"About beauty human faces»

In the poem "On the beauty of human faces" II.L. Zabolotsky acts as a master psychological portrait. Various human faces described by him in this work correspond to different types characters. Through the external mood and emotional expression of N.A. Zabolotsky seeks to look into the soul of a person, to see his inner essence. The poet compares faces with houses: some are magnificent portals, others are miserable shacks. The reception of contrast helps the author to more clearly outline the differences between people. Some are lofty and purposeful, filled with life plans, others are miserable and miserable, while others generally look detached: everything is in themselves, closed to others.

Among the many different faces-houses of N.A. Zabolotsky finds one unsightly, poor hut. But "the breath of a spring day" flows from her window.

The poem ends with an optimistic finale: “There are faces - likenesses of jubilant songs. From these notes, like the sun shining, the song of heavenly heights is composed.

The metaphor "song of heavenly heights" symbolizes a high spiritual level of development. ON THE. Zabolotsky uses enumerative intonation in the poem, the technique of contrast (“the great is seen in the small”), an abundance of colorful epithets (“magnificent portals”, “miserable shacks”, “cold, dead faces”, etc.), comparisons (“notes, shining like the sun", "faces like towers in which no one lives", "faces closed with bars, like a dungeon").

It is easy to remember and creates a bright, joyful mood, a poetic image of the “breath of a spring day”. This breath flows, resembling an inexhaustible stream of positive energy that the author gives to people.

"On the beauty of human faces"

Russia has long been famous for its poets, true masters of the word. The names of Pushkin, Lermontov, Tyutchev, Fet, Yesenin and others no less talented people known throughout the world. One of the masters of the word, who lived in the twentieth century, was the poet N. A. Zabolotsky. His work is multifaceted, like life. Unusual images, the magical melody of the verse is what attracts us to his poetry. Zabolotsky passed away quite young, in the prime of his creative powers, but left a magnificent legacy to his descendants. The subject of his work is very diverse.

In the poem "On the beauty of human faces" II.L. Zabolotsky is a master of the psychological portrait. Different human faces described by him in this work correspond to different types of characters. Through the external mood and emotional expression of N.A. Zabolotsky seeks to look into the soul of a person, to see his inner essence. The poet compares faces with houses: some are magnificent portals, others are miserable shacks. The reception of contrast helps the author to more clearly outline the differences between people. Some are sublime and purposeful, filled with life plans, others are miserable and miserable, while others generally look aloof: everything is in themselves, closed to others.
Among the many different faces-houses of N.A. Zabolotsky finds one unsightly, poor hut. But "the breath of a spring day" flows from her window.
The poem ends with an optimistic finale: “There are faces - likenesses of jubilant songs. From these notes, like the sun shining, the song of heavenly heights is composed.


There are faces like magnificent portals
Where everywhere the great is seen in the small.
There are faces - the likeness of miserable shacks,
Where the liver is cooked and the abomasum gets wet.
Other cold, dead faces
Closed with bars, like a dungeon.
Others are like towers in which
Nobody lives and looks out the window.
But I once knew a small hut,
She was unsightly, not rich,
But from her window on me
The breath of a spring day flowed.
Truly the world is both great and wonderful!
There are faces - the likeness of jubilant songs.
From these, like the sun, shining notes
Compiled a song of heavenly heights.

Read by Igor Kvasha

The author in his poem lists the types of human faces with the help of comparisons, personifications and metaphors. The poem consists of 16 lines, it contains 7 sentences. It speaks of the author's ability to think philosophically, his powers of observation, the ability to see what others do not notice. In total, the author presents 6 types of human faces, 6 characters of people.

The first type of faces is considered by the author as those that promise some greatness in themselves. The narrator compares them with "magnificent portals", sees them as mysterious and incomprehensible, even great. But when you get to know such people closer, you see that there is nothing unusual and great in him, so the author uses the word “strange”. This speaks of the deceit that lies in such types of persons.

The second type of face is compared to "miserable shacks." Such faces look sad. People with such faces suffer from unfulfilled desires, they are dissatisfied with their lives, and therefore the author says that liver and abomasum are boiled in such "shacks". Under the eyes of such people there are dark circles, the skin of their faces is yellow and sluggish. These people are sick. It is very difficult to cure them of the disease of melancholy and sadness, and all this is reflected on the face.

The third type of faces belongs to people with a tough and harsh character. These people are secretive, they experience everything in themselves, not letting anyone close to their hearts. The author calls the faces of such people cold and dead, and their eyes are windows that are covered with bars. The author compares the souls of such people with dungeons.

The author calls the fourth type of faces inaccessible, like towers. People with such faces are very arrogant, they do not see others worthy of themselves, considering themselves superior in everything. Such people are very vain, but when someone still manages to find out the essence of these people, it becomes clear that they are empty, there is nothing remarkable and expensive in them.

The author loves and remembers the fifth type of face with warmth. He devotes more lines to him than to the first. He compares this face to a poor, unremarkable hut. Such people may not have very beautiful faces, they may have wrinkles, but their amazing eyes shine on a spring day. Their kind, warm look makes people feel good. Usually these people are rich inner world And good qualities character. Due to these advantages, they become very attractive.

The author admires the sixth type of faces, but no longer says that he met such people or communicated with them. Such people are very rare. The author compares their faces with jubilant songs, the sun and music reaching for the heavens. These people are usually very pure and sinless, they live an elevated life and inspire others to think about something sublime and beautiful. It is these people that everyone wants to have as friends, someone wants to be equal to them. They are wonderful in every way.

Analysis of the poem On the beauty of human faces according to plan

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The subject matter of N.A. Zabolotsky is diverse. He can be called a philosophical poet and singer of nature. It has many faces, like life. But the main thing is the poems of N.A. Zabolotsky is forced to think about good and evil, hatred and love, beauty...

…what is beauty

And why do people deify her?

She is a vessel in which there is emptiness,

Or fire flickering in a vessel?

The eternal question that sounds in "The Ugly Girl" is covered in a slightly different way in the poem "On the Beauty of Human Faces", which was written in the same year one thousand nine hundred and fifty-five.

“Truly the world is both great and wonderful!” - with these words, the poet completes the image of the gallery of human portraits. ON THE. Zabolotsky does not talk about people, he draws faces, behind which - character, behavior. The descriptions given by the author are remarkably accurate. Everyone can see in them their own reflection or characteristics of friends and relatives. Before us are faces “like magnificent portals”, “likeness of miserable shacks”, “dead faces”, faces “like towers”, “likeness of jubilant songs”. This picture once again confirms the theme of the diversity of the world. But questions immediately arise: “Are they all beautiful? And what is true beauty?

ON THE. Zabolotsky gives answers. For him, there is almost no difference between faces, like a miserable shack or a magnificent portal. These

…cold, dead faces

Closed with bars, like a dungeon.

alien to him and

... towers in which for a long time

Nobody lives and looks out the window.

There is no life in these faces, not without reason important characteristic here are epithets with a negative connotation (“pathetic”, “cold, dead”).

The tone of the poem changes when the author paints the opposite picture:

But I once knew a small hut,

She was unsightly, not rich,

But from her window on me

The breath of a spring day flowed.

Movement, warmth, and joy come to the work with these lines.

Thus, the poem is built on opposition (magnificent portals - miserable shacks, towers - a small hut, a dungeon - the sun). The antithesis separates greatness and baseness, light and darkness, talent and mediocrity.

The author claims that inner beauty, “like the sun”, can make even the “small hut” attractive. Thanks to her, a “song of heavenly heights” is compiled, capable of making the world wonderful and great. The word “likeness” and its cognates “similar”, “likeness” run through the entire poem as a refrain. With the help of them, the theme of true and false beauty is revealed most fully. This cannot be real, it is only an imitation, a fake that cannot replace the original.

An important function in the first four lines is performed by the anaphora ("There is ..", "Where ..."), which helps to reveal the images according to a single scheme: complex sentences with subordinate clauses:

There are faces like magnificent portals

Where everywhere the great is seen in the small.

There are faces - the likeness of miserable shacks,

Where the liver is cooked and the abomasum gets wet.

In the next four lines, a special role is given to comparisons (“like a dungeon”, “like towers”), creating a gloomy picture of external greatness that cannot replace internal harmony.

The emotional mood completely changes in the next eight lines. This is largely due to the diversity means of expression: personification ("breath of a spring day"), epithets ("rejoicing", "shining"), comparison ("like the sun"), metaphor ("song of heavenly heights). Here a lyrical hero appears, who immediately from the kaleidoscope of faces highlights the main thing, truly beautiful, capable of bringing the purity and freshness of the “spring day” into the lives of others, illuminating “like the sun”, and compose a song of “heavenly heights”.

So what is beauty? I look at the portrait of a serious, no longer young man. Tired look, high forehead, pursed lips, wrinkles at the corners of the mouth. “Ugly…” - I would probably say so if I didn’t know that N.A. was in front of me. Zabolotsky. But I know and am sure: a person who wrote such amazing poems cannot be ugly. It's not about appearance, it's just a "vessel". Important is the "fire flickering in the vessel."