The brightest and most sonorous representative of parrots, distinguished by friendliness and ability to learn, is the cockatiel. These birds are distinguished by a very discreet color compared to other parrots, which is compensated by a “blush” near the beak, their length reaches 30 cm. If you have a desire to have this pet, then you should prepare for proper care.

Before you figure out how to care for a cockatiel, you should get the right cage. Given the size of the bird, as well as its wingspan, which can reach 18 cm, the cage must be free. In addition to the cage itself, the door opening must also be spacious enough so that the bird can fully pass through it. From the material it is best to give preference to metal.

The cage must be kept absolutely clean and cleaned daily. So that the parrot does not get bored, you can hang a mirror or a toy. Except right choice cells, you should choose a suitable place for it. It should be light, but it is worth avoiding the sun's rays. You can not constantly move it, cockatiels do not like to be disturbed. A bath of water in a cockatiel's cage is a real gift for her, because these birds are famous for their cleanliness.

Read more about what should be in a separate article on the site.

Proper nutrition

Caring for a cockatiel includes providing the bird with a balanced and regular diet. Every day, you should feed the parrot with three types of crops, for which it is quite possible to buy ready-made feed mixtures for this type of bird. A reasonable portion per day is 40 gr.

Food, like water, must be served fresh every day. In addition to the mixture, you can feed with cottage cheese, eggs, finely crushed nuts. It is no secret that many birds are very indifferent to new components, therefore, you can add them little by little to the main feed. Either way, the cockatiel will try the new ingredient and get used to it. And for the health of the bird, it is very important to feed it with a full range of healthy foods.

Living conditions for a parrot

The question of how to care for Corella parrots also includes providing the animal with comfortable microclimatic living conditions. To do this, you should know that cockatiels in their historical homeland live in conditions where the sun shines and warms very actively, and humidity is about 50%. Therefore, caring for a Corella parrot must implement these indicators in the apartment where the bird lives. To do this, you can use specialized lamps, especially in the cold season and a humidifier. But putting the cage next to the battery is not recommended - it dries the air very much.

For parrots great importance has the illumination of the room, so it is better to forget about thick curtains. To understand how to care for cockatiels, you can familiarize yourself with her natural conditions habitat - this will explain such a need for heat and light. If there are plants in the room, this will only be a plus for the bird.

General bird care rules

Corellas are free birds, so it is important to give them the opportunity to fly. When a bird is just bought, it is worth keeping a close eye on it, because due to stress and not being able to navigate in a new environment, it can get hurt.

So that the bird gets used to the new owner faster. It is worth putting the cage in such a way that the cockatiel sitting on the perch could look the person in the eye. The bird hears the voice perfectly and understands the intonation, so you should always talk to it. Only in this way will she be able to remember some words and repeat them.

If there is a replenishment in the family of cockatiels, the joy and tenderness from the pets only intensify. In nature, parents themselves take care of their offspring, but in captivity, the owner must take care of cockatiel chicks. The number of chicks can reach 7 or more, but in captivity there are usually several of them. Both parents incubate eggs, during this period there is no need to show special care - the main thing is to observe the temperature regime.

When the chicks hatch, the parents also feed, but if this is not possible for some reason, then the food should be finely divided, ideally chewed. During this period, it is necessary to increase the portion of food, and when the female begins to prepare for the next clutch, she does not deal with the grown chicks. Therefore, they need to be fed independently. It is not necessary to disturb the birds while they are raising chicks, in particular, with repairs or rearrangements.

These are the main answers to the question “how to care for a Corella parrot”, and by observing such simple requirements, you can extend the life of your pet for a long time.

Corella parrots are small and smart birds, which are not difficult to care for. Due to their high trainability and sociability, they are considered one of the most popular pet birds. Corella are able to conquer anyone with their friendliness, playfulness and curiosity.


One of the most crucial moments when caring for cockatiels is cell selection. The larger it is, the better it will be for the bird. The parrot should be able to freely flap its wings without clinging to the walls.

In the event that a bird has an overly small cage, its wing and tail feathers may break.

Like other pets, there are things that are necessary for the life and entertainment of a parrot. In the cockatiel cage should be:

  • one drinker and two feeders, one feeder for dry food, one for wet food;
  • perches: cockatiels are very fond of climbing, so the more perches there are, the happier she will be;
  • a screen for the cage so that the food does not scatter;
  • toys, and it is worth buying a few and changing them every week so that the bird does not get tired of them.

Perches for Corella must necessarily be right size. The fact is that such parrots have rather long fingers, so you need to choose ones that make it comfortable for the bird to sit.

The ideal option would be perches made of natural wood. Worth giving preference strong breeds such as beech or oak. In addition, the cockatiel will gnaw on the bark on such perches, thereby obtaining additional nutrients.

cockatiels do not tolerate sudden changes in temperature, in the room in which the cage is located, the temperature should not fall below 20 and rise above 25 degrees. In addition, it is important to pay attention to the humidity of the air. The room should be around 60% humidity. If the air is too dry, the bird will constantly itch and tear out feathers.

The key to the health of a parrot will be proper cell placement. Corella should sit in the room where her owner spends the most time, so it will be easier to tame her. In addition, the cage should be about chest level, so the bird will feel safe, it will not be intimidated and oppressed.

An important part of care is observance of daylight hours. If the daylight hours are too long, then the birds will be aggressive. The length of the day should be 12-14 hours.

In addition, Corella will not get enough sleep if music is playing or if the TV is on. A bird whose cage is set in such conditions will be shy and nervous.

Video: content features


Corella needs quality grain feed and minerals. As minerals, you can give chalk, mineral stones and sepia. They will provide the cockatiel's body with all useful micro and macro elements, as well as calcium and mineral salts.

Such parrots not picky about food. Their diet may include food from oats, millet and sunflower seeds. To make the diet varied, it is recommended to give dandelion leaves, chicory, celery and carrots.

Corella will not refuse cottage cheese (low-fat), crushed nuts, boiled eggs, bread and cookies. They are happy to eat corn and oats, pre-steamed.


Breeding parrots at home is easy. Individuals for reproduction must be older than two years. For reproduction, a nesting box must be attached to the cell wall, at the bottom of which there are sawdust.

It is necessary to accustom Corell to each other's company gradually, it is important to monitor their behavior. Recommended put the female in the cage first, she will master the new space and feel like a mistress in it. Then the male sits down.

When the male actively flirts with the female, and she reciprocates, this means that the first stage has passed, and in a couple of weeks the first egg will appear. In a little more than a week, the female will begin to bring eggs every day, there will be about 5-7 of them in total.

After the chicks hatch, the female the first days will feed them herself. As complementary foods, you can diversify their diet with a boiled egg. The female can be offered boiled grains.

Video: pet description


Corellas rarely get sick, but if the bird is still sick, you can understand this by its appearance. A sick parrot may look indifferent, he does not show any reaction to any stimuli, he sits with his eyes closed. The bird will not eat well. With bowel diseases, its excrement becomes liquid.

At the same time, there may also be a lack of appetite, apathy, the parrot can breathe often and hard. If you notice that the feathers have become dirty in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe cloaca, then the parrot has problems with the intestines. Dirt on the sternum and goiter indicates vomiting, it is a sign of goiter infection. Are the feathers inside your pet's wings ruined? He probably got feather-eaters or bird mites.

To determine the degree of satiety cockatiels, it is necessary to feel the muscles on the chest. If the bird is full, then the crest of the sternum between the muscles can hardly be felt. In the event of a lack of nutrition, the parrot may experience muscle atrophy, in which the contours of the sternum are very noticeable. Sometimes tumors can be seen around the sternum of a parrot.

If you have any questions, leave them below - we will answer you!

Australian cockatiels are excellent pets that are distinguished by their excellent appearance and a kind of singing. does not leave anyone indifferent. It pleases with its diverse and amazing notes. This is partly why this type of parrot is very popular in home keeping among bird lovers. When caring for cockatiels in captivity, it is important to adhere to a properly composed daily diet so that the pet is always healthy, energetic and happy with singing.

