Where should hieroglyphs of love be hung? Of course, in the zone of love and relationships - in the southwest, or in the bedroom, where the hieroglyphs of love will bring the maximum effect. Choose a hieroglyph that best matches your current state, what you want today, now. We bring to your attention the eight most common hieroglyphs of love, aimed at developing and harmonizing relationships with a partner.

1. Hieroglyph "Love": promotes long and strong love.

2. Hieroglyph "100 years of happiness in marriage."

3. Hieroglyph "Eternal Love": bestows eternal and unrelenting love.

4. Hieroglyph "Love each other": provides mutual love.

5. Hieroglyph "I love you": keeps the sharpness of feelings.

6. Hieroglyph "Flower": brings beauty, love, prosperity and youth.

7. Hieroglyph "Double Happiness": helps to find your soul mate, brings harmony to family life, helps to realize the most daring joint plans.

Paintings, crystals, paired symbols have the function of Feng Shui to attract and maintain love, but this is far from all Eastern symbolism.

Another bright love talisman is the hieroglyphs of love. The hieroglyphs of love carry both artistic and philosophical foundations, which is very important for the Eastern worldview.
For us, the hieroglyphs of love, due to the unusual nature of calligraphy, are an excellent mental anchor, a constant reminder of how important it is to maintain the warmth of human relations in the house.

My friend told me that hieroglyphs help her in family conflicts - if this happens, she no longer seeks to "show things off", as she used to, because although there is a saying that "cute scolds - they only amuse", quarrels, in her opinion, they destroy the aura of the family, leave a feeling of resentment towards the partner, which means they prevent them from forgetting the bad, forgiving, being open to feelings, love of another person.

Where does feng shui advise hanging hieroglyphs of love? Of course, in the zone of love and relationships - in the southwest, or in the bedroom, where the hieroglyphs of love will bring the maximum effect. Choose a hieroglyph that best matches your current state, what you want today, now. We bring to your attention the eight most common hieroglyphs of love, aimed at developing and harmonizing relationships with a partner.

Hieroglyphs - ancient Chinese characters having a certain meaning. Despite the existence huge amount hieroglyphs, each of them is unique in its own way and contains a secret meaning. Symbols become a kind of mascots of their owners and bring them happiness, wealth, good luck, health, protecting them from failures.

The meaning of the character "fu"

The hieroglyph for "happiness" (福 "fu") occupies one of the first places in the list of the most popular characters. It can be translated as "prosperity", "delight", "joy", "prosperity", "peace". "Fu" is a favorite Chinese character on New Year's Eve. On the eve of the holiday, each family hangs this symbol on the door to bring happiness and good luck to the house, and make the coming year the most successful and prosperous.


The Chinese character for “happiness” appeared along with the emergence of writing about a thousand years ago and initially had a slightly different meaning. According to drawings on ancient divination bones, the fu sign was associated with the altar and the worship of the gods in the hope of receiving the blessings of heaven. The desire to achieve "fu" was reflected in ancient culture, the hieroglyph became the basis for numerous rituals and ceremonies of worship.

The tradition of hanging a hieroglyph on the doors of houses is associated with the legend of Jiang Taigong, the god of gods, whose great mission was to assign appropriate positions to the heavenly rulers. According to legend, Jiang Taigong lived during the Zhou Dynasty and was subordinate to the Supreme Lord of Heaven. The impetus for the emergence of such a custom was the request of the wife of Chiang Taigong to make her a goddess. To which the god of gods replied: “Since I married you, poverty has settled in my house. So be the goddess of poverty. Your possessions will be where there is no happiness. After appointing his wife to a new position, Jiang Taigong introduced the tradition of hanging a picture of a hieroglyph on the doors so that the goddess of poverty could never enter such houses.

Double Happiness

The Chinese symbol for happiness, 幸福, consists of two characters that can be used separately but still mean the same thing. So, the meaning of the character 幸 (xìng) is happy, prosperous, while the sign 福 (fú) means happiness and well-being.

Of particular interest is also the symbol 喜 (xǐ), which is translated into Russian as “joy”, “fun”. The double inscription of the joyful sign turns into the hieroglyph "double happiness" - a symbol that gives harmony in marriage and the fulfillment of all desires associated with a prosperous marriage.

What does the "fu" sign look like?

More interesting in this regard is the hieroglyph 福 (fú), which is a universal symbol, reuniting all the components of happiness: joy, pleasure, pleasure. The sign consists of two parts: left and right. The first means the altar, to which people go for God's blessing, the second part, in turn, is divided into three more parts: a roof, a mouth, a field, being a display of abundance and prosperity.

