It is worth going to Kenya at least to visit the Masai Mara reserve (1510 sq. km). This is one of the most famous nature reserves in Africa. In terms of the richness of the fauna, only the Tanzanian Serengeti and Ngorongoro reserves can be compared with the Masai Mara. About 80 species of mammals and more than 450 species of birds live in the reserve.

The emblem of the Masai Mara National Park could offer an image of a plain with a flat top of an acacia and a giraffe looming against the endless sky. This reserve is by far the most popular in terms of attendance by tourists around the world. There is something about this park that makes you come back here again and again.

In the Mao (Masai) language, "mara" means "spotted". Indeed, when viewed from the air, the plain looks spotty due to rarely standing small trees. And once a year, during the migration season (from July to September), the rolling plains of the Mara turn into a black stripe due to the movement of huge masses of ungulates from the south, from the expanses of the neighboring Serengeti. This is a grandiose sight: during the great migration, about 2 million wildebeests, 200 thousand zebras, 500 thousand Thompson's gazelles and other herbivores move around the country, which are relentlessly accompanied by predators: lions, leopards, cheetahs, hyena-like dogs ... and vultures - hyenas, vultures, jackals, marabou. During the migration season, predators in the reserve are much easier to see, they become fat, lazy and often laze in the sun.

The Masai Mara lies on the territory of the giant Great Rift Valley, which has a fault line about 5600 kilometers long, originating in the Red Sea off Ethiopia and passing through Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi and Mozambique. At this point, the valley is wide and it is possible to follow the eye up to the high slopes in the foggy distance. Most safari activities take place here in the valley. However, there are some lodges that allow safaris to take place outside the boundaries of the park in the Oloololo mountains. Animals living in this park are not fenced off from other territories, and have the right to go outside the park into huge areas called "overrunning territories". Many Maasai villages are located in the area of ​​"overclocking", and this people, over the centuries, has developed a close relationship with the wild.

There are four main types of terrain in the Masai Mara: from Ngama Hills to the east stretch sandy soils with deciduous shrubs growing on it - favorite places for black rhinos; magnificent plateaus rise to the slopes of Oloololo on the western border; in the area of ​​the Mara River, a triangular area of ​​lush pastures and yellow locust forests is a favorite area for migratory wildebeest. Most of the reserve is represented by the central plain, with rare shrubs and huge boulders among the meadows, picturesquely scattered across the expanses of the plain.

Large herds of wildebeest, zebras, Thompson's gazelles, tonnies and buffaloes can be seen in the savannah. Closer to the rivers, the first trees appear, giraffes, waterbucks, elephants and bushbucks live there. Acacia forests grow along the Mara and Talek rivers. The bush is home to impalas, hartebeests, rhinos and dik-dik. As for lions and other predators, they live everywhere, but they especially like dense thickets of acacia. Here you can see all representatives of the "Big Five" (lion, leopard, buffalo, rhinoceros, elephant), although leopards can only be seen at night, and rhinos are almost completely exterminated, but still they are sometimes found.

A large population of hippos inhabits the Mara River. The permanent residents of the river include huge Nile crocodiles- the length of which is more than five meters and their weight reaches more than three quarters of a ton. They lie in coastal mud waiting for food until the wildebeest start looking for new pastures.

Birds of all sizes and colors fly into the Masai Mara, and there are more than 450 species of them. Here you can see crested eagles, vultures, marabou storks, predatory Guinea fowls, Somali ostriches, pygmy falcons, crowned cranes. The park is home to 53 species of various birds of prey. national park Masai Mara is a major research center that studies the habitat and habits spotted hyena, which is not found anywhere other than this place.

Masai Mara is the "kingdom" of lions, and these powerful and regal hunters dominate these territories. Lions and lionesses, resting on the edge of the plain, are completely indifferent to the actions of tourists, considering themselves to be the true masters here. The Mara Reserve is a huge natural wonder, a place where Maasai warriors hunt on a par with lions. This is the place of mighty herds of animals, where the eternal cycles of life, death and rebirth take place.

Just outside the park are the villages of the Masai people. They are a nomadic people, and despite making up just over one percent of Kenya's population, they are the most beloved and well-known of the tribes of Kenya. Maasai speak the Maa language, it is practically not used in print. The food of this people is mainly a mixture raw milk major cattle and blood; beef or lamb is used only during significant holiday events such as marriage or transition to adulthood. Favorite color is red. Jewelry is a key component of outfits for both women and men. They wear bracelets and earrings in specially elongated earlobes. Jewelery: Tiered necklaces, earrings and bracelets are mostly made from multicolored beads. Maasai music consists solely of vocal accompaniment, without the participation of any musical instruments. The dances consist of vigorous jumps up from a place in turn, and the higher the dancer can jump, the more talented he is considered. The Maasai culture can boast of purity, there is nothing borrowed in it. Wealth is not expressed in monetary units, the richer is the one who has more goals livestock. Not so long ago, a warrior could prove his masculinity only by killing a lion with a spear or with bare hands. To date, the government has banned this custom, in order to protect African lion. However, civilization does not leave aside this people. More and more often you can see the Maasai grazing their cattle on the plain, with mobile phone in hand.

