“Politics should be no more and no less than applied history. Now it is nothing more than a denial of history and no less than its distortion.

The aphorism of our great historian Vasily Klyuchevsky only at first glance seems simple. In fact, it carries a huge internal burden. Indeed, much depends on how we understand and know our history in our thoughts and actions, in relation to the world around us.

And the war with monuments that has broken out in the world causes a lot of thoughts: from the Taliban and ISIS to Poland, the Baltic states and the USA.

The thought involuntarily arises that this is a well-thought-out and organized campaign by someone. Its content is obvious: at the global level, someone very strong and influential wants the peoples to forget their past and agree to the life that those who live at their expense want them to, and therefore brainwashes them.

This behind-the-scenes game has not passed our country either. This is clearly visible in the current discussions about the centenary of the Great October Socialist Revolution.

For some reason they "baptized" Nicholas the Bloody into Saint Nicholas. Natural questions: why such "developed" English and French did not consecrate Charles Stuart, Louis and Marie Antoinette.

And why is it necessary to forgive the involvement of Russia in the First world war, which brought death and suffering to millions of people, which became the motivating force of all revolutions and wars of the last century, as well as those that continue to this day.

The First World War was an imperialist war for the political and economic division and redivision of the world. One can hardly argue with this.

This war ended with the Treaty of Versailles, which meant robbery and humiliation of the German people. It is clear that after a while this "backfired" with the coming to power of the Nazis.

At the same time, the victorious powers saw the collapse Russian Empire caused by the mediocrity of the autocracy. They saw new booty and, under various pretexts, began an intervention against our country.

But they failed. The people rose up and liberated their land from the invaders and white movement, which was seen as a class enemy supported by foreign capital.

The results of the First World War provided an impetus for the next war. German capital and the Japanese militarists demanded a new redistribution of the world.

The winners of the last war did not want to fight and therefore began to feed the Nazis with handouts in the form of Austria, Czechoslovakia, etc.

In fact, the Second World War did not begin in 1939 and not in 1941, but earlier, when Germany captured Austria. But this is Europe. And in Asia, already in 1931, Japan invaded China, Italy in 1936 captured Ethiopia.

Only when it came to Poland, with which England and France had concluded an appropriate treaty, did they have to start a war with Germany, which in all sources is called "strange".

Their main goal was to set Germany against the USSR and profit from it. No wonder, therefore, the behavior of the so-called allies in 1941-1945. Their troops acted anywhere, but not against Germany: in North Africa, in Italy, in the Balkans, etc.

They fought where the United States, after the death of the USSR, began to show its imperialist essence.

They went against Germany only when the outcome of the war became clear, and it was possible to rob a weakened and exhausted Germany with impunity. Therefore, for British and American imperialism, the Second World War could not end in 1945, since the goals set by the ruling circles of the USA and the British Empire were not achieved.

Therefore, with a big reservation, it should be said that World War II began with the German attack on Poland, as well as that the Great Patriotic War was a war of fascism and communism.

To some extent, the war against the USSR was indeed a war of ideologies. But that was not the point. The war that ended for us with the surrender of Germany in 1945 was a war for the survival of the peoples of the Soviet Union before the attack of imperialist predators.

But, unlike the First World War, it did not end with the conclusion of peace treaties. In reality, the act of unconditional surrender of Germany led to its occupation by the victorious powers.

But the Anglo-Saxons were not satisfied with this. In the Fulton speech, Churchill announced the continuation of the Second World War for the achievement of world domination by the Anglo-Saxons.

Now, unfortunately, few people remember this speech. But in vain. Here are some of the comments of the head of the USSR at that time: “It should be noted that Mr. Churchill and his friends are strikingly reminiscent of ... Hitler and his friends.

Hitler began the business of starting the war by proclaiming the racial theory, announcing that only people who spoke German represent a complete nation.

Churchill begins the business of unleashing war also with racial theory, arguing that only nations that speak the English language, are full-fledged nations, called to decide the fate of the whole world. (Stalin I.V. Works, volume 16).

World War II entered a new stage, which was called the Cold War.

From time to time, the cold was replaced by skirmishes in "hot spots". The attempt of the USSR to agree kindly at the Helsinki Conference did not help to end the war either.

The act adopted at this conference and the creation of the OSCE became a new good cover for the imperialists. It was a frank surrender of positions, which, after the betrayal of the Gorbachev leadership, ended with the collapse of the USSR and the Warsaw Pact.

A characteristic feature of the new stage of the war was the actual occupation of Europe by the US army with the help of obvious lies about NATO, which is nothing more than a division of the US army under the command of an American general.

That is why the so-called European Union does not dare to utter a word in defense of its legitimate economic and political interests. The formation called G7 actually exists - godfather (USA) and his "sixes". Sorry for the thieves' terminology, but it is very difficult to define the current situation in the world otherwise.

At this stage of World War II, not only the balance of power changed, but also the forms of warfare. It is clear that it is no longer possible to drive millions of people into the trenches. Yes, and it is useless with modern technology and technology for the destruction of people.

Therefore, everything begins to be built on a primitive deception, when representatives of countries that use weapons of mass destruction of people de facto accuse the victim country of having (not using) weapons of mass destruction.

Under this pretext, a war begins to overthrow the government, to destroy the state system. Well, under the guise - robbery and the most primitive robbery of the territory and peoples.

For such actions, you must first prove to everyone that the destruction of people and the seizure of the wealth of foreign peoples is a noble deed, and that this is the demand of the “world community”, that is, them, “developed and civilized”. This lies is called information warfare.

The second theater of operations is economics and finance. Here the main weapon is money. For this, the peoples are persistently hammered into the heads that the main goal human life are only money.

That for the sake of money you can commit any crime, that a person does not need anything that does not bring money: neither family, nor society, nor homeland, nor honor, nor conscience.

For such a war, not dreamers and heroes are best suited, but swindlers and rogues. Which is done by overthrowing the national governments legally elected by the peoples. Power is transferred to rogues who profit from the robbery of the people.

But when analyzing money, which is placed above universal human values, it turns out that at first these rogues robbed their peoples, and only then, having got a taste, they began to rob all suckers who do not understand that in the last century money ceased to be real wealth.

Prior to World War I, expensive commodities such as gold and silver were used as money. After the war, precious metals were withdrawn from domestic circulation by governments and bankers.

The United States was the latest in the expropriation of the population, where Roosevelt requisitioned gold coins from January 1, 1933. But gold or its equivalents were used in foreign trade until 1971.

That year, Nixon announced that he was refusing to exchange dollars for gold, which was promised by the United States to the world community in 1944. From that moment, the robbery began not only of citizens and businesses, but of entire countries.

This is done primitively simply. As money in any country, not any goods of real value are used, but the “obligations” of banks in the form of account entries and bank notes (banknotes) issued by the Central Bank in accordance with the monopoly granted to it by the state.

Therefore, the central question that every sane person should ask is: how, in fact, will banks be responsible for the obligations they have issued?

But the answer lies on the surface. You need to purchase goods, services, property. You offer the bank's debt obligations to the seller for them. In other words, you transfer your debt to the seller to the bank's debt to him: there is a mutual guarantee of debt obligations, which is called money circulation only as a mockery.

