What names are suitable for January babies? How to choose the names of girls according to the Saints for January? - about this, and about many other things we will talk with you today. So, if you want to name...

How should a child's name be chosen? Who can be trusted with this difficult task? Is it possible to give a child the name of relatives? - there are a lot of such questions. And quite often in families appeared ...

It is very difficult to choose names for girls, as there are a lot of beautiful, unusual female names. How to do right choice in this case? Will the Saints be able to help with this ...

It is very difficult to choose a name for a baby, since every mother wants to give her child a beautiful, unusual name. There are several ways to choose names, most the easy way the selection of a name according to the Saints is considered. First, you need to determine the month of your daughter's birth. Imagine that your daughter is...

How to choose the names of girls according to Saints in May? Is it possible to take any May name in the church calendar? - such questions concern many newly-made parents who want to ...

One of the oldest Orthodox traditions can be called the choice of names according to the Saints. IN Soviet years many have forgotten about her, but now the Saints are again becoming popular among parents ...

Saints or the church calendar, which reflects the names of all Saints revered by the Orthodox Church, began to gain popularity among the people. People started naming their children...

If you have been thinking for a long time about what name to give the baby born in August, then we advise you to turn to the Orthodox list. Such a church calendar...

Have you been looking for an unusual and old name for your daughter, who will be born in September? Our article will help you. In it you will find several options for the names of girls in St. ...

What name to give the child according to the Saints, if she was born in October? It should be noted that the calendar of the Saints is used mainly only by believing families. If you are entering...

The saints or the church calendar offers parents a lot of different, sonorous names. And if you want to choose a name for your daughter, born in November, then we advise you ...

What name to give the girl in December? What names of girls according to Saints in December does Orthodoxy offer? In the first winter month, children are born with a certain severity in character ...

How to choose a boy's name according to the Saints? What names are suitable for boys born in January? According to Christian custom, the boy's parents give a name in honor of the Saint, on the day of remembrance ...

The holy calendar is called the church book, or rather the calendar, which consists of the month, paschalia, several prayers and hymns. The list of holidays is also called the Saints.

p>Your son was born in March, and you want to endow him with the name of the Saint? You are making the right choice. After all, in this way, from birth you give your son under the protection of the righteous ...

How to choose a name for a child, who in the family should give the boy a name? There is no unanimity on these issues. Everyone chooses a name in the way that is customary in their family, someone traditionally...

A son was born - heir, protector, father's hope and mother's support. Happy parents an important task to be solved: what to name the baby? Often this issue is resolved in advance. But sometimes there are disputes and even quarrels about this. Everyone understands that the name given to the child will stay with him for the rest of his life. It is believed that it determines fate, so it is highly undesirable to call a person differently.

Criterias of choice

What are parents usually guided by when choosing a name for a newborn?

  • beautiful sound;
  • this is the name of a relative (grandfather, dad, uncle);
  • the name of a man significant for the family (say, a doctor who saved the lives of a mother and a newborn);
  • Orthodox tradition(names for the boy by months and dates);
  • favorite soccer player public figure, the hero of the film, the singer, the world famous person.

Before choosing a son's name adults need to consider several factors:

The baptism of Rus' contributed to the fact that children began to be named in honor of the saints who became famous for their deeds. The parents were convinced that through the name a spiritual connection would arise and the Orthodox great martyr would become the patron of their baby, give him some of his amazing qualities.

Day Angel- the date with which the name of a person in the holy calendar corresponds. Sometimes it coincides with a birthday, sometimes it doesn't. The same name in the church calendar can occur several times. Several Orthodox saints fall on the same day. One name can celebrate Angel Day several times a year. For example, Athanasius can be born both in January and in November.

How to choose the right name according to the holy calendar? The Orthodox Church prescribes to call the boy a name corresponding to his birthday or baptism. If for some reason a number of names do not fit, you can look at the eighth or fortieth day from the date the baby was born.

