It is believed that with a low voice looks more attractive in the eyes. It seems that there really is some truth in this, but the point is not at all in the very timbre of the voice: low or high, but in various nuances associated with it. This was proved by the results of a recent study conducted by specialists from the University of Vienna.

An experiment in evaluating female voices

The scientists recruited a team of male volunteers and let them listen to recordings of the voices of 42 female students, who were previously photographed. Then the subjects were asked to choose among the voices the most attractive in terms of sexuality. In most cases, the participants pointed to girls with a beautiful appearance, although they did not see their faces.

The authors of the experiment noted that the faces of female students, whose voices were more often identified as " ", were distinguished by the symmetry of features, they, as a rule, had high cheekbones, soft jaw lines and full lips. According to experts, this appearance indicates a good genotype, which also affects the synchronization of the vocal cords, larynx and nasal cavity. On a subconscious level, a man perceives a woman's voice as a signal that everything is all right with her sexually, which means that she can become a wife and mother.

Yes, aspirated words with special nuances can be attractive. But in other cases, on the contrary, it can produce a repulsive impression. And not only if we are talking about personal relationships. For example, statistics show that women with a low and hoarse voice are less likely to get a job as a result of interviews. It turns out that many perceive people with a "creaky" voice as "unreliable". Maybe because the owners of hoarse voices often smoke and have other bad habits.

Female voices and headhunters

A team of American psychologists once invited 800 headhunters to listen to recordings of various female voices and choose which one they would like to invite to. Only a fifth of the respondents preferred hoarse-voiced women. The rest commented on their choice by saying that a hoarse voice indicates low competence, lack of education and external unattractiveness.

Note that women who work as secretaries or managers and often have to talk to people on the phone tend to have high voices. Perhaps such voices on a subconscious level are more credible. But at the same time, the voices of an overly high timbre, more like a screech, are annoying...

"People prefer voices with vocal characteristics typical of the general population," the scientists say. "While unusual voices may be more memorable, people usually find sounding voices more attractive."

Voice modulation depending on interest in the interlocutor

By the way, a group of experts from the University of Stirling found out that our voices can change depending on whether we find the interlocutor of the opposite sex attractive. For the purposes of the experiment, 110 heterosexual volunteers were asked to strike up a conversation with each other. Subsequently, all participants were asked to complete questionnaires that assessed the degree of attractiveness of partners. It turned out that if a man liked the woman he was talking to, the tone of his voice decreased, and the modulation increased, that is, the frequency of the tone became more variable.

The head of the study, Juan David Leongomes, explains this by saying that although a low voice timbre indicates masculinity (masculinity), it is also associated with aggression and promiscuity, therefore, wanting to please a lady, a man unconsciously tries to speak in a low voice to signal his masculinity, and at the same time modulates the tone to show that it is non-aggressive and reliable.

So, if during the conversation you noticed that the voice of the stronger sex has become more "singing", then most likely this indicates his interest in you. At the same time, the researchers conclude, modulations can increase the attractiveness of this man in the eyes of a woman. So experienced heartthrobs, consciously or unconsciously, but actively use this technique.

Appearance and dress are not always indicators of a woman. Listen to what and how she starts to speak.

By nature, the beautiful half of humanity is endowed with softness, fluidity, a sonorous pleasant voice. It is a woman who is able to revive boring communication with her speech or kill the interlocutor with a word.

What is a pleasant female voice? How to make your voice attractive?

It is important not only how we sound, but also what we say. Agree, a barb or gossip said in a pleasant soft female voice does not bring joy to those who hear it.

  • does it contain gratitude to others and compliments
  • does it come from the abdomen or from the throat
  • others feel relaxed and peaceful next to a woman or, conversely, excessive tension
  • the speed of the verbal flow should be measured and flow like a stream
  • literacy of constructing phrases and the number of specific terms

The attractiveness of the female voice is adjustable and customizable. Like a violin or a piano. Pay attention to trainers women's development and psychology. They have a very pleasant and attractive timbre of voice. And the questions about how to correct it are answered in sufficient detail.

Let's conditionally divide them into two groups:

  • with the help of the mind
  • through training

In the first case we:

  • consciously control what we say
  • We evaluate the relevance of the remark before it is voiced
  • adjustable speed and flow of words, their quality

In the second option, they come to our aid:

  • vocal lessons
  • breathing practices
  • training to pronounce words from the abdomen, on the exhale
  • massage, yoga and any other that remove blocks in the body and reduce the amount and strength of stress

Remember that a woman who is relaxed at the level of her body and her thoughts sounds pleasant.

