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Biography, life story of Khrushcheva Yulia Leonidovna

Yulia Leonidovna Khrushcheva is the granddaughter of the First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee.


Julia was born in 1940 in Moscow in the family of military pilot Leonid Nikitovich Khrushchev, the eldest son, and his wife Lyubov Illarionovna Sizykh. When Yulia was only 2 years old, her father went missing after a combat mission near Orel. Immediately after this, Lyubov was arrested on suspicion of espionage, convicted and sent to camps. After 5 years, Lyubov Sizykh was released, but immediately, along with other former prisoners, they were exiled to Kazakhstan. The girl who was left without parents was adopted. Until the age of 16, Yulia thought that she was her father, and Nina Petrovna, his third wife, was her own mother. The truth was revealed only when Yulia filled out the documents for joining the Komsomol. Julia saw Lyubov Sizykh only in 1957 - a year after the woman was finally released.

Since 1944 Yulia lived in Kyiv. In 1949, together with her family, she again moved to Moscow. By that time, Yulia had no memories of Moscow life; she considered Kyiv her hometown. For some time the girl was terribly homesick, but soon got used to it.

Education. Labor activity

After graduation high school Yulia Khrushcheva entered the Moscow State University at the Faculty of Journalism. Having received a diploma of higher education, Yulia Leonidovna got a job by profession in the Novosti press agency. A few years later, Khrushcheva, disillusioned with journalism, left Novosti and became the head of the literary department at the Moscow Drama Theater named after M.N. Yermolova. Later Julia entered the same position at the Theater named after, where she worked until retirement age.



Julia and her husband raised their daughter Nina. Nina graduated from the Faculty of Philology of the Moscow state university then studied at Princeton University. Left to live in the USA. Got a job as a teacher international relations at New School University in New York.

In the 2000s, Yulia Leonidovna actively fought against the falsification of the history of the Khrushchev family in general and the biography of her father in particular, sued the leadership of Channel One, state and politician Dmitry Yazov and writer Vladimir Karpov for libel.


On the morning of June 8, 2017 at the Solnechnaya station of the Kyiv direction of the Moscow railway on the Michurinets platform, a 77-year-old woman was hit by an electric train. The body was found a day later. After the identification, it was announced that the deceased was Yulia Leonidovna Khrushcheva. According to the first version, Yulia Leonidovna crossed the rails in the wrong place while the train was moving and did not respond to the driver's signals. The second version says that Khrushchev accidentally stumbled on the platform and fell onto the rails.

Farewell to Yulia Leonidovna and her funeral, it was decided to hold at the Troekurovsky cemetery on June 13 of the same year.

The granddaughter and adopted daughter of Nikita Khrushchev, Yulia, died under the wheels of an electric train in New Moscow. According to the investigating authorities, the 77-year-old woman did not have time to respond to the signals of the approaching train. The accident occurred on Thursday, June 8, around 09:00, but it became known much later.

According to the press service of the Moscow Interregional Investigation Department for Transport (MMSUT), an elderly local resident born in 1940 walked along the railway tracks near the Solnechnaya station of the Kiev direction of the Moscow railway.

“At that moment, an electric train on the Vnukovo-Moscow route was passing through the station. The woman did not have time to respond to the high-volume signals given by the driver and was injured, ”RIA Novosti quotes a representative of the department.

The victim died at the scene from her injuries. The investigating authorities are taking a set of necessary measures to verify all the circumstances and causes of the incident, the MMSUT reported.

“It has been established that the deceased is Yulia Khrushcheva, the granddaughter of one of the Soviet leaders, Nikita Khrushchev,” Interfax reports, citing a source.

The press service of the transport department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Central federal district confirmed that on Thursday morning, on the stretch of Solnechnaya - Vnukovo stations, an electric train following the route Vnukovo - Moscow fatally injured a woman born in 1940. The name of the deceased in the transport police was not called.

At the same time, in help desk Moscow ambulance confirmed the death of a woman of this age with the specified name.

