2. The structure of nuclei and electron shells of atoms

2.6. Energy levels and sublevels

Most important characteristic the state of an electron in an atom is the energy of the electron, which, according to the laws quantum mechanics does not change continuously, but abruptly, i.e. can only take on well-defined values. Thus, we can speak about the presence of a set of energy levels in the atom.

Energy level- set of AO with close energy values.

Energy levels are numbered with principal quantum number n, which can only accept integers positive values(n = 1, 2, 3, ...). How more value n , the higher the energy of the electron and the given energy level. Each atom contains an infinite number of energy levels, some of which are populated by electrons in the ground state of the atom, and some are not (these energy levels are populated in the excited state of the atom).

Electronic layer- a set of electrons that are at a given energy level.

In other words, an electron layer is an energy level containing electrons.

The set of electron layers forms the electron shell of an atom.

Within the same electron layer, electrons can differ somewhat in energy, and therefore they say that energy levels are split into energy sublevels(sublayers). The number of sublevels into which a given energy level is split is equal to the number of the main quantum number of the energy level:

N (subur) \u003d n (level) . (2.4)

Sublevels are depicted using numbers and letters: the number corresponds to the number of the energy level (electronic layer), the letter corresponds to the nature of the AO that forms the sublevels (s -, p -, d -, f -), for example: 2p - sublevel (2p -AO, 2p -electron).

Thus, the first energy level (Fig. 2.5) consists of one sublevel (1s), the second - of two (2s and 2p), the third - of three (3s, 3p and 3d), the fourth of four (4s, 4p, 4d and 4f ), etc. Each sublevel contains a certain number of AO:

N (AO) = n 2 . (2.5)

Rice. 2.5. Scheme of energy levels and sublevels for the first three electron layers

1. s-type AOs are present at all energy levels, p-type appear starting from the second energy level, d-type - from the third, f-type - from the fourth, etc.

2. At a given energy level, there can be one s -, three p -, five d -, seven f -orbitals.

3. The larger the main quantum number, the more sizes AO.

Since there cannot be more than two electrons on one AO, the total (maximum) number of electrons at a given energy level is 2 times greater than the number of AOs and is equal to:

N (e) = 2n 2 . (2.6)

Thus, at a given energy level, there can be a maximum of 2 s-type electrons, 6 p-type electrons and 10 d-type electrons. In total, at the first energy level, the maximum number of electrons is 2, at the second - 8 (2 s-type and 6 p-type), at the third - 18 (2 s-type, 6 p-type and 10 d-type). These findings are conveniently summarized in Table 1. 2.2.

Table 2.2

The relationship between the principal quantum number, the number e


Chemistry tutorial

A guide for those who do not know, but want to learn and understand chemistry

Part I. Elements of General Chemistry
(first level of difficulty)

Continuation. See the beginning in No. 13, 18, 23/2007

Chapter 3. Elementary information about the structure of the atom.
Periodic law of D.I. Mendeleev

Remember what an atom is, what an atom consists of, whether an atom changes in chemical reactions.

An atom is an electrically neutral particle consisting of a positively charged nucleus and negatively charged electrons.

The number of electrons during chemical processes can change, but nuclear charge always stays the same. Knowing the distribution of electrons in an atom (the structure of an atom), one can predict many properties of a given atom, as well as the properties of simple and complex substances, of which it is included.

The structure of the atom, i.e. the composition of the nucleus and the distribution of electrons around the nucleus can be easily determined by the position of the element in the periodic system.

In the periodic system of D.I. Mendeleev, chemical elements are arranged in a certain sequence. This sequence is closely related to the structure of the atoms of these elements. Each chemical element in the system is assigned serial number, in addition, for it you can specify the period number, group number, subgroup type.

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Knowing the exact "address" of a chemical element - a group, subgroup and period number, one can unambiguously determine the structure of its atom.

Period is a horizontal row of chemical elements. There are seven periods in the modern periodic system. The first three periods small, because they contain 2 or 8 elements:

1st period - H, He - 2 elements;

2nd period - Li ... Ne - 8 elements;

3rd period - Na ... Ar - 8 elements.

