Numerous fans star couple not so long ago, the Bezrukov family was considered the standard family well-being. There have been no gossip, intrigues and quarrels over the past fifteen years in the family. And then like a thunder among clear sky the news thundered that Bezrukov's divorce was approaching and the reason for the separation remained unknown. The couple announced it was time to start over with a clean slate, leaving fans bewildered.

Beginning of the novel

Their love was like a forbidden fruit. At the time of meeting Sergei, Irina was married to famous actor Igor Livanov and raised her son. Sergey was a young promising actor, full of ambitions and aspirations. Their meeting took place during the filming of the movie "Crusader", and a spark slipped between them.

Despite the impressive age difference, they fell madly in love with each other, and after filming was over, they could not part. Sergey sent Irina a small note in which he invited her on a date. And even though her family was at stake, she agreed. They did not intend to hide their passion for a long time and remain lovers. The lovers decided to reveal the whole truth to their loved ones before the news about their romance spreads through all the newspapers.

Happy marriage

The wife of Sergei Bezrukov enjoyed family happiness and often shared secrets with journalists strong family. Sergei was also actively proud of his relationship with his wife. His career skyrocketed, but he always found free time to spend it with Irina.

Bezrukov is sure that the secret of family happiness lies in the endless interest in each other, support and understanding. The actors have developed friendly and trusting relationships. Joint vacation has become a real tradition of the Bezrukov family. Looking at them, the fans had no doubt that the star couple would spend their marriage in a year, until the news thundered that the divorce of Bezrukov and Irina Bezrukova was nearing. The reason was not clear to anyone, because the couple never washed dirty linen in public, and at joint exits they always hugged and smiled at reporters.

Reason for divorce

The divorce of Sergei Bezrukov became a real sensation. No one could understand the reasons for such dramatic changes in the family after 15 years of happy family life. According to friends and relatives of the spouses, their life was not so cloudless. Their problems began long before the decision to divorce. They are very different personalities, and often their opinions do not coincide. Irina often tried to control her husband, which annoyed him. But the main problem in the Bezrukov family was women. Irina knew about the adventures of her husband, but turned a blind eye to many things. Being wise woman, she often smoothed out conflicts with her husband. But what then could have influenced the divorce of Bezrukov and Irina Bezrukova? The reason may lie in a tragic incident in the life of Irina. Her son from her first marriage, Andrei Livanov, died under unknown circumstances. The loss of her son was a real blow to Irina, she withdrew into herself and began to lead a reclusive lifestyle. But there is also a version that Sergei Bezrukov's divorce was provoked by the actor's new love,

New love of Sergei Bezrukov

The actor met her on the set of the film "Christmas Trees 2" and could no longer part. Their romance began to develop rapidly on the set of the film " Milky Way", where Bezrukov performs leading role. Anna also acts as a director. At first, no one could imagine that a stormy romance began between Anna and Sergey. Over time, many began to notice their great interest in each other, they often dined together during breaks.

But one day someone took a picture of them walking hand in hand in the park, and then everything became clear to everyone. Sergei refused to comment on this fact to the press. The couple decided to part without scandals and simply wished each other happiness in a new life. It is known that after the divorce, Sergei proposed to Anna, and they got married. In 2016, it became known that the wife gave the actor a daughter. Sergey shared the good news in his

microblog , saying that he is crazy about happiness.

Personal life of Irina Bezrukova after a divorce

And how was Irina's life? Ex-wife Sergei Bezrukov enjoys a free life. According to the woman, after all the events that happened to her, she completely rethought her life. Now the actress is trying to enjoy every moment of her. She found the strength to call ex-husband and ask for forgiveness.

Irina is also very grateful to Sergey for the fact that he still supports her in various copyright projects. Irina is sure that their divorce is only legal. They stayed good friends and do not hold evil against each other.

Despite all the speculation and rumors about what happened, the reason for their separation is known only to themselves. Fans continue to solve the mystery, while the ex-spouses, meanwhile, are improving their personal lives.

Friends of the actor assure: he met new love


Sergey and Irina Bezrukov were considered one of the most beautiful couples Russian cinema. Their marriage lasted 15 years, but in 2016 Irina admitted: she and Sergey decided to leave and no longer live together. We spoke with close friends of the spouses to understand what caused the breakup.

Struggled with the weaknesses of her husband

When Sergei met Irina, she was married to actor Igor Livanov and raised her son Andrei with him. Bezrukov admitted more than once in an interview: when he saw her, he did everything to win the beauty. It seemed that the Bezrukov couple lived in perfect harmony. But not everything was always perfect.