Gender features of the speech of men and women

  • We differ from each other not only by gender, the work of the psyche and appearance, but by the sound and fullness of our speech
  • For example, men tend to get carried away in a conversation with the topic that interests them, and not pay attention to hints to change it. Unlike women, who easily adapt and adjust to the interlocutor, listen to him carefully, quickly switch to another topic
  • The tendency to interrupt an interlocutor is male feature contrary to popular belief that women are guilty of this
  • The speech of a man is specific, replete with terms, tied to the topic under discussion. For the beautiful half of humanity, things are different. Their speech is full of expressive epithets, interjections, in simple terms often jumps from topic to topic
  • Obscene language is equally present in both male and female communication. But in mixed groups of interlocutors it is not audible
  • Gender differences in speech have even developed to the level of word pronunciation, word length, letter substitution, and personal identification. For example, in the Chukchi language, a man pronounces a word with the letter “r”, and a woman should change it to “c”
  • The Japanese refer to themselves as "boku" and the Japanese as "atasi". American Indians The Yana tribes communicate in the masculine style of their language officially, among the representatives of the strong half and with the mother-in-law. At the same time, the male version of the pronunciation of words is longer than the female one. IN Portuguese a particular word has different endings depending on who says it

Why do men and women have different voices?

  • Nature took care of the difference between the voices of men and women. Ever since the time of life, the primitive system of a man was assigned the role of a protector from predatory animals. And they were afraid of low guttural sounds
  • Anatomically, males have longer vocal cords than females. Therefore, on their neck there is an Adam's apple, or Adam's apple, which creates additional space for ligaments.
  • Remember guitar tuning. The stronger the string is tightened, the shorter it is, and the sound is higher and thinner. A similar situation with male and female voice sound
  • Therefore, a low, rough male voice scared away predators. And women, on the contrary, were attracted because of the association with protection and security.
  • Psychologically, the owner of a low voice is perceived as larger and larger than the one with a thin voice.
  • Even by physique, you can guess what kind of voice a person has. Most often, large wiry men will speak in bass, and thin thin women in high alto

What voice do women speak to men

Women skillfully change their outfits, images and voice. True, unlike the first two, the latter reflects natural essence, which is difficult to disguise with pretense and antics. Beautiful ladies evaluate the situation, the interlocutor and take into account their goals.

But this aerobatics female skill. More often we just say how it goes, without understanding what we say and how. Meanwhile, there is a connection between the timbre of the voice and the perception of the speaker by the interlocutor.

If a woman wants to attract a man, then:

  • her voice sounds deep from the stomach, low with velvet tints and pauses. About its owner they say "fatal woman"
  • soft, "wet", with moderate word accents

Men of a more subtle mental organization are able to "hear" a clear, moderately firm, structured speech of a lady of the middle range.

If a woman is aimed at the official format of communication, then she speaks essentially, rather dryly, at the frequencies of the medium and moderate low or high range.

How to learn to speak slowly and clearly?

A person who chatters and / or swallows endings, letters in words, is difficult to understand. The interlocutor needs to strain excessively and guess the meaning of what was said. And this only worsens understanding and communication in general.

Do you suspect that you have problems with diction and speech speed and want to eliminate them? Check out some practical tips:

  • record yourself on a voice recorder, speak freely without clamping your voice, as if you are talking with a friend. Listen to the recording and see if there is a problem.
  • read books aloud and change intonations in dialogues
  • sing beautiful romances, slow folk songs, paying attention to drawling places
  • listen Holy Scriptures in writing, they are read slowly with a clear pronunciation of words. So you relax, peace settles in you and you don’t want to “rumble” at all. On the contrary, subconsciously you will feel a desire to imitate their pace.
  • perform regular morning exercises, if possible, do yoga or dance, where stretching movements predominate, relaxation of individual parts of the body
  • do exercises for articulation, for example, with balls in your mouth, say tongue twisters, open your mouth wide, move your tongue across the lips and inside the mouth. In free access, you can easily find a lot of other useful exercises.
  • visit a stage speech specialist or speech therapist, work out or consult with them

Read aloud women's novels, fairy tales or literature on psychology. You can record your voice at this time on a voice recorder and listen to it. Evaluate the sound as an outside observer.