The schematic representation of the roof means the house, the mouth means the person living in this house, the field is regarded as the source of food for the family. Thus, the hieroglyph "happiness" in ancient times meant God's and heavenly blessing. By honoring the gods and observing the laws established by heaven, man deserves the right to shelter and food. What else does a person need to be happy?

Signs filled with "chi" energy

IN Chinese there are other runic "happiness", "luck", "wealth", "longevity", "health". Such symbols are often applied to furniture or the interior of rooms in order to attract appropriate benefits to the inhabitants of the house.

For example, the hieroglyph "love" promotes harmony and peace. love relationships eliminates conflicts, strengthens family bonds. "Luck" ensures success in all matters, opportunities, promotes business development. The hieroglyph is usually drawn on workplaces, office or study walls. "Wealth" attracts money, wealth, increases revenues and profits, creates appropriate energy in the home and office. The hieroglyph "longevity" is able to provide long and happy years of life, it is applied, as a rule, on the walls of the bedroom. The symbol "health" brings good health to all household members, excellent mood, and contributes to the recovery of the sick. All these hieroglyphs, despite the benefits contained in them, are based on the most important and important symbol "qi" - which is the catalyst for all living things.

Placement of the symbol of happiness

As mentioned above, there are two symbols for happiness in Chinese: “happiness” and “double happiness”. The hieroglyph "happiness" (photo below) is designed to evoke God's blessing to only one person. The action of the sign is individual and local, that is, happiness is bestowed only in the desired area, and not in all at once. Therefore, having decided on exactly where you want to achieve success and prosperity, draw a sign in the place that will help you find happiness.

And in order to live in abundance, draw a hieroglyph on the southeast side of the house and regularly mentally refer to it with a request to attract success and good luck to you.

The meaning of double happiness

Unlike the hieroglyph "happiness", the power of the symbol "double happiness" is more powerful and effective. He is able to fulfill all the desires and undertakings of not only one person, but also a group of people united by one desire. For attraction and creativity, place the hieroglyph in the north of the room, and the result will not be long in coming. The image of double happiness in the southwest contributes to the strengthening of friendship, the acquisition of new friends and like-minded people. The symbol contributes to the conception of a child, if the bed is charged with energy, replenishment of the wallet, if the hieroglyph “happiness” is put in it, the attraction of new opportunities and the realization of ideas. The image of double happiness can be presented as a gift to relatives and friends. It is important to give it with sincere and pure intentions.

Hieroglyphs on the body - a mirror of the soul

Various tattoos of Chinese and Japanese characters are very popular among the people. Distinguished by their special beauty and unusualness, they carry a mysterious meaning, which, moreover, can influence the life and destiny of a person. Therefore, it is very important to understand the meaning of the drawing that you are going to apply. A thoughtless choice of a hieroglyph can lead to negative phenomena and express not at all what you wanted to say with this tattoo.

The hieroglyph tattoo “happiness” is usually placed on the arm or neck and brings all the best to its owner, improves his energy field, and contributes to success in all deeds and undertakings. In addition to such a symbol, tattoos of the hieroglyphs “luck” and “wealth” are widely used as underwear. Only when properly combined with each other, they acquire the desired meaning. When the order of their application is changed, the symbols acquire a completely different meaning and lose their original purpose.

An image of a symbol of happiness can be:

  • hang on the wall (north, southwest, southeast);
  • apply on jewelry, nails;
  • use as a talisman on clothes;
  • draw on wallet mobile phone and other items;
  • put in the workplace;
  • apply in the form of a drawing.

The hieroglyph "happiness" (tattoo or image) is best drawn with your own hands. When drawing, all your positive energy, all aspirations and desires will be invested in it. In this case, he will actively attract happiness and success to you.

Blessing of the sky in the sign "fu"

Every person from birth strives for good luck, happiness and wealth, fearing troubles and misfortunes.

But not everyone is worthy of these benefits. There is a clear relationship between moral principles and God's blessing. Everyone is equal before heaven, regardless of social status and origin. And they favor only those who do good deeds and deeds, observing the moral principles established by God. Kind-hearted people sooner or later acquire a divine blessing, receiving in all matters a wonderful and effective help. As Sun Simiao, a doctor who lived during the Tang Dynasty, said, "Luck is the product of the accumulation of good deeds, and unhappiness is the result of the accumulation of evil." Good will certainly attract happiness and good luck, while evil will inevitably entail a series of misfortunes and troubles.

The hieroglyph "happiness", being well-being and divine blessing, cannot guarantee the owner of all these benefits if his heart is filled with evil and cruelty. The sign of happiness "fu" means self-improvement, faith in God and the desire to do good deeds.