Out of this mechanism grow completely unique possibilities for waging economic wars.

When money was used to purchase weapons and even bribes the right people in the camp of the enemy, this was not unusual, the money was used for conventional warfare. What is the content of the economic war? And why is it associated with the forms of modern money?

To understand this, let's remember that imperialist wars are waged to seize sources of resources and markets. To do this, you can overthrow the objectionable government and bring to power a new one, which will provide the right to develop natural resources the right company and will not allow foreign competitors to enter its market. That's how it was done before.

Now these same goals can be achieved in other more calm, effective and cheap ways.

At one time, the export of capital was used for these purposes. It's better than fighting, but still expensive. Therefore, instead of exporting real capital and real investments, it is economically advantageous to export money.

As noted, modern money is nothing more real than the promises of banks, which can be used if in the country where you have bank obligations to you, you can exchange them for something worthwhile.

And translating this into the language of practice, the modern monetary system is built like this:

The US Congress, in passing the budget, determines the amount of borrowing permitted to the government. Within this amount, the Treasury issues promissory notes.

If there are no people willing to purchase them from among those who have dollar bank obligations, then they will be acquired without fail by the Federal Reserve System, which has the right to replace the treasury obligation with its own, that is, with American dollars.

In other words - "to cross a pig into a crucian." And then, in theory, the US government should take care that everyone accepts these dollars for money.

Therefore, the policy of economic sanctions adopted in recent years hits the foundation of the American economy: if dollars cannot be bought, then why are they needed? Hence the tendency of many countries in recent years to abandon the US dollar as a currency that cannot be used.

There is a second aspect of the same problem. In essence, for the owner of US dollars, the difference between the currency and its investment in Treasury bonds is only that you can make a small income from Treasury bonds, and you have to pay for the maintenance of bank accounts yourself.

However, experience shows that it is quite difficult to do business with American banks. The government of this country considers itself in the right to freeze or withdraw the funds of clients at any time, which very often become victims of politics and unfair competition.

Therefore, the public must understand that although dollars are needed in international settlements, it is risky to keep these dollars in American banks.

The way out of this situation was found by the bankers of the USSR, and then the PRC in 1952, when the US unleashed the Cold War.

The solution was ingeniously simple. Soviet organizations closed accounts in American banks and, for the first time in history, opened accounts denominated in dollars in Soviet foreign banks - banks owned by the USSR, but under the jurisdiction of less cowboy countries.

Note that five years later this experience was used by London banks, laying the foundation for the so-called eurocurrencies.

Unfortunately, in our country, after the collapse of the USSR, this system changed under the influence of our "partners" from the IMF.

I do not want to attack our Central Bank, but many aspects of its activities, including even the regulatory framework, require a strict revision and revision.

Indeed, is it normal, when assessing the degree of risk, to consider the assets of foreign governments to be less risky than the liabilities of one's own government?

Secret World Government.

At present, the existence of a secret world government is no longer in doubt. There are in-depth studies of enthusiasts, the activities of members of the world government.

The secret world government has existed since ancient times. The first mention was of the Egyptian priests, who owned secret knowledge, with the help of which they controlled the pharaohs and the people.

In the Middle Ages, the secret government in Europe was under the guise of the clergy; popes, cardinals who initiated Crusades and the inquisition. Hiding behind the name of Christ and God, they destroyed all dissident and enlightened people. Wars were committed with the true goal, which was the appropriation of material values. The church was richer than the kings and rulers of countries. She controlled the politics of the states.

In response to the dictates of the church, secret societies began to appear that proclaimed noble goals; freedom, equality, brotherhood. Rosicrucians, Masons, Illuminati were originally created with noble goals. Liberation from the mediation of the Church in communion with God, reducing the influence of the Church Fathers in politics and economics, enlightenment, serving the people. All these organizations at the beginning of their existence united influential people advanced, revolutionary views.

The Masons essentially created America, its first constitution and declaration of human rights. Almost all of America's first presidents were members of numerous Masonic organizations and possessed secret knowledge.

However, there were many different branches, lodges and other divisions. They mixed and new ideologies were born. In the end, an order appeared, the ideology of which was based on the exclusivity of the members of the order and world domination.

A huge role in the introduction of the idea of ​​world domination was made by the views of Adam Weishaupt, who founded the Order of the Illuminati in 1776 in Europe. The Illuminati teamed up with the Freemasons. Subsequently, the order was banned in Europe, but the ideas of the founder received a response in the Masonic lodges of America.

However, the idea of ​​world domination was carefully hidden and revealed only to members of high degrees of initiation. Gradually, the Freemasons united with the worshipers of the Devil, as their ideas of world domination coincided.

Secret Devil The rituals of the Freemasons began to look more and more like the rituals of Satanists. A branch called "skull and bones" appeared. This organization exists to this day and currently brings together the leading and influential elite of the Illuminati and Freemasons. This includes well-known influential and wealthy politicians and businessmen.

Secret Devil

Today, the Great Architect, who is served by the Freemasons and the Illuminati, is the Devil. And members of the secret society are chosen to carry out the ideas of the Devil in life. Their task is to control the material side of life, creating the opposite polarity of the spiritual side of life.

As I already wrote in the article “Universal Mind”, the Hierarchy of Demons was created first and is responsible for enlightenment and development on the Higher planes. Its leader Lucifer "carrier of Light" is the Light God on the Highest plane. There is no evil on the higher planes, because there are no polarities.

And in our dense world, everything changes to the opposite. The polarity of all things is manifested, this is the duality of our dense world. It is the presence of opposites that allows the intellect to develop through comparison and conscious choice.

The philosophical law of "unity and struggle of opposites" is our reality. And in it Lucifer becomes the Devil. And here his task is to distort information, impede spiritual development, substituting concepts.

The Devil and his servants, members of the secret World Government, create for people the negative polarity of all things. Everything dark and destructive on the planet is created by members of the secret World Government.

They work as efficiently as possible, despite the fact that many of them work unconsciously. Operates a secret world government, someone who calls himself an ancient descendant of the ruling dynasty. He spoke about himself and his work at the forum. The text was translated and posted on Runet under the title "Insider revelations".

Here are some excerpts from the text.

“Our Creator is not the “Devil” that your bible calls him. Lucifer is what is more properly called “Group Soul” or “Social Memory Complex”

Since there was no Free Will on the planet, there was no Polarity on it, and accordingly, there was no “between” to choose.

Without Polarity (which occurs only with Free Will) there is only the Unity of Love and Light, however, there is no choice to experience "what you are not." Therefore, we had to act as a Change Catalyst to provide a choice and make Polarity.

This is the role that we have been assigned to play in this play. In order to "win" (or rather, successfully play) the Game, we need to be as Negatively Polarized as possible.

Service to Self to the extreme. Violence, Wars, Hatred, Greed, Power, Enslavement, Genocide, Torment, Moral Degradation, Prostitution, Drugs, all this and more serve our purpose in the Game.

In all these negative phenomena, we provide you with the tools. But you don't see it. What matters is not what we do, but how you react to it. We provide tools. You, having Free Will, choose how to use them. You just need to take responsibility [for your actions]. In fact, there is only One [Player]. Understand this and you will understand the essence of the Game.

