• Specialty HAC RF10.02.01
  • Number of pages 208
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Chapter L The word as an aesthetic unit of a literary text.

§ 1. Sematic and stylistic features of adjectives of color designations in a literary text.

§2. Psychological possibilities of the color word.

§3. Color word-symbol.

Chapter II. Dynamics of color painting in Anna's poetic system

Akhmatova (based on the collections of 1912-1922).

§ 1. Semantic and expressive-emotional transformations of color adjectives.

§1.1. Bely and his derivatives in the poetics of A. Akhmatova.

§ 1.2. Black in the poetics of A. Akhmatova.

§ 1.3. Red and its synonyms in the poetics of A. Akhmatova.

§ 2. The relationship of semantic and expressive-emotional transformations of the color words white, black and red in the poetics of A. Akhmatova.

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Introduction to the thesis (part of the abstract) on the topic "Poetics of color painting in Anna Akhmatova's collections "Evening", "Rosary", "White Flock", "Anno Domini", "Plantain": Psychological Aspect"

A work of fiction is multi-layered, and one of its main secrets is that it affects the consciousness of the reader simultaneously with all its various layers. We simultaneously perceive the logical meaning and magic of poetic speech, we feel the different, changing shades of its rhythm, its language. Fiction uses, according to N.K. Gay, "the potential difference between the word in its everyday, everyday use and the poetic word. polar limits" (156, p. 26). This explains the constant attention of researchers to the language of a work of art, to the word with its "volcanic energy", with its multifaceted transformations, as a result of which the semantic volume of the word is enriched, its emotional and evaluative component is complicated, and relationships with other words change (155,156, 166 , 178, 179,180).

Close attention to the word as an aesthetic, "multi-meaningful and multivalued unit"in a literary text is associated with the studies of A.A. Potebnya, who, based on the potential natural figurativeness of the word, was the first to express the idea that subjective, authorial, "words in a work of art, coinciding in their external form with lexical unit, which can be found in the dictionary, is addressed not only to the national language and the experience of the cognitive activity of the people reflected in it, but also to the world of reality that is creatively created or recreated in a work of art "(290, p. 174; 291, p. .20) Studies of the word as the primary element of a literary text were continued in the 1920s and 1930s.

20th century L.V. Shcherboy (349), V.V. Vinogradov (138, 141, 143), B.M. Eikhenbaum (76), V.M. Zhirmunsky (183), Yu.N. Tynyanov (322). Particular interest in the poetic word during this period was associated with the rapid change of literary trends, the unprecedented development of the linguistic creativity of the symbolists, acmeists, cubofuturists, egofuturists, which led to the renewal of the poetic language, which manifested itself in the desire of poets to strengthen the polysemy of the word and thereby bring the word closer. to the polysemantic meanings that exist in inner speech. Therefore, poetic speech, which reflected, on the one hand, the elements of all known speech styles, and on the other hand, manifested the versatility, versatility of the word, became "comprehension of the originality of an individual poetic style as a closed system language tools"(138, p. 369). Researchers approached the consideration and analysis of the poetic word from different positions. L.V. Shcherba declared "the path of the proper linguistic analysis of the text, the path of searching for the meanings of words, turns, stresses, rhythms, . the way to create a dictionary or, more precisely, an inventory of expressive means of the Russian literary language" (349, p. 17).

V.V. Vinogradov, in his fundamental research on the language of fiction, defined poetic speech as an "aesthetic and historical category", preserving in different eras "the same basis and essence, consisting in the maximum and expedient use of all the qualities of language and speech at all structural levels in an aesthetic aspect." (140, p. 207); he also outlined that area of ​​the semantic structure of the word, which is a source of "various shades of meanings", "intellectual and emotional overtones", wrapping the word in a specific phrase, context (143) and expressing the individual style of the writer, his "system of aesthetically creative selection, comprehension , location of various speech elements" (140, p. 35).

The name of B.A. Larin is associated with the doctrine of the aesthetic meaning of the word. According to the views of the scientist, the word has not an independent function, but an absorbed, tinted one, and a word with an aesthetic meaning "does not adjoin the nearest words in meaning, but serves as a hint of included thoughts, emotions, worries" (231, p. 33-44), is characterized "semantic capacity and versatility, the predominance of emotionally expressive elements in the meaning and indissoluble connection with the artistic whole" (177, p. 13).

The overriding task in the study of the language of the writer, B.A. Larin considered the study of the subtlest semantic nuances of the word, "associative meanings", or "aesthetic meanings" (231, p. 36, 42-43), or "lateral meanings", in the words of B. Eikhenbaum ( 76, p.426), or "combinatorial increments", according to Yu.N. Tynyanov (323). The doctrine of the aesthetic meaning of the poetic word was further developed in the studies of M.M. Bakhtin (110, 111, 112), L.S. Kovtun (207), V.P. Kovalevskaya (204, 205, 206), L.I. Donetskikh (177, 178, 179, 180), Yu.S. Yazikova (352, 353, 354), D.M. V. Zagorovskaya (189, 190, 191), M.B. Khrapchenko (334) and others. According to the views of researchers of the poetic word, in the artistic context, the word is being rethought, "the disintegration of meaning into semes and its transformation" (234, p. 213 ), "the acquisition of semantic diversity by him" (354, p. 101), the expression of "a quality or property cognized by means of language. Artistic function in a certain aesthetic system" (192, p. 26), or a reflection of "unique in its individuality and simple in its extraordinary complexity of the artistic idea" (114, p. 8). The birth of aesthetic meanings in a word is possible on the basis of nominative, metaphorical and symbolic meanings (177, 179). At the same time, the context plays a decisive role: it “highlights” or magnetizes, with the help of various and multi-level actualizers (contact and distant), “the necessary meanings and emotional-meaningful associations” (212), “clears the word from its past meanings accumulated by memory”, and creates an "actual meaning" for it (132, p. 17; 179, p. 35).

The semantic changes of a word depend not only on the context, but also on its organic nature, since grammatical categories to varying degrees, they have aesthetic possibilities and behave differently in a literary text. According to the studies of V.V. Vinogradov (142, 143), G.O. Vinokur (146), N.A. Shramm (346, 347), E.M. Volf (148), L.I. ), B.A. Orras (275), V.M. connotative content and wide mobility of their valency properties" (179, p. 60). In this regard, the color designations included in the category of quality adjectives are of interest. The study of color adjectives has a special place in linguistic research and has a long tradition. Color adjectives, like qualitative adjectives, have gone in their development from the name of a noun denoting a specific object, then a denomination that names one of the qualities inherent in this object, when "thought still relies on the object", to "the concept of a general independent meaning, independent of the object "and enriched in the concept of quality (89, p. 111).

Color is one of the elementary and at the same time significant sensations. The world of color exists independently of us, we are accustomed to being in the world of color, and nature itself spontaneously offers man all models of color. This is what gives artists and writers a clear and integral sense of the world, a sense of the world. At the origins of culture, color was equivalent to a word, color and object were one whole (127). Later, simple absolute colors - red, orange, blue, yellow, green, white, black, which are at the core of the color field, began to appear in different qualities: a universal category - in language, stable symbols - in art and religion (still, as V. Turner testifies that primitive and primitive peoples associate white, black and red colors with the most valuable substances for them and the vital elements - "blood, milk, fire, earth" (319). JW Goethe He described in detail the physiological, moral and aesthetic effects of color - "colors act on the soul: they can evoke feelings, evoke emotions that calm or excite us, sadden or delight" (158, p. 39). Goethe was subsequently developed by poets (symbolists), composers (A. Skryabin), artists (V. Kandinsky, M. Chiurlionis, M. Vrubel), psychologists (V. Wund, M. Deribere, L. S. Vygotsky) and linguists.

A group of words - color terms was considered from psycholinguistic positions in solving the problem of the relationship between language and thinking (260, 331, 342); was widely used in psycholinguistic experiments to identify the universal features of color names in various languages ​​(133, 134, 332); analyzed in psychological studies on the perception of color in architecture, nature and everyday life (102, 103, 104, 107, 149, 150, 162, 171, 172, 194, 216, 217, 235, 324); in works on psychosemantics, aesthetics of color, the history of the appearance and etymological development of Russian color designations (109, 164, 285, 315) is described in sufficient detail, attempts were made to comprehensively study the semantic field of color in Russian (97, 261) and in comparison with other languages ​​- Ibero - German (148), English and German (215, 230), Latvian (351); classifications of color designations based on the semantic principle (223) and subject-logical (122) have been developed. Of particular interest are studies of the figurative and poetic function of color words in a literary text, aimed at identifying individual author's features in the use of color designations. Studies have shown that "this category of words has great semantic significance and is a multidimensional phenomenon" (177, p. 42). A.N. Veselovsky, commenting on the expression “gray tears” he encountered in Goethe, wrote: “These gray tears cannot be depicted in painting: epithets are suggestive in the sense of tone, brightness of sensation, intangible quality of the subject ...” (136, p. 84). The functioning of color adjectives in literary texts is associated primarily with their potential ability to directly or indirectly contribute their share of content to common system figurative and expressive words, as well as serve as a means of embodying and expressing the author's worldview and attitude (139).

The color word symbol as an aesthetic category based on two qualities - psychophysiological nature and socio-historical conditioning, has two permanent properties - ambivalence and polyvalence, which suggest many semantic shades (for example, the tradition assigned the concepts of youth, health, youth, dreams, naivety) or the presence of opposite and even mutually exclusive meanings (for example, white is a symbol of purity, happiness and a symbol of death). It became possible to talk about the symbolic and emotional functions of the color word in a literary text after a number of serious monographic developments by R.V. Alimpieva (97), S.V. Vekova (114), L.I. ), L.V.Krasnova (219), R.Z.Miller-Budnitskaya (256), B.A.Orras (275), L.V.Zubova (193), S.M.Soloviev (312), D M. Potsepni (292), Yu.S.