AT wild nature the cockatiel parrot eats plant seeds, fruits, and is not averse to eating insects. At home, the diet should also be balanced. It is better to think it over in advance. Detailed information about how to feed a cockatiel at home, you can always ask the breeder when buying.

The basis of the diet of these birds? different kinds grains. And these are sources of essential fats, proteins, carbohydrates, beneficial vitamins and amino acids. Grains should be given as a mixture of several cultures, which will satisfy the cockatiel's need for nutrients Oh.

Daily food allowance for one individual? about 20 g of grain mixture. The amount of feed also depends on the age of the bird, health, physical condition and other factors.

How to feed cockatiels at home

Hard food

Millet and millet
Contains in in large numbers vitamins of groups A, as well as B. Millet usually makes up to 40-50% of the total mass of the grain mixture. Millet is offered to cockatiels in the form of porridge, which is especially useful for females hatching offspring.

It can be fed both raw and cooked.

Grains contain little fat and protein, are poorly digested raw, so wheat is pre-sprouted.

canary seed
In terms of nutrient content, it surpasses almost all types of grains, because. contains the main vitamins and minerals necessary for Corella, but is rarely included in the store mix. The main reason? high price. It is advisable to introduce canary seed into the diet in winter, when the bird needs vitamins especially.

Milk soft grains are given raw to the bird, and porridge can be cooked from dried corn grains.

cockatiels love green pea. Before feeding, it should be freed from the pod. If the parrot is overfed with peas, there may be problems with the stool.

weed seeds
This is an excellent vitamin supplement to the cockatiel's diet.

sprouted seeds

For germination, various types of grain can be used. Many owners even practice germination of the finished mixture: firstly, feeding with such grains is much more useful, and secondly, this is a kind of quality control - if the grains germinate poorly or do not germinate at all, such food will not be good for cockatiels.


Shepherd's purse, plantain, dandelion, wood lice, young nettle, table beet, lettuce, etc. are perfect.


They are given to the parrot in crushed form. cockatiels love walnuts, hazelnut, peanut. You can also offer the bird chestnuts and acorns.

Fruits and berries

Apple, pear, pitted quince, orange, lemon, grapefruit, banana, cherry, cherry, plum, apricot, kiwi, pomegranate, watermelon, strawberry, strawberry, raspberry, mountain ash, grapes, cranberries, cranberries, etc.


Carrots, pumpkin, squash, zucchini, beets, white cabbage, cauliflower, turnip, tomato, pepper, cucumber, etc.

animal feed

Skimmed fresh milk, skimmed cottage cheese, powdered milk formula, hard-boiled egg, occasional meat products, mealworms, crickets.

Soft food for Corella

Soft (protein) food is usually given to females at the time of laying eggs, however, it is useful to offer a small amount of protein food to cockatiels two to three times a week. The composition of the protein feed may vary. Some breeders feed their birds ready-made industrial soft food, while others prepare it themselves.

For self-preparation, white crackers or bread soaked in water or milk are taken as the basis. The mass is squeezed out and a small amount of infant formula, yeast, small wheat germ, glucose, egg, soy flour are added. minerals, vitamins, etc.

Home-cooked soft food should only be given at 1 feeding, as such food spoils quickly. Freshly prepared mixture should be in the feeder for no more than 3-4 hours. Feeding cockatiels with stale soft food can lead to illness and even death of the bird.

Recipes for soft mixes for a cockatiel parrot

1. White grated crackers - 2 tbsp, 1 tbsp. grated carrots, 1 hard-boiled egg, calcium gluconate - 1-2 tablets, 2 drops of trivitamin. This mixture is given to parrots 1-2 p. 1 tsp per week

2. Boiled cereals (1 part of millet and buckwheat and 2 parts of rice) - 3 tbsp, 1 tbsp each. grated carrots and semolina, 2 calcium tablets, multivitamin dragee. Mix all components thoroughly, you can add fresh chopped herbs, pre-boiled and chopped dried fruits.

