"Save the Earth. take care

Lark's blue zenith,

Butterfly on dodder leaves,

Sunshine on the path

On the stones of a playing crab,

Over the desert the shadow of the baobab,

The hawk hovering over the field

A clear moon over the river calm,

A swallow flickering in life.

Take care of the Earth! Take care!

(M. Dudin)

How beautiful and how defenseless our Earth is in the universe. Protecting the Earth means protecting nature. The upbringing of a careful attitude to nature, the formation of a sense of responsibility for all living things is laid down from childhood. At the lessons of literature, the world around the teacher elementary school constantly talks to the children about this topic. Task general development junior schoolchildren solved not only in the classroom, but also in extracurricular activities. Joint activities of the teacher and the school library (in school No. 1) are an established practice.

The lines of M Dudin became the epigraph of the environmental report " Planet Earth people ", held in the 2" a "class (teacher Maletina S. N.)

Why is the lesson called environmental reporting? The leaders of the lesson were the children themselves - Shubina Olya and Kuzminykh Katya, who acted as reporters. They shared information with the audience and at the same time interviewed their classmates.

Conducted a knowledge survey medicinal plants, willingly gave answers to riddles related to flora and fauna, worked on the content of K. Paustovsky's story "Hare Paws".

At the lesson were present game moments: picking up puzzles for the story of K. Paustovsky, the presence of a microphone in children's hands made it possible to feel in a new role.

April marked the anniversary of the children's writer Vera Chaplina, whose life and work are inextricably linked with the Moscow Zoo. More than one generation grew up on Chaplin's books. The most famous of them are "Pets of the zoo", "My pupils", "Four-legged friends". The children were presented with a slide film made up of photographs of V. Chaplina with her pets.

The impressions of the event are contained in written works children:

“We learned that the writer Vera Chaplina turned 105 years old, and she had a wolf friend. He protected her from other wolves.. We also learned what a report is.”

(Shubina Olya)

“I want to note: if you want to drink birch sap, you must definitely heal the birch wound. I learned a lot. I liked the lesson! Everyone worked well!”

(Dobrygina Polina)

“I learned that Vera Chaplina real name Mikhailov. And the name of Chaplin is a literary pseudonym "

(Prikhodko Anastasia)

“When I was at the library hour, I found out that some animals hibernate. Animals must be loved, not offended.

(Sutyagina Alena)

“Very interesting, fascinating, thoughtful, varied questions. We learned about Vera Chaplina, that she worked at the zoo. She had different animals at home. For example, tigers, dogs. That's why she had books about animals."

(Surgutskaya Anya)

I am sure that when resting in the summer, these children will look at the world and nature differently. Caring for our smaller brothers, for the surrounding nature is no longer empty words for them. Even these little ones know that 2013 has been declared the year of the EP. Well, from the new school year we will continue our meetings with the guys again.

Born on November 7 (20), 1916 in the village of Klevnevo, Ivanovo Region, into a peasant family. The Dudin family is a family of buffoons, itinerant artists and poets, and this probably determined his vocation.

He studied at the school of peasant youth as an agronomist, but he did not become an agronomist. He graduated from the Ivanovo textile factory-school, received the specialty of an assistant weaver, but did not become a weaver either. He began writing poetry early, in 1934.

At the age of 18, he was drafted into the army, studied at the regimental school for junior commanders, but did not have time to finish it. The war with Finland begins. He is sent to the front (1939-40). Creativity became for him "salvation from fear and savagery." The first book of poems, Downpour, was published in Ivanovo in 1940.

From May 1940 to December 2, 1941 he served in the garrison of the Gangut Peninsula ( Russian name peninsula Hanko), heroically defending itself from the Finnish troops. In December, the garrison was evacuated to Kronstadt. The outbreak of World War II finds Dudin in Leningrad, where he had to endure the beginning of the blockade. Later he works in front-line newspapers.

During the war years, the collections Flask (1943), Fire at the Crossroads (1944) were published.

IN post-war years publishes collections: “Consider me a communist” (1950), “Bridges. Poems from Europe "(1958)," Poste restante "(1963).

In the 1970s, he worked a lot and successfully, releasing collections of poems quite regularly: “Tatarnik”, “Poems”, “Frontiers”, “Klubok”, etc. In 1977, a book of essays was published - “The Right to Responsibility”.