A.S. Pushkin (311), F. Tyutchev (169), A. Fet (280), the work of N.V. Gogol (118), but also as a means of revealing the subtext, expressing the thoughts, feelings of the characters, building their vision world and causing the emergence of a special emotional mood in a literary text. So, the materials of L.V. Krasnova (219,220), S.S. Nadirov (265,266) testify that the red color, penetrating the poetry of A. Blok, is a symbol of anxiety, tragedy (a), philistinism, vulgarity, venality (b) and a symbol of revolution (c), and in A. Green's extravaganza "Scarlet Sails" the color adjective red, as shown by the philological analysis of JLI. according to JI.B.Zubova (193), red symbolizes 4life in dynamics leading to death*; according to F.M. Dostoevsky ("The Brothers Karamazov"), the red color is, according to S.M. Solovyov (312), a symbol of "" the color of healthy, beautiful people"or 4 colors of health of limited, well-fed people." The yellow color in the poetry of I. Annensky (300), the prose of I.A. Bunin (178, 316), A.I. "withering", "illness" but in the poetry of F.I. Tyutchev serves to create landscape sketches (251). Blue (blue) color in the poetry of S. Yesenin is a symbol of the motherland, purity (214, 254, 269, 310), in the poetry of A. Blok - a symbol of "dream" (266). Studies of color painting in the works of Russian poets and writers have shown that, for example, the white-black-red range is typical for the work of A.S. Pushkin, A. Blok, L.N. Tolstoy, red-white-black - for N.V. Gogol, M.M. Prishvin, white-gray-red-black - for I.A. Bunin, red-black-white - for F.M. Dostoevsky, early Mayakovsky is characterized by yellow-red gamut, for the late period of creativity - white-black; for the poetry of I. Annensky - yellow-black-white; for the early Tyutchev - gold (golden)-azure, for the late period of his work - a gray-gloomy scale.

Thus, the color adjective, receiving aesthetic content in a literary text, which implies the emergence of a new aesthetic meaning (meanings), becomes a special philological and aesthetic unit that can give additional characteristics to the writer's idiostyle, show the color of the work and even the color of the literary trend. In connection with the foregoing, the study of color painting in the poetry of A. Akhmatova is not far-fetched, but is organically connected with the traditions of the semantic-stylistic analysis of a literary text.

According to Isaiah Berlin, who knew Russian poetry well, "Akhmatova, Gumilyov and Tsvetaeva, in a certain sense, are the last great voices of the 19th century (and Pasternak and Mandelstam, who was very different from all, are the voices of the turn of the century) and will remain so." (14, p. 152).

The main psychological content of the lyrics of the early period (1912-1922) by A. Akhmatova was love - tender and affectionate, sacrificial and crazy, burning on the highest and sharpest, hurting crests of spiritual life (30). For the poetess, the love theme became that "window through which she looked at the world and in the focus of which the most important lines of her worldview crossed" (9, p. 135). Therefore, the general direction in the study of A. Akhmatova's creativity is the analysis of skill in revealing the spiritual world of her contemporary person (17). Researchers saw the originality, uniqueness of Akhmatov's Muse not so much in the originality of visual means, but in the unusual and novelty of the transfer of human feelings and emotions, in the extraordinary interpretation of the human "I" (9.29).

Of the biographical and literary works, the most significant are the studies of V.M. Zhirmunsky (31), B.M. Eikhenbaum (76), A.A. Pavlovsky (51, 52), E.S. .Timenchik (62-66), N.O.Artyukhovskaya (8-10), M.L.Gasparov (22), A.Heit (69), L.I.Bronskaya (17) and others. first of all, to point to the classical works of V.V. Vinogradov (19, 20), the studies of I.P. Smirnov (60), I.K. Beloded (13), A.A. Dmitriev (28), N.V. Asanova (eleven).

IN scientific literature dedicated to the work of A. Akhmatova, the researchers emphasized her spiritual, thematic, poetic connection with A. S. Pushkin (12,27,54,59,62), N.V. Gogol (39) F.M. ), L.N. Tolstoy (31), Ilnensky (21.51), A.A. Blok (,

A.P. Chekhov (9.23), with folklore (24.67). Her poetry was called "novel" (76), "intimate diary" (20, 68), drama (29). All, without exception, noted the laconicism, lapidarity of her poems. According to

V. M. Zhirmunsky, A. Akhmatova "having adopted the verbal art of the symbolic era, adapted it to express new experiences, quite separate and simple" (183, p. 301). This statement affirmed the commonality of poetic principles - it was not the approach to the material that changed in essence, but the material itself: if the Symbolists had a phantasmagoria of feelings, then

A. Akhmatova - earthly experiences. Leaving in her arsenal such a technique as symbolism, the poetess expanded its semantic possibilities.

VV Vinogradov singled out two rows of symbols in A. Akhmatova's poetry: "fleeting symbols of things" and 4 "stable, repeating groups of symbols" (19,20). The study of the second row of symbols was continued by I.P. Smirnov, who singled out such symbols as "house, ladder, beam, bridge, gate", and stated that the symbol in A. Akhmatova's poetry is not projected into infinity, as in the symbolists (60) . We find this in N. Artyukhovskaya, who notes that if the principle of the arrangement of associative impulses among the symbolists corresponded to the formula "from the general to the particular", "from the abstract to the concrete", "from the idea to the image", then A. Akhmatova's words the symbols indicated that her poetic thinking went "from the particular to the general", "from everyday details to the image of character", "from recreating all the complexity of feelings to a philosophical understanding of life", the symbol served as a reflection of a specific state of mind (9).

The corporeal world" was portrayed by the poetess in the unity of all ways of its perception - visual, auditory, olfactory and tactile, that is, in all its completeness, brightness and diversity (76). In all studies on the work of A. Akhmatova, almost virtuoso mastery of her mastery of artistic detail is noted. In particular, S.S. Averintsev wrote about the paramount importance in her poetry of "sensual practice and everyday detail" (90, p. 212). According to V. V. Vinogradov, the "material world" - colored or colorless, or seemingly colorless, "floods the poetry of A. Akhmatova", and is "an emotional background that illuminates the mood swings of the heroine" (20, p. 405). Almost all researchers of creativity

A. Akhmatova pointed to the presence and a certain functional role of color epithets, which, according to some, create a uniform color, or, according to others, a contrasting color painting. The first mention of the functional role of color epithets in the poetry of A. Akhmatova is contained in the work of K.V. ). According to V.M. Zhirmunsky, in the use of the poetess "qualitative definitions of white, black and swarthy, there is individualization associated with the context" (31, pp. 89-90).

V.V. Vinogradov, B.M. Eikhenbaum emphasize the artistic skill of A. Akhmatova in choosing definitions, to which "she returned the stylistic role - to be a characteristic epithet" (76, p. 402) and which create the general emotional tone of Akhmatova's poetry (20) . According to the views of A.A. Pavlovsky (51, 52) and E.S. Dobin (29), the lyrics of A. Akhmatova cannot be reduced to a monophonic sound, since this contradicts the very essence of her poetry, - "her poems were born at the junction of Day and Night "," her poems are either dawn or dusk, but more often the last, "so looking for a uniform color in her poetry is a deliberately false path" (29, p. 84, 86, 101). she mastered the color palette, skillfully used chiaroscuro, knew the secrets of space and perspective, used the plastic element with a subtle artistic flair" (9, p. And 6).

In connection with the foregoing, it seems to us that the problem of studying color painting (color symbolism) in the poetry of A. Akhmatova, not only as a visual means, but primarily as a means of psychological characterization of the situation or state of mind of the lyrical heroine, and as the equivalent of a certain psychological state, seems to us to be relevant. The obtained materials will be useful in terms of language (in terms of identifying the features of the use of color words as expressive and expressive means of language and establishing their nominative, connotative capabilities in a poetic context) and aesthetic (color painting as a "language model" reflects the mental space of the poetess, her "conceptual model of the world") (255). The philological analysis of the color designations of whites black reds as aesthetic units in the poetic text of A. Akhmatova will reveal the mechanism for constructing symbolic imagery simultaneously in several perspectives - semantic, psychological and aesthetic.

Purpose and tasks of the work. Present the dynamics of color painting in the poetic system of A. Akhmatova. The goal is to solve the following tasks:

Determine the place and meaning of color painting as psychological basis visual and expressive means;

Establish and describe the methods of their aesthetic functioning;

Designate the typology of the emergence of aesthetic values, the system of stylistic contexts that realize their emotional and content potential up to generalizations;

Determine the role of color painting in the mental space of the poet.

Accordingly, the following provisions are put forward for consideration:

1. The lexico-semantic group of color designations, being part of the system of psychologically influencing expressive and visual means of artistic language, is able to participate in the creation of multifaceted images, and the lexical meaning of a color word often focuses the main ideological load.

2. Through the actualization of the components of their associative environment, color designations reveal unexpected expressiveness, realize new emotional "ringing" and thereby create an aesthetic-color background of the poetic context, exposing the psychological lines of idio- and emotional tension.

3. As a category, semantic-stylistic and aesthetic color painting (along with tropes and figures) reflects the emotional and semantic originality of A. Akhmatova's poetic speech, causing a variety of stylistic contexts in her work and revealing the uniqueness of the author's worldview and attitude.

Scientific novelty. The dissertation for the first time presents the dynamics of color painting in the poetic system of A. Akhmatova, shows the birth of new generalized symbolic meanings (aesthetic meanings) in color terms based on nominative, metaphorical and traditionally symbolic meanings; The interaction of symbolic and psychological components in the semantics of a color word in a poetic context is considered.

Object of study: for the philological interpretation of the figurative and poetic functions of color words (color adjectives and their derivatives), the disclosure of the typology of individual author's uses, poetic collections by A. Akhmatova "Evening", "Rosary", "White Flock", "Plantain", " Anno Domini.

