When is the best time to go to Israel? We consider what the weather is like in Israel in different months at various resorts.

There is an opinion that in Israel you can relax all year round. But every holiday has its own time. March, September and October are ideal for excursions, as winters are too humid due to rains, and summers are swelteringly hot. In addition, on major holidays - Easter, Christmas, Rosh Hashanah, Sukkot and others - in a small country it becomes crowded from the influx of tourists and pilgrims.

For beach holiday in the resorts of the Mediterranean and Red Sea, April-May and September-October are most suitable. The Dead Sea resorts operate all year round, but in winter the water is cool, and in June, July and August it is too hot, so spring and autumn will be the best seasons for a trip. Below we provide information about the weather in Israel by months: water and air temperature, precipitation, as well as travel tips for recreation.

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Weather in Israel in winter


Heated indoor pools open in December. The rainy season is coming, you are unlikely to get a beautiful Mediterranean tan, but discounts in hotels are pleasantly pleasing. True, prices rise again before the holidays - pilgrims come to the country.

January February

The weather in Israel in January-February is warm and damp. In Haifa, Netanya and other Mediterranean seaside resorts day +17°С, night +5...+10°С, sea +18°С. Even in sunny Eilat, precipitation occasionally falls.

The warmest place is on the coast of the Red Sea: air temperature +20°С, water +21...+22°С. During the day in Eilat you can walk lightly dressed, at night it is already cool (about + 10 ° C), so warm clothes are needed for evening promenades.

In winter, you can relax in the Dead Sea resorts: the water and air temperatures are the same + 19 ... + 20 ° С, but swimming in the sea is pleasant only at lunchtime. People who are chilly prefer to bask in pools. Rains are rare and short.

In winter, noisy celebrations take place in the country: Christian Christmas, Hanukkah, then Purim with processions and traditional treats. After the December and January influx of pilgrims, access to the holy places becomes free, and tourists can safely visit all the sights. By March, the weather improves, and it rains less and less.

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Weather in Israel in spring


The weather in Israel in March is conducive to travel and long walks in the fresh air. The big religious holidays have passed, the pilgrimage has temporarily subsided before Easter. Most resorts mediterranean sea mild and sunny weather is established: +19...+20°С during the day, +13°С at night, water +17...+18°С. At the beginning of the month, there may still be winds and short showers, so jackets and umbrellas will not interfere. It is very good in March at the Dead Sea resorts: water +22...+25°С, air temperature +24°С.

Eilat is dry, rainfall tends to zero. Daytime +25°C and above, Red Sea +21°C. Sometimes the winds blow, and then swimming in the sea is a little invigorating. Vacationers are engaged in windsurfing, riding jet skis, banana boats, water skiing and paragliding. This is one of the rare periods when you can comfortably go on excursions in Eilat. The most popular are trips to the ancient Masada fortress, Red Canyon, Dolphin Reef, Timna Park and the reserve.


In April, on the eve of the celebration of Easter, Christian pilgrims arrive, Jews celebrate the Jewish Passover - Pesach. The beach season officially opens, the weather in Israel in April favors lovers of "seal" rest. The warmest is in Eilat and Ein Bokek: the water in the Red Sea is +23°С, the Dead Sea is +25°С, during the day the temperature reaches +29°С. It is cooler in the resorts of the Mediterranean Sea: in Tel Aviv, Haifa, Ashdod and other resorts + 23 ° C, sea water + 18 ... + 19 ° C.


But in May it is already hot on the shores of the Red and Dead Seas: during the day + 32 ° C and above. The water in the Dead Sea is +28°С, in the Red Sea +24°С. It gets hot and stuffy in Eilat, +23°C at night, so you can fully relax only in air-conditioned rooms. Since mid-May, good weather has been established in Israel on the Mediterranean Sea: in the daytime +27 ... + 28 ° С, water + 22 ° С. You can swim, sunbathe, go on excursions to Jerusalem, Bethlehem and other places, sail on a yacht in the open sea, and engage in water sports.

Note: how to organize?

(Photo © magentaD / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Weather in Israel in summer

It is hot in Israel in June, July and August. The highest temperatures in Ein Bokek and Eilat are +35...+40°С and higher. In Tel Aviv, Netanya, Haifa +30...+35°С. The heat does not subside even at night: +23...+25°С, there is no rain, dry winds periodically blow, bringing dust and sand, worsening visibility and making breathing difficult. It is unlikely that a vacation by the sea against the backdrop of such extreme temperatures and natural phenomena can bring pleasure, although some tourists travel even at this time.