Other periods - large. Each of them contains 2-3 rows of elements:

4th period (2 rows) - K ... Kr - 18 elements;

6th period (3 rows) - Cs ... Rn - 32 elements. This period includes a number of lanthanides.

Group is a vertical row of chemical elements. There are eight groups in total. Each group consists of two subgroups: main subgroup And secondary subgroup. For example:

The main subgroup is formed by chemical elements of small periods (for example, N, P) and large periods (for example, As, Sb, Bi).

A side subgroup is formed by chemical elements only long periods(e.g. V, Nb,

Visually, these subgroups are easy to distinguish. The main subgroup is “high”, it starts from the 1st or 2nd period. The secondary subgroup is “low”, starting from the 4th period.

So, each chemical element of the periodic system has its own address: period, group, subgroup, ordinal number.

For example, vanadium V is a chemical element of the 4th period, group V, secondary subgroup, serial number 23.

Task 3.1. Specify the period, group and subgroup for chemical elements with serial numbers 8, 26, 31, 35, 54.

Task 3.2. Specify the serial number and name of the chemical element, if it is known that it is located:

a) in the 4th period, group VI, secondary subgroup;

b) in the 5th period, group IV, main subgroup.

How can information about the position of an element in the periodic system be related to the structure of its atom?

An atom is made up of a nucleus (positively charged) and electrons (negatively charged). In general, the atom is electrically neutral.

Positive charge of the nucleus of an atom equal to the atomic number of the chemical element.

The nucleus of an atom is a complex particle. Almost all the mass of an atom is concentrated in the nucleus. Since a chemical element is a collection of atoms with the same nuclear charge, the following coordinates are indicated near the symbol of the element:

Based on these data, the composition of the nucleus can be determined. The nucleus is made up of protons and neutrons.

Proton p has a mass of 1 (1.0073 amu) and a charge of +1. Neutron n it has no charge (neutral), and its mass is approximately equal to the mass of a proton (1.0087 amu).

The nuclear charge is determined by the protons. And the number of protons is(by size) charge of the nucleus of an atom, i.e. serial number.

Number of neutrons N determined by the difference between the quantities: "mass of the nucleus" A and "serial number" Z. So, for an aluminum atom:

N = AZ = 27 –13 = 14n,

Task 3.3. Determine the composition of the nuclei of atoms if the chemical element is in:

a) 3rd period, group VII, main subgroup;

b) 4th period, group IV, secondary subgroup;

c) 5th period, group I, main subgroup.

Attention! When determining the mass number of the nucleus of an atom, it is necessary to round off the atomic mass indicated in the periodic system. This is done because the masses of the proton and neutron are practically integer, and the mass of electrons can be neglected.

Let us determine which of the nuclei below belong to the same chemical element:

A (20 R + 20n),

B (19 R + 20n),

IN 20 R + 19n).

Atoms of the same chemical element have nuclei A and B, since they contain the same number of protons, i.e., the charges of these nuclei are the same. Studies show that the mass of an atom does not significantly affect its chemical properties.

Isotopes are called atoms of the same chemical element (the same number of protons), differing in mass ( different number neutrons).

Isotopes and their chemical compounds differ from each other in physical properties, but the chemical properties of isotopes of one chemical element are the same. Thus, isotopes of carbon-14 (14 C) have the same chemical properties as carbon-12 (12 C), which enter the tissues of any living organism. The difference is manifested only in radioactivity (isotope 14 C). Therefore, isotopes are used to diagnose and treat various diseases, for scientific research.

Let us return to the description of the structure of the atom. As you know, the nucleus of an atom does not change in chemical processes. What is changing? The variable is the total number of electrons in the atom and the distribution of electrons. General number of electrons in a neutral atom it is easy to determine - it is equal to the serial number, i.e. charge of the nucleus of an atom:

Electrons have a negative charge of -1, and their mass is negligible: 1/1840 of the mass of a proton.