If you can see the Divine spark of the Infinite Creator in everything and everyone, even those who wish to harm you, then the stranglehold of illusion will begin to lose its power over you.

Our job is to provide the Catalyst. Yours is to use it. Are you able to look beyond what your eyes see and find, expressing Love and Happiness in a world where Fear and Repression reign? If you are able, then you will become a Beam of Light in the Darkness. Will you succumb to the Darkness, or will you endure, illuminating it with the Divine Inner Light? The decision is yours to make."

They were obliged to disclose information about themselves according to cosmic law. Before the end of the cycle, information is given to everyone. Whoever is ready will receive and perceive the information. For others, it will be another lesson. Of course, there are lies in the text. After all, the distortion and concealment of part of the information is the main tool of the "Dark Forces". However, who knows the true knowledge, he will easily figure it out and distinguish lies from truth.

Spheres of influence

So, after receiving the esoteric "hidden from the majority" information, let's return to the secret World Government and consider their activities within the planet. It is necessary to understand the hidden motives of things happening on the planet and affecting us all in one way or another. Then it is easy to resist evil.

For the whole world, Freemasonry is presented as a charitable organization of rich people that supports business in different countries and promotes a favorable business climate. However, this is only one part of the truth. The symbol of the Freemasons is a black and white chess cage. The second side of their activity is destructive, destructive.

This organization includes the richest and most influential people on the planet. Their interests are, first of all, obtaining superprofits and power. In fact, their interests differ little from those of the Egyptian priests. But in today's world, they have gained world domination with the help of money. It is the monetary system successfully implemented on our planet that allows us to keep humanity in slavery. People have to earn money in order to live. Moreover, there is a discrepancy between the invested labor and income. Hence all the wars, revolutions, riots.

The members of the secret world government are three hundred, and now more richest families planets. They are the heads of multinational corporations that control the most highly profitable branches of business; production of money, weapons, drugs, drugs, porn industry, prostitution, banks, funds mass media, food, medicine. They control the extraction and sale of raw materials on the planet. They determine the politics and economy on the planet, through the unification of the economies of countries, globalization.

The production of weapons brings huge incomes. Weapons must be sold. Sales markets are countries where there are wars and armed conflicts. And for this, you must first divide society and set one part of society against another. There will be enemies, sooner or later wars will begin. Therefore, all wars on the planet are organized by a secret world government, starting from antiquity and ending with the latest armed events in Africa. World War I, World War II, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, Nicaragua is an incomplete list of countries where wars were unleashed with their direct participation.

They finance both warring parties, and then make money on the restoration of the country after total destruction. They gain control of the economy anyway. They are never losers. Only the population involved in an artificial war loses.

In order to create confrontation, the so-called democracy is being intensively implanted. Although its more correct reflection of the essence, demoncracy. The basic principle of democracy is "divide and rule!"


“Democracy is an illusion designed to maintain slavery. Whichever side wins, the Family actually wins. If you want to enslave a man, let him believe that he is already free.” Confessions of an Insider.

In words, democracy preaches equal conditions, rights and freedoms for all members of society. However, in reality this is not the case at all. All key positions in society are occupied by people who are part of or collaborating with the world government. A simple person will never occupy a key post if he does not intermarry with the elite.

For ordinary citizens, freedom is presented as the freedom to take drugs, alcohol, and manage one's life at one's own discretion. In democratic countries, drug addiction, prostitution, non-traditional sexual orientation are legalized or in the process of adopting legislation that allows you to have such views and life with impunity.

At the legislative level, views and principles are imposed in society, leading to the degradation and extinction of society. Correct orientations are consciously replaced by destructive ones. A lot of money is invested in this and competent, highly paid specialists work.

For the total deception of mankind, a tasty example of a democratic way of life was created. The USA was artificially made into a prosperous country, the American dream, to show the whole world how they will live well if they accept democracy as the dominant ideology.

Enormous money was invested in the country and a high standard of living was artificially created. For several decades, a PR campaign has been carried out promoting the American way of life in order to fool the population of the entire planet.

This has borne fruit and expressed itself in the "color" revolutions that swept around the world. They were provoked and financed by the same world government. Democracy fighters are simply foolish and frivolous people who sincerely believe that democracy will bring prosperity to the whole society. Those who have gone this route are already beginning to understand that as a result they have brought to power the puppets of the world government. And instead of prosperity, they got a drop in living standards.

The sale of drugs brings huge profits, therefore it is also controlled by the world government. They create resource bases from entire countries, where they artificially support the beggarly lifestyle of people, pushing them to grow raw materials and produce drugs. For many years, this country was China. With the coming to power of the Communist Party, this was discontinued.

But then Colombia, Mexico, Afghanistan appeared. All methods of combating the production and distribution of drugs do not bring results, because they should not, according to the plan of the world government. The appearance of a struggle is created for the main part of the population, which they are constantly trying to convince that the government cares about them. But all this is a lie and a total deception to manipulate the masses. All drug trafficking and drug cartels are under the control of members of the secret world government. Just like prostitution and the porn industry.

AT recent times a new, less dangerous technology for conquering countries has appeared and is gaining momentum. The production of money, US dollars, which is handled by the US Federal Reserve Bank. This is a private office, owned by several individuals and prints money around the clock.

The Secret World Government The Federal Reserve Bank is a consortium of twelve private banks that are not part of the United States government. Control of the banks is in the hands of a few American and European bankers, including, of course, the Rockefellers, Rothschilds and Morgans.

These banks received the right to print money for the US government thanks to US President W. Wilson. They don't have to work to "make money" - they literally make it, print it on their own machines. And having released a batch of money, they give them to the government as a loan. And this debt must be repaid with interest. And in order to pay interest, you need new money, which can only be taken from the Federal Reserve Bank. Borrow at new interest. And so on ad infinitum.

Bankers print money again and again and lend it to the government, which settles with them with this money, paying interest on debts for the last batch of money.

The government collects taxes to repay debts - and 30% of all taxes go into the pockets of bankers. To repay all the big debts, you need everything more money, which means that the Federal Reserve Bank is printing more and more money, the money supply is growing, money is depreciating, inflation is rampant.

The owners of the FRB are interested in selling their product, dollars. This means that US money needs to be in demand in the world. For this, a currency exchange and a securities market have been created, which draw off the bulk of the money supply. A crash in the securities market is a planned, controlled action, the result of which is the purchase of artificially devalued currencies and securities. Simply put, civilized robbery is taking place.

The bank, which was supposed to bring stability to the economy, has been implicated in almost every market crisis, including the Great Depression, World War I, World War II, the stock market crash, and so on.

It is obvious that the private possession of the US dollar is the greatest crime and a total deception of the population of the planet. There have been attempts to assassinate every president who tried to liquidate this private National Bank. President Kennedy was assassinated for wanting to nationalize the bank.

The privately owned Federal Reserve Bank has never been audited and has never paid income tax on its income.

By issuing loans through various international banks, the world government not only earns money on interest, but also dictates the conditions for running the economy in the country. The International Monetary Fund, when issuing loans, sets conditions, the fulfillment of which undermines the economies of countries. This happened in Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, the Baltic states and other countries. For this, the fund has been repeatedly criticized, but this policy continues.

The world government controls medicine and drug production. All major pharmaceutical concerns are owned by 2-3 owners.