He translates a lot from Georgian, Bashkir, Balkar, Latvian (collection "5 sisters and 32 brothers - all together. My anthology", 1965). In 1986 he published a book of poems and poems "Songs of my time"; in 1987 - the poem "Grains"; in 1989 - a book of poems "The twentieth century is ending" and a book published in Yerevan - "The Promised Land" (Dedications. Translations. Essays. Poems); in 1991 - poems and poems "Fate"; in 1995 - "By the way of blood on the way to God" (poems 1986 - 93). M. Dudin lived and worked in St. Petersburg.

Russian writers and poets. Brief biographical dictionary. Moscow, 2000

DUDIN, Mikhail Alexandrovich [b. 7(20).XI.1916, village. Klevnevo, Ivanovo province] - Russian Soviet poet. Member of the Communist Party since 1951. Born into a peasant family. From 1939 to 1945 - in the army, worked in front-line newspapers. Member of the defense of Hanko. In the first book of poems, Downpour (1940), lyrics and sketches of nature predominate. As a poet, Dudin was formed at the front (collections Flask, 1943; Military Neva, 1943; Road of the Guards, 1944; Bonfire at the Crossroads, 1944). Dudin's military-patriotic poems are courageous and energetic in their tone. They created a lyric-romantic image Soviet soldier, an active humanist. After the war, Dudin writes about labor Soviet man, about the struggle for peace, about the life of post-war Europe: the collections “Consider me a communist” (1950), “Spring” (1952), “Pines and wind” (1957), “Bridges. Poems from Europe" (1958), "Stubborn Space" (1960). Dudin's poetry, sonorous and strong-willed in its rhythmic-intonational structure, is sharply publicistic, optimistic and emotional. The book "On demand" (1963) is characterized by the simplicity and clarity of poetic speech, close to folk songs.

Cit.: Selected, Ivanovo, 1951; Poems. Poems, M., 1956; Poems, M., 1960; Love will remain, M. - L., 1962; Yantar, L., 1963; Song of the Raven Mountain. Poem, L., 1964.

Lit .: Khmelnitskaya T., “Bonfire at the Crossroads”, “Star”, 1944, No. 7-8; Dymshits A., Soldier's lyrics, "Banner", 1945, No. 5-6; his own, Mikhail Dudin, in his book: In the great campaign. Sat. Art., M., 1962; Tsurikova G., Poems by Mikhail Dudin, "Star", 1957, No. 6; Moldavsky Dm., Poet and time, "Neva", 1961, No. 9; Bakhtin V., Journalism of love, "Star", 1963, No. 10.

O. P. Voronova

Brief literary encyclopedia: In 9 volumes - T. 2. - M .: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1964

Ecological ring in the 3rd grade. Scenario

Job description: The material will be useful for teachers primary school, students of pedagogical institutes and colleges. The abstract is designed for students in grades 3. The work can be used in extracurricular activities.

Ecological ring: "Let's save all life"

Raising a sense of collectivism of students;

Inculcation of ecological culture, environmental protection, valeological skills.

Development of intellectual abilities in the field of ecology, creativity and ecological culture of schoolchildren;

Design: the theme of the lesson is "ECOLOGICAL RING", on the board there is a scoreboard, posters about protecting the environment.

The poem "Take care of the Earth, take care!"

Combining by teams

Coming up with a name

- "Ecological warm-up"

- "Find the animal in the words"

Solving environmental situations

Game "Birds"

- "The Complaint Book of the Forest"

- "Did you know.."


Annex 1

Annex 2

Ecological Ring: "Let's save all living things!"

Take care of the Earth, take care!

Skylark at the blue zenith

Butterfly on dodder leaves,

Sunshine on the paths

On the stones of a playing crab.

Over the desert shade from the baobab.

A hawk hovering over the field

A clear moon over the river calm,

Swallow, flashing in life

Take care of the Earth, take care! (M. Dudin)

Hello guys. Class hour we will hold in the form of an Ecological ring, on the theme "Let's save all living things." And for this, we will unite in 3 teams. Now, I will give you cards with symbols. (Annex 1)

(Combinations by groups)

Come up with a name for your team, but don't forget the theme of our class hour. You have 2 minutes for this.

(Children come up with a name)

Round 1 "Ecological warm-up"

- After listening carefully to the question, the team gives an answer. Each correct one gets 2 points.

Questions for Team #1

1. Which snow melts faster - clean or dirty?(Filthy)

    Born in water, lives on earth?(Frog)

    What mushroom is called a forest predatory animal?(chanterelle)

    Who collects dorsal apples? (Hedgehog)

    Is a penguin a bird or not? (Bird)

Questions for team #2

    Who sleeps upside down? (bat)

    What happens to a bee after it stings?(Dies)

    Before what weather do birds stop singing?(Before the rain)

    Do birds hibernate in birdhouses?(No, it's cold out there)

    What does a moose lose every winter?(Horns)

Questions for Team 3

    Which bird's arrival signifies the beginning of spring?(Rooks)

    Which legs are longer on a giraffe, front or back?(The same)

    What does a toad eat in winter? (She doesn't eat anything, she sleeps.)

    Month of spring primroses? (April)

    Who cuckoos at the cuckoo: male or female?(Male)


Round 2: "Find the animal in the words"

Each team is given a task on the sheet. You need to solve the anagram i.e. In the word, swap the letters, remove the extra ones to get the name of the animals. The team that completes the task faster and more correctly wins. - 2 points.

Team 1.

CAN (boar), LUGGAGE (toad), EARS (elk), CASING (beetle)

Team 2.

KINO (horses), SALON (elephant), WAVE (ox), CARCASS (cancer),

Team 3.

PION (pony), SIEGE (wasp), UMBRELLA (whale), PIPE (hoopee),


Round 3: "Situations"

Teams must resolve the environmental situation. For the correct answer - 2 points.

Team #1:

    You are invited to a birthday party, your girlfriend loves lilies of the valley very much.What will you give your beloved friend?

    Arriving with the class in the forest, classmates saw an anthill. They were curious to know what was inside. They took a stick and began to scatter the dwelling of ants in different directions. What are the guys wrong?

    Walking along the path, you found a bird's nest with eggs in the grass. Your friend was delighted and decided to take a closer look at the egg. He took it into his hands. What did your friend do wrong?

Team #2:

    You all went to the forest with the whole class. There you burned a fire, baked potatoes, ate sweets, drank lemonade, cooked canned soup.What will you do with the trash?

    In the forest, Petya saw beautiful snowdrops, and without hesitation for a long time decided to pick a bouquet for the teacher.Is Petya right? What did he do wrong?

    Returning home after a hike, you saw a hedgehog. You really wanted to take it home.How will you do it?

Team #3

    You all went to the forest with the whole class. There you lit a fire, what will you do before you go home?

    Going into the forest, Vasya took with him his four-legged friend - a dog. But since she was without a leash, the dog ran into the forest and got lost.Do I need to take dogs with me to the forest?

    Arriving in the forest, the boys from the class wanted to drink birch sap. They began to pick at the trunk of the birch to drink the sap. What are the guys wrong?


Let's get some rest, let's get up. I only name birds in the game, but if you hear that not birds appeared, but someone else, then let me know - clap.

The birds have arrived:

Pigeons, tits,

Flies and swifts .... (clapping)

What is wrong? (Insect flies)

The birds have arrived:

Pigeons, martens... (clapping)

What is wrong? (Martens are mammals)

The birds have arrived:

Doves, tits, lapwings, siskins,

Jackdaws and swifts,

Mosquitoes, cuckoos .... (clapping)

The birds have arrived:

Pigeons, tits,

Jackdaws and swifts,

Chibis, siskins,

storks, cuckoos,

Even the squishy

swans and ducks

And thanks for the joke!

Round 4: "The Complaint Book of the Forest"

complaint 1.

Oh, and people don't like me. You see, they don't like my voice, and they say my eyes are ugly. They think I bring trouble. Is that so? If not for me, some would have to sit without bread. Who is this? (Owl Since 1964, the owl has been under state protection. One owl saves us almost a ton of bread a year. The arithmetic is simple. A mouse eats 1 kilogram of bread a year. And an owl destroys 1000 mice)

complaint 2.

I know that I am not beautiful. And if I'm around, many shied away in the other direction, otherwise they would throw a stone or kick me. For what? I benefit greatly. (Toad. One toad saves a whole garden from caterpillars and worms)

Complaint 3:

« Whatever you want to do with us: Cut, fry, boil, salt. Even marinate!