In addition to the traditional vehicles offered on the safari, it is possible to safari on hot-air balloon. Flying a balloon over the Serengeti plains can be unique for enthusiastic travelers with the right means. Flights start at dawn, including a champagne breakfast, and fly over herds of grazing wildebeest and zebra, gazelles and giraffes.

The location of the park at 1,500 - 2,170 meters above sea level makes the climate much milder than in other areas. Daytime temperatures rarely exceed 30 degrees Celsius, and at night they hardly fall below 15 degrees. The rainy seasons starting in April-May and November make some areas of the Masai Mara hard to reach or even impassable due to sticky black mud. Migration of animals - wildebeest, falls on the dry season: from July to October - the grass during this period is long and lush. This is the best time to visit the park and take a safari to see the huge herds of migratory herbivores. Most warm time of the year - December and January, the coldest months - June and July. There is no night safari in this park, so as not to interfere with the hunting of animals, therefore all vehicles participating in the safari must return to the camp by six o'clock in the evening. Outside the boundaries of the reserve, there are many small camps and rest houses that offer, in addition to the traditional safari, horseback riding and other excursions.

Masai Mara National Park is a unique place. Here no one poses a threat to anyone. And life and death are in those proportions that have been established from time immemorial by nature itself. Maybe that's why everyone seems happy here: both people and animals.

The landscape of the park is classic African savannah, hills in the northeast, African acacia forests in the floodplains of the main water arteries- the Mara River, which gave the second name to the park in translation meaning "motley" and the Talek River.

The park was founded in 1948 and named after the Aboriginal tribe living in this area - the Masai and the Mara River.

There are three natural and climatic zones in the park: the savanna proper, the largest ecosystem of the park, rivers and adjacent lands, and the so-called bush - an area overgrown with shrubs. In all zones, the climate in the Masai Mara is even and mostly warm, which has allowed the park to gain worldwide fame as the most populated various types animals. It is home to more than eighty species of animals and almost 450 species of birds, including ostriches, secretary birds and crowned cranes. And, of course, the "Big Five" of Africa - elephant, lion, rhinoceros, leopard and buffalo.

Herd animals live in the savanna - antelopes, buffaloes and zebras. Near the rivers, near the trees - giraffes, elephants, and in the rivers themselves - five-meter Nile crocodiles and large population rare black hippos. The bushes are inhabited by rhinos and pygmy antelopes. Predators live everywhere, but most often they can be found near rivers in the cool shade of acacias.

The Masai Mara has the largest population of lions in all of Africa, including the very rare black-maned ones. Lions are the most interesting inhabitants of the park. Remember The Lion King? Here in the Masai Mara they are kings. Here, against the backdrop of the beautiful landscapes of the classical savannah, lions are found literally everywhere. They can be seen chasing dinner, or slumbering peacefully under a tree, waiting out the midday heat.

Popularity among tourists to the park was brought by the annual autumn migration of wildebeest, numbering from one and a half to two million individuals, which follow the pastures to the north in huge herds in dry July, and return back in October, with the onset of the rainy season. This is a magnificent sight - huge herds of animals move in dense masses across the savannah. Zebras, elephants, gazelles, giraffes, buffaloes and other herbivores migrate along with antelopes. And in their footsteps predators relentlessly move: lions and hyenas, cheetahs and leopards, jackals and vultures. Crocodiles lie in wait for animals while fording rivers.

If you want to see exactly predators, then there is simply no better time to find. They are lazy, fat on easy prey and do not think to hide from prying eyes. All this action was called the Great Migration of Africa.

Masai Mara is the land of virgin African nature, almost untouched by man with the magnificent harmony of African tribes with wild animals and a real paradise for tourists.

The park will offer you big choice camps for every taste and budget: from simple tents and African bungalows to luxury apartments. But Africa is Africa, and it has its own special rules: it is strictly forbidden to leave the hotel territory and move around the park on foot. This can only be done by car, accompanied by a driver. To do this, there are a great many tours and excursions, various directions and duration from one day to a real week-long safari. There are also special programs for children, including educational excursions.

It should be said that a real safari with shooting animals is prohibited here. An exception is made only for the indigenous population, for whom hunting is a means of survival. Tourists can only take pictures, since you can do it with any camera, even with a simple soap dish, animals come so close to the cars.

And you can also go up in a hot air balloon at dawn and from a bird's eye view, with a glass of champagne in your hand, explore the vast expanses of Africa! And if you are lucky and the flight coincides with the Great Migration, you will be able to appreciate the grandiose show of Mother Nature.

In the southern part of the park, the indigenous people live, leading the semi-nomadic Masai tribes. In the national villages - maniatts - tourists can get acquainted with their way of life. Masai willingly pose for tourists, show their homes, treat them to a traditional drink from cow's milk and blood, they will teach you how to shoot from a bow, and if you are lucky, they will give it to you; they will show wonderful dances, how jewelry is made and fires are made. Such hospitality is not entirely disinterested - they receive twenty percent of all park fees.

Beautiful pictures will remain in memory of the good-natured natives.

The Masai have managed to preserve their culture and ancient customs. The most important thing for the Masai is the cow. Even the Maasai wife's ransom is paid in cows. The Maasai themselves say: no cow - no life. The richest is the one with the most cows.

But civilization still interferes with the original life of the Masai. You can already see a shepherd with a mobile phone.

Kenya's Masai Mara National Park is a unique place. Here, life and death are not subject to anything and no one except the laws long established by nature.

Was founded in 1961. It was named after the local population - the Masai tribe, as well as Mara river.

The Masai, an African semi-nomadic indigenous people, still live in southern Kenya, in the savannah. Within the territorial limits of the Masai Mara National Park is their village. You can visit it and get acquainted with the traditions and life of the Masai tribe.

General information, relief and climate of the Masai Mara

is located in the southwestern part of Kenya and is a northern continuation. total area the reserve is 1510 km2.

Territorially Masai Mara not the most significant nature reserve in Kenya, but perhaps it can be called the most famous. It is located entirely in a huge East African Rift System, which spreads from South Africa to the Red Sea. The Eastern border is located 220 km from Nairobi, so it is eastern region Masai Mara is most often visited by tourists.

In the territory national reserve Masai Mara dominates subequatorial climate. The coldest month is July and the warmest is February. There are two wet seasons: dry in July-August, and clearly expressed in March-May. Quite cool evenings are characteristic of the reserve, especially in June and July: at this time the temperature can drop to 10 °C. The period from December to March is the warmest and sunniest time of the year.

The Masai Mara and its flora

has grandiose landscapes. The protected ecosystem includes three large ecosystems: river beds, bush and savannah. Huge herds of zebras, wildebeests, Thompson's gazelles, buffaloes and tonies can be seen in the savannah.

Trees grow near the rivers, giraffes, elephants, waterbucks, bushbucks live there. By the rivers Talek And Mara acacia forests grow.

Masai Mara and its fauna

Fame Masai Mara reserve brought first lions that live here in significant numbers. The reserve is also inhabited by all other animals of the so-called "big five", although the black rhino population is in danger: in 2000, only 37 individuals were recorded here.

Hippos live in large groups in the Talek and Mara rivers. Also in the reserve you can find cheetahs, which are also under threat due to the annoyance factor of tourists interfering with their daytime hunting.

IN Masai Mara reserve millions of wildebeest live. Other antelopes are also found in the protected area, including impala, Grant and Thompson's gazelles, topis and others. Huge herds of zebras roam throughout the reserve. More than 450 species of birds have also been registered in the reserve.

From Lake Nakuru Lodge on Lake Nakuru to Mara Simba Lodge (Lions of the Mara Valley) in national park Masai Mara road is not close - almost 300 km. Of these, the last 70 km are dusty off-road and “washboard”.

The lodge staff greeted us with a cool orange juice and gave wet wipes, which, after touching the faces, turned brown. This color here and the earth, and dust.

The lodge is located on the banks of the Talek River and consists of a dozen two-story wooden cottages, in which there are 6 rooms with all amenities. All the windows of the rooms overlook the river, in which crocodiles live, and from our balcony you can see how one alligator is basking in the sun. As it turned out later, he guarded the clutch with eggs.

At 16.00 we left for the evening game. Countless herds of antelopes to the horizon - they lined up in a wedge, and marched in single file one after another, and ran headlong across our road. It was clear how their herds are slowly moving somewhere en masse.

But where? Will we be late for the most important performance of the season - the dramatic crossing of the Mara River? What if they all go there tonight and tomorrow we won't see anything? At this sad thought, after dark, I had to end the evening game and return to the lodge.

But tomorrow morning again faster to the Mara River! It is on it that the most interesting and dramatic events unfold.

