in St. Petersburg in the family of actress Irina Salikova. The girl became famous thanks to the film "Pioneers Heroes", which was released this summer. There she played one of the main heroines in childhood - the lively pioneer Katya, who dreamed of exploits. The matured thirty-year-old Katya is played by Daria Moroz, and both actresses are like two drops of water similar to each other. Varya's work has received many positive reviews, and the director of the film Natalya Kudryashova said in one of her interviews that her colleagues are now calling her and want to get Varya and two other little "pioneer" actors in their projects. Varya also appeared in a promo film for the Estel company, where her colleague in set became Yegor Beroev.


Sabina was born in Tashkent. Her grandfather is a saxophonist, so music has always been present in the life of a talented girl. At the age of 11, Sabina received the Grand Prix at the Tashkent Festival "Gifted Children", at the age of 13 she became the winner of the "Children's New Wave" competition. At the qualifying round of the children's "Voice" all three mentors turned to her, and Sabina decided to join the team of Maxim Fadeev. At the stage of fights, she dropped out of the project, but thanks to the audience vote, she returned to the finals and won the competition. The proceeds from her first single, which became a prize for the victory, the girl decided to transfer to charitable foundation"Life Line". Now 15 years old, she dreams of going to Berklee College of Music.



Konstantin was born in Yaroslavl. For 9 years he was engaged in acrobatics, received the title of Master of Sports, but stopped at the age of 15. He began to write poetry - first for himself, then began to speak in public, reading poetry under musical accompaniment... He wrote several poems. Now Konstantin travels around the cities of Russia with solo performances (Voronezh, Kostroma, Kirov), participates in Moscow "Literary Mondays". In September he performed in a large literary and musical concert "City of Poets" at Triumfalnaya Square together with the actors of the Taganka Theater, Sovremennik, the Nikitskiye Vorota theater, as well as popular artists Sergei Veksler, Gosha Kutsenko, Avangard Leontiev.

These are just a few talented guys - our contemporaries, but how many of them have already been and will appear?

Some become national heroes, but most are still behind the scenes. Meanwhile, they are the real elite and the future of the country. I'd like to hope that ours.

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Who are the geeks?

Prodigies are children who are superior in intellectual development to their peers. As a child, they can master several professions and achieve heights in them even at school age.

Genius and giftedness is a deviation from the norm in the structure of the brain. Geneticist V. Efroimson claims that it is given to one in a thousand, develops in one in a million, and only one in 10 million becomes a real genius. These abilities are inherited. And how and when they appear depends on external factors... They cannot be nurtured by intense occupations alone. As a rule, parents of geniuses do not make excessive efforts to educate the child. Children strive to learn what they like, and adults, seeing these interests, support them.

The most famous geeks

Akrit Yasual
A young gifted child from India. At the age of seven, he spent his first surgery.

Pablo Picasso
At the age of 12, he was considered a mature artist with his own unique style. At 16 he organized his first art exhibition, and at 20 he became a world famous artist. With all this, it was very difficult for him to learn the rest of the subjects at school: at the age of 16, he could barely read syllables and wrote with a lot spelling errors.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
At the age of 4 he learned to play the piano, and at the age of five he began to write his first small pieces. At eight he finished writing his first symphony.

Okita Souji
The Japanese child prodigy had absolutely no intellectual ability. But at the age of 9 he perfectly mastered combat sabers and swords. At 12 he won the master of fencing and at 18 he became a recognized master of martial arts.

Kim Ung Yong
IQ level of Korean Kim Ung Yong - 210 points. At the age of 6, he graduated from the Faculty of Physics and at 15 received his doctorate. At the age of 7 he was invited to work at NASA in the USA.

Gregory Smith
At the age of 2 he learned to read, at the age of 10 he entered the university. He was nominated for the Nobel Prize four times.

William James Sideis

The IQ level fluctuated between 250-300 points. I learned to read in a year and a half. By the age of eight, he had written four books and mastered seven languages: Latin, Greek, Russian, Hebrew, French, German. Before reaching the age of seven, he became a professor. At puberty, he became celibate. He led a reclusive lifestyle, constantly changing his place of residence and work.

