On the night of Thursday to Friday, 22-year-old Anastasia, heiress of the deputy chairman of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, Pavel Soltan, committed suicide. Her death shocked everyone around her. Just the other day, she claimed that she would live, no matter what. Recently, new details surfaced that shed light on the unexpected decision of the victim of the tragedy. In one of his social networks She actively shared everything that happened to her. This helped Anastasia move on and take her mind off the terrible accident, at least for a while.

As it turned out, Anastasia was very much knocked down by a divorce from her husband, whose marriage lasted only a few months. The girl claimed that Alexei Plotnikov turned away from her. “Many people ask me if my husband is interested in how I feel. Still, they were not strangers, they write. I answer: “No! Nothing for 2 months. As they say, hobble slowly, but forget me, your legs will heal, you will live somehow, ”wrote Soltan.

Familiar girls tried to support her as best they could. They wrote encouraging comments to Anastasia, in which they advised her to live on and try not to concentrate on negative thoughts. Relatives of Soltan believed that everything would work out for such a young and pretty girl. But the latest publications of the heiress of the deceased deputy chairman of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg worried her entourage. It seemed that Anastasia was sinking deeper and deeper into depression. “You drive yourself into a hopeless state, walking in a circle of your experiences and questions without an answer. Stop! Enough! Understand that you are not equal to your parents, ”writes one of the friends of the victim of the tragedy.

A few days ago, Anastasia went to the hospital for rehabilitation. The girl did not want this and with all her might resisted the decision of her sister and her husband. She stated that she was hospitalized without everything necessary - without personal belongings, toiletries and towels. Anastasia suffered, being alone within the walls of a medical institution. “At night, of course, I don’t sleep, I don’t watch the series, I don’t listen to music, I don’t communicate with people on the Internet,” Soltan shared.

In another publication, Anastasia said that she loves her sister Veronica, but her husband Vyacheslav does not. The girl claimed that he was a despot and domestic tyrant. In the same way, Soltan declared, their dead mother thought.

The victim of the tragedy begged a relative to give her the keys to her parents' apartment and money to start an independent life. Anastasia dreamed of finding herself again in an environment familiar from childhood.

However, on November 23, a day before the sad incident, Anastasia was still given the keys and she came home. Then the girl wrote a post in which she outlined her plans for the future. Soltan claimed that she never received the money that her father's acquaintances gave her. Anastasia was forced to live from hand to mouth, she did not even have a normal winter shoes. The victim of the tragedy frankly admitted that it was not easy for her to be in the apartment of her father and mother.

“At first it was hard, I was waiting for my parents, but now it’s good, we are sitting with Lunka (family dog ​​- Ed.) in their room. It smells like mom and dad ... Earlier, Veronica asked what I want as a gift, and I answered that nothing. And now I want gold chain with the letter C. This will be my amulet. I would also like to go to a cafe in a dress, sit with good people, but they isolated me ... A million rubles were given to me at a memorial service for treatment and for life, they all saw it, from my father's friends (I won't list who), this money never reached me. It's a shame it's not about the money anymore. It's a shame that the parents are horrified by what is happening now, on which they left their kittens, ”wrote Anastasia.

Apparently, Soltan did not stay long in good mood. After a while, the heavy thoughts returned to her again. Perhaps the situation in her parents' apartment really had a negative effect on her, as her sister was afraid of. It is also known that in mid-November, Anastasia had already tried to commit suicide.

“On November 16, Nastya made a demonstrative suicide attempt. And she was taken to a psychiatric hospital. We spent several days working with her. Then she was released for rehabilitation. Unfortunately, it turned out that Nastya was mentally ill. She needs help. And it's not just grief. But Nastya has a chance to successfully adapt, firstly, it is to physically recover and, secondly, to set healthy boundaries for Nastya, which she greatly violates. This is something Veronica and Slava "guilted". And here is the reaction ... But even this does not give the right to behave like this, Nastya, stop, ”a friend of the girl wrote a few hours before her death.

