Prague is a sightseeing city, so the season does not greatly affect the quality of the rest. Here, rather, it is necessary to give preference own desires. That is, who likes what. However, we will note some of the pros and cons of each season to make it easier to decide.

Winter season in Prague

Winter in the Czech Republic is much milder than in Russia. Therefore, even if you go there in winter, it is not necessary to take all your warmest clothes with you. Of course, you can't do without a jacket and a hat. Snow also exists in Prague, and the temperature generally does not fall below -5 degrees. Probably, it is the winter period that can be called "off season".

However, if you are going there during the winter months, it is better to combine your holiday with the Christmas holiday. The city will look forward to one of the main holidays of the year. Decorated shop windows, Christmas trees, Christmas markets and general joyful mood. Worth a visit to Prague and feel warm atmosphere. Do not forget that the Czechs celebrate Catholic Christmas, which means you need to go in December. Decorations remain until the New Year and beyond until mid-January.

February also has its advantages for travelers. For example, most stores start traditional winter sales. Therefore, shoppers will be able to purchase clothes and shoes with good discounts. By the way, the sales season here happens in last month every time of the year.

I note that my friends went to Prague in early January. Unfortunately they didn't like it. It was cold and overcast, which spoiled the impression. Having dressed lighter than the weather required, they could not walk for a long time. And the gray stone structures and pavements made them sad.

Spring and autumn in Prague

I decided to combine the two seasons because they are both great in Prague. In the second half of spring and in the first half of autumn, the weather is warm, the sun warms, blooming trees or yellow crowns of trees only emphasize the beauty of the city.

The weather is not hot, so walking along the streets and going on excursions is very comfortable. Don't forget about seasonal sales in May and November.

In my opinion, this is the best time to visit the Czech Republic. My husband and I went in late August - early September. In fact, it was still a continuation of the summer. Of the 11 days, only one was cool (we wore windbreakers), on all other days it was warm (orientation by clothing - jeans and T-shirts). By the way, we caught the summer sales and on this occasion updated the summer wardrobe.

Prague in summer

Summer weather can be just warm, or it can be hot, depending on the particular year. There are also dry or rainy years. But in general, when compared with the weather, say, in Moscow, then temperature regime in Prague it will be a couple of degrees higher.

On hot days, long walks will probably seem tiring. There is no sea here, which means that you won’t be able to freshen up on a hot day, unless you plunge into some kind of fountain.


From the foregoing, we can conclude that warm sunny weather will help to make the most complete picture of Prague. This means that it is best to go from April to June and in September-October. But no matter what time you choose to travel, the main thing is that it is comfortable for you.

It's not easy to answer the question When is the best time to go to Prague because everyone wants to get something specific from their journey. Many people go to this country warm time of the year to enjoy not only various architectural monuments, but also the beautiful weather. But I have a slightly different take on this. Now I will tell you.

When to travel to Prague

Prague is the city to visit in winter, and to be more specific, in December. If you have already been to European cities several times at this time of the year, then I will have nothing to surprise you with. But those who only think about winter Europe, doubting whether it is worth going or not, should stop hesitating. Of course! I will list you Advantages of a winter trip to Prague:

  • Very beautiful decorated streets;
  • many sales;
  • interesting fairs;
  • cafe with mulled wine and hot coffee;
  • pure snow.

For the first time in my life I was able enjoy the atmosphere of the upcoming holiday. Yes, in our homeland, buildings are also decorated, but here it is done on a huge scale. Feels like you put your whole heart into it. You walk along the small streets, and multi-colored garlands are burning everywhere that instantly boost your mood.

Christmas sales in full swinge, Therefore, I easily found excellent quality items, which I purchased at very attractive prices.

I did not want to buy gifts for my friends and family in souvenir shops. Everything is very traditional there, but I wanted unusual things. I recommend looking for them at Christmas markets. You can walk along them for a very long time, because a great many interesting trinkets. They perfectly convey the spirit of the upcoming holidays. not only at the time of purchase, but also at home, bringing back memories of this wonderful place.

I live in Volgograd, where snow falls rarely and not for long. And here I was able to enjoy it to the fullest. He white, not gray, as I used to see.

