Many people know that thoughts are material. That is why meditation for weight loss is considered effective tool struggle with excess weight, especially if a person has bad habit overeat or be lazy.

What is meditation for weight loss ^

Meditation is a beneficial spiritual practice that involves deep relaxation. Unfortunately, some people are distrustful of meditation as a way to lose weight, not understanding how extra pounds can be burned.

Is it possible to master the technique of meditation

Of course, anyone can master it. Thanks to relaxation, excess weight is burned, and both emotional and psychological stress disappears. To achieve a good result, to cope with any problems, including being overweight, it is necessary to believe in the materiality of thought.

It is worth noting that meditation not only promotes weight loss, but also has a positive effect on the health of the whole organism:

  • improves blood circulation;
  • strengthens the nervous, respiratory and cardiovascular systems;
  • relieves stress and tension;
  • relieves depression;
  • improve memory;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • normalizes metabolic processes.

So, complete relaxation is the main tool that adjusts the body to positive changes. For effective weight loss you need not only to meditate, but also pay attention to physical activity and proper nutrition.

In order to get rid of overweight choose the right meditation technique. When practicing any of the techniques, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • meditate only in a calm and comfortable, pre-ventilated room;
  • conduct classes 2 hours after eating;
  • do not smoke or drink alcohol before class;
  • wear only comfortable clothes for training that do not hinder movement;
  • meditate at least twice a week, although it is advisable to meditate daily;
  • if there is no desire to meditate, there is no need to force yourself to do it.

Meditation for weight loss: popular techniques, description ^

Meditation for weight loss: total relaxation and forgiveness

Meditation for weight loss Excellence

To perform this technique you need:

  • completely relax, lie down, close your eyes and stretch your arms along the body with palms up;
  • inhale deeply through the nose and exhale through the mouth;
  • clear your head of negative thoughts, focus on breathing;
  • feel that heat envelops the legs first, then gradually approaches the head;
  • imagine that heat passes through the body and completely burns fat deposits.

Meditation for weight loss according to the method of N. Pravdina

N. Pravdina's technique is considered quite effective. According to her works, food should be perceived as the highest gift, and not just a tool to help satisfy hunger or kill time. Realizing this, people begin to eat in smaller quantities.

Meditation is done in this way:

  • You need to rub your palms together and concentrate.
  • Put your palms over the dish and imagine that the energy from them is transferred to the food.
  • Eating each piece of food, you need to imagine its slight glow. It is advisable to eat slowly and savor every bite.
  • Be sure to thank God for the opportunity to eat.

Breathing meditation for weight loss (Vipasana)

This meditation technique is ideal for people who are used to overeating at dinner, relieving stress with sweets and getting positive emotions through food intake.

It is recommended to perform Vipasana in evening time. You need to meditate in a calm environment, namely in a room where no one will disturb you for at least 20 minutes. You can do it alone, or you can do it with other people who also strive to lose weight in this way. The main condition is comfort and the absence of irritants.

The technique for performing Vipasana is as follows:

  • Wear comfortable clothing and sit in a chair with your back straight. People suffering from diseases of the spine, obesity, or just beginners, you can lie on your back.
  • Next, you need to start breathing: when you inhale, inflate your stomach, and when you exhale, release air.
  • At the same time, it is important to think only about how the body is filled with cool and clean air, which, leaving the body during exhalation, takes with it all that is superfluous.
  • It is imperative to leave all thoughts that are not related to breathing, and concentrate only on inhalation and exhalation.

Meditation for weight loss according to the Faleev method

Faleev's technique is ideal for those who are losing weight, who are haunted by the thought that they do not like to play sports, but prefer to lie on the couch.

This method of relaxation is desirable to carry out when the body warms up during cardio training. Actively moving, you need to imagine that the fat on the body begins to glow, heat up, after which it is completely burned.

During class, instead of thinking about laziness, you should visualize the burning of body fat. Many people claim that applying this method motivates them.

Meditation - visualization for weight loss

To use this technique, you need to take a photo of yourself during the "slender body" or a photo of a model with the appropriate type of figure. In detail, you should consider the photo, then lie down on the floor and completely relax.

  • While lying down, you need to imagine that all fat deposits are slowly but surely dissolving, and the body becomes completely perfect.
  • You should also imagine activities that can be performed already in a slender body, such as running or dancing.

