Prayer for a son

The prayer of mother and father is the strongest defense

Parental prayer has huge force. She cannot remain unheard, so it does not matter how old your child is. It so happens in life that sons face great dangers. Boys usually behave more actively and desperately already in childhood, therefore they are exposed to various household risks. The prayer of the mother and father will allow you to protect the child from a variety of life hardships, with its help you can turn away evil from your son and put reliable protection over him. By praying you can guide him to the righteous life path in which he will never be disappointed.

Orthodox prayer to the Mother of God for the health of her son

If you regularly pray for the health of your son, then he will never have serious health problems. In addition, such a prayer provides general protection from all evil. The mother's prayer for the health of her son is always filled with special sincerity, therefore she will always be heard by the Higher Forces and the reaction to her will follow immediately.

When reading a prayer for health, you must follow the basic rules. It is very important to concentrate on the spoken words and believe in a positive result. It is important in the process of prayer to imagine your child healthy, joyful and happy. You can pray for the health of your son at any time, both in the temple and at home. After prayer in the church, you must definitely put a candle for the health of your child.

Remember that the text of the prayer for the health of the son must first be memorized. Indeed, only in this case it is possible to clearly pronounce each phrase, and only with this approach all words will come from the depths of the soul. If the son fell ill, then the Most Holy Theotokos should be prayed for his healing.

The prayer text reads as follows:

Maternal prayer to St. Matrona for her child

Many believers know that the prayer of the Matrona of Moscow has great power.

If the son falls ill, then the following prayer should be read before the icon of the Saint:

In order for the prayer to the Holy Matrona to be more effective, it is necessary, before praying, to distribute alms to the poor. It is also recommended to bring a donation to the temple.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker, changing the fate of his son

Nicholas the Wonderworker is one of the most revered saints in the Orthodox Church. He is approached for various reasons. If the prayer is sincere, then it will certainly be heard. Believers know that a strong prayer directed to Nicholas the Wonderworker can change a person's life. And if a prayer is pronounced by one of the parents, then its strength increases significantly.

Prayer for drunkenness of an adult son

Very often, parents pray to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker to save their son from drunkenness. Prayer must be offered at home in complete solitude in front of the icon of the Saint. But before that, you should definitely find time to visit the temple and light a candle for the health of your child.

Prayer for good luck in work or when serving in the army

Work occupies an important place in a person's life. So parents need to pray for their son to find Good work which will allow him to become successful person and achieve recognition in society. good helper when looking for a job, St. Nicholas the Pleasant is considered. The prayer of parents for a good job for their son will always be heard by him. He will always help in this matter those who are faithful to the Lord in soul and deeds.

The prayer to Nikolai Ugodnik should contain specific requests, it is allowed to ask in an arbitrary form for the following:

  • About a good job that brings a high income;
  • About luck at work, which will contribute to career advancement;
  • About a quick search for a decent job;
  • Assistance in starting your own business;
  • About a decent and timely salary;
  • About promotion in the near future;
  • About a good and friendly team in which it will be comfortable to work;
  • To exclude any risks;
  • About enjoying the job.

Praying for good luck in work for his son, he follows in the temple in front of the icon of St. Nicholas the Pleasant.

The text of the prayer is as follows:

If your son was drafted into the army, then to make it easier for him to serve, read the prayer sent to Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Her text reads as follows:

This prayer should be read before the icon of the Saint with a lit church candle. It is very important at this moment to imagine the image of a joyful, smiling and happy son. After reading the prayer, it is necessary to overshadow yourself with the sign of the cross.

Prayer-amulet to the Archangel Michael on the road to his son

A very strong protective prayer is prayer appeal to Archangel Michael. There is a very strong prayer-amulet that every mother should read on the way to her son. It will be a reliable protection against all evil spirits and any unkind external influences.

For prayer to be effective, it is necessary to clear your mind of all vain thoughts. It is important to remove pride from your heart and get rid of evil temptations. It is necessary to try during your prayer to renounce everything worldly and completely direct all thoughts to God.

Prayer amulet sounds like this:

After reading this prayer, you need to write it on a piece of paper and put it in your son's clothes. This will become a reliable amulet that protects on the way from unkind people.

Prayer-petition to Jesus for a son during study and exams

By praying to the Savior, you can support your son during his studies and when passing exams.

The prayer sounds like this:

Praying parents before the exam will help the child calm down and cope with anxiety. After that, the child will feel confident in their abilities and will be able to complete all examination tasks as efficiently as possible.

An effective prayer goes like this:

After such a prayer, you can be sure that you have created reliable protection for your child with God's grace. And all your son will need is to show his knowledge and skills. But for prayer to be effective, it must sound sincere. It is important to put all the power of your maternal love into every word.

8 Strong Orthodox Mother's Prayers for the Son

Any Orthodox family becomes happier if God gives the father and mother the Son, more joy comes to the house if not one, but several sons are born. A strong Orthodox mother's prayer for her son will help in difficult situation your child: in the army and at work, in business and marriage, in solving health problems and drunkenness. After all, a mother's heart cannot remain indifferent to any hardships in the life of her child, and prayer is one of the ways to help!

The strong prayer of the Mother for the Son will help in any difficult situation: in the army, at work, illness, business, marriage and others.

So that the son can withstand all sorts of hardships, not meet trouble and grief on his way, the mother puts howling protection over him, constantly praying to God. It is believed that maternal prayer is the most sincere, reverent and, of course, the most powerful prayer that helps children go through life without lowering their heads. After all, there is nothing dearer to a mother than her child, to whom she is absolutely disinterestedly ready to give all known blessings. She is ready to dissolve in her child without a trace and even, if necessary, give her life for him. Therefore, the mother's heart freezes with terrible pain if she feels that something is wrong with her son: maybe he got sick? The fire of joy and happiness went out in his eyes? Is the strength of the spirit leaving him? To prevent this from happening, mother always turns to God and All Saints with a request to protect her son from all possible troubles. And it is right. After all, as you know, grace will come to the baby only when it is sent by the Almighty, who heard the mother’s prayer, which is a hundred times stronger if you say it with a bitter tear in your eyes. That's when you can see the real miracle.

How are mother's prayers read?

As all believers know, if there is an urgent desire or need to pray, there is no need to wait for a special day or look for some extraordinary place where a mother could make an appeal to God for the benefit of her son. Orthodox maternal prayer will be heard any day, at any time of the day. Some believe that this sacrament requires a “prayed” place, that is, you must definitely go to the temple or church. But this is not a strict rule, the prayer will be heard by the Almighty even when she turns to the Higher Forces, for example, from home or asks to help her son, walking down the street.

There are special rules only when reading a prayer for the road, a mother utters a request to the Lord to save and save her child immediately before the departure of her son or daughter.