3. Milk mixture - 2 tablespoons, fresh milk - 2 tablespoons, a slice of stale white bread - 1 pc., calcium, glucose - 1 tablet each.

  • Mango, papaya, avocado
  • Persimmon
  • bird cherry
  • Potato
  • Fried and candied vegetables and fruits
  • Parsley, dill, cilantro
  • tansy flowers

Water for cockatiels

When caring for cockatiel nutrition, we must not forget about water regime. The need for liquid depends on the air temperature in the room, humidity, type of food, period of life of the bird, etc. The water must be clean, fresh, preferably pre-filtered or settled.

Approximate weekly cockatiel diet


1 day: mixture of grains, soft food, sprouted millet, boiled corn.
2: a mixture of grains with dried nettles, germinated wheat, oat shoots.
3: a mixture of grains, crackers soaked in milk.
4: soft food with a grain mixture, apples, a decoction of rose hips.
5: a mixture of grains with herbal flour, nuts, sprouted oats and wheat, grated carrots, rosehip broth, corn kernels or peas.
6: soft food, a mixture of grains with the addition of grass meal, grated vegetables (for example, beets).
7: grain mixture, sprouted oats with bananas.

spring diet

1 day: mixture of grains, soft food, sprouted millet and oats.
2: a mixture of grains, millet shoots, grated beets.
3: grain mixture, germinated wheat, oats and millet, grated carrots with cottage cheese.
4: grain mixture, soft food, grated vegetables.
5: a mixture of grains, sprouted oats, rosehip broth, a roll soaked in milk or water, boiled corn, chopped nuts.
6: mixture of grains, steamed oats.
7: a mixture of grains, germinated wheat, citrus slices, rosehip broth, fresh young greens.

Summer diet

1 day: grain mixture, soaked White bread, cottage cheese, dandelion leaves or other greens.
2: soft food, grain mixture, greens.
3: a mixture of grains, dandelion leaves, cucumber or other vegetables.
4: mixture of grains, fruit slices, grass seeds.
5: soft food, a mixture of grains, crackers soaked in milk, greens.
6: a mixture of grains, grated carrots with nuts, greens.
7: a mixture of grains, cabbage and lettuce leaves, fresh berries, fruit slices.

Autumn diet

1 day: mixture of grains, cabbage, soft food, fresh berries.
2: a mixture of grains, white bread soaked in milk, crackers, fresh fruit slices, grapes.
3: mixture of grains, germinated wheat, cabbage leaves.
4: mixture of grains, apple slices, rowan.
5: soft food, mixture of grains, cottage cheese with crushed nuts, cabbage leaves.
6: a mixture of grains, white crackers, biscuits soaked in sweet tea, grated carrots, fruit slices.
7: mixture of grains, germinated wheat, cauliflower, white cabbage.

Feeding cockatiel chicks

The parents of the chicks themselves must feed them, but if for some reason they do not, they have to take matters into their own hands.

Using ready-made feed for feeding chicks is quite simple. Just follow the instructions on the package. At first, cockatiel chicks are fed approximately every one and a half to two hours. Week-old chicks should be fed every 3-4 hours.

If it is not possible to purchase ready-made mixtures, they are made independently. To do this, mix the following ingredients: grated carrots, apples, wheat crackers, egg, germinated wheat. All products are ground to a consistency suitable for feeding.

Growing chicks are offered 1 tsp. freshly prepared mixture. Fish oil is given no more than once a week:

Blend 1:

2 tbsp semolina, 1 tbsp. infant formula, hard-boiled egg - 2 pcs., calcium, glucose - 3 tablets each.

Blend 2:

3 tbsp semolina, 1 tbsp. grated carrots and infant formula, boiled egg - 1 pc., 1 tablet of calcium gluconate and calcium glycerophosphate, fortified fish fat- 5 drops.

Corella parrots are one of the most popular pet birds today, which are loved not only because of their bright cheeks and crests, but also sociability, friendliness, and the ability to “speak”. Even before buying, you need to think through all the nuances of keeping the cockatiel so that he, in turn, will delight you with songs and games over the next 20 years of his happy bird life.

