A few years ago, Dutch scientists made a sensational statement about the nature of aging. It turns out that the carriers of the so-called “youth gene” really visually look several years younger than their peers. These included people with pale skin, red and very blond hair. It is curious that astrologers drew a similar parallel quite a long time ago when they studied the influence celestial bodies to the signs of the zodiac.

Four representatives of the zodiac circle who look younger than the rest

On the exterior of Lviv big influence provided by the sun. It gives its wards a harmonious physique and proportional facial features. As a rule, people born under this sign have fair skin with a pinkish tinge and thick hair. The natural charm and charisma of Leos divert attention from the first signs of aging that appear already in their age. adulthood.

Gemini is ruled by Mercury. The planet endows them with leanness, graceful features, and medium height. Representatives of this sign have a golden skin color, sometimes they are decorated with a scattering of freckles, which suit them very well. characteristic feature are thick blond hair. Men do not go bald until old age, and women very rarely suffer from premature graying. Gemini always look younger than their peers and lead active image life.

Virgo is another zodiac sign that is ruled by Mercury. In many ways, their appearance is similar to Gemini, but there are also slight differences. As a rule, Virgos have more grace, pay increased attention to their appearance and prolong their youth with additional care. Due to their calm nature, they are a little nervous, which helps to delay the appearance of wrinkles.

The Moon gives Cancers an aristocratic appearance. Most often they are born with blond hair. Representatives of this sign have a miniature stature and arched eyebrows. Like sunny people, they have a round face, but their skin is lighter and more sensitive to the sun. Because of this, Cancers are forced to hide from ultraviolet radiation, which prolongs their youth.

For some women, years only adorn. From ugly ducklings, they turn into luxurious swans. At the same time, even fine wrinkles near the eyes do not give out their age, because in their eyes a mischievous twinkle of youth shines. Much of this is due to the stars. Certain signs of the zodiac seem to get younger in old age.

fleeting flash

Sociable and mobile Gemini never sit in one place. The air element of the sign also determines their easy attitude to life: from having money to family and children. They get late permanent place residence, often change partners, categorically refuse to grow up. For such inconstancy, parents and relatives always condemn them. Only friends and colleagues are happy to have a young soul in the company. True, it cannot do without a feeling of envy: Gemini women always look younger than their years. They are especially zealous about their appearance, because they love to impress the public. It is about Gemini that they say that they look stunning. Men's legs buckle as they momentarily catch this woman's radiant smile. How old she is doesn't matter.

Model for others

WITH young years these women lead healthy lifestyle life. Virgos pay a huge amount of attention to their bodies. They practice everything that allows them to keep their beauty for as long as possible. They are seriously fond of yoga, they buy tons of cosmetics of natural origin, they closely monitor the right combination products in food, etc. People around are often skeptical about such pedantry regarding their own health. However, the opinion of skeptics sharply changes to the opposite when, already at an age, they compare peers with a Virgo woman. There is a feeling that before the eyes of different generations. When mature ladies have obvious problems with their figure, Virgos look fit and slim. Long legs, wasp waist, healthy skin color - all this leads to suspicions about the elixir of youth, accidentally found by the Virgins. However, the real secret is self-discipline. These women are an example of competent handling of their bodies.

Top Model

While Virgos build willpower, practice yoga and a balanced diet all their lives, Libras don't care about methods at all. They are quite satisfied plastic surgery. These women are accustomed to enjoy today, to live for their own pleasure. Therefore, for the time being, they do not pay attention to age, and then simply make an appointment with a beautician. A certain amount of money - and they look young again. Therefore, when meeting with a Libra woman of venerable age, you should not think about some kind of miracle. These are all achievements modern medicine. Thanks to injections and various ultra-therapies, they can always boast of an ideal appearance. Getting on the cover of a fashion magazine at the age of 50 costs nothing for them. Relatives and relatives can condemn the behavior of Libra as much as they like, but the result, as they say, is obvious. However, the youth and easy attitude to life of these women are highly dependent on money. They either become financially independent and successful themselves, or find themselves a rich partner.

Frog traveler

Such a comparison should not mislead anyone. Sagittarius women are by no means scary and ugly in their youth. Their cheerful faces are all illuminated by a charming smile. The point here is different: they love to travel. All your own free time Sagittarians travel around the world, learn the culture of other countries. And when they return after a while, acquaintances have a feeling of a countdown. Constant movement and an unquenchable thirst for life affect Sagittarius in the most positive way. And people who are stuck in the routine of everyday life and habitual routes think that they are observing a fabulous effect: from a frog to a princess. Even at a respectable age, Sagittarius women have excellent posture. They have no time to sit and spoil their backs when last-minute tickets are waiting for them at their favorite travel agency.