There is a certain sequence of actions in prayers, so, before starting to turn to God, you need to cross yourself three times and bow in bow. And then, read the psalm, here it is important not to forget to indicate the name of the child. This should be done by looking at church candles, which must necessarily burn near the icons of the Saints or in front of the face of God. At the end of the sacrament, it is imperative to overshadow yourself with the sign of the cross three times.

Who is praying for the well-being of children?

Believers know great amount prayers and psalms, among which a large section of prayer books for a son is clearly expressed. Most often, mothers read an appeal to the Mother of God, where they pray to the Mother of God to protect their children from sorrows and misfortunes, illnesses and other troubles. And, with the true faith of the mother in God, such a prayer is the strongest amulet for her children.

Try reading one of the powerful prayers given here and your situation will definitely improve!

Types of motherly prayers

What are mother's hands? This is nothing but two angelic wings, which, carefully hugging, protect the dear son all his life. And a mother's prayer is a barrier from troubles and misfortunes, with which a mother will protect her child while her heart is beating.

Strong prayer "For protection"

The mother takes care of her boy not only when he has not yet crossed the youthful threshold, the heart of the mother also hurts for the son who has already become an adult, and the strong prayer of the mother for her son will help in this! Behind school, university - ahead of a dizzying career. And in this situation, the mother will come to the rescue with a special prayer.

“Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, in prayers for the sake of Your Most Pure Mother, hear me, a sinful and unworthy servant of Yours (your name). Lord, in the mercy of Your power, my child (son's name),

Have mercy and save him for Your name's sake. Lord, forgive him all the sins, voluntary and involuntary, committed by him before You.

Lord, guide him true path Thy commandments and enlighten him and enlighten him with Thy light of Christ, for the salvation of the soul and the healing of the body.

Lord, bless him in the house, around the house, in the field, at work and on the road, and in every place of Your possession.

Lord, save him under the protection of Your Holy One from a flying bullet, arrow, knife, sword, poison, fire, flood, from a deadly ulcer and from vain death.

Lord, protect him from visible and invisible enemies, from all kinds of troubles, evils and misfortunes.

Lord, heal him of all diseases, cleanse him of all filth (wine, tobacco, drugs) and ease his mental suffering and sorrow.

Lord, grant him the grace of the Holy Spirit for many years of life and health, chastity.

Lord, give him Your blessing on the pious family life and pious childbearing.

Lord, grant me, unworthy and sinful servant of Yours, a parental blessing on my child in the coming mornings, days, evenings and nights, for the sake of Your name, for Your Kingdom is eternal, omnipotent and omnipotent.

Amen. Lord have mercy."

Prayer "For a son in the Army"

If your son is at war, hot spot, or another war zone, we recommend that you read the prayer "Psalm 90 - Alive in Help". If your child just left to serve in the usual part, then the mother’s prayer for a son in the army below will suit you. It will help in relationships with commanders and colleagues.

“By the will of the Lord, you were sent down to me, my guardian angel, my protector and guardian. And therefore, I appeal to you at a difficult moment in my prayer, so that you protect me from great misfortune.

I am oppressed by those clothed with earthly power and I have no other protection than the power of heaven, which stands over all of us and governs our world.

Holy angel, protect me from harassment and insults from those who have risen above me. Save me from their injustice, for I suffer innocently for this reason.

I forgive, as God taught, to these people their sins are before me, for the Lord has exalted those who have exalted themselves above me and thus tests me.

For all that is the will of God, from everything that is beyond the will of God, save me, my guardian angel. What I ask you in my prayer. Amen."

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos

This is a kind of universal prayer for your children and can be read in any case, both to help your son and daughter.

"ABOUT Holy Lady Virgin Mary, save and save my children (names) under Your shelter,

All youths, maidens and babies, baptized and nameless and carried in the womb of their mother.

Cover them with the robe of Your motherhood, keep them in the fear of God and in obedience to your parents,

Pray for my Lord and Son Yours, may He grant them what is useful for their salvation.

I entrust them to Your Motherly care, as You are the Divine Protection of Your servants.

Mother of God, introduce me into the image of Your heavenly motherhood.

Heal the spiritual and bodily wounds of my children (names), inflicted by my sins.

I entrust my child entirely to my Lord Jesus Christ and to Yours,

Most pure, heavenly patronage. Amen."

mother's prayer for her son: For health and cure for diseases

Prayer "For the health of the son"

In the event that a mother wants to save her son from the ailments and ailments that have overcome him, she turns to Jesus Christ, and also appeals to the Grace of St. Panteleimon. mother's prayer for son for health In addition, it is customary to pray to the Lord God when the child is to long road. It is interesting that on the eve of marriage, mothers turn to the Almighty so that the daughter-in-law is worthy, possessing humility and meekness. Here is a mother's prayer for the health of her son addressed to the Lord God:

I trust in you and ask for my own son.

Deliver him from illness and sickness and heal the sinful soul from the wounds of distrust.

Prayer for marriage

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God.

Help my child in the marriage of the righteous, going for the good of his sinful soul.

Send down a modest daughter-in-law who reveres holy Orthodoxy.

May your will be done. Amen."

Prayer for drunkenness

Not rare in this world is the suffering of a mother who realizes that her son is painfully addicted to alcohol. And he himself can not get out of the clutches of the green snake. If you need to cure a child from drunkenness, the mother’s prayer will help from the drunkenness of her son, she turns with prayers to the Blessed Matrona of Moscow, as well as to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, and, of course, in such grief, mothers cry out to the Lord.

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. In grief, my son became addicted to drunkenness, completely estranged from you. Forbid him alcoholic attraction, give him the Orthodox teaching. Let him be cleansed of exorbitant cravings, and his soul in the world will not become filthy. May Your will be done. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Blessed Staritsa, Matrona of Moscow. In a bitter cup, the son found oblivion, from Christ he went into bitter perdition. I beg you, take away the trouble as soon as possible, so that he does not feel a strong need. May your will be done. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Pleasant of God. In sickening drunkenness, my child dies, what his soul does, he does not understand. Banish the craving for alcohol from your son, strengthen his weakened will. Let it be so. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker "from prison"

And it also happens that the son turned off the righteous path, but for his sins he ended up in prison. And then prayer will again come to the rescue, which a caring mother will prompt her unfortunate son, no matter what.

“Oh, the great miracle worker and saint of Christ, Saint Father Nicholas! Thou art a quick helper and merciful intercessor to all those who call upon thee, and even more so to those who are in mortal troubles.

Such are the miracles of mercy you showed in the days of your life. When, after your death, you appeared to the Throne of God, according to this no one can count your mercies, even if he had many languages.

You keep floating on the waters; You have saved many drowning people. You keep on the way, even catching the winds, great snow, fierce scum, the greatest rain.

You guard houses and estates from the burning of malicious people and the all-term burning. You protect the beings on the way from the attack of the villains.

You help the poor and the poor, delivering them from extreme despondency and fall, for the sake of poverty.