Negatively charged electrons repel each other and are at different distances from the nucleus. Wherein electrons having an approximately equal amount of energy are located at an approximately equal distance from the nucleus and form an energy level.

The number of energy levels in an atom is equal to the number of the period in which the chemical element is located. Energy levels are conventionally designated as follows (for example, for Al):

Task 3.4. Determine the number of energy levels in the atoms of oxygen, magnesium, calcium, lead.

Each energy level can contain a limited number of electrons:

On the first - no more than two electrons;

On the second - no more than eight electrons;

On the third - no more than eighteen electrons.

These numbers show that, for example, the second energy level can have 2, 5, or 7 electrons, but not 9 or 12 electrons.

It is important to know that regardless of the energy level number on external level(last) cannot be more than eight electrons. The outer eight-electron energy level is the most stable and is called complete. Such energy levels are found in the most inactive elements - the noble gases.

How to determine the number of electrons in the outer level of the remaining atoms? There is a simple rule for this: number of outer electrons equals:

For elements of the main subgroups - the number of the group;

For elements of secondary subgroups, it cannot be more than two.

For example (Fig. 5):

Task 3.5. Specify the number of external electrons for chemical elements with serial numbers 15, 25, 30, 53.

Task 3.6. Find chemical elements in the periodic table, in the atoms of which there is a completed external level.

It is very important to correctly determine the number of external electrons, because It is with them that the most important properties of the atom are associated. So, in chemical reactions, atoms tend to acquire a stable, completed external level (8 e). Therefore, atoms, on the outer level of which there are few electrons, prefer to give them away.

Chemical elements whose atoms can only donate electrons are called metals. Obviously, there should be few electrons at the outer level of the metal atom: 1, 2, 3.

If there are many electrons on the external energy level of an atom, then such atoms tend to accept electrons before the completion of the external energy level, that is, up to eight electrons. Such elements are called non-metals.

Question. Do the chemical elements of the secondary subgroups belong to metals or non-metals? Why?

Answer. Metals and non-metals of the main subgroups in the periodic table are separated by a line that can be drawn from boron to astatine. Above this line (and on the line) are non-metals, below - metals. All elements of secondary subgroups are below this line.

Task 3.7. Determine whether metals or non-metals include: phosphorus, vanadium, cobalt, selenium, bismuth. Use the position of the element in the periodic table of chemical elements and the number of electrons in the outer level.

In order to compose the distribution of electrons over the remaining levels and sublevels, the following algorithm should be used.

1. Determine the total number of electrons in the atom (by serial number).

2. Determine the number of energy levels (by period number).

3. Determine the number of external electrons (according to the type of subgroup and group number).

4. Indicate the number of electrons at all levels except the penultimate one.

For example, according to points 1–4 for the manganese atom, it is determined:

Total 25 e; distributed (2 + 8 + 2) = 12 e; so, on the third level is: 25 - 12 = 13 e.

The distribution of electrons in the manganese atom was obtained:

Task 3.8. Work out the algorithm by drawing up atomic structure diagrams for elements No. 16, 26, 33, 37. Indicate whether they are metals or non-metals. Explain the answer.

When compiling the above diagrams of the structure of the atom, we did not take into account that the electrons in the atom occupy not only levels, but also certain sublevels each level. Types of sublevels are indicated with Latin letters: s, p, d.

The number of possible sublevels is equal to the level number. The first level consists of one
s-sublevel. The second level consists of two sublevels - s And R. The third level - from three sublevels - s, p And d.

Each sublevel can contain a strictly limited number of electrons:

at the s-sublevel - no more than 2e;

at the p-sublevel - no more than 6e;

at the d-sublevel - no more than 10e.

Sublevels of one level are filled in a strictly defined order: spd.

Thus, R- sublevel can't start to fill if not full s-sublevel of a given energy level, etc. Based on this rule, it is easy to compose the electronic configuration of the manganese atom:

Generally electronic configuration of an atom manganese is written like this:

25 Mn 1 s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 6 3d 5 4s 2 .

Task 3.9. Make electronic configurations of atoms for chemical elements No. 16, 26, 33, 37.

