The child undergoes the first training of the vestibular apparatus while still in the mother's tummy. During pregnancy, he gets used to swaying, thanks to which, after being born, he easily falls asleep when mommy wears him in her arms or in a sling, because this feeling is familiar to him.

But the main function of the vestibular apparatus in children is that it helps to quickly teach the child to walk. In the sense that it is responsible for a sense of balance and is one of the main components of the nervous system.

There are many ways to develop the vestibular apparatus in children. So, the basic sense of balance in a child helps to form the swaying of a baby in her arms or in a child seat. In addition to this there is special exercises, which can be started even before the baby gets on its feet and continue after it goes. The main thing is that the child likes it, then, for sure, exercises to develop balance will benefit.

A child can get a good training of the vestibular apparatus in any entertainment center where there is a trampoline. And if you think that he is still too small and will not cope with the exercise, jump together, you will surely like it. I must admit that jumping in this regard is very, very effective, so if when you come home, the baby wants to jump on your bed, do not forbid him. Such entertainment will quickly teach him to control his balance.

Go ahead. It turns out that one of better ways training of the vestibular apparatus in children are swings. And if the child loves to ride, do not miss the opportunity to ride him during walks. Now you know that this is not empty entertainment.

The vestibular apparatus in older children will help train cycling. Start them as soon as possible. To get started, read a few tips on choosing a bike and buy a suitable three-wheeler, and when the kid masters it and grows up, it will be easy for him to change to a two-wheeler.

In addition, the following exercises will help to effectively develop the vestibular apparatus in a child:

Riding on a fitball (both on the tummy and on the back);

Simple swaying of the baby, holding him by the arms or under the armpits;

The game of "airplane", when you put the crumbs on your hands and imitate the plane, move around the room.

Greetings to all parents who are interested in improvement physical development their children. Of course, each of us thinks about this topic. Especially when the child is sick, weak. But the topic of permanent hardening seems so complicated that many forget their motives as soon as the child recovers. There are other aspects of physical development that seem not so important. This usually happens because parents do not have enough information. Today, dear readers, I will open new series articles in which I will try to motivate you to exercise at home. And we will start with how to train the vestibular apparatus and why it is needed.

From the article on how to train the vestibular apparatus, you will learn

Where is this organ located How to develop it in childrenVideo with practical training

Let me explain a little why I, as a mother, asked myself this question. The fact is that until the age of 15 I had a weak vestibular apparatus. What did it mean:

I could not ride in the back seat of a car, I endured trips easier sitting next to the driver and seeing the space in front of me. Buses were out of the question. With all my desire to ride on a swing-carousel, it ended in nausea. The “boats” especially rocked me. A two-hour flight in an airplane, at the age of 5, almost ended for me in a hospital. Since throughout the flight, in addition to vomiting, I was accompanied by a greatly reduced blood pressure.

It was after this flight that my grandmother decided to take this problem seriously, but according to the recommendations of the doctors of that time, she went a little one-sided way - strengthening my body. Of course this, as in any other health problem, is one of the main factors. But in the case of training the vestibular apparatus, certain exercises must be performed. This is what we are going to talk about today.

Where is the vestibular apparatus

Let's start with theory and although I don't have medical education I dare to explain to you Dear Parents, the main essence of the location of this body.

photo enlarges on click

The vestibular apparatus is a small organ located in the inner ear. The elliptical sac is closely related to the cochlea, which is responsible for the auditory part. This same sac branches into semicircular streams. There are only three channels and they are located in mutually perpendicular planes. The sac itself and the semicircular ducts are filled with endolymph (fluid). In which, in the picture we see, the vestibular nerve and irritating hairs. During our movements, the liquid overflows, thereby irritating the hairs. The vestibular nerve then sends signals to the brain.

I think that for us parents, information about where the vestibular apparatus is located is enough. What is more important for us to know is that the development of this organ ends at the age of 7-10-12 years. And here the most interesting begins, it turns out that medicine could not study it thoroughly, so the data varies. As a mother, I prefer to take the smallest figure as a starting point. Thus, trying hard to train the vestibular apparatus of my child up to 7 years.

If you still have a question: what is this body responsible for and why develop it, I explain:

The vestibular apparatus is responsible for balance. And although a person has helpers for this - eyes, tactile sensitivity of the skin, nevertheless, it is irrational to exclude one of these organs. If this organ is not developed, a person experiences dizziness, nausea and vomiting, cold feet and hands, pallor of the face , the appearance of cold sweat, a decrease in pressure. Well, tell me, is this really what we want for our children?