What to see in Prague in winter

Wander across the Charles Bridge, because at this time of the year it will be not only still beautiful, but already not so crowded. Some museums are open in winter which you should definitely visit. For example:

  • Kafka;
  • Alphonse Mucha;
  • toys.

Just don't forget that museums have different opening hours in winter. They are open until 6 pm.

Can go feed the swans located near the Kafka Museum. They are very hungry at this time of the year, so they will be happy with a treat.

Prague in winter is real magic a must see for everyone!

This city is beautiful at any time of the year, regardless of the time when you plan to go to Prague.

In autumn, the foliage on the trees of the city is full of orange and red colors. Winter covers everything around with snow, and heavy gray shade vintage house allows you to make dramatic photos. In spring, birds chirp, nature blooms and plays with green colors. And summer in Prague brings warmth and clear blue skies.

The weather in Prague is not characterized by extreme temperatures: it is rarely too cold in winter and too hot in summer.

Here is a graph of average daily temperatures in Prague:

What to do in Prague in winter

It is not very cold in Prague in winter. But, since the air humidity is quite high here, even at -5 degrees of frost, there is a significant cold that penetrates you completely, and only hot soup or a glass of mulled wine will warm you up.

In winter, the sun usually hides behind the clouds, the city is enveloped in fog, and the old medieval buildings look even more ancient, giving Prague a gray mysterious areola. So, waking up in the winter in Prague in bad mood, looking out the window and seeing such gray colors, a feeling of deep melancholy may come over. Only the hugs of a loved one will help to cope with it or tasty breakfast in one of the restaurants in the city.

There are many reasons to visit Prague in winter. The most significant of them is the absence of huge crowds of tourists. Winter is the time when locals fill the city. Of course, there are still tourists, but not as many as in summer time. In winter, you don’t have to get up at 5 in the morning to wander along the Charles Bridge without stepping on anyone’s heels, during this period even in evening time there are very few people here.

In winter, in Prague you will not see huge tourist groups scurrying around the city, crying children everywhere and crowds of people in front of every significant attraction. The city is completely at your disposal. Everything is open and accessible: shops, museums, cafes, show programs. And in the most inclement weather, you can ride in a tourist bus and listen to the guide’s stories about interesting places and buildings that you will see through the window while driving along the route.

Christmas and New Year in Prague

If you plan to go to Prague in winter, then it is better to visit this city during the Christmas festivities. In Prague during Christmas and New Year celebrations, you can see everything you expect from such holidays. The city turns into a huge old fair, various souvenirs are sold in small wooden stalls self made, toys and Czech sweets, and the pleasant smell of hot wine spreads in the air. With a huge decorated Christmas tree central square and festive Czech songs a good mood is guaranteed.

Winter festival for connoisseurs of opera and classical music

A few weeks later, in early January, the annual Winter Festival begins. These days, people from all over the world come to Prague to watch the best opera performances and listen to classical music. This festival is for those who dream of hearing the sounds of a violin in an old four-hundred-year-old cathedral, as well as tasting the finest wines from around the world.

What to do in Prague in summer

You can't go wrong if you decide to go to Prague in the summer, especially if you like it when there are many, many people around. Charles Bridge in the summer is a real meat grinder, hordes of people enter the bridge, propping each other up and grinding in the center. Small narrow streets are bursting at the seams, not accommodating all the tourists. You will see a lot of funny personalities from all over the world trying in vain to figure out the maps and taking pictures of everything in their path. Most of them in good mood and happy that they came to Prague.

You can relax right on the lawn

In ancient castles and churches, you can hide from the hot and scorching sun. There are many benches throughout the city where you can relax and look at the people passing by. Tired of long walks on the cobbled pavement, you can just sit on the grass on the lawn in the parks or the Royal Garden. On a warm summer day, there is nothing more pleasant than climbing a small hill next to the castle, sitting on the grass and enjoying beautiful view to this beautiful city.

Czech beer

Oh, and don't forget the beer. Unlike most beers around the world, Czech beers are not as carbonated, so they drink very gently. A glass of cold foamy beer in your hands will help you cool off on a hot day and feel all the love for Prague. Treat yourself comfortably in the open area of ​​some Prague cafe, listen to the music coming from all directions and the noise of the popular tourist city, and take a sip of a real Czech pilsner...