Dynamic Meditation for Weight Loss

One lesson will take no more than 20 minutes. You need to set an alarm clock so that it rings every five minutes.

  • The first five minutes: you need to stand on the mat and stretch out, imagining that the spine is a luminous rod that is filled with energy with each breath. In this case, the posture should be straight, and the muscles relaxed.
  • After the first alarm signal, you need to stretch your arms up, then, as you exhale, gradually lower them down, at the same time bend your knees and slowly bend over. During the ascent, it is necessary to take a deep breath and, feeling the tone in the body, rise up again.
  • The remaining 10 minutes you just need to lie down and completely relax, concentrating only on breathing.

Meditation for weight loss according to the system "Airoshape" (Airoshape)

The developer of this technique, Olga Krupoderova, believes that for effective reduction weight after training, the body needs to be relaxed, and the mind cleared. To do this, you need to sit comfortably on the mat, breathe calmly, alternately strain and relax your muscles so that you feel pleasant warmth throughout the body.

It should be imagined that the body is light and in flight.

  • You need to imagine that a cloud appears in the sky and a fine, pleasant rain, after a while the sun comes out again, and the losing weight soars under this sun with a backpack filled with stones, which he easily throws away.
  • Feeling light, you can take a deep breath and open your eyes.

Meditation for weight loss Forgiveness

Very often people, especially women, blame themselves for being overweight. In this case, the technique of forgiveness is necessary:

  • You need to sit comfortably and completely relax.
  • For a few minutes, you just need to breathe deeply and not think about anything.
  • After total relaxation you should imagine yourself as a carefree child who simply, by definition, cannot be to blame for anything.
  • It is important to accept yourself, to understand that the child inside is worthy of understanding and love.
  • To complete the session, you need to completely relax.

Reviews and real stories about losing weight with meditation ^

Complete relaxation and meditation is effectively used in combination with other programs that help reduce weight. A lot of positive reviews testify to the effectiveness of meditation for weight loss. Here are some results from our regular readers:

Karina, 26 years old:

“I have been doing yoga for several years. It is for this reason that I consider meditation to be very close in spirit. For weight loss I use the Pravdina method. With her help, I learned to concentrate and take food more seriously. After a month of such meditation, I was able to lose 2 kg.”

Anastasia, 30 years old:

“For the past 3 months I have been trying to lose weight and go to gym. Unfortunately, the first month of classes did not bring results. I didn’t really want to go to training anymore. However, having studied the Faleev method, I began to rapidly lose weight. Maybe it's all about visualization. Along with the classes and meditation, I reconsidered my views on nutrition. My result for 2 months is minus 6 kg.

Elizabeth, 33 years old:

“In connection with the set of extra pounds after childbirth, I constantly felt guilty for this. The “Forgiveness” technique helped me understand that criticism in the process of losing weight does not help. I forgave myself and began to lose weight: I played sports, ate right, went to the pool and retired to the room twice a week and imagined myself as a child. A month later, the mark on the scales began to decrease, and emotional condition improved significantly. I recommend this method of deep relaxation to everyone.”

Eastern horoscope for March 2019

Hello dear friends. Our conversation today is about what are meditation for weight loss . How does this method work, does it work at all or is it nothing more than an escape from reality, self-deception for the lazy? Join us, we are waiting for a lot of discoveries.

About the benefits of good ideas

Meditation is perceived by some (or many?) as a kind of mystical practice. The uninitiated magician, frozen in the lotus position, is drawn by some strange type, who plunged somewhere into the depths of himself and disappeared there.

Against this background, losing weight through meditation seems to be a way out of the problem. Well, how, tell me, can you lose weight just by sitting and thinking about it? However, do not rush to conclusions.

With my usual thoroughness, I approached the clarification of the essence of the issue and today I am ready to give you an answer - is it possible to lose weight, guided only by the power of thought?

First, what is meditation? Basically, this word means “thinking”, “producing ideas”, “mental contemplation”.

Thus, a person calms his mind, removes the mental “noise” that haunts during the day and even at night, the very one that does not allow us to approach our true “I”. It originated in very ancient times, the first mention of it is found in the Vedas - about 3000-3500 thousand years ago.

Forms and methods it exists great amount, science also does not stand aside and studies its effect on the human brain and psyche.