From the cultural capital of the Russian World they report https://life.ru/t/life78/912095/avtokatastrofa_v_kotoroi_poghib_dieputat_soltan_razbila_siemiu_iegho_dochieri
"And Nastasia Soltan, youngest daughter Paul's dead and Svetlana, is going to file for divorce two months after the wedding.
The car accident, in which the vice-speaker of the Legislative Assembly Pavel Soltan and his wife Svetlana died, broke up another family. The youngest daughter of a parliamentarian, who got married shortly before the tragedy, is filing for divorce. She accuses her husband Alexei Plotnikov, who ran in the elections on September 18, of careerism and embezzlement of money given to him for the wedding.

Anastasia did not see the 250 thousand rubles donated by the guests at the wedding. According to her, Alexei also transferred them to his own account.

- At first he explained that he would give it back later: the money is ours. And after the accident, when I asked where the money was, if he had spent it, he hung up, spoke very aggressively. After the elections, a day or two later, he came to the hospital, said that he had 15 minutes. Although he promised my girlfriend in a conversation that after the elections he would live in a hospital, but in reality all this did not happen. Now he lives in Rybatsky, he doesn’t appear at home in his parents’ apartment - he won’t be able to get there, because we changed the locks, ”says Anastasia.

According to the girl, Alexei Plotnikov, who ran in the elections to the Legislative Assembly from the Just Russia party, planned to get into the St. Petersburg parliament, and then into the State Duma.

Alexei is inclined to believe that his wife's behavior is due to the influence of her relatives.

- Immediately after the tragedy, I was recommended to protect Nastya from communicating with my sister, but still they are relatives. If, after every quarrel, all young girls take everything out on social networks, connect relatives ... You see, the situation is generally dirty, maybe someone likes to sort through dirty rags, but I think it's obscene. The most important thing is to preserve honor from a young age. It is extremely unpleasant for me that journalists are calling. Immediately after the funeral, Nastya's sister's husband changed the locks in their parents' apartment. He said that up to 40 days they would like no one to live there. And there is nothing like that, I understand everything. I actually have my own apartment where I live. It just so happened that I had to call in that apartment. Now her former young man goes to Nastya in the hospital. If she sees it as ethical, well, complains Plotnikov.

Anastasia Soltan, the youngest daughter of the deceased Pavel and Svetlana, is going to file for divorce two months after the wedding.

In which the vice-speaker of the Legislative Assembly Pavel Soltan and his wife Svetlana died, broke up another family. The youngest daughter of a parliamentarian, who got married shortly before the tragedy, is filing for divorce. She accuses her husband Alexei Plotnikov, who ran in the elections on September 18, of careerism and embezzlement of money given to him for the wedding. The split in the young family began almost immediately after the accident on August 14. Anastasia was seriously injured and ended up in the hospital, where she spent more than a month. At first, she was not told that mom and dad were no more, since the patient's condition directly depended on her psychological mood.

However, as Anastasia told Life, during the treatment, the husband dramatically changed his attitude towards her - he did not come to the hospital and avoided talking about money.

When it all happened, my relatives and friends were with me in intensive care. Everyone except him. And he was in my parents' apartment, moved his things there and generally behaved strangely. Because everyone went to the hospital right away, and he did his business in the apartment. I called him to come, asked for help from relatives and friends, even deputy Anastasia Melnikova called and asked him to come to my hospital. But he had a goal - a career, even before the accident he said that his work came first, - said Anastasia." src="https://static..png" alt="" data-extra-description="

Screenshot: vk.com

"> Anastasia did not see the 250 thousand rubles donated by the guests at the wedding. According to her, Alexei also transferred them to his own account.

At first he explained that he would give it back later: the money is ours. And after the accident, when I asked where the money was, if he had spent it, he hung up, spoke very aggressively. After the elections, a day or two later, he came to the hospital, said that he had 15 minutes. Although he promised my girlfriend in a conversation that after the elections he would live in a hospital, but in reality all this did not happen. Now he lives in Rybatsky, he doesn’t appear at home in his parents’ apartment - he won’t be able to get there, because we changed the locks, ”says Anastasia.

Officially, the couple has not yet filed for divorce, but Anastasia wrote a power of attorney to a lawyer who will deal with the divorce process.

- Before the wedding, many people told us, people who knew their husband for more than one year tried to convey to their parents: they say, is it not scary for you to give your daughter to such a person. But we did not believe them, - continues Anastasia. - We are familiar with Alexey on this moment just a year. He asked my parents for political help, they were very trusting people, they wanted to see only the good in people. I think he took advantage of the connections, and I'm sure this marriage was arranged. This is what everyone tried to tell us on the eve of the wedding.

According to the girl, Alexei Plotnikov, who ran in the elections to the Legislative Assembly from the Just Russia party, planned to get into the St. Petersburg parliament, and then into the State Duma.

Anastasia's sister, Veronica Soltan, told Life that for the first two weeks Alexey Plotnikov played the role good husband came and supported. But then he disappeared and said that because of the elections he did not have time for Nastya.

I publicly reproached him that he was not in intensive care with Nastya when she was undergoing a very serious operation, but was at a funeral and was shaking hands with everyone: high-ranking officials arrived and, accordingly, he could not miss this, ”said Veronica. - I said that at the moment Nastya is undergoing an operation, it hooked him. Everyone understood that he should be next to Nastya. He came up, started shouting at me, saying that Nastya has a husband, she is with him like behind a stone wall. I told him: "Where is this stone wall?"

Life contacted Alexei, who is now in Donetsk. The young man told his version of the family conflict.

The fact that I was not in the hospital is not true. I lived with my wife all the time, except for the last 10 days, when it was necessary to focus on the elections. I asked: "Nastya, we need to pay attention to the case," - there were elections. What a mutual understanding was not found, - said Plotnikov. No problem, get yourself a debit card.

Even before the accident, the money donated to the newlyweds was on Alexei's account. However, after the tragedy, when his wife needed them, he was not ready to return them.

I am in Donetsk. I needed to leave immediately. I said that as soon as I return, I will immediately pass everything on. We are husband and wife. We live on a single budget, and as the head of the family, I am responsible for resources. And that's okay, that was the general idea. As soon as Nastya makes a card for herself, she will receive all the money. The situation, unfortunately, goes to a divorce, which is extremely unpleasant. We just got married a few months ago. I think we need to calmly react to everything, not to flog a fever, ”commented Plotnikov.
Alexei is inclined to believe that his wife's behavior is due to the influence of her relatives.

Immediately after the tragedy, I was recommended to protect Nastya from communicating with her sister, but still they are relatives. If, after every quarrel, all young girls take everything out on social networks, connect relatives ... You see, the situation is generally dirty, maybe someone likes to sort through dirty rags, but I think it's obscene. The most important thing is to preserve honor from a young age. It is extremely unpleasant for me that journalists are calling. Immediately after the funeral, Nastya's sister's husband changed the locks in their parents' apartment. He said that up to 40 days they would like no one to live there. And there is nothing like that, I understand everything. I actually have my own apartment where I live. It just so happened that I had to call in that apartment. Now her former young man goes to Nastya in the hospital. If she sees it as ethical, well, - complains Plotnikov.

Anastasia Soltan is now undergoing rehabilitation after treatment. She tells her friends about the conflict with her husband and divorce on her page on VKontakte. In the same place, her subscribers write words of support to her - they wish her recovery and resolution of the situation. In each of her publications, there is an insult to Alexei, whose act she considers a betrayal.

After this tragedy, the only things that warmed me and gave me the strength to live are that I will continue my father’s business and, when I can, give birth to my husband’s children, ”Anastasia wrote. But I won't give up, I can handle it!

Today St. Petersburg says goodbye to the vice-speaker of the St. Petersburg parliament Pavel Soltan.

Civil memorial service, farewell to those who died on August 14 in a car accident Pavel Soltan and his wife Svetlana, took place in the building of the St. Petersburg Parliament - in the Rotunda of the Mariinsky Palace, where representatives of local authorities, big politicians and St. Petersburg residents gathered. Including those he helped. Reporter reports this Federal Agency for Political News .

Not just a politician

“He was not just a politician - it is difficult to maintain openness and sincerity in politics, but he was a true friend, very open and sincere, - said the speaker of the St. Petersburg parliament Vyacheslav Makarov. - For strength and stamina, we called him Pasha Maresyev».

And the governor of St. Petersburg Georgy Poltavchenko emphasized: “They have been together all their lives - he and his wife. They stayed together. All his life he taught people to overcome difficulties, knowing what it is. It is difficult to overestimate the role of Pavel Mikhailovich Soltan in the implementation of the city program "Accessible Environment". He was a real MP."

Companions in the Just Russia party hinted that the tragedy, despite preliminary information that we are talking about the oncoming lane, which took off Mercedes, may not be accidental.

"Circumstances terrible tragedy are still being clarified, and perhaps not everything is so simple, - said Sergei Mironov. “Knowing himself how hard life is for citizens with disabilities, of whom there are more than 13 million across the country, he helped people, knowing for sure that there are no restrictions on opportunities - there is willpower, love for one’s work, city and country.”

Mironov promised not to leave the children of the deceased - eldest daughter Veronica and in the hospital Anastasia. In this, the leader of the “Fair Russians” was supported by his deputy Oleg Nilov, stating that Soltan's relatives are also his relatives.

“This is a marathon runner, only he ran every day and every hour,” he said of Soltan. “There are various rumors about his death, it would be necessary to sort it out.”

The Speaker of the Parliament of the neighboring region, a member of the Parliamentary Association of the North-West, also spoke Sergey Bebenin, noting that Pavel Mikhailovich himself preferred to help people, but he himself did not like to accept help.

Soltan's daughter - Veronica, recalling that dad never asked for himself, but asked for everyone, asked for Soltan's assistant - Olga Pavlova: “There is such a girl Olya Pavlova - right hand dad, let her be his successor in business, ”and for her sister:“ Nastya for mom and dad is the light in the window, the main thing now is to help her. And she added: "The counter for the pope is excluded."

On the sidelines, the chairman of the committee on social policy Petersburg Alexander Rzhanenkov: “Our acquaintance with Pavel Mikhailovich took place in 1994, during the visit of the President of the country Boris Yeltsin(he later gave him a Zhiguli) and the Queen of Great Britain Elizabeth II at the Institute of Prosthetics named after Albrecht. A teamwork on becoming new system social protection started in the city in 1998. Pavel Mikhailovich was the chairman of the commission for the implementation of the Accessible Environment program, was a member of the commission for the provision of disabled and non-disabled people technical means rehabilitation, worked very actively with public organizations disabled people, especially wheelchair users, has done a lot to create and develop rehabilitation centers. He was involved in the creation of a social taxi service in St. Petersburg. IN Lately Pavel Mikhailovich not only oversaw the construction of a city sports complex for the disabled in the Primorsky district, he wholeheartedly worked for this cause.

The funeral service began at noon in the Church of the Presentation of the Lord, and the spouses will be buried at the Kuzmolovsky cemetery, in Toksovo (Leningrad region).

Unusual biography

The biography of Pavel Soltan is very unusual. Before the war, his grandmother worked at the Pediatric Institute. When the blockade began, the institute turned into a hospital, and my mother, then still a schoolgirl, helped take care of the wounded. Relatives experienced the most difficult time in the city, in 1943 they were evacuated to Siberia, and only in 1945 returned from Novosibirsk.

Soltan's father, originally from Belarus (Vitebsk region), in war time also took a sip. Before his eyes, the Nazis shot his father, he went through concentration camps East Prussia and fled in January 1945 near Koninsberg.

met Alma Rudolfovna And Mikhail Pavlovich in 1948. He came from Belarus, where after the death of his mother he was left alone. In Leningrad, he found a job with difficulty, because where he came, he honestly said that he was under occupation, was taken prisoner, and in those years such frankness, to put it mildly, was not encouraged. Nevertheless, he was taken as an apprentice modeler at the Machine-Building Plant. He worked at this enterprise for more than 40 years, became a design engineer, retired from the position of head of tool production.

Pavel was born on June 4, 1961, every summer until the age of seven he spent with his grandmother in the small Estonian town of Kiviili. I went to the first class already in Leningrad. For several years he disappeared in the evenings in the school workshop. Interested in radio engineering. Read Sukhomlinsky And Makarenko, dreamed of something worthwhile to offer the education system, argued with teachers, tried to defend his position, built on creativity even to the most seemingly academic subjects.

Regain independence

The life of Pavel Soltan was changed by a railway injury. It happened in December 1981 (he then studied at LETI after graduating from school and the Radio Engineering School). I had to overcome a psychological barrier - the same strong belief, like that of relatives during the war, that the difficult time would be left behind helped.

Prosthetic legs and arms were completely non-functional. But friends brought two articles to Pavel. One about the inventor-prosthetist from Moscow - Grigory Rudenko, the second (in the magazine "Inventor and Rationalizer") - about the Tashkent master Kudryashova. My father flew to Tashkent, but the Tashkent experience did not convince him. More confidence was caused by the Moscow "Kulibin", Rudenko, who in 1945 burned in a tank and lost his arms. The invention and production of the most functional prostheses became the meaning of life for him.

“I wanted to feel independent,” Pavel Soltan explained to a FAPN correspondent during an interview. “So I then firmly decided that, no matter what, I would drive a car.”

This aspiration was strongly supported by the parents. A positive conclusion was given, despite legislative prohibitions, by the chairman of the city transport commission Zoya Alekseevna Markina. “I don’t remember exactly what I said at the commission then, I only know that it was very convincing,” recalled Pavel Mikhailovich. - I was allowed to pass the driving test externally, then the major - Viktor Ivanovich Nilov. Soon after, through the department of social protection, an old, broken car was handed over to me. And the do-it-yourself guys brought it to mind - Parfenov And Khainov, - the authors of "Laura", who Mikhail Gorbachev provided the laboratory.

In October 1991, Pavel's mother died, and in January 1992 he became a family man. WITH future wife Sveta met in a company where he entered as a programmer. continuation family history became a granddaughter Diana.

In the nineties, Pavel Mikhailovich had a hard time, given the reality in which "kickbacks" became commonplace. I was convinced that it is difficult, but you can control the situation, however, for this you have to be an uncomfortable person.

“International experience proves that “loopholes” can be covered by law, according to the well-known St. Petersburg psychoanalyst, Professor Mikhail Reshetnikov, using a simple method of “forcing honesty”: the bribe taker must know that he will lose a lot when the fact of corruption becomes known. Honest attitude to life, respectful to history - this is what needs to be brought up literally from the cradle, ”said Soltan.

Pavel Soltan's life formula assumed movement. But the road, like life, is unpredictable and dangerous.

The girl died on her birthday. © Freeze video

“Back in the summer, I had everything I needed to be happy,” says one of the last entries of Anastasia Soltan. Her life really could be the envy of many girls. loving family, young handsome husband, huge plans for the future. The girl's father, Vice-Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg Pavel Soltan, was highly respected in power circles. The politician lost his arms and legs in his youth, but this did not prevent him either in his career or in his personal life. Soltan was happily married for 25 years, raised two daughters. The elder Veronica was not native to him, but only genetically, he raised her as his own. Both girls doted on their parents.

In the summer, a joyful event happened in the family - the youngest daughter, 21-year-old Anastasia, got married. She met her fiancé through her father's work. The girl participated with him in party events. Municipal deputy Alexei Plotnikov was, like Pavel Soltan, a native of A Just Russia. The proposal followed just a few months after they met. The wedding was played on the day of family, love and fidelity. “Young and beautiful! I look at you and my heart rejoices! Take care of each other and your love!” - Veronica commented on the photos of the couple.

It all ended a month later, on August 14th. Anastasia and her parents were returning from the dacha. The father, as always, drove the car - he had many years of driving experience, which was not hindered by disability. But that evening, the Vice Speaker's car collided head-on with another car. The politician died on the spot. Doctors fought for the life of the vice-speaker's wife Svetlana, but she died the same night. Anastasia was in intensive care with severe injuries. She was not told about the death of her parents for a long time, she found out about it after the funeral.

The girl was to have operations on the pelvis and hip, a long rehabilitation. But the loss of parents crossed out all the former happy life.

“Very bad, painful and scary. I understand that if I survived a terrible accident with terrible injuries, then they didn’t take me with them, so I have to live. But how? How without them? When you realize that you are 21 years old, and life is still so long, and I will never see or hear them again, my heart breaks. Everyone moves on, mourned - and that's it. And I lost the most precious thing in life - my parents, I can't live normally. I am physically crippled, I have a long rehabilitation ahead of me, but the worst thing is that I am mentally crippled, and this is for life, ”Anastasia wrote on the social network.

