One of them was called the Russian Rapunzel, a girl from a fairy tale, the owner of a "fabulous, eternal beauty"and" cat traits.
Another rival contestant at Miss Russia was nicknamed the "forest beauty", and foreign connoisseurs dubbed the same Rapunzel.

One was born in 1987, the other in 1993.

Ruslana Korshunova, iconic Russian model from Kazakhstan mysterious death which still excites the minds, jumped out of the window of her New York apartment.

Elizaveta Golovanova, winner of the title of Miss Russia 2012, one of the top 10 at Miss Universe, is healthy, studies, works, lives a non-public, intelligent, verified life.

Meanwhile, despite the difference in fate, there are parallels in the biographies of the girls.
Elizabeth - what could happen to Ruslana if she finds herself in a different reality and if her character turns out to be different.

Here's what they say about them.

In the military town where they lived, Ruslana invariably played the Snow Maiden. Santa Clauses were embarrassed soldiers. Matinees always went off with a bang...
For the daughter to receive a good education, Valentina transferred her to special school N 18 with in-depth study German language.
Ruslana goes to a school for especially gifted students, teaches German plays the piano, takes singing lessons. And she has floor-length hair. They are her mother's dream and she takes care of them. Until Ruslana turned 16, she never washed her hair herself.
14-year-old Ruslana was brought into the modeling business by Eva Becher.
- I saw her in the German center, where we studied the language together. And I just couldn't take my eyes off, so sweet, Beautiful face, - says Eva, who herself once tried herself as a model. - Offered to shoot for my magazine.
Only after Eva promised that the new hobby would not affect her studies and that Ruslana would not have any nude pictures, did her mother give up. By the way, the new mentor kept her word. Ruslana graduated from the gymnasium with only one four - in physics. Goethe and Schiller read in the original.

- She has been smart and beautiful since childhood. She started talking at the age of one. At three - read and sing songs. She graduated from school with a gold medal, at the institute she now has top rating! We knew that she would win. Because she is very stubborn: she always achieves what she wants, - says Lisa's mother.
Elizaveta Golovanova was born in the regional center of Safonovo, where she graduated with honors from a music school in piano, general education - with a gold medal, was fond of English language, participated in various olympiads, was engaged in fitness, went to Gym. Favorite writer - Victor Hugo.
Especially for her thick hair in Smolensk, they came up with the Miss Anemone contest, the winner of which Lisa became. She was predicted the fate of a successful model, but the girl refused in favor of a serious education - as her father advised.

What do we see? Both girls were born in a deep province, both were engaged in languages, music, were known for their unusually long hair, had a fragile purity inherent in special girls, in which sensuality is so transparent that it more expresses the subtle essence of dawn than the flowering of the flesh. Both, by the way, loved naive girlish poetry.

Both have a completely unusual texture, which can be called the quintessence of the Russian spring, the avatar of Lelya, the youngest woman in labor of Slavic myths.

Chiseled cheekbones, a bright look, a clear pattern of naturally embossed, expressive lips, a thoroughbred neat nose, an exceptionally beautiful forehead, a profile, a beautiful fit of the head, porcelain skin and a mop of luxurious hair, uncertain lines of a too quickly elongated body - that's what unites them. But there are also differences.

Ruslana was wild child, a flower, wild at heart, smiling and direct, pure, impulsive, touching in her shyness. She knew three languages. Upon graduation, she received an international diploma. Selected animals. Didn't give in to glamour. I felt sorry for my friends. She was going to go to the Sorbonne or Harvard, saving money earned by honest work. She had gentle, cheerful fox eyes, almond-shaped, with sharp corners, bright, sparkling.

Liza is strict and closed, intelligent and purposeful, she studies at two universities, she is a perfectionist, she writes clearly and to the point, she does not keep public Instagrams. The look of her gray eyes, framed by velvet eyelashes, is dark and attractive. At 18, her eyes expressed kindness, now her gaze is proud, regal, intelligent.