How to develop the vestibular apparatus in children

It is necessary to train the vestibular apparatus in children with early age, because it is he who allows you to coordinate movements, not fall on your back, not fall on your side and generally move straight, in the right direction.

Personally, I began to purposefully work with Alexander when he was two weeks old:

Light swaying from side to groan in my mother's arms, as if we were rocking a baby, only a little more intense. Spinning in a waltz, slow at first, faster over time. As soon as my boy learned to hold his head, we began to “fly” around the rooms. With one hand I held the child’s legs, the other hand under my chest, Alexander arched his neck like a sailboat and went flying. From the age of 4 months, they practiced on a sports inflatable ball, starting from 1 minute and gradually increasing the time. To prevent the baby from sticking to the ball, you can lay a diaper under his body. So, we put the child on a well-inflated ball, slightly spread his knees to the sides and begin to swing the ball left and right, back and forth, you can twist around the axis. Alexander categorically refused to lie on his back, so we did exercises lying on our stomachs and of course I held the back of the child with my hand guiding the ball (see photo above). From the age of 6 months we began to practice hanging upside down. I took the child by the ankles over the sofa or bed and lifted several times. Our dad's heart skipped a beat as he watched this.

Of course, I did not experiment with my beloved son, all the exercises and massage, which I will write about in the following articles, were taken by me from a wonderful book. Baby yoga and massage for the little ones Evgenia Shilova. It gives detailed recommendations with pictures on massage, yoga and aqua yoga for children under one year old. It is easy for each parent to complete them, following the instructions. Buy in Labyrinth, Ozone or My-shop

Vestibular training: video

Now we will go a little deeper and I will show and tell about our training of the vestibular apparatus at the age of 2 years 3 months. We live in an apartment with a terrace and I prefer to do my exercises outdoors, if you don't have this opportunity, don't worry, you will see in the video that you don't need much space. Any room is suitable for such exercises, the main thing is to ventilate it well. The video was filmed in January - the winter month, in Dominican Republic at 17 o'clock in the winter it is already getting dark, so I apologize for the slight blackout on the video.

Exercises with toddlers should be done together in order to set an example, support where needed, and show how this or that exercise is performed correctly. Of course, every mother will find her pluses in this: spending time together with the baby and maintaining her physical form. Shall we start?

Like all exercise, we start with a warm-up. It is better to put a chair in the middle, around which the run will take place. In the case of training the vestibular apparatus, we need to run in circles. Change direction after a few circles so that the child does not get dizzy. Prepare a strong board in advance, which you will place on two chairs. The child learns to keep balance, this exercise is similar to walking along the curbs. My baby was very fond of doing “knock-knock-knock”, so, supporting his interest, I asked him to knock on the chair. Walk across the board straight and then with a side step. Place two objects on the floor at a distance that will interest your baby. We take the child by the legs and motivate him to walk on his hands to one of these objects. In our case, it was balls. Then we turn around and reach another object in the same way. Circling in one direction, then in the other direction is the most best exercise for the development of this body. Flights into space. People with poorly developed vestibular apparatus have problems climbing high-speed elevators, escalators, or other movements other than a horizontal surface. Our little astronaut counted from 5 to 0 and went flying! We throw the child up from 10 to 30 times. We continue training for astronauts, we take the baby for right hand and the right leg, unwind in one direction. We stop. Now we take left hand And left leg, spin in the opposite direction. Climb the stairs and jump down. The jumps themselves are a shaking of our body, if the vestibular apparatus is poorly developed, then even such actions can cause discomfort. If you have a vertical sports ladder, then climbing and descending it also trains this organ. Walking over obstacles. In our case, these were ordinary cubes, which I lined up in rows. You can put some sticks, for example. When the baby learns to cross obstacles with a normal step, you can change it to side steps (sideways). Hitting the ball in the basket. As I wrote above, the eyes are also responsible for balance, so you need to train the vestibular apparatus along with the eye. For older children, basketball is suitable, but kids can even get by with a children's bucket. Somersaults back and forth. It is advisable to teach the baby to roll without stopping 10-15-25 rolls. But it is not always possible to find a place in the apartment where the carpet takes such a length. In our case, it was for this reason that Alexander never learned to roll more than three times without stopping.

As they say, it is better to see once than to read 100 times. I suggest watching our video with these exercises.

Of course, these are not all exercises that help develop brain functions that are responsible for balance. Simple things like rolling on the floor, swinging, jumping rope, swinging on a rope, jumping on a trampoline - all this will help train the vestibular apparatus.

In conclusion, I want to say that much in a child should be developed in the first years of his life, that is, before school. Dear readers, dear parents, you should not rely on the fact that it is enough for children to simply go to the playground or that at school they will catch up in a physical education lesson. If we want to see them healthy, then it is worth paying attention to every aspect from an early age. Today I told you how to train the vestibular apparatus, in the next article we will talk about morning exercises. I will be very pleased if you share my article in the social. networks, but please do not copy the entire text, it is better to use the buttons below.

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Does the child get sick in the car? Feeling dizzy when he rides the carousel? So, he has a weak vestibular apparatus. Whether this problem will accompany the baby further or whether it can be overcome depends largely on the parents.

The vestibular apparatus owes its unpronounceable name to the Latin word “vestibulum” (translated as “vestibule”), since it is located on the threshold of the inner ear and is part of it, often called the labyrinth. It is a complex system of three semicircular canals that lie in roughly perpendicular planes, allowing the body to respond to tilts in all directions. The vestibular labyrinth is partially filled with jelly-like endolymph covering its sensitive villi. During our movements, under the influence of gravity, the endolymph and lime stones (otoliths) floating in it crush certain villi, and information about changes in body position is transmitted to the brain. In a fraction of a second, having processed the received data, the brain gives an “instruction” to change the location and tension of the muscles of the neck, torso, arms and legs so that we can maintain balance in any situation. Sensitively reacting to the Earth's gravitational field, this complex system allows us to navigate in space and maintain body balance even with eyes closed. That is why it is necessary to train the vestibular apparatus from infancy.

Phased development

The first signs of maturation of the vestibular analyzer appear already in the fourth month of pregnancy. On ultrasound, you can see how, in response to a change in posture, the muscles of the limbs, neck and torso reflexively contract in the future baby. In newborns, a number of vestibular reflexes can be observed. One of them is the so-called Moro automatism. In response to a sharp shaking or unexpected noise, the baby abruptly spreads his arms to the sides and spreads his fingers. Starting from the second month of life, the child begins to hold his head. Again, the vestibular system helps to maintain the vertical position of the head.

The vestibular apparatus in a child up to a year performs other functions. The baby learns to turn, sit down, crawl, manipulate toys. Gradually, his body assumes a vertical position, the child takes the first steps, begins to run, learns to jump. And again, the development of these rather complex skills is impossible without correct formation vestibular apparatus. After all, it is he who allows you to coordinate movements, not to fall on your back, not to fall on your side and move in the right direction.

The vestibular apparatus in children. Violations.

Due to vestibular failures, the child may complain of dizziness, his orientation in space may be impaired. A wobbly gait in a baby older than three years is also a symptom of trouble.

If the listed symptoms appear in a child at rest or with minimal vestibular loads (for example, after a short swing on a regular swing), and even more so if they are persistent, you should contact a neurologist and an otolaryngologist. To make a diagnosis, the child may be assigned additional studies. For example, otoscopy (examination of the external auditory canal and eardrum), and it happens that computed tomography of the temporal bone and magnetic resonance imaging of the brain. This is necessary to exclude serious disorders of the cerebellum (it also regulates coordination).

But in the vast majority of cases, vestibular failures are limited to "seasickness" or motion sickness in transport. In this case, hard training will help get rid of unpleasant symptoms.

How to train the vestibular apparatus in a child

For the baby, swaying in the arms of the mother from side to side, a little more intense than usual, is suitable. With a baby in your arms, it is also useful to slowly spin in a waltz, gradually speeding up the pace. 2-3 turns in each direction are enough. As soon as the baby learns to hold his head, you can “fly” around the room with him, holding his legs with one hand and supporting his chest with the other. From about 4 months, start training on an inflatable special ball - a fitball. The first lesson lasts only 1 minute, then the duration gradually increases. Put the child with his tummy on a well-inflated ball and, pressing him to the ball, swing the fitball left and right, back and forth, twist around the axis.

Closer to the year, swing the baby on a swing and in a hammock, an older baby - ride on any type of carousel. You can use a rotating circle of the "grace" type. Put a 1-1.5 year old child on it and, holding your hand, twist it first in one direction, then in the other direction. The speed and number of revolutions must be increased gradually.

A child can train the vestibular system well in any entertainment center where there is a trampoline. Also, climbing a rope ladder, jumping rope, jumping on one and two legs, and hurdles will benefit the vestibular system.

The vestibular apparatus loves hardening procedures, active games and movement: somersaults, swinging, rocking in a hammock and rocking chair. Sour-tasting foods contribute to the stabilization of the vestibular system, so if the child begins to feel sick in transport, you can give him a slice of lemon to suck on. But overeating, head and neck injuries, constant wearing of headphones and prolonged eye strain do not benefit the vestibular apparatus. Harmful to him are also loud sounds with a power of more than 100 dB. They strongly irritate the microscopic villi with which it is littered.

Many mothers complain that their children get sick in transport. Even the most ordinary trip can turn into a real problem. There is an explanation for this - most likely, the child has a weak vestibular apparatus.
Especially for you, we have compiled a simple training program, suitable for babies from birth to 5 years.
Try to start exercising with your child, this will help develop his dexterity, physical activity and endurance.

What is the vestibular apparatus The vestibular apparatus is an organ that perceives changes in the position of the head and body in space. It is located in the inner ear. And its formation ends only by 10-12 years.
The baby learns to roll over, sit down, crawl. He gets up, falls, takes his first steps, learns to jump and run. Seems like skills come one after another without special efforts. But without the correct formation of the vestibular apparatus, harmonious development motor activity child is impossible. From birth to a year You can start training from birth. At the first stage, children's sun loungers, cradles, as well as caring hands of the mother, rocking the baby to sleep before bed, are suitable.
All this will help the baby's vestibular apparatus to develop naturally. But some useful exercises will not be superfluous.
Remember that all exercises should be performed with the child at least an hour before and after meals and only in good mood. “Kach-kach” In the position with the baby in your arms, turn your torso to the right and left. Start with 3-4 turns, move smoothly. Gradually increase the speed and number of turns. "Favorite ball" The exercise is carried out on a fitball. Put the baby on the back or tummy, and, gently holding, begin to gently rock the baby back and forth or left and right, alternating movements.
From 7-8 months, you can put the baby on the ball, supporting it by the arms or under the armpits. You can also let him jump on the ball with your support.
"Airplane" Flying with mom or dad in the arms is fun and useful. Put the baby on arms bent at the elbows, face down and play "airplane" moving with the baby around the apartment. You can add "air pockets" to the game and change the speed of flights. "Exercise" Exercise can be performed as soon as the baby begins to hold his head. Sitting on a couch or chair, place the baby on your outstretched legs. Holding the baby by the arms, gently raise and lower the legs, bending at the knees. Such kind of "rocker" is very popular with children. "Bumps" Exercise for children older than 3 months. Put the baby on your lap, saying: "Over bumps, over bumps, along a flat path, into a hole - bang." Children love these funny Games. Move the baby up and down, sometimes shifting it to the side or allowing it to fall into the "hole". Be sure to hold the baby securely, don't let him really fall off your lap!

From 1 year to 2 years In the year, children, as a rule, begin to stand and walk confidently. As soon as you notice that the child is trying to do something on his own, be there, follow his desires and intentions, do not let the baby harm himself. Exercises: "Fun to walk" Toddlers love to walk between adults, holding their hands and periodically "hang" with their legs tucked in. This is a great workout! Don't protest this. children's entertainment. "Learning to dive" If you decide to teach your baby to swim and dive, it will do him good. In water, we seem to become lighter, and the impact on the vestibular apparatus occurs in a different way than on land. All this allows the child to capture the nuances of perception. own body in space.

"Let's dance!" Have a dance! Turn on the music, show your baby how to spin, squat, jump and dance. Take the baby in your arms and dance together in this way. Teach him to jump on the left and right foot alternately. Avoid playing in the playground. Let the baby ride down the hill, swing on the swing. Get him a small scooter or balance bike. All this perfectly develops physical activity.

From 2 to 5 years "Trampoline" From about two years old, kids love to jump. Usually they do it at home on the couch, but you can think of other options.
In parks, trampolines and even inflatable cities are installed in the spring and summer.
Make sure that the number of children on the attraction does not exceed the allowable one, and that their age is approximately the same. "Funny gymnastics" The child is able to quickly learn to roll, make a "bridge", maintain balance on one leg, walk on his hands when someone supports him by the legs. Refer your child to a toddler gym or teach these simple exercises yourself.

"The sea worries once" Play with the baby in the game "Freeze!" The driver says loudly: “The sea worries once, the sea worries two, the sea worries three, the figure (hereinafter the name of any animal) freeze in place!” Players must move from smooth movements to a fixed pose of the animal that the leader has designated.

The game develops in children the ability to maintain balance even in a very uncomfortable position.

You gently spin the baby in place with your eyes closed. When the child opens his eyes, it will seem to him that the walls, floor and ceiling have lost their stability. To return the entire room back, efforts are required from the vestibular apparatus. So the baby trains to confidently maintain balance and control coordination of movements.