“Yulia Leonidovna Khrushcheva, at the age of 77, died today,” RIA Novosti quoted the interlocutor as saying.

According to some reports, the woman died due to the fact that she crossed the railway tracks in an unspecified place. This was reported to the TASS agency by a source in the emergency services of the city.

  • Yulia Khrushcheva with artists of the Vakhtangov Theater Irina Kupchenko and Vladimir Koval.
  • RIA News

The funeral of Yulia Khrushcheva will be held on Tuesday, June 13, at the Troekurovsky cemetery in the capital, her son-in-law Igor Makurin said. There will also be a farewell to the deceased.

“On June 13, a funeral will take place at the Troekurovsky cemetery, and there will be a farewell in the ritual hall at 14:00,” Makurin informed.

The daughter of Yulia Leonidovna, Nina Khrushcheva, told TASS that her mother worked for many years at the State Academic Theater named after Evgeny Vakhtangov, and the day before her death she was at the evening in memory of Yuri Lyubimov.

“She was very fond of this theater and Yuri Petrovich Lyubimov. She wrote a chapter in a book dedicated to Lyubimov, which should be published soon. And the day before her death, she was at an evening dedicated to the memory of Lyubimov. She was very happy that she went there, ”Nina Khrushcheva shared.

Actress Irina Kupchenko noted that she and Yulia Khrushcheva had been friends for many years and Kupchenko was her grandson's godmother. According to the actress, Khrushchev for a long time was the head of the literary part of the Vakhtangov Theatre.

“Yulia Leonidovna was very competent, educated, smart person. She had many connections - and this helped the theater. She was a very faithful, devoted person - like a brick, no, more like a granite wall, ”said Kupchenko.

Yulia Khrushcheva was born in 1940 in the family of Leonid, the eldest son of the first secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, Nikita Khrushchev. She was his first granddaughter. In March 1943, Leonid, who fought as part of a fighter aircraft near Orel, did not return from a combat mission. He was declared missing, the remains have not been found so far.

In 2013, Yulia's mother, Lyubov Sizykh, who has lived almost all her life in Kyiv, revealed some details of her daughter's life to the Ukrainian edition of Vzglyad. The girl was born in 1940, and her parents first named her Yolanda - in honor of their friend, but Nikita Khrushchev's mother, Ksenia Ivanovna, strongly opposed such a name.

“The opinion of the older generation in the family was listened to, and we had to urgently find a way out of this situation. We began to call our daughter Yulka. And so her name is still, ”Sizykh said.

After the disappearance of Leonid Khrushchev, Yulia's mother was arrested on suspicion of espionage, and then sent to camps. In 1948, she was released, but then she, along with other former prisoners, was sent into exile in Kazakhstan.

Until the age of 16, Julia considered Nikita Sergeevich a father, and Nina Petrovna a mother, until it was time to fill out the documents for joining the Komsomol. Mother and daughter saw each other only in 1957.

“Nina Petrovna wrote that I could come and meet my daughter. Yulia opened the door, and the first thing I said was: “How amazingly similar you are to your father!” With my daughter, we immediately developed good, warm relationship. After some time, I managed to find my son, at that time he was already 25 years old, ”said Lyubov Sizykh.

In August 2016, in a Moscow hospital, at the age of 88, Nikita Khrushchev's daughter from her third marriage, journalist and publicist Rada Adzhubey, who had worked for about 50 years in the journal Science and Life, died.

Granddaughter and adopted daughter of the Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev 77 year old Yulia Khrushcheva .

According to the source, the tragedy occurred in the area of ​​​​the Michurinets platform of the Kyiv direction of the Moscow railway, on the territory of New Moscow, at 10:35 on June 8. An elderly woman was crossing the tracks in an unspecified place.

Information about the fact of fatal injury elderly woman on the railway tracks was confirmed by the press service of the Department of Transport of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Central Federal District.

Khrushchev's eldest son did not return from battle

Yulia Khrushcheva, 77, was the daughter of Nikita Khrushchev's eldest son. Leonid.