IN Last year Ruslana lost a lot of weight before her period stopped. She cut her hair. Removed a beautiful fly on the cheek. She kept a diary on Odnoklassniki, filling it with dried leaves and poems about unearthly love, called herself a witch, urged "to live fast and kiss slowly." The modeling business was eating her up. From 16 to 20 - it would seem an insignificant gap. She didn't make it to 21.

After winning a national competition at the age of 18, Lisa, with her oversized chestnut braid thrown over her shoulder and regal posture, amazed interviewers to shiver. Male TV presenters could only blink their eyes in delight, unable to hold back a jubilant smile, because Lisa embodied the deity, Morena \ Live \ Persephone, and mortals could not cope with the dance of genetic memory. Women were divided in two, not understanding whether to envy or worship.

Legends are still being made about Ruslan, books are being written, trying to justify suicide. Ruslana is akin to a morning crown shining through the rays, her individuality is poured into nature, like the sound of dew-filled flowers.

Elizabeth, the goddess of the earth's bowels and ore veins, the mistress of the copper mountain, gives the human race from her bounty. She was a princess, but she became a queen, young, scarlet, proudly carrying a heavy crown of braids.

Such girls do not necessarily become famous. I met them in everyday life: with rare quality hair, regular features, watercolor color type. They are all subtly similar, but each is an individuality expressing a special tone of Russian beauty. Foreign languages, music, dance, science, honors studies, early development - everything is easy for them. It is not difficult to imagine them in the outfit of a fairy-tale princess, in which pure beauty will be revealed by the aroma of an evening flower. An aura of perfection shines around them, forcing people to retreat in a half-bow, to treat them with careful, attentive love, as if they were a precious painting or the first lily of the valley.

Friends! Well, spring has finally arrived! The drops are ringing! The heart, like a mad bird, sings a joyful song! But not only elections blue sky, cheerful singing of birds, and swift streams, spring is red! In spring, the most beautiful contest is held - "Miss Russia"! And the current competition is not simple, but anniversary! Yes Yes! For 20 years now, our country has been putting its long-legged and big-eyed gold on public display and choosing the very best to send them to the alluring and incomprehensible world of Universal glamour, the world of yachts, villas, balls, diamonds and luxury.

In a small village near Moscow, Barvikha, that day was crowded with Porsche Cayenne, Bugatti Lamborghini and Maserati. (However, just like on a normal day. The “village” people love to hang out) There are no benches on the benches in the luxury village club free places. I am standing near the entrance (it is also sometimes the exit). Magic forest around me slim girls in golden dresses of the same cut. I look at the peaks of this forest and feel like a lost child. Next to me is the singer Yulia Kovalchuk, moving her lips, reading the text to herself. (Julia knew that in ten minutes she would go on stage and say this text without a piece of paper)

And now the drummers appear on the stage in military uniform unknown state. They, as befits the drummers of an unknown state, beat the drums. (Where else can a drummer beat?) And under this fight, exactly 50 (I specifically counted) incredibly beautiful girls come out on the club stage in slender columns. It is not difficult for a person with at least a modicum of intuition to guess where each of them came from. (Each has a ribbon over the shoulder with the name written on it. small homeland: Cheboksary, Magadan, Ulan-Ude, Khanty Mansiysk, Petropavlovsk Kamchatsky....

Here it is - our Motherland! On that little country club stage!). In a mere five hours, one of these girls will be heading home with a $1 million crown in her bag and a $100,000 card in a hidden ball gown pocket. Presenter Yulia Kovalchuk and incorrigible comedian Timur Batrutdinov declare the competition open. Time has gone. Viewers can cast their votes using internet voting.

What criteria should Miss Russia have, - Yulia Kovalchuk asked Arkady Novikova, so that we can already somehow determine our preferences.

All men should desire it, and women should envy it! - clearly answered the restaurateur. I once again looked at the girls more carefully and purposefully. Yes. Based on these criteria criteria, I would personally order 50 crowns at once! And yet, I immediately determined a favorite for myself and began to bet with myself for 100 bucks, because I had no one else to bet with! I was alone in this world of beauty and harmony.