How to develop competent speech?

Agree, a person who knows how to build sentences correctly is more pleasant to listen to. He speaks competently, that is, clearly, intelligibly, clearly formulates his thoughts into words, emotionally colors sentences. Such a person is respected and his opinion is listened to. He is in demand in any team.

The development of our speech literacy is influenced by:

  • quantity and quality of books read
  • the habit of listening to yourself and professional announcers in the recording
  • crossword puzzles to improve vocabulary
  • circle of friends. If you are surrounded by people with lame literacy, it is expected that you will also speak

How does the speed of speech affect the beauty of speech?

Chatterboxes, like slow ladies, strain the interlocutors.

The high speed of speech provokes a lack of understanding of both individual words and the whole meaning of what was said. Everything is mixed into a heap without pauses. The owner of a fast speech rate herself also suffers:

  • her thoughts jump even faster than spoken words
  • in the eyes of the interlocutor, she sees misunderstanding and confusion
  • after communication feels dissatisfied and irritable

Chanting women who slow down their pace excessively resemble Finns or Estonians. The interlocutor runs out of patience quickly enough, there are unpleasant feelings that they are talking to him like a child or a narrow-minded person. He is nervous, trying to complete the dialogue as quickly as possible.

Therefore, the speed of speech should also be monitored, filled with appropriate pauses, painted with emotional colors. It is especially easy for us, women, with the last point.

You can analyze your speech speed using, for example:

  • voice recorder
  • feedback from a friend you trust and accept criticism without offense

How to make your voice beautiful and attractive?

  • Many people, upon hearing a recorded recording of their voice for the first time, are frightened and confused. “Is this how others hear me? Yes, this is not my voice at all! they think or say
  • To know for sure how you sound, ask your friends and family
  • And if there are nuances with insufficient beauty and attractiveness, then they can be eliminated.
  • But remember - the voice is inextricably linked with your personality, essence, character. And by changing it, you will have to change yourself

Here are some effective methods for changing your voice to a more attractive and beautiful one:

  • facial exercises, such as forcefully opening the mouth and pronouncing vowels
  • elaboration of emotional intonations through the voicing of any phrase with a different emotional color, for example, angry, joyful, tired, playful, sexy. This also includes singing in the gibberish language. Trust me, you won't be able to sing monotonously on it.
  • voice development by buzzing vowels with a closed mouth. This is how you release muscle clamps in your body and find new reserves for your sound.
  • voice setting. Regular lessons with a professional vocal teacher will give you correct breathing, feeling of one's body and the process of giving sound, the ability to speak in relaxed ligaments, tirelessness in case of working with a large audience
  • And another nice bonus - better health, longer life. After all opera singers were seen in the lists of centenarians

How to make a pleasant voice?

  • gave up or never had bad habits - smoking, alcohol, swearing
    They can destroy not only health, but also alienate other people from communicating with you.
  • fill your speech with words of gratitude.
    Agree, it’s more pleasant to help or ask a question to a person who knows how to thank
  • Sincerely compliment others and say nice words.
    Remember, in D. Carnegie, one of the principles of building friendly relations with others was based on the regular appropriate use of compliments in speech
  • learned to speak with the stomach.
    This is a natural female way of delivering sound. So the vocal cords are relaxed, and you do not feel tired after communication.
  • say the words as you exhale. Practice at home first so as not to shock the interlocutor
  • slow down the pace of speech.
    If you know about this feature of yours, it is worth working with it. Talking about business and idle is too stressful for anyone. But you don’t need to turn into an Estonian or a resident of Finland at all
  • reduce the number of words to a reasonable level.
    If there is no urgent need to answer, keep silent with a smile on your lips.
  • sing beautiful melodic songs, mantras or prayers. The song opens the reservoirs of the soul invisible to the eye for a harmonious exchange of energy with space. If you're stage shy, love to sing to yourself at home.
  • use simple verbal constructions without an excessive number of terms.
    pour in clever words is the norm for men. The simpler a woman speaks, the easier and more pleasant it is to communicate with her.
  • regularly relax your body, for example, in yoga classes, Pilates, massage sessions
    A man accumulates unlived emotions in his body, and a woman, thanks to her impressionability and inclination to empathy, even more so. Find an outlet for yourself where it will be easy for you to part with such “baggage”

Woman's voice and age

The first age-related changes in the female voice occur closer to 40 years, they are associated with the restructuring of hormones, the onset of menopause. However, the owners of the middle range practically do not feel them, on the contrary, it seems to them that their voice has become brighter and sounds more beautiful.