You protect the innocent from slander and unjust condemnation. You saved from death itself three men sitting in a dungeon, they were determined not to be cut with a sword.

Taco, you have been given a great grace from God to pray for people and save beings in trouble! You also became famous for your help to people among the unfaithful Hagarites.

Can't you help me only, unfortunate and needy, if I myself have prepared this lot for myself? Protect me, too, from despondency and despair, which are worse than me.

Oh, great saint Nicholas! You yourself endured imprisonment in prison for the holy faith, and, like a zealous shepherd of Christ, you yourself knew how hard it is to be deprived of liberty and stay in chains.

Kohl to many who pray to you in bonds, you helped thou! Make it easy for me, sitting in prison, this misfortune. Grant me to soon see the end of my prison stay and receive freedom - not for the sake of continuing my sins, but for the sake of correcting my life!

Pray diligently about this too, if we are to be delivered from eternal dungeons, and with your help we save, I glorify God, marvelous in His saints, amen.

Prayer to Jesus Christ "for all occasions"

Of course, there are also such maternal prayers that are considered to be amulets, as they say, for all occasions. So to speak, universal, allowing you to protect your son comprehensively. It is customary to read such prayers several times a day, regardless of the time of day. This is usually done by truly believing mothers who do not forget to ask the Higher Powers for help in protecting their son and say words of gratitude to the Lord for all the blessings.

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God.

Send my son good health, mind and will, strength and spirit.

Protect him from the influence of pernicious and direct him on the path leading to Orthodoxy.

May your will be done. Amen."


It is no exaggeration to say that a child is for a mother. dearer than life which she treasures like the apple of her eye. And the Lord God helps in this, who, without a doubt, watches over all the children in this world. Thanks to the Almighty, his daughters and sons are protected from earthly troubles, from troubles, suffering and illness. And it is called in no other way than God's Grace, which is sent down by the Lord to every child at his birth. And it is in the power of the mother to preserve this grace for as long as possible, and she can do this only by constantly praying fervently.

It is not for nothing that many centuries ago people introduced such a concept as “ father's daughter". It is no secret that at the birth of a girl, mothers are also insanely happy, seeing in this little “blood” a complete copy of themselves. But mothers treat their sons with special trepidation, as they see in these young men their defenders, helpers and support in old age. But, placing such responsibility on their child, mothers never forget to take care of their sons themselves, keeping them calm, protecting them from earthly hardships and protecting them from unkind people with all their might.

Complete collection and description: a prayer for help to find a job for a son for the spiritual life of a believer.

Every adult at least once in his life had to deal with the search for work and the “charms” of employment. And even high personal and professional quality candidates are not always able to give a 100% guarantee of obtaining the desired position. The job search process can take quite a while. for a long time. A special Orthodox prayer is capable of significantly reducing this period, attracting good luck to the applicant and creating all the conditions for him to be quickly hired.

How does praying for a job work?

IN modern world, where fierce competition thrives, it is very difficult to get a high-paying job without the help and support of influential people. However, each applicant can enlist the assistance of higher forces if he uses Orthodox prayers in the process of his employment. Prayers for getting a job help any candidate to bypass all possible obstacles along the way and take the desired position.

The Orthodox prayer for help in finding a job is a highly effective tool, but you can’t place all your hopes on it alone. The labor success of the applicant largely depends on his personal characteristics. Heaven will not help lazy people. Higher powers favor only those who are used to achieving everything with their diligence, perseverance and purposefulness, because the holy helpers of God themselves were tireless workers during their lives. It is hardworking, active and energetic candidates who have more chances for successful employment.

The most effective Orthodox prayers when looking for work and employment

With a request for help in work, you can apply both directly to the Lord himself, and to His saints - the second category of prayer texts is the most in demand. In order to find a good job, believers most often address their prayers to the holy martyr Tryphon, the blessed old woman Matrona of Moscow and the Monk Seraphim of Sarov. Some ask for help from Jesus Christ.

Prayer to the Matrona of Moscow to find a good job

Even during her lifetime, the flow of suffering and needy did not stop to the blessed Matronushka - they all came to her with their requests. The blessed old woman continues to help people even after her death. The prayer for work addressed to Matronushka provides good assistance to those who really want to find a job quickly and reliably. The words in it are:

Prayer to the holy martyr Tryphon for help in search

The Holy Martyr Tryphon enjoys great reverence among the Orthodox Church and believers. People pray to him for deliverance from evil spirits, with material and housing problems. It is also possible to offer a prayer to Saint Tryphon in order to be quickly and without problems taken to the desired job. The prayer text is as follows:

Listen also to the text of the prayer for work on this video:

Prayer to the Monk Seraphim of Sarov to quickly find a money job

You can ask St. Seraphim of Sarov for help in finding a job not only for yourself, but also for your relatives, friends, friends - for those people whose fate is not indifferent to you. A prayer addressed to the holy righteous and miracle worker sounds like this:

Prayer to the Lord to find a good job quickly

The prayer for help in finding a job, sent to the Almighty, is one of the most powerful, so it will certainly be heard by heaven. You need to pronounce it at any stage of employment: viewing ads, calling potential employers, submitting a resume, before and after an interview, etc. The process of reading this prayer should always be accompanied by the sign of the cross. The prayer text itself is as follows:

When you manage to find a good position and gain a foothold in it, you must certainly thank the Creator for the support and assistance provided.

How to pray to be hired?

Any Orthodox prayer acts as a link between the higher powers and the believer. In order for a prayer petition to help you find a good job, it is not enough just to choose any of the texts proposed above and pray with it. The prayer must be carefully read, its content carefully studied so that the applicant can understand the very essence. It is desirable to learn the text by heart and read it from memory.

It is also allowed to turn to the Lord and the holy miracle workers and in your own words. The main thing is that they are pronounced sincerely and come from the heart. Communication with God will bring the greatest result if it is done in holy places - temples, churches, chapels. But this does not mean that it is impossible to pray outside these institutions - prayer can be used at home, in the office - in any place convenient for the applicant. Important condition- a person must be morally disposed and ready to talk with representatives of higher powers. It is good if the prayer is read in front of the icon of the saint (even if it is small in size).

The words of the Orthodox prayer for getting a job are best pronounced in a whisper, with understanding, clearly pronouncing and passing each of them through yourself. You need to talk with God and His holy helpers in a calm, peaceful state., the mood is irritable, evil is categorically not suitable for these purposes. The head of the praying person should be free from problems, thoughts - devoid of bad intent.

It is recommended to start a prayer request to be hired by saying “ Our Father". After it, you can already read the prayer itself, addressed to a particular saint. It is also obligatory before each reading and after it to impose on yourself three times sign of the cross. The best effect is given by a prayer said on your knees. Regular attendance at a church service also helps to increase productivity.

A mandatory requirement is not to forget to thank the higher powers if the job search was successful. Heaven helps worthy people in a short time. Those who are obsessed with laziness will have to sweat, put more independent efforts into employment.