Names by months: Orthodox calendar

It will be about undeservedly forgotten names, which today you can only read in historical or ecclesiastical literature describing the deeds of Orthodox saints. And here they are, forgotten, but still harmonious and beautiful, slowly float into our everyday life.

And although many parents still call their babies traditionally, there are more and more children with retro names.

There are many forgotten names in the calendar. Some are found in the middle names of older people. Even now you can hear: Nikanorovich, Antipovich, Prokofievich or Afanasyevich. But such as Vlas, Silouan or Thaddeus, have long gone out of use. And yet, many old names have the right to life.


There are among the many birthdays of January beautiful name Seraphim(from the Hebrew "fiery angel"). Angel Day - 15.01.

In Orthodoxy, these angels are closest to God. They are called upon to ignite in the hearts of people a spark of faith and love for the Almighty.

Seraphim are very active and cheerful people. Erudite, who are easily given new knowledge. But sometimes they are frivolous.

Sweet derivatives: Sima, Fima, Simulya.

Other rare January birthdays: Timothy, Evtikhy, Ignat, Nifont, Theogen, Leonty, Siluan, Prokl.


A boy born in February is well called Vladimir, Zakhar, Fedor. The familiar sound of these names will not bring inconvenience to the child in kindergarten or school.

Fans of antiquity can consider the following options: Arseny, Ippolit, Innokenty, Vsevolod.

IN Lately more and more popular old name Mark. The prevalence is predicted to continue to increase.

Mark is Latin for "hammer". The Church connects him with the personality of the holy preacher, disciple of Peter and author of the Gospel.

Boy Marknoisy child, a prankster and an entertainer, and all because he is used to being the center of attention. In adulthood, he is very circumspect: “he won’t go uphill, better uphill bypass." Able to negotiate and persuade.

Affectionately, Mark is called Marik or Markush.

February boys can still be called Fedor, Januarius, Lawrence, Makar, Clement, Seraphim, Pallady.


First spring month- it's time for the name day of Ilya, Mikhail, Leo, Vasily, Bogdan, Athanasius, Vladimir.

Pancratius of Tauromenia, a disciple of the Apostle Paul, died a martyr in the name of Orthodox ideas.

Pankraty has a strong character . He is quick-tempered and sharp, often conflicts, but is capable of sacrifice and disinterestedness in the name of an idea. He despises conservatism, often criticizes the existing order.

He is affectionately called Pankrasha, Panya.

Other (unused) names: Jeremiah, Isaiah, Pimen, Titus, Nil, Nicander.


With regards to the April name day, it is worth revealing the secret of the name Lazarus(from the Hebrew "God helped"). Celebrated April 7th.

The church associates this name with the personality of Lazar of Serbia, who died at the hands of infidels in 1389. The prince was known as an enlightener, bringing the ideas of Christianity to his people.

The most striking feature of Lazarus is pride. He is very proud and cautious. “Trust no one,” this man lives by this principle. He is capable of achieving common purpose sacrifice allies. Lazarus are long-lived, and with age they do not lose their clarity of mind.

Affectionate nicknames: Dawn, Lazarka.

Other birthdays in April: Nikita, Yakov, Vladimir, Benjamin, Savva, Sevastyan, Gavrila.


May 5 marks the day of the angel Clement(from Latin "merciful").

In Orthodoxy, Clement of Ancyra is known, who for more than 20 years suffered torment for the faith of Christ, and at the end life path was executed.

The name predetermines Clement such features as balance and calm disposition. The man is very kind, both people and animals are drawn to him. Leads healthy lifestyle lives and often connects his work with sports and coaching.

Other variations of the name: Klim, Klimushka, Klimusha.

Also in May, the day of the angel at Isaac, Vsevolod, Plato, Leonty, Filimon, Taras, Kasyan.


June guys can be named after Timothy, Hippolytus, Nikita, George, Luke.

Orthodox venerate Hilarion the Great, famous for establishing monasteries in the Palestinian desert.