Methods for the study of color words used in the dissertation. The typology of the emergence and realization of aesthetic meanings in color adjectives at the poetic level, developed and substantiated by L.I. Donetskikh, was used, analyzes - comparative-descriptive and component, quantitative using the formula of S.M. Solovyov, which determines the color number of adjectives white, black, red and color saturation of poetry collections.

Scientific and practical significance of the work. The conclusions and observations of the author of the dissertation, its main provisions and the specific material of the philological analysis of color terms can be used in school and university practice of teaching the section "Vocabulary", in special courses and special seminars on the lexical and stylistic interpretation of a literary text, linguopoetics, in the author's lexicography when compiling the writer's dictionary .

Approbation. The dissertation materials were presented at scientific conferences "Mastering national values ​​in education and upbringing", December 11-13, 1996, Chisinau, at the III Russian University-Academic scientific and practical conference, Izhevsk, April 21-23, 1997, at the scientific conference "Teaching and learning the Russian language and literature: problems and prospects", April 16-17, 1998, Chisinau.

The main provisions of the dissertation are reflected in the following publications:

1. Semantic and stylistic analysis of the adjective "black" in the poetry of Anna Akhmatova // Vestn. Udmurt University. Linguistics, 1996, No. 7, p. 195-200.

2. Semantic and stylistic interpretation of color epithets (based on some of A. Akhmatova's poems). Chisinau: Publishing House of the Tiras-Polish State. un-ta, 1996, p.59-62.

3. Colorful vocabulary in the poetry of A. Akhmatova (on the basis of early collections). Chisinau: Publishing House of the Tiraspol State. un-ta, 1996, pp. 63-65.

4. Poetics of the word white in the collection of Anna Akhmatova "Evening": Tez. report 3rd Russian university-academic scientific-practical. Conf., Izhevsk: Publishing House of the Udmurt State. un-ta, 1997, part 4, p.11.

5. On some color symbols in the poetic context of A. Akhmatova // Teaching and studying the Russian language and literature: Problems and prospects Chisinau: Mold. state un-ta, 1998, pp. 156-161.

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Linguistic poetics recognizes the word in the artistic space as a "multi-faceted unit", "multiple meaning", "polysemantic", which either reproduces reality in images or "absorbs the artistic whole and returns to the reader aesthetically enriched" (177, p. 14).

The poetic word in the poetry of A. Akhmatova is a complex semantic structure with subject-logical and connotative content, including emotional-evaluative, emotional-expressive and aesthetic components of meaning.

In the creation of the poetic world of A. Akhmatova, such a linguistic and poetic category as color painting plays an important role. The color word, acting as an epithet, becomes a semantic core at the points of the artistic space, attracting the semes of other parts of speech denoting color, and serves in the poetic text for the purposes of concretization or individualization of signs, allows presenting the depicted in direct "visibility" or in the halo of subjective associations and experiences.

In the artistic imagination of A. Akhmatova, "the original object stands nearby and that new image of metaphor or catachresis, which the free color element takes after it has moved away from the original objects, "ascended" above them and "transformed" into this new one" (350 , p.560). These transformations are determined not so much by the volume of the generating basis of the color word, but by its ability to enter into new lexical-semantic connections, to be drawn into the aura of surrounding meanings, meaningful and emotionally-tuning. Therefore, A. Akhmatova's color sensations evoke response psychological impulses that complicate the originally perceived author's image.

These psychological impulses express the generalized symbolic meanings that are born in the color designations white, black, red on the basis of nominative, metaphorical and traditional symbolic meanings. Generalized symbolic meanings, or new aesthetic meanings, represent, according to L.I.Donetsky, the highest degree of development "from direct nominative (with increasing biplanar) to figurative and figurative and further to generalized symbolic" and are characterized by a high degree of artistic generalization , the concentration of emotional and social expression, "the simultaneous presence of many associations that are difficult to delineate and single out within the general expressive-semantic complex. They help to throw a bridge from the material world into the sphere of ideas, philosophical generalizations and social assessments" (177, p. 75),

The most important actualizers of aesthetic meanings in the semantics of the color adjectives white, black, red should primarily include the ideological, artistic and linguistic contexts, as well as the moral and psychological state of A. Akhmatova. The days of these color words, which have ambivalence, are characterized by both positively and negatively colored generalized symbolic meanings, but to a greater extent the latter, which, of course, is connected with the theme of the poetess's poetry collections (the theme of loneliness, memory, betrayal, separation, war), author's task and cultural and historical background. Aesthetic meanings arising from the considered color designations can coincide or intersect at a certain semantic point - "end and beginning", "birth and death", "fullness of life and emptiness of life", "love and separation", "triumph and infamy", "pride and shame."

For example, the poetess' rejection of the First World War, suffering and pain for the defeat of Russia in this war, for hundreds of thousands of dead express new generalized symbolic meanings of the color words white, black and red, coinciding in the meanings of "death", 4 emptiness as suffering, and the color adjective red combines the symbolism of white and black in the development of negative aesthetic meanings.

In the poetry of A. Akhmatova, the decisive role is played not so much by thoughts in their clear, complete form, but by the intellectual and emotional representations corresponding to them, expressed by multi-valued symbolism, including color. Passing through all poetry, these symbols ensure the continuity of the development of themes and plots, which allows researchers to see in the poetry of A. Akhmatova "novel", "short stories", "intimate diary" (10, 17, 20, 31, 52, 63, 70) . The color symbols established in A. Akhmatova's poetic context are associated with such value categories as "love-separation", "truth-falsehood", "faith-unbelief". We also note that some symbols ("wind, dawn") were formed long before A. Akhmatova, however, they received new psychological content from her (black wind - "healing" liberating \ white blizzard - "liberation").

We have identified the following groups of color symbols in the early period of A. Akhmatova's work.

I group. Ambivalent characters (positively and negatively expressive-emotionally colored).

1. White House

2. White stone

3. Red leaves

II group. The color symbols are visually colored.

1. White page

2. White flock

3. White bird

4. White clothes

5. White swans

6. White flowers (levkoy, roses, daffodils, chrysanthemums)

7. White temples, churches

8. White blizzard vividly expressive-emotional

9. White winter

10. White headscarf of the Virgin

11. White angels

12. Red House

13. Red wine

14. Crown of Hearts

15. Black Cross of Vladimir

16. Black Wind

III group. The color symbols are visually colored.

1. White death

2. Red tulip

3. Red devils

4. Red moisture

5. Scarlet fire

6. Crimson bonfire

7. Crimson Dew

8 Pink Cockatoo

9. Black crows negatively expressive-emotional

Y. Black gate 11. Black clothes 12. Black angels 13. Black shame 14. Black ulcer 15. Black death 16. Black jealousy 17. Black ring 18. Black dream

The color symbols of group I are characterized by the realization in the poetic context of negative and positive generalized symbolic meanings "meeting - separation", "love - loneliness"; for group II - the neutralization of linguistic oppositions and the development of positive aesthetic meanings "bright memory", "happy, joyful", "song part of the soul"; for the color symbols of the III group, the appearance of negative symbolic meanings common to all new ones - "loss \ 1 death \" emptiness "is characteristic.

The study allows us to talk about the following thematic color symbols in the poetry of A. Akhmatova:

1. Symbols of the poetic gift, creativity, chosenness, the difficulty of the poetic path - a white bird, white clothes, red wine, a crown of red roses, crimson dew, a marble double.

2. Symbols - harbingers of happiness - white flowers (levkoy, roses, daffodils, chrysanthemums), red maple leaves, white angels, scarlet dawns, red wine, white white Spirits day.

3. Symbols of the fullness of life - a white house, a red house.

4. Symbols of sadness, separation, departed love, emptiness - red leaves, crimson fire, black gates, white house, black clothes, black jealousy, black ring, black dream.

5. Symbols - harbingers of misfortune - black crows, black angels, red devils, fiery seraphim.

6. Symbols of punishment - scarlet fire, red Sodom, crimson fires.

7. The symbol of noble antiquity, fate - the black cross of Vladimir.

8. Symbols of grief, misfortune, death - black death, White death, black ulcer, black wound, shroud, white (noun, absolute of death).

9. Symbols of the urban landscape - silver-white Isakiy, white columns of the Senate, white temples, black embankments, dark-water Neva, black (ink) holes, black pipes.

10. Symbols of the rural landscape - white churches, black fields.

11. Symbols of the park landscape - black spruce, black jackdaws.

12. The symbol of the salvation of Russia is the white dress of the Virgin.

For a more complete presentation of the role of color designations white, black and red (including its synonyms) in the system of visual and expressive means in the poetics of A. Akhmatova, statistical study: according to the formula of S.M. Solovyov (312, p. 241), color numbers were obtained, shown in the table and represented by a diagram.

Name Color word Color number of all used Volume of the collection White Black Red

Evening" 1.20 0.36 0.43 4.30 1.37

Rosary" 0.58 0.65 0.58 3.80 1.37

White flock" 1.06 0.54 0.64 3.80 2.33

Plantain" 0.57 0.86 0.43 3.60 0.70

Anno Domini" 0.92 0.82 0.65 4.04 1.83

Total: 4.33 3.23 2.73 19.54 7.60


Based on the received color numbers, color schemes for each collection:

4. "Plantain" - Black-white-red;

5. "Anno Domini" - White-black-red,

The general color scheme characterizing the early period of A. Akhmatova's work can be defined as White-Cherio-Red. The predominance of white and black makes it possible to compare A. Akhmatova's color painting with graphics, lithography.

The color number indicators obtained for white, black, red turned out to be due to the psychological "coloring" of poetry collections.

1. "Evening". Emotionally plot fabric and color reinforce each other, the color words white and red (their color number, respectively, C=1.2, C=0.43) realize positive symbolic meanings, acting as symbols of "purity, happiness, joy, fullness of life" . Through semantic and expressive-emotional transformations of color adjectives, taking place in a poetic context, A. Akhmatova conveys the thoughts of the lyrical heroine about the nature of her own love feeling. And here we observe a paradoxical harmonious "coexistence" of two planes: on the one hand, the theme of the collection reflects painful, feverish love, with the first separations and sufferings, but without that tragic fracture that will appear in the Rosary, and this is confirmed by the color numbers of black and red as symbols of loss and emptiness (С=0.36), on the other hand, this is the first maiden love is bright, despite her torment, suffering, joyful, life-giving. And these psychological

White-red-black; Black-white-red; White-red-black;

3. The "white flock" of standing convey the generalized symbolic meanings of the color designation white - Happy, joyful "anticipation of the meeting. Strong fluctuations in color numbers for white and black are associated with their ambivalence, proximity in the semantic space and with the ideological and artistic context.

2. "Rosary". The prevailing mood of the collection is "the suffering and grief of a woman, humiliated and abandoned, forced against her will to seek her own source of strength: poetry-prayer with a bittersweet aftertaste of glory" (69, p. 5 6). The motives of spiritual split, depression of the heroine create a psychological atmosphere of gloom and darkness. This led to the predominance of black (C=0.65) as a symbol of "loss, emptiness" and the implementation of color designations white (C=0.58) and red (C=0.58) with negative expressive-emotional connotations "separation, death" . Thus, the new aesthetic meanings of the color words white and red are psychologically correlated with the traditional symbolic meaning of black,

3. "White pack". The collection reflects the reflections of the heroine about creativity and creative gift, about love, which has always completely owned her. But the departed love no longer gives rise to despair and longing. On the contrary, out of grief and sadness, songs are born that bring relief from pain (69). The heroine experiences a quiet, bright sadness, she thinks hopefully about the future and draws strength from her loneliness. For the sake of her country, "the heroine is ready to sacrifice "everything", even the "song gift." And yet the struggle between the desire to give, "give the ring" to her beloved or lose it in the name of ending the senseless slaughter, and the consciousness that "the ring - that is, her poetic the gift is not only a source of strength, but also a link that connects it with God ", and is not finished (69, p. 68). This psychological self-sufficiency is reflected in the symbolic meanings of the color words white (C = 1.06), red (C = 0.64) and black (C=0.54) - "solemn, festive", "fateful," poetic gift\

4. "Plantain". The poems of the collection are dedicated to the farewell of the lyrical heroine with her former "I", with past girlish torments, sufferings. The love theme is supplanted by the events of the end of the First World War and the Civil War, the February and October revolutions, which turned out to be disastrous for many of A. Akhmatova's friends. The gloomy hopeless state that took possession of the heroine in the city of "sadness and anger", where "the white woman marks the houses with crosses", reflect the generalized symbolic and traditionally symbolic meanings of the color words black (C=0.86), white (C=0, 57), red (C=0.43). They realize negative connotations in a poetic context - "death", "betrayal, betrayal", "separation", which allows us to talk about the psychological correlation of color adjectives.

5. "Anno Domini". The collection reflects the heroine's understanding of her fate in connection with historical events taking place in Russia. These events are projected onto the life of the heroine: she feels forgotten, abandoned, like a thing, but she believes that dawn will come, and black will be replaced by white, light, the rays of the sun will again be golden, not crimson, bloody. The color word white acts as a symbol of the "song part of the soul", "easy, desired death", "passion-love", "peace" (С=0.92); the color designation black (C=0.82) symbolizes "separation; loneliness, earthly suffering" death "of thousands of Russians who died in the maelstrom of the civil war; red color (C=0.65) symbolizes the "real, desired\" sensual", "death ".

Thus, the maximum for white color is noted for the collections "Evening" and "White flock", the minimum - for "Plantain". All three collections are characterized by the realization of positive psychological symbolism by the color adjective white. For black, the maximum was noted in the collections "Plantain", "Anno Domini" (C=0.86, C=0.82, respectively) and the minimum in "Evening" (C=0.36) and the realization of a negative expressive-emotional value. For the red color (and its synonyms), the maximum was noted in the collections "White flock", "Anno Domini" (C=0.64, C=0.65, respectively), the minimum in "Evening" and "Plantain" (C=0, 43).

The strength of color painting in A. Akhmatova's poetry collections lies mainly in the rejection of color in favor of psychological complexity, the intensity of color, expressing either the movement of a burning feeling or a suffering heart. The semantic and expressive-emotional polysemy of color painting is determined by the depth of Akhmatova's subtext, which, according to A. Akhmatova, "the more, the better and closer to people"(3, v.P, p. 231): the color is enhanced by the emotional-plot fabric and at the same time deepens the expression of the contextual situation.

The peculiarity of color painting as a visual means in the poetics of A. Akhmatova is manifested in the depiction of artistic details, the creation of two or three colors of portraits, paintings of urban and rural landscapes, striking in their authenticity and reminiscent of lithography (the black cross of Vladimir against the background of green lindens; silver-white Isakiy against the background black factory chimneys; black spruce in the snow; red towers of Sodom against the backdrop of a black mountain) - "separate color strokes against a general almost colorless, but light and shaded background" (312, p. 231).

Thus, the aesthetic value of color painting in the poetry of the early period of A. Akhmatova is manifested in

Reliable materiality of the image,

In multidimensional dynamic movement,

In psychological impact.

Together with other linguistic expressive means, color painting as an expressive and visual means enters into a single channel of psychological analysis and creates in A. Akhmatova’s poetry that balance between the “element of rhythm and the element of the word” (350, p. 134), between the element of the word and the element of feeling, which constitutes the stylistic dominant of Akhmatov's poetic language, simple and acutely exciting, polysemantic and psychologically multicolored, and determines the semantic dynamics of the great poetess' color painting.

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141. Vinogradov V.V. Stylistics. Theory of poetic speech. M.: Nauka, 1963. 255p.

142. Vinogradov V.V. About the theory artistic speech. M.: Nauka, 1971. P.6.

143. Vinogradov V.V. Russian language (grammatical doctrine of the word). 2nd edition. M.: Higher school, 1972. 614C.

144. Vinogradov V.V. Main types lexical meanings words // V.V. Vinogradov. Selected works. Lexicology and lexicography. M., 1977. pp. 162-192.

145. Vinokur G.O. Selected works on the Russian language. M., 1959.

146. Vinokur G.O. On the study of the language of literary works // Selected works in the Russian language. M., 1959. pp.388-393.

147. Vinokur G.O. About the language of fiction. M.: Higher. school, 1991. 447p.

148. Volkov N.V. Color in painting. M.: Art, 1984. S.115-135. (GlLP. Enriching the sense of color and painting).

149. Wolf E.M. Grammar and semantics of adjectives on the material of the Ibero-Romance languages. M., 1978. S.Z.

150. WundtW. Introduction to psychology. M., 1912. 152C.

151. Vygotsky L.S. Development of higher mental functions. M., 1960. 500C.

152. Gak V.G. Paints // Comparative Lexicology. M.: Publishing house " International relationships", 1977. S.192-201.

153. Galeev B.M. Commonwealth of feelings and synthesis of arts. M.: 3nanie, 1982, No. 2. 64C.

154. Galkina G.S., Tsapnikova V.M. Some features of the color naming system in L.N. Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace" // Problems of language and style of L.N. Tolstoy. Tula, 1974. S.272-280.

155. HartmannN. Aesthetics. M.: IL, 1958. P. 152,

156. Gay N.K. The art of the word. On the Art of Literature. M.: Nauka, 1967. 363C.

157. Gay N.K. Artistic Literature. Poetics. Style. M.-.Nauka, 1975.471C.

158. Gelhardt R.R. Theoretical foundations for the study of artistic speech. Selected articles. Kalinin, 1967, p. 131.

159. Goethe I.V. To the doctrine of color (Chromatics) // Selected works on natural sciences. M.; L.: AN SSSR, 1957. S.261-342.

160. Goethe I.V. About art. M.: Art, 1975. P.38.

161. Ginzburg L.Ya. About lyrics. L., 1974. pp.342-349. (The real world).

162. Ginzburg L.Ya. About the old and the new (articles and essays). M.: Soviet writer, 1982. 347p.

163. Glotova V.I. Coloristic shaping in architecture. Kharkov, 1987. 133C.

164. Goryunov B.C., Tubli M.P. The architecture of the modern era. St. Petersburg, 1992. 359C.

165. Granovskaya M.N. Adjectives denoting color in Russian of the 17th-20th centuries. Abstract diss. cand. philol. Sciences. M., 1964.

166. Grigoriev V.P. Poet and word. Dictionary experience. M., 1973.

167. Grigoriev V.P. The poetics of the word. M.: Nauka, 1979. 343C.

168. Grigoriev V.P. To the question of the analysis of the language of the poetic text // VYa, 1979, no. 3. pp.7-19.

169. Grigoriev V.P. From the standpoint of linguistics // Psychology of the processes of artistic creativity. L.: Nauka, 1980. S.234-237.

170. Grigorieva A.D. Word in Tyutchev's poetry. M.: Nauka, 1980. 247 C.

171. Gromov P.P. A. Blok. His predecessors and contemporaries. M.; L.: Soviet writer, 1966. 568p.

172. Deriberi M. Color in human activity. M .: Publishing house of literature on construction, 1964.183C.

173. Judd D.B., Vyshetsky G. Color in science and technology. M., 1978. 592С,

174. Dzhandzhakova E.V. Semantics of the word in poetic speech. Abstract diss. cand. philol. Sciences. M., 1974.

175. Dmitrieva H.A. Vincent Van Gogh. M.: Nauka, 1980. 397 S.

176. Donets H.A. Elements of color painting by MGorysy (on the material of the stories "In Rus'" and "Tales about Italy") // Questions of grammar and style. Riga: Publishing House of the Latvian State. un-ta, 1967. S.57-78.

177. Donetsk L.I. Semantic originality and stylistic functions of adjectives in K. Fedin's trilogy. Abstract diss. cand. philol. Sciences. L., 1966.

178. Donetsk L.I. Realization of the aesthetic possibilities of adjectives in the text of works of art. Kishinev: Shtiintsa, 1980. 160p.

179. Donetsk L.I. Realization of the aesthetic possibilities of adjectives in the text of works of art. Auto-ref. diss. doc. philol. Sciences. L., 1981.

180. Donetsk L.I. Aesthetic functions of the word. Kishinev: Shtiin-tsa, 1982. 153p.

181. Donetsk L.I. Word and thought in a literary text, Kishinev: Shtiintsa, 1990.165p.

182. Dolgopolov L.K. creative history and historical and literary significance of the novel by A. Bely "Petersburg" // A. Bely, St. Petersburg. M .: Nauka, 1981. P. 525-624.

183. Drobysheva L.Ya. The stylistic role of adjectives in the novel by Ilf and Petrov "The Twelve Chairs" and "The Golden Calf" // Uch. app. Omsk ped, in-ta. 1970. Issue 53. pp.3-23.

184. Zhirmunsky V.M. Theory of literary poetics. Stylistics. L.: Nauka, 1977. S. 173.

185. Zholkovsky A., Shcheglov Yu. Structural poetics - generative poetics // Questions of Literature. 1967, No. 1. P.82.

186. Zavadskaya E.V. Ut pictura poesis of Andrey Bely // Andrey Bely. Problems of creativity. M., 1990. S.461-469.

187. Zavalishina D.N., Lomov B.F., Rubakhin V.F. On the systemic structure of cognitive processes // Psychological problems of sign information processing. M.: Nauka, 1977. S.49-57.

188. Zaitsev A. The science of color and painting. M., 1986.158C.

189. Yesenin S. Collected works: In 2 vols. M.: Sovremennik, 1990. Vol.1.

190. Zagorovskaya O.V. Aesthetic Functions of Language and Aesthetic Significance of a Word in a Literary Text (Based on A. Blok's Cycle of Poems "The Snow Mask"). Abstract diss. cand. philol. Sciences. Voronezh, 1977.

191. Zagorovskaya O.V. Aesthetic function of language and its speech implementation // Methods and techniques of scientific analysis in philological research. Voronezh: Publishing house of VSU, 1978. S.13-18.

192. Zagorovskaya O.V. Aesthetic function of language in relation to its main functions // Communicative and poetic functions of a literary text. Voronezh: Publishing House of VSU, 1982. P.3-5.

193. Zaritsky S.S. Word, concept and meaning and their reflection in the writer's dictionary // Abstracts of the reports of the interuniversity symposium of compilers of the Gorky dictionary. Kyiv, 1966. P.26.

194. Zubova JI.B. Poetry of Marina Tsvetaeva: Linguistic aspect. L.: Izd-vo LGU, 1989. 261 S. (Chapter III. Color terms in the poetry of M. Tsvetaeva).

195. Izmailov Ch.A. Color perception (mechanisms and models). Abstract diss. cand. psychologist, science. M., 1985.

196. Ivanov Vyach. V. About the relationship of symbolism, pre-symbolism and post-symbolism in Russian literature and culture of the late XIX-beginning. XX century // Literary process and development of Russian culture of the XVIII-XX centuries. Tallinn, 1985.

197. Spanish song poetry: Collection / Compiled by N.R. Malinovskaya et al. M.: Raduga, 1987. 246p.

198. Kandinsky V. On the spiritual in art. L .: Publishing house "Archimedes", 1990.82 C.

199. Karpenko M.A. Gorky words-symbols in the works of the writer and in modern literary language// Word usage and style of M. Gorky. L .: Publishing house of Leningrad State University, 1968. S.64-76.

200. Kachaeva J1.A. On the peculiarities of the use of the adjective "yellow" in the language of A.I. Kuprin // Uch. app. MGPIIIA them. Mtorez. 1970, No. 58. pp.108-113.

201. Kachaeva J1.A. Vocabulary of color in the works of A. Tvardovsky, M. Isakovsky, A. Surkov // Problems of theory and methodology of language. Yaroslavl: YSU Publishing House, 1980. S.17-23.

202. Kachaeva L.A. The semantic structure of the word in the semantic-stylistic system of M. Gorky. Abstract diss. doc. lol. Sciences. Gorky, 1985.

203. Katsnelson S.D. The content of the word, meaning and designation. M.; L., 1965. S.53.

204. Klar G. Luther's test: psychological characteristics of eight colors // Magic of color. Kharkov: Sfera-Svarog, 1996. P.3-39.

205. Kovalevskaya E.G. Analysis of literary texts. L., 1976.

206. Kovalevskaya E.G. The semantic structure of the word and the stylistic function of the word//Linguistic meaning. L., 1976.

207. Kovalevskaya E.G. Word in language and artistic speech // Linguistic foundations aspect of the school program "Speech development". L., 1979.

208. Kovtun L.S. On the specifics of the writer's dictionary // Word usage and style of M. Gorky. L .: Publishing House of Leningrad State University, 1962. S. 41-53.

209. Kozhevnikova H.A. Word usage in Russian poetry at the beginning of the 20th century. M.: Nauka, 1986. 252 p.

210. Kozina H.A. On the problem of the symbol in Gorky (Semantic and stylistic analysis of landscape sketches in the cycle of stories "Across Rus'"). Abstract diss. cand. philol. Sciences. Saratov, 1976.

211. Kozlov C.J1. On the Poetics of Titles in Russian Literature in the First Half of the 20th Century. // Issues of genre and style in Russian and foreign literature. M., 1979.

212. Kolesov V. History of the Russian language in stories. M.: Akalis, 1994. 167 S.

213. Kolshansky G.V. On the nature of the context // VYa, 1959, No. 4. P.47.

214. Kondakov I.V. Color in nature and art // Artistic creativity. Issues of complex study. L., 1986. P. 100.

215. Kononenko V.I. Unspeakable, tender, blue (poetic nominatives in the work of S. Yesenin) // Russian speech. 1979, No. 2. pp.63-68.

216. Korsunskaya T.G., Fridman Kh.Kh., Cheremisina M.I. About the color naming system in Russian, English and German languages ​​// Uch. app. Gorky in-that foreign. languages. 1963. Issue 25. S.99-102.

217. Kravets V.I. Coloristic shaping in architecture. Kharkov, 1987.133 S.

218. Kravkov C.B. Color vision. M.: Nauka, 1951.175 S.

219. Krasikov S. Legends of flowers. M.: Young guard, 1990. 303C.

220. Krasnova L.V. Poetics of Alexander Blok. Lvov: Publishing House of Leningrad State University, 1973. P. 136-176. (Symbolism of color).

221. Krasnova L.V. Symbolism of white and red colors in the poetics of A. Blok// Philological sciences. 1976, No. 4.

222. Kuzmin M. Poems and poems. M .: Young Guard, 1992. Issue. 18.

223. Kulikova I.S. Semantic and stylistic characteristics of attributive nominal phrases (on the material of light and color adjectives in the works of K. G. Paustovsky and M. M. Lrishvin). Abstract diss. cand. philol. Sciences. L., 1966.

224. Kulikova I.S. Two color pictures // Russian speech. 1971, No. 3. pp.10-17.

225. Kulikova I.S. Aesthetic meaning of the word and context // Linguistic foundations of the aspect of the school program "Development of speech". L., 1979. S.73-78.

226. Kupina H.A. The essence and origin of metaphor. Abstract diss. cand. philol. Sciences. Eagle, 1968,

227. Kurilovich E.V. Notes on the meaning of the word // VYa, 1955, No. 3. P.75.

228. Kurilovich E. Essays on linguistics. M.: IL, 1962.

229. Kurland R., Matus L. The symbolic meaning of the word in poetry (on the material of the words "black" and "white" by M. Tsvetaeva and the word "winter" by A. Tarkovsky) // Modern problems of Russian philology. Saratov: SGU Publishing House, 1985. P. 91-94.

230. Kuslik A.M. The semantic structure of adjectives denoting color in modern German// Uch, zap. J11 PI im. ALHerzen. T.217.1960. pp.147-172.

231. Larin B.A. On the varieties of artistic speech // Aesthetics of the word and the language of the writer. L., 1974. S.32.

232. Larin B.A. The story of M. Sholokhov "The fate of a man" // Experience in the analysis of form // Neva. 1959, No. 9. P.204.

233. Levi-Strauss K. Culture as a system // Semiotics and art-metry. M.: Mir, 1972. S.25-50.

234. Levin Yu.I. About some features of the plan of content in poetic texts // Structural typology of languages. M., 1966. P. 213.

235. Leontiev A.A. Perception as a psychological process // Psycholinguistic and linguistic nature of the text and features of its perception. Yuev: Binja school, 1979. S.23,26.

236. Lilich G.A. About the word "gray" in the work of M. Gorky // Word usage and style of M. Gorky. L.: Publishing House of Leningrad State University, 1962. S. 120-135.

237. Lilich G.A. The development of the generalized symbolic meaning of the words "dirt", "dirty" in the works of M. Gorky // Word usage and style of M. Gorky. L .: Publishing house of Leningrad State University, 1968. S.24-37.

238. Litvin F.A. Polysemy of the word in the text and types of context // Questions of lexicography. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1977, pp. 124-141.

239. Lopatin V.V. Brown to black, blue to lilac (about the language of Y. Nagibin's prose) // Russian speech. 1980, No. 3. pp.55-61.

240. Losev A.F. To the question of the occasional meaning of the word in poetic speech // Izvestiya AN SSSR. Ser. LA. 1970. T. XXIX. Issue. 5.

241. Losev A.F. The problem of the symbol in connection with literary categories close to it // Izvestiya AN SSSR. Ser. LA. 1970. T.XXIX. Issue 5.

242. Losev A.F. The problem of the variable functioning of pictorial imagery in fiction // Literature and painting. L., 1982. P.35.

243. Losev A.F., Shestakov V.P. History of aesthetic categories. M., 1965.

244. Lotman Yu.M. Analysis of the poetic text. The structure of the verse. L .: Education, 1972.270 S.

245. Lyulko N.P. Color in the landscapes of K. Paustovsky // Russian speech. 1967, No. 6.

246. The magic of color / Ans. for the issue Zaikov S.F. Kharkov: AOL "Sphere", 1996.

247. Maksimov D.E. Poetry and prose of Alexander Blok. 2nd edition, up to floor. L.: Soviet writer, 1981. 552 p.

248. Maksimov D.E. Russian poets of the early XX century. L., 1986.

249. Maksimov D.Yu. On the correlation of associative and constructive connections of the word in poetic speech // Russian language. Sat. Art. Moscow: MGPI named after V.I. Lenina, 1985. S.216-230.

250. Maksimova M.K. The figurative meaning of words denoting color in the language of the works of A.I. Herzen // Uch. app. LGPI them. A.I. Herzen. T.293, Theory and methods of teaching the Russian language, 1968. P.69-93.

251. Malakhovskiy E.A. From observations on the use of adjectives in the lyrics of F.I. Tyutchev // Essays on the Russian language and style. Saratov: Ped. in-ta, 1967. S.28-40.

252. Malinovsky E.A. On the evolution of the poetic language of S. Yesenin (color terms in the early and late poems of the poet) // Proceedings of the conference on general linguistics (on the 75th anniversary of Prof. E.D. Polivanov). Samarkand, 1966. S.21-25.

253. Malozemova I.I. Ideological and artistic role of color symbolism in A.N. Tolstoy's story "The Ancient Way" // Problems of Ideological and Artistic Values. Saratov: SGU Publishing House, 1977, Issue 4.

254. Marchenko A. Yesenin's poetic world. M., 1972. S. 187-191.

255. Meilakh B.S. Psychology of Artistic Creativity: Subject and Ways of Research // Psychology of Artistic Processes. L.: Nauka, 1980.

256. Miller-Budnitskaya R.Z. The symbolism of color, synaestheticism in poetry based on the lyrics of A. Blok // News of the Crimean Ped. in-ta, 1930. T.Z.

257. Mironova L.N. The problem of color in art // Modern science of color and problems of color preference. M., 1989. S. 11-13.

258. Mironova L.N. Color semantics // Color. Materials. Design. M., 1989. S.11-15.

259. Mironova L.N. The semantics of color in human evolution // Problems of color in psychology. M.: Nauka, 1993, pp. 172-188.

260. Mikheev A.V. Psycholinguistic studies of semantic relations (on the material of color terms). Auto-ref. diss. cand. philol. Sciences. M., 1983.

261. Moskovich V.A. Semantic field of color terms (experience of typological study of the semantic field). Abstract diss. cand. philol. Sciences. M., 1964.

262. Mrevlishvili M.N. On the language of Russian writers. Tbilisi: Publishing House of TSU, 1972, pp. 139-140.

263. Mukarzhovsky Ya. Aesthetic function, norm and value as social facts // Proceedings on sign systems. Tartu: Publishing House of Tartu University, 1975. Issue 7.

264. Murina E.B. Problems of synthesis of spatial arts. M.: Art, 1982. P.8.

265. Nadirov S.S. Color adjectives in the verses of A. Blok // Russian language at school. 1970, No. 6. S.3-6.

266. Nadirov S.S. Adjective in the poetry of Alexander Blok (lexico-stylistic analysis). Abstract diss. cand. philol. Sciences. Tbilisi, 1985.

267. Nalimov V.V. In search of new meanings. M.: Progress, 1993. 280C.

268. Nevolina L.I., Shcherbakova I.I. The poetics of color in the trilogy of A.N. Tolstoy "Walking through the torments" // A.N. Tolstoy. Problems of creativity. Voronezh: Publishing House of VSU, 1990. P. 124-151.

269. Nekrasova E.A. Blue, blue in S. Yesenin // Russian speech. 1979, No. 4. pp.37-41.

270. Nikitina E.I. Russian poetry at the turn of two eras. Saratov: SGU Publishing House, 1970.

271. Nyberg N.D. Coloring course. M, 1932, 191 S.

272. The image of a person and the individuality of the artist / Otv. ed. B.I. Singer. L.: Nauka, 1984. P.72.

273. Ozerov L.A. Crossroads: from the history of Russian poetry at the beginning of the 20th century. M.: HL, 1976.386 S.

274. Orras B.A. On the tasks of the stylistic characteristics of parts of speech // Scientific reports of higher education. Philological Sciences. 1959, No. 1. P.82.

275. Orras B.A. Stylistic functions of adjectives in the prose language of M. Gorky. Abstract diss. cand. philol. Sciences. M., 1959.

276. Essays on the language of Russian poetry of the XX century. Poetic language and idiostyle / Otv. ed. V.P.Grigoriev. M.: Nauka, 1990. P.15.

277. Pavlov V.M. On the ranks of adjectives in Russian it VYA, 1960, No. 2.

278. Monuments of world aesthetic thought. T.Z. M., 1967. S.254.

279. Panchenko A.M. On color in the ancient literature of the Eastern and Southern Slavs. - TODRL, 1968. T. XXSH. C.9.

280. Parshina V.L. Attributive phrases with adjectives "yellow, golden, golden" in the poetry of the second half of XIX century // Problems of the theory and methodology of language. Yaroslavl: YSU Publishing House, 1980. S.31-37.

281. Petrenko V.F. An Introduction to Experimental Psychosemantics: A Study of Forms of Representation in Ordinary Consciousness. M.: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 1983.177 P.

282. Petrenko V.F. Psychosemantics of analysis. M.: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 1988. 208 p.

283. V. F. Petrenko, V. V. Kucherenko, Relationship between emotions and color // Bulletin of Moscow State University. Ser. 14. Psychology. 1988, No. 3. S.70-82.

284. Peshkovsky A.M. Russian syntax in scientific coverage. M., 1956. S.84.

285. Pimenova M.V. Semantics of color naming according to monuments ancient Russian literature(on the material of herbalists, healers, icon-painting originals). Abstract diss. cand. philol. Sciences. L., 1987.

286. Platek I. Believe the music. Moscow: Soviet composer, 1978.

287. Pokrovsky M.M. Semasiological research in the field of ancient languages. M. 1896. S.21.

288. Polishchuk G.G. Color adjectives in Paustovsky's stories // Essays on the Russian language and style. Saratov: SGU Publishing House, 1967. P.46-51.

289. Polyakov M.Ya. Questions of poetics and artistic semantics. M.: Soviet writer, 1978. 445 p.

290. Potebnya A.A. Thought and language // Aesthetics and poetics. M., 1976. P. 174.

291. Potebnya A.A. From notes on Russian grammar. M., 1958. S.20.

292. Potepnya D.M. On the unity of the aesthetic properties of the word in the poetry and prose of A. Blok // Questions of Stylistics. Saratov: SSU Publishing House, 1972. Issue 4. P.75.

293. Potepnya D.M. On the language of A.Blok's prose. (Aesthetic beginning in articles, reviews, notes of the poet). Abstract diss. cand. lol. Sciences. L., 1973.

294. Purice M.P. Color names in dialects of the Moldovan language. Abstract diss. cand. philol. Sciences. Kishinev: KGU, 1969.

295. Revzina O.G. From poetic language to poetic idiolect // Essays on the language of Russian poetry of the XX century. M., 1990.

296. Rybakova I.V. Epithets with the meaning of color in the artistic prose of Pushkin and Lermontov // Questions of the Russian language. Stylistics and methods of the Russian language. Yaroslavl: Izd-vo YSU, 1969. Issue. pp.56-83.

297. Rynkov L.N. Nominal metaphorical phrases in the language of fiction of the 19th century. Post-Pushkin period. Chelyabinsk, 1975.

298. Rubinstein S.L. Fundamentals of General Psychology. M., 1989.485 S.

299. Sakulin P.N. Philology and cultural studies. M.: Higher. school, 1990. 240 p.

300. Semenova O.N. Semantic composition of the lyrical cycle // Teaching literary reading in an Estonian school. Tallinn. 1981. P.93.

301. Serov N.V. Chromatism of the world. L., 1990. 351 S.

302. Sechenov I. Selected philosophical and psychological works. M.: OGIZ, 1947. P. 375.

303. Silman T. Subtext is the depth of the text // Questions of Literature. 1969, No. 1.

304. Silman T. Notes on lyrics. L.: Soviet writer, 1977. 223p.

305. Sirotina V.A. Changes in the semantic structure of the word in artistic speech // Questions of stylistics. Saratov: SGU Publishing House, 1972. Issue 5. P.45.

306. Slavinsky Ya. To the theory of the poetic sign // Structuralism: "for" and "against". M., 1975.

307. Sluzhevskaya IP, The problem of art in poetry of 20-60-characteristics of the years. Abstract diss. cand. philol. Sciences. Tashkent, 1983.

308. Smirnitsky A.I. The meaning of the word // VYA, 1955, No. 2. pp.87-88.

309. Smirnov I.I. Cause-and-effect structures of poetic works // Studies in Poetics and Stylistics. L.: Nauka, 1972. S.212-248.

310. Sokolova L.F. Color vocabulary in Yesenin's poetry // Theory of poetic speech and poetic lexicography. Shchadrinsk, 1971. No. 161.

311. Soloviev S.M. Color and genre in Pushkin's works // Russian speech. 1976, No. 3. S.24-28.

312. Soloviev S.M. Visual means in the works of F.M. Dostoevsky. M.: Sov. writer, 1979. 350 p.

313. Sulimenko N.M. Qualitative adjectives in their relation to types of lexical meanings. Abstract diss. cand. philol. Sciences. JL, 1966.

314. Sulimenko N.M. Types of Lexical Meanings and the Stylistic Functions of Qualitative Adjectives Caused by Them in MKhorky's Novel "The Life of Klim Samgin" // Uch. app. LGPI them. A.I. Herzen. 1969. V.32.

315. Surovtseva M.A. On the history of color meanings in the Old Russian language of the 11th-16th centuries. Abstract diss. cand. philol. Sciences. M., 1967.

316. Sukhanova JI.B. Color adjectives in I.A. Bunin's story "The Village" // Russian vocabulary in the literary, artistic and professional terminological sphere. Vladimir: Ped. in-ta. 1978. S.65-73.S

317. Tager E.B. On Gorky's style // Uch. app. Moscow city ped. in-ta im. V.P. Potemkin. 1952. T.XX. Issue. 2. P.137.

318. Tahoe-Godi A.A. The sun as a symbol in Sholokhov's novel " Quiet Don" // Scientific reports of higher education. Philological sciences. 1977, No. 2. P.8.

319. Turner V. The problem of color classification in primitive cultures // Semiotics and artmetry. M.: Mir, 1972. S.50-81.

320. Ternovskaya O., Zhuravlev A. Color in the works of early Mayakovsky // Russian language at school. 1973, No. 3. pp.11-13.

321. Toyshibaeva G.P. Color Vocabulary in Literary Text (Based on Dostoevsky's Works). Abstract diss. cand. philol. Sciences. M., 1990.

322. Trifonova S.V. On the direct and figurative use of the word "blue" by M. Gorky // Word usage and style of M. Gorky. JI.: Publishing House of Leningrad State University, 1962. S.136-147.

323. Tynyanov Yu.N. The problem of poetry. M., 1965, p.66.

324. Urvantsev L.P. Psychologism of color perception. Yaroslavl, 1981. 66 p.

325. Ufimtseva A.A. The word in the lexical-semantic structure of the language. M., 1968. S.221,227.

326. Fadeeva T.A. The word in poetic speech (based on the word usage of V.A. Lugovsky // Linguistic problems of the program "Development of speech". L., 1979.

327. Fedorov A.B. Innokenty Annensky. L.: KhL, 1984. 255C.

328. Fedin K. Writer. Art. Time. Moscow: Soviet writer, 1957.

329. Owl F.P. Problems of historical lexicology of the Russian language (ancient period) // Slavic Linguistics: IX International Congress of Slavists, Kyiv, 1983. P. 271.

330. Freeling G., Auer K. Man - light - space. Applied color psychology. Abbr. translation from him. O.V. Gavalova. M: Stroy-izdat, 1973.117 S.

331. Frumkina R.M. On the method of studying the semantics of color terms // Semiotics and Informatics, 1978. Issue. 10.

332. Frumkina R.M. Color. Meaning. similarity. Aspects of psycholinguistic analysis. M.: Nauka, 1984.174C.

333. Huizing C. Autumn of the Middle Ages. M., 1987. 539 S.

334. Khrapchenko M.B. The nature of the aesthetic sign // Context, 1976. Literary and theoretical studies. M.: Nauka, 1977. S.6-40.

335. Khrulev V.I. Color and its functions in A. Green's story "Scarlet Sails" // Writer and Time. Ulyanovsk, 1975. Issue 1.

336. Tsyganenko G.P. On the ranks of adjectives. Donetsk, 1961.

337. Chagdurov S.Sh. On the expressiveness of words in artistic prose. Ulan-Udan, 1958. P.84.

338. Cheremisina N.V. Conditions for the contextual implementation of the individual author's meaning of the word // Russian language at school. 1969, No. 3.

339. Chernukhina I.Ya. Expressiveness of a lyric poem and the image of the author // Questions of theory and history of lyrics. Voronezh: Publishing House of VSU, 1988. P. 104-112.

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In 1919 and 1920, Akhmatova wrote almost no poetry. The collection "Plantain", published in April 1921, contained only 38 poems, mostly written in 1917-1918 or even related to an earlier period. In "Plantain" Akhmatova, as it were, completed individual lyrical plots of the "White Pack". As regards topics related to social life(revolution, civil war), they are declared in "Plantain" as separate significant poems, but most of the poems of this plan, written in 1921, which was fruitful for Akhmatova, were included in the next book of the poet.
“Akhmatova twice deprived “Plantain” of independent existence, including it as a separate section in the book “Anno Domini”. However, in the main editions of the last period (“From Six Books”, “The Run of Time”), “Plantain” was published as an independent book, somewhat abridged from the first edition.
She also tried to title this book "Hard Times", but then refused. Probably, this is due to the fact that the symbol "plantain" is more voluminous in its content (we will see this in the further analysis of the book), since the word "hard times", in our opinion, contains only a temporary meaning.
The book was published in 1921. What kind of time is this for Russia, for representatives of the creative intelligentsia, in particular for Akhmatova?
The twenties are a time of devastation, famine (the very end of the civil war, from which the country emerged with incredible exertion of strength). " old world destroyed, the new one was just beginning to live. For Akhmatova and those whom she ... unites with her, the destroyed past was a well-lived and familiar home"50.
This time is "black" for many people who closely surrounded Akhmatova: son L. Gumilyov, husband N. Punin, friends - L. Ginzburg, B. Eikhenbaum, O. Mandelstam. And their troubles also concern Akhmatova, which has found its natural reflection in her work.
When identifying the symbolism of the title of this book, one should move away from interpreting the meaning of the title image through the search and interpretation of various extra- and intra-text associations associated with the word "plantain". It depends on the fact that, in contrast to previous books, where the words "evening", "rosary", "white", "flock" are somehow present in the text and therefore make it possible to reveal the semantic halo of the title, in the fourth book of poems the image of the plantain is practically Therefore, the path of research here will be different - not from the text, but from the interpretation of the word "plantain".
Plantain - "meadow weed, usually roadside, grass with small flowers collected in an ear"51.
The use of a word with such a meaning as a title is not without meaning. Instead of a lush bouquet of flowers, often used in the verses of the first books (lilies - 1 time, levkoy - 2, roses - 5, tulips - 1, violets - 1, immortelle - 1, lilac - 1), weed grass with small flowers.
Through the glass the rays of the day
Lime white walls are full of...
Fresh lily fragrance
And your words are simple.
(Book "Evening"; "Two Poems", 2, 1909, p. 24).
New Year's holiday lasts magnificently,
Wet stems of New Year's roses,
And in my chest you can no longer hear
Dragonfly flutter.
(The book "Rosary"; "After the wind and frost was", 1914, p. 48)
and the book "Plantain", which only once mentions "noble" flowers - roses, but they are "the last":
And in secret friendship with the high,
Like a young dark-eyed eagle,
I, as if in a pre-autumn flower garden,
She entered with a light gait.
There were the last roses...
("And in secret friendship with the high", 1917, p. 130).
In the following verses there are no flowers, but only grass:
You, who sprinkle the grass with dew,
Revive my soul with news...
("This meeting is not sung by anyone", 1916, p. 136).
Grass that grew on the ruins of a beloved country, in the context of Akhmatova's poems, acquires a double symbolism. On the one hand, the desolation is such that "cultural" flowers do not grow, and the plantain is a symbol of the death of the cultural way.
Petersburg has been (and remains to this day) the center of Russia's cultural life for several centuries. This city acts as "a field where the main theme of life and death is played out and the ideas of overcoming death, the path to renewal and eternal life are formed"52.
"Petersburg is the center of evil and crime, where suffering has exceeded the measure and irreversibly deposited in the people's consciousness; Petersburg is the abyss, another kingdom, death, but Petersburg is the place where national self-consciousness has reached such a limit, beyond which new horizons of life open up, where Russian culture celebrated the best of its triumphs, which also irreversibly changed the Russian person.
Many wrote about Petersburg: Pushkin and Gogol as the founders of the Petersburg text, tradition; Dostoevsky as its ingenious designer, "bringing together his own and others in his version of the Petersburg text, and the first conscious builder of the Petersburg text as such"54; Andrei Bely and Blok as "the leading figures of that renaissance of the Petersburg theme, when it was already being recognized by the Russian intelligentsia society"55; Akhmatova and Mandelstam as witnesses of the end and bearers of the memory of St. Petersburg, the completion of the St. Petersburg text; Valenov as the closing theme of St. Petersburg, "master of coffin affairs"56.
On the other hand, the plantain is a symbol of the imperishable forces of the earth. He, in spite of everything, makes his way through the thickness of the ruins and rubble. Life is eternal. And life for the poet is his work, which does not stop, despite death, separation, loss, betrayal, a turned life, a hopeless feeling of catastrophe - all that can only fall to the lot of a person caught by a change of eras.
As already mentioned, the book "Plantain" was twice included by Akhmatova in the book "Anno Domini" as a separate section. Initially, the fifth book was published under the title "Anno Domini MCMXXI" - translated from Latin "In the summer of the Lord 1921".
It is known that 1921 was fatal for part of the Russian intelligentsia. People previously valued by their country suddenly became objectionable, they were persecuted and shot. And if we consider "Plantain" as one of the sections of the book "Anno Domini", then we get a new meaning for the title word of the book. Plantain is a herb-healer, since the leaves of this particular plant are applied to a bleeding wound if there are no medicines at hand. Perhaps, giving such a name to the book, Akhmatova tried by any means available to her to stop the flow of blood from the wounds, mental and physical, inflicted by time on her generation.
The word "plantain" is associated with such symbols as "road", "way", "wandering". Here, remembering the importance of the religious beginning in Akhmatova's poetry, we can talk about such sacred acts as prayer and repentance. After all, it is no coincidence that true believers travel great distances in order to lift up prayer and gain the mercy of God through repentance. They seek sacred places.
Let's follow the text of the book, how these symbols are reflected in Akhmatova's poems.
Not all representatives of the creative intelligentsia agreed to share their fate with the fate of the country, as Akhmatova did. The flow of emigrants was great:
You are an apostate: for the green island
I gave, I gave my native country,
Our songs and our icons
And over the lake a quiet pine tree.