Her mother was the second wife of Leonid Khrushchev Liubov Sizykh.

Leonid Khrushchev was a military pilot, participated in Soviet-Finnish war. At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War fought in the 134th Bomber Aviation Regiment, was presented to the Order of the Red Banner. After being seriously wounded in July 1941, Leonid Khrushchev recovered for a long time, and then underwent retraining as a fighter pilot, and in December 1942 he was sent to the 18th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment.

On March 11, 1943, Leonid Khrushchev did not return to the airfield after a sortie. According to fellow soldiers, his plane was shot down in battle. To establish the fate of the son of a prominent party leader, a large-scale search was organized, but they did not give a result. Leonid Khrushchev was excluded from the lists of the unit as missing.

Why Nikita Khrushchev's granddaughter became his adopted daughter

It has been suggested that Khrushchev's son could have been taken prisoner, or even consciously surrender and begin to cooperate with the Nazis. However, no real evidence this version has not been found.

During the years of perestroika, another hypothesis became popular, according to which Leonid Khrushchev was shot by order Stalin for some crime, and the decision to shoot was not canceled, despite all the pleas of Nikita Khrushchev.

However, in this case, evidence could not be found. According to the testimony of people close to Nikita Khrushchev, in particular, translator Viktor Sukhodrev, the Soviet leader recalled his son as having died in the war.

Shortly after Leonid Khrushchev went missing, his wife was arrested on charges of espionage. She was sentenced to 5 years in prison, after which she was exiled to Kazakhstan.

Little Yulia was taken in by her grandfather, Nikita Khrushchev. The granddaughter became the adopted daughter of a politician. That is why Yulia Khrushcheva called him “dad” all her life, and not grandfather. Julia met her mother only in 1957.

Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev with his daughter Yulia. Photo taken in 1967. Photo: RIA Novosti / A. Solomonov

Lyubov Sizykh survived her husband by seven decades - she passed away in 2014, at the 102nd year of her life.

Yulia Khrushcheva worked as a journalist, but became disillusioned with the profession and went to the theater

It should be noted that there were two Yulias in the Khrushchev family. Yulia Nikitichna Khrushcheva, eldest daughter Nikita Khrushchev, born in 1916. He was married to Viktor Gontar, director of the Kyiv Opera. Khrushchev's daughter died in 1981.

Yulia Leonidovna Khrushcheva, granddaughter and adopted daughter of Nikita Khrushchev, was born in 1940. She graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, worked for a long time at the Novosti Press Agency.

Then, disillusioned with journalism, she got a job at the theater. M.N. Yermolova, head of the literary department. Among her acquaintances were Vasily Aksenov, Evgeny Yevtushenko,Vladimir Vysotsky.

"New York is a terrible city!"

Yulia Khrushcheva's daughter Nina has been living and working in New York for many years. Yulia Khrushcheva herself, in a few interviews, admitted that she visits her daughter, but she cannot live permanently in New York, because she does not like the city.

Yulia Khrushcheva with her daughter Xenia. Photo: RIA Novosti / A. Solomonov

In 2011, in an interview with the Ukrainian edition of Fakty, Yulia Khrushcheva said: “It is very difficult for me to get used to this city. I remember how dad, talking at some event about his first trip to America, said: “I must tell you, comrades, that New York is a terrible city!” Now, having visited my daughter, I understand how this metropolis suppressed him. Nikita Sergeevich loved the forest, the river, the field, nature, and the protruding high buildings and the gorges-streets between them simply oppressed him. And every time I go out into the street in New York - and it is especially "impressive" in the summer - I always say: "I must tell you, comrades, that New York is a terrible city!"

According to the REN TV channel, law enforcement consider several versions of the tragedy at the Michurinets station, including suicide.