Why is it necessary to make electronic configurations of atoms? To determine the properties of these chemical elements. It should be remembered that only valence electrons.

Valence electrons are in the outer energy level and incomplete
d-sublevel of the pre-outer level.

Let's determine the number of valence electrons for manganese:

or abbreviated: Mn ... 3 d 5 4s 2 .

What can be determined by the formula for the electronic configuration of an atom?

1. What element is it - metal or non-metal?

Manganese is a metal, because the outer (fourth) level contains two electrons.

2. What process is typical for metal?

Manganese atoms always donate electrons in reactions.

3. What electrons and how many will give a manganese atom?

In reactions, the manganese atom gives up two outer electrons (they are farthest from the nucleus and are weaker attracted by it), as well as five pre-outer d-electrons. The total number of valence electrons is seven (2 + 5). In this case, eight electrons will remain at the third level of the atom, i.e. complete outer level is formed.

All these reasoning and conclusions can be reflected using the scheme (Fig. 6):

The resulting conditional charges of an atom are called oxidation states.

Considering the structure of the atom, in a similar way it can be shown that the typical oxidation states for oxygen are -2, and for hydrogen +1.

Question. With which of the chemical elements can manganese form compounds, if we take into account the degrees of its oxidation obtained above?

Answer: Only with oxygen, tk. its atom has the opposite charge in its oxidation state. The formulas of the corresponding manganese oxides (here the oxidation states correspond to the valences of these chemical elements):

The structure of the manganese atom suggests that manganese cannot have a higher degree of oxidation, because in this case, one would have to touch upon the stable, now completed, pre-outer level. Therefore, the +7 oxidation state is the highest, and the corresponding Mn 2 O 7 oxide is the highest manganese oxide.

To consolidate all these concepts, consider the structure of the tellurium atom and some of its properties:

As a non-metal, the Te atom can accept 2 electrons before the completion of the outer level and donate "extra" 6 electrons:

Task 3.10. Draw the electronic configurations of Na, Rb, Cl, I, Si, Sn atoms. Determine the properties of these chemical elements, the formulas of their simplest compounds (with oxygen and hydrogen).

Practical Conclusions

1. Only valence electrons participate in chemical reactions, which can only be in the last two levels.

2. Metal atoms can only donate valence electrons (all or a few), taking positive oxidation states.

3. Non-metal atoms can accept electrons (missing - up to eight), while acquiring negative oxidation states, and donate valence electrons (all or a few), while they acquire positive oxidation states.

Let us now compare the properties of the chemical elements of one subgroup, for example, sodium and rubidium:
Na...3 s 1 and Rb...5 s 1 .

What is common in the structure of the atoms of these elements? At the outer level of each atom, one electron is active metals. metal activity associated with the ability to donate electrons: the easier an atom gives off electrons, the more pronounced its metallic properties.

What holds electrons in an atom? attraction to the nucleus. The closer the electrons are to the nucleus, the stronger they are attracted by the nucleus of the atom, the more difficult it is to “tear them off”.

Based on this, we will answer the question: which element - Na or Rb - gives away an external electron more easily? Which element is the more active metal? Obviously, rubidium, because its valence electrons are farther away from the nucleus (and are less strongly held by the nucleus).

Conclusion. In the main subgroups, from top to bottom, the metallic properties are enhanced, because the radius of the atom increases, and valence electrons are weaker attracted to the nucleus.

Let's compare the properties of chemical elements of group VIIa: Cl …3 s 2 3p 5 and I...5 s 2 5p 5 .

Both chemical elements are non-metals, because. one electron is missing before the completion of the outer level. These atoms will actively attract the missing electron. Moreover, the stronger the missing electron attracts a non-metal atom, the stronger its non-metallic properties (the ability to accept electrons) are manifested.

What causes the attraction of an electron? Due to the positive charge of the nucleus of the atom. In addition, the closer the electron is to the nucleus, the stronger their mutual attraction, the more active the non-metal.