Chinese character 福 "fu" - wealth, happiness, prosperity, success, prosperity, longevity, health, peace.

Chinese character 福 "fu" - wealth, happiness, prosperity, success, prosperity, longevity, health, peace.


Chinese character福 "fu" means wealth, "happiness", "well-being". During the Chinese New Year celebration, almost every Chinese family attaches such a character to the door of their house so that the coming year will be happy and successful. Often this hieroglyph is attached upside down. Traditions and legends tell in different ways about the origin of the tradition of hanging the hieroglyph "fu" on the doors of houses.

According to one version, this custom is associated with the name of Jiang Taigong, who lived during the reign of the Zhou Dynasty (1027-256 BC). He became the god of gods, who, by order of the Supreme Lord of Heaven, appoints all gods and spirits to their respective positions. According to legend, his wife asked to be made a goddess. Chiang-Tangong answered: “Since I married you, I have lived in poverty. It can be seen that your destiny is to be poor all your life. So become the Goddess of Poverty." His wife was very happy that she would become a goddess, and asked: “Where will my possessions be?” Chiang-Tangong answered: "Wherever there is no happiness." After that, he taught people to hang the hieroglyph “happiness” on the windows and doors of their houses so that the Goddess of Poverty could not penetrate them.

Another explanation is related to the founder of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang (朱 元璋 ). One day on the 15th day of the first lunar month Zhu Yuanzhang went on a journey incognito to learn about popular sentiments. In one city, he saw a crowd of people laughing at a painting depicting a woman with bare feet and a watermelon in her hands. This painting made fun of women from the western province of Anhui安徽, who refused to bandage their feet (a custom practiced in China from the 10th to the 20th century - girls had their feet tightly bandaged and forced to wear small shoes, as a result of which the foot was deformed, such a leg was considered one of the features of a woman's attractiveness). Zhu didn't understand what people were laughing at and thought they were making fun of his wife, who was from Anhui Province. The emperor returned to the palace and sent military officials to find out what was happening, who painted this picture, and who was among the laughers. He ordered to attach the hieroglyph "fu" to the houses of those people who were not among the crowd. Two days later, all the people whose gates did not have the hieroglyph “fu” were captured on charges of insulting the empress. Since then, people began to hang this hieroglyph on their homes so that failures would bypass their families.

It is especially curious why this hieroglyph is so often hung upside down. It is said that this custom appeared during the reign of the Qinn dynasty. The legend says that in one rich house they were preparing for the celebration of the New Year. One servant was ordered to glue on entrance doors hieroglyph "fu". The illiteracy servant stuck the hieroglyph upside down. The enraged master ordered the servant to be punished. The manager decided to help the poor fellow. He fell on his knees in front of the master and said, “The servant did everything right, and happiness has come to your house today. This good sign". The owner was puzzled. Then he remembered that people passed by and said that happiness had entered his house. Indeed, in Chinese, “happiness turned over” sounds the same as “happiness has come.” Then the master rewarded the steward and the servant. And the custom of hanging the hieroglyph "fu" upside down entered the life of the Chinese.

Hieroglyph "Fu" - the most mysterious hieroglyph

In China and Japan, "Fu" means happiness or luck. From the depths of centuries there are statements about the meaning of this word.

"Li Ji" (Record of rituals) is written: "Fu is responsible for success, fu also has a hidden meaning for business to run smoothly and everything to happen in the right way."

An episode of Hong Fan from the book "Historical Records" (Shang Shu), gives an explanation about the five "Fu" in life. The first "Fu" is longevity, the second is prosperity, the third is peace, the fourth is dignity, the fifth is death without disease. The concept of the five "Fu" is to define the different aspects of "Fu". In order to achieve the ultimate "Fu", a person must diligently follow the following five principles: longevity, prosperity, peace, dignity and death without disease, only this is in the best way life.

Han Fei Zi said: "Longevity and prosperity means Fu." His idea of ​​Fu was based on longevity and prosperity.

Wu Yang Xiu had a different view of "Fu". In his poem, he wrote, "Serve my country wholeheartedly to the end, return home and enjoy health and longevity." In his opinion, the basis of the five "Fu" - longevity and health.

During the Ming and Qin times, popular drawings called "longevity is the highest of the five fu" were in great demand. The drawing consists of the character "Fu" surrounded by five bats. Bats were used in the drawings because Chinese word bat sounds the same as the word "fu". They believed that longevity was at the center of the five Fus.