Closer to 60 years, senile notes appear:

  • the woman speaks in lower tones from her chest
  • atrophic processes are observed in the larynx
  • facial muscles lose elasticity and do not provide resonance
  • the muscles of the neck, shoulders and back weaken and are unable to maintain the strength and beauty of the voice

In the sound of speech, hoarseness, trembling, dryness are manifested. In part, they are the result of colds, exacerbated in old age.

How to make the voice young?

If you are an employee of a television or radio company, a professional vocalist, or your activity is related to communication, then you need to take care of your voice regularly.

You are contraindicated:

  • bad habits, hypothermia, stress, communication in raised tones, frequent crying
  • regular gymnastics and moderate physical activity
  • regular exercises to strengthen the voice and develop the diaphragm
  • tracking posture and relaxation of the muscles of the face, neck, shoulders, back
  • a sparing regimen in the morning after waking up and during illness will preserve the ligaments, and hence the voice
  • compliance with the work and rest regime, rules healthy eating, living away from high frequency noise and vibration
  • after 50 years, it is mandatory to undergo treatment with vitamin complexes with groups B, A and zinc once a year
  • plastic surgery is an expensive method, but quite real

We looked at the importance of owning and maintaining the voice, ways to change it and prolong youth.

Be healthy. Enjoy the sound of your unique voice and communication!

Video: how to make your voice attractive and beautiful?

16/06/08, Merit6
Here, in my opinion, psychology works, because. people react more seriously to people (God, how clumsily I said!) with low voices, and girls are no exception. In low female voices there is some special charm.

18/06/08, black monk
The voice is a unique feature of each person. Therefore, one cannot blame a person for having a voice that is somehow not like that. As for girls, I like it less when they have a very high voice. It just makes my ears wilt.

19/06/08, Princess Viper
Because I have a low voice, although at the institute they told me that I artificially lowered it ... (and in this they say that I have a wooden tone from some province) yes, sometimes I write, but who is now without sin? )

19/08/08, Polimeraza
Low voices are more pleasing to the ear, not annoying, and such a person is taken more seriously. I also have a low voice, sometimes I even lower it on purpose - then it turns out to be a bass! But I can for fun and squeak like a 2-month-old. kitty, so everyone is freaking out :)))

19/08/08, Ravenheart
I have always dreamed of a low voice in control, but nature has deprived me of a stupid mezzo-soprano... Look, now almost everyone has high voices! And list those who have low voices? Well? That's right, there are VERY few of them now, especially in music. I don’t know about sexuality, but when a low female voice sings (however, when she speaks), it sounds very beautiful and cool. Ehh, make me a low voice...(((((

05/01/09, Letzte Instanz
Low, velvety, enticing and sexy. Well, not a squeal and not a squeak! I have a low voice, I didn't like it before, but they convinced me) By the way, most of the singers that I like are with low voices, or they sing best low (Lisa Gerrard's solo album - Mirror Pool - is a great example).

05/01/09, Spongebob's girlfriend
Yes ... Such a low, chesty, erotic ... Such a voice will not only decorate a girl, and a guy will decorate, without talking) By the way, girls with such voices are hired to work in an organization for phone sex, and then they understand must be an erotic voice...)

14/05/09, Too lazy to invent a nickname
It's me and I like my voice. As a child, I was constantly confused with my mother on the phone, because it was strange to hear a hoarse low voice on the phone from a 10-13-year-old girl. True, there is a drawback - as a child I sang well, I had an ear for music and a voice (for this, however, I was almost forcibly dragged into the choir at school - it was so infuriating!), Therefore, both disappeared. At the age of 12, I could still sing in a high voice, and by 13, this opportunity was gone altogether. Then I also started smoking, but this did not affect my voice, as it was low and has remained to this day. Some people say that my voice does not suit me - I'm so fragile, make-up, the image is often a la Barbie, they expect to hear a half-childish squeak. This is my piquant feature that pleases me - the contrast of appearance and voice. This is my highlight. I also read that many actresses started smoking for the sake of a rougher voice, it is considered sexy ... So I was lucky.