Question. Which element has more pronounced non-metallic properties: chlorine or iodine?

Answer: Obviously, chlorine, because. its valence electrons are closer to the nucleus.

Conclusion. The activity of non-metals in subgroups decreases from top to bottom, because the radius of the atom increases and it is more and more difficult for the nucleus to attract the missing electrons.

Let us compare the properties of silicon and tin: Si …3 s 2 3p 2 and Sn…5 s 2 5p 2 .

Both atoms have four electrons at the outer level. Nevertheless, these elements in the periodic table are on opposite sides of the line connecting boron and astatine. Therefore, for silicon, the symbol of which is above the B–At line, nonmetallic properties are more pronounced. On the contrary, tin, whose symbol is below the B–At line, has stronger metallic properties. This is due to the fact that in the tin atom, four valence electrons are removed from the nucleus. Therefore, the attachment of the missing four electrons is difficult. At the same time, the return of electrons from the fifth energy level occurs quite easily. For silicon, both processes are possible, with the first (acceptance of electrons) predominating.

Conclusions on chapter 3. The fewer external electrons in an atom and the farther they are from the nucleus, the stronger the metallic properties are manifested.

The more external electrons in an atom and the closer they are to the nucleus, the more non-metallic properties are manifested.

Based on the conclusions formulated in this chapter, for any chemical element of the periodic system, you can make a "characteristic".

Property Description Algorithm
chemical element by its position
in the periodic system

1. Draw up a diagram of the structure of the atom, i.e. determine the composition of the nucleus and the distribution of electrons by energy levels and sublevels:

Determine the total number of protons, electrons and neutrons in an atom (by serial number and relative atomic mass);

Determine the number of energy levels (by period number);

Determine the number of external electrons (by type of subgroup and group number);

Indicate the number of electrons at all energy levels except the penultimate one;

2. Determine the number of valence electrons.

3. Determine which properties - metal or non-metal - are more pronounced for a given chemical element.

4. Determine the number of given (received) electrons.

5. Determine the highest and lowest oxidation states of a chemical element.

6. Compose for these oxidation states chemical formulas the simplest compounds with oxygen and hydrogen.

7. Determine the nature of the oxide and write an equation for its reaction with water.

8. For the substances indicated in paragraph 6, draw up equations of characteristic reactions (see Chapter 2).

Task 3.11. According to the above scheme, make descriptions of the atoms of sulfur, selenium, calcium and strontium and the properties of these chemical elements. Which general properties exhibit their oxides and hydroxides?

If you have completed exercises 3.10 and 3.11, then it is easy to see that not only the atoms of the elements of one subgroup, but also their compounds have common properties and a similar composition.

Periodic law of D.I. Mendeleev:the properties of chemical elements, as well as the properties of simple and complex substances formed by them, are in a periodic dependence on the charge of the nuclei of their atoms.

The physical meaning of the periodic law: the properties of chemical elements are periodically repeated because the configurations of valence electrons (the distribution of electrons of the outer and penultimate levels) are periodically repeated.

So, the chemical elements of the same subgroup have the same distribution of valence electrons and, therefore, similar properties.

For example, the chemical elements of the fifth group have five valence electrons. At the same time, in the atoms of chemical elements of the main subgroups- all valence electrons are in the outer level: ... ns 2 np 3 , where n– period number.

At atoms elements of secondary subgroups only 1 or 2 electrons are in the outer level, the rest are in d- sublevel of the pre-external level: ... ( n – 1)d 3 ns 2 , where n– period number.

Task 3.12. Make brief electronic formulas for atoms of chemical elements No. 35 and 42, and then make up the distribution of electrons in these atoms according to the algorithm. Make sure your prediction comes true.

Exercises for chapter 3

1. Formulate the definitions of the concepts "period", "group", "subgroup". What do the chemical elements that make up: a) period; b) a group; c) subgroup?