But just don’t uproot, don’t dig around the forest floor, otherwise we’ll completely stop growing ”(Mushrooms)


Round 5: "Did you know..?"

Now we will hold a bonus round. A team gets 3 points for a correct answer.

Do you know why the woodpecker "drums" in the spring?

    With a drum roll, the woodpecker informs the rivals that this is his territory, with the same sounds he invites the female to his place.

Why does an elephant drool?

    elephant saliva not only moistens food, but also cools the body in the heat, because. he has no sweat glands.

Why does an ostrich hide its head in the sand?

    dipping its head in the hot sand, the ostrich waits until the insects die or run away from the head.

How many feathers do birds have?

    A dove has 2,600 feathers, a mallard duck has 12,000, and a swan has 25,000, with a fifth of them located on the head and neck.

Why do dolphins cry?

    The tears of a dolphin resemble the protein of a chicken egg (the same thick and transparent), so they protect his eyes well from mechanical and chemical damage.


Let's recap today's class. In the Ecological ring, the team _______ won. All the guys are great, and I would like to give you cards as a keepsake. (Appendix 2) And I really hope that the poem written on the reverse side will not leave you indifferent to our nature. And when you relax in nature, you will remember that there are many of us .. and she is one .. And she needs to be protected ...

You are a man, loving nature, at least sometimes feel sorry for her,

In pleasure trips, do not trample its fields.

In the station bustle of the century, you hurry to evaluate it,

She is our old, kind doctor, she is an ally of the soul.

Do not burn it recklessly and do not exhaust it to the bottom,

And remember the simple truth, we are many, but she is one. (V. Shefner)

20 November 95 years old since the birth of the Russian poet, translator, prose writer , Mikhail Alexandrovich Dudin (1916-1993), author of poems: "Take care of the earth, take care of", "Peaks", "Fate", "Nightingales", etc.

Spell from the pole

Take care of the Earth!
take care
Skylark at the blue zenith
Butterfly on a dodder stalk,
Sunshine on the path
On the stones of a playing crab,
Over the desert the shadow of the baobab,
The hawk hovering over the field
A clear moon over the river calm,
A swallow flickering in life.
Take care of the Earth! Take care!..

Biography of Mikhail Alexandrovich Dudin

D udin Mikhail Alexandrovich was born on November 20, 1916 in the village of Klevnevo, now the Furmanovsky district of the Ivanovo region, into a peasant family. The Dudin family was a family of buffoons, itinerant artists and poets, and this probably determined his vocation. At the age of 11, he lost his mother. He studied at the school of peasant youth in Bibirevo as an agronomist. Then he studied at the Ivanovo textile factory-school, after graduating from which in 1934 he worked as an assistant foreman at a weaving factory.

At the same time, he contributed to a youth newspaper. He began writing poetry early, in 1934. In 1937 he entered the evening department of the literary faculty of the Ivanovo Pedagogical Institute.

In 1939 he was drafted into the Red Army. He studied at the regimental school of junior commanders, but did not have time to graduate from it. Member of the war with Finland 1939-1940. He fought near Vyborg, was awarded the medal "For Courage". Since May 1940, he has been serving in the garrison of the Gangut Peninsula (the Russian name for the Khanko Peninsula), in the reconnaissance platoon of the 335th Infantry Regiment. In the same 1940, his first book of poems "Shower" was published in Ivanovo, together with V. Kudrin he published the book "Merry Yard".

Member of the Great Patriotic War from the first days. The Hanko garrison heroically defended itself against the Finnish troops until December 1941, then was evacuated to Kronstadt. In the besieged Leningrad, he survived the blockade, worked in the editorial office of the newspaper "On Guard of the Motherland".

As a poet M.A. Dudin was formed at the front. In the creative life of Dunin, a significant role was played by the publication, at the initiative of N.S. Tikhonov, selections of poems in 1941 in the magazine Zvezda. During the war, collections of poems Flask (1943), Military Neva, Road Guards, Fire at the Crossroads (1944) were published. Dudin's military-patriotic poems were courageous and energetic in their tone. They created a lyric-romantic image of a Russian soldier. Dudin's poetry, sonorous and strong-willed in its rhythmic-intonational structure, is sharply publicistic, optimistic and emotional.