What remains for her, faithful to her hungry and destroyed country: only pray for the living and mourn the untimely departed:
Yes, neither the sea nor battles are terrible
Those who themselves have lost grace.
That's why during prayer
You asked me to remember you.
("You are an apostate: for the green island", 1917, p. 128).
But do I dare to return to you?
Under the pale sky of my homeland
I can only sing and remember
And don't you dare remember me.
("And now you are heavy and dull", 1917, p. 131).
The fact that Akhmatova remained in Russia is "a test of iron and fire." Soviet Russia did not accept her, but among the emigration, the perception of Akhmatova was complex and contradictory. "In the eyes of many, she was and remained a representative of refined noble art, an acmeist, a star of exquisite literary salons, a witness and participant in the spicy dying era, which found its high verbal expression in her lyrics"57.
The emigration valued in it mainly what was preserved, "being forever imprinted in verse, from the unforgettable past that has sunk into oblivion"58.
Akhmatova is lonely: she is hated by enemies and condemned, not understanding, by friends, like-minded people:
And now I'm left alone
Count empty days.
O my free friends,
Oh my swans!

And I will not call you with a song,
I will not return with tears.
But in the evening at a sad hour
I will remember in prayer.
("And so I was left alone", 1917, p. 137).
Here, the generalizing image of close, beloved people takes on the face of a bird (as in the "White Flock").
Still recently a swallow free
You made your morning flight
And now you will become a hungry beggar,
Don't knock on someone else's gate.
("Now no one will listen to songs", 1917, p. 138).
The image of a swallow is a memory of the past; now she is a hungry, wretched wanderer, stumbling upon the indifference and cruelty of those around her.
Why was Akhmatova and her generation destined for such a difficult fate? Why the best people countries for the truth proclaimed in their verses must die? Did they really turn out to be superfluous for the new way of life that took shape in Russia after the revolution?
Why is this century worse than the previous ones? Is
Those that are in a daze of sadness and anxiety
He touched the blackest ulcer,
But he couldn't heal her.

Even in the west the earthly sun shines,
And the roofs of cities glisten in its rays,
And here the white house is marking crosses
And the ravens call, and the ravens fly.
("Why is this century worse than the previous ones? Is it," 1919, p. 138).
But "Akhmatova's lyrics refused to be a tomb decoration. Like all living things, she continued to live, and her flowering shoots stretched towards the sun, and not into the darkness"59.
“Yes, life may end today or in countless years, but only empty or unhappy days lend themselves to dull arithmetic”60. And the years spent by Akhmatova in her unfortunate country at that time of hopelessness were not wasted. She prayed to the Lord for the forgiveness of those who are guilty of the troubles and sorrows of Russia, for mercy on those "who threw the earth to be torn apart by enemies", in the guise of a wanderer, a beggar woman, a mourner, she walked along the roads of destroyed cities, contemplating the complete collapse of culture, mourning the slain, praying about heaven for them. These labors are not in vain, it is not in vain that Akhmatova "wanders like a black beggar woman" in a capital already alien to her with a "hot and sickly blush", which was "erased by pious sadness":
The devil didn't give up. I succeeded.
Here are the clear signs of power.
Take my heart out of your chest and drop it
The hungriest dog.

I'm no longer good for anything
I won't say a single word.
No present - proud of the past
And suffocated from such shame.
("The devil did not betray. I succeeded", 1922, p. 143).
The epigraph to the book "Plantain" is an excerpt from "Dedication" to the poem "Poltava" by A. S. Pushkin. The theme of "Plantain", namely: human destiny in the context of history - is closely intertwined with one of the themes of the poem "Poltava" (the theme of a private person crushed by the wheel of history). Maria is a strong and passionate woman. Having overcome both religious obstacles, and the curse of her parents, and shame in the eyes of society, she wins happiness for herself, but unexpectedly and innocently dies as a victim of the game of grandiose and terrible historical events.
To whom the "Dedication" is addressed has not yet been precisely established. There is an assumption that Maria Volkonskaya (nee Raevskaya), the wife of the Decembrist S. N. Volkonsky, who went to Siberia with her husband.
Before us are three tragic women's fate: Maria Mazepa, Maria Volkonskaya and - the author of "Plantain" - Anna Akhmatova. They are all patriots in their own way. Maria Mazepa - love and personal happiness. Maria Volkonskaya, faithful to the oath given at the Sacred Altar, follows her husband into the taiga wilderness. Anna Akhmatova is faithful to her country, long forgotten by God and people. These women are real, Russian, capable of sacrifice for the sake of their ideals.
Choosing as an epigraph the lines from the "Dedication"
Know at least the sounds
You used to be cute
Akhmatova puts at the head of the book not only one of the most important themes of her poems - the theme of memory, but also reports in the book a code, a cipher that is familiar to her generation, or friend / friends, or lover.
Sound recognition is a sign of Akhmatova's kinship with someone else. It's like Maeterlinck in The Blue Bird (recognition by the taste of tears). Tears and sounds are the password of kinship.

So, the main themes that are stated in the epigraph are the theme of generation, the theme of memory, the theme of creativity and the theme of fate. All of them really found their reflection on the pages of "Plantain" (see above). The epigraph is also connected with the theme of separation. In the poems of this book - A. Akhmatova's separation from B. Anrep, a Russian mosaic artist, art critic, poet. Born in Yaroslavl. Since 1908 he lived mainly abroad, died in London. On February 13, 1916, in Tsarskoye Selo, in the apartment of N. Nedobrovo, while Nikolai Vladimirovich was reading his tragedy "Judith", Akhmatova presented B. Anrep with a black ring. This ring was bequeathed to her by her grandmother. In England such rings were called "mourning". The ring was gold, of even width, the outside was covered with black enamel, but the rims remained gold. In the center of the black enamel was a small diamond. Akhmatova always wore this ring and said that it had a mysterious power. Then the ring was lost. And this loss became a symbol of the break. In 1917 Anrep left Russia. Akhmatova was very upset by this.
All the first verses of the book "Plantain" are devoted to the theme of separation from B. Anrep. They form a kind of mini-cycle. Here is an excerpt from one of the poems in this cycle:
Like an angel disturbing the water
You looked into my face then
Returned both strength and freedom,
And in memory of a miracle, he took a ring.
("Like an angel disturbing the water", 1916, p. 130).

Thus, the name "Plantain" carries extensive symbolism.
Firstly, plantain is a symbol of the death of culture. Secondly, the plantain unites all the imperishable forces of the earth, capable of overcoming this destruction. Thirdly, plantain is an herb that heals the wounds inflicted by the era. Fourthly, the plantain, correlating with the image of the road, symbolizes the way of the cross that Russia must go through, overcoming fear and death.
In the context of Akhmatova's poems, "plantain" is the personification of steadfastness, firmness of spirit, and faith. The poet knows that his work is a healer, a force that cannot be destroyed.

“Immediately it became quiet in the house…” Anna Akhmatova

It immediately became quiet in the house,
Flew over the last poppy,
I froze in a long slumber
And I meet the early darkness.

The gates are tightly closed
The evening is black, the wind is quiet.
Where is the fun, where is the care,
Where are you, sweet groom?

No secret ring found
I have lived for many days
Tender captive song
Died in my chest.

Analysis of Akhmatova's poem "It immediately became quiet in the house ..."

Perhaps Akhmatova's strongest love was Boris Vasilyevich Anrep, an artist and writer. They met in the mid-1910s at the initiative of the poet Nikolai Vasilyevich Nedobrovo. The novel turned out to be passionate, but short-lived. After February Revolution Anrep left Russia forever, leaving for the UK. Anna Andreevna addressed about thirty poems to her lover who left her. One of them - "It immediately became quiet in the house ...", written in 1917 and included in the collection "Plantain". The work is a fragment, including at the level of the plot. It may have originally acted as the third part of The Tale of the Black Ring.

The plot of the “disappearing” house is important for the poem. Akhmatova introduces it in the book "White Pack". In "Plantain" he finds a logical conclusion. This is due to a change in the general model of space, which becomes disharmonious. There is no place in it for a cozy dwelling that can protect a person from adversity. From now on, there is darkness, silence, desolation in the house, as mentioned in the opening lines of the analyzed text. The feeling of homelessness in the lyrics of Anna Andreevna arises from the events that took place in Russia. The collection "White Flock" was released in 1917, "Plantain" - in 1921. Akhmatova saw the blood, death, disease, devastation brought by the Great October Revolution and the Civil War. The poetess was well aware that in the future the situation would only worsen. This foreboding of trouble could not but be reflected in his work.

In several poems by Anna Andreevna, including the one under consideration “It immediately became quiet in the house ...”, there is a motif of the ring. According to Anrep's memoirs, Akhmatova always wore a black ring, attributing to it a mysterious power. At the beginning of 1916, she presented it to Boris Vasilyevich. This talisman is from beloved Anrep for a long time worn on a chain around the neck. The relic was lost during World War II. The thing is, once the chain broke. Anrep put the ring back in the box. His studio, located in London, where Akhmatova's gift was kept, was badly damaged by the bomb. Then the ring disappeared.

The poem "Immediately it became quiet in the house ..." is a concentrated pain that arose due to the loss of a lover. Without him, the house became not nice and homeless. Without it, there is no fun, no care, the evenings are hopelessly black. There is no affectionate groom - the song died "a gentle captive."