Illarion's temper is light. He is modest and unpretentious, too impressionable when it comes to other people's troubles, although he always keeps his own. There may be a bit of stubbornness and ambition in the character.

Affectionate nicknames: Larik, Laryusha, Laryushka.


Methodius, Vasily, Nikolai, Julian, Gennady, Gabriel, Semyon, Martin, Philip - this is how you can call the boys who were born in July.

July 3rd name day Gleb(a word of Scandinavian origin meaning "favorite of the gods").

In Orthodoxy, the name is associated with the personality of Prince Gleb (brothers Boris and Gleb, who were martyred).

The man named Gleb has a strong character. He is confident and focused. Differs in lack of vanity, reliability and economy. Gleb can be stubborn and slow, and lack a sense of humor.

Variants of the name: Glebushka, Glebka.


Those boys who were born in August can be called Tikhon, Ivan, Kuzma, Efim, Trofim, Nikolai, Makar, Rodion, Moses, Prokhor, Pakhom, Seraphim, Semyon.

Prophet Elisha, as he teaches Orthodox Church, all his life carried the word to the Israelites about true God.

The person bearing this name is smart and energetic. And although he has a very finely developed intuition, he is a good analyst. Elisha is also charming, noble, capable of strong, lofty feelings. He is sometimes selfish and ambitious.

Name options: Leseyka, Yelesya, Eliseyka, Lesya.


The first autumn month, among others, has such birthdays: Fedor, Victor, Karl, Joseph, Samuel, Isaac, Ignat.

The church venerates Euthymius of Thessalonica, who in early age renounced worldly life, devoted all his deeds to strengthening the ideas of Christianity.

The boy who received this name growing creative personality . He is a dreamer, emotional and artistic. The man Yefim loves to cook and appreciates his family and home very much, he is often suspicious and jealous.

Affectionate nicknames: Fima, Efimka, Efimchik, Efima.


October babies can be called Benjamin, Valentine, Matvey, Konstantin, Herman, Hypatius, Dionysius, Joseph.

Name a baby born on October 10 Aristarchus. The name comes from Greek and translates as "leader of the best."

The Orthodox venerate the Great Martyr Aristarchus - a like-minded person. He was a bishop, died in Rome, remaining true to Christian postulates.

Aristarchus - a man of courage and direct, intolerant of slyness, a good leader. For friends, he will throw himself into fire and water, knows how to defend his opinion, can be an active participant and organizer of all kinds of rallies, marches and strikes. He reacts sharply to injustice, is ready to eradicate evil.

Aristarchus is affectionately called Stasha, Aristya, and briefly - Rice.


This gloomy autumn month, as it were, compensates for the ugliness of everyday life for its sons, rewarding them with bright, “sunny” character traits. Children of November are easily carried away dreamers, very kind, sympathetic and amorous.

It is with such a gentle and easy character that November bestows Stepan. Moreover, the day of the angel is celebrated on November 10 and 12. Stepan is translated from Greek as "wreath".

Usually small steps- playful and noisy children. Very inquisitive, they are prone to injury. At school - fidgets and jokers, funny copy others. Adult Stepans are skillful manipulators. They can easily impose their opinion, lead, sincere and generous in love and friendship.

You can affectionately call Stepushka, Stepanchik, Stepasha, Stepa.


In December, the name days of Varlaam, Proclus, Filaret, Paramon, Athanasius, Gennady, Nil, Galaktion, Cyril, Thaddeus are celebrated.

The Great Martyr Plato, a Christian preacher, refused to sacrifice to the Roman gods, for which he was tortured and beheaded.

Little Plato is interested among adults. He is very inquisitive and developed beyond his years, and absorbs knowledge like a sponge.

Adult Plato does not like to work on orders, he is very independent. He is a workaholic, but often argues with his superiors, so he rarely reaches heights in his career. Sometimes it can be manipulated if only the "carrot" method is used. Plato is a kind, generous and hospitable host.