In feudal society, the meaning of "Fu" varied greatly for people of different classes and social statuses. For the peasants "Fu" means to own their land, to have good weather, good harvest, have clothes for all family members. For ordinary citizens, "Fu" meant that they could survive and enjoy family life in times of cruel rulers, wars and disasters. For merchants, businessmen, loud clicking of accounts and looking out for inflowing gold and wealth sailing along three rivers, that's what "Fu" meant. For writers and scholars, "Fu" meant success in an exam, career advancement, and seeing one's name engraved on a golden royal tablet after ten years of hard study. For people older health, longevity and grandchildren playing around, this is "Fu".

With the development of society and civilization, "Fu" acquired new, richer meanings. As the main ingredient of culture, "Fu" represents ordinary people high expectations of life. It reflects their dreams and desires on different levels.

Prayers to "Fu" or the desire to achieve "Fu" slowly permeated popular culture and became part of the worship ceremonies. The ancient people had a realistic and dualistic view of Fu. Lao Tzu said: "Good luck lies with bad luck, bad luck lies next to good." In other words, one element is connected to another, disaster and good luck can replace each other one after another. Lao Tzu explained the relationship of these two elements. "Disaster and fortune have no doors, you must find your own way in and out." He believed that disasters and fortunes are difficult to predict, but people can make efforts to change themselves in order to achieve the final "Fu".

In auspicious pictures, there are two main characters that represent "Fu". One uses images of the gods worshiped in folk culture such as, Heavenly Emperor, Three Stars. Another borrows signs and designs with the same sounds as "Fu". Such as the bat "bian fu", the hand of the Buddha "fu shou", or cumulus clouds.

Auspicious hieroglyphs.

Auspicious Chinese characters are one of the most powerful and effective Feng Shui tools for attracting a specific type of luck. With the help of favorable hieroglyphs, you can activate not only a specific Bagua sector, but also qualitatively improve the Qi energy of your home. The hieroglyph "Wealth" and "Money" can be put in the wallet and the places where you keep money. Thus, you will attract the energy of money and significantly increase your income.

Consider auspicious hieroglyphs as your talisman Well, how to use the talisman is not for me to explain to you. In general, the Chinese are very fond of and sincerely believe in the power of these squiggles. And they, after all, really know a lot about it. Therefore, on red envelopes, which are very popular and not only in China, auspicious hieroglyphs are depicted. So it's up to you, to believe or not to believe, but you can, at least for the sake of curiosity, check the strength of the hieroglyphs, but you will only get better from this, so why not ?!

You can purchase ready-made panels with hieroglyphs in specialized stores, for example, in this - ESOTERICS - an online store of feng shui items, unusual gifts and souvenirs, you can try to draw them yourself (if you can) or just print them from this page and apply at your discretion. We offer you the most common and effective hieroglyphs, which the Chinese themselves have been using for centuries, and not only them.

Hieroglyph "Double Happiness" will bring to your home the fulfillment of all dreams and harmony in marriage. Since this is double happiness, this hieroglyph helps not only the owner of this symbol, but also his soul mate. Success becomes the success of both, happiness becomes twice as much! If you give this hieroglyph, then you sincerely wish the person happiness, the fulfillment of all desires and show an expression of deep friendship.

Hieroglyph "Wealth" contributes to the increase in income and the receipt of all kinds of material benefits. This hieroglyph can be put in the wealth zone, wallet, safe and other "money" places. The hieroglyph "Wealth" helps to gain not only material benefits, but also spiritual ones, creates a positive Qi in the house and office. This hieroglyph, in principle, like all the others, is customary to give to friends. After all, the more we desire good, the more we ourselves receive it.

Hieroglyph "Money"- one of the most popular hieroglyphs in feng shui. Attracts wealth and monetary wealth where it is located. Unlike the hieroglyph "Wealth", it attracts precisely monetary energy and everything related to money. Promotes the formation of several sources of income. Money will make you free and you can do whatever you want.

Hieroglyph "Prosperity" contributes to the growth and prosperity of all aspects of life. Therefore, it can be placed in any Bagua sector that you want to further activate. This generalized hieroglyph will bring good luck, health, love and material well-being to your home. If you do not strive for wealth, then you will find spiritual peace and tranquility.

Hieroglyph "Happiness"- a sign of good wishes. This symbol awakens spiritual strength and inner energy. Happiness is different for everyone, for someone - to find love and family, for another - to reach career heights, for the third - success in creative activity. So, this hieroglyph "Happiness" contributes to obtaining what exactly for you is happiness and well-being.

Hieroglyph "Abundance" will bring to your home an abundance of whatever you desire, whether it be money, fame, success or love. This hieroglyph, like "Prosperity", attracts the energy of abundance and growth in any area of ​​life. This hieroglyph can be used in conjunction with other hieroglyphs, the symbolism of which is important to you at the moment.