After the war, he remained to live in Leningrad. In the first peaceful years, books were published: “Consider me a communist” (1950), “Bridges. Poems from Europe "(1958)," Poste restante "(1963). In the 1970s, collections of poems were published one after another: “Tatarnik”, “Poems”, “Frontiers”, “Klubok”, etc. He also translated works of poets of the USSR.

Dudin translated a lot - from the Armenian language (works by A. Isahakyan and others); from Georgian (N. Baratashvili), from Ukrainian (M. Bazhana, I. Drach), from Bashkir (M. Karima), from Swedish (E. Södergrana). In 1964, together with S. Orlov, he wrote the script for the film The Lark.

At order of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of November 19, 1976 for his great contribution to the development of Soviet literature, fruitful social activities and in connection with the 60th anniversary Dudin Mikhail Alexandrovich was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor with the Order of Lenin and the Hammer and Sickle gold medal.

In 1986 he published a book of poems and poems "Songs of my time". The fee for the book of poems, translations and essay "Promised Land", published in 1989 in Yerevan, the poet gave to the victims of the earthquake in Armenia. He could not put up with the destructive, in his opinion, the processes of "perestroika". The following cycles are devoted to this: “On the Turn to Tomorrow” and “At the Evening Fire” (1988); "Songs to the Fleeing Water" and "Ten Postcards from the Shore of Trouble" (1991); "After Midnight" (1992); "Lonely Oak" (1993) et al. creative life published over 70 collections of poetry.

The last book of the poet, published after his death in 1995, is called "Blood Road on the Road to God". She continued one of the leitmotifs in Dudin's work with the theme of filial gratitude to her native hearth, her " small homeland' and mothers. One could say that this book sums up the final period of doubt and anger: “I can’t live without faith / And I don’t want to be unnecessary”.

M.A. Dudin was also known as public figure. For more than 20 years he worked in the Leningrad Peace Committee. He took an active part in the fate of many Leningrad writers. On his initiative, the Green Belt of Glory, the Hanko Defense Museum were created around Leningrad, and events were held to perpetuate the memory of the war. He is the author of the inscriptions on propylaea at the entrance to the Piskaryovskoye memorial cemetery, epitaphs on the mass grave of the Serafimovsky cemetery, on the monument to the Heroic Defenders of Leningrad on Victory Square, etc.

Member of the Writers' Union of the USSR since 1942. He was elected a member of the board of the Union of Writers of the RSFSR (since 1958), the board of the Union of Writers of the USSR (since 1967), secretary of the board of the Leningrad branch of the Union of Writers of the RSFSR, secretary of the board of the Union of Writers of the USSR (1986-1991), co-chairman of the Union Russian writers(since 1991). He was a member of the editorial board of the Aurora magazine (since 1969), the Poet's Library series, chairman of the commission on literary heritage V. Khlebnikov (since 1987), A. Akhmatova (since 1988). He was elected to the Supreme Council of the RSFSR of two convocations.

Laureate of the State Prize of the USSR (1981), the State Prize of the RSFSR (1972), awarded the gold medal named after. A. Fadeeva (1978). Honorary citizen of the city of Ivanovo (1986).

Lived in the city of Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). Died December 31, 1993. In accordance with the will, he was buried in the village of Vyazovsky, Furmanovsky District, next to his mother.

Awarded two Orders of Lenin, Orders of the Red Banner of Labour, Orders of the Patriotic War of the 2nd degree, Friendship of Peoples (1984), October revolution(1986), medals.

In the Ivanovo Regional Art Museum in November 1996, a room-museum of M.A. Dudin was opened, in the library of the village of Shirokov - a public museum of M.A. Dudin. Established in the Ivanovo Region literary prize named after him, the Dudinskiy festival is held annually. A school and a library in Shirokovo bear his name. In St. Petersburg, a memorial plaque was installed on house No. 8 on Posadskaya Street, where he lived, in 2011 a street was named after him.;

Biography prepared by Sergey Kargapoltsev

From the site: Heroes of the country

Poems by Mikhail Alexandrovich Dudin


This is a memory again, from dawn to dusk,
Flipping the pages restlessly
And I dream all night in the snow of bullfinches,
In white frost, red birds.

White noon stands over Raven Mountain,
Where the winter was deafened by shelling,
Where on the torn earth, on the blue snow,
The bullfinch flock flew off.