How to choose a healthy bird and adapt it to a new home

The most important rule for choosing a healthy cockatiel is the place of purchase. You should definitely not buy a bird in a pet store, where not only the minimum standards and conditions for keeping cockatiels are not provided, but the most elementary rules are often violated, and the staff is not even able to determine the sex of the parrot.

Corella, like any animal, should be bought in a specialized nursery, where they will tell you about the behavior and character of each particular bird, show its parents and collect a dowry in the form of your favorite toys. A bird bought in such a place will almost certainly be easy to make contact, will not be overly shy or completely inadequate, as is often the case with those animals that live in markets and pet stores. If you do not take seriously the place of purchase at the very beginning, then there is a risk of getting the most negative experience of communicating with the most beautiful creatures in nature.

In order to form a good relationship with a parrot (and communication with a cockatiel implies precisely developing relationship, true friendship), you need to provide the newly-made resident of your apartment with a period of adaptation not only to the environment, but to you specifically as to your owner and comrade.

  • Eliminate unnecessary sounds for a while: do not turn on the TV, computer, radio, ask your family to speak more quietly, do not shout or make noise.
  • Let the bird watch what is happening in the apartment and for you personally: do not go up to the cage once again, do in the room where the cockatiel lives from now on, the same thing that you usually do. Ask other family members to do the same.
  • When communicating with a bird, speak calmly, affectionately, friendly.
  • Do not stick your fingers into the cage and do not make sudden movements near the cage.
  • Do not show the animal to guests until it gets used to at least you.

The adaptation period of a cockatiel can last up to two weeks depending on the nature of the bird and how tame it was before purchase. Letting her out of the cage is not earlier than a month later.


The choice of a cage is a key moment in the correct maintenance of a cockatiel, and it is worth taking care of buying it in advance, taking into account the following points:

  • The bigger the cage, the better. The minimum possible size for a cockatiel is considered to be a cage of 45X45X60 cm, there are no maximum limits - the larger the better.
  • The cage should be square, not round, or rather, it must have corners, in one of which the bird can hide, rest, etc.
  • The distance between the bars should be no more than 2 cm.
  • It is desirable that the cage bars are horizontal, not vertical. So it is easier for the bird to cling to them, climbing around the cage.
  • The more various doors in the cage, the more convenient it is for the owner to rearrange and clean inside it.
  • The presence of a lattice on the cage tray is a rather controversial point. On the one hand, the bird does not pick up fallen food and droppings, and on the other hand, there have been cases when cockatiels have crippled their paws while moving along this lattice. In this case, it is better to observe your bird and decide for yourself how it will be better for it.
  • Be sure to prepare bedding in the cage, which will keep the parrot's home clean.

Cat litter, newspapers, sawdust and fabrics are excluded as bedding. It is best to use special bird fillers, clean sand or soft paper towels without traces of printing ink for these purposes.

  • Factory plastic perches that come with the cage should be immediately replaced with wooden ones.

Wooden perches perform a very important function - it is about them that the cockatiel grinds its beak and claws.

Given this fact, it is important to choose the “right” perches for the bird: 2.5 to 3 cm thick, made from trees growing far from the road, best in the forest. As preferred tree species, you should pay attention to birch, maple, linden, aspen, and refuse to use conifers (due to resin), oak and poplar (because the bark of these trees accumulates harmful substances).

  • The cage should be provided with two feeders for dry and wet food (wet means some fruits), as well as a well-fixed drinker.
  • Various toys are obligatory for cockatiels: rings, ladders, carousels, etc. You can buy them or make them yourself.

The question of the influence of the mirror on the mood and psyche of the cockatiel is controversial. Mirrors frighten some birds, while others are frustrated by the lack of expected reaction from the reflection. Some parrots treat their "double" only as a decoration, while others are sure that this is none other than their partner, and are in love without memory. One way or another, the reaction can be very unpredictable, so if little attention is paid to the cockatiel, he is bored, then it is better to get a pair for the bird, and not to joke with a mirror.