During the summer season, Prague hosts many different shows, opera performances, festivals, entertainment on the river, in parks and restaurant courtyards.

Your vacation will be unforgettable, because you will leave for vivid impressions to the most romantic city in the world! But despite the fact that Prague is beautiful at any time of the year, it will be right if you prepare in advance for the seasonal nuances and choose best time for your journey.

Climate in Prague: nature has no bad weather

The climatic features of the Czech Republic are dictated by the successful geographical location- after all, the country is located in the very center of Europe. Soft warm winter and hot summer, velvety autumn and early fragrant spring - many people only dream of such a climate as in the Czech Republic.

Winter in Prague average temperature is within -5°C. But a tourist needs to be prepared for precipitation in the form of rain and sleet, so an umbrella will come in handy for sure. On New Year's Eve, as a rule, frosty sunny, although short, days are set. The thermometer can show up to -6 or even up to -10 ° C. But already in February there is a warming. There are no usual snowfalls or abnormal rains at this time either. The winter months are perfect for tourists to celebrate the Catholic Christmas or celebrate the New Year in Prague, as well as for shopping, sightseeing and staying in Czech spas for the purpose of recovery.

In March and April, the air warms up to + 15-20 ° C, and the sun on the streets of Prague becomes more. Nature rejoices and flourishes, but sometimes it can cool the traveler's ardor with cool rain. The tourist season is already open at this time! You can go to Prague, and to the resort places of the Czech Republic, and on excursions around Europe. With the onset of May (a constant temperature of +16-20 ° C is set), life is in full swing: people go to Prague to celebrate weddings, festivals are held here, folk holidays And various events are picking up the pace.

Summer in Prague is warm at first, and then hot. And even if in June at a temperature of + 25 ° C a refreshing breeze comes up or it rains, these gusts will not spoil your mood at all. July, almost 30-degree heat can defuse a brief downpour. Sunny August is a little calmer than the peak of summer. Summer rains are not long and cold, but you should have an umbrella and a light windbreaker at hand.

According to many, the most comfortable weather in Prague is set in early autumn. The temperature is kept at +15-20°C. All tourists, young and old, feel great. In October, the rainy season begins, but the famous Czech resorts are always cozy. November, as usual, brings surprises in the form of night frosts, the temperature during the day rarely rises above +5°C. But there is no crowd near the city attractions, and you can enjoy Prague in a calm mode.

Going to Prague, you should dress according to the season, do not forget an umbrella and, most importantly, have comfortable shoes. Urban pavers are not compatible with high heels. Tourists will have to walk a lot, so if you are going to Prague, you should put a spare sweater and sneakers in your suitcase.

For the first visit to Prague, 5-8 days is enough. During this period, you will be able to visit the main attractions in the capital and its suburbs, and also, perhaps, go for a day, for example, to Cesky Krumlov or Karlovy Vary. But most importantly, you will feel the rhythm of the amazing city and will definitely want to come here at another time of the year. So you will discover the many-sided and magnificent Prague.

Spring in Prague: time for festivals and holidays

In spring, Prague is immersed in blooming greenery. Fabulously beautiful trees, flower beds and clearings create a luxurious backdrop for magnificent medieval architecture. Already in March, you can fully enjoy walks around the city and the Vltava River. The air is literally saturated with aromas flowering shrubs, Czech lilac, cherry, magnolia.

You can travel around spring Prague with a guide and on your own, on foot and by tram. The Krzhizhikovy Fountains begin to work - a magnificent show of illuminated streams of water that rise high above the ground to the sound of music. Dinopark and water park are popular with children and adults.

After winter, all palaces and museums open their doors, various cultural events are held. In March, international film festivals "Days of European Film" and "Febiofest" (new auteur films) are held in Prague. Since the beginning of April, Easter fairs have been organized on Wenceslas and Old Town Squares. At the end of the month, you can visit the Walpurgisnacht festival and take part in a fun event to destroy evil forces.

May starts with the Cherry Blossoms in Petřín Festival. And you should definitely go up to the observation deck of the Petrin Tower to see Prague in lilac-pink-green splendor.

In the same month, the International Book Fair and the world-famous "Prague Spring", where famous maestros gather to perform classical music. The famous Czech Beer Festival begins in mid-May and lasts a couple of weeks.

The most popular places to visit in spring:

    Wallenstein Palace,

    Mala Strana Historic District,

    Prague Castle,

    Wenceslas Square,

    The Charles Bridge,

    old town square,

    Medieval town hall with chimes (Orloj),

    Fortress "Vyshegrad"

    St. Vitus Cathedral,

    Loreta complex,

    Strahov Monastery.

In spring, prices for accommodation and services after the winter period begin to rise slightly. This is understandable, spring in Prague is taking its toll - more and more weddings, festivities, holidays. It's time to get maximum impressions and pleasures!

Summer in Prague: gentle sun and a sea of ​​emotions

Summer in Prague perfect time for holidays with children. There are "DinoparkPraha", a zoo, "AquapalacePraha", Lego, toys and chocolate museums. Boat trips along the Vltava River will give you a lot of impressions.

However, at this time, not only families go to Prague, but also couples, and alone - no one will be bored here. You can safely walk around the city even at night. Here, nightclubs and restaurants are open until late. Tasting Czech beer on open terraces, anticipating a miracle in front of the Orla clock on the tower of the old town hall, a journey into History along the Charles Bridge, romantic walks along the Vltava River, choosing souvenirs in cozy boutiques, walking along Prague streets and back streets - all this will make you feel on the very first day quiet delight. Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, and every morning you will wake up in a hotel, looking forward to the joy of meeting with a city that so generously endows you with emotions.

In summer, all the sights of Prague and its suburbs are available, but you should definitely see:

    Prague Castle,

    Cathedral of St. Vita,


    old town square,

    The Charles Bridge,

    wenceslas square,

    Royal Garden in Hradcany,

    Waldstein garden

    Dancing House,

    Museums (Kafka, Contemporary visual arts, Chocolate, etc.)

In the summer, Prague experiences a real onslaught of tourists. Therefore, a hotel room must be booked in advance, otherwise do not rely on the best combination of price and quality.

Autumn in Prague: a muse for artists

Zlata Prague looks luxurious even during the rains. Autumn landscapes are colorful and picturesque, viewing platforms are especially popular at this time of the year. Definitely worth going to river trip along the Vltava and admire the colors of the city.

Walking the streets in September-October is pleasant - in the yard the so-called the Velvet season.

In September and October, the main attractions of Prague continue to work actively for tourists. Closer to winter, some museums will switch to a sparing regime, while others will go on vacation until spring. But in the fall it activates night life. In Prague there are clubs and restaurants with live music, varied cuisine and interesting interiors. Art lovers can watch performances by Czech masters in Prague theaters.

    Fortress of kings Vysehrad,

    Sights of Prague Castle,

    Old Town Square and all the historical buildings and monuments adjacent to it.

    jewish city,

    Park on the island of Kampa

    Theaters and museums.

Walking along the Charles Bridge, be sure to touch the statue of John of Nepomuk and make a wish.

At the beginning of autumn, it is good to go on a day trip to the Prague suburbs or deep into the Czech Republic. And if you have 2-3 days left, then we advise you to go to Vienna, Munich or Dresden.

Winter in Prague: a fairy tale for Christmas

In winter, people most often go to Prague for two reasons: to watch Advent, Catholic Christmas, or to meet New Year, and in the second half of January and February, during the season of maximum discounts, you should come here for shopping.

Catholic Christmas is celebrated on the night of December 24-25, but you can admire the festive Prague already in the first decade of December - Advent is coming. The city is immersed in illumination and bright lights. Walking through the streets, squares, Charles Bridge will leave an indelible impression. On the day of St. Nicholas in the medieval streets of Prague, you can meet Angels and Bishops in tiaras, who treat children with sweets and ask them about desires.

The main Christmas tree - a real one, from the forestry - is set up on the Old Town Square. The main Christmas market is also held here. You can spend the whole day on it, tasting sweets, Czech sausages and mulled wine, choosing souvenirs.

