(branch) of Rostov State University of Economics(RINH) ”was formed on the basis of the Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute - TSPI (founded in 1955). The structure of the institution includes 6 faculties (see below for details), 16 departments, two laboratories, a center for advanced training. The university is the only one of its kind where teachers are trained using the best of the heritage of the national education system in combination with modern advanced technologies. Institute graduates work as teachers, directors, managers of leading institutions and organizations not only in the Russian Federation, but also in other regions of Russia.

Perpetual activity license: No. 1804 dated December 8, 2015

Attention! Information for the applicant

The teaching staff of the Institute has high level preparation. The staff includes doctors, candidates of sciences, professors and associate professors with a wealth of professional experience. The institution has modern equipment educational process and extracurricular activities: 5 academic buildings, two dormitories, a sports camp. Students are provided with comfortable conditions and a variety of opportunities to realize their hobbies in society, sports, creativity and leisure (for more details, see below).

Taganrog Institute named after A.P. Chekhov provides training in full-time, part-time and part-time forms of education on the budget and outside budgetary basis, on the basis of secondary general and vocational education. Students studying on a budgetary basis receive a scholarship, and distinguished students receive additional incentives, including from the President and the Government of the Russian Federation.

Undergraduate (13 areas of study, 33 profiles of study)

FORMS OF TRAINING: full-time, part-time, part-time.

Within the framework of the KTsP (budget financing): the main areas of preparation

  • 37.03.01 Psychology

List of directions, training profiles and entrance examinations: undergraduate budget. .

Extrabudgetary (according to agreements on education): main areas of preparation

  • 09.03.03 Applied Informatics
  • 37.03.01 Psychology
  • 38.03.02 Management
  • 39.03.03 Organization of work with youth
  • 40.03.01 Jurisprudence
  • 43.03.02 Tourism
  • 44.03.01 Pedagogical education
  • 44.03.02 Psychological and pedagogical education
  • 44.03.03 Special (defectological) education
  • 44.03.04 Professional education(by industry)
  • 44.03.05 Pedagogical education (with two training profiles)
  • 45.03.02 Linguistics
  • 46.03.01 History

62nd scientific student conference at the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics, Informatics On April 18, 2019, the traditional, already 62nd, scientific student conference worked at the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics, and Informatics.

VIII regional festival of choral and vocal music "Let's fill the hearts with music" of creative groups Rostov region April 19, 2019 at the base Taganrog Institute named after A.P. Chekhov hosted the VIII Regional Festival of Choral and Vocal Music “Let's Fill Our Hearts with Music” for students in general education institutions, the TsVR, the Children's Art School, the Children's Music School, the Palace of Culture, the secondary school and amateur groups.

Cooperation of the Taganrog Institute named after A.P. Chekhov with the Rostov Regional Institute for Advanced Studies and Professional Retraining of Education Workers continues on April 18, 2019 as part of the cooperation of the Taganrog Institute named after A.P. Chekhov with the Rostov Regional Institute for Advanced Studies and Professional Retraining of Education Workers, as well as with the South Russian Branch of the Association of Film Education and Media Pedagogy of the Russian Federation, the Department of Education of the Neklinovsky District, the Center for the Lifelong Economy education RANEPA and others, the I All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference (with international participation) was held.

Motor rally along the Mius Front On April 19, students of the groups IO-221, IO-222, RYAL-211 and RYAL-212 participated in solemn rallies at the memorial on Sambek Heights and at the Yakor monument near Matveyev Kurgan under the guidance of Associate Professor of the Department of History, Ph. i.n. Kachevsky P.S. and took part in a rally to places of military glory and historical memory times of the Great Patriotic War.

Scientific seminar “Philosophy of eudemonism in the work of A.P. Chekhov" with the participation of a specialist from the St. Petersburg state university CM. Falcari On April 12, in continuation of the work of the XI International Scientific Conference "Youth Chekhov Readings in Taganrog - 2019", a scientific seminar "The Philosophy of Eudemonism in the Works of A.P. Chekhov” with the participation of S.M. Falchari, lecturer at the Department of Russian Language for the Humanities and natural faculties Faculty of Philology, St. Petersburg State University.