Representatives of each sign Zodiac possess different character, and therefore, regardless of age, their lifestyle and behavior is very different. Some easily put up with the fact that they are already called uncle or aunt, while others are fiercely struggling with old age, using tons of cosmetics and all the methods of plastic surgery for this.

There are among them such who still feel old in their youth, and at an honorable age rejoice that their grandchildren call them grandfathers and grandmothers. Meanwhile, not every sign of the Zodiac likes such treatment, some of them are young to a ripe old age, without taking off mini-skirts and high-heeled shoes. Here is how representatives of the zodiac sign behave and look at an honorable age:

1. Aries. "I'll think about it tomorrow!" - like Scarlet from Gone with the Winds, Aries says, peering into the mirror and noticing the appearance of a new wrinkle. Aries prefer to ignore the onset of old age, they live in the present, and do not think about tomorrow. By nature, Aries is an optimist, he will not be upset because his grandchildren call him grandfather or grandmother. Despite their age, Aries never lose their spirits and continue to work even after retirement. At the age of 60, Aries will not weave African braids and wear youth clothes, but thanks to his energy and activity, at this age he looks much younger than his years.

2. Taurus. Over the years, stubborn Taurus gain a lot excess weight which adversely affects their health. Excessive love for money and food persists in Taurus until old age. And Taurus live for a very long time, because this sign has good endurance. Do not allow your children to call mom or dad born under the sign of Taurus grandma or grandpa, otherwise they will completely stop helping you.

3. Twins. Do not expect to see an elderly Gemini wrapped in a warm shawl and sitting in front of the fireplace at home. Old age does not seem to be noticed, at an honorable age they are also active and full of energy. Many Geminis continue to work into old age, their career continues after retirement. Geminis adore grandchildren, representatives of this sign are glad that they call them grandfather or grandmother.

4. Cancer. An aged Cancer is a classic grandma or grandpa, as we imagine them in childhood. Caring for grandchildren, kindness, reliability, demanding self-respect and the desire to be needed - these are the pictures that reflect the life of Cancer in old age. To call Cancer other than grandma or grandpa, grandchildren simply will not be able to. Both external and internal state Cancer in old age does not even leave a thought to refer to it in some other way.

5. a lion. Over the years, Leo becomes sedate and condescending. The elderly, in old age, have time to ensure a quiet life not only for themselves, but also for their children. In addition to universal respect, material wealth and authority, Lions at an honorable age are overgrown with fat, because now they do not have to work from morning to evening. Majestic and requiring admiration for his person, Leo is not called a grandmother or grandfather, and therefore their grandchildren are most often called by name and patronymic.

6. Virgo. If you have heard that people become grouchy in old age, then this is exactly what applies to Virgos. Virgos at an honorable age are prone to excessive criticism and control of the lives of loved ones. Therefore, living under the same roof with parents born under this sign will not be easy enough. Older Virgos devote a lot of time to caring for their appearance, so even at the age of 60 they look fit and young. Virgo has nothing against the fact that grandchildren call grandfather or grandmother, she is more concerned about such questions as whether they are well fed and whether their clothes are clean.

7. Scales. Representatives of this sign suffer from low self-esteem, so they take any reminders of approaching old age very painfully. Libra is most concerned about his life, including appearance. It is for this reason that Libra devotes a lot of time to facial skin care, exercising on simulators and visiting beauty salons. Many women of this sign achieve good results and look 10-20 years younger than their years. Grandchildren should not call the ever-rejuvenating Libra grandparents, this can cause their depression.

8. Scorpion. The narcissistic Scorpio begins to think philosophically in old age. The experience accumulated over the years and self-righteousness makes the nature of Scorpios irritable. Old Scorpios love to teach how to live and guide the young on the right path. Unfortunately, no one likes such qualities of character. Therefore, in old age, Scorpios suffer from loneliness. Scorpio will not forbid his grandchildren to call themselves grandparents, but he can hold a grudge against his children because of this.

9. Sagittarius. Nature rewarded Sagittarius with external attractiveness and charm. But beauty, as you know, passes quickly if you do not take care of yourself from youth. Sagittarians try not to notice the onset of old age and do not attach importance to the appearance of wrinkles on the face. Despite his venerable age, Sagittarius is sure that he is also young, sexy and handsome. Therefore, you should not be surprised if he pesters you with questions about how old he looks, whether wrinkles are visible on his face and whether he has gray hair. Sagittarians love compliments, but any reminder that he looks a couple of years older can really upset him. Of course, grandma or grandpa are completely inappropriate words to address Sagittarius, even if he is already 80 years old.