Classics Jumping hopscotch from 1 to 10 on one leg is not an easy task, but what an exciting one!

The vestibular apparatus, which is responsible for maintaining balance, coordination of movements and orientation in space, develops and strengthens from such outdoor games with peers.

Remember that the children with whom you work dynamic gymnastics grow up healthier and physically more developed.

There is an effective a set of exercises for training and development of the vestibular apparatus and balance . It is suitable for both children and young people. active people, and the elderly - the difference is only in the degree of intensity when performing a set of exercises.

When performing the complex, older people should be extremely careful: increase the load gradually and train next to a reliable support (for example, the “Swedish wall”), which you can always grab onto if you lose balance. Each exercise is performed 5-10 times depending on the state of health.

1. Starting position (ip) - standing, arms in front of the chest, bent at the elbows. Jerks with hands back at the expense of 1,2,3, at the expense of 4 - spread straight arms to the sides.

2. I.p. - standing, hands on the belt, legs together. Without lifting your feet from the floor, lift the toe of your right foot and the heel of your left foot, then vice versa.

3. I.p. - standing, arms along the body. Slow tilts of the body to the right and left.

4. I.p. - Same. Raise the right leg bent at the knee, straighten it, bend it again, lower it to the floor. Repeat the exercise with your left leg. Perform with support first to maintain stability.

5. I.p. - Same. Alternately take your hands to the side with the body turning in the same direction, while looking at the fingers of the abducted hand.

6. "Swallow". I.p. - Same. Lean forward while lifting your leg and arms to the sides. At first, be sure to hold on to the support with your hand.

7. I.p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, ball in hand. Throw the ball to different heights and try to catch it. While performing the exercise, watch the flight of the ball.

8. I.p. Same. Hit the ball against the wall, let it bang once or twice on the floor, turn around in this time and catch the ball.

9. I.p. - standing, hands on the belt. Walking alternately on toes and heels: two steps on toes, two steps on heels.

10. I.p. - standing, arms along the body. Side step walking, after four steps turn around through the right and left shoulder alternately.

11. I.p. - Same. When walking: two steps - one hand to the side, the other - up. For the next two steps, the position of the hands changes. The exercise can be made more difficult by turning your head and following one of the hands with your eyes.

12. I.p. - Same. Walking with an ordinary step forward and backward (without turning around), first with open eyes, then closed.

13. I.p. - Same. Stretch your hands forward. With one hand, make free movements in front of the chest, with the other hand, simultaneously outline a triangle.

14. I.p. - Same. Stretch your hands forward. At the same time, describe circles clockwise with one hand, and counterclockwise with the other. To complicate the exercise, you can draw a square with your foot at the same time.

15. I.p. - standing, one hand on the belt, the other to hold on to the support, eyes closed. Rise on your toes, stand for 15 seconds, trying to maintain balance, and return to the starting position. Then, also holding on to the support and without opening your eyes, stand on your toes, try to raise your leg and maintain balance.

16. I.p. - standing, hands on the belt. Rise on your toes and make a few careful circular movements with your head. Close your eyes and do the same exercise. I.p. - Same. Holding on to the support, alternately perform circular swings with your legs. Complicating the exercise, perform circular swings with one leg, rising to the toe of the other leg.

17. I.p. - Same. Holding on to the support, alternately perform circular swings with your legs. Complicating the exercise, perform circular swings with one leg, rising to the toe of the other leg.

It is also useful to know how to train the vestibular apparatus , develop coordination of movements And sense of balance through games. All this can be done in a playful and even comic form by throwing a tennis ball at a target, throwing a ball into a basketball basket, walking on a rather narrow (about 15 cm) board lying on the floor.

A healthy body does not require special training of the vestibular apparatus, which is located in the inner ear. Perceiving the movements of the body, it helps to maintain a person's balance. Help him in this vision, the sensitivity of the feet, peripheral elements, which are located in the articular bags, ligaments and muscles.

Special fluid - endolymph fills the vestibule of the inner ear. The fibers of the vestibular nerve approach certain spots, consisting of receptors - cells with hairs. They are immersed in a viscous mass with calcium carbonate crystals (otoliths). Spots in round sacs are oriented in the vertical plane. In an oval pouch, they are located in a horizontal plane.

Otoliths under the influence of gravity, they press on the hair cells, changing the force when the body moves. Thus, they help determine the position of the body in space. In the ampullae of the semicircular canals are cells called scallops, which, with the help of hairs, perceive the movement of the endolymph, due to which rotation of the body is recognized. Irritation through the hairs is transmitted to the brain, which sends signals that cause the head and eyes to turn.