After the accident, her marriage to Alexei also ended. The separation of the couple was watched by both the media and numerous onlookers - the girl wrote about everything on social networks. According to Anastasia, Alexey left his sick wife in the hospital, did not come and did not support. The election campaign in the Zaks was in full swing, and the man was actively engaged in his own PR. He posted smiling photos on social networks, urging voters to vote for him.

“Sometimes I call him and beg him to come, because I’m either mentally ill, or I’m lying alone, chained to the bed, and he says that he has a job - and that’s it. Many have asked me if I am sure that he loves me? I replied that I knew that he loved me. And now I don't know. It seems to me that when you love a person, you don’t behave like that. On the other hand, I remember the wedding and I think that I and my parents could not make a mistake like that, ”Anastasia wrote on September 7. She asked friends to talk to Alexei. However, the very next day the girl stated: “My husband betrayed me. Chose his career over helping me. I understand that I myself am to blame, I trusted this person. My heart was 90% mom, dad and husband. Now there is no one. I don't know how to live with 10%.

Then the matter took a very unpleasant turn - it was about the money donated for the wedding and the paid honeymoon trip. According to the girl, Alexei took both the gifts and the money given to the travel agency for the ticket. However, the man's friends justified him and said that sister Veronika and her husband were specifically setting Nastya against Plotnikov. But the marriage could no longer be saved.

Anastasia returned again maiden name in social networks, and a few days ago the divorce was formalized.

The loss of parents and the betrayal of a loved one broke Anastasia. More than once she expressed thoughts that she would prefer to be with dead mom and dad: “I don’t want to live in this terrible and deceitful world, I want to go to my parents”, “The worst thing has already happened to me, and my whole life is still ahead. But is there any meaning to such a life?

True, there were moments of optimism when Anastasia assured everyone that she would definitely hold out until the trial, where the circumstances of the accident were to be sorted out. The culprit in the car accident was not officially named, and the girl really wanted to defend her father's good name and continue his work. In October, she wrote that she was “clinging to life” and was already confidently standing on crutches.

“It’s hard, it hurts, it’s scary, but you have to live! My dad lost his arms and legs in his youth, but did not give up, ”the girl seemed to persuade herself. But in the 20th of November there was another breakdown. Anastasia had a long rehabilitation ahead, but, as it turned out, the girl was not psychologically ready for it. And she ran away from the hospital. Now she blamed everything older sister Veronica and her husband. According to her, her relatives took away her money and phone, as the girl spent too much time on social networks. Anastasia was also outraged that she was not allowed to live independently in her parents' apartment.

Judging by the latest posts of the girl in the social network, her condition was emotionally unstable. She made many mistakes, repeated herself, openly wrote extremely personal things from the life of the family. In fact, all users of the social network witnessed a skirmish between two sisters. In one of the comments, Veronica said that Nastya recently tried to jump out of the window in the presence of her little nieces. Anastasia, on the other hand, reproached her relatives for not having winter boots. However, the girl was still allowed to live in her parents' apartment again. “Tomorrow is some kind of birthday. I know that they would like to see me strong and beautiful on this day, ”the girl wrote, referring to her dead parents.

“Now I’m at my friend’s house, as I ended up on the street. I am Soltan Nastya. Everything I wrote here is not me. Believe, don't believe. I only need my things, my phone, which Veronika took, the keys to the house where I lived, but Veronika and Slava are not there, and the money of good and famous people, ”wrote Anastasia (spelling and punctuation preserved).

The correspondent asked Anastasia whether she was actually sent for treatment by force? The answer came 43 minutes later. " Good evening! If this issue is resolved tomorrow, then good. If not, then I will definitely contact you, ”wrote Anastasia.

Apparently, the issue was not resolved peacefully, after which Soltan wrote: “I agree, write a note about this story.”

Nevertheless, doubts remained about the girl’s version, so the correspondent asked two more clarifying questions - where is she and whether her keys and phone were really taken away from her. Anastasia never answered.

Late in the evening, the police and investigators arrived at her house. “I gave the keys as you requested. Nastya is no longer alive. My God,” Sister Veronica wrote at 10:25 p.m. Anastasia fell from the window of the 12th floor of the apartment where she lived with her parents before the accident. On November 24, the girl turned 22 years old.

Ilya Davlyatchin, Sofia Mokhova