10. Capricorn. In his youth, Capricorn manifests himself as an overly serious and reasonable person, and by old age he turns into a "little child", requiring constant attention to his person. If you meet a person of honorable age, rejoicing or crying like a child, then most likely he was born under the sign of Capricorn. Capricorn cannot live separately from children in old age, so it is almost impossible to meet a representative of this sign in nursing homes. Capricorns in their youth work hard and provide themselves with a decent old age. Capricorn children are always grateful to their parents, and grandchildren call them grandma or grandpa.

11. Aquarius. An aging Aquarius can look quite defiant. Mini skirt, high heel, loose hair, bright makeup and tight trousers are things that an Aquarius woman of a very honorable age can afford. Aquarius does not care what others think of her, what matters to her is how she feels. Unfortunately, trying to look young, you can not go too far. What sits beautifully on young women may look comical on older women. Aquarius will not babysit his grandchildren at any age, and therefore he does not care what they will call him.

12. Fish. Older Pisces take stock of their lives and count everything they have done. Even in old age, they are worried about life's problems, they are afraid to die early, and not have time to finish the work they have begun. Eternal anxiety, disregard for their appearance and health greatly shortens their life. Pisces still feel old in their youth, and therefore they are sincerely happy if their grandchildren call them grandparents.

For some women, years only adorn. From ugly ducklings, they turn into luxurious swans. At the same time, even fine wrinkles near the eyes do not give out their age, because in their eyes a mischievous twinkle of youth shines. Much of this is due to the stars. Certain signs of the zodiac seem to get younger in old age.

fleeting flash

Sociable and mobile Gemini never sit in one place. The air element of the sign also determines their easy attitude to life: from having money to family and children. They acquire a permanent place of residence late, often change partners, and categorically refuse to grow up. For such inconstancy, parents and relatives always condemn them. Only friends and colleagues are happy to have a young soul in the company. True, it cannot do without a feeling of envy: Gemini women always look younger than their years. They are especially zealous about their appearance, because they love to impress the public. It is about Gemini that they say that they look stunning. Men's legs buckle as they momentarily catch this woman's radiant smile. How old she is doesn't matter.

Model for others

From a young age, these women lead a healthy lifestyle. Virgos pay a huge amount of attention to their bodies. They practice everything that allows them to keep their beauty for as long as possible. They are seriously interested in yoga, they buy tons of cosmetics of natural origin, they carefully monitor the right combination of products in food, etc. People around are often skeptical about such pedantry regarding their own health. However, the opinion of skeptics sharply changes to the opposite when, already at an age, they compare peers with a Virgo woman. There is a feeling that before the eyes of different generations. When mature ladies have obvious problems with their figure, Virgos look fit and slim. Long legs, wasp waist, healthy skin color - all this leads to suspicions about the elixir of youth accidentally found by the Virgins. However, the real secret is self-discipline. These women are an example of competent handling of their bodies.

Top Model

While Virgos build willpower, practice yoga and a balanced diet all their lives, Libras don't care about methods at all. They are quite satisfied with plastic surgery. These women are accustomed to enjoy today, to live for their own pleasure. Therefore, for the time being, they do not pay attention to age, and then simply make an appointment with a beautician. A certain amount of money - and they look young again. Therefore, when meeting with a Libra woman of venerable age, you should not think about some kind of miracle. These are all the achievements of modern medicine. Thanks to injections and various ultra-therapies, they can always boast of an ideal appearance. Getting on the cover of a fashion magazine at the age of 50 costs nothing for them. Relatives and relatives can condemn the behavior of Libra as much as they like, but the result, as they say, is obvious. However, the youth and easy attitude to life of these women are highly dependent on money. They either become financially independent and successful themselves, or find themselves a rich partner.

Frog traveler

Such a comparison should not mislead anyone. Sagittarius women are by no means scary and ugly in their youth. Their cheerful faces are all illuminated by a charming smile. The point here is different: they love to travel. All their free time, Sagittarians travel around the world, learn the culture of other countries. And when they return after a while, acquaintances have a feeling of a countdown. Constant movement and an unquenchable thirst for life affect Sagittarius in the most positive way. And people who are stuck in the routine of everyday life and habitual routes think that they are observing a fabulous effect: from a frog to a princess. Even at a respectable age, Sagittarius women have excellent posture. They have no time to sit and spoil their backs when last-minute tickets are waiting for them at their favorite travel agency.