I have been looking for a job for 3 months already, I live by odd jobs. Thanks for the prayers! I am sure that with the help of higher powers I will be able to find a job very soon.

It's just some kind of miracle! Just yesterday I was offered a good position, before that I prayed hard for several days. I’m just happy, because I had to stay at home for half a year, for some reason we are reluctant to hire women with small children ...

I ask all the holy gods, guardian angels who can help my whole family with a good, well-paid job, God helped me and my husband get a job soon so that everyone is healthy, direct my elder son on an honest path so that it forms, in the name of father and son and holy spirit.

Lord, help my son Michael find a worthy, financial job in order to realize his abilities for the benefit of his loved ones. In the name of the father, and the son, and the holy spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Thanks to the holy martyr Tryphon! Thank you, thank you. Prayed Helped.

Help the Holy Martyr Tryphon to my son Michael to find a worthy, financial job. Ami

Help the Holy Martyr Tryphon to my son Michael find a decent, financial job. Amen.

God help my daughter Anna find a decent job.

Oh Holy Martyr Tryphon, you help everyone, help me, God's servant Irina and my son Oleg, help me so that my eye is healthy and Irina is called to the desired job, where I want to, help my son in his studies so that he receives a diploma at the university, Thanks for your help.

Lord, merciful, help my son, your servant Michael, find a job so that he can find his place in this life. In the name of the father and son, and the holy spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen

Holy Martyr Tryphon, help the servant of God Oleg to safely resolve the issue of work

God help my daughter Kristina get a job after graduation. Let not the highly paid main thing in the specialty. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Holy Martyr Tryphon, help my daughter Elena get a job, she needs to feed two children. Close your mouth and eyes to envious people and spiteful critics. In the name of father and son and holy spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen

Holy Martyr Tryphon, help my son Michael in resolving the issue of work tomorrow. Amen

Holy Martyr Tryphon, help my son Artemy, your servant, find a good job, help him become a worthy person. Amen. Amen. Amen

All saints pray to God for us when you are getting a job and looking for a job

God help my husband at his new job so that everything is fine

Lord, I thank you that you heard me and returned to me what was previously stolen. This is a miracle!

Holy Fathers, I ask for your prayers for the employment of your daughter. Amen.

Lord, help me find a favorable job! Amen

Lord, help son Vladimir get a good job, which he has been waiting for a long time, but the issue is still not resolved. I trust in you, Almighty, with prayer and faith. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Lord Hear my prayers, I pray and beg, help the Lord Almighty find me a job Amen Amen Amen

Your comment Holy Martyr Tryphon, help my beloved servant of God, Sergei, take the righteous path to stop drinking. Please help him get a good job and find housing. I beg you to help. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Lord, our great and merciful Father, holy martyrs Matronushka of Moscow, Tryphon and Seraphim of Sarov, prayerfully and most humblely ask for your help and blessings for my daughter Anastasia to find a good job so that we do not experience material difficulties, deprivations and debts. I will pray tirelessly that the grace of God descend upon us. May your will and your kingdom be done!

Lord, our great and merciful Father, the holy martyrs Matronushka of Moscow, Tryphon and Seraphim of Sarov prayerfully and humbly ask for blessings and help in finding work for my son, the servant of God Dmitry. In the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen!

I detract from all the Saints to help me and my husband find a good job and quickly. In the name of

father and son and holy spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen!

Tryphon! Matronushka! Seraphim of Sarov! I beg you, pray, beg the Lord our God for the soon employment of my husband God's servant Igor in the administration in the team of A.V. Rusin for a respected and highly paid position. I beg you help! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Saint Seraphim, Tryphon and Mother Matrona help me, the servant of God Anna, quickly find a good decent job in a good team with high pay. I will pray for you. Help, I beg. In the name of the father and son and the Holy Spirit. Amen

Lord Almighty, Holy Martyr Tryphon, Blessed Elder Matrona of Moscow and St. Seraphim of Sarov! Help me, a servant of God's Love, quickly find a good and well-paid job with good team in order to be realized for the benefit of their loved ones and not feel needy. I pray for help. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Lord, forgive my sins of thoughts and deeds, help me, Lord, your sinful servant will go to work and deliver me from crafty and dishonest employers, I pray you, Lord, amen

Oh, righteous old woman, blessed Matronushka!

Holy Martyr Tryphon! Saint Seraphim of Sarov!

Help me, Tarasy and son Anthony with the work.

Give us sinners a worthy job. Forgive us for our request.

Lord, help me in finding a decent job and forgive my sins.

Saints forgive me, please help me in my request to find a good job. Excuse me.

Saints, help me in finding the right, decent job and a good team to work for the good of the Russian people and Mother Russia. and forgive me all my sins

Lord Heavenly Father! In the name of Jesus Christ and All Saints, grant my son Sergei the job he loves. Grant him a job in which he could realize all his talents and abilities that You gave him. Lord, grant him the job that will bring him joy and comfort, in which he could bring much benefit to his neighbors, and wherever he received a decent wage for his work. Lord, hear me and help my son Sergei. Amen

saints, help my son, the servant of God Dionysius, get a job in the name of the father and son and the holy spirit amen

Lord, help me find a job, I have been looking for a year, I have no more strength. Forgive me for my sins. Amen.

God! And all the Satisfiers of God! Help me get a job safely and have a good income for the benefit of my family and to help those in need! Servant of God Mary. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and throughout the ages. Amen.

Lord, Heavenly Father, help my son Eugene find a job. Lord, help us!!

Lord Almighty. I pray for my son, let him be offered a good contract. You helped me when I was looking for a job and prayed to you. There were many offers and I still found a job to my liking. Thanks to all the Saints for your help and support. Amen!

Thank God for everything I have. Bless and save. Help me find a job. Thank God……

Righteous Blessed Matronushka! Holy Martyr Tryphon! Saint Seraphim of Sarov! Help my daughter, God's servant Irina, find a decent job, give her strength. health. knowledge! Thank you and I bow to you.

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Prayers for a job

Work is not a wolf - it will not run away into the forest. Perhaps this long-standing assertion is in danger of completely obsolete today. At the present time, a good job, or rather lucrative offers, or the so-called cash, prestigious vacancies, is a perishable product. They are snapped up at the same time. Losing a position is much easier than getting a permanent job after a layoff. layoffs, graduation educational institution… It is not easy to find a job even after a long break in the work experience – for example, maternity leave. And for those who are in the employment center, it is not so easy to convince the employer at the interview that you are exactly the specialist that he needs.

But you can’t give up, as well as let things take their course. You have experience, aspiration, but nothing will ever come by itself. Use all possibilities. Ads, sites offering to quickly find a job, acquaintances, former connections do not help? - talk to higher powers. Based on the words of St. Philaret, Metropolitan of Moscow, one can say: remembering the past; rely on the Lord in the future; using the present for good, and God will hear your aspirations. Sincere prayer for help will never pass through the gates of heaven.