Write about the benefits of correct thinking and numerous writers. Thus, the popular American author of motivational books, Will Bowen, notes - “Doctors say that 67% of diseases are the result of unhealthy thinking.

Our thoughts create our world, and our world expresses our thoughts. Complaining about illness will not shorten the duration of the illness, nor will it shorten the severity of the illness.”

And numerous studies claim that about 95% of the thoughts that are spinning in our head are repeated every day. Even worse, about 80% of them are negative.

Just imagine how much stressful information we process on a daily basis. Yes, one and the same. In this regard, the benefits of meditation are simply enormous - it helps to eliminate negative thoughts and find inner peace, it helps us to gradually change, go beyond the usual limits and open up new opportunities.

It can be said that it has already been scientifically proven that there is an effect of this practice and it is positive. This is not only getting rid of stress and depression (and without medical intervention), improving heart rate, metabolism and breathing rate (and this is only a small part of what meditation is capable of). But also help in weight management.

Here I remember famous saying that our thoughts are material, which I already mentioned in my article

We program harmony

What do you need to lose weight with the help of thought?

For starters, learn main rule:

In order to lose weight in this way, regularity is needed. On a case-by-case basis, it won't work. You need to put everything aside and give yourself 15-30 minutes a day. Otherwise, there will be no benefit.

What is important in losing weight? Proper nutrition and healthy lifestyle life, physical activity, you will say and you will be right. But more important psychological mood.

Without it, the idea of ​​​​losing weight will quickly dissolve in a plate of fried potatoes and cutlets. It is the mood that meditation gives you, influencing your subconscious.

Don't expect your waist to shrink just from visualization. . But to tune your brain to the fact that you need the right foods and take care of yourself more - this is what you have the right to expect.

By working with the subconscious mind, you lay the foundation for parting with excess weight, which will lead you to a new, slender figure.

General rules of meditation

  • For starters, relax. To do this, protect yourself from unnecessary noise, attention from home, telephone, TV and the like. Take a comfortable position (you can sit in the lotus position if you want), concentrate on your breathing, close your eyes, breathe deeply and evenly. Speak to yourself a phrase like "I am calm, my body is relaxed."
  • Set goals. Mentally draw yourself slim, imagine how you play sports, how you are satisfied with a small amount of food, eat something healthy, how kilograms go away and you again put on your favorite skirt, which you had to abandon because it did not converge at the waist ( here, as you understand, I give examples for women , men can come up with something of their own).

  • Use correct wording. Remove the “not” particle from self-hypnosis. Instead of "I'm not gaining weight" say to yourself in the present tense "I'm slim, my weight is X kg", instead of "I don't eat much" say "I only eat healthy food". Formulations, or affirmations, as they are also called, are very useful things, do not neglect them and think carefully.
  • End the session properly. Imagine your slim body again, how you would like to look, think about how the arrow falls on the scales, how the body is filled with lightness, energy, follow your breath.

This is, as I said, the main approach. And there are many types of meditation.

Reflection with variety

Here are just a few the most effective and popular ways.

Breathing or Vipassana.

Practice from Buddhism. It helps to get rid of unnecessary emotions, torments and worries and at the same time realize your needs, discard unnecessary delusions, become calmer, learn to control yourself, find harmony within yourself and enjoy it.

In general, Vipassana is a training of the mind and understanding of the essence of things. This technique is ancient, it is about 2500 years old, it requires a special, I would say, very conscious approach, and, judging by the reviews, it leads to very good results.

They master it at special trainings, in general, the main principle is to learn to observe your feelings and emotions, but not react to them, get rid of external stimuli, and calm your mind.

The technique increases sensitivity to your body, you learn to associate sensations with emotions and observe them.

The main thing is to do everything as the masters say. If you want to "just try and see what happens" - nothing will work. Experimenting is also not worth it, improvisations are good only for real professionals.

It's like cooking some exotic soup "by eye", without realizing what kind of recipe it has. When you start to meditate, follow the clear advice of the teachers, do not try to "cook soup" for which you do not know the recipe yourself.

What does Vipasana have to do with weight loss? Like almost all Eastern practices, it teaches you to feel your body and tune yourself to the right wave. In weight loss, this is a very important skill.

Dynamic Meditation

Invented for those who are always busy. If time is sorely lacking, mentally repeat your goals and desires throughout the day. There is a minute - spend a mini-session.

