A rash is a widespread type of skin lesions and is quite comprehensive. medical term. The rash can vary greatly appearance, and there are many potential causes and a wide range of treatment procedures.

The rash may be local (only in one small part of the body), or cover a large area of ​​the body. The rash comes in many forms: dry, moist, uneven, smooth, scaly, or blistering. It can be painful, itchy, and even change color. Some rashes don't need treatment and go away on their own, some can be treated at home, and others can be a sign of a serious health problem.

One of the most common causes of rashes is contact dermatitis , which occurs when you touch something "unpleasant" for the body. The skin may become red and inflamed, and the rash tends to be reddish. Common Causes include:

Dyes in clothes;

cosmetic products;

Poisonous plants such as poison ivy;

Chemicals such as latex or rubber;

Medications. Some medications can cause rashes in certain people - this could be a side effect or an allergic reaction. In addition, some drugs, including some antibiotics, cause sensitivity to sunlight (this reaction is similar to sunburn).

Bacteria, viruses or fungi can also cause a rash. These rashes will vary depending on the type of infection, for example, candidiasis (a common fungal infection) causes itching that appears in skin folds. If you suspect an infection, it is important to see a doctor.

autoimmune condition occurs when a person's immune system begins to attack healthy tissue. There are many similar diseases that can cause a rash. For example, lupus is a condition that affects a number of body systems, including the skin (producing a butterfly-shaped rash on the face).

Rash comes in many forms and develops for many reasons. However, there is key measures that can speed up recovery and make it easier some types of discomfort:

Use mild soap - not scented. These soaps are sometimes advertised for sensitive or baby skin;

Avoid washing hot water- choose warm;

Let the rash breathe - do not cover with a bandage;

Don't rub the rash;

Do not use cosmetics or lotions that may cause/cause a rash;

Avoid scratching to reduce the risk of infection;

Cortisone cream can relieve itching;

If the rash causes mild pain, acetaminophen or ibuprofen may be helpful, but they will not treat the cause of the rash.

It is important to talk to your doctor before taking any medication. Also, be sure to contact a specialist if the rash accompanied by symptoms:

A sore throat;

Joint pain;

If bitten by an animal or insect;

red streaks next to the rash;

sensitive areas near the rash;

The rash is festering.

There are a number of symptoms that require immediately go to the hospital or call an ambulance:

Rapidly changing skin color;

Difficulty breathing or feeling as if your throat is tight;

Increasing or severe pain;



Swelling of the face or limbs;

severe pain in the neck or head;

Recurrent vomiting or diarrhea.

Consider 56 possible types rashes

1. Insect bite

Many insects can cause a rash by biting or stinging. While the response will vary by person and insect, symptoms often include:

Redness and rash



Tumor - localized at the site of the bite, or more widespread

2. Flea bites

Fleas are tiny jumping insects that can live in the tissues of a home. They have a very fast breeding cycle and can take over a house quickly.

Flea bites on humans often appear as red spots;

The skin may become irritated and sore;

Secondary infections can be caused by scratching.

3. Fifth disease (erythema infectiosum)

Also known as erythema infectious syndrome and slapped cheek syndrome, which is caused by parvovirus B19. One of the symptoms is a rash that appears in three stages:

Glossy red eruption on cheeks, with clusters of red papules;

After 4 days, a network of red marks may appear on the arms and torso;

In the third stage, the rash appears only after exposure sunlight or warmth.

4. Impetigo

Impetigo is a highly contagious skin infection that most commonly affects children. The first sign is usually a patch of red, itchy skin. There are two types of impetigo:

Red spots appear around the mouth and nose;

More rarely, it affects children under 2 years of age. Medium and large blisters appear on the trunk, arms and legs.

5. Shingles

Shingles is an infection of a single nerve, caused by the same virus as chickenpox - the varicella zoster virus. Symptoms include:

The rash is similar to chickenpox;

The blisters may coalesce to form a solid red band;

The rash is often painful.

6. Scabies

Scabies is a skin condition caused by a microscopic mite. It is highly contagious and spreads easily through individual contact. Symptoms include:

Intense itching - often worse at night;

Rash - Appears in lines like petals. Sometimes there are blisters.

Pain - may appear where the rash is scratched.

7. Eczema

Eczema is one of the most common skin conditions and often develops during childhood. Symptoms depend on the type of eczema and the person's age, but they often include:

Dry scaly patches on the skin;

severe itchy rash;

Cracked and rough skin.

8. Seasonal fever

Seasonal fever or allergic rhinitis is an allergic reaction to pollen. Symptoms may be similar to those of a cold, such as:

Runny nose

watery eyes


It can also cause a rash similar to mosquito bites.

9 Scarlet Fever

Scarlet fever is a disease caused by a toxin produced by the bacteria Streptococcus pyogenes.

Symptoms include sore throat, rash and fever. The rash has the following characteristics:

red spots

The spots turn into a thin pink-red rash, like a sunburn;

The skin seems rough.

10. Rheumatic fever

Rheumatic fever is an inflammatory response to streptococcal infection. Most often affects children aged 5-15 years. Symptoms include:

Small, painless lumps under the skin

red skin rash;

Swollen tonsils.

11. Mono (mononucleosis)

Mono or mononucleosis is caused by a virus and is rarely serious, but symptoms can include:

Pink, morbilliform rash;

Pain in the body;

Increased temperature.

12. Ringworm

Ringworm, despite its name, is caused by a fungus. A fungal infection affects the top layer of the skin, scalp, and nails.

Symptoms vary depending on the site of infection, but may include:

Itching, red rash on fingers;

Small patches of scaly skin;

The hair next to the spots come off.

13. Measles

Measles is contagious infectious disease. Symptoms include:

Reddish brown rash;

Small grayish white spots with bluish white centers in the mouth.

14. Yeast infection (candidiasis)

Candidiasis is a common fungal infection of the genitals. It affects both sexes, but more often women. Symptoms include:

Pain and tenderness in the genital area;

Itching, burning and irritation.

15. Varicose eczema.

It develops due to poor circulation and most often affects the legs. Symptoms include:

Varicose veins covered with itching, dry skin;

red, swollen, painful skin;

Heaviness, soreness of the legs after standing for some time.

16. Rubella

Rubella (otherwise German measles) is an infection caused by the rubella virus. Symptoms include:

Rash - less bright than measles, often begins on the face;

Inflamed, red eyes;

Stuffy nose.

17. Sepsis

Sepsis, often referred to as blood poisoning, is an emergency medical care. This is the result of a widespread immune response to infection.

Symptoms vary but may include:

Rash that does not disappear with pressure;


Pulse increase.

18. West Nile virus

Lumpy and/or flat, pink skin rash on the trunk, arms, or legs;

excessive sweating;

19. