People often turn to psychological tests in order to get to know themselves better, to understand the nature of existing problems, or simply out of curiosity. Tests help to understand their psychological nature and the nature of the emergence of thoughts and decisions.

As almost everyone knows, the right and left hemispheres of the brain are responsible for different functions. This means that all human decisions are made under the influence of one or the second hemisphere, that is, different ways of thinking. In some people, the influence of the right hemisphere prevails, in others - the left. But there are also people whose brain hemispheres work evenly, that is, there is no definite dominant influence of one hemisphere on the decisions, thoughts and actions of a person.

To determine the leading hemisphere of the brain, there are a number of different psychological tests. Some can be accessed on the Internet by clicking on the suggested answers provided by the system to complete certain tasks. And there are tests that you can pass yourself, following the prescribed instructions.

Hemispheres of the brain

To begin with, it is worth pointing out the functions of the cerebral hemispheres. This is necessary so that the person taking the test knows which hemisphere is responsible for which functions.

Right hemisphere of the human brain responsible for creative thinking . This means that the activity of this hemisphere implies the integrity of perception, imagery and emotionality. A person whose right hemisphere is dominant is more sensitive and also tends to rely on his intuition in making decisions.

Left hemisphere, as you might already guess, is the opposite of the right one, which means it is responsible for functions of a completely different nature. This hemisphere is responsible for logical thinking. Its leading role means that a person has stronger analytical abilities, as well as linguistic inclinations.

There are also ambidexters - people whose cerebral hemispheres work on an equal footing. This means that a person equally uses both the creative and analytical abilities of his brain.

Test to determine the leading hemisphere of the brain

In order to determine leading hemisphere of your brain, you can pass a fairly simple test, which involves completing four simple tasks. When completing the assigned tasks, it is recommended to record the results on paper so that you simply do not forget. At the end, it should just be a combination of four letters.

So, what is this test:

As a result, it turned out four letter combination. It is by it that you can already determine your type of thinking and the leading hemisphere of the brain.

The reader will now be able to learn about what is his mindset, using the results obtained from the test above. The transcript of the letter combinations obtained as a result of passing the test is attached below:

The hemispheres of the human brain perform different functions: the first is responsible for imagination, creative skills, imaginative thinking, and the second performs logical, abstract tasks, it is also responsible for language and mathematical abilities. A person cannot exist normally in society if the work of one or another hemisphere is significantly impaired, but, as a rule, parts of the brain are developed differently in different people. Depending on heredity, upbringing conditions, brain training, a person may be better developed one or the other, it dominates the second and takes responsibility for solving many problems.

Without special medical equipment, it is impossible to say exactly which hemisphere in a person is better developed and to what extent it prevails over the second. But there are some pretty simple tests, which allow you to identify which part of the brain a person uses in certain cases, which helps to approximately establish his “right hemisphere” or “left hemisphere”.

One of the most popular tests is physiological. It checks which part of the body you use the most in different situations, and depending on this, suggests which hemisphere works better. The left hemisphere is responsible for the work of the right side of the body, and vice versa. Fold your hands in the castle and look at which thumb is on top. Now cross your arms over your chest, noting which hand is on top. You can also clap your hands and see how comfortable it is for you - when the right or left hand is on top. Based on these three simple tests, you can determine which hand you use more often. If right, then your left hemisphere is better developed, if left, then right. But this method is very approximate, it does not allow to reveal the brain with great accuracy.

You can use the visual method. There are special and animations that check the work of the hemispheres. You can find them on the Internet, most often they use the image of a spinning girl. People with a developed left hemisphere see that it is spinning clockwise, others think that it is moving counterclockwise. The more one or another hemisphere dominates, the more difficult it is to “rebuild” your vision and see how a girl in reverse side.

The most accurate way to determine how your brain works is through more extensive tests with questions that help determine not only which hands you use and how you see certain pictures, but also your abilities in mathematics, language disciplines, art your habits and preferences. Such texts can be found in specialized literature or on the Internet. They include questions such as “Do you consider yourself a conservative?”, “Are you good at navigating the area?”, “Do you like it?”, “Do you trust your intuition?”. Based on the answers, we can conclude which one prevails: the left side of the brain is responsible for orientation on the terrain, conservatism is also inherent in people with a developed left hemisphere, and “right hemisphere” people have a more developed intuition.

As you know, our brain consists of two hemispheres: left and right. At the same time, the right hemisphere mainly "serves" the left side of the body: it receives most of the information from the left eye, ear, left arm, leg, etc. and transmits commands, respectively, to the left arm, leg. The left hemisphere serves the right side.

As you know, our brain consists of two hemispheres: left and right.

At the same time, the right hemisphere mainly “serves” the left side of the body.: receives most of the information from the left eye, ear, left hand, foot, etc. and transmits commands, respectively, to the left arm, leg.