2. What are isotopes? What properties - physical or chemical - do isotopes have in common? Why?

3. Formulate the periodic law of DIMendeleev. Explain it physical meaning and illustrate with examples.

4. What are the metallic properties of chemical elements? How do they change in a group and in a period? Why?

5. What are the non-metallic properties of chemical elements? How do they change in a group and in a period? Why?

6. Make brief electronic formulas of chemical elements No. 43, 51, 38. Confirm your assumptions by describing the structure of the atoms of these elements according to the above algorithm. Specify the properties of these elements.

7. By short electronic formulas

a) ...4 s 2 4p 1 ;

b) …4 d 1 5s 2 ;

at 3 d 5 4s 1

determine the position of the corresponding chemical elements in the periodic system of D.I. Mendeleev. Name these chemical elements. Confirm your assumptions with a description of the structure of the atoms of these chemical elements according to the algorithm. Specify the properties of these chemical elements.

To be continued

Page 1

The outer energy level (electronic shell) of their atoms contains two electrons in the s - sublevel. In this they are similar to the elements of the main subgroup. The penultimate energy level contains 18 electrons.

The external energy level of the S2 ion is filled with the maximum possible number of electrons (8), and as a result, the S2 ion can only exhibit electron-donating functions: by donating 2 electrons, it is oxidized to elemental sulfur, which has an oxidation number equal to zero.

If the external energy level of an atom consists of three, five, or seven electrons and the atom belongs to / J-elements, then it can donate sequentially from 1 to 7 electrons. Atoms whose outer level consists of three electrons can donate one, two, or three electrons.

If the external energy level of an atom consists of three, five, or seven electrons, and the atom belongs to the p-elements, then it can give away sequentially from one to seven electrons. Atoms whose outer level consists of three electrons can donate one, two, or three electrons.

Since the outer energy level contains two s - electrons, therefore they are similar to the elements of the PA subgroup. The penultimate energy level contains 18 electrons. If in the copper subgroup the sublevel (n - l) d10 is not yet stable, then in the zinc subgroup it is quite stable, and d - electrons in the elements of the zinc subgroup do not take part in chemical bonds.

To complete the external energy level, the chlorine atom lacks one electron.

The oxygen atom lacks two electrons to complete its outer energy level. However, in the compound of oxygen with fluorine OF2, the common electron pairs are shifted towards fluorine, as a more electronegative element.

Oxygen lacks two electrons to complete its outer energy level.

In the argon atom, the outer energy level is complete.

By electronic structure external energy level elements are divided into two subgroups: VA - N, P, As, Sb, Bi - non-metals and VB - V, Nb, Ta - metals. The radii of atoms and ions in the oxidation state 5 in the VA subgroup systematically increase from nitrogen to bismuth. Consequently, the difference in the structure of the pre-outer layer has little effect on the properties of the elements and they can be considered as one subgroup.

The similarity in the structure of the external energy level (Table 5) is reflected in the properties of elements and their compounds. This is explained by the fact that in the oxygen atom, unpaired electrons are located in the p-orbitals of the second layer, which can have a maximum of eight electrons.

Malyugin 14. External and internal energy levels. Completion of the energy level.

Let us briefly recall what we already know about the structure of the electron shell of atoms:

ü the number of energy levels of the atom = the number of the period in which the element is located;

ü the maximum capacity of each energy level is calculated by the formula 2n2

ü external energy shell cannot contain more than 2 electrons for elements of period 1, more than 8 electrons for elements of other periods

Once again, let us return to the analysis of the scheme for filling energy levels in elements of small periods:

Table 1. Filling of energy levels

for elements of small periods

Period number

Number of energy levels = period number

Element symbol, its ordinal number



Distribution of electrons by energy levels

Group number

H +1 )1

+1 H, 1e-

He + 2 ) 2

+2 No, 2nd

Li + 3 ) 2 ) 1

+ 3 Li, 2e-, 1e-

Be +4 ) 2 )2

+ 4 Be, 2e-,2 e-

B +5 ) 2 )3

+5 B, 2e-, 3e-

C +6 ) 2 )4

+6 C, 2e-, 4e-

N + 7 ) 2 ) 5

+ 7 N, 2e-,5 e-

O + 8 ) 2 ) 6

+ 8 O, 2e-,6 e-

F + 9 ) 2 ) 7

+ 9 F, 2e-,7 e-

Ne + 10 ) 2 ) 8

+ 10 Ne, 2e-,8 e-

Na + 11 ) 2 ) 8 )1

+1 1 Na, 2e-, 8e-, 1e-

mg + 12 ) 2 ) 8 )2

+1 2 mg, 2e-, 8e-, 2 e-

Al + 13 ) 2 ) 8 )3

+1 3 Al, 2e-, 8e-, 3 e-

Si + 14 ) 2 ) 8 )4

+1 4 Si, 2e-, 8e-, 4 e-

P + 15 ) 2 ) 8 )5

+1 5 P, 2e-, 8e-, 5 e-

S + 16 ) 2 ) 8 )6

+1 5 P, 2e-, 8e-, 6 e-

Cl + 17 ) 2 ) 8 )7

+1 7 Cl, 2e-, 8e-, 7 e-

18 Ar

Ar+ 18 ) 2 ) 8 )8

+1 8 Ar, 2e-, 8e-, 8 e-

Analyze table 1. Compare the number of electrons in the last energy level and the number of the group in which the chemical element is located.

Have you noticed that the number of electrons in the outer energy level of atoms is the same as the group number, in which the element is located (the exception is helium)?

!!! This rule is true only for elements major subgroups.

Each period of the system ends with an inert element(helium He, neon Ne, argon Ar). The external energy level of these elements contains the maximum possible number of electrons: helium -2, the remaining elements - 8. These are elements of group VIII of the main subgroup. The energy level similar to the structure of the energy level of an inert gas is called completed. This is a kind of strength limit of the energy level for each element of the Periodic system. molecules simple substances- inert gases consist of one atom and are distinguished by chemical inertness, that is, they practically do not enter into chemical reactions.

For the remaining elements of the PSCE, the energy level differs from the energy level of the inert element, such levels are called unfinished. The atoms of these elements strive to complete the outer energy level by donating or accepting electrons.

Questions for self-control

1. What energy level is called external?

2. What energy level is called internal?

3. What energy level is called complete?

4. Elements of which group and subgroup have a completed energy level?

5. What is the number of electrons in the outer energy level of the elements of the main subgroups?

6. How are the elements of one main subgroup similar in the structure of the electronic level

7. How many electrons at the outer level contain the elements of a) group IIA;

b) IVA group; c) Group VII A

View answer

1. Last

2. Any but the last

3. The one that contains the maximum number of electrons. As well as the outer level, if it contains 8 electrons for period I - 2 electrons.

4. Elements of group VIIIA (inert elements)

5. The number of the group in which the element is located

6. All elements of the main subgroups on the external energy level contain as many electrons as the group number

7. a) the elements of group IIA have 2 electrons in the outer level; boo IVA elements groups - 4 electrons; c) elements of group VII A have 7 electrons.

Tasks for independent solution

1. Define an element by the following signs: a) has 2 electronic levels, on the outer - 3 electrons; b) has 3 electronic levels, on the outer - 5 electrons. Write down the distribution of electrons over the energy levels of these atoms.

2. What two atoms have the same number of filled energy levels?

View answer:

1. a) Let's establish the "coordinates" of the chemical element: 2 electronic levels - II period; 3 electrons at the outer level - III A group. This is a 5B bur. Scheme of distribution of electrons by energy levels: 2e-, 3e-

b) III period, VA group, element phosphorus 15Р. Scheme of distribution of electrons by energy levels: 2e-, 8e-, 5e-

2. d) sodium and chlorine.