What is the danger of giftedness, and how to raise a prodigy?

Only 10 percent of geeks can develop a secondary, adult talent.

Everybody else grows up ordinary people... Just what is generally educational program studied for 11 years at school and 5 at the university, they master in childhood.

According to statistics, there are more suicides among children of geeks than among ordinary ones. This is due to the fact that they are geniuses only up to puberty. And after them tragic disappointment awaits. By this time, they have already managed to form an overestimated self-esteem, both for them and for everyone around them, it is already very difficult to get used to the fact that they are the same as everyone else.

Do not force children to grow up ahead of time. This shakes their psyche. High self-esteem and a desire to always be the best prevents them from making friends. They do not know how to communicate in a team, it is difficult for them to establish a personal life. Because in both cases it is necessary to reckon with other people's interests. And they are not used to this, because from childhood they consider themselves exceptional. They do not know how to lose and always await praise.

The psychologist of the Center for Successful Relationships Elena Dubovik comments on the problems in the upbringing of gifted children as follows:

“Emphasizing a child's dissimilarity to others causes him a lot of difficulties. These are primarily communication problems. The child begins to think: "I am not of this pack", "I am not like the others," which leads to alienation from society. "

“Disagreement with natural inclinations is violence, which is interpreted as“ Don't be yourself ”. The child feels compelled to conform to the parental ideal. For him, this is a dead end situation.

He cannot express his anger. And, as a consequence, when he grows up, this can manifest itself in the most unexpected way.

It must be remembered that, by their very nature, other people's goals are meaningless. "

In confirmation of the danger and complexity of the personality of a gifted child, several real cases can be cited.

The young poetess Nika Turbina dictated poems to her mother full of childish experiences from the age of 4. Having matured, she ceased to be a "little miracle" and the public's interest faded away. The girl became uncontrollable. She tried to commit suicide several times, excessively consumed alcohol and drugs.

Mathematician Pavel Konoplev graduated from the university at the age of 18 and entered the graduate school of Moscow State University. Due to the strongest intellectual and emotional overload, he ended up in a psychiatric hospital. Now he is dead.

Whether the child prodigy is your child or not, the main thing is to be attentive to him and develop his abilities without trauma or confusion.

There are many

Hello dear guys! Good day to you, dear adults!

The "Projects" section is actively continuing its work and is supplemented with one more material that may be useful for you to prepare for school reports. Below is information about the prodigies - children who early showed their abilities in any particular area of ​​knowledge.

Of course, there are many unique and capable children on the planet. On the Internet, you can find a lot of information about outstanding geniuses. We have compiled a list of those who in their early years became famous all over the world.

Lesson plan:

Surgeon Akrit Yaswal

The little child prodigy was born in 1993 in a poor town called Nurpur in India, where only 10,000 people lived. He is with early childhood he was interested in anatomy, reading many books on medical topics, was present at operations, and by his five years he was fluent in the structure of the human body.

By the age of seven, he had a reputation young genius in medecine. That is why the neighbors who lived next to Akrit's family once turned to him for help. Unable to pay for the operation of their daughter, they asked the boy to return the mobility of her fingers after the burn.

A seven-year-old surgeon without any medical skills successfully coped with jewelry work and thus became famous all over the world.

At 12 years old, Akrita is enrolled in medical University and by the age of 17 he is getting a master's degree in chemistry. His childhood dream is to create a cure for cancer, which he has been doing for many years.

By the way, his IQ is 146 units.

Nuclear physicist Taylor Ramon Wilson

The young physicist was born in 1994 in America in an ordinary family and became famous for having made nuclear bomb, and by the age of 14 he created a special device for nuclear reactions.

When he was 5, Tay demanded from his father to bring a real crane for his birthday. In his 9, the periodic table appeared on the wall in the nursery, which the genius learned by heart in a week, after which a laboratory for genetic experiments was set up in his grandmother's garage.