Yulia Khrushcheva was born in 1940 in the family of Leonid Khrushchev, the son of the first secretary of the CPSU Central Committee. Her father is a fighter pilot. During the Finnish campaign, he bombed the Mannerheim Line. In the summer of 1941, Leonid's plane was shot down, and he himself was wounded. The pilot was treated for a long time in the rear, alternating procedures with fun sprees. And once, in a drunken argument, he tried to knock a bottle off his comrade's head with a shot, but missed and hit him right in the forehead. For the murder of Leonid, they were sentenced to eight years in the camps "with serving part of the term at the front." And in March 1943, Senior Lieutenant Khrushchev did not return from a sortie. This version is confirmed by his comrade, pilot Zamorin: "After an armor-piercing strike, Khrushchev's plane literally crumbled before my eyes."


According to another version, Leonid Khrushchev was shot down, captured and agreed to cooperate with the Germans. After that, allegedly on the personal orders of Joseph Stalin, SMERSH officers found the traitor and brought him to Moscow. KGB General Mikhail Dokuchaev testified about what happened in the Kremlin: “Khrushchev began to cry, and then he began to sob. Like, the son is to blame, let him be severely punished, but not shot. Stalin said: “In the current situation, I can’t help anything” "Nikita fell to his knees. Begging, he began to crawl to Stalin's feet, crying and asking for indulgence for his son. When the guards and doctors brought Nikita Sergeevich to his senses, he kept repeating: "Spare your son, do not shoot ..."

Until his death, Khrushchev could not forgive Stalin for such a humiliation: “Lenin once took revenge on royal family for my brother, and I will take revenge on Stalin, even dead, for my son."

And even despite this information, there is no exact data on how Leonid died. Since there is no documentary evidence - only the memoirs of contemporaries. At the same time, it was the death of his son that became the reason for the indictments, which would later be heard from the lips of Nikita Khrushchev against Joseph Stalin.

Yulia's mother, Lyubov Khrushcheva, was arrested immediately after the disappearance of Leonid - as a member of the family of a traitor to the Motherland. She was released only in the 1950s. However, Khrushchev was not at all interested in the fate of his daughter-in-law. They met by chance in the late 60s at some family evening. Nikita Sergeevich said dryly to her: "Hello, Lyuba!" And that was the end of their conversation.

Yulia found out that she had a mother only at the age of 16, when she graduated from high school. It was necessary to apply to the university, and she was told everything. The girl was in shock - she considered her grandparents to be her parents.

Khrushchev dreamed that Yulia would become a teacher or an agronomist. I thought that these were the most useful professions. But she was not interested in this, and for a long time she worked at the Novosti press agency, and then she was hired by one of the Moscow theaters.

In the personal life of the "granddaughter-daughter", everything was also not easy. The first husband of Yulia Khrushcheva was Nikolai Shmelev, a well-known economist, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He is one of the few who during the years of perestroika was not afraid to criticize economic policy states. Julia made an offer to her beloved man herself. “At six o’clock in the morning, the door of my room opened, where I then lived as my own boss, a sports bag was placed on the threshold, and the little man said:“ I won’t leave here again! ”Shmelev recalled more than once.

Khrushchev took his son-in-law ambiguously, because the young people did not get married according to the canons, without an official marriage proposal. A couple of times the first secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU spoke with his son-in-law in raised tones. He reproached the young Shmelev, comparing him with Dorokhov from War and Peace.

Julia and Nikolai lived in a communal apartment for about two years. And it was the happiest time of their marriage. Five years later, Nikolai left his wife. Khrushchev demanded an explanation from Yulia. She said that her husband had another. When Nikita Sergeevich asked, "Did you give grounds for this?" - answered: "Yes."

Four months after the divorce, she gave birth to a daughter. And at the insistence of her father, she married her new friend, Lev Petrov, a journalist who simultaneously served in the GRU. She gave birth to two daughters, Nina and Xenia. Petrov died in 1970.

Julia hid her origin for 18 years, becoming Petrova. And she took her grandfather's surname after Mikhail Gorbachev came to power.

Her daughter Nina in the late 80s went to study in America, in Princeton. Since then he has been living and working in the USA. Considered a great specialist-analyst in Russia. Divorced.

Another daughter of Yulia - Xenia - lives in Russia. Her son, Khrushchev's great-great-grandson in this line, is called Nikita.