  • In addition to those fixed in the cage, you should provide the bird with toys that can be thrown, chewed, etc., such as sticks or pieces of paper.

An important factor for a comfortable life of a parrot is the location of the cage:

  • It should stand against the wall in a fairly bright place, but not in direct sunlight.
  • When caring for Corella, it is important to observe the length of daylight hours. It should not exceed 12-14 hours. That's why all day long a working computer and TV, even with little or no sound, can harm the bird, preventing it from sleeping.
  • In the room where the cockatiel lives, there should be no foreign smells. Therefore, the cage has no place in the kitchen and, of course, incense, aroma oils, smoking, and so on, cannot be lit in the room with the cockatiel.
  • Corella should live in the room where his owner spends the most time. Otherwise, the bird will be lonely, sad and may even get sick.
  • The cage should not hang from the ceiling or stand on the floor. The most optimal position for her is on a coffee or regular table. It is important that the person and cockatiel are approximately on the same level, so it is easier for the bird to trust and communicate.
  • In the room where the parrot lives, in addition to the cage, you need to equip a play stand for the cockatiel - ropes, plants, perches, on which the bird will have fun when it comes time to fly freely outside the cage.


On the one hand, purchased feeds specially designed for cockatiels and containing seeds and nuts fully meet the needs of the bird, but on the other hand, its diet should be made as diverse as possible, close to natural.

Corellas are native to Australia. There they live in forests along the banks of rivers and in eucalyptus groves, as well as in thickets of shrubs. In Europe, cockatiels appeared only in the 19th century, and in Russia even in the 60s of the 20th century. True, during this time, breeders have already studied the habits and tastes of these exotic birds and have developed a formula that is close to ideal care for them.

At the heart of the nutrition of cockatiels (in pet stores, food for them is listed as “for medium birds”) all kinds of seeds:

  • Millet (including chumizu, mogar, barnyard grass, sorghum, chicken millet).
  • Canary seed is the most nutritious and favorite for birds (rich in proteins, fats, phosphorus and mineral salts).
  • Oats, which are useful in every period of a bird's life, but in different form: milky for chicks, whole for adult birds, germinated during the breeding season.
  • Wheat, but only in soaked or sprouted form, is very useful for birds during nesting.
  • Raw sunflower seeds, passionately loved by birds, should not exceed 15% of the composition of the entire diet of cockatiels.
  • Cannabis, adored by all singers, but long discredited because of the content narcotic substances, therefore, it is necessarily excluded during the mating season of birds.
  • Corn, rich in fiber and protein, should only serve as a variety, because as the main feed it is not able to provide the bird with the necessary set of amino acids.
  • Peanuts and other nuts, despite the predilection of any bird for them, should not exceed 7% of the cockatiel's diet due to the colossal protein content in them.

You can diversify the nutrition of your winged pet:

  • dandelion leaves;
  • weed seeds;
  • grains of sowing crops;
  • carrot tops;
  • celery
  • fruits (apples, oranges, bananas);
  • twigs and buds of plants.

Anything you offer as food to your pet should not have been handled by any chemicals. It is important to follow this fact very seriously. Corella must first take a closer look at any new food, try it "on the tooth" and only then decide on its own whether it will eat this product or not.

As for food portions, on average, Corella eats a tablespoon of dry food and half a spoonful of wet food (fruits, plant bots, etc.) per day. Serving sizes may vary depending on the time of year and the period of the bird's life: for example, during molting, more food will be needed to warm the parrot.


Cockatiels, provided that you really have a male and a female and they get along with each other, breed in captivity quite easily and without any problems, starting at the age of one and a half years.