25/07/09, animalize
Girls with a low voice are more pleasant to listen to, because. it doesn't hurt the ear. For example, I have a very low voice, and no one has complained yet! I have to tense up a little when talking to strangers, but I still think that this is more of a plus than a minus ...

22/10/09, Anemic Royalty
Sexy :) Individually. I especially like it when a girl is fragile, small, and she has such a voice.

25/04/10, Jenya999
Most likely respect. I am 16 years old. My voice started to drop when I was 12, but it wasn't as noticeable yet. I am quite satisfied with my voice, I even want it to be a little lower. To be honest, I don't like a female high voice.

01/06/11, Dima V B
Because a low voice gives some authority to the listeners. I do not want to say that I discriminate against people by their voice - and a girl with a high voice can be strong personality. But it seems to me that it is easier for women with low voices to be public people, doing, say, business or politics. I also like to listen to singers, especially singers of Russian chanson, with low voices - it gives charisma. But I don't like too low a male voice - it's too rude.

11/12/11, liza love
If the voice is low but at the same time soft, deep and velvety, then it is very beautiful, but if the voice is just rough, then it is annoying!!!

02/09/13, Caramel with Vanilla
My co-worker who smokes has a rather deep voice, but she is also sweet. responsive and experienced lady. I like her "buzz" with hoarseness.

04/11/13, SovaAlesha
That my voice is low for a girl. I started to suspect at the age of 14, when I started singing - and I couldn’t sing high parts, but low voices like those of Arbenina or even Cher, for example, with a bang. When I came to the vocal studio, as soon as I said hello, they told me: "Oooh, and here the contralto came to us," and they gave the lowest parts. This year (I'm 19), a girl friend told me that I have a rough voice. I have already developed a complex in myself. Then I met an old acquaintance with whom I had not communicated for a long time - he later complimented me that I had a gorgeous voice, so pleasant, low, velvety. Then another friend said that my voice is sexy (I was embarrassed, but it was nice). And today a new acquaintance also told me that such voices used to be his weakness (now he is married). From the foregoing, I concluded that he can confuse girls. but men prefer a low, velvety and insinuating voice more than a high one.))

11/01/14, Incorruptible Themis
I have a rather low voice myself. I don’t see any sexuality or other nonsense in this - it just sounds good, meaningful, calm, pleasant, without any vile woman’s squeals and tpsh intonations. Moreover, if I have a conversation in which something annoys me, angers me and I somehow scold the interlocutor, then the voice becomes lower and lower)

11/01/14, summer breeze
If only natural low timbre. Not smoky, not hoarse, just low. Such a person is much more pleasant to listen to than a voice that is too high. Itself would like to have a pleasant low timbre. I myself have a rather high voice, there are squeaky notes when I start raising my voice. In general, I love the low voices of both women and men.

11/01/14, Egor Akhmelyuk
Not hoarse, just low. Calm, cool. Against the background of the fact that the girl herself is not a gopota and is not smoky. She had such a voice, yes. And it suited her very well. But her essence did not justify her voice. A pleasantly rattling instrument of torture.

19/01/14, Anita32
I am 15 years old, everyone says that I have a deep voice. I don't really like listening to recordings of my own voice (probably because I hear a completely different voice). But after reading so many nice reviews, my complex began to recede. I don't smoke, I don't drink, just a low voice, even a little velvety. Just like many others, I can’t sing high songs, I don’t do vocals. But when I shout at someone and get annoyed, there is such a nasty squeak that everyone literally covers their ears with their hands. Maybe I can break glasses with my voice? But anyway, thank you all for such feedback =)

07/04/14, Frigg av Skogen
I have the deepest voice. I don't smoke, he's like that by nature. Indeed, low voices are more pleasant to listen to. When I was at school, I had 3 classmates whose voices were simply impossible to listen to - they were too squeaky.

07/04/14, Maritbjorgen
To me, it's much better to have a contralto than to have a squeaky voice. I also have a rather low voice, more precisely, it is average in itself, but if I wish, I can lower it almost to a masculine one. And speak and sing, almost like a man. I like low voices in music. In particular, the vocalists of gothic and metal bands. Like Francesca Nicolli, Morgan Lacroix, Eliza Martin... I think it's very beautiful. A low, rough voice in a woman immediately creates the impression of a strong nature, not a weak, not fragile, not a pampered refined young lady, but a strong, self-sufficient, respectable woman who will be spoken to as an equal, and not nursed. Although, of course, all sorts of votes are needed. And high and gentle voices often sound very beautiful too. But to me, according to my internal state, a low voice is more suitable.

15/04/14, Pencil
When I don’t like very low, but I like medium-low (I don’t know how else to put it) very much. I also like it when women do not chatter. The insinuating low voice of women fascinates me.

09/07/14, NOTDEAD
I have a very low voice. I used to be embarrassed about this, and when I spoke, I deliberately raised my voice, it was not easy. Then it became clear, if by nature I am like that, then why break myself? True, gifted guys often ask: "What's wrong with your voice? Do you smoke?" That's when such idiots meet on the way, then self-esteem falls. And by the way, I don't smoke.

22/07/14, Catshredder
In general, this is part of the evolution: women used to have more feminine voices, as well as, on average, more feminine figures. Now women's voices have become lower, and there are many not very feminine figures, and there are fewer and fewer areas of activity in which there are no women. Is it good or bad? Neither one nor the other is just evolution, the development of mankind along such a path. It is believed that in men, on the contrary, on average, the level of testosterone decreases from generation to generation - that is, men, as it were, become less masculine. Maybe it is, but why then is society becoming more and more corrupt? Returning to the subject, I will say that if a girl is sexy, then I don’t care what her voice is. My hottest girl had a deep voice and I was great with her. The voice is far from the most important thing. After all, healthy non-smoking and non-drinking girls still do not have voices so low that they are comparable to men's, so this factor does not matter at all.

The feminine voice is soft and melodious, quite even. Unlike men, a woman rarely uses the volume of her voice. Why is the female voice melodious? Because a woman does not speak monotonously, every word sounds at its own height, hence such a melodiousness.

Men often mint out words, they fly away from them, while women pronounce words smoothly, rounding and smoothing sharp corners.

When a woman speaks, her whole body is involved in the conversation. These are the eyes, and the hands, and the head.

What to look for:

If you want to be truly feminine, you need to pay attention to your voice, you must sound feminine.

First, listen to your voice and record yourself on a voice recorder. If you lead a fairly active, masculine lifestyle, then the voice may surprise you unpleasantly. It can be harsh, rough, without a hint of femininity. If you are tired, then it will be dull and lifeless or constrained and constrained.

Don't be discouraged and don't be disappointed. Remember the voice is an instrument, it is tuned and adjusted. You can always add new shades, make it softer, more delicate and of course more feminine.

Try to connect the body, move to the beat of your words, the movement helps to relax, and the voice begins to sound natural, this is especially true for talking on the phone. First, try to say something motionless, and then connect facial expressions and gestures. And you will notice how the voice changes.

Mentally involve your whole body in your speech. Indeed, in the performance of a melody, a musical instrument is involved in the whole, and not just the strings.

Of course, remember about intonation and timbre. Use only gracious and kind words, because each word carries its own energy content.

Never prove your case, do not argue, then your voice will not rise, and your vocal apparatus will not strain.

Singing will help you get rid of stiffness and shyness. Throughout the ages, women have sung. They sang at weddings, sang while doing needlework and household chores and, of course, sang lullabies. You can also start singing. Singing will make the voice more expressive, sonorous and beautiful. And if you don't know how to sing, you just need to start, it is not necessary to sing in public, do it at home alone.

Singing is very good for health. It is believed that only 20% of the sound is emitted into the outer space, while the remaining 80% is absorbed by the body and internal organs, producing a subtle vibrational massage of all organs. Singing uplifts, energizes positive emotions. And most importantly, it helps to relax and cleanse the psyche of negativity.

Be careful what information you convey through your voice to your man- discontent, irritation, hopelessness, or you convey faith, love and gratitude to him. You can speak any words, but the voice will never deceive, but will tell the truth, even the one that you hide.

A man, listening to a woman, fixes not the meaning of the words, but the sound.

A woman puts pressure on a man not physically, but with her voice. The impact is often very strong, even more than the physical impact. We attack and show aggression with the help of voice.