The jury of the competition is very impressive: Miss World 2011 Venezuelan Ivian Sarcos, grocery store and restaurateur Arkady Novikov, beauty, gymnast Liysan Utyasheva, and, of course, pianist, composer, singer Dmitry Malikov (he came with his daughter). Today it is difficult to imagine the Miss Russia contest without this sincere singer of pure, romantic love and harmony. But what is it? While we were admiring the members of the jury, all the same girls appeared on the stage (all fifty) but already (Oh! No!) in bikini swimsuits! Body hair stood on end. I felt like I was on the beach of Acapulco.

I wanted to myself, just like that, easily throw off the warm underwear that got tired of the winter, and cheerfully jump out there - onto the stage! But alas! I can't afford it: I'm not even a jury member. After this competition, not devoid of a slight touch of chaste eroticism, which exposed all the ins and outs of the participants, all their charming essence, only fifteen participants remained on the stage.

Alas! Friends! Looks like not all! Not all participants of today's competition will put on a crown and receive 100 thousand dollars! Such are the merciless laws of beauty contests! And it's not for us to break them!

Tell me honestly, - I strictly asked a charming girl, Miss Russia 2010, Irina Antonenko, gazing intently into her honest bottomless eyes during a break, - But there are still insidious intrigues at this competition: filing heels there or pouring purgen into cola. ..

Never! - she exclaimed hotly, - On the contrary, we all became friends and after the competition we maintain warm relations.

Alas! So, YouTube today will not be replenished with funny videos!

The number of participants decreased at an alarming rate. After the appearance of the girls in luxurious ball gowns, only 10 of them remained on the stage! The drama of the struggle grew with every minute! And now the last stage has come - the intellectual competition!

Break off you cynics who refuse beautiful girls mental capacity! The title of Miss Russia will be given not only to the most beautiful, but also to the smartest! The winners of the Miss Russia contest of the past 20 years, specially invited to the anniversary, ask their questions to the contestants! And, despite the fact that many of them have been investing their beauty abroad for a long time in our beautiful country, they left everything, money, family, lovers, work and found the opportunity to come to Russia and put the question squarely!

The remaining girls involuntarily envied the dropouts! The contenders for the crown had to pretty much break their beautiful heads! These are the questions of the past at the intellectual competition.

Can there be friendship between a man and a woman?

What qualities would you like to develop in yourself? (One girl answered - “Endurance” - this, as I understand it, is a kind of symbiosis of endurance and arrogance necessary for beauty contests! Author's note)

What events of the past year are the most significant for you?

Who is your role model?

But the participants showed enviable endurance and with dignity passed this ordeal by intelligence.

And now the envelope bearer brings an envelope with the name of Miss Russia 2012 onto the stage!

By the way

The crown of the winner of the Russian beauty contest is the most expensive in the world

A chic crown that the winner of the competition will receive "Miss Russia - 2012" appeared only 2 years ago. "Miss Russia - 2010" Irina Antonenko was its first owner. Before her, the girls who won the competition were crowned with a more modest headdress.

The cost of the crown is more than one million dollars. Worked on it best specialists well-known jewelry house, and they created a real work of art, made in the Byzantine style: fine weaving of lace from white gold strewn with a scattering of precious stones, and crowned with large pearls, the largest of them with a diameter of 19 mm.

Volumes - 86-60-90

Height - 176 cm

Hair length - 80 cm

19-year-old Voronezh beauty, long-haired blonde with blue eyes Anastasia Pominova. The girl now lives in Moscow, but was born and studied for some time in Voronezh.


00-04: H that's all! 100 thousand dollars received the crown of Elizabeth from the Smolensk region! And I still guessed Kristina from the city of railway! Yes!

23-35: Pleased Timur - well done! All are clamped and he is relaxed! He doesn't care at all! I respect!