Irina and Sergey are very different people, - a friend of their family told KP. - Ira is 10 years older than Sergey, wiser, more experienced. She was his support in everything - both in everyday life and in creativity. She created the perfect comfort at home, was the first listener of his roles. But few people know that Seryozha is such Yesenin in life: a shirt-guy, with a wide loving soul. Like the poet (after whom, by the way, his parents named him), he is not averse to drinking vodka, singing to the guitar, dreaming. Loves poetry. In between rehearsals, he draws with a ballpoint pen, pencil or paints. But his main weakness is women.

Their quarrels happened most often because of Seryozha's hobbies, - an acquaintance of the actor, a film producer, explained to us. - I remember we were filming "Uchastok". A young make-up girl put on makeup for Seryozha, and she herself trembled: well, a star, such a handsome man! And he liked this sincere adoration of the make-up artist. Then Irina Bezrukova came to the shooting and, in front of the film group, gave him a dressing down. He was silent, and then quietly led her into his personal make-up. They returned in an embrace, everything was the same.

Serezha never raised his voice to Irina. And she could. If Seryozha lives by emotions, then Irina has everything according to her mind, according to the system, according to feng shui. Proper nutrition, banned alcohol, tobacco. Serezha understood that she was doing everything for him. But sometimes he broke down. We sat one night in a restaurant. And suddenly he says: “Oh, I want fried pork with vodka!” Ira's eyes widened: “What are you doing! You can't! You have a sick stomach. Again at night you will be tormented. As a result, they almost quarreled ... Irina struggled with her husband's weaknesses. Thanks to her, Seryozha hardly drank or smoked. But he could not overcome the craving for the fair sex. He constantly needs inspiration. He draws it from love emotions too!

“Anna gave him the romance of Baikal”

In March of this year, Irina experienced terrible tragedy- her only son Andrei died. Friends say that after the loss, the actress withdrew into herself. And Sergei Bezrukov plunged into new project and into a new relationship, which, they say, lay in wait for him on the "Milky Way" - this is the name of the film directed by Anna Mathison. According to friends, it was the 31-year-old Irkutsk woman who became the new muse of the idol of millions. Soon, photographs taken by the paparazzi appeared in the media: Sergey and Anna are walking down the street, holding hands.

Anna Mathison and her countryman, the famous pianist Denis Matsuev (left), have an old friendship. And here warm relationship with Sergei Bezrukov, she developed not so long ago.
Photo: Mikhail FROLOV

Bezrukov has known Mathison since 2011: Anna wrote the script for the film "Yolki-2", in which Sergei starred. New job brought them even closer. As Bezrukov admitted to friends, Mathison gave him the most expensive gift - a meeting with wildlife Baikal.

Anna decided that we would shoot the Milky Way on the island of Olkhon on Baikal, far from civilization, - the director told Komsomolskaya Pravda film set in Irkutsk, Pavel Bitsura. - When Sergei Bezrukov was taken to the island by helicopter, he was delighted. His eyes burned, he spread his arms to the side and laughed loudly, inhaling the frosty air.

- How did Bezrukov seem to you?

He is a very pleasant person, absolutely accessible, open. He was given a luxury hotel room, and the whole group lived in another hotel, simpler. But Sergey spent all the time with us, talked, dined, dined. Of course, he had a special relationship with director Anna Mathison. But this is understandable: the relationship between the director and the actor is always more intense work, communication. Together after filming in the evening they discussed the next day and argued, it happened. But Anna is a person with humor, it is easy to communicate with her. In a word, they got along.

- They say that it was on the set that Bezrukov and Mathison began a relationship.

They looked happy. But I attributed this to creative happiness when people are on fire. common cause. Then they told me that they supposedly had an affair ...

In the summer, Sergey Bezrukov and Anna Matison always came to shoot at the pavilion in Moscow together, - Dmitry Leviev, an employee of the lighting team for the picture Milky Way, told KP. - Anna was very kind to Bezrukov. She teased him, laughed, joked. Sometimes, he would take him by the hand: "Let's go talk." Departure. Everyone saw with what shining eyes Anna looked at him. We hugged often. With other actors, Anna behaved more restrained, in a working way. Many have referred to you. And Bezrukov - all "Seryozha" and on you. The group said that Anna and Sergey spend a lot of time together.

Will they fight for the family?

In social networks, the actor confirmed that he had begun new life, and asked fans to wish him well. Nevertheless, as family friends say, the Bezrukovs have not yet divorced and Irina hopes to return her husband.

Recently, we talked with her, and I asked: they say, you endured so much, maybe you would have given up on Serezha’s next hobby, Irina’s friend told KP. - But Ira made it clear that he made the decision to part. Seryozha said that he had a woman and for the first time it was serious. Ira was forced to reconcile. Sergei left Ira, from their common penthouse, and now lives in the apartment of his friend, who went abroad. By the way, Serezha got this “refuge” four years ago, because sometimes he needs to be alone...

Many friends and colleagues compare Anna and Irina. Opinions are opposing.