You can relax all year round. Tourists come here for a variety of purposes, among which the most popular are treatment, beach, pilgrimage and educational tourism. Of course, it is better to prepare for the trip in advance and know the features of traveling to Israel at any time of the year.

Types of seasons

Depending on the weather conditions, calendar year The country is divided into several periods when tourists come from everywhere. Conventionally, in the tourism sector of Israel, it is customary to distinguish four seasons, which differ from each other in their characteristics.

beach season

There are four seas on the territory of the country (Dead, Mediterranean, Red, Galilee), and this made it possible to actively develop the tourist destination. As for the Red Sea, the water temperature in the area of ​​its water area does not fall below +20 degrees during the year. Therefore, rest in the resorts of the Red Sea is considered the most relevant among visitors. Most cold period falls in January, February and December, and the rest of the time it is quite possible to swim. The exception is summer months July and August, when the air warms up to + 35-40 degrees on the Red Sea.

The Mediterranean Sea is colder than the Red Sea. The water in it warms up to a comfortable temperature only in early June and remains warm until September. However, in the Mediterranean Sea, jellyfish can be found in June and August. This fact should be taken into account when going to resorts located on the coast of the second most important sea in the country.

low season

The flow of tourists decreases sharply when unbearable heat sets in on the territory of the country, reaching up to +43 degrees. Typically, this occurs a natural phenomenon in July and lasts until the end of August. For those who are contraindicated long stay in the open sun, it is better to refrain from summer trips to Israel.

The next period of low activity of visitors falls on January and February, since it is during these months that the temperature of air and water drops to +16-18 degrees. It also periodically starts to rain and blow strong winds. Naturally, in such conditions, you can forget about swimming.

Despite the fact that they are empty in winter, in mid-December and until the end of January, pilgrims tend to get into the country in order to inspect local shrines.

Season of excursions and pilgrimages

The country has a significant number of well-preserved attractions, the history of which is fanned by religious themes and the spirit of the past. It's best to get to know cultural heritage Israel in late autumn or early spring. During these times of the year, the weather is conducive to long walks. Be sure to include places such as Mount Zion in your excursion program; Wall of Tears; Garden of Gethsemane; Nazareth; Bethlehem; Jordan river.

The sale of vouchers for pilgrimage tours is the main source of income for local travel companies during the period when the beach season is officially closed. Most of the trips are for iconic religious events. However, during such periods, the country is overflowing with those wishing to touch the shrines, so be prepared for the fact that on the streets of Israel you will see a huge live mass of pilgrims.

Ski season

Interesting winter holidays in Israel is quite possible. Once in the country in winter, feel free to go to the resort area, located near Mount Hermon. You will be pleasantly surprised by the high level of service, the availability of several tracks for professionals and beginners, as well as the rental of new sports equipment. In addition, you can take paid lessons from an experienced instructor and try your hand at skiing or snowboarding.

Tired of outdoor activities, take the funicular to the top of the mountain to see the mesmerizing landscapes of winter Israel. In the evening, cafes and restaurants are open on the territory of the resort, where they cook delicious meals national cuisine.

It is worth noting that the resort does not work in summer, as the snow cover on the top of the mountain melts quickly and is not suitable for winter sports. The rest of the time, Hermon resorts operate as planned, receiving guests from different countries almost daily.

Treatment season

It's no secret that travelers constantly come to Israel in order to restore the body. The unique composition of the water is known far beyond the borders of Israel. At the same time, not only water, but also air has healing properties. The healing microclimate attracts tourists all year round.

Wellness programs are developed by specialists in the field of medicine and include:

  • prevention and treatment of skin or neurological diseases;
  • full diagnostics on modern equipment;
  • a set of procedures aimed at the rehabilitation of patients after surgery;
  • recovery procedures.

The advantages of this type of tourism are the ability to take the program at any time of the year, as well as the possibility of combining treatment with a variety of excursions.

Climate of Israel

Most of the country is dominated by a subtropical climate. In some regions, the influence of a temperate tropical and dry climate is felt. This duality is explained by the peculiarities of the geographical location, the proximity of the sea to a particular territory, the level of humidity and other objective factors.

Spring in Israel

Spring - great time for a trip to Israel, as the air temperature is quite comfortable for long excursions. The spring trip has a number of advantages:

  • minimum number of rainy days;
  • the opportunity to get acquainted with the culture and national cuisine;
  • reasonable ticket price.

In March, the air warms up to +16-20 degrees, and by the end of May the air temperature reaches +24-28 degrees. Most warm weather established in the region and its environs. The water in the sea becomes warmer every spring month, and the average temperature of the Red Sea is + 20-24 degrees.