Once he firmly declared his intention to build a thermonuclear reactor in the garage, causing horror among the family - no one wanted to die "the death of the brave."

Parents were incredibly lucky: the University of Nevada provided Taylor with an opportunity for physics experiments within its walls.

At the age of 17, his invention in the field of nuclear physics - a detector for the search for nuclear weapons - attracted the attention of the American Department of Security and was presented to the President of the United States Barack Obama himself.

When he turned 19, among the inventions of the young genius, a compact nuclear reactor appeared, capable of providing heat to 25-100 thousand houses and working without refueling for up to 30 years.

Since the age of 13, Taylor has been actively speaking with reports, telling in simple language about complex things from the field of radioactivity and nuclear physics, continuing his research to this day.

Mathematician Jacob Barnett

The young mathematical genius was born in America in 1999. At the age of two, he was diagnosed with autism, in which children do not speak, do not read, and have difficulty performing any actions.

However, upon reaching the age of three, little Jacob not only spoke actively, but also recited the alphabet back and forth. At the same age, he managed to put together a puzzle of 5000 pieces and began to study in detail the road maps of the American states.

As a child, the little autistic Jacob drew a lot, only his pictures were not like those that children usually draw. Instead of houses and cars, his drawings were geometric figures and some special, known only to him alone, mathematical formulas. In addition, at home windows, he got used to drawing calculations with a felt-tip pen.

At the age of eight, a genius boy, whose IQ is 170, left school, which could no longer teach him anything, and went to university to study quantum physics.

His obsession is to refute the theory of relativity. This is the question that Jacob is working on in his doctoral dissertation. Successful completion of the project by a young mathematician - an application for the Nobel Prize.

Artist Aelita Andre

She was born in Australia in 2007 in a family of artists, having joined drawing at the age of nine months. By the way, her mother is from Russia.

The first work was written on the father left in the living room clean slate... In the second year of his daughter's life, his father showed photographs of her works to the director of an art gallery, and already at two years old, the paintings of the second Picasso, Aelita Andre, were exhibited for all to see in Melbourne.

Her first solo exhibition was held in the United States when the genius artist was four years old.

Today, 32 works by the youngest professional artist on the planet have been sold for $ 800,000.

The Knyazev sisters

Russia also has its own young talents. Two brilliant girls Angela and Diana were born in 1986 and 1987 and were able to finish school in five years, instead of the required eleven.

Thus, at the age of 14 and 13, they were already certified economists.

A year later, the sisters graduated with honors from the Faculty of Law and entered the American Stanford, where, instead of the prescribed two years, they mastered the program in just a year.

After becoming doctors of finance, Angela and Diana teach at the University of New York.

These are they, the unique children of our planet!

How to supplement the project?

And so that your report on this topic ends in an interesting way, you can talk about the smartest person on Earth, whose IQ level record cannot be broken until now.

Born in 1963, Kim Ung Yong, a Korean, with an IQ of 210, was listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

When he was three, he became a student in the physics department, and at the age of six he had already received a university degree. At four, Kim knew four languages ​​and was able to solve complex problems in mathematical analysis. At the age of eight, he began to collaborate with the US Space Research Administration. By the age of 15, he became a doctor. physical sciences... The child prodigy works as an ordinary professor at one of the Korean universities.

And you can also invite your classmates to watch this amazing video about an amazing girl who easily speaks a variety of languages.

To learn more about the life of geeks, I advise you to take a look.

That's it for today. Wish you successful performance... Until next time!

Evgenia Klimkovich.

Incredible facts

Many of us strive to achieve excellence in our field.

Some people manage to reach the peak of their careers in adulthood, however, there are such talented "specimens" that already in childhood surpasses many adults in skill.

Throughout history there have been a large number of geeks.

Below is a list of today's talented children who have proven themselves in various fields.

10. Mikaela Fudolig

She was born in 1991.