Where to begin?

holy reverend Neil Postnik(or as the ascetic of Sinai calls him) once said something like this: when you want to find a job, let the tongue sing and the mind pray - God requires that we always remember Him. Therefore, any business, especially a call for help, should begin with a common prayer - the Lord's Prayer (usually it is also called "Our Father"):

Our Father, Who art in heaven!

May your name be hallowed,

Let your kingdom come

Let your will be done

Like in heaven and on earth.

Give us our daily bread today;

And leave us our debts,

Like we also leave our debtor;

And lead us not into temptation,

But deliver us from the evil one.

And then you should turn to God with these words:

Lord Heavenly Father! In the name of Jesus Christ, grant me the work I love. Grant me a job in which I could (could) realize all the talents and abilities that You have given me, which will give me joy and comfort, in which I could (could) bring a lot of benefit to others, and where I would receive (received) a worthy payment for her labors. Amen.

After that, order a prayer service in the church (thanksgiving), do not be too lazy to defend the service, and make an offering (sacrifice) to the church from the first salary received at the new place.

Who to pray to to find a job?

All saints, canonized Orthodox Church were tireless workers. Reverend Seraphim of Sarov- holy righteous and miracle worker, Orthodox saint Alexander Svirsky, Martyr Tryphon, what in worldly life was a simple winegrower, a monk of the Russian Church Sergius of Radonezh… Each of them was famous for his diligence. And at the same time, they firmly believed that any difficulty can be overcome with the name of the Lord on their lips. So, Tryphon said: "everything is done according to God's providence and His inexpressible wisdom, and not by fortune."

You can and should turn to these saints to find a good job. So, referring to Seraphim of Sarov, one can say something like this:

All-merciful Father Seraphim! I appeal to you and ask for your mercy for your servant (name). Forgive me (him, us) all our sins and help us Father Seraphim in life's problems. Instruct me (or name loved one who needs a job) to the true path, so that I (he) be a worthy, respectable person, walking on the right good path in life, so that his mother can be proud of him. Father Serafimushka, I ask for your help for (name). Help me (him, her) soon find a new good job for myself, so that there is prosperity in my (his, her) house and joy and peace in my soul for my loved ones (children, daughter, son, mother, father). May it be so, by your mercy, Reverend Seraphim, our intercessor and helper in worldly affairs, troubles and petitions! Save us and have mercy on sinners. Pray to the Lord God for us. Amen.

To Saint Tryphon, who at the age of 17 became famous as a miracle worker, both noble people (up to the emperor) and poor unfortunate people turned for help. They knew that Tryphon would help, only sincerity and an open heart were needed. The holy martyr even today helps those who turn to him with pure thoughts. By the way, after a prayer addressed to him, you can almost immediately feel an extraordinary upsurge of strength. The prayer to the martyr Tryphon sounds like this:

O holy martyr of Christ Tryphon, quick helper to all who come running to you, and praying before your holy image, quick to obey the representative! Hear now and every hour my prayer, which honors your holy memory, and intercede for me before the Lord in every place. You, the saint of Christ, the holy martyr and wonderworker Tryphon, resplendent in great miracles, before your departure from this perishable life, prayed for us to the Lord and asked Him for this gift: if anyone is in any need, trouble, sorrow and illness of the soul or body, the call will begin holy name yours, he will be delivered from every pretense of evil. And as if you were once the daughter of the king, in the city of Rome from the devil tormented, healed thou, save me from his fierce machinations all the days of my life, and especially on the day of my last breath, intercede for me. Then be my helper, and a speedy chaser of evil spirits, and a leader to the Kingdom of Heaven, where you now stand from the faces of the saints at the throne of God. Pray to the Lord, that the partakers of eternal joy and joy will also vouchsafe me, that with you we will be worthy of glorifying the Father and the Son and the Holy Comforter of the Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

If it is difficult to remember the words of the prayer, Tryphon, like any other patron saint of the seekers and the suffering, will accept any spark of the word addressed to him. The main thing is that they come from the heart.

You can turn to him at any day and hour - the miracle worker is always ready to hear the one who addresses him with a sincere word. But there is also a special day when prayer to the saint reaches him a hundred times faster - February 14 - the day of his memory, celebrated by the Orthodox Church. In addition, you should put a candle near the icon of the saint. It is, perhaps, in any temple - Tryphon is a very revered saint. A miraculous icon with particles of the relics of the holy martyr Tryphon is located in Moscow - in the Znamensky Church (popularly called Trifonovsky). It is best to attend prayers daily. But if this is not possible, try to get to the temple on Wednesday. On this day, an akathist is sung to the martyr Tryphon.

Prayer to the holy miracle workers

Everyone knows the names of our glorious Russian saints - Blessed Xenia and Matronushka of Moscow. Both come to one and the other with a variety of requests and problems. And every day the rumor about their effective help grows in geometric progression. Xenia, having taken upon herself the sin of her husband who did not repent before his death, took upon herself his sin, having taken the hardest path of foolishness. She prayed to God for the forgiveness of his soul and for the souls of the suffering. But she was from a wealthy family, she could have chosen an easier path for her obedience. Matrona - in the world Matrena Nikonova - from infancy was marked by God: on her chest there was a special bulge in the shape of a cross. Her eyes did not see, at the age of 17 her legs stopped obeying, but her help reached those who called on her. And today, the sincere prayer of the saint (who predicted, by the way, that the Nazis would not reach Moscow) helps those who suffer and seek. good help it also provides those who really want to find a job: quickly, reliably.

The sincere words addressed to the miracle workers will quickly take effect. It is only necessary after turning to them to pay attention to the signs sent by the saints: in a dream, in reality, in the words of the environment closest to you.

Xenia of Petersburg is addressed with the following prayer:

Oh, holy all-blessed mother Xenia!

Under the roof of the Almighty, who lived, guided and strengthened by the Mother of God, suffered hunger and thirst, cold and heat, reproach and persecution, you received the gift of insight and miracles from God and rest under the shadow of the Almighty.

Now the holy Church, like a fragrant flower, glorify thee. Coming (at the place of your burial), in front of your holy image, as if you are living with us, we pray to you: accept our petitions and bring me to the throne of the merciful Heavenly Father; as having boldness to Him, ask those who flow to you for eternal salvation, our generous blessing for good deeds and undertakings, deliverance from all troubles and sorrows, appear with your holy prayers before our all-merciful Savior for us, unworthy and sinners; help, holy blessed mother Xenia, illuminate the babies with the light of holy baptism and seal the gift of the Holy Spirit, seal the youths and maidens in faith, honesty, fear of God and bring them success in teaching; heal those who are sick and sick, family love and condescend the consent of the monastics with a good feat to strive and protect from reproach, affirm the pastors in the fortress of the Holy Spirit, preserve our people and country in peace and serenity, for those deprived of communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ at the dying hour, you implored our hope and hope, a quick hearing and deliverance, we send thanks to you and with you we glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit now and forever and forever and ever, amen.