Explanation: a) sodium: +11 )2)8 )1 (filled 2) ←→ hydrogen: +1)1

b) helium: +2 )2 (filled 1) ←→ hydrogen: hydrogen: +1)1

c) helium: +2 )2 (filled 1) ←→ neon: +10 )2)8 (filled 2)

*G) sodium: +11 )2)8 )1 (filled 2) ←→ chlorine: +17 )2)8 )7 (filled 2)

4. Ten. Number of electrons = serial number

5 c) arsenic and phosphorus. Atoms located in the same subgroup have the same number of electrons.


a) sodium and magnesium different groups); b) calcium and zinc (in the same group, but different subgroups); * c) arsenic and phosphorus (in one, main, subgroup) d) oxygen and fluorine (in different groups).

7. d) the number of electrons in the outer level

8. b) the number of energy levels

9. a) lithium (located in group IA of period II)

10. c) silicon (IVA group, III period)

11. b) boron (2 levels - IIperiod, 3 electrons in the outer level - IIIAgroup)

An atom is an electrically neutral particle consisting of a positively charged nucleus and a negatively charged electron shell. The nucleus is at the center of the atom and is made up of positively charged protons and uncharged neutrons held together by nuclear forces. The nuclear structure of the atom was experimentally proved in 1911 by the English physicist E. Rutherford.

The number of protons determines the positive charge of the nucleus and is equal to the ordinal number of the element. The number of neutrons is calculated as the difference between the atomic mass and the ordinal number of the element. Elements that have the same nuclear charge (same number of protons) but different atomic masses ( different amount neutrons) are called isotopes. The mass of an atom is mainly concentrated in the nucleus, because the negligibly small mass of electrons can be neglected. Atomic mass is equal to the sum of the masses of all protons and all neutrons of the nucleus.
An element is a type of atom with the same nuclear charge. Currently, 118 different chemical elements are known.

All the electrons of an atom form its electron shell. The electron shell has a negative charge equal to total electrons. The number of electrons in the shell of an atom coincides with the number of protons in the nucleus and is equal to the ordinal number of the element. The electrons in the shell are distributed among the electron layers according to the energy reserves (electrons with similar energies form one electron layer): electrons with lower energy are closer to the nucleus, electrons with higher energy are farther from the nucleus. The number of electronic layers (energy levels) coincides with the number of the period in which the chemical element is located.

Distinguish between completed and incomplete energy levels. A level is considered complete if it contains the maximum possible number of electrons (the first level - 2 electrons, the second level - 8 electrons, the third level - 18 electrons, the fourth level - 32 electrons, etc.). The incomplete level contains fewer electrons.
The level farthest from the nucleus of an atom is called the outer level. Electrons in the outer energy level are called outer (valence) electrons. The number of electrons in the outer energy level coincides with the number of the group in which the chemical element is located. The outer level is considered complete if it contains 8 electrons. Atoms of elements of the 8A group (inert gases helium, neon, krypton, xenon, radon) have a completed external energy level.

The region of space around the nucleus of an atom, in which the electron is most likely to be found, is called the electron orbital. Orbitals differ in energy level and shape. The shape distinguishes s-orbitals (sphere), p-orbitals (volumetric eight), d-orbitals and f-orbitals. Each energy level has its own set of orbitals: at the first energy level - one s-orbital, at the second energy level - one s- and three p-orbitals, at the third energy level - one s-, three p-, five d-orbitals , at the fourth energy level one s-, three p-, five d-orbitals and seven f-orbitals. Each orbital can hold a maximum of two electrons.
The distribution of electrons over orbitals is reflected using electronic formulas. For example, for a magnesium atom, the distribution of electrons over energy levels will be as follows: 2e, 8e, 2e. This formula shows that 12 electrons of the magnesium atom are distributed over three energy levels: the first level is completed and contains 2 electrons, the second level is completed and contains 8 electrons, the third level is not completed, because contains 2 electrons. For a calcium atom, the distribution of electrons over energy levels will be as follows: 2e, 8e, 8e, 2e. This formula shows that 20 calcium electrons are distributed over four energy levels: the first level is completed and contains 2 electrons, the second level is completed and contains 8 electrons, the third level is not completed, because contains 8 electrons, the fourth level is not completed, because contains 2 electrons.

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