Deciding to go to Israel in the spring, do not forget about the celebration of Easter, which falls on spring months. There are a lot of tourists during the celebration in Israel, so it is better to buy tickets in advance.

Summer in Israel

In June, the country is under the influence of dry and hot air currents. The air temperature in the first summer month is kept at + 30-32 degrees and drops slightly only in evening time. In general, June is suitable for beach tourism and is considered one of the most popular months for swimming and sunbathing.

In July, the air warms up to +32-35 degrees, which, of course, affects the number of tourists. The water is very warm during the summer months, but the active sun sometimes prevents you from enjoying your holiday to the fullest. To save themselves from the sun's rays, the management of many hotels sets up sun loungers with umbrellas on the beaches.

August is the most different high temperatures air reaching +40-42 degrees. Tourists try to avoid traveling during the last month of summer, and this is primarily due to the debilitating heat.

Autumn in Israel

September in terms of temperature differs from August by several degrees. During the day, the air warms up to + 28-30 degrees, which is comfortable weather, both for a beach holiday and for educational tourism. The water in all the waters of Israel has not yet cooled down, so you can swim and sunbathe until the end of October.

Mid-autumn is characterized by warm and dry weather and minimal rainfall. locals October is called the “golden month” due to favorable weather conditions. The coolest thing is in October, as the air temperature can drop to +24 degrees.

In November, the first short-term rains are observed. The air gradually cools and hot weather is replaced by warm weather. Daytime temperatures can reach +22-24 degrees, and in some areas drop to +18.

Winter in Israel

The winter period in the country is strikingly different from the Russian winter. In the southern regions of the country in December, the air temperature is about +17 degrees. The only place where negative indicators are possible is Mount Hermon, which attracts tourists with its ski resorts.

Throughout January, Israel receives the highest amount of precipitation, and the air becomes humid. At the end of January, the rains gradually stop, and the temperature sets in around + 12-15 degrees. The water also cools down by five to six degrees. It is no longer possible to swim in the Mediterranean Sea, and in the Red Sea the water temperature is +21 degrees.

February weather similar to January, except for fewer days when it rains and strong winds blow.

Israel, like a mythical cornucopia, is inexhaustible and limitless, despite its modest size. It would seem, where does so much come from in such a small country? The secret is simple - good location and richest history. Here you can combine the incongruous: follow the path of Jesus Christ to Calvary and enjoy excellent service on the beaches of Tel Aviv, dissect in jeeps among the Eilat mountains and experience the healing properties of Dead Sea mud. There would be time and money, but the impressions will not matter. In any case, the vacation is going to be eventful.

When to go

May and the summer months are the right time to relax on the Mediterranean coast, but it will be too hot on the Red Sea, it is better to wait until September-October. While in Eilat bathing season lasts all year round, in winter the water is quite cool, besides, it often blows strong winds. For excursions, as well as for trips to the Dead Sea, the most comfortable are early spring and autumn. December-February in Jerusalem is damp and rainy, which can interfere with thoughtful sightseeing.

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Beach holidays: where to swim

The main beach resorts of Israel are located on the Mediterranean Sea. First of all, this is modern Tel Aviv and its suburb Bat Yam with kilometers of sandy coast, where every little thing is taken into account for the sake of tourists, from showers to dive centers. By the way, the entrance is free everywhere except for Ha-Tsuk Beach, you only have to fork out for a sun lounger with an umbrella.

Although Tel Aviv is not considered a family resort (rather, it is designed for a party holiday due to the large number of nightclubs and bars), there are quite quiet corners on the coast away from the wild fun. But still the best place for holidays with children - Netanya, where all conditions are created for this. There are attractions and entertainment literally at every step, in restaurants there is a children's menu and animation. Thanks to the breakwaters, the sea is calm, and the bottom near the shore is very gentle, parents can not worry even about the kids. Herzliya is considered the most prestigious resort in Israel. This city has many luxury hotels with impeccable service.

Its infrastructure is designed for different categories of tourists. For swimming, the north coast with sand and pebbles is more suitable. But for the wonders of the underwater kingdom, you need to go to Coral Beach, located in the south outside the city. They swim there in special shoes so as not to injure their legs, which, of course, is not very convenient. But as a reward for discomfort - amazing beauty that can be viewed from the surface without diving into the depths.

Holidays in Israel

What to see in Israel

A key attraction for religious pilgrims and secular tourists is Old Testament Jerusalem with the world-famous Church of the Holy Sepulcher and the Wailing Wall, as well as the Garden of Gethsemane, where Jesus prayed on the night before the betrayal. This is where travelers want to go.