The whole cycle from laying eggs to the moment when the newly hatched chicks become independent takes about 2.5 months, and in order for everything to go smoothly, it is important to apply the following recommendations:

  • Make sure that the bird moves a lot, does not have excess weight and, of course, was generally healthy.
  • Provide the birds with a nesting box in advance. It can be bought at any pet store, it is only important to consider that it is warm and spacious enough.
  • Take Special attention nutrition during mating. It should be balanced and varied, with a predominance of fresh vegetables, fruits and nuts.
  • Keep track of the length of daylight hours for birds, it should be long enough during the nesting period - up to 16-18 hours.
  • The air temperature in the room where a pair of cockatiels lives should be maintained at 18-20 degrees, drafts and extraneous odors should be excluded.

After the mating process of birds has passed and the female cockatiel lays eggs, the parrots will incubate them in turn, independently adjusting the temperature in the nest, turning the eggs over, etc.

During this period, the main thing for a person is to continue to feed the birds and not interfere with them. The chicks will be born on the 21-23 day, and then the parrots will continue to feed them. After a month and a half, young cockatiels will become completely independent and leave the nest.

Communication with a Corella parrot is so exciting, and its content is so simple that there is no reason to deny yourself the pleasure of having a feathered friend. The most important rule of caring for a bird is, oddly enough, observing and studying its habits, tastes and characteristics, as well as respecting its personal boundaries. Otherwise, everything will turn out well, given simple recommendations, data above.

Corella parrots live in Australia, in wild forests located along the banks tropical rivers. They love low-growing trees and often nest in the tops of dried branches, where they remain invisible due to their color.

At home, these birds are one of the most unpretentious, but how to ensure proper care and content, every owner needs to know. Also, it is very important to carefully consider how these feathered pets fit exactly your living conditions, how comfortable it will be for you to coexist.

Nymphs - this is what the travelers who first saw these birds called these birds. beautiful birds. Elegant color, "rosy cheeks" could not leave indifferent even avid poultry farmers, so in the middle of the 19th century they were brought to Europe and they began to be actively bred.

The length of the corelli's body is 30-33 cm, and the tail is 14-16. Their head is crowned with a high crest and a long, pointed tail. Females and males have different colors. As a rule, in boys, the feathers are dark gray with an olive tint, and the head and breast are sulfur yellow.

Their cheeks are bright scarlet. The females are grey, with a brownish breast, and their cheeks are pale brown. The color of these birds changes at the age of about a year.

Breeders brought out other plumage options for these beautiful birds.

The most common among them:

  • albinos (snow-white or cream plumage with red eyes);
  • white cockatiel with black eyes;
  • lutino (yellow with red eyes);
  • light gray;
  • corella cinnamon;
  • dark yellow;
  • necks (gray with white spots).

In the wild, nymphs live 20-25 years, but at home, depending on what kind of care is there, people are less pleased - from 18 to 20 years.

These birds are excellent interlocutors, moreover, they have a "fiery" temperament. They can amuse you all day, but if you do not pay due attention to his efforts, the offense will be very serious.

Corellki are able to imitate sounds well, therefore, it will not be difficult to teach them to speak. However, unlike other large species parrots, these have the lowest learning abilities.

Is Corella right for you?

People who decide to have this unusual parrot at home should carefully weigh the pros and cons, moreover, it is better to consult with the opinion of the household.

  1. Caring for this parrot is not specific, but the content has its own characteristics.
    Despite the fact that the chicks are not very expensive, all the equipment - a cage, toys, drinkers - is very expensive. Answer yourself honestly to the question - are you ready for such costs, perhaps it will be much easier for you to get a simple budgerigar?
  2. Consider whether you can make time for your pet.
    Corellas are very noisy and active birds, in addition, they love contact with people and are very bored in solitude.
  3. Noise and din.
    This is how you can describe what will happen in your home every day. And you need to be ready for this. Corellas love to demonstrate their vocal abilities, so if you can’t listen to daily chants in the mornings and evenings, it’s better not to take this parrot under your care.
  4. Frequent cleanings.
    Like many parrots, from time to time the birds will molt, litter and throw everything unnecessary out of the cage. If you are not ready to clean up after the bird, think about whether you are ready?

There is a list of content features that you need to know if you decide to get this little feathered robber.

Not all conditions are suitable for these birds.