Over time, this will become a habit and will lead to positive changes in your life after positive thoughts.


Here everything is clear from the name. Having taken a comfortable position and closing your eyes, breathe evenly and calmly, imagining yourself in at its best. Images can be very different - as long as you like it.

Draw outfits, jewelry, the environment you are in, draw everything as clearly as possible, as if you are busy creating a portrait with all the small details. Get carried away by this image, and, after finishing the session, keep the created picture in your heart for as long as possible.

Over time, it will be easier for you to plunge into the world of dreams and into real life you will more and more consciously go to the created image. Your actions on a subconscious image will guide you - you will eat right, play sports, take better care of yourself.

Audio meditation

Here the choice is simply huge - there are many different sound suggestions and motivations. You can turn on any recording you like and listen to instructions or musical compositions. Music, like thought, is a great thing, I tell you.

I already talked about how it helps to lose weight in the article. . Today you can, for example, listen to affirmations for weight loss - they say that they perfectly help you tune in to the right result.

Theta waves

These are the brainwaves that occur in our heads during the transition from wakefulness to sleep, a kind of “twilight” period. The ability to achieve a state of deep relaxation, or theta state, allows you to enter a trance.

While in it, you can influence the unconscious part of your mind when you can expect insights, a surge of creative ideas, and the resolution of complex issues.

They say that with the right approach and thoughtful stimulation of theta waves, you can set yourself up for weight loss in the best possible way.

Special meditations help to enter the theta state, for example, as shown in the video below, and while in a trance, do not forget to read mantras-affirmations for weight loss.


Yes, this method can also be attributed to our topic today. Hypnosis weight loss is very common.

It works in much the same way as meditation - it introduces you to a state during which a certain thought is suggested to you - in this case, your actions are aimed at losing excess weight.

This is an approximate list of techniques for influencing our consciousness to achieve a specific goal - losing weight.

What to remember

  • The most important thing is regularity. The more often you practice, the better the result will be. Thought, of course, is material, but you need to work with it every day.
  • In addition, the mood is important - if you treat meditations as just entertainment, nothing will work. You must believe in success. If not you, then who will believe in you?
  • Doing different practices, do not overdo it - stick to common sense, and in some cases (as, for example, with hypnosis), consultation with a specialist will not hurt.
  • Carried away by mental activity, do not neglect the physical - the muscles will not pump up while sitting on the couch. While improving the mind, do not forget about the body.

Well, that's all for me for today. See you in new articles!

Many people who want to lose weight are skeptical about meditation for weight loss. It would seem, well, how can concentration on one's own thoughts help to remove extra centimeters at the waist and lose those hated kilograms? After all, this can only be achieved through regular exercise and diets?

Nevertheless, it was thanks to meditation that many lucky ones still managed to achieve their cherished goal.

This practice is very popular, and today on the Internet you can easily find and view various meditation lessons for weight loss online.

Let us find out what is the meaning of this technique and how it can affect the process of weight loss.

The essence of meditation for weight loss

Meditation ( from lat. meditatio - to meditate) - a special mental state that occurs as a result of psychophysical exercises, which consist in concentrating on one's feelings and sensations. It is actively used in various spiritual and religious practices, as well as in alternative medicine.

In the East, the sages believed that the spiritual principle must be brought into harmony with physical body, and only by placing both matters in the same plane, high results can be achieved.

With its help, every conscious person can influence certain functions of his own body. After all, the problem of excess weight in most cases is not physiological features, but that we simply do not know how to control our appetite. We don't eat because our body needs it. this moment, but we "seize" our problems, life's difficulties and troubles, boredom or worries, we eat for the company, etc.

BUT proper meditation allows you to develop a clear motivation, concentrate on your feelings and real needs, strengthen confidence in the strength of your body and form the necessary qualities for this.

Of course, " burn fat"(What many who want to lose weight through meditation hope for) this system is not able to. The reason for weight loss is a special mindset. This happens as follows: during the session, the process " inner concentration"- the person seems to fall asleep, but continues to be conscious.

Scientists call this state the transition to alpha and theta frequencies. It is the immersion of consciousness to this level that allows you to program the brain for certain actions, and in this case, for controlling appetite and, as a result, losing weight.

Before you start the practice of meditation, you need to carefully prepare and learn how to do it right.