From leading edge rumbles are thundering,
"Funeral" reach the rear.
Under the Raven Mountain of dead soldiers
The bullfinch flock covered.

I keep dreaming of the wartime wasteland,
Where the fate of our youth is sung.
And bullfinches fly, and bullfinches fly -
Through my memory, before dawn...

Poems about Necessity

In the quiet flowerbeds of Treptower Park
Grave in solemn rest
Long burning bright and bright
Peonies, asters and levkoy.

And for the fate of the earth is calm;
Her expanse overlooking,
A Russian warrior stands under the sun,
Pressing the child to the heart.

He comes from Orel or Vyatka,
And the whole earth worries him.
Soldiers are waiting for him in Russia,
And he can't leave his post.

And there are no nameless soldiers

Rumbles rumble over the earth. There is a roll after a roll. Soldiers lie underground. And there are no nameless soldiers. Soldiers in the trenches And fell in mortal combat But they did not spare their lives For your bitter land. In darling the ground is buried, That's where the bravest sleep. Their eyes are closed by victory, Their deed is beautiful and holy. The evening lightening fades. There is silence in the barracks. Soldier in the evening The foreman recognizes in the face. Everyone has a personal name What is given from birth. Equal invisibly with the living, The dead stand next to each other. We have one oath in life, And the Motherland is also one. Courage of a soldier's heart And loyalty to love is given. Fly out distant land, Like swallows, letters of love. Do you remember me, dear, You call my name. The buglers are playing the alarm. The buglers sound the alarm. Soldiers leave on the road. And there are no nameless soldiers.

Take care of the Earth!
Take care!

Skylark at the blue zenith
Butterfly on dodder leaves,
Sunshine on the path
On the stones of a playing crab,
The hawk hovering over the field
Crescent above the river mowing,
A swallow flickering in life.
The sweetness of life, milk and bread,
Take care of kindness and pity,
So that she holds on to the weak.
Take care of the future
This word is from my notebook.
I give everything! And I will accept everything from you.
Just take care of this Earth.

M. Dudina

Compiled by: Panina M.A.

Rep. per release: Zhurba A.I.

Editor: Grigorieva A.V.

Waiting for you

in the Khakass Republican

children's library at:

Abakan, st. Khakasskaya, 68,

With 9:00 before 18:00 hours without a lunch break.

Sunday from 10:00 before 17:00,

day off - Saturday.

The last day of the month is sanitary.

Tel. 22-24-90

Library website: http://country-chitalia.rf
Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Khakassia

State state-financed organization culture of the Republic of Khakassia

"Khakas Republican Children's Library"

Let's save the planet

there is no other like it in the world!

Information booklet


Dear Guys!

Our planet Earth
Very generous and rich:
Mountains, forests and fields -
Our home, guys!
Let's save the planet
There is no other like it in the world.
Let us scatter clouds and smoke over it,
We won't let anyone hurt her.
Let's take care of birds, insects, animals
This will only make us better.
Let's decorate the whole Earth with gardens, flowers .
We need such a planet!

If you care about the future

our planet,

if you want to know more about her.

We invite you to get acquainted

with a book fair

"Let's take care of the planet"

there is no other like it in the world!”

which presents books about nature, ecology, the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia and Russia, as well as encyclopedias that reveal the secrets of the inhabitants of the earth and water.

We invite you to answer the quiz questions.

Find the answers in books

presented at the exhibition.

  1. Can there be "rivers of fire" in our time?

  2. Can rain be poisonous?

  3. What is ecology? Why is she needed?

  4. Which of the chicks, not yet able to fly, jumps without a parachute?

  5. Who is the ancestor of crabs and lobsters?

  6. Where do waves come from?

  7. Why sea ​​water salty?

  8. What is a sea flea?

  9. What tree, familiar to us from our Siberian nature, is called the favorite delicacy of giraffes?

  10. Are there fish in the Dead Sea?

  11. Corral is a flower, is a stone an animal?

  12. Who is called sea nettle?

  13. What does a huge whale eat?

  14. Who is the sea fishing champion?

  15. Where do gorillas sleep?

  16. Is it true that there are no two identical zebras according to the pattern on the skin?

  17. What is another name for the irbis? And is it in Khakassia?

  18. Why do walruses have long fangs?

  19. What does a panda eat?

  20. Who researched Pacific Ocean and discovered Australia?


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