Selling drugs is also a profitable business. And that means people need to get sick a lot. To do this, there is a whole system that develops new viruses of various influenzas; bird, swine, SARS, AIDS and many other diseases. In parallel, developing a vaccine, the sale of which earns huge money.

People are deliberately infected, they arrange epidemics in order to scare them and force them to buy medicines and get vaccinated. And therefore, in recent years, epidemics have become regular in all countries.

Diseases are also caused by improper diet and lifestyle. All carbonated and low alcohol drinks, popular among young people, contain a large amount of preservatives and chemicals that are harmful to health.

All meat food contains cadaveric poisons, dyes, preservatives, chemical additives that are poorly excreted by the body and accumulate quickly. A large number of slag causes various dysfunctions and reduced immunity.

The control of food production is also the concern of the world government. They control the production of agricultural products through genetically modified seeds. Such seeds give only one harvest. They removed the gene responsible for reproduction. Growers are forced to constantly purchase new seeds. And sellers control the amount of seeds sold.

Thus, food production depends on one or two seed producers. All of Europe buys seeds from the USA, a manufacturer of genetically modified seeds. The CIS countries are also trying to bring under control, artificially causing drought climate weapons HAARP.

In addition, when eating genetically modified foods, human genes also mutate. The gene responsible for reproduction becomes passive. Thus, infertility for no apparent reason has become the scourge of modern society. This is how the birth rate is controlled.

Management methods

The total deception of mankind occurs with the help of mass media. Almost all of them are in the hands of a few media moguls. The media shape attitudes, moods in society, tastes, fashion, and much more through popular journalists, programs, and actors.

The third world war is currently taking place with the help of the media. Only it is informational, because we live in the information age. An example is Georgia's attack on Ossetia. However, the information in the world was presented in such a way that it was Russia that attacked Georgia and a negative reaction was caused by a large part of the world's population.

Another example is the situation with the elections in Belarus. For Western journalists, the paid-for opposition, according to a planned scenario, made a "picture" of supposedly people's will and anger against the "dictator" A. Lukashenko. And this picture was spinning around all the so-called democratic Western media. Although in reality, only criminals, mercenaries and "fighters for democracy" from other countries expressed "people's anger". But try it, prove it to the whole world, the largest and most authoritative media outlets have already worked out the ordered version, and they won't let another one through.

All this is a pre-planned action designed to justify the imposition of economic sanctions and pressure on the president, who does not want to "ruin" his people and does not allow Belarus to implement the plans of the World Government. Therefore, an information and economic war has been launched against him, both from the West and from Russia, whose puppet leadership is consistently implementing the plans of the World Government.

“Another fact that I then reported was that RUSSIA WAS INVITED TO PARTICIPATE IN THE PREPARATIONS FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A UNIFIED WORLD GOVERNMENT.” D. Coleman. "The Committee of 300. Secrets of the World Government"

Thus, control of the media is control of advanced weapons of mass destruction.

Religion has a very powerful influence. Almost all religions are created by the world government to distort true knowledge and form the psychology of a slave. They call believers “God's servants” or “God's lamb”, which means a young lamb in translation.

Religions create a “herd” of submissive flocks to receive money and energy. Such energies are attracted, forming an energy egregor, from which all “miracles”, healings, visions, voices of God, tears on icons, etc. come.

Excerpts from Insider Revelation

Answer: “If a particular religion is not completely created by us, then at least we have had a very tangible influence on it. There is no such thing as "god". "God" is a human concept, which is a misunderstanding of the original idea of ​​the "Creator

Question: Are there uncorrupted fragments in the bible, and which version of the bible would you call [the least corrupted]?

Answer: No. Like all Sacred Texts, with each subsequent translation its original context was significantly distorted. However, as in all Sacred Texts, it still contains a fair amount of truth. For the most part, these grains of truth are "metaphorical." If you can find a pre-King James version of the bible, that will be the version closest to the truth. I wish you successful searches.

Question: With regard to spirituality in your area, could you comment on the role of the Catholic Church in terms of which way its activities fit - positive, negative or different?

Answer: The lower members of my Family (names known to you) use the Vatican for many Rituals and Sacrifices. It will tell you everything you need to know."

Thus, it is clear that religions and the top of the clergy are employees of the "dark forces", whose task is to distort true knowledge.

Occurring everywhere, globalization is also part of the plan to unite and control the economies of countries. Each country in the global plan of the world government is assigned a certain highly specialized role in the world economy. A state with a narrow specialization is easy to control.

Well, for example, Russia, which should completely become a country producing hydrocarbon raw materials, will no longer receive products. Famine and rebellion will begin in the country. And then you can safely bring in NATO troops that belong to the World Government and take everything under your control. The scenario has been repeatedly worked out in Yugoslavia, Afghanistan and Iraq.

Globalization in its negative aspect is the process of creating a completely new economic and political structure on the planet, which is based on the idea of ​​the dominance of large international corporations over national governments. The latter are doomed to perform purely administrative and bureaucratic functions.

In the era of globalization, the main purpose of a national government is to create comfortable living conditions for the “sharks of capitalism” and do business in a particular country.

World government plans

According to the plan of the World Government, the population of the planet should be reduced to 1 "golden billion" of people from the elite and several million service personnel.

All others are to be destroyed. There is even a plan to reduce the amount of "useless mass" annually.

According to the “Dulles plan”, the Slavs will be destroyed by alcohol, drugs and insanitary conditions. Latins drugs, Asians, blacks and Arabs constantly unrelenting armed conflicts.

Survivors, as a result of natural selection, will be "chipped" and under constant control.

This is an excerpt from D. Coleman's book. "The Committee of 300. Secrets of the World Government"

“an addition to religion, the “opium of the people”, which, according to Lenin and Marx, was necessary, now there are new “opiates” in the form of mass sports spectacles, dissolved sexual desires and rock music. A whole generation of drug addicts has grown up. The promotion of unbridled sex and the epidemic of drug addiction are aimed at distracting people from what is happening around. In his book The Technotronic Age, Brzezinski speaks of human "masses" as inanimate objects - perhaps that is how we appear to the Committee of 300. Brzezinski constantly talks about the need to exercise control over us, the "masses".

In one place he says: “At the same time, the possibilities of social and political control over the individual will increase. It will soon be possible to exercise almost continuous control over every citizen and maintain constantly updated computer files-dossiers containing, in addition to the usual information, the most confidential details about the state of health and behavior of each person.

“Relevant public authorities will have instant access to these files. Power will be concentrated in the hands of those who control the information. Existing authorities will be replaced by pre-crisis management agencies, whose task will be to proactively identify possible social crises and develop programs to manage these crises.” (This contains a much later description of the structure of FEMA.)

"This will give rise to trends over the next few decades, which will lead to a TECHNOTRONIC ERA - DICTATORY, in which the current political procedures will be almost completely abolished. CREATING BEINGS THAT WILL NOT ONLY ACTION BUT TALK LIKE HUMANS MAY RAIS A SERIES OF SERIOUS QUESTIONS.”

Managment structure

The world government has its own Hierarchy, which operates through prestigious international associations and committees. There are a huge number of them and they all do their part of the work to implement the plan of the world government.