  • If the orienteering organ does not work, the person cannot hear or speak. Tilts of the head occur due to the receptors of peripheral elements located in the cervical muscles.
  • After conducting experiments with pigeons, they found that they would not be able to fly if they blocked the work of the labyrinth.
  • When one side of the maze is idle, the guinea pig also loses orientation: it rotates around an axis running along the spine.

What causes a malfunction in the orienteering body

The habit of seeing the ceiling above and the floor under your feet can lead to overexcitation of the orienteering organ even when riding in an elevator, when other receptors are involved.

The consequence of this will be dizziness, nausea (even vomiting), discomfort in the respiratory system and heart. Prolonged riding on a swing will cause a similar effect. Unaccustomed stimulation of cells leads to their overexcitation, followed by a failure, known as "seasickness".

Training the vestibular apparatus with a swing

To avoid such failures, you need to train the vestibular apparatus. It is easy to do this while riding on a swing. It is recommended to start training with a small amplitude, which is increased gradually. As fitness increases, swing time also increases. It is useful to swing for 20-25 minutes throughout the day.

How the ability to maintain balance trains the vestibular apparatus

Get rid of " seasickness» training to maintain balance while walking on the curb will help. Kids really like this activity, and mothers who forbid such training are wrong. For those who are used to fixing the usual position of objects, or who are very tense, walking along the curb for 15 meters will be problematic. When you start training the vestibular apparatus, walking along the curb, it will become easy to do.

Useful exercise "top" - revolutions around its own axis. Training involves performing 10 revolutions per day in both directions (clockwise, then counterclockwise). After completing the exercise, try walking in a straight line. At first, it will turn out badly, but as the vestibular apparatus strengthens, the distance will increase, and dizziness will cease to annoy.

Training the vestibular apparatus, or carrying objects on the head

Training is useful for developing posture and for training balance. You need to start training with the transfer of stable objects - for example, with the transfer of a book or a small plastic container in which plasticine is placed for gravity. If you train the vestibular apparatus regularly, you will soon surprise everyone with how easy it is to keep the ball on your head.

Sports that help train the vestibular apparatus

Useful skiing, gymnastics, skating, rollerblading, aerobics, which you can do at home. Balance exercises performed with a fitball - a large inflatable ball - help well. During training, they learn to hold various poses in certain positions: resting their hands on the fitball, lying on it with their stomach and back.

Training the cells of the orientation organ reduces its excitability. Suitable for this and active movements.

Therefore, games of football, basketball, volleyball are excellent as a training of the vestibular apparatus, as well as games of badminton, tennis.

How to deal with seasickness

Exercises for training the vestibular apparatus

This article is addressed to people who have had serious illnesses such as stroke, encephalopathy and traumatic brain injury, which resulted in violations of the motor functions of the limbs, coordination of movement and the vestibular apparatus.

To restore these features just need some gymnastics.

To restore motor functions exercises are not original. These are the usual, well-known, flexion and extension of the limbs, with and without a load (dumbbells).

But in the exercises for training coordination of movements and the vestibular apparatus I want to elaborate.

The cerebellum is responsible for the coordination of movements. And for the vestibular apparatus - the inner ear. But all the signals go there through the cerebral cortex. Violations in the cerebral circulation and lead to loss of balance, dizziness.

All of us have watched gymnasts, tightrope walkers, tightrope walkers and steam-smokers more than once. Their ability to keep balance and coordination of movements sometimes boggles our imagination. But all this was achieved as a result of daily and painstaking training.

First you need to check the condition of your vestibular apparatus. To do this, perform the following simple exercise:

Stand straight, feet together, hands on the belt. Tilt your head back. To complicate - rise on your toes and close your eyes. Hold in this position - 20 - 30 seconds. If this exercise turns out without problems, you can go directly to the complex:

Place the feet of the right and left legs on the same line, so that the toe rests on the heel, and in this position we stand for 20 - 30 seconds. The exercise can be made more difficult by walking in a straight line in this way or by closing your eyes.

Put your feet together, stand on your toes. Hands on the belt. Perform torso tilts, first forward, 90 degrees, then sides. Complicate - close your eyes.

3. Otpad.

Standing on toes, legs together, tilt your head as far back as possible and hold it in this position for 20 - 30 seconds. Then sharp turns heads left and right. Complicate - close your eyes.