23-32: Yulia Kovalchuk sings! A whole program of the singer Yulia Kovalchuk! Why is she not going to Eurovision? But why??? Eh!

23-31: Intellectual competition is over! I thought there would be questions on history and chemistry! Fig! About life!

23-30: In 5200 seconds the winner will be announced! Imagine what it's like for the girls now!

22-19: The girls went to prepare for the intellectual competition, I wonder how? Shaking the head?

22-14: Girls to the song Makarsky Anton came out in gorgeous dresses! 10 out of 15 left after this fashion show! Life is tough!

21-44: And then the actor and singer Anton Makarsky suddenly came, and why did he come? DJ SMASH lights up on stage

21-34: H I didn’t even manage to blink my eye, damn it, as there were 15 participants left - after the exit in swimsuits! Nobody cried! Do not spit in the hall! Well done!

21-25: Some fashionable cupcakes came here to meet the challengers (but they're so busy right now! Terrible!)

21-22 : Dima Malikov sits on the Jury and says: My daughter will soon be "Miss Russia", and I'm still Dima!

21-20: While "Disco Crash" sings! The people keep coming and going! And there are no more places! I stand like a monument!

21-00: While Elka sings with us, the song Suny And I have already determined my winners. Interesting, I guess? Maria - Saratov, Christina Zheleznodorozhny

20-52: The girls in the same dresses went to change, host Yulia kovaalchuk and timur batrukha

20-50: H and the stage turned out to be in an instant - 50 young beauties work standing there are no places

Miss Russia-2017

A native of Yekaterinburg wants to donate her winnings - 3 million rubles to an orphanage, since she has been working since she was 15 and does not need money. It is known that Polina is actively engaged in the study Chinese. The culture fascinated her so much that the girl even seriously thought about moving to China, but nevertheless decided to get an education in her homeland. Popova is not married, but the beauty's heart is occupied.

Yana Dobrovolskaya

Miss Russia-2016

A year ago, Miss Tyumen won the title of Miss Russia, but it turned out to be more difficult to shine at the world show. Yana did not enter the top 20 of the Miss World contest, which did not upset the girl too much. Dobrovolskaya returned to her usual way of life: ballroom dancing and studying at a university as a teacher-choreographer.

Sofia Nikitchuk

Miss Russia-2015

Many people remember Sophia not as the most beautiful girl in the country, and not even because of her success at the Miss World contest, where Nikitchuk took second place. The brunette was talked about loudly when she took part in an ambiguous photo shoot: Sofia appeared on the cover of Stolnik magazine, wrapped in a tricolor. The prosecutor's office became interested in the personality of the model and the activities of the publication Sverdlovsk region, however, no violations were found. Nikitchuk herself considers what happened just a misunderstanding: “It was a dress, and by no means a flag. I am a patriot of my country and respect its symbols. I would never wrap myself in a flag. I posed in a dress in front of the flag.”

Elmira Abdrazakova

Miss Russia-2013

Abradzakova did not reach the finals of the Miss World contest, which greatly upset the girl. After the failure, Elmira advised the beauties not to get hung up on modeling business Yes, and she planned to be away from the podium and the cameras. “When I hand over the crown, I will relax and enjoy life. I like the profession of journalism, acting, I like my specialty - anti-crisis management. Or maybe I’ll get married in a month and cook borscht!” - said the beauty in an interview. And yet, the native of Kazakhstan did not refuse publicity. This summer, for example, she could be seen at the opening of the Confederations Cup in St. Petersburg, as well as in the studio of the show Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? paired with Alexander Serov.

Elizaveta Golovanova

Miss Russia-2012

A brunette with luxurious hair entered the top ten most beautiful participants in the Miss Universe contest and quickly won the unspoken title of "Russian Rapunzel". And, by the way, she bypassed her beloved Timati Alena Shishkova. That's just the triumph of Elizabeth on all-Russian competition turned out to be somewhat clouded. When they put a crown on Golovanova's head, the winner awkwardly turned and the expensive jewelry was on the floor. Gracefully sitting down, Elizabeth returned the crown to its place, only one of the large pearls disappeared without a trace from the dress.