And remember, softness, depth, trust is born in a woman in her chest. It is the chest voice that is called velvet. Try to connect visualization. Imagine a beautiful rose or lily in your chest and start speaking from that flower. Can you imagine in your chest a big heart filled with love and speak from the heart.

And don't forget your posture correct posture the voice becomes full and sonorous.

Separately, I want to say about the mother's voice.

Before the baby is born, he does not see his mother, but only hears. Mom's voice has a hypnotic effect. And mothers need to remember this power that is in the voice. With the help of your voice, you can soothe, relax, support your child at any age.

Scientists have proven that under the influence of mother's native voice in the body of girls, the activity of stress hormones decreases, and the production of oxytocin, the female hormone, increases.

BUT best language for babies, these are songs and, of course, lullabies.

Every nation has its own lullabies. Songs that soothe and persuade the baby to fall asleep. The lullaby creates a special melody ornament that immerses the child in a state of sleep.

Scientists have proven that birth and separation from the mother have a painful and traumatic effect on the child, and it is the mother’s lullabies that can make this period of “separation” from her less painful. After all, what is interesting is that when a mother sings a lullaby, she adjusts the tempo and rhythm to the tones of her heart. Naturally, this rhythm has a calming and soothing effect on the baby, because he is used to them, being in the womb for 9 months.

A woman who sings songs to her child becomes gentle, calm and feminine. All the necessary qualities turn on by themselves, and the voice becomes soft and gentle.

A woman performs many roles in life, she is a wife, and a mother, and a friend, and an employee, and our voice naturally changes in different situations, femininity must remain unchanged.

Remember this!

Tatyana Dzutseva.

In contact with

Another secret of female charm and charm - woman's voice. It can be sonorous, sexy, thin, breathy, gentle, but never hoarse, smoky, shrill, deaf, or grouchy. It may be different, but it must be natural, because it is yours.

The voice of any person - male or female - is not only our means of communicating with people, the disclosure of our creativity but the voice is also linked to our sexuality. Can we control our sexuality and our voice?

Through the voice, a woman expresses the power of love. If she often swears, swears, she destroys the harmony in herself and around herself. In a conversation with a man, it is better for a woman to speak in a quiet, soft, calm voice. Such a female voice fascinates men, and evokes romantic dreams and fantasies in them. Negative voice vibrations can destroy a man and your relationship. And it's not about what to say, but how to say it.

Words with voice work wonders. They can inspire a man and move him to exploits. But here you can't do without trust. When a woman loves and trusts a man, her voice sounds very penetrating. And a man understands a woman from a half-word, from a half-look, even when she is silent, her facial expressions express all emotions.

The woman enjoys the process of communication. This is her essence. Therefore, long phone calls are so important for a woman.

To reveal her sexuality, her voice, a woman needs to sing. This is not necessarily choral or a cappella singing. A woman can simply hum songs to a child, or hum melodies under her breath. If a woman does not sing and talks little, she blocks her emotions. A very good outburst of emotions occurs at weddings, in companies - even if there is no voice, no one will hear you anyway in the general choir of voices.

But in the old days, women always sang: at weddings, lullabies to their children. The mother's voice affects the child in a special way. If you are talking to him, but he does not listen, then when you start to sing, the child usually falls silent and listens with great attention - this is exactly what happens to me.

And songs can also inspire a man to exploits. It's a pity that not all men can appreciate women's songs. The song is not only the transmission of words by voice. This is the expression of your thoughts. And if the voice comes from the heart, it resounds in the hidden corners of a man. No wonder they say that a word can kill a person, but you can raise it to heaven.

How to speak so that a man hears you? Try talking to a man in a low voice coming from the heart - and he will hear you. A real woman will never stoop to squealing or grumbling.

If you're arguing, yelling at each other, and feeling like you're on the verge of a breakdown, try this: stop, breathe in three times, and say the phrase in a low, quiet voice. The reaction will be stunning. You can forget about the quarrel.

There is another little trick - nothing has such a magical effect on men as a whisper. It makes a woman seductive and allows you to approach a man, touch his cheek or ear. It will not leave indifferent any man. Just do not hiss at him, otherwise you can achieve the opposite effect and pass for a witch.

And one more thing: laugh more often. Laughter brings good luck. A laughing woman is nothing more joyful for a man. It's because he amused you (so he thinks)!

Speak sincerely, speak from the heart - you will be heard and you are provided with men.

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