Ira Bezrukova is an unconditional beauty, a TV personality, but she is not as creative as Anna, - said a friend of Sergei. - Anya younger than Sergei for ten years and the same creative, turbulent nature as he is, Seryozha is interested in her. In our world, Anya is respected, she made herself from scratch, went from a freelance correspondent on television in her native Irkutsk to a producer.

Irina Bezrukova released her husband and allowed him to start life from scratch.

I talked with both spouses, and, in my opinion, Sergey and Irina Bezrukov will still be together, - says Marina Ivkina, casting director of Mosfilm. - Sergei is 41 years old, the transitional period ... It will pass. And the Bezrukovs seemed to be connected by heaven. Ira starred with me in " ice age”, They were kind to each other and just a year ago they radiated love.

Sergey and Anna have love, they inspire and feed each other, - a friend of the artist told KP. - But can two such creative people get along?


Vitaly BEZRUKOV: I will accept any choice of my son

We called the parents of Sergei Bezrukov to find out how they feel about the changes in their son's life. The actor's mother picked up the phone.

- Did Sergei introduce you to Anna Mathison? we asked.

I don't want to hear about her! - answered Natalia Mikhailovna.

Vitaly Sergeevich, the artist's father, was a little more frank:

This is Sergey's personal life. He does everything right. And I will accept whatever choice he makes.

But Irina's ex-husband Igor Livanov is on the side of the legal spouses.

I think it will still work out for Ira and Sergey,” he told Komsomolskaya Pravda.

- They say you were offended by Irina because she left you for Sergei. She recently asked for your forgiveness. Forgive?

I forgave her a long time ago. My life has taken shape. I have a wife, children. I'm happy. So I still have to say thank you to Sergey.


Does Irina have a fan?

I am friends with Sergey's father Vitaly Bezrukov, - his neighbor told KP. - We discussed with him the recent break of Sergei with his wife. The father is completely on the side of the son. He said that Lately Sergey caught his wife on the fact that she corresponded via Skype with some male fans. Maybe, of course, this is not treason, but just flirting to arouse her husband's jealousy. But they parted with Sergei amicably. Everyone has their own personal life. Sergei's father told me that Serezha had new woman worthy. He has not yet introduced her to his parents, but his father is sure that Sergei did everything right.


For any publication that is not related to the work of Sergei Bezrukov, his roles in the theater and cinema, the editors invariably receive a warning from the actor's lawyers: they say, this is an interference with personal life. But can an artist's work be separated from his personal life? Real talent draws inspiration from love, nature, literature and everything that, it would seem, does not belong to creativity. Imagine that love for Lila Brik was erased from Mayakovsky's biography, a passion for the game from Dostoevsky's biography, and "Moscow Tavern" was concealed from Yesenin's work. To remain silent about the "unofficial" life of an artist means to take a one-sided approach to the work of idols.

It's no secret: often actors on the eve of the premiere deliberately invent novels for themselves in order to draw attention to a new film or performance. Fortunately, Sergey Bezrukov respects the audience and does not stoop to such things. Nevertheless, fans want to know as much as possible about their favorite artist.

In September 2015, it became known that the 15-year marriage of Sergei and Irina Bezrukov, which was considered one of the strongest and most indestructible, was over. For several months, popular artists hid their breakup without commenting on it. However, just the other day, Irina Bezrukova, who broke up with her husband.

Rumors about a cooling in relations between Irina and Sergey appeared this summer after Bezrukov stopped uploading social media joint photos with his wife and took off. Hard going through this period, Bezrukova devoted herself entirely to work on television. After for long years, held in the shadow of her husband, Irina began to conduct the author's program "Conversation on stage with Irina Bezrukova". Despite the gap, Sergei Bezrukov supported ex-spouse, the first release of her broadcast.

Recall that Sergei Bezrukov and Irina Livanova (nee - Bakhtura) met in 1998 on the set of the film "Crusader-2". Being married to actor Igor Livanov, Irina soon left him and in 2000 tied the knot with Bezrukov, who.

Photo: Mark Steinbock

Ekaterina Klimova and Igor Petrenko

Recall that the romance between Ekaterina Klimova and Igor Petrenko broke out in 2001 during the filming of the series "Moscow Windows", where the artists played spouses. At that time they were not free - Klimova was married to Ilya Khoroshilov, and Petrenko to Irina Leonova. Within a year, Katya divorced her husband and began to live with Igor.

Interview with Ekaterina Klimova

Photo: Elena Sukhova

Personal life of a popular domestic showman, TV presenter and actor Sergei Svetlakov V last years looked like a spy detective. The artist managed to hide from the public not only after 14 years of marriage with his wife Julia, but also the creation new family and the birth of a child.