Basic rules for meditation for weight loss

Before starting a session, please follow a few simple requirements:

  • well ventilate the room where you will work. The environment must be calm. It is desirable that you stay in the room alone or in the company of like-minded people;
  • Wear loose, comfortable clothing made from light, natural fabrics. If it is convenient for you, practice without clothes at all;
  • don't exercise on a full stomach. After eating, at least 3 hours should pass;
  • do not drink alcohol or smoke before and after the procedure;
  • practice meditation exercises regularly, at least 3-4 times a week, and preferably daily;
  • during exercises, you can use special music. Audio materials of meditation for weight loss can be downloaded on the Internet;
  • if you are not in the mood and desire, do not force yourself to meditate - it will not bring any effect. Postpone the session for the next day.

You can start the exercises at any time of the day, but the most suitable for these purposes are the morning hours. The morning session perfectly energizes and energizes for the whole day.

There are many meditation techniques that allow you to correct your emotional state, moderate your appetite, protect yourself from an obsessive desire to empty the refrigerator once again.

Let's talk about the most popular and interesting of them.

Vipassana for weight loss

This ancient meditation technique is over 2500 years old! It consists in the ability to see life and oneself as they really are. Self-exploration in Vipassana allows you to clear the mind of negative thoughts, obsessions and physical desires and, through this, achieve weight loss.

Wear comfortable clothing, sit in a chair with your back straight, or assume the Buddha Pose. If you have back problems, lie on the floor on your back.

Start breathing deeply, taking in air through your nose and sticking out your stomach (this is a diaphragmatic type of breathing). When you exhale through your mouth, release all the air that is in your lungs.

While breathing, imagine that the air easily enters through the nose, filling the entire body, and leaving it, takes with it all that is superfluous and bad.

During the session, do not think about anything, let go of unnecessary thoughts (especially negative ones), concentrate completely on breathing until you feel a state of light forgetfulness.

It's quite complicated, but quite effective technique allowing you to learn to control your diet.

Meditation by Alexandra Alataeva

Its essence is to create your own ideal image deep in the subconscious.

Surely every person who dreams of losing weight remembers (or imagines) himself slim and fit. But in the mirror, alas, a completely different picture is displayed. Here, according to Alataeva, you can win by programming the brain to lose weight.

So, undress to your underwear, go to the mirror in which you are displayed completely. Take a look at your reflection, examine it to the smallest detail. Now remember yourself (or imagine) slim.

Take a sheet of paper, divide it in half. In the first half, describe yourself and the sensations from what you saw in the mirror, and in the second, what you feel when you imagine a slender image. Which one do you like more? Of course, the last one. Now try to remember the positive emotions that you received by imagining yourself thin.

This exercise should be done daily for a month. The brain, remembering the positive emotions from the image, will program the body to lose weight, as a result of which you will lose your former appetite.

Quite popular today is an effective and promising meditation technique for losing weight 60 kg. It allows you to adjust the emotional state, so that the dependence on food disappears over time.

In order to lose weight using this technique, you need to find a video on the Internet. Like audio, it can be downloaded or watched online. You need to watch it for 40 days daily before going to bed. Kilograms do not go away immediately, but gradually, after 2-3 months.

Technique Natalia Pravdina

This method of weight loss is borrowed from the culture of the Vedas and is described in one of Pravdina's books. It consists in the following: it is necessary to learn to perceive food not as a means of satisfying one's desires, but as a gift from the gods. After all, we often eat on the go, quickly swallowing pieces, while watching TV or reading newspapers. But fast food intake leads to metabolic disorders and excess weight.

Before eating, take a deep breath, rub your hands with your palms. Then raise your palms over your plate and imagine that a light beam of energy is being transferred to the food from your hands. Visualize the glow from each piece on the plate, and only after that slowly, with the dignity of a queen, start eating.

Meditation for weight loss has many benefits. But, probably, the main thing is that you can start it at any time of the year, and it also does not require special training and financial investments.

It is aimed at working with the subconscious, which helps to strengthen the willpower, which is so necessary in the fight against extra pounds. Good luck on your path to harmony and beauty!