“What do you call a yacht…”

The last sheet of the calendar is turned over. Many names flashed before my eyes - beautiful, ancient, time-tested. And it doesn’t matter at all whether it’s sunny May outside the window or rainy November. No bad weather and no bad names. What matters is how a person perceives everything.

What does a name mean for a child:

  • a way of self-identification (to the question: “Who are you?” the child will most likely answer: “I am Dima”;
  • connection with family and homeland;
  • identification in society;
  • affects character.

And if dad and mom have already chosen an unusual name for their son, everything must be done so that the child, and in the future an adult man, does not hesitate to pronounce it. Tell us about the famous namesakes, tell about the wonderful qualities that are inherent in the name, emphasize its uniqueness. And may your child be happy!

Even before the birth of the baby, parents begin to think about how to name the child. A name is given to a person once in a lifetime, so it is important to approach his choice consciously. The name you choose for a girl or boy will largely determine the character and even the fate of your son or daughter. On our website you will learn how to name a child according to the sign of the zodiac, how different names combined with Russian surnames and patronymics, what advantages and disadvantages this or that name has for a girl or boy, you will find interesting detailed descriptions a variety of male and female names.

How to name a child by date of birth

Even bearers of the same name can have completely different tempers and fate, since they are also largely influenced by the day, month and year of the child's birth. Summer Alexanders are significantly different from winter ones, and those born in the year of the Boar Anastasia are completely different from their thes-Sheep.

After all, any parents would certainly like their children to be happy, harmonious, successful and successful. That's why many of us start thinking about the best name for our child in advance.

The influence of the date of birth on the fate of a person has been thought about since ancient times. Today, the science that occupies with numbers and their meaning in our lives has reached wide distribution and popularity. Numerologists offer to name the child by the date of his birth, determining the most successful name for her.

In addition, there is astrological calendar studying the combination of different names with the signs of the zodiac. Consider also what time of year and what year the child was born. For example, the character of a spring child needs to be reinforced with a firm, decisive name, while a gentle, romantic one is more suitable for an autumn one.

How to name a child according to the church calendar

Another simple and very convenient way to name a child depending on the date of birth is to choose a name according to church saints. For each day of the year, the church calendar offers several names whose bearers celebrate their angel's day on that particular day. It is believed that the saints, whose day falls on the same date, will protect the person named after him, and this is important.

If you do not like the name proposed for a specific date, then you can choose one of those whose name day falls on any of the days following this day, but not preceding it. And may your baby be protected by heavenly forces!

Choosing a name for a child according to the church calendar or in the list of popular modern names, it is worth studying its etymology and meaning. The name may have such a meaning that parents did not even know about, and the origin may be unexpected. For example, the name Bogdan is considered to be Christian, since it literally stands for "given by God." However, there is another opinion - this name has pagan roots, and God is by no means Jesus. Also traditional Russian names the names Maria and Ivan are considered, but they are rooted in Jewish culture. In this material, we will consider the most popular names of boys in our time and decipher their meanings.

In the process of choosing a name for a boy it is worth choosing an option in which both an adult brutal form and a soft children's one can be used on a par. According to the recommendations of psychologists, rude and harsh boys should be called diminutive names, as this will soften the complex nature of the child. For example, Maxim can be called Maksik, and Alexei - Lesha. Timid and shy, soft and weak children, on the contrary, should be called names in a tougher, more courageous form. Maxim - Max, Alexey - Lyokha.

Properly choosing a name for a boy, you can develop certain qualities in him. If firmness and rigidity are hidden in the name, then the boy will have a strong and stubborn character. For example, in the names Igor, Egor, Dmitry, Grigory, there is a clear predominance of voiced paired consonants, often in combination with the sound [Р].