Hieroglyph "Fulfillment of desires" promotes the awakening of energy that is associated with your dreams and desires. It is very good to have such a hieroglyph at home, it will help with the fulfillment of desires and the implementation of all your plans, both personal and business. It is customary to give this calligraphy to friends with the wish of all the best and the fulfillment of all cherished desires.

Hieroglyph "Business success" good for both businessmen and people creative professions. It attracts customers, business partners, ensures success in all endeavors, contributes to the birth of new ideas and opportunities. This hieroglyph is usually placed in offices, on the desktop or at home in the office to attract energy, activity and creativity.

Hieroglyph "Love" attracts the energy of love, contributes to the acquisition of a long and mutual love, happiness in love, and in marriage creates harmony and mutual understanding. This hieroglyph not only strengthens the joint bonds of marriage, but also extinguishes mutual conflicts. You will find harmony and peace, peace and a decent life with your loved one. If you don’t have it yet, then put this hieroglyph in the sector of love and marriage, and you yourself will not notice how you will meet your half.

Hieroglyph "Eternal Love" will give you a flame of eternal and unquenchable love. This hieroglyph is used as a love amulet so that nothing can destroy this deep and tender feeling. Present the hieroglyph to your friends, parents with a wish of eternal love, they will only be grateful to you in return.

Hieroglyph "100 years of happiness in marriage" speaks for itself. This hieroglyph promotes a strong family union and happiness in marriage. As a talisman, it is used for the family from the invasion of third parties, helps to prevent betrayal of spouses and gives them happiness and love. Year by year, their married life is only getting better and better.

Hieroglyph "Health" helps to achieve excellent health and good health. In wishes to close people, first of all, we wish health, since it cannot be bought for any money. This hieroglyph not only helps to maintain health, but also contributes to the speedy recovery of patients. Give this hieroglyph to your loved ones and friends with a wish for good health.

Hieroglyph "Longevity"- a symbol of health and for long years life. One of the most popular hieroglyphs, it is customary to give it to the elderly with a wish for a long life. This symbol can be placed in the health sector or in the bedroom.

Deities of Plenty and Prosperity:

For the first time the word "hieroglyph" was used by the Christian preacher Clement of Alexandria. Of course, he did not designate with them the written signs of China, but the ancient egyptian symbols carved on stones. Literally translated from Greek - "sacred inscriptions".

People have always believed that there are natural forces, capable of influencing fate - the ancient Chinese were convinced that nature and man are one, while being in constant motion. It was these principles that became the basis of the Feng Shui teaching, which states that space is filled with auspicious flows. Anyone is able to control them, attracting harmony to themselves.

Hieroglyphs of good luck

To achieve success, feng shui advises using one of the most powerful symbols - the hieroglyph "dzu".

It consists of two parts and its meaning is very symbolic. The upper part, similar to a cross, called "shi", means spiritually developed person, sage. Bottom part- "kou" - translates as "words, advice." It turns out that the message lies in one sign - "good luck accompanies the one who listens to the advice of the sage."

Where is the best place to use it?

Many people who are interested in Chinese characters and their meaning mistakenly believe that once they have acquired or painted a character, it does not matter where it is located. It is not recommended to wear it in a wallet or as a pendant on the chest - without coming into direct contact with the energy of the home, the hieroglyph will not reveal its full potential.

In the house for him, you need to choose a place where he will influence the area in which luck is needed. In the corridor, it will serve as a common protection for everyone; located in the work area - will help career growth, in the sector of money - will bring general well-being. For greater effectiveness, it should be used in combination with other hieroglyphs.

The next sign means "love" and is pronounced "ay". In combination with the previous hieroglyph, it will bring good luck in matters of the heart. If there is no second "half" yet, he will help to find it, if there is one, he will save and bring peace and tranquility to the relationship. It is better to place it in the southwest, and you can also carry it with you - the closer to the heart, the better.

The hieroglyph for "happiness" is pronounced "fu". It consists of two parts - "god" and "abundance" - the Chinese are convinced that happiness can only be known in selfless service to the god who gives abundance. It should be placed in the area where there is not enough happiness.

Hieroglyph "longevity" (pronounced "show") - gives health and long life. happy life. The best place for him - a bedroom.

The hieroglyph "health" gives recovery to the sick, brings health and success.

The hieroglyph "money" attracts, opens up the possibility new job helps to get an additional source of income.

The Chinese use over 10,000 characters. Before placing any of them in your home, be sure to consult with knowledgeable people. This is especially true of tattoos, otherwise the consequences can be very deplorable.