At the Christmas market, the focus is on the nativity scene, where the first moments of the life of Christ are recreated. The image of the sacred manger, sculptures and compositions with the Virgin Mary and the baby Christ can be seen everywhere these days, including in the windows of residential buildings.

At the festive bazaars, you can meet live goats and lambs, buy copper bells and musical Santa Claus, a jester's hat and a chic candle. Pay attention to the fish that they sell everywhere - this is the Christmas carp, without which the Czechs cannot imagine their New Year's table. Carp for them is like nassalat Olivier on holiday table. Following Czech traditions, carp can be bought, fried and eaten, and the scales put in a wallet. There is a second option: to release the carp into the waters of the Vltava.

At Christmas midnight from December 24 to 25, crowds of tourists gather at the town hall and watch the opening of the Orloi clock on the tower. At this time, the bells on the Prague churches ring. If you wish, you can go to Mass in the Church of the Virgin Mary or the Basilica of St. George.

If you are in Prague during this period, then you need to take into account that clubs, museums, restaurants and supermarkets stop working here from December 24, and even city transport changes its schedule. The life of the city will return to its usual rhythm only after the Catholic Christmas.

It is better to plan a meeting of the New Year in advance, for example, in a restaurant, a nightclub or a theater. There is always “ Bat”, and at the National Nutcracker Theatre. You can take a boat and, sailing along the waters of the Vltava, admire the fireworks and the city at night.

During Christmas and New Year's days, you should definitely visit:

    old town square,

    wenceslas square,

    The Charles Bridge

Come to the Czech Republic winter fairy tale in Prague will remain in your heart for life.

Enchanting Prague is amazing at any time of the year! Each season opens up new, unique facets of the beautiful old city for tourists. It even becomes a pity that you can’t fit them all into a limited vacation time. You will have to choose when it is better to go to Prague, and our article will help you do it!

Of course, there are no universal answers, and you should listen to yourself - what causes an inner response and anticipation of a miracle? Then, after visiting the Czech capital for the first time, you can repeat this experience at another time! And it will be a completely new, exciting adventure.

Prague in summer - the peak of tourist fun

During the holidays, in the summer, Prague is very attractive for most tourists. The weather is beautiful, which allows you to walk for long hours along the streets and parks, enjoy boat trips along the Vltava, sit up late at night on the open terraces of restaurants, testing the validity of the glorious reputation of Czech beer. The beautiful architecture of the city is magnificent in the bright sunshine and you will make a lot of great pictures. In Prague, all museums and castles are open in summer.

Many consider summer in Prague to be the best tourist season. And this creates a certain specificity. A lot of people appear in the city, especially in such iconic places as, or. Accommodation prices are rising, and rooms in good hotels should be booked in advance. However, there is a way to save money. This ! When you drive yourself, you are flexible in actions and decisions, so you can even in summer.

And to avoid crowds of tourists, sometimes you can turn off the usual tourist routes and see little-known, .

Weather in Prague in summer

Prague in June pleases with quite comfortable weather for walking around the city and its wonderful gardens, as well as for sightseeing. The average temperature is +22 during the day and +11 at night, which allows you to admire the city without suffering from either heat or cold. But do not forget an umbrella - it rains quite often in June.

Drive to Prague in July will allow you to feel all the charm of the gardens and parks of Prague. On average, in July, the daytime air temperature is +24, and at night +14 degrees, so you can afford magical walks around Prague at night. However, rains are not uncommon in July, and therefore it is always appropriate to take an umbrella with you.

Prague in August continues to pamper tourists with warmth, and sometimes heat. The weather in August is almost the same as in July: +24 during the day and +13 at night.

Generally summer months it is often rainy in Prague - keep this in mind when planning your vacation in Prague.

Prague in autumn - the velvet season and the atmosphere of old Europe

The first half of autumn in Prague is still the tourist season, but at this time there are fewer people, and prices start to drop a little. Walking through the old year is very pleasant even in the daytime, since the summer heat is no longer there. It gets cool in the evenings, and this makes a variety of cultural events such as music concerts especially attractive. A special impression on tourists is made by evening masses in temples, accompanied by organ music. The closer to winter, the cheaper Prague is. On the other hand, some tourist sites closed to the public, it rains more often.