In Moscow, the train hit the granddaughter and adopted daughter of the first secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU Nikita Khrushchev. This was reported by RIA Novosti sources in the police.

It is known that the tragedy occurred at the Solnechnaya station of the Kyiv direction of the Moscow railway. 77 year old Yulia Khrushcheva fell under the train Vnukovo - Moscow.

Khrushcheva's body was discovered a day after she was hit by an electric train.

The fact of the death of a woman born in 1940 was confirmed by the press service of the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Transport in the Central Federal District, but the details were not specified. But in the reference service of the capital's ambulance, they reported the death of a woman with that name and age.

“Yulia Leonidovna Khrushcheva, at the age of 77, died today,” they said.

According to a number of media reports, the investigation is currently considering several versions of what happened.

“According to one of the versions, careless behavior on the railway platform became the cause of death,” the report says.

However, the version of suicide is not excluded. In particular, REN-TV journalists pointed out that the investigators are working out the version that Khrushchev's granddaughter could commit suicide.

Yulia Khrushcheva - daughter Leonid Khrushchev, son of the first secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU Nikita Khrushchev from his first marriage. Mother of Yulia Khrushcheva - the second wife of Leonid Sergeevich Liubov Sizykh.

Yulia Khrushcheva was born in 1940 in Moscow. When the war began, her grandmother, Nina Petrovna Khrushcheva, evacuating with her three children to Kuibyshev (now Samara - Note FAN), took her daughter-in-law Lyuba and her granddaughter with her. In 1943, Leonid Khrushchev, a former fighter pilot, did not return from a combat mission. Shortly thereafter, his wife Lyuba, Yulia's mother, was arrested on suspicion of espionage. The four-year-old girl stayed in Kuibyshev with Nina Petrovna. After that, Nikita Khrushchev adopted the girl.

As Julia herself recalled, she found out that her father died at the front, and her real mother lives and works in Kazakhstan, only before entering Moscow State University.

“Nina Petrovna told me about it so that I could fill out the application form correctly. A year later, when I turned 17, I met my mother, ”the Facts and Comments newspaper quotes her.

According to the woman, the wife of Nikita Khrushchev, Nina Petrovna was strict, restrained, very correct.

“She had everything: household, children, school. I think that she consulted with her husband only on global issues and did not pull him over trifles. Nina Petrovna treated her duties as a wife and mother very responsibly. She cooked, cleaned, embroidered well and taught me a lot, even darning, which no one does now. Mom (since the Khrushchev family adopted their granddaughter, Julia called her that - Approx. FAN) was always collected, energetic. When she already lived alone in Zhukovka - and Nina Petrovna died at the age of 84 - she maintained perfect order in the house, ”recalled the granddaughter of the first secretary of the CPSU Central Committee.

“Sending my daughter to Nina Petrovna, I knew that she would be all right,” she said.

Yulia Khrushcheva always added that she was extremely grateful to Nikita Sergeevich and Nina Petrovna for everything, "including the strictness that reigned in our house."

Passed away in August 2016 own daughter First Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU Nikita Khrushchev - Rada Adzhubey. She died in the hospital at the age of 87.

The daughter of Nikita Khrushchev from his second marriage was born in 1929 in Kyiv. In 1952 she graduated from Moscow State University, after which she worked as a journalist. While still a student, she married her classmate Alexei Adzhubey, who then was the editor-in-chief of newspapers " TVNZ and Izvestia. For more than 50 years, Rada Adjubey has worked in the journal Science and Life.

In 2007, the grandson of Nikita Khrushchev, a journalist for the Moscow News newspaper, Nikita Khrushchev, died. He died of a stroke in the Moscow Burdenko Hospital. As noted in the obituary, since January 2007, Khrushchev's grandson worked in the newspaper "Union Veche" - the Union State of Russia and Belarus.

Nikita Khrushchev had two marriages. In the first, his son Leonid and daughter Yulia were born, in the second - daughters Rada and Elena, son Sergey.