The left hemisphere serves the right side.

Usually one of the hemispheres in a person is dominant, which is reflected in individual personality traits. For example, left-brained people are more drawn to science. Right hemispheric people are more inclined to engage in art or areas of activity that require individual imaginative solutions. The vast majority of great creators - composers, writers, poets, musicians, artists, etc. - "right-brained" people.

How to determine the dominant hemisphere

Test 1

Name colors, not what is written. The right hemisphere of the brain recognizes colors, the left hemisphere reads. In this exercise, the hemispheres are balanced and their interaction is trained. To be safe, the test starts and ends with 'correct' word-color combinations.

Test 2

Optical effects - light and shade form a three-dimensional image. In a picture or photograph, you can see a lunar crater, and turning 180 degrees - a mountain, and this is not only an illusion, but a feature of vision, a visual habit of the eye that the daylight of the sun goes from top to bottom.

Lunar craters (first photo). When the photo is rotated 180 degrees (second photo), “mountains” appear in the picture.

Test 3

Optical illusions (optical illusion, glitches) - image rotation, flickering and other visual illusions. If you look too long, there is an aftereffect (looking away, on White background, you can see the same picture).

Regular but regular (morning and afternoon) workout vestibular apparatus(turns, tilts, rotations, stretching upwards, standing on toes and looking up) - develops a sense of balance and coordination of movements, as well as strengthens the psyche and stabilizes certain field structures of a person (stability of the so-called astral body, etc.)

In the event of an increase blood pressure, the appearance of headaches and dizziness during training - temporarily focus on both points E36 (zu-san-li), or perform a light acupressure to align your energy along the meridians. Grounding in time - everyday, household chores, physical education and sports, walks in nature.

Note: look at the pictures "Optical Illusions" - no longer than 15 minutes in a row, so as not to shake your psyche.

Test 4

According to the rezulattas, there is an example of one English unviertiset, not ieemt zachneiya, in the cookery, the bkuvy in the salt are right. Galvone, chotby preav and ploendya bkvuy blyi on the site. Osatlyne bkuvy mgout seldovt in a plonm bsepordyak, everything is torn tkest chtaitseya without straps. Pichryony egoto means that we don’t read every single letter from a distance, but everything is a solvo clique.

Test 5

What do you see?

If a girl - you have developed the right hemisphere of the brain. If the old woman is left.

Test 6

Find the male head in this picture (look for no more than 3 minutes).

If you have completed the task:

    in less than 3 seconds, then your right hemisphere of your brain is better developed than most people;

    within 1 minute is a normal result;

    if within 1–3 min. - your right hemisphere is poorly developed, you need to eat more meat protein;

    if the search took you more than 3 minutes - not good ...

Test 7

Below is a picture, when considering which, depending on which hemisphere of your brain is active, the object will move in a certain direction. In this case, either clockwise or counterclockwise. So…

If you see this girl moving clockwise, then your right hemisphere is active in this moment. If it moves counterclockwise, then you are using the left hemisphere. Some may see it moving in both directions.

Try to make it move in the opposite direction using the other hemisphere. Can you do it.

Look to the side and look at the girl again, after a while she will start moving in the opposite direction. Also, some people have discovered that you can look at her legs and she will again change direction.

Experiments have shown that two different areas of the brain are responsible for different types mental activity.

Usually people use only one hemisphere, which is characteristic of their type of thinking. But there are individuals who work with both hemispheres.

There are schools that favor one hemisphere over the other. So schools that develop the left hemisphere concentrate their attention on logical thinking, analysis and accuracy. Whereas the right brain school focuses on aesthetics, feelings and creativity.

And note:

Areas of specialization of the left hemisphere:

Processing verbal information: The left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for your language abilities. This hemisphere controls speech and the ability to read and write.

It also remembers facts, names, dates and their spelling.

Analytical thinking: The left hemisphere is responsible for logic and analysis. It analyzes all the facts.

Literal understanding of words: The left hemisphere can only understand literal sense words.

Consistent thinking: Information is processed by the left hemisphere sequentially in stages.

Mathematical Ability: Numbers and symbols are also recognized by the left hemisphere.

Logical, analytical approaches, which are necessary for solving mathematical problems, are also a product of the work of the left hemisphere.

Control over the movements of the right half of the body. When you raise your right hand, it means that the command to raise it came from the left hemisphere.

Areas of specialization of the right hemisphere:

Processing non-verbal information: The right hemisphere specializes in processing information, which is expressed not in words, but in symbols and images.

Parallel information processing: Unlike the left hemisphere, which processes information only in a clear sequence, the right hemisphere can process a lot of different information at the same time. It is able to consider the problem as a whole without applying analysis.