Astrologer Masha Novik
Especially for allWomen.ru

There are women for whom time not only slowed down, but seemed to turn back. They only get better with age. Our astrologer named several such zodiac lucky ones.


Opens the list of favorites of Fortune Capricorn. In their youth, the girls of this sign impress their peers with adults, wise women. There is a seriousness uncharacteristic of youth in their eyes. The conflict of real age and state of mind is reflected in the appearance of the Capricorn girl.
But over time, when the age of the soul comes into line with passport data, others notice how prettier the Capricorn woman has become. Self-confidence gives her a special charm. The success that she has achieved in her career decorates better than any jewelry, gives sparkle to her eyes. She never pretends to be fatal temptress, but there is a certain mystery in it that attracts men.

In youth, a business restrained style looks a little inappropriate for age, but over the years it acquires a discreet chic. The Capricorn woman uses a minimum of cosmetics, and at the same time manages to look fresh and young.
The secret of Capricorn is that over the years it becomes more and more interesting for her to live, she tries to make up for what she deliberately deprived herself of in her youth. A woman rejects restrictions, becomes more relaxed, she has new desires. And this is the key to spiritual youth and movement forward.


IN early youth the self-esteem of a girl born under the constellation Libra fluctuates like a pendulum. She experiences the period of formation too much, tends to see in herself only worst features. And the internal conflict, which inevitably casts a shadow of self-doubt on the prettiest face, turns a pretty girl into a simpleton.
Over time, the Libra woman first intuitively, then consciously finds her own style in clothes, learns how to properly care for herself. Masterfully knows how to emphasize dignity with the help of cosmetics. She starts to accept her flaws, learns strengths, knows himself. As a result, when her friends begin to fade, her beauty becomes apparent to those around her.
She understands that the world of beauty, fashion, luxury is her native element. Women of this sign know how to choose clothes and accessories so that the whole look is not only impressively beautiful, but whole and harmonious.
With age, Libra women become real experts in communicating with the opposite sex. Men appreciate their tenderness, charm, intelligence, easy character. Libra is always surrounded by fans, they just need to make the right choice.


In their youth, Gemini girls attract with their freshness, good looks. They are light and mobile, prefer sporty or unisex style clothes. Geminis are frivolous and careless. But there is still no real beauty in this period.
They really become irresistible with age, when depth appears in the look. Life disappointments remove everything superficial, superficial from the Gemini girl, revealing her true beauty. After love grief and shed tears, the smile becomes mysterious. Men can hardly take their eyes off such a woman.
The birth of a child removes some angularity of the figure, gives smoothness and grace to forms. Movements lose some impetuousness, become softer. It seems that the biological age of a Gemini woman is nothing more than a set of numbers in a passport. She really begins to open up only after 30 years.
Gemini cannot be called adherents of one style of clothing. Thanks to an extensive wardrobe, skillful selection of accessories, impeccable taste, they create a new, attractive look every day.


In their youth, girls of this sign are somewhat notorious, extremely touchy, withdraw into themselves. Uncertainty prevents them from opening up, demonstrating their beauty to others. But nature generously endows the representatives of the water element with tenderness, femininity, grace.
All these qualities are revealed over time, when a woman acquires the ability to control emotions, finds inner peace. True beauty is not compatible with tantrums, resentment, bad mood. Self-confidence allows you to relax, understand that the world not so scary. Calmness helps Cancer to find a unique charm.
Their charm is not striking, it resembles running water, from which it is impossible to look away. The look of a Cancer woman can be either piercing or naive. The pool of her soul hides unexpected surprises. Men intuitively feel the attractiveness of a mature lady, they surround her with attention, which makes her blossom even more. Often, women of this sign marry partners much younger than themselves.
Skillfully selected clothes emphasize femininity, romance, give the appearance of mystery.


The beauty of women of this sign, like everyone else, changes over time, it just transforms into better side. In the early youth of the Virgin - this is " gray mice, unaware of their charm. Femininity wakes up in them a little later than in representatives of other signs of the zodiac.
Gradually, Virgo leaves low self-esteem in the past, realizes the charm and strength of her body, understands how to influence men with it. It is like a flower that blooms when the others have withered.
The beauty of the Virgin comes to her in adulthood, and remains for a long time, as if preserved by a special spell. In fact, women of this sign are very concerned about their health, lead the right way of life, which in the most favorable way is reflected in their appearance. They try to look perfect in any situation. Innate taste helps to choose an individual style: concise, without anything superfluous. A minimum of accessories and cosmetics only emphasizes the natural attractiveness. Virgo knows how to work with details that set the tone for the whole image.