Natalia Gantimurova

Miss Russia-2011

Natalya herself told about how her life turned out after the competition in an interview: “In the first year it was very difficult for me. I would call myself rather an introvert, it was difficult to adjust to constant communication with journalists, shooting and public life. Not the most pleasant emotions caused negative comments on the Internet. A year later, I realized that the specialty I received at the university was much more interesting than show business. For some time she worked on one of the TV channels, and then she graduated from the institute (RGGU), received a diploma and left for Geneva. Today I am an employee in one of the international companies.”

Irina Antonenko

Miss Russia 2010

After winning the competition, Irina did not disappear from the screens, but, on the contrary, began to appear more and more often on TV. Antonenko played in 16 projects, including the films “Santa Claus. Battle of the Mages" and "Elastico", series " golden cage”,“ The sun as a gift ”, short films. Irina's personal life was less successful than her career. In 2011, the actress and model married businessman Vyacheslav Fedotov, but the marriage broke up after a couple of years. Interesting fact: Antonenko became the first winner of the competition, who was awarded the crown from the jewelry house Jewelery Theatre. The lace, made of white gold, is complemented by precious stones and pearls - the cost of creation exceeds $ 1 million. Previously, the most beautiful girls in the country were awarded a slightly more modest crown.

Every woman on globe- a beauty, regardless of weight, age, height, hair color or clothing preferences. A woman is beautiful already because she gives life and brings love. But some ladies wish to have documentary confirmation his attractiveness - the title and the crown.

History of beauty

The very first beauty pageant has its roots in Ancient Greece. No wonder Aphrodite is called the most beautiful of the goddesses. Do you just think so? She honestly received this title by competing with Hera and Athena.

Well, in ancient China it was even more fun. Having chosen the most beautiful girl, she was sacrificed to the deity in a solemn atmosphere.

In some countries, the criteria were, to put it mildly, erotic - the beauty was chosen according to the size of her buttocks or the appearance of her naked body.

But seriously, modern competition Miss World was founded in 1951 and Miss Universe in 1952. Miss World started as a show of bikini beauties and was meant to be a one-off event. But suddenly the competition became popular and continues to this day.

Miss Behind the Iron Curtain

As you know, there was no sex in the Soviet Union, as well as fashion contests. There was only love for the party and hard work. But be that as it may, a breath of fresh air that fell into the country of the Iron Curtain brought with it many changes, including the appearance of beauty contests.

The first competition "Moscow Beauty", which was held in 1988 in Moscow, gave the cinema world Oksana Fandera, Maria Kalinina and many others. The first contestants were stiff, a little awkward and slightly provocatively dressed. They shyly looked into the hall and felt awkward. Indeed, in a shock country, it was not customary to walk around in colorful outfits and show off with bright makeup, because at that moment someone overfulfilled the next five-year plan.

The title did not bring happiness to all Soviet beauties. Some successfully married, others made a film career; someone went abroad, and someone disappeared in the wreckage of a huge country.

New countries, other beauties

For a little over twenty years of independence of Ukraine and Russia, each country has founded its own national beauty contest. After the fall of the iron wall and the coming foreign works art, our beauties saw that one should not be ashamed of their attractiveness, but on the contrary, good looks can give a lucky ticket in life.

Beauty contests have become very popular, and in order to get the crown, participants often resort to "unsportsmanlike" methods - they involve influential parents or wealthy boyfriends.

Today I would like to recall the brightest winners of two beauty contests in two countries and find out whether the girls were lucky to receive the crown.

Miss Russia

The first Miss Russia contest was held in 1993.
The winner was Anna Baychik. For several years she posed for magazines and walked the catwalk, but then she realized that this was not her occupation and plunged into science, defended her thesis, became a teacher and wrote many scientific articles.