  • the temperature in the room where the parrot is located should be at least 20 and not more than 25 degrees;
  • air humidity should be 55-60%, cockatiels do not tolerate dry air very well and they begin to have health problems;
  • drafts are also unacceptable, so put the cage where they cannot be in principle;
  • light is also a prerequisite, since it is important for them to observe a minimum of 10-12 hours of daylight hours. In winter, you can use special lamps for this.

Cage for a parrot

At home, the maintenance of nymphs implies life in cells. Since the size of the bird is quite large, the cage must also be spacious. The ideal cell parameters are 100x40x60 cm.

In such a dwelling, your parrot will be able to make small flights, and not just climb from perch to perch along the bars.

For active climbing on a cage, it is better to choose one so that the bars are transverse. Inside you can place ladders and swings, there must be perches, ropes and twigs. Branches are very useful for all parrots, including cockatiels. With their help, they sharpen their beak.

Do not abuse toys. Better time change them from time to time than to give the bird everything at once. Carefully approach their choice, there should not be plastic and fragile small parts.

Corella has a very strong and sharp beak, with which he can easily bite off part and swallow. This can lead to serious consequences, since the gastrointestinal tract of these fidgets is not at all adapted to foreign bodies.

There should be 2 feeders in the cage - one for dry food, the second for wet food. Also, you need a drinking bowl and a place to swim.


Keep your bird safe. In the early days, provide an opportunity to adapt to a new place, let the parrot get used to the people around him.

Birds raised in captivity learn very quickly that this is a safe environment and maybe in 2-3 hours this little chick will be eating from your hands.

It is worth noting that cockatiels are very fond of swimming. Therefore, thinking over a good content in a cage, provide him with a bathing suit. AT hot weather the real delight in the nymphs is the “shower” from the spray bottle. The only limitation is the water temperature. It must be at least 30 degrees. Otherwise, the bird may catch a cold.

How to care for Corella?

Proper care is the key to a long and happy life your pet.

This can be attributed to any pet, however, birds have a more subtle physiology. Exactly, malnutrition and untimely appeal to a veterinarian ornithologist causes early death of poultry.


Proper feeding must be considered in advance. Look at the pet stores in your city, what kind of food is available, consult other poultry farmers on the forums. If you are a beginner, do not make your own decision about what your parrot should eat.

The basis of the diet, namely 70% of all food, is granulated bird food.

A parrot may have an excellent appetite for various grains, but they should not be given in large quantities, since they contain a high percentage of vegetable fats. Feeding cockatiels should be carried out only in a cage, do not teach the bird to eat from a common table.

Corella can be given:

  • vegetables;
  • fruits: apples, grapes, pineapple, watermelon, melon;
  • beans are not very common and only processed.

Prohibited Products:

  • chocolate;
  • avocado;
  • onion and garlic;
  • alcohol;
  • mushrooms;
  • caffeine;
  • sweets and fatty semi-finished products, such as sausages and smoked meats.

Don't forget to clean up leftover wet food, as bacteria multiply very quickly on it, which can cause illness.

Be sure to keep in a cage clean water and also provide good care behind the drinker. You need to wash it two to three times a week, using soap and water. hot water. This will prevent the growth of fungi and, as a result, the disease.


The nymph is a very sociable and sociable parrot, so if it is already tamed, then you need to give it some time to maintain its friendly aspirations. Some owners prefer to clip their wings to keep contact with the bird. However, this is a very rare case when your fidget will refuse affection.

Good care always makes the bird more docile, no matter what gender your parrot is. Both males and females are very fond of being stroked on the head, scratching the chest and under the wings.

Sometimes the owners of these birds complain that they bite. This always has its reasons, therefore, the rules for respecting the personal boundaries of the parrot should also be observed. If a bird has bitten you, think about how you could provoke it.

Perhaps your actions scared her or you were rude. Many Corellocs are fiercely protective of their territory and may bite if they try to stick their fingers in.


Signs of bird diseases are very similar. However, in flocks parrots often slaughter sick individuals, therefore, it is completely logical that your nymph can hide her condition.