4. Mahi.

Hands on the belt. Stand on the toe of one foot and perform pendulum swings, with maximum amplitude, with the other foot. Then change the fly leg. 10 - 20 max.

5. Otpad + pendulum.

Stand on the toe of one foot. Hands on the belt. Tilt your head back and forth, to the sides. You can complicate the exercise by performing swings with your free leg or by closing your eyes.

More for training the vestibular apparatus and coordination of movements it is recommended to perform squats (simple, on toes, on one leg, with eyes closed), somersaults, jumping in place and through a rope.

The vestibular apparatus is a rather complex mechanism, therefore, to restore it, it will take 6 months daily workouts.

Trainers and equipment.

For gymnastics, I recommend using several simulators. All treadmills, orbit tracks and exercise bikes are certainly good, but expensive. There are a lot of devices that are much cheaper and no less useful. Here are some of them.

For leg workout:

1. Leg weights.

Used for training while walking. In general, walking is the most important exercise for our training. This is what all doctors and healers say. Weights are not difficult to make yourself. I came up with this idea after watching the Korean movie Hong Gil Dong. Walking, walking and more walking!

I've been sick for 8 years now. And then one day I thought, if I took “+ 1 normal step” a day (and this is quite real), then now I would freely walk 3000 meters with the “correct gait”, and this is 3 kilometers. And from this thought it becomes sad and insulting.

2. To train the “correct step” you can use linoleum squares on the floor or matches, spreading them out in such a way that when you step on it you get “ right move". In winter, it’s good to walk after a healthy person.

3. Top sneakers.

The child learns to roll over and sit down, then get up and fall, take the first steps, learn to run, jump ... It seems that this happens by itself. In fact, a number of sense organs and body systems allow him to confidently move in space. Most important role in this "orchestra" belongs to the vestibular apparatus. Without its proper formation, the normal development of the baby's motor activity is impossible. That is why special games and daily training are so necessary from an early age.

Development of the vestibular apparatus in a child: a pioneer (from birth to 1 year)

You can train the vestibular apparatus literally from birth. Up to 6 months, until the child learns to sit on his own, it is important that he occupies a lying or semi-lying position when swinging on his hands or in other devices. However, if the baby perceives the world only from the “horizontal” for a long time, an important part of the vestibular apparatus responsible for the perception of top and bottom will not develop as expected. Therefore, carry the baby also in a “column”, putting his head on your shoulder and supporting it with your hand. Here are some helpful exercises.

"Baby disco" (from 0 to a year). The child is located in a “column”, facing you or reclining in your arms. With or without music, you can rotate from side to side (around the vertical axis), or move the baby up and down in a straight line or in a semicircle. Start with 2-3 turns, moving smoothly. Then you can gradually increase the duration, speed and number of rotations.

"My favorite ball" (from 1 month to a year). Exercises on a large inflatable fitness ball: put the baby on the tummy or back and gently rock the ball back and forth, left and right. From 7–8 months, you can put the baby on the ball, supporting the arms or armpits. Also, with support, you can give him the opportunity to jump on the ball. Or jump with him, putting him on his knees, and sitting on the ball herself.

"Daddy's simulator" (from 3 months to a year). As a rule, this exercise is loved by dads who are not averse to pumping up their biceps. When the baby begins to confidently hold the head, it can be taken under the armpits, turning to face you, and raised above your head. At first, these are single rises and falls to the level of the eyes, then, as the child gets used to it and your hands are trained, the child can be thrown low and caught, over time, tossing him higher and higher.

"Bumps" (from 6-7 months to a year). Take the child on your knees, supporting it under your arms and saying: “Over the bumps, over the bumps, along the flat path, into the hole - bang!” Move it up and down, sometimes abruptly shifting to the side and letting it fall into the hole. Children love a sudden fall with reliable insurance.

Development of the vestibular apparatus in a child: Olympiads for one-year-olds (from 1 to 2 years old)

As a rule, at the age of one year, children already begin to walk or, at least, stand confidently on their feet. So, we must continue to teach them upright posture, jumping with and without support, somersaults to the side, etc.

We hang and swing. A kid aged from one to 2 years old loves to "fly" when he runs to his dad, and he catches him and throws him up. Or simply, standing still, takes it under the armpits, lifts it up, throws it up and catches it. Another child likes to walk between adults, taking them by the hands, and periodically “hang”, with his legs crossed, or sway back and forth on his hands. All this trains the vestibular apparatus. From 1–1.5 years old, you can equip a sports corner in a children's room: with a small horizontal bar, rings (at the level of the child's outstretched arms), a rope, a swing, jumpers and a ladder.