In 1996, the winner of the national competition of Russia was Alexandra Petrova. She did not even hope to win, but her beauty did not leave indifferent either the judges or the audience. She attracted men like a magnet. From the age of 18 she began to live with businessman Konstantin Chuvilin. But neither numerous invitations from fashion agencies, nor an affair with an influential man brought her happiness. She became a victim of criminal showdowns and was shot dead along with her roommate near her entrance, two days before her 20th birthday.

Anna Malova became the owner of the Miss Russia crown in 1998. At the Miss Universe contest, the girl entered the top 10, and this was already a great achievement. She went to the USA and did quite a good modeling career. But either a busy schedule or success played a cruel joke on her. Anna was arrested more than once for possession narcotic drugs and even sent for compulsory treatment.

The most famous Russian miss was Oksana Fedorova in 2001. She became the winner of the Miss Universe pageant. The beauty refused to fulfill her duties, motivating such a decision by defending her Ph.D. thesis, and for this she lost her title. There is an assumption, of course, unconfirmed, that there is a trace of drug lords in such a decision, because it was in favor of the Latin American vice-miss that the Russian woman refused the title.
Now Fedorova is a successful presenter, singer and mother.

Victoria Lopyreva ahead of other participants in the competition in 2003. She did not take part in international competitions, she did not receive other awards. But that didn't stop her from doing successful career TV presenter.

Another famous beauty Tatyana Kotova won in 2006. She took part in other competitions, but did not receive awards. She is best known for her participation in the popular group ViaGra.

The winner of the crown in 2007 was Ksenia Sukhinova from Tyumen. In 2008, she won the Miss World pageant.

Another bright Miss Russia, which entered the top 10 at the Miss Universe contest in 2012, is Elizaveta Golovanova.

Miss Ukraine

There are two parallel beauty contests in Ukraine - Miss Ukraine and Miss Ukraine-Universe. Miss Ukraine dates back to 1988. Miss Ukraine-Universe has been held in Ukraine since 1995, and its winners represent our country at the Miss Universe contest. Let's compare whether our most bright beauties compete with Russian Miss title holders in their own country.

The first winner of the Ukrainian beauty contest in 1991 was Olga Ovcharenko. Today she lives in the USA, has her own company, which deals with architecture, brings up children.

Not all the owners of the crown had an easy fate. 1994 winner Theresia Lazarenko buried her beloved boyfriend, then her husband. She even worked as a tanker and went to work abroad.

The most famous winner of the Miss Ukraine contest in the mid-90s is Vlada Kerdina. Today we know her as Vlad Litovchenko. She is as beautiful as she was 20 years ago. Today she is known as the founder and leader modeling agency"Karin". Vlada won the competition in 1995.

The winners of 1996, 1997 married millionaires. The owners of the crown in 1998, 1999 and 2000 arranged a personal life, have a favorite job, but moved away from the modeling business.

Most titled Miss Alexandra Nikolaenko. She is Miss Ukraine, Miss Ukraine-Universe. Alexandra represented her country at the Miss Universe 2004 pageant, where she entered the top 10. She surpassed her competitors in her personal life, marrying a billionaire. Now she is the president of the Miss Ukraine-Universe contest.

Many of the winners next years the fates were similar: they successfully married, someone became a mother, someone has their own business. Only a few have gone on to careers in the modeling business.

Another famous holder of the title of the most beautiful girl- Inna Tsymbalyuk.

She took part in international competition and entered the top 20. Today she is a successful TV presenter.

Christina Kotz-Gotlieb known to us from the ViaGra group. She won the competition in 2009.

The winner of Miss Ukraine-Universe Olesya Stefanko became the first vice-miss at the international competition. This is for now best achievement for our country.

As you know, beauty will save the world. I would like the beauty of our misses to be not only external.

Many young charmers think that winning a beauty contest will give them a chance for a successful marriage or career. But it is worth remembering that in the cruel world of fashion there are many temptations and dangers, and the neighbor's guy can be a thousand times better than the richest businessman!