The right hemisphere also recognizes faces, and thanks to him we can perceive the totality of traits as a single whole.

Spatial orientation: The right hemisphere is responsible for the perception of location and spatial orientation in general. It is thanks to the right hemisphere that you can navigate the terrain and make mosaic puzzle pictures.

Musicality: Musical abilities, as well as the ability to perceive music, depend on the right hemisphere, although, however, the left hemisphere is responsible for musical education.

Metaphors: With the help of the right hemisphere, we understand metaphors and the results of the work of another's imagination. Thanks to him, we can understand not only the literal meaning of what we hear or read. For example, if someone says: “He is hanging on my tail,” then it is the right hemisphere that will understand exactly what this person wanted to say.

Imagination: The right hemisphere gives us the ability to dream and fantasize. With the help of the right hemisphere, we can compose various stories. By the way, the question "What if ..." also asks the right hemisphere.

Artistic Ability: The right hemisphere is responsible for the ability to visual arts.

Emotions: Although emotions are not a product of the functioning of the right hemisphere, it is associated with them more closely than the left.

Sex: The right hemisphere is responsible for sex, unless, of course, you are too concerned with the very technique of this process.

Mystic: The right hemisphere is responsible for mysticism and religiosity.

Dreams: The right hemisphere is also responsible for dreams.

Controls the movements of the left half of the body: When you lift left hand, which means that the command to lift it came from the right hemisphere.published If you have any questions on this topic, ask them to specialists and readers of our project

And now let's move on to a test that allows you to determine which hemisphere of the brain dominates in a given person or this person has a happy property of balance between both hemispheres, as well as to establish the strengths and weaknesses of the predominance of one or another hemisphere.

As a reminder, for most people, the left hemisphere of the brain deals with analysis, operates in sequence and logic mode, and controls language functions, academic acquisition, and rationality. The right hemisphere is characterized by creative thinking and intuition. It is in it, as a rule, that the ideas of works of art and musical works are born.

The proposed test is aimed at identifying the relationship between the roles of the functions of the cerebral hemispheres. For this, four signs are used, which are innate and, as a rule, do not change until the end of life. True, with one amendment: with strong excitement, the leading hemispheres can change roles. Therefore, for the purity of testing, a certain tranquility of your mood is required (classical music is turned on).

Test "Right or left hemisphere?"

So let's get started!

1. Interlace your fingers several times, and you will notice that the same finger is always on top. An emotional person will have a left finger on top, with a predominance of an analytical mindset - the right one.

2. Try, taking a pencil or pen, on an outstretched hand to combine it (her) with any vertical line (door, window). Now alternately close the left and right eyes. When you close the "leading" eye, the object that you hold in your hand will move relative to the aiming line. The right leading eye speaks of a firm, persistent, more aggressive character, the left - of a soft and compliant. 3. If, when interlacing the arms on the chest, the left hand is at the top, then you are capable of coquetry, the right hand is prone to simplicity and innocence. 4. If you feel comfortable clapping with your right hand, you can talk about a decisive character, with your left - you often hesitate before making a decision.

Evaluation of results: If the results obtained are denoted by the letters P (right) and L (left), depending on the leading eye or hand, a combination of four letters will be obtained (one of 16 possible combinations). Each combination corresponds to a psychological mini-portrait. The difference between your own idea of ​​your person and the description of a mini-portrait should not surprise you, because in fact these are theoretical types, and each of us is always somewhere on their borders.

Now let's decipher the types! PPPP- the type is characterized by conservatism, orientation to the generally accepted

opinion (on a stereotype). He does not like to conflict, argue and quarrel. PPPL- the defining character trait of this type is indecision. PPLP- the type is characterized by coquetry, determination, sense of humor, artistry. When communicating with him, humor and determination are needed. This is a very contact type of character. It occurs most frequently in women.