“The Committee of 300 has at its disposal a huge bureaucracy, including hundreds of think tanks and official institutions, that govern the widest range of individuals and organizations from private businesses to government leaders.

I will mention just a few of them, starting with the German Marshall Fund. Its members (who are also members of NATO and the Club of Rome) include the likes of David Rockefeller of Chase Manhattan Bank, Gabriel Hague of the prestigious Hanover Trust and Finance Corporation, Milton Katz ) from the Ford Foundation, Willy Brandt, leader of the Socialist International, KGB agent and member of the Committee of 300, Irving Bluestone, chairman of the executive board of the United Auto Workers, Russell Train (Russel Train), President of the American branch of the World wildlife” (World Wildlife Fund), under the patronage of Prince Philip and the Club of Rome, Elizabeth Midgely, CBS Program Producer, B. R. Gifford, Director of the Russel Sage Foundation, Guido Goldman of Aspen Institute,” the late Averill Harriman, Extraordinary [ 3 ] Member of the Committee of 300, Thomas L. Hughes of the Carnegie Endowment, Dennis Meadows, and Jay Forrestor of MIT’s World Dynamics.

When it was decided that some sort of super-organization should manage European affairs, KIMD founded the "Tavistock Institute", which in turn created NATO. For five years, NATO was funded by the "German Marshall Fund". Perhaps the most important member of the Bilderberg Club, the Committee of 300's foreign policy body, was Joseph Rettinger, who is said to have been its founder and organizer. .

Rettinger was a highly trained Jesuit priest and a 33rd degree Freemason. Mrs. Katherine Meyer Graham, suspected of killing her husband to gain control of the Washington Post, was also an important member of the Club of Rome, as was Paul G. Hoffman of New York Life Insurance Company ("New York Life Insurance Company"), one of the largest insurance companies in the United States, a leading company that is part of the Rank Corporation, which is directly related to the family of Queen Elizabeth of England. In addition, the founding members of the Bilderberg Club and the Club of Rome were John J. McCloy, the man who tried to erase political map post-war Germany, and last but not least, James A. Perkins of the Carnegie Corporation.” D. Coleman "The Committee of 300. Secrets of the World Government"

The world is ruled by a small number the richest people, descendants of wealthy families from Europe and the United States, who own most of the wealth of the world. This power is concentrated in London, at the center of the global banking system. Power is passed from generation to generation. They are highly organized, working in secret, through a network of "private" organizations. This group is known as the "world elite".

Their wealth is accumulating. They determine the course of history through virtual control of the global economy. They are working according to a "big plan" that has now been largely implemented.

The usual reaction of people at the first mention of the world elite and its activities is distrust. But within a few recent years there has been an increase in the number of books, articles and essays on the subject. All of them are based on well-documented studies. Information fits well with events recent history leaving no room for doubt. We see how a "new world order" is emerging - the strategy of the global elite.

The concentration of control over financial resources began with the industrial revolution. The 18th century saw the emergence and rapid growth of the House of Rothschild, a powerful financial empire built with money given to Mayer Amschel Bauer (later Rothschild) by William IV, who stole it from the soldiers hired to fight Napoleon's army. Rothschild sent money to England, bought huge amounts of gold from the East India Company and used it to fund the activities of the Duke of Wellington. Operating through the Brotherhood's network, he manipulated governments and caused wars and revolutions. He invested money on both sides of the conflict, which became standard practice among the banking elite. Rothschild's influence can hardly be overestimated, for he was the forerunner of the huge transnational corporations and banking empires that extended their control over the entire earth, in accordance with the long-term plans of the Brotherhood.

As historian John Reeves wrote:

It is unlikely that Mayer Amschel could have foreseen that his descendants would have such unlimited power, that the world would depend on their whim, that the control of the European money markets would allow them to pose as arbiters of war and peace, since they could withhold or issue funds at will, needed for military campaigns. It may seem incredible, but their enormous influence, combined with their enormous wealth, has allowed them to ensure that there are no firms left strong enough to withstand the elite for a long time.. To achieve this position, Mayer Amschel and his sons needed the cooperation of the states, but once they reached the height of their ambition, they were no longer dependent on them, while the states were in the position of petitioners at their feet.

Mayer Amschel himself explained Rothschild's position: "Give me control over the country's currency and I won't care who rules there." When Rothschild's son Nathan died, the eldest grandson, Lionel, took over the finances. He made huge loans to the British and American governments, including $80 million to finance the Crimean War. Lionel was succeeded by a second Nathan, the 1st Baron Rothschild, who took his seat in the House of Lords in 1885. He became the head of the Bank of England with unlimited power over the financial system of the whole world. This power expanded through new financial empires such as banking systems Morgan and Rockefeller, so that in the last decade of the 19th century, power and control over the global financial system was completely in the hands of the global elite.

But back to the beginning of the industrial revolution. At this time, the authorities in the UK embarked on one of the most powerful efforts ever made to destroy public property. From 1770 to 1830, more than 25,000 square kilometers of public land were transferred to private hands for personal gain. By 1830, no more than three percent of the country's territory remained open for public use.

By 1901, Morgan and Rockefeller, who headed the two major financial groups in America, had merged 112 companies, consolidating $22.2 billion in assets, a huge amount in those days. In 1910, eight financiers met in absolute secrecy at Morgan's private club, the Jekyll Island Club in Georgia, to shoot the ducks. The details of this meeting were not known for six years, but then fragments of the information were made public. For example, on January 18, 1920, the New York Times made the most revealing statement about the Federal Reserve System, which these bankers had begun drafting in 1910: "The Federal Reserve System is a source of credit, not capital." This meant that the banknotes issued by the system, instead of being backed by precious metals or other valuables, were based on paper lent at interest.

On July 25, 1921, Senator Owen declared in the same newspaper: “The Federal Reserve System is the most gigantic financial power in the world. Instead of using this great power, as the law suggests, she delegated this power ... to the banks. On May 3, 1931, commenting on the death of one of J.P. Morgan's closest associates, the New York Times noted: "One-sixth of all the wealth in the world belongs to members of the Jekyll Island Club." This only applied to the Morgan group. At the same time, Rockefeller and European financiers were not taken into account. Among the "duck hunters" in November 1910 were Benjamin Strong, head of the JP Morgan Bankers Trust (and head of the Federal Reserve Bank from 1914 until his death in 1928), and Paul Warburg, who had exceptionally strong banking connections in New York. York, England, France, Germany and the Netherlands. They were the real power behind the throne of the Federal Reserve. Warburg's brother, Max, was the head of the German secret service during World War II. Morgan and his duck hunters set about drafting a master plan for the Federal Reserve:

Stop growing competition from new banks;

Get the right to print money for lending purposes;

Get control over the reserves of all banks;

Make taxpayers pay for inevitable losses;

Convince Congress that the Fed's goal is to protect the public.

All this was brilliantly accomplished. As Anthony Sutton says of one of the most egregious hoaxes in history, “The Federal Reserve System is a private monopoly on the money supply. It works for the benefit of a few people under the guise of protecting the public interest.”