No less attractive is ancient Jaffa (a suburb of Tel Aviv) with a distinctive stone architecture. One of the main attractions of the port city of Haifa is the magnificent Bahai Gardens on the slopes of Mount Carmel, descending in terraces to the temple of the Baha'i religion.

For the ancient ruins, you should go to the Judean Desert. There, among the stone dunes, lies the fortress of Masada, which, under Herod the Great, was an impregnable refuge for royal family. Monuments of different historical eras are collected in the Caesarea National Park.

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In Israel, health tourism is almost more popular than a classic beach holiday. Its main centers are on the Dead Sea. The water of this unique reservoir is saturated with useful compounds, and mud from the bottom is used to treat many diseases and is used in cosmetology.

In Tiberias on Lake Kinneret, you can swim in the healing thermal springs, sunbathe and be like thalassotherapy sessions. In addition, there are picturesque landscapes in the vicinity of the Sea of ​​Galilee.

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Vacation with children

No wonder Israel is recognized as one of the most sought-after destinations for family vacation. There is simply a cult of children in the country. Absolutely everything is adapted for them: there are playgrounds on the beaches and streets of cities, in restaurants there is a varied children's menu, and in all-inclusive hotels they organize fun holidays with animation.

In respect of entertainment program Israel is also “ahead of the rest”. There are more than a dozen water parks alone. The largest ones are Meymadion in Tel Aviv (off site in English), Luna Gal in Kinneret, Yamit Alpaim in Holon and Shfaim near Netanya.

It will take several days to ride on all the attractions of the Tel Aviv "Lunapark" (off. site in English). A visit to the theme park "City of the Kings" in Eilat, created according to biblical stories, is a fascinating immersion in history that will be interesting for the whole family.

A tour of the "Safari Park" in Ramat Gan is a trip through the almost real African savannah, where animals live in vivo. Children will definitely be delighted with huge rhinos and lions with luxurious manes.

The holiday season in Israel is year-round: this is facilitated by climatic and geographical features(the country has coastal zones, 4 seas, mountains, lowlands).

Tourist season in Israel

  • Spring: if your goal is a beach holiday, then in March you can visit the resorts of the Red Sea (water temperature - +20 degrees). In general, spring is ideal for city tours, theaters and museums, walks in parks.
  • Summer: in summer the air can heat up to +40 degrees and above, so it is better to spend the summer months on the sea coasts.
  • Autumn: in autumn, just like in spring, favorable conditions are created in the country for sightseeing, educational, healing, tours to holy and historical places. You should not go to the country in November - at this time the rainy season begins.
  • Winter: In winter, there are no frosts in the country, but it can rain. Snowboarders and skiers can visit the northern part of the country in December-February - there is a ski resort on Mount Hermon.

Beach season in Israel

beach season in the country opens in April, but it all depends on which sea you are going to relax on.

It is better to come to the Mediterranean resorts in summer (the season lasts until the end of September), but it is worth considering that in June-July, jellyfish can overshadow your vacation here. The best Mediterranean beaches are Zuk Tzafan, Gelei Gil, Herzel, Nordau.

On the Red Sea, it is worth taking a closer look at Eilat, famous for such beaches as Dolphin Beach (it is located in the Dolphin Reef Park) and North Beach (white sand). It is best to relax on the Red Sea in April-May and September-October, although in winter the water temperature here is above +20 degrees.

You can relax on the Dead Sea throughout the year, but if your goal is to improve your health, then it is better to come here in spring or autumn, since it is very hot in summer and the water warms up to +35 degrees. best beach Dead Sea - "Ein Bokek" (successful descent into the water).

Popular beaches of the Sea of ​​Galilee (Lake Kinneret) are Kiner, Duga, Ekev. Here, in addition to a beach holiday, available water activities(there are 3 water parks).

For holidays with children, it is advisable to opt for the resort towns of Netanya and Bat Yam - they are famous for their sandy beaches (you should pay attention to the Stone Beach - thanks to the installed breakwater, swimming for children is safe here).


Diving in Israel is possible all year round: special interest represents the Red Sea in the Eilat area (visibility - 40 m). Here you will have the opportunity to swim with dolphins (Dolphin Reef), see an 8-meter steep coral wall(Japenese Gardens), swim through underwater caves and see warships and coral thickets at the bottom (The Caves).

Pilgrimage, treatment, sightseeing, active and beach activities. All this awaits you on vacation in Israel.