PPLL- a rare type of character. Close to the previous one, but softer. There is some contradiction between indecision (left applause) and firmness of character (right leading eye). PLPP- a type of character that combines an analytical mindset and softness. More common in women - the type of "business" woman. Slow addiction, caution, tolerance in relationships and some coldness. PLPL- the weakest and rarest type of character. Owners of this nature are defenseless, subject to various influences. They are usually found in women. LPPP- this combination is very common. The main feature is emotionality, combined with insufficient perseverance. The type lends itself to someone else's influence, and this allows you to adapt to various living conditions. Happy in friends, easily converges with people. LPPL- characterized by softness, naivety. It requires a special, attentive attitude towards itself - the type of "little queen". LLPP- the type is characterized by friendliness and simplicity, some dispersion of interests, a tendency to introspection. LLPL- in the nature of the type, simplicity, gentleness, gullibility prevail. A very rare type, almost never found in men. LLLP- emotional, energetic and decisive type. But often hastily makes decisions that bring serious complications. The additional brake mechanism is very important. Men with this character are less emotional. LLLL- a person with an anti-conservative character. Able to look at old things in a new way. Characterized by emotionality, selfishness, stubbornness, sometimes turning into isolation. LPLP- the strongest type of character. It's hard to convince him of anything. It is difficult to change your point of view. But at the same time, he is energetic, stubbornly achieving his goals. LPLL- very similar to the previous type of character. The same perseverance in achieving goals. The owners of this character are stable people, it is sometimes impossible to convince them. They are prone to introspection, finding new friends with difficulty. PLLP- the type has an easy character. Happily knows how to avoid conflicts, likes to travel. Finds friends easily. However, he often changes his hobbies. PLLL- the type is inherent in inconstancy and independence, the desire to do everything yourself. The ability to analyze helps to successfully solve complex problems. Usually seems gentle, but becomes demanding and even cruel when it comes down to it.

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Back in 1981, scientists from the USSR came up with a test that allows you to determine the dominant hemisphere of the human brain with incredible accuracy. The different hemispheres are responsible for different actions, thinking and approach to problem solving.

Knowing which hemisphere is better developed, you can choose the most suitable profession or explain your seemingly strange behavior in any situation. And parents can determine the skills and talents of the child and, depending on this, decide whether to send him to chess section, for example, or drawing.

website invites you to take this test, and at the end will tell you a few interesting facts about you.

Before you start, get ready

Take 2 sheets of paper: on one you will record the results, and the second you will need to complete some points. After completing each task, mark the result by writing it down on paper. The entire test will take you no more than 7 minutes.

1. Interlace your fingers

Put your hands together and interlace your fingers. Thumb which hand is on top?

If the left hand, then put the letter "P" on the sheet, if the right hand - the letter "L".

  • There is no error here. Each hemisphere of the brain controls opposite side body, so if dominated right hand, then it is the left hemisphere, and vice versa.

2. Rosenbach test

Take a pencil in your hand and stretch it out in front of your eyes, as in the picture. Now look at the tip of the pencil and take aim. Close first one eye, then the other. When you close which eye, the image shifts the most?

If, when the right eye is closed, the image shifts more, then put the letter “L” on the sheet, if the left one - “P”. If the image is shifted equally, then put "zero".

3. Napoleonic pose

Stand up and cross your arms over your chest like in the picture. Which hand is on top? If the left hand - put "P", if the right - "L".

4. Applause

Clap your hands and notice which hand is on top of you.

If the left palm - put the letter "P", if the right - the letter "L".

5. Cross your legs

Squat down with your legs crossed. Which leg is on top? If right - put the letter "L", if left - the letter "P".

6. Wink

Which eye did you wink with? If right - "L", left - "P".

7. Rotation

Get on your feet and rotate a little around your axis. In which direction did you turn? Counterclockwise - "L", clockwise - "P".

8. Strokes

Take the second sheet. Now with each hand, not to mention, draw several vertical strokes in a row. Then count the strokes. Which hand did you draw more strokes with?

If you drew more with your left hand, write the letter "P", if with your right hand - the letter "L". If the lines are the same number, then write "zero".

9. Circle

With either hand, draw a circle and complete it with an arrow. If the line goes counterclockwise - put "L", clockwise - "P".

It's time to enter your data into the formula. Don't be scared, it's easy

Count the number of letters "L" and enter this number in the upper left part of the formula. Count the letters "P" and enter the number on the right side of the formula.

Then calculate the result:

More than 30% - complete dominance left hemisphere.
From 10% to  30% - incomplete dominance of the left hemisphere.
From -10% to +10% - incomplete dominance of the right hemisphere.
More than -10% - complete dominance of the right hemisphere.

Some facts about you

  • The left hemisphere is the center of speech, so "left-brained" people like to talk. But the left hemisphere can only understand the literal meaning of words.
  • But the right hemisphere is responsible for intonation. "Right-brained" people speak little, but pay Special attention intonation.
  • The right hemisphere is sensitive to humor and understands metaphors.
  • The left hemisphere does not perceive music - the right one is responsible for it.
  • Identification of ordinary human faces- function of the right hemisphere. Therefore, "left-brained" people may not recognize you on the street.
  • "Left-brained" people like to delve into details, they are scrupulous.
  • The right hemisphere gives us the ability to dream and fantasize. With the help of the right hemisphere, we can make up different stories.
  • "Right hemispheric" first "grab" the image as a whole, and then highlight the details.
  • "Left hemispheric" first highlight the details, and the details form an idea of ​​the subject as a whole.
  • The right hemisphere is good at remembering emotions, feelings, personal experience.
  • The left hemisphere remembers logical connections, graphs and systems.