Most social surveys show that 80% of women, experiencing difficulties with being overweight, try many options and methods to eliminate such a problem. Sitting on a strict diet for months and, having achieved the desired result, for some reason they do not believe in their hearts that they will be able to save slim figure. Disbelief in yourself is the biggest disadvantage in starting any business, in particular in the process of losing weight. Any thoughts materialize, so you should always think only about the good and positive. In this case, meditation helps. Specially designed meditation exercises allow you to lose excess weight and improve overall well-being.

Instructions before starting meditation

Meditation for weight loss is effective in raising your self-esteem and mental attitude. It also helps to control your body and thoughts. To start classes, you need to consider a few recommendations that will allow you to tune in to the desired wave.

1. From the very beginning, you must decide on the limit of the desired weight and have a clear understanding of what you are striving for.

2. Write down in your notebook the dimensions of the shapes of your perfect body: chest, stomach, hips. In this case, it is important not to confuse these three components, otherwise folds and protruding sides may appear instead of a flat stomach.

3. Decide how long you can meditate. The best time is before bedtime, when all worries and problems are left behind. One session of meditation will take you from 15 to 25 minutes. You must understand that these minutes are your personal time allotted for improving and strengthening your health; You are only concerned with yourself and no one should interfere with you.

4. Choose a comfortable quiet place; to improve comfort, you can light candles and incense sticks.

5. Wear comfortable loose clothes, which will not press, your body should be completely relaxed.

6. Turn off during meditation mobile phone, TV, laptop and more. You must be focused only on yourself.

7. Do not eat before the procedure, meditation for weight loss should take place slightly on an empty stomach.

8. Do not force yourself to engage in meditation - in this case, it will not bring proper results. Such an activity should be a joy, each exercise should be performed with love and faith in yourself.

9. Conduct meditation classes at least twice a week.

Varieties of meditation for weight loss

There are several types of meditation practices that allow you to actively deal with hated body fat. The most famous of them are:

  • breathing meditation;
  • meditation "Perfection";
  • dynamic;
  • visualization meditation.

Breathing meditation

Breathing meditation practice is called. The best time to practice is in the evening. "Vipasana" is suitable for people whose main share of the daily diet comes for dinner.


Sit in a chair with your back straight. If you find it difficult to keep an even posture, then you can lie down. Focus on your inner consciousness Close your eyes and visualize yourself as slim as possible. Inhale as deeply as possible, greatly inflating the stomach. Exhale all the air without a trace. Visualize that with each exhalation, everything bad and unnecessary comes out of the body. Try not to think about anything superfluous and extraneous. Take deep breaths in and out for 20 minutes.

Meditation "Perfection"

Meditation for weight loss perfection has helped more than one hundred women. Many losing weight note a tendency to reduce weight up to 400 grams per day.


Relax, take a comfortable position, close your eyes, hands should lie along the body, palms up. Take a deep breath through the nose, filling the lungs with air to the limit, exhale through the mouth. Listen to yourself, clear your head of bad thoughts, focus on your breathing.

Feel how the warmth envelops your legs and gradually rises to your head, filling your entire body with a bright and burning light. In this case, there may be slight tingling in the legs, as well as a breath of cool air. Pass all the heat through yourself, imagining how excess fat melts and vanishes into weightlessness.

Dynamic Meditation

This practice is suitable for people who are very busy with work and practically do not have free time. No matter where you are, you should focus on your desire and mentally repeat and visualize the goals that you would like to achieve.


Get into a comfortable position and take a few deep breaths in and out. Close your eyes and imagine that you are in a theater hall with big stage. Suddenly lights up bright light, the curtains open, and you stand on the stage. Your image looks great, a beautiful dress gracefully emphasizes your attractive shape and slender legs. You catch the enthusiastic glances of those present.

Think over your imaginary image to the smallest detail, up to what earrings and rings will be on you. Try to see yourself as clearly as possible. In addition to the theater, you can come up with any other scene that you like. The main thing is to completely immerse yourself in the visual world and regularly perform this procedure. Over time, you will notice changes in your life, you will feel lightness, freedom and a surge of strength.

The long way to victory over excess weight should be comprehensive and affect all aspects of life. Apart from proper nutrition you should regularly perform physical activity, SPA procedures and self-massages. Also, long walks in the fresh air and meditation practices will have a beneficial effect on your health, and most importantly, help get rid of the hated fat deposits that overshadow your life. Take care of yourself, improve your body and mind, and the result will not be long in coming.