There are several reasons why it is worth going to Africa - to look at the exotic of these places - deserts, jungles, savannahs and get to know the inhabitants of these countries. But the most important thing is to see the wild fauna still preserved here. AND the best places than the Masai Mara, Amboseli and Nakuru reserves in Kenya cannot be found.

The secret dream of everyone who goes on a safari is to see the so-called. "migration" - the transition of ungulates across the river. It's unique seasonal phenomenon. Hundreds of thousands of antelopes and zebras following with them, obeying instinct, make a giant circle through the territory of two reserves - Masai Mara and Serengeti.

Now all the animals are here, where they came in the spring. And in the fall, the reverse exodus begins - again in the Serengeti. And it will last until November. In winter, Masai Mare is boring and dull - there are only solitary ungulates - sick, lagging behind the herd or afraid of crossing the river.

Their fate is unenviable - they become the prey of non-migratory predators - lions, leopards and hyenas. But, even in winter, you will not be bored - a good guide will always find the so-called Masai Mare in Masai Mare. the "big five" that every tourist is "obliged" to see - elephant, lion, buffalo, rhinoceros and leopard. And, if you can see the first three animals here without difficulty and in any season, then with a rhinoceros and a leopard, you and your guide will have to work hard and travel a lot around the reserve.

To this "five" I would add the sixth animal - the cheetah. He is also interesting for his habits and his beauty. Looking ahead, I’ll say that we did see all six, but in different reserves during one trip to Kenya and Tanzania. The cheetah is in Amboseli and the leopard is in the Serengeti. All other animals could be seen in all these parks without much difficulty.

The landscapes of Masai Mara are grandiose. There are 3 large ecosystems: savannah, bush and river beds. Large herds of wildebeest, zebras, Thompson's gazelles and buffalo graze in the savannah. Closer to the rivers, the first trees appear and giraffes, waterbucks, elephants and bushbucks live there. Acacia forests grow along the Mara and Talek rivers. And hippos and many crocodiles live in the rivers themselves. And they are waiting for their "star" hour - migration across the river of ungulates.

Of the unusual things that we managed to see here is an ostrich's nest.
If I had not seen it with my own eyes, I would never have believed how many eggs an ostrich incubates. It turns out - about two dozen!

And as for lions and other predators, they live everywhere, but they especially like thickets of acacia.

Safari goes to Masai Mare all day long. Having left the hotel early in the morning, it is far and inappropriate to return for lunch just for the sake of food. Usually the restaurant would give you a standard lunch pack and all you had to do was find a safe and open place to eat it.

In Masai Mare, we managed to see the most interesting "collection" of lions, including rare ones - black-maned ones.

As you know, lions live in prides - big families in 10-20 individuals - one lion and several females with cubs. The lion often fumbles with the babies while the females hunt for him. Lions cannot live without a pride, as it is difficult to hunt alone, despite the abundance of moving food. Only being in a flock, you can be sure that you will have something for dinner.

Usually a lion does not hunt - females do it - they jointly track down, go around and drive some ungulate. The lion can only roar so that their flock runs in fear directly into the ambush of the lionesses.

Arriving in the morning to the places where the antelopes crossed to the other side, they saw only crocodiles and hippos sleeping from idleness. None of the ungulates dared to cross the river today.
Our driver Robert got upset and decided to show us "something".

Guided by some kind of sixth sense, he traveled across the savannah for about half an hour and suddenly stopped. A little further away, in the yellow grass, a pair of lions lay lazily lying. 10-15 minutes passed - they all lay without moving.
- Yes, let's go - how long can you stand?
- No, no - Soon to be wedding!
- What else wedding?
- Lions!
- Can't be!
Another ten minutes passed. During this time, a dozen more jeeps drove up to the place. But we had a place in the stalls. Suddenly the lion got up and began to lick himself.

He did it calmly and diligently. First he licked his front paws, and then the causal place!
Then he got up and somehow carnivorously looked at his girlfriend.

Approaching her, he roared so that everyone flinched. The women were especially quiet.
The lion calmly walked around her and she surrendered without a fight.

The great mystery has come to pass. Now you can enjoy your holiday again.

Everyone silently and reverently watched this short scene of life. And only from the car with the Japanese-Chinese silly chuckles were heard. What was funny here?
After all, it was the eternal and great call of nature!

As we have seen, during the mating period, there is a very tender relationship between partners. The dominant lion mates with a female in heat every twenty to thirty minutes - and so on for hours. I remember once reading that a male and a female in the Dresden Zoo mated 360 times in eight days!

Now the lion is at the top of life. But time will pass and he, aged, will be expelled from the pride. And then, decrepit, lean, sick and weak, he will end his days in the womb of the hyenas that surrounded and tore him apart - such will be the inglorious end of the lord of beasts.

All materials on the August safari -

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