Young swimmer. If you decide to teach your child to dive and swim, this will be beneficial. In water, the baby feels lighter, and the effect on the receptors of the vestibular apparatus will be different than on land. This will allow the child to capture more subtle nuances of the perception of his body in space.

"Everybody dance!" At home it is worth arranging “dances” more often. Turn on music for your child so that he jumps and spins himself, or waltz with him, taking him in your arms. Teach your baby to stand and jump alternately on one or the other leg.

Street entertainment. Walking on playgrounds also contribute to the development of the vestibular apparatus. Let the baby ride down the hill and swing on the swing. You can master a wheelchair, try to ride a scooter or even a three- or four-wheeled bicycle.

Development of the vestibular apparatus in a child: in search of balance (from 2 to 3 years)

On the street, help your child consolidate the acquired skills: let him walk along the lines, sides and logs, ride on swings and carousels. From about 2 years old, kids love to jump. They usually do it at home on the couch. Support your child in this activity outside the apartment.

Trampoline. Amusement parks have children's trampolines and even entire inflatable cities adapted for jumping. Just make sure that the baby's clothes do not have hard parts (buckles, straps, hairpins, etc.) that can injure him during an unsuccessful landing. And also see that in the neighborhood children do not jump from him, much older and larger. If desired, and the baby’s obvious passion for this activity, you can buy a small inflatable or net trampoline at the dacha or home in the nursery.

Sports section. If up to 2 years the presence of a sports corner in the nursery is more desirable than mandatory, then after two years this acquisition is an important help for the physical development of the child. Toddlers like to swing on the rings, hang upside down, pull themselves up on the horizontal bar, somersault on the mattress, climb the rope and stairs (wooden and rope, vertical and at an angle).

It is a fact
The vestibular apparatus is located in the bony labyrinth of the inner ear. Its receptors perceive linear and angular acceleration, as well as gravity. The main function of the vestibular apparatus is to maintain balance. The full development and formation of the organ of balance ends by about 12 years of a child's life. With the weakness of the vestibular apparatus, "motion sickness" occurs. According to statistics, they affect about 5% of the world's population.

Development of the vestibular apparatus in a child: young extreme (from 3 to 4 years old)

Many children's attractions become available to the kid: large carousels, boat swings, various cars and other fun with torsion and rotation. Also, interest in the trampoline and all kinds of climbing on different surfaces does not dry out.

"Birches", "bridges" and others. The child is able to do more diverse exercises: stand in the "birch", roll back, make a "bridge", maintain balance for a long time, standing on one leg, walk on his hands when someone supports him by the legs ...

"Freeze, or the Sea worries once ...". If there are a lot of children, you can play Freeze. The driver turns away from the rest of the participants and says loudly: “The sea worries once, the sea worries two, the sea worries three, the figure (hereinafter referred to as any animal or bird) freeze in place!” Players must freeze in the position in which they find themselves. The driver turns around, goes around everyone and examines the resulting figures. Whoever moves first of them, he takes the place of the leader or is eliminated from the game. The game develops not only the ability to maintain balance for a long time in an uncomfortable position, but also creativity, as well as the ability to tolerate and control their actions. At this age, children also like to play hide and seek, hide and seek.

The development of the vestibular apparatus in a child: a detachment of jumpers (from 4 to 5 years)

Trampoline, swings, amusement parks are still relevant for four- and five-year-olds. But improved coordination and physical abilities child, and therefore longer, amplitude rotations and whirling become available to him. It is worth continuing to climb stairs and rope, walking on a log. It's also time to teach your kid to ride a two-wheeled bicycle.

"Yula". It's uncomplicated, but useful exercise training the vestibular apparatus. You spin the child on the spot or he does it himself. First, at an average pace, in order to understand how well he will endure the “rolling” after he opens his eyes: it will seem to him that the walls, the floor - in general, the whole room has lost its stability. Gradually, as you get used to the load, it is worth increasing the pace of rotation around you. This trains the ability to maintain balance and control coordination of movements.

"Classics". This is a simplified version of the game of our childhood. It is required to draw with chalk a field for the game, divided into squares (each about 50 cm in area), numbered from 1 to 10. The point of the game is to jump into each cell without stepping on the drawn lines. First, you can jump on two legs without a bat (any round metal box), then complicate the task a little: on one leg, with a bat, in the company. All this is great for training coordination.

The vestibular apparatus is responsible for maintaining balance, coordination of movements and orientation in space. The quality of human life largely depends on how developed it is. By training it from infancy, you will give your baby great opportunities for development and active games with peers.