Michaela entered university in the Philippines at the age of 11. At the age of 16, she graduated with honors and became the owner of a red diploma in physics. Just at this time, her peers were finishing secondary school.

Currently, the girl is a graduate student and professor. at his home university, she teaches econophysics, mathematical modeling of behavior in systems and biological systems.

9. Akrit Pran Jaswal

Was born in 1993.

This Indian boy became famous after having his first surgery at the age of seven. Even then, he was considered a medical genius. He performed the operation on an 8-year-old boy who suffered from a burn.

Then Akrit amputated his fingers. The young talent entered the university at the age of 12, and by the age of 17 he was already working on obtaining a master's degree in applied chemistry. Today he is busy looking for a cure for cancer.

8. Taylor Ramon Wilson

Was born in 1994.

Taylor Wilson is the youngest person in the world to create a working fuser: a device designed to simulate nuclear fusion... He built the bomb at the age of 10, and created the fuser when he was barely 14.

In May 2011, the boy won international competition Intel International Science and Engineering Fair, presenting its radiation detector.

Modern children develop much faster than their parents.

In February 2013, he spoke at the 2013 TED conference, talking there about his ideas for building underground nuclear fission reactors. He has developed a compact nuclear reactor that he says can generate 50 megawatts of electricity and will only need to be refueled once every 30 years.

7. Cameron Thompson

Was born in 1997.

Thompson is a "math prodigy" from North Wales. When he was four years old, he corrected his teacher, who said that zero is smallest number... Cameron then added that she forgot about negative numbers.

He began studying higher mathematics at university at the age of 11. At the same age, he passed two final exams in mathematics and higher mathematics. Then he was shown on the BBC in a program about teenage geniuses.

He has difficulty learning other subjects due to Asperger's syndrome but undoubtedly Cameron is the living embodiment of mathematical genius.

6. Jacob Barnett

Was born in 1999.

Jacob is an American mathematician. When the boy was two years old, he was diagnosed with severe autism. Doctors said that the boy might not learn to talk, read, perform the simplest daily activities, and even that he might develop difficulties in caring for himself.

However, things did not go as the doctors predicted. A year later, the boy was already reciting the alphabet in forward and backward order. Moreover, at the age of three, during a visit to the planetarium, Jacob told the guide why satellites of Mars such a strange shape.

At the age of 10, he entered Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis. While working on his degree, he argued that one day, one day, he would be able to refute Einstein's theory of relativity.

He is currently working on his doctoral dissertation in quantum physics.

5. March Tian Boedihardjo

Was born in 1998.

This boy was born in Hong Kong and is the youngest student at the University of Hong Kong, enrolling at the age of 9. He passed excellent mathematics and all final exams at school.

All children are born scientists

He took part in a specially designed double degree program, successfully earning a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and a Master of Philosophy at the same time. He is currently working on his doctoral dissertation in mathematics in the United States.

4. Priyanshi Somani

She was born in 1998.

This girl is a living calculator from India. She began to practice oral counting at the age of 6, and at 11 in 2010, she became the youngest participant and winner of the Mental Calculation World Cup.

She managed to bypass 36 competitors from 16 countries. She took first place by calculating the square root of a 10-digit number in a record 6 minutes 51 seconds.

To top it all off, it is worth noting that she was the only contestant who showed 100% accuracy in addition, multiplication and square root extraction in the entire history of the competition.

In 2012, she became the new world record holder in the same competition, calculating the root of a 10-digit number in 2 minutes and 43 seconds.

3. Akim Camara

Was born in 2000.

Akim Kamara is a child prodigy violinist from Berlin. He began playing the violin at the age of two, while the boy has an incredible musical memory, because while still in diapers, he sang the musical compositions he heard.

Soon his natural ear for music was noticed and he, a two-year-old toddler, was taught music twice a week. After six months of training, the boy masterly wielded the violin, and in 2003, at the age of three, he made his debut at a Christmas concert.

2. Ethan Bortnick

Was born in 2000.