Matrona of Moscow is addressed with the following words:

Our holy blessed mother Matrona, help with your holy prayers the servant (e) of God (s) (name) to find a job convenient for salvation and spiritual growth, in order to grow rich for him (her) in God and not waste your soul on worldly things - vain and sinful. Help him (her, me) find a gracious employer who does not violate the commandments of God and does not force the workers under his supervision to work on Sundays and holy holidays. May the Lord protect the servant (s) of God (living) in the place of his (her) labors from all evil and temptation, may this work be to him (her) for salvation, for the benefit of the Church and the Fatherland, for the joy of parents. Amine.

If it is not possible for you to remember these prayers, but new job you need to find it quickly in order to feed your family and not get lost in this life, turn to the holy miracle workers in your own words. The main thing is that they go from the heart: in the temple, at home in front of the icon. It doesn't matter. Another thing is important - your pure thoughts.

Universal Prayer

There is one more prayer that will always be heard by Heaven. Here are her words:

Blessed Lord God, nothing is impossible for you! You created the world and gave man the command to work! You Yourself said in Your holy commandment about the Sabbath: "Six days you shall work and do all your work, but the seventh day, the Sabbath, to the Lord your God." I believe Your words and I really want to fulfill Your command: “Work for six days!” But, merciful Lord, I cannot find the job I would like to have. I know that You have no shortage of anything! And in fulfillment of Your commandment “Work six days!”, Send me work according to Your Holy will, so that I have (a) worthy pay and comfort in doing it, and I promise after six days of work, to sanctify and observe especially carefully the holiness of Sunday to dedicate it to the worship of You, good deeds and glorification of Your holy name! Oh Lord, let not my, but Your holy will be done! Help me find a job as soon as possible because I have no source of income. And open my eyes to see Your will! May it be blessed Your kingdom! I ask you, Lord, to help me fulfill Your instruction: "Work with your own hands." You said, "I will bless the work of Your hands," and I will not "borrow." Oh, Lord, accept my prayer, as it is written: "Bless, Lord, his strength, and favor the work of his hands." Blessed be the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen!

Read it before the interview, after it, when viewing ads, visiting the employment center. After that, do not forget to cross yourself. The sincerity of the word, faith will always find the right path. And one more rule: never forget to thank the one who helped you find a job, opened the way to it.

Lord Heavenly Father! In the name of Jesus Christ, grant me the work I love. Grant me a job in which I could realize all the talents and abilities that You have given me, which will give me joy and comfort, in which I could bring many benefits to others, and where I would receive a worthy payment for my labors. Amen.

Lord Heavenly Father! In the name of Jesus Christ, grant me the work I love. Amen.

Lord Heavenly Father! in the name of Jesus Christ grant me the work I love Amen

Lord Heavenly Father! In the name of Jesus Christ, grant me a good job. Amen


this prayer helped me pass the exam. Read 3 times at any time. And then print where others can read. ”Holy spirit that solves all problems, sheds light on all roads so that I can go to my goal. You give me the Divine gift of forgiveness and forgetfulness of all evil deeds against me, who is with me in all the storms of life. In this short prayer I want to thank You for everything and once again prove that I will never part with You in your eternal glory. I thank you for all your good deeds to me and my loved ones. I ask you (desire) Amen. After fulfilling the desire to print where they can rewrite it

Lord Heavenly Father! In the name of Jesus Christ, grant me my favorite job (vocal-putting voices, I like working with students), which will bring me joy and consolation, on which I could bring a lot of benefits and where I would receive a decent pay for my labors and recognition to your glory. Amen

Lord send your favorite and paid job

Lord of Heaven! Help me find a job I love. I really need your help especially now. I beg you. I will always pray and honor you. In the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Lord God, forgive me a sinner and grant me a job soon.

Lord Father of Heaven! In the name of Jesus Christ grant me a job in the near future I have a child and an apartment I have nothing to pay for everything. Amen.

  • List item
December 17, 2017 30 lunar day - New Moon. Time to bring good things to life.

Work is not a wolf - it will not run away into the forest. Perhaps this long-standing assertion is in danger of completely obsolete today. At the present time, a good job, or rather lucrative offers, or the so-called cash, prestigious vacancies, is a perishable product. They are snapped up at the same time. Losing a position is much easier than getting a permanent job after a layoff., layoffs, graduation from an educational institution ... It is not easy to find a job even after a long break in work experience - for example, maternity leave. And for those who are in the employment center, it is not so easy to convince the employer at the interview that you are exactly the specialist that he needs.

But you can’t give up, as well as let things take their course. You have experience, aspiration, but nothing will ever come by itself. Use all possibilities. Ads, sites offering to quickly find a job, acquaintances, former connections do not help? - turn to higher powers. Based on the words of St. Philaret, Metropolitan of Moscow, one can say: remembering the past; rely on the Lord in the future; using the present for good, and God will hear your aspirations. Sincere prayer for help will never pass through the gates of heaven.

holy reverend Neil Postnik(or as the ascetic of Sinai calls him) once said something like this: when you want to find a job, let the tongue sing and the mind pray - God requires that we always remember Him. Therefore, any business, especially a call for help, should begin with a common prayer - the Lord's Prayer (usually it is also called "Our Father"):

Our Father, Who art in heaven!
May your name be hallowed,
Let your kingdom come
Let your will be done
Like in heaven and on earth.
Give us our daily bread today;
And leave us our debts,
Like we also leave our debtor;
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from the evil one.

And then you should turn to God with these words:

Lord Heavenly Father! In the name of Jesus Christ, grant me the work I love. Grant me a job in which I could (could) realize all the talents and abilities that You have given me, which will give me joy and comfort, in which I could (could) bring a lot of benefit to others, and where I would receive (received) a worthy payment for her labors. Amen.

After that, order a prayer service in the church (thanksgiving), do not be too lazy to defend the service, and make an offering (sacrifice) to the church from the first salary received at the new place.

Who to pray to to find a job?

All the saints canonized by the Orthodox Church were tireless workers. Reverend Seraphim of Sarov- holy righteous and miracle worker, Orthodox saint Alexander Svirsky, Martyr Tryphon that in worldly life he was a simple winegrower, a monk of the Russian Church Sergius of Radonezh… Each of them was famous for his diligence. And at the same time, they firmly believed that any difficulty can be overcome with the name of the Lord on their lips. So, Tryphon said: "everything is done according to God's providence and His inexpressible wisdom, and not by fortune."