Participation of the Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​in the X Scientific and Practical Conference at the Taganrog Pedagogical Boarding Lyceum From April 16 to 19, the X Scientific and Practical Conference was held at the Taganrog Pedagogical Boarding Lyceum. The Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, Candidate of Philological Sciences Elena Evgenievna Deberdeeva, was invited by the administration of the Lyceum and the head of the NOO (scientific society of students) "BRAIN" (Youth + Experience = Laws and Hypotheses) O.A. Umanets as a member of the jury for participation in the work of the philological section.

62nd Scientific and Practical Conference at the Faculty of Foreign Languages Chekhov On April 19, 2019, the 62nd scientific and practical student conference was held at the Faculty of Foreign Languages.

Lecture-discussion "Dystopia: Fiction and Reality" On April 8, within the framework of the work of the student scientific society "Slovesnik", a lecture-discussion "Dystopia: Fiction and Reality" was held with the participation of Priest George Kanchi.

Events for students of the 19th school from students of the "Speech therapy" profile On the basis of the Taganrog remedial school No. 19, 2nd year students of the Speech Therapy profile continue to learn how to interact with children with various disabilities.

Total dictation in Taganrog: summing up On April 20, 2019, a consultation with philologists took place on the results of writing the Total dictation, which was held by the dean of the faculty of PMD&DO, Ph.D. philol. Sciences, Associate Professor S.V. Garmash and acting head Department of the Russian language, culture and speech correction V.S. Anokhin.

About the university

In October 2010, the Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute celebrated its 55th anniversary. In this regard, the rector of the Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute - Doctor of Philology Irina Valerievna Golubeva answered the questions of the Taganrog Pravda (Taganrogskaya Pravda. 2010. No. 273-275. P. 9-12).
“If you knew how much Russia needs a good, smart, educated teacher…”

These days the Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute is celebrating its 55th anniversary. It seems that this university hardly needs a special introduction. If only because almost all residents of our city are familiar with its graduates. After all, more than 90% of teachers in Taganrog schools received higher education right here. TSPI today is big family teachers, both experienced and beginners. And the anniversary of the institute is a real city holiday. The rector of the TSPI, Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor Irina Golubeva tells about the history, traditions, prospects and mood prevailing at the university.

Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute celebrates its 55th anniversary
I.V. Golubeva, Rector of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "TGPI", Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor

State educational institution higher professional education "Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute" (GOUVPO "TGPI") is the "heir" of two Don universities: the Novocherkassk Teachers' Institute, founded back in 1911 and transferred to Taganrog on September 1, 1955, and the Taganrog Teachers' Institute .

Currently, TSPI occupies one of the leading places in the cultural, scientific and educational space of the Don region and the entire South of Russia. The university has successfully applied modern methods training and are used innovative forms organization of research work.

TSPI today is

* 9 faculties: Physics and Mathematics, Russian Language and Literature, Foreign Languages, Pedagogy and Methods primary education, Arts and Art Education, Social Pedagogy, Faculty of History, Informatics and Management, as well as the Faculty of Advanced Training and Retraining of Education Workers;
* 31 departments (including 5 general institute);
* modern library;
* department of education quality control and innovative technologies, Department pre-university training, Department educational work and employment, etc.

Research work in the state educational institution of higher professional education "Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute" is one of the major areas activities of the university. In general, the percentage of teachers with scientific degrees (of which about 40 are doctors of science) at the university was over 85%, which significantly exceeds the university norm. Among the 30 pedagogical universities in Russia with the status of "academy" and "institute", TSPI is in first place in this indicator.
To promptly reflect current events in the field of science and results scientific activity the university operates a scientific section of the site www.tgpi.ru and publishes Science Magazine"Bulletin of the Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute".

The number of state pedagogical universities is currently optimal, and destructive measures against them will ultimately have a negative impact on all Russian schools and education in general.

At the end of last year, the accreditation board of Rosobrnadzor confirmed the state accreditation of the state educational institution of higher professional education "Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute". TSPI is accredited and certified for the next five years with a positive assessment in all areas of activity.

“The upbringing of a future teacher, a person to whom the destinies of the future generation, and hence the future of the country, are handed down daily, becomes on the same level as questions national security states".


The Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute (GOUVPO "TGPI") - the "forge of teaching staff" for the South of Russia - is the heir to two Don universities: the Novocherkassk Teachers' Institute, established in 1911, and the Taganrog Teachers' Institute, established in 1939. The Institute continues the traditions of enlightenment and education founded in 1869 by the Mariinsky Gymnasium. Since 1955, the institute has been called the Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute.
TSPI graduates work as teachers and directors of schools in the Rostov region, Krasnodar and Stavropol regions, work in the administrative structures of cities and regions and head the education departments of cities and regions of the Rostov region. TSPI performs important social and economic functions as a cultural center of the educational space of the Southern Federal District of Russia.
In 2010, about 5,000 full-time and correspondence departments. Every year, TSPI graduates about 1,000 teachers in full-time and part-time forms of education.
The university consists of 9 faculties (Physics and Mathematics, Russian Language and Literature, Foreign Languages, Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education, Arts and Art Education, Social Pedagogy, History, Informatics and Management, Advanced Training), providing an opportunity to receive education in 20 specialties : "Mathematics", "Physics", "Technology and Entrepreneurship", "Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education", " art”, “Speech therapy”, “Russian language and literature”, “ Foreign language(English, German, French)”, “Social Pedagogy”, “Music Education”, “Organization Management”, “History”, “Informatics”, “Pedagogy and Psychology”, “Jurisprudence”, “ Physical Culture”, “Life safety”, etc. In a number of specialties, additional specialty is also provided.
More than 300 teachers work at 31 departments of the institute, including 36 doctors of sciences, professors and more than 250 candidates of sciences, associate professors.
The Faculty of Advanced Studies conducts retraining of specialists and managers of education in all licensed specialties of the institute and provides assistance to the Taganrog Education Department. Over the past 3 years, more than 1120 teachers of the region, middle and senior managers have undergone advanced training at the faculty.
The institute has a joint dissertation council on pedagogical sciences (specialties 13.00.01 and 13.00.08).
The TSPI postgraduate course provides training in 8 specialties. More than 100 graduate students and applicants study at the postgraduate course.
The educational space of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "TSPI" unites five pedagogical colleges (Azov, Volgodonsk, Veshensky, Zernogradsky, Rossoshansky), the Regional Pedagogical Lyceum and more than 500 children's preschool institutions and medium general education schools and institutions of additional education in the city of Taganrog and a number of districts of the Rostov and Voronezh regions.
Research activities of TSPI are carried out in all licensed specialties of university and postgraduate education. On the basis of the institute, not only traditional student and teaching scientific conferences, but also international conferences with the participation of specialists from countries near and far abroad. TSPI cooperates with scientific centers and educational institutions USA, Germany, UK, France, Spain and other countries.

Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute named after A.P. Chekhov"
(FSBEI HPE “TSPI named after A.P. Chekhov")
international title Anton Chekhov Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute
Year of foundation
Type state
Rector I. V. Golubeva
students 5340
PhD 100
The doctors 57
professors 35
Location Russia
Legal address 347936, Taganrog, Initiative, 48.
Information site http://tgpi.ru

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute named after A.P. Chekhov" (" TSPI) is a higher educational institution of federal subordination that implements professional educational programs of higher, postgraduate and additional education, located in Taganrog.

General information


From 2005 to 2010, TSPI was headed by Vitaly Vladimirovich Popov, a prominent scientist and philosopher, the founder of a new direction in Russian logical science - the logic of processes.

List of inefficient universities

According to the Minister of Education of the Rostov Region Igor Guskov, in November 2012, the possibility of merging the Don State Agrarian University and the Azov-Black Sea State Agroengineering Academy is being considered. The Rostov State Conservatory cannot be joined to anything, since it has a socio-cultural significance for the region. As for the Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute, it may become part of the Southern Federal University.

Rectors of TSPI

  • from to present time - Golubeva, Irina Valerievna, graduate of TSPI,
  • - - Popov, Vitaly Vladimirovich,
  • - - Khoruzhenko, Konstantin Mikhailovich,
  • - - Ryabchenko, Alexey Mikhailovich,
  • - - Varnavskikh, Anatoly Borisovich,
  • - - Babin, Boris Nikolaevich,
  • - - Oleseyuk, Evgeny Viktorovich,
  • - - Beskorovayny, Isai Illarionovich,
  • - - Kovyrshin, Nikolai Pavlovich.

Notable teachers

  • Bondarenko, Ivan Ivanovich ( -) - Russian writer Chekhovologist, teacher.
  • Felichkin, Yuri Mikhailovich ( -) - Soviet spy, philologist, teacher.
  • Infantova, Galina Gennadievna
  • Fedorov, Alexander Viktorovich() - Russian scientist-teacher, specialist in the field of media education, film studies.
  • Chesnokov, Petr Veniaminovich(-) - Russian scientist-philologist, teacher.