Ethan Bortnik is a musician, songwriter and actor. When the boy was three years old, he began to play the keyboard, and at the age of five he was already composing music. He made his debut appearance in 2007 on The Tonight Show, after which he gave concerts on several occasions.

His name is in the Guinness Book of Records. There he is listed as the youngest musician giving recitals. He is also the youngest headliner to ever play in Las Vegas. He did this at the age of 10.

1. Tanishq Matthew Abraham

Was born in 2003.

Tanish is the youngest member of the organization Mensa, which he entered at the age of 4. The boy's genius was already visible when the baby was barely 4 months old, and he began to look through children's books, while correctly answering questions about the text.

After gaining a Mensa membership, he scored a record 99.9 points in IQ testing. At the age of five, he graduated from the math courses in the Stanford University Gifted Youth Education Program, completing all levels in just six months (training usually lasts from kindergarten and up to grade 5 of the school).

At six years old, he is already taking university courses, doing almost excellent exams, and is the youngest member of the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society (a prestigious community like Mensa). Since then, he has regularly published essays on the NASA website.

Today it is customary to develop your child almost from the cradle. Early reading, music lessons, knowledge of numbers and other "mother's joys", because after three it is too late!

Some fanatical parents are sure that without the maximum load, their child will certainly become a janitor. But often a talent that wakes up too early becomes not a gift for a child, but a test.

The education system of the USSR, for example, was considered one of the best in the world. The whole world watched with admiration for the successes of Soviet miracle children. Alas, the fate of most of the geeks of that time was tragic ...

Pasha Konoplev

In the 1980s, Soviet and foreign media admired Pasha Konoplev's incredible abilities. Pasha was already solving complex mathematical problems at the age of three. At the age of five, he learned to play the piano without anyone's help.

At 8, Pasha was well versed in physics. At the age of 15 he was enrolled in the university, at 18 - in graduate school. Pasha was delighted with his studies, and his parents were delighted with the fact that the boy had a great future.

However, at some point, the psyche of the young genius ceased to cope with the stress. Endless emotional breakdowns, outbursts of aggression, suicide attempts began. Relatives placed him in a psychiatric hospital, where "heavy" drugs suppressed his despair, along with the extraordinary capabilities of the brain. Pasha Konoplev never left the hospital, having died of a pulmonary thrombus when he was only 29 years old.

Sasha Putrya

The fate of another young talent Sasha Putri (1977-1989) also cannot be called rosy. For 11 years of her life, the young Poltava artist managed to create more than 2 thousand works. At the age of 3, the girl was already painting beautifully.

Sasha never copied anything, she drew “from her head” - parents, relatives, animals. There were especially many plots on the theme of India, oriental dances, the god Shiva.

At the age of 5, Sasha was diagnosed with acute leukemia. A hard struggle began - examinations, tests, hospitals. Despite the severe pain, the little artist spent 8-10 hours a day at work. Before her death, Sasha asked her parents not to hold her, to let her go.

After the funeral, the whole world saw Sasha Putri's drawings. In total, more than 100 of her solo exhibitions have taken place in dozens of countries.

Polina Osetinskaya

Polina Osetinskaya also became famous in the 80s of the last century. Since the age of six, the young pianist has been actively touring the country, collecting huge halls in every city. The father, with whom the girl grew up, suffered a hand injury in childhood and could not become a professional pianist. However, he decided to raise a great musician from little Polina. By the age of 8, she had played by heart 30 hours of the most difficult pieces of music.

Polina Osetinskaya has been giving concerts since she was six

However, at the age of 13, the girl rebelled against the constant drill and ran away from home. Then Polina first shared with journalists: her "genius" was the result of regular beatings and humiliations.

The girl, nevertheless, did not give up music, having graduated first from the school-lyceum at the St. Petersburg Conservatory, and then from the conservatory itself. In 2008, Polina Osetinskaya published a book "Farewell to Sadness", where she talked about cruel methods, which her father used to raise a little star.

A former child prodigy, and now an ordinary person, a professional and a mother of three children, Polina Osetinskaya continues her successful concert activity.