Recall that the star of comedy shows Sergei Svetlakov married a classmate in the Ural state university means of communication of Yulia back in 2000. Then the couple moved to Moscow, where the girl walked with her husband a long way from a member of the KVN team to a superstar of entertainment programs Comedy Club and ProjectorParisHilton.

Over time, the relationship between Sergei and Yulia cooled - their interests diverged, and living together began to annoy both. “Yulia and I lived for 14 years,” Svetlakov said. - During this time there was everything: quarrels, and reconciliations, and poverty, and the test of the first big money, and childlessness, and the birth of the long-awaited daughter Nastya. We are grateful to each other for this period of life, but ... In recent years, it has been very difficult for us.

The actress told about the most intimate

Ex-wife of Sergei Bezrukov, famous actress and TV presenter Irina found the strength to tell about the last events of her life, the most tragic events - death only son and parting with her husband, with whom they had been married for 15 years.

After a long silence, and the Bezrukov couple never took out dirty linen and did not inform the public about the details of their personal life and family troubles, Irina Bezrukova decided on a frank interview with Hello!

The actress and TV presenter experienced a terrible thing at the beginning of spring - she buried her only son. Recall 25-year-old Andrei Livanov - Bezrukova's son from his first marriage with actor Igor Livanov - in an apartment in. Bezrukova did not comment on various rumors about.

And now she said that after the death of Andrei, she overestimated a lot and reconciled with his father: “I found the strength in myself for the first time in 15 years to ask for forgiveness from his father, and forgive many things myself ... And let go,” said Irina.

Irina also spoke about the breakup with Sergei Bezrukov. According to her, parting with a person with whom they lived together for 15 years could not happen - this is recorded from a legal point of view, but creative work continues.

Irina expressed her gratitude to her ex-husband for the fact that in the summer he agreed to become a member of her author's program on television and even presented a promotional video, and he himself invited her to do this.

During the broadcast, Irina gave Sergei a hand White list paper. “It was a symbolic gesture. The clean slate came from what I know is exactly what he needs at this time in his life. I gave him the opportunity to start life from scratch,” says the actress.

According to Irina, she and Sergei still have many projects, including in the Moscow Provincial Theater, which is headed by Bezrukov. They are also being teamwork in the Fund for the Support and Development of Socio-Cultural Projects, which they created together.

At the same time, Bezrukova asked journalists not to bother her with this topic anymore, and not to think of anything: “I would like to put an end to this,” she concluded.

Note that the rumors about the separation of Irina appeared after the death of the son of the actress. Sergei was spotted by journalists in the company of director Anna Matison. There are also rumors that actress Kristina Smirnova gave birth to two children to Sergei.

Later Sergei Bezrukov commented on the revelations of Irina- details.

It is not easy to find your soul mate in this world. Sometimes people tie the knot several times in order to find that one or only. “They didn’t get along” - such a reason is often put forward during a divorce by those who decide to leave. Is it in character?

We decided to consult with Boris Khigir, Doctor of Psychology. According to Boris Yuryevich, the whole point is not only in characters, but in the names that we received at birth. However, the character depends on our name. On the example of the names and patronymics of our brightest star couples, we found out who will have a long-term marriage, and who should live in civilian life for now in order to understand whether it is worth going down the aisle with this person.

- Valeria with a patronymic Lvovna is a difficult person. She has a strong masculine side. She loves herself very much, spends a lot of time in front of the mirror, douses herself with perfume so that it smells a mile away. There is no talk of marriage with Sergei Vyacheslavovich. This is not her type of man at all. She needs a man Vanka. Sergei Vyacheslavovichi are jealous, picky and stubborn. It is difficult to imagine that people with similar names could be close.

Elizaveta Boyarskaya and Maxim Matveev have problems with sex

- Maxim Alexandrovich and Elizaveta Mikhailovna are likely to part. At first everything seems to be fine, and then it goes upside down. I am 99% sure that this couple will not be together. They don't have much sex. Maxims are sexy, but for a girl named Elizabeth, sex means nothing. They almost never have the desire to do it.

Alexey Makarov is afraid of Maria Mironova

Recently, all the media discussed the release of Alexei Makarov with another new sweetheart. Lesha, parting with civil spouse Victoria Bogatyreva, hit on Maria Mironova. It looks like the couple romantic relationship. But for how long?

- Many Marys do first, and then think. Maria Andreevna was born in May, she toils, she has seven Fridays in a week. This girl has breakdowns, often in personal relationships. Sexually, Masha is usually moderate. With a partner named Alexei Valerievich, and even who was born in February, Maria will not be happy. Leshes are non-sexual. They are afraid of women. Aleksey Valeryevichi are very stubborn and complex people.

For women, they can be dangerous, since it costs them nothing to hit their soul mate on the basis of jealousy. Maria Andreevna and Alexei Valerievich are 90 percent incompatible people. It is better for them not to rush to formalize the relationship, but to live in a civil marriage.