You can and should turn to these saints to find a good job. So, referring to Seraphim of Sarov, one can say something like this:

All-merciful Father Seraphim! I appeal to you and ask for your mercy for your servant (name). Forgive me (him, us) all our sins and help us Father Seraphim in life's problems. Guide me (or the name of a loved one who needs a job) on the true path so that I (he) be a worthy, respectable person walking the right good path in life so that his mother can be proud of him. Father Serafimushka, I ask for your help for (name). Help me (him, her) soon find a new good job for myself, so that there is prosperity in my (his, her) house and joy and peace in my soul for my loved ones (children, daughter, son, mother, father). May it be so, by your mercy, Reverend Seraphim, our intercessor and helper in worldly affairs, troubles and petitions! Save us and have mercy on sinners. Pray to the Lord God for us. Amen.

To Saint Tryphon, who at the age of 17 became famous as a miracle worker, both noble people (up to the emperor) and poor unfortunate people turned for help. They knew that Tryphon would help, only sincerity and an open heart were needed. The holy martyr even today helps those who turn to him with pure thoughts. By the way, after a prayer addressed to him, you can almost immediately feel an extraordinary upsurge of strength. The prayer to the martyr Tryphon sounds like this:

O holy martyr of Christ Tryphon, quick helper to all who come running to you, and praying before your holy image, quick to obey the representative! Hear now and every hour my prayer, which honors your holy memory, and intercede for me before the Lord in every place. You, the saint of Christ, the holy martyr and wonderworker Tryphon, resplendent in great miracles, before your departure from this perishable life, prayed for us to the Lord and asked Him for this gift: if anyone is in any need, trouble, sorrow and your holy name will begin to call upon mental or bodily illnesses, that one will be delivered from every evil pretext. And as if you were once the daughter of the king, in the city of Rome from the devil tormented, healed thou, save me from his fierce machinations all the days of my life, and especially on the day of my last breath, intercede for me. Then be my helper, and a speedy chaser of evil spirits, and a leader to the Kingdom of Heaven, where you now stand from the faces of the saints at the throne of God. Pray to the Lord, that the partakers of eternal joy and joy will also vouchsafe me, that with you we will be worthy of glorifying the Father and the Son and the Holy Comforter of the Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

If it is difficult to remember the words of the prayer, Tryphon, like any other patron saint of the seekers and the suffering, will accept any spark of the word addressed to him. The main thing is that they come from the heart.

You can turn to him at any day and hour - the miracle worker is always ready to hear the one who addresses him with a sincere word. But there is also a special day when prayer to the saint reaches him a hundred times faster - February 14 - the day of his memory, celebrated by the Orthodox Church. In addition, you should put a candle near the icon of the saint. It is, perhaps, in any temple - Tryphon is a very revered saint. And the miraculous icon with particles of the relics of the holy martyr Tryphon is located in Moscow - in the Church of the Sign (people call it Trifonovsky). It is best to attend prayers daily. But if this is not possible, try to get to the temple on Wednesday. On this day, an akathist is sung to the martyr Tryphon.

Prayer to the holy miracle workers

Everyone knows the names of our glorious Russian saints - Blessed Xenia and Matronushka of Moscow. Both come to one and the other with a variety of requests and problems. And every day the rumor about their effective help is growing exponentially. Xenia, having taken upon herself the sin of her husband who did not repent before his death, took upon herself his sin, having taken the hardest path of foolishness. She prayed to God for the forgiveness of his soul and for the souls of the suffering. But she was from a wealthy family, she could have chosen an easier path for her obedience. Matrona - in the world Matrena Nikonova - from infancy was marked by God: on her chest there was a special bulge in the shape of a cross. Her eyes did not see, at the age of 17 her legs stopped obeying, but her help reached those who called on her. And today, the sincere prayer of the saint (who predicted, by the way, that the Nazis would not reach Moscow) helps those who suffer and seek. She also provides good assistance to those who really want to find a job: quickly, reliably.

The sincere words addressed to the miracle workers will quickly take effect. It is only necessary after turning to them to pay attention to the signs sent by the saints: in a dream, in reality, in the words of the environment closest to you.

Xenia of Petersburg is addressed with the following prayer:

Oh, holy all-blessed mother Xenia!

Under the roof of the Almighty, who lived, guided and strengthened by the Mother of God, suffered hunger and thirst, cold and heat, reproach and persecution, you received the gift of insight and miracles from God and rest under the shadow of the Almighty.

Now the holy Church, like a fragrant flower, glorify thee. Coming (at the place of your burial), in front of your holy image, as if you are living with us, we pray to you: accept our petitions and bring me to the throne of the merciful Heavenly Father; as having boldness to Him, ask those who flow to you for eternal salvation, our generous blessing for good deeds and undertakings, deliverance from all troubles and sorrows, appear with your holy prayers before our all-merciful Savior for us, unworthy and sinners; help, holy blessed mother Xenia, illuminate the babies with the light of holy baptism and seal the gift of the Holy Spirit, seal the youths and maidens in faith, honesty, fear of God and bring them success in teaching; Heal those who are ill and ill, send down family love and consent, monastics with a good feat, make merit and protect from reproach, affirm the pastors in the fortress of the Holy Spirit, preserve our people and country in peace and serenity, for those who were deprived of communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ, you begged ours at the dying hour hope and hope, speedy hearing and deliverance, we send thanks to you and with you we glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit now and forever and forever and ever, amen.

Matrona of Moscow is addressed with the following words:

Our holy blessed mother Matrona, help with your holy prayers the servant (e) of God (s) (name) to find a job convenient for salvation and spiritual growth, in order to grow rich for him (her) in God and not waste your soul on worldly things - vain and sinful. Help him (her, me) find a gracious employer who does not violate the commandments of God and does not force the workers under his supervision to work on Sundays and holy holidays. May the Lord protect the servant (s) of God (living) in the place of his (her) labors from all evil and temptation, may this work be to him (her) for salvation, for the benefit of the Church and the Fatherland, for the joy of parents. Amine.

If it is not possible for you to remember these prayers, and you need to find a new job quickly in order to feed your family and not get lost in this life, turn to the holy miracle workers in your own words. The main thing is that they go from the heart: in the temple, at home in front of the icon. It doesn't matter. Another thing is important - your pure thoughts.

Universal Prayer

There is one more prayer that will always be heard by Heaven. Here are her words:

Blessed Lord God, nothing is impossible for you! You created the world and gave man the command to work! You Yourself said in Your holy commandment about the Sabbath: "Six days you shall work and do all your work, but the seventh day, the Sabbath, to the Lord your God." I believe Your words and I really want to fulfill Your command: “Work for six days!” But, merciful Lord, I cannot find the job I would like to have. I know that You have no shortage of anything! And in fulfillment of Your commandment “Work six days!”, Send me work according to Your Holy will, so that I have (a) worthy pay and comfort in doing it, and I promise after six days of work, to sanctify and observe especially carefully the holiness of Sunday dedicate it to Your worship, good deeds and the glorification of Your holy name! Oh Lord, let not my, but Your holy will be done! Help me find a job as soon as possible because I have no source of income. And open my eyes to see Your will! May your kingdom be blessed! I ask you, Lord, to help me fulfill Your instruction: "Work with your own hands." You said, "I will bless the work of Your hands," and I will not "borrow." Oh, Lord, accept my prayer, as it is written: "Bless, Lord, his strength, and favor the work of his hands." Blessed be the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen!