But autumn Prague is beautiful in its own way! Such a unique atmosphere does not exist at any other time. Yellow leaves, cloudy skies, cool winds and relatively empty streets create a special feeling of medieval Europe. late autumn in Prague, you should take care of warm clothes and have an umbrella with you. And if the weather does not give you the opportunity to wander through the beautiful streets all day long, wonderful streets are waiting for you - they are presented in the Czech capital for every taste!

Weather in Prague in autumn

Prague in September still happy warm weather, although the average air temperature is already +20 degrees during the day and +10 at night. If you are interested in the sights of Prague, then this is quite comfortable weather for exploring them.

Prague in October allows you to admire the special beauty and feel the atmosphere of European autumn. You can no longer do without a jacket or coat - during the day on the street on average +13, at night +5, and therefore tourists are more and more interested in numerous cultural events, which abound in Prague in autumn.

Prague in November- It's almost a winter city. During this period, humidity is very high in Prague (however, it is always quite high here). The average daytime temperature drops to +7 degrees, and at night - to +2. Warm up, especially when walking along the river!

Prague in winter - a magical Christmas tale

The snow-covered roofs of ancient buildings make Prague extraordinarily beautiful in winter. At this time of the year, there are fewer tourists than ever, so dressing well, you can enjoy the emptiness of the streets. Restaurants will warm you up with hot drinks, and hotels will delight you with reduced prices. The exception is, of course, the Christmas period - at this time many tourists flock to Prague.

During the Christmas and New Year holidays, the city comes to life again and is incredibly transformed. The unique Christmas charm of the Czech capital attracts many tourists here. On the old streets and squares of Prague, elegantly decorated for the holidays, Christmas markets are held. Everything becomes noisy again, but in a special way, with a unique flavor of Prague Christmas. And how beautiful winter evenings when there is no need to run somewhere, but you can carelessly admire the falling snow around the lanterns from the window of a cozy cafe! Traveling to Prague in winter is a great opportunity to get into a winter fairy tale.

Weather in Prague in winter

If we compare the winter weather in Prague and, for example, in Russia, then in the Czech capital the winter is milder. True, you should take into account the high humidity, due to which even at positive temperatures it can be quite chilly, especially if you are near the water. So if you are going to Prague in winter, warm up.

Prague in December. This month you will find many pleasant bonuses in the form of magical Christmas illuminations and festive mood in Prague, which you will certainly feel if you go. But dress warmly. There are no severe frosts here, on average the temperature fluctuates around zero: +1 during the day and -2 at night.

Weather in Prague in January slightly different from December. On average, the air temperature ranges from +1 to -4 degrees.

Prague in February may become a couple of degrees warmer than in previous winter months. The average monthly temperature during the day is +3, and at night -3 degrees.

Prague in spring - a romantic blooming garden

When the weather improves almost daily, young leaves appear on the trees, and flower beds in the city's many gardens begin to shine with an iridescent variety of flowers, Prague becomes the focus of love and beauty. Spring in Prague will especially delight romantic travelers. It is already warm during the day, and you can walk around the city for a long time, considering the numerous. And the evenings are still cool, and you want to cuddle closer to your loved one ...

The closer to summer, the more spirit is felt in spring Prague tourist season. Prices are rising, museums are opening after " hibernation"There are more and more people. In the second half of May, the famous Beer Festival is held, and it becomes one of the stages of the transition to summer fun. Spring is a great time to go (for example, during the holidays).

Weather in Prague in spring

Prague in March begins to warm up gradually: during the day, on average, up to +8, at night - about 0 degrees.

Prague in April allows more and more to walk in the fresh air, because during the day the average temperature rises to +14, and at night to +4 degrees.

Prague in May attracts more and more tourists, as it becomes warmer and more comfortable: around +19 during the day, +8 at night. At the same time, it often rains - May in Prague is considered one of the rainiest months.

Whenever you decide to go to Prague, and whatever the weather, remember one of the main secrets have a good travel. Your positive attitude and inner joy - that's the source of positivity and celebration around you. This rule applies to all seasons!

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