For a calm and complaisant character, you need to give soft names, such as Alexei, Mikhail, Vitaly, Ilya, Benjamin, etc. Such names are distinguished by the predominance of vowels and sonorants (r, l, m, n, d - especially [L]). For balance and some perseverance, neutral names are given. Names are considered to be such, which clearly cannot be attributed to either hard or soft. For example, the names Arkady, Andrei, Pavel, Roman are neutral. Look at the boy names and their meanings presented as a list at the end of the article.

Perhaps in the name great importance has a phonetic structure, but many psychologists still pay attention to the associations that the name of the child evokes. It is believed that the name has some influence on how the personality of the child will develop, but this influence lies not only in the sound of the name, but also in the associations that it causes.

It is in the associative perception of the name, according to psychologists, lies the influence on the fate and character of a person. Undoubtedly, the development of a person's personality largely depends on the perception of oneself and the vision of others. Therefore, when choosing a name, you can take the help of friends - ask them to draw a verbal portrait of a person named by one name or another. By choosing the most cute associations, you can find the right name for the boy.

Before choosing a name for your son, consult with relatives and friends, be sure to take into account the nature of your child and how the chosen name will be euphonious in combination with a patronymic. The names of the boys presented below and their meaning in the form of a list will help you name the baby with a beautiful, harmonious name.

In Orthodox Christianity, there is a tradition according to which it is customary to name newborns in honor of a saint or saint, whose memory is celebrated on the day the baby was born. Alternatively, an Orthodox name for a boy can be chosen consonant with him if the parents named the baby with a name that is not mentioned in the calendar. In this case, the priest can help with the choice before baptism.

Traditions of Choice

Choosing a name for a child is a serious and responsible matter. In many families, this issue is resolved in their own way, there may be certain traditions.

So, for example, the first-born are often called in honor of their grandfather or father. Some have their own family lists of "allowed" and "forbidden" names for any reason. Someone adheres to the church calendar.

When choosing a name, future parents should pay attention to:

It should be remembered that the child will carry his name all his life.. Therefore, you need to choose one that he will also be pleased to hear. To think about all the options, you should try to put yourself in the place of the child. It is important to pay attention to the pronunciation of the boy's name and his patronymic. They should sound harmonious and be easy to pronounce.

Orthodox names for boys

Everything lately more people turn to their origins. In Russia, more and more parents choose Orthodox names for boys.

In 2017, Alexander, Maxim, Mikhail, Ivan, Daniil, Dmitry, Matvey were popular. Most likely, their popularity will not decrease in 2018. All of them are found in the calendar of Orthodox names for boys.

The decision on how to name a son is taken by many fathers and mothers during pregnancy. Having learned the approximate date of birth, they can use the church calendar of names by date of birth and choose the appropriate one by date of birth.

Options for those born in winter

For "winter" boys, there are many options:

Spring and summer names

In spring and summer, the church celebrates the memory of many saints and saints. True, some of the names sound for modern people very unusual, so parents should think about whether to call their son like this:

Choice for autumn birthdays

Among the autumn names there are many popular and only gaining popularity:

  • October 19 - Holy Apostle Thomas. He was one of the apostles of Christ, a craftsman. Name: Thomas, Tamas, Tom.
  • October 31 - Holy Apostle Luke. He was one of the disciples of Christ, had the profession of a doctor, but also an artist. Name: Luke.
  • November 8 - Holy Martyr Demetrius. He has been appointed patron of pastors. Name: Dimitri.
  • November 21 - Saints Michael and Gabriel, the most important angels who announced the birth of Christ and John the Baptist. Name: Michael.
  • December 13 - Saint Andrew. It was the brother of Peter, considered the protector of sailors and fishermen. Name: Andrey.
  • December 19 - St. Nicholas. He performed miracles and children love to celebrate the day in his honor. Name: Nikolay.

Russian church names for boys by months can be found in any church from a priest, and you can also consult with him for adoption best solution. church list will be much broader. Take, for example, the names for boys in November according to the holy calendar. It will consist of over 30 names, with at least one saint's name for each day. Both rare and more frequently encountered names will be presented.