The format of the article does not allow for a detailed examination of the secret machinations and abuses of the elite, including the crisis of 1929 and the Great Depression orchestrated by Montagu Norman, governor of the Bank of England from 1916 to 1944, and Benjamin Strong, with a little help from friends. Nor will we now examine the consequences of many of the actions of these robber barons, such as their support for Germany in the First World War and ensuring Hitler's rise to power.

When Montagu Norman had a nervous breakdown in 1912, he, as was the fashion, went to Switzerland to be treated by Jung.

Sometimes people of this class suddenly begin to suffer from feelings of guilt for the world wars and economic depressions that bring suffering and death to millions of people on the planet. These "nervous breakdowns" are cured by psychiatrists, and they return to their work with the same pleasure, without pity for the "little people" who should become their victims.

As Eustace Mullins says, the same people who are in charge of the Federal Reserve System run the world's finances, profitably for themselves, but with disastrous consequences for everyone else.

Next we move on to Bretton Woods, New Hampshire. 1944, the first International Monetary Conference of the United Nations. She worked out a final agreement on a new world order in the post-war period, in which the transfer of power from nation-states and democratic governments to banks and multinational corporations will continue. William Pitt summed up what happened more than two centuries ago: "Unlimited power tends to corrupt the minds of those who wield it." This saying is best known from Lord Acton's statement in 1887: "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."

The Bretton Woods Conference also established Anglo-American hegemony in control of the world's oil reserves and led to the creation of the all-powerful International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank (WB). These organizations, under the control of the US Federal Reserve System, deliberately and ruthlessly placed most of the so-called third world countries in debt. It is said that the World Bank and the IMF have done more harm to people than any other non-military organization in history. Jesse Jackson said in 1993, "They don't use bullets and ropes anymore. They use The World Bank and the IMF. Between 1982 and 1990, debtor countries paid more than $1,300 billion, but owed 61 percent more than in 1982. In 1993, for every pound of aid, rich countries took out £3 in debt payments. As the Nigerian writer and environmentalist Ken Saro-Wiwa said:

The World Bank must accept that the real instrument of torture is its desire for economic growth at the expense of human well-being... The sooner the debtor nations realize the political nature of the World Bank, the sooner they will be able to resist fictitious economic theories.

Saro-Wiwa and eight other Ogoni activists were hanged on November 10, 1995 by the dictator of Nigeria, General Abacha. In 1988, former IMF Senior Economist Davison Badhu issued a statement. Badhu resigned, hoping, in his words, that he was "washing his hands of the blood of millions of poor and starving people."

In 1993, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) was signed, and the new World trade Organization(WTO) was established in 1995. The elite is now able to abide worldwide by the doctrine of corporate libertarianism - the bill of rights for transnational corporations - and God bless any country that gets in its way.

secret plan

David Icke, in his book "...And the Truth Will Set You Free," summarizes the main plans of the elite after World War II:

Continue to cause conflicts around the world and use the fear of the Soviet Union to increase spending on nuclear and conventional weapons and create a US-European defense alliance (North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)) and peacekeeping forces the United Nations that will eventually fuse together to form a world army;

Create three "free trade" regions in Europe, America and Asia, first as purely economic entities. Gradually, however, they must become centralized political alliances with one central bank and a single currency. They would be stepping stones to the introduction of the same zones on a global scale. The European Economic Community (European Union) was the first of these, but two others are currently in the process of being established;

Develop means of controlling public opinion and research into the manipulation of the human psyche, individually and collectively;

Create a welfare state by destroying the economic system alternatives and, when the desired is achieved, remove the support of this state, to create a large underclass without rights and hope;

Create fantastic sums of money in the course of implementing all these plans through elite-controlled companies and banks;

Constantly increase the debt burden of the population, business and states, thereby increasing control over them.

The approach to mislead public thinking was predictable but very effective: to discredit nation states in accordance with the writings of the German economist Hans Heymann, who created his "Plan for Perpetual Peace" using funds provided ... by the "Carnegie Endowment for International Peace."

Translation from English by Alexander KHOLEVA

There are a number of versions and hypotheses about who rules our world - both about the British queen, and about the secret world government, which sits on some private islands and is composed either of Masons, or of Jewish Masons, or in general of reptilians.

In fact, determining who controls the world is not so difficult, at least in general terms.

Great power is always accompanied by great military power and big money.

So it was, so it is and so it will be, at least until humanity learns to live without money and wars.

Big power is big because it manages a big economy, big resources, big capitals, and big economy with large resources and capital cannot function without large amounts of money.

And without a great military force, a great power with its big money cannot do either, otherwise it will be like a bank without proper protection, which everyone will begin to rob until it is completely devastated.

Based on this, the version about the British queen disappears completely and completely - there are no grounds for it, except for the personal predilection of supporters for the ideas of the greatness of the British monarchy.

Once the British crown really had a lot of power and ruled a large part of the world - India, China, most of Africa and the Middle East were British colonies. Even North America, the USA, were also part of the British Empire. But this is all in the distant past.

Britain began to lose ground when it lost the American War of Independence, after which the New World began to consistently take power and influence from the Old.

Finally, Britain lost its former positions following the results of the Second World War, having lost its colonies and losing the status of an empire. The role of the world's leading power was ceded to the United States, its former colony, by Britain.

The era of colonialism has been replaced by the era of neo-colonialism, economic and financial colonialism, in which the colonies are formally independent states, but are under external control through the mechanisms of financial and economic control.

The United States is the world hegemon and superpower that controls most of the world today.

For a long period after the Second World War, the world was divided in two - one part was under the influence of the United States, the other - under the influence of the USSR. This can be seen as a period of global dual power. However, after the liquidation of the USSR, the period of dual power ended and the United States became the only superpower.

On the this moment The United States has the greatest military power and controls the world financial system, since the US dollar is the world currency accepted for settlements between countries.

Neither the euro, nor the British pound, nor the yen, nor the yuan are any significant competition to the US dollar in international settlements.

China and Japan sell their products to other countries not for yuan and yen, but for dollars.
Europe buys Russian gas not for euros, but again for dollars.

American military bases are located all over the world - not British, not Chinese, not Japanese, but American. The world's largest military alliance, NATO, is again controlled by the US, and through NATO, the US controls all of Europe.

It is the US today that has the military power and the financial power that provides global power - power over virtually the entire world.

Different countries are to varying degrees subordinate and controlled by the United States - some more, others less, but to one degree or another, Washington controls the vast majority of countries.

No one today has the military power and financial capabilities equal to the United States.

The US doesn't just maintain the world's largest army with the world's largest military budget - the bulk of the US military is stationed outside the US, at numerous military bases around the world.

Most of the American dollars are also outside the United States (even nominally), in international circulation. And due to this, the United States receives excess income by issuing the dollar, as a result of which most of the dollar inflation falls on other countries. By depreciating the dollar, the United States, as it were, takes away part of the value from everyone who uses dollars, removes a kind of percentage.

This is the power over the world, when most of the army and money is placed abroad and provides control over the vast majority of countries.

It is important to note that the dollar as a world currency was adopted quite officially back in 1944, when 43 countries out of 44 participating in the Bretton Woods Conference (all except the USSR) signed an agreement on the transition to the US dollar as a unit of account in international trade. operations. Thus, the financial power of the United States over the world is fixed at the level international agreements that emerged more than half a century ago.