Nika Turbina

Another Soviet child prodigy Nika Turbina dictated her poems to her mother from the age of four. The girl released her first collection of poems at the age of nine. And at 12 she became the owner of the prestigious Venetian Golden Lion award.

Nika Turbina recites her poems

Up to this point from Soviet poets Anna Akhmatova alone was awarded such an award (and then - at the age of 60).

Nika's poems sounded on the radio, were translated into several languages, she was patronized by Yevgeny Yevtushenko himself, the whole world talked about her. But when Turbina matured, public interest in “ little miracle»From the USSR has noticeably faded away. Accustomed to fame, Nika experienced it with great difficulty. From adolescence, she began a series of nervous breakdowns, she developed an interest in drugs and alcohol.

Nika repeatedly tried to commit suicide. At the age of 27, she passed away - the girl crashed to her death, falling from the balcony of the 5th floor.

Alyosha Sultanov

Alexei Sultanov, born in 1970, was called the young Mozart and he was predicted to be a dizzying success. For the first time a boy touched the keys in a year. With two he could play simple melodies, with five he could compose his own works.

At some point, the parents practically stopped letting Alyosha out of the instrument, believing that only exhausting work would help to reveal his natural gift. So the boy lost his childhood. By the age of eight, the child prodigy was already playing Bach, Mozart, Beethoven perfectly, striking the venerable specialists with his talent.

And here is the mental and physical health the child, on the contrary, left much to be desired. At the age of 9, Sultanov developed bulimia. In adolescence, the psyche became more and more unstable - he could break an expensive instrument at the conservatory, deliberately injure his hands on the eve of a prestigious competition.

At the age of 19, Alexei is recognized as the best of the 40 most talented pianists in the world. But the guy could not enjoy success - he was seriously haunted by the paranoid fear of death. Alexey Sultanov was sure that he would die of a stroke. And so it happened. At the age of 32, he suffered five attacks at once. The brilliant pianist went blind in one eye, he was partially paralyzed. With great difficulty, he partially recovered, but after that he lived only 4 years.

Nadia Rusheva

Nadya Rusheva was born in the family of an artist in Ulan Bator, she was named Naydan, which means "eternal life". But she lived only 17 years and died of a congenital cerebral aneurysm. Nadya Rusheva became famous throughout the country as a graphic artist. She began painting at the age of five and devoted all her free time to this occupation.

Once she listened to her father read aloud to her "The Tale of Tsar Saltan", and in the evening managed to make 36 illustrations for the book.

In 1964, when Nadya was a fifth-grader, her first large exhibition of drawings was organized by the magazine Yunost. A few years later, she made illustrations for the novel The Master and Margarita, which had just appeared in print - more than two hundred drawings.

Nadya Rusheva died suddenly, in 1969 at home, she bent down to tie a lace, the vessel burst and she fell. Rusheva was buried at the Intercession cemetery in Moscow. In 1982, Soviet astronomers named a minor planet in her honor - Rusheva.

Savely Kosenko

Unfortunately, the geeks who have managed to become successful in adulthood can be counted on one hand. One of these exceptions was Savely Kosenko, a gifted physicist who became a freshman at a Moscow technical university at the age of 11. At the same age, the child wrote a physics textbook and got into the Guinness Book of Records.

Savely graduated from the Institute with success at the age of 16. Opportunities "with a breeze" to sweep through all stages of training, he, first of all, owes to his mother with 2 technical educations, who taught him to read, count and write him practically in his cradle.

Now Savely is a wealthy man, a citizen of Canada. He successfully runs a number of companies and does not like to remember his childhood. Kosenko admits that he sees no point in learning "at speed", not to mention the fact that child prodigies are often harassed, cannot find friends, are forced to conflict with teachers and miss the happiest and most carefree time. “I know this firsthand,” the businessman sighs.

Fate is cruel not only to children who early learned the hardships of fame. Many artists and musicians died early, unable to cope with the popular love and attention. The editors of the site invites you to read about 11 world stars who died young.
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