Read it before the interview, after it, when viewing ads, visiting the employment center. After that, do not forget to cross yourself. The sincerity of the word, faith will always find the right path. And one more rule: never forget to thank the one who helped you find a job, opened the way to it.

A plot to find a good job is very much in demand.

After all, people spend most of their time in the service.

And it's good when you like it, and it also helps to create a pleasant feeling of prosperity. But this is not always the case.

People are rushing from enterprise to organization, from one employer to another, but to no avail.

  • If the work is interesting, then, unfortunately, the salary is not even worth the tears.
  • And if it is highly paid, then all the places, as a rule, are occupied.

How does magic help in work?

  • How long can you spin in this maelstrom of losers?
  • And is there a way out of it?

So many people think as they wander despondently to work and back to a house where nothing pleases.

Have you tried magic to solve your problems?

Are you saying it won't work?

The rite of the employer will not force you to raise your salary three times or make the hateful workload interesting!

Most likely not. Although all sorts of miracles happen.

More often than not, it's the other way around.

The conspiracy to find a good job operates on a different plane.

Do you know what is the reason for all the failures?

Yes, just a person does not know how to believe in himself!

He himself agrees to be ridden, throwing crumbs for food. But everyone by nature has certain talents that are necessarily in demand.

Many of us go the other way.

A conspiracy for a good job helps to “open your eyes”, turn onto the right path.

There, around the corner, anything can happen.

  • some get an offer, with a capital letter,
  • others are a miracle in the current service,
  • the third - in general, open their own enterprise, forgetting about their previous fears.

What to lose, try it!

After all, a magical ritual is not a dismissal or registration of your business. When the "process begins" - there will be time to think.

Which conspiracy to read to find a good job and get a job quickly

Rite 1

Those who want to be led “by the hand” to exactly the position (place) where they can realize all their abilities for decent pay should prepare:

  • handkerchief.

  1. Spread a handkerchief on the table in the evening;
  2. Place a coin on top, tails facing you;
  3. Take some time to think about what you want to receive.

Attention: if there is no specific plan, then imagine that you come from the service, completely satisfied and a little tired. How joyful and good at heart. Don't forget about money.

  1. Now say with full confidence that it works:

“As the sun is next to the Earth, so my luck is always with me. I do not grumble, I do not tremble, I am looking for a place of service. I am a talented and nice person, super serviceable at work. As I take up the case, so I will be worthy of anyone. As Yarilo ascends to heaven, so my work will find me. Everything will turn out, and the money will multiply. Amen!"

  1. The coin must be tied crosswise in a scarf (two knots from the corners).
  2. Place it in a place so that the household does not stumble upon it by accident.
  3. And in the morning, be sure to go outside. If you don’t have any need, then just wander around the shops, talk to people.

The chance will surely come.

Conspiracy to get settled

This magic works if done early in the morning, at dawn.

You know, "who gets up early, to that ..."?

Hardworking people usually start their activities at dawn and stop at night. This is what the ritual is for.

For a ceremony to be taken to a good job, symbolizing the work that you ideally would like to do.


  • If you want to sit in the office - find a candle in the form of a table (armchair, computer, pen).
  • If your dream is trading, then the choice is even wider. Buy a candle in the form of a camel (money).

Light it up and read on the light:

“My work is fastened with flame, the road winds with smoke. There are no fences, no ravines, no holes, no bends on my way. As the flame is straight, so my path is right, it will not turn, it will not betray. As the light flickers, so luck is on my doorstep! It is said - do not turn, only my way to work! Amen!"

For a good job for my husband

Women can help their loved ones find a suitable service by magical methods.

It takes faith and some free time. Yes, still a burning desire for her husband to be happy with both work and prosperity.

  1. On any men's day, go to the Temple. (Read the article -).
  2. There, find the Icon of St. George the Victorious. It is to this Saint that you turn your prayers and prayers.
  3. Put a candle, ask for grace and family well-being.
  4. And when you are about to leave, then whisper the words:

“The Lord has united us! Thank you, I rejoice and pray, I do not complain! Lord, forgive sins, let go of the good of the family! May the labors of my husband (name) for your glory be rich in joy and good luck! Guide him on the path, where there is a merchant of his hand and mind! Let him live by labor, but bring income to the house! Amen"


You need to ask the Universe for a son.

The ceremony is held only on a working day until noon.

  1. Get out on the road, preferably in a park or forest (among trees).
  2. Have it with you for your son. For example, a notebook or a pen.

This subject should correspond to his inclinations.

If he has a passion for a certain profession, then it is better to take something that symbolizes it or some kind of tool.

  1. Look in the direction where there are no turns.
  2. Say, holding the gift in your left hand:

“Angels and Archangels, who protected me with childbirth, that they protected the fetus in my womb! To you my prayers and requests! Take my child (name) by the hands, lead in straight ways, on the paths of righteousness and justice, which the Lord commanded to walk. Bless my child for labors that are not idle for health, not dangerous. So that everything argues in the hands, but grows in the purse. So that his soul does not know grief! Amen!"

  1. Be sure to give the gift to your son on the same day. It must be passed from hand to hand.
  2. See how he reacts.
    • If he rejoices, he will soon find his calling.
    • And when he does not like your gift, then he has no serious aspirations in life.

Previously, it was necessary to educate with a “belt”.

By the way, this conspiracy is also suitable for finding a job for a daughter.

It is important that the parent reads it.

This conspiracy is maternal, it must be done by the mother when her son has already grown up and is trying to get his first job. It is not recommended to read the plot for a child under 17 years old.

The plot can only be read on the growing moon. To read the plot, you will need to purchase a new wallet, which you will later give to your son. You need to put three in your wallet paper bills(Absolutely any denomination, even ten rubles). A charmed wallet will help your son find a really good and, most importantly, well-paid job.

Carrying out a conspiracy

At night, when the moon has already entered the sky, light an ordinary candle in the room and turn off the light. Standing at the window, looking at the moon, bring the open wallet with the money invested in it to your lips and say the following words:

“Let money always be found in this wallet. May the servant of God (the name of his son, received by him at baptism) always live in abundance, but enjoy life. Let him be respected and appreciated at work, and good money is paid. he will not say anything about his path, but will not spoil it. long lives let, yes, like cheese in butter, everything will always be. With my maternal word, I lock it up, and no one will unlock this tale forever and ever. Amen".

After they said, put out the candle and go to bed. And the next morning give this wallet to your son. And everything will work out for him in a matter of days.

Very important point- the plot must be learned by heart.
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