US military power over Europe is also formalized, at the level of the NATO agreement. The US military presence in many countries is formalized by agreements on the deployment of military bases.

The power of the United States over the world is quite obvious and officially fixed at the level of various agreements and treaties of an economic, financial, political and military nature.

Therefore, there is no need to look for secret world rulers and worship the British queen for far-fetched reasons. Power over the world is quite explicit and exists quite officially. And it is located in the United States, from where the management of that money and that military force is carried out, which no one else has equals.

But who exactly rules the world - senators and the US president?

No, the President of the United States and the Senate are only an administration that issues and enforces laws, but does not have full power. The President of the United States and senators are managers who perform their functions in the management system.

The dollar system is controlled by the Fed, a consortium of 12 private banks.

The US dollar does not belong to the state - it is the private property of the Fed, the property of a private banking cartel, which is not subject to either the president or the Senate.

The Fed has the exclusive (exclusive) right to issue dollars (as well as to withdraw dollars from circulation) and makes an independent decision to change the key rate, that is, at what percentage dollars will be issued to all other participants in the financial system, including the state.

The United States uses US dollars as a client of the Fed.

And the whole world uses US dollars as clients of the FRS, or clients of those banks that are members of the FRS. Or as clients of the United States - a client of the Fed. Or as clients of other FRS clients.

All countries that use US dollars in their calculations, all banks and commercial organizations, as well as individuals who use the dollar, are ultimately clients of the Fed - a private cartel formed in 1913 by twelve private American banks.

And there is no secret in this, everything is quite official. The composition of the FRS board and the banks included in the cartel are known. The Fed regularly holds meetings and informs everyone about the decisions made - changes in the key rate and plans to start or stop issuing the dollar (QI). Everything is official.

Another thing is that the ownership structure of the banks themselves, which form the FRS, is no longer so public and one can already guess who exactly owns them. However, this does not change the essence. It's not about the names of the people who own the 12 banks that control the Fed and, through the Fed, the entire American and global financial system. It's a matter of principle.

And the principle is this:

The entire world financial system is controlled by twelve American private banks, which are owned by a narrow group of individuals representing about twelve families.

The owners of the twelve private banks that make up the Fed control the issuance of dollars and the rate at which these dollars are issued to everyone, including the US government, including the Pentagon and the entire American army, including all countries and banks and organizations distributed around the world that use the dollar in their calculations.

The US Army, with all its military power, is essentially a private army, since all of its weapons are produced with private money - the money of the Fed. And the US military is paid in dollars, so they end up in the service of the Fed.

And since the US government, the Pentagon and all other American services and departments receive FRS money and depend on them, because they owe the FRS a percentage for using this money - they serve the FRS in one way or another, they act in the interests of the FRS, that is, in the interests of those 12 banks that form the Fed, in the interests of the owners of these banks.

And the military campaigns that the United States is conducting are ultimately carried out in the interests of the Fed, that is, in the interests of the owners of those 12 banks. These campaigns are aimed at maintaining the existing world order with a dollar system that everyone must use in order to remain clients of the Fed, to depend on the dollar, on its issue and the interest rate determined by the Fed, so that the whole world continues to pay interest on loans for using the dollar and that the Fed, by exercising issue of the dollar, could remove a kind of financial tax from all its holders.

By issuing a dollar in the amount of 1% of the entire existing dollar supply, the Fed, as it were, takes out of all the pockets in which dollars lie, 1% of their value. A loss in the value of the dollar of about 1% is not very noticeable for users, especially since everyone is used to a gradual decrease in the value of the dollar, because over the past 70 years it has fallen in price many times over. At the same time, the Fed, issuing only 1% of new dollars, has at its disposal an amount of several trillion, which can be issued at interest to clients, including the US government. Including military operations aimed at ensuring that this system continues to function and spread to new countries that are not yet actively using the dollar in their calculations or are trying to abandon it.

This is a system of financial capitalism - refined capitalism, in which money is made from money and capital is built up by increasing the money supply, not backed by anything but military power.

The beginning of this system was laid in 1913 with the creation of the Federal Reserve.

The first clients of the Fed were the United States - the American government, commercial organizations and banks.

In 1944, after the signing of the Bretton Woods agreements, this system received the status of a world, accepted by most countries of the world. After that, the stage of spreading the officially adopted system to the whole world began.

In 1991, after the liquidation of the USSR and the social bloc, this system became the only and uncontested, devoid of the last significant obstacle to gaining complete power over the world.

Today, only Iran, North Korea and perhaps Cuba are relatively independent of this system.

China, which some consider independent, in fact, has long been part of the global financial system, because it supplies its goods for the same dollars. The Chinese economy is export-oriented, so it depends on the US dollar no less than the Russian economy. The only difference is that Russia supplies raw materials, and China supplies consumer goods, but in terms of dependence on the dollar, this is of no fundamental importance.

However, what the bankers who created and control the Fed were striving for eventually began to turn against them - the dollar system, which had spread to almost the entire world, had exhausted the possibilities for further growth.

The dollar system has practically nowhere else to grow - almost the entire world has been captured, and the countries remaining outside the dollar system are very small and will no longer provide long-term growth.

The dollar system is essentially a financial pyramid, in which the income of its first investors is provided by the influx of new customers. And if in such a system the influx of customers stops, the system ceases to grow and provide income. And this income is vital for the system, because it was included in the financial plans of the participants who entered the system earlier. There are obligations of the participants of the system to each other, which cannot be fulfilled if the system stops growing and provides the previously planned income.

A debt system based on the dollar cannot be executed without further expansion, without the capture of new countries and their resources.

By issuing a dollar alone, the problem cannot be solved, unless the rate is lowered below zero, that is, issuing dollars with a negative loan interest, actually giving them to customers, and this is impossible, because it contradicts the fundamental principles of the system.

This means that the owners of the system, the owners of the very twelve banks that make up the Fed, must somehow reset the system, cancel most of the obligations and perhaps even change the principles of its organization so as not to face the problem of global limitation in the future.

How the owners of the Fed will reset the system is anyone's guess. But given the experience of the First and Second World Wars, as a result of which the owners of the Fed gained control over the world, it can be assumed that the system will also be reset through another world war.

Note that the Fed was created in 1913 - on the eve of World War I. The Bretton Woods Agreements, which made the Fed dollar the world's currency and gave the Fed control of the world, were signed in 1944, during World War II. And this, of course, is not accidental.

The creation and establishment of the Fed as a global financial power was carried out through the world wars - the First and Second. Therefore, it can be assumed that in order to maintain world power, the Fed will also be unleashed a world war. Moreover, in a sense, this war is already underway, only it has the character of a distributed hybrid war, which is a network of local conflicts controlled from a single center.

Let's summarize:

Rules the world financial capital, controlled by the owners of 12 American banks that own the Fed and the dollar system, and have the exclusive right to issue the dollar, which is the officially accepted world currency.

The Fed - a consortium of 12 US banks - issues dollars at interest to everyone, including the US government and the Pentagon, which means that the owners of these banks control the US government, the US military and manage the government's policies, including foreign policy, including military operations (wars), the purpose of which is to preserve and strengthen the existing system of financial capitalism, that is, the Fed's financial power over the world.

The owners of the 12 American banks that form the Fed rule the world through the dollar system they created, through the US government, the military, and through many financial institutions. different levels(including through the IMF).

The power of the Fed over the world is guarded by the largest army, most of which is located outside the United States and is distributed over military bases located on all continents. This army is supported by NATO - the world's largest military alliance controlled by the United States, and therefore indirectly controlled by the Fed.

The owners of the Fed gained power over the world as a result of two world wars, and there is every reason to believe that in order to maintain this power, they will be ready to unleash a new world war, even larger than the previous ones. And according to some signs, they have already unleashed this war.

The world is ruled by finance capital, which makes money out of money, multiplying its fortunes and power at the expense of interest on loans and the exclusive right to issue funds that are not backed by anything other than the military force paid for by the same means.

And there is no special secret in this - all this is accepted at the level of many international agreements, openly and officially. However, this system is so great and monstrous that some cannot see it, while others prefer not to notice it.

For many of us, the real power of the current government is a big question mark. Almost every person at least once thought about who rules the world in reality, because behind any power there is always some other powerful organization.

When choosing a government, ordinary people believe that they can influence the course of events, although everything has long been decided. In fact, the tops of the power of any of the countries are planned, skillful decorations, deliberately created by the world rulers for their own purposes.

The most mysterious organization, around which there are many legends, is the society of Masons. He is credited with running the global financial system, and some people firmly believe that the United States not only has a connection with this organization, but is also under its control. These conjectures do not have direct evidence, but it is impossible to deny the existence of Freemasons and their influence on the international economy.

The desire of secret dynasties for world domination can be traced back to ancient times. However, only after the end of World War II did they create a powerful banking system. With its help, they were able to influence the development of the economy of different countries.

By the way, global economic crises also do not happen by accident. With such powerful levers of control in their hands, secret organizations can influence the policy of any state.

You can trace a clear hierarchy of world domination, which consists of 5 steps:

  1. Central control core. It consists of several people who are given supernatural abilities to communicate with Supreme Intelligence.
  2. The richest families and dynasties on the planet. They manage the main turnover of funds, they are subordinate to the authorities of most countries. According to their plans, wars or large-scale economic crises occur.
  3. Famous financiers, sheikhs, kings, presidents.
  4. Political officials, big businessmen, leaders of religious societies.
  5. FBI, police, GRU, army.

These 5 levels of government have a direct impact on humanity, although they make up only 10% of the total mass of people. The remaining 90% are ordinary inhabitants of the earth who live their lives, and most of them are not at all interested in the question of who really rules the world.

Rockefellers - the most famous financial magnates

The Rockefeller dynasty consists of politicians, bankers, financiers, production workers. Its origins are John Rockefeller, who founded the oil company Standard Oil in 1870. He became famous after he became the first dollar billionaire on Earth.

He achieved success and great wealth thanks to the increased demand for petroleum products. Power and power Rockefeller received later long years hard work. He pursued an aggressive policy of acquisitions, during which he bought the companies of his competitors, ruined them, created large concerns from several small ones and created, in fact, a monopoly.

John Rockefeller was involved in charity work, financed medical institutions and educational structures. His heir, John Rockefeller Jr., became involved in real estate. Rockefeller Center became his famous office building, he also participated in financial activities and was one of the owners of Chase Bank.

Today, the head of the dynasty is David Rockefeller, an adherent of globalization and the creation of world governance. He raises troubling issues such as maintaining population after depletion of natural resources, advocates for a clean environment, and maintains a leading position in business. Rockefellers are at the head of companies:

  • Xerox
  • Pfizer
  • Boeing
  • Exxon Mobil (oil concern)
  • New York Life (insurance company)

Many attributed the family to the Freemasonry and ruling the world. One thing is clear - these are special people who were able to build and maintain their fortune even in difficult periods and influence the financial and banking systems of the whole world.

The Rothschilds are the financiers who rule the world

The founder of the dynasty was Meyer Rothschild. The Rothschilds created business relationships, influenced decisions royal families, bankers, financiers. The activities of Nathan Rothschild, one of the sons of Meyer, include the sale of gold, the supply of raw materials for certain types of industry. As a result, the financial empire of the Rothschilds became the largest creditor of many European countries during the wars with the participation of Napoleon.

Dexterous thoughtful moves, several steps ahead of rivals, an adjusted system for transmitting and receiving information, allowed the family to make good financial decisions and increase their fortune. The Rothschild Empire is one of the initiators of the creation of the Federal Reserve System of America.

Many consider this family to be supporters of the "Jewish conspiracy" and attribute unthinkable legends and bloody stories. But taking a sober look at the history of the dynasty, it becomes clear that these people are successful businessmen who somehow managed to win the trust of many countries.

Until the end, it remains unknown what their goal is to rule the world or destroy it. And if the power over the world is really concentrated in their hands, everyone else can only hope that they will make their efforts to preserve and strengthen it, so that people can live in peace.

Families that run the world

Three dynasties head the list of the richest and most influential people on the planet: the Slim family, Gates and Buffett.

Until recently, no one knew Carlos Slim Elu. But he managed to quickly break into the world of wealth and even push its leader - Bill Gates.

Contrary to legend, Slim did not make his fortune from scratch. The initial capital was an inheritance from his father in the amount of $ 400 million. For many years he was engaged in buying up bankrupt enterprises and gave them a new life, turning them into a super-profitable business. For this, they began to call him Midas - in honor of the famous mythical king who turns everything into gold. Today, his capital is estimated at 68 billion dollars.

The Gates family is worth about $62 billion. The founder of Microsoft is actively investing in politics - funding the US Democratic Party and doing charity work.

Some envious people claim that the Gates company is making huge profits due to its monopoly position in the world market. The American government not only does nothing to correct the situation, but also acts on the world market as a kind of representative of Microsoft.

Warren Buffett launched his first investment firm in 1956, successfully turning his initial capital from $100,000 to $7 million. He then bought shares in the failing textile company Berkshire and quickly turned it into a profitable company.

His investment portfolio is replenished with shares of Gillette, Coca-cola, McDonalds, American Express, Walt Disney, and others. Today, Buffett's fortune is estimated at $ 44 billion.

Who is at the helm?

The lion's share of the world's wealth, about 80%, is earned by 1,318 companies. They are headed by 147 largest corporations, a significant part of which are financial institutions and banks of the Federal Reserve of America.

Steve Jobs, Henry Ford, George Soros, Donald Trump - everyone knows the names of famous and influential people today. Do they all rule the world?

Opinions differ between two categories of people. Some believe that:

Like all wealthy families, these dynasties have a profound influence on world economy generally. They develop new industries, invest in innovations and inventions, donate money to charity and can defend their personal interests at the state level.

Most likely, these names and the history of creating their wealth are an example of how to build and save your business, resorting to the correct establishment of all processes and communications. After all, their main trump card is an accurate understanding of the situation and the ability to analyze information resources, directing them in the right direction.

They often say:

The one who owns the information is able to control the world.

Perhaps this is the main secret of the success and prosperity of these powerful families. But attributing to them the control of the world and the desire for dominance remains controversial.

Supporters of the other side hold very different views. Although modern world- a very complex system so that several people can manage it, but nevertheless, for various reasons and, having good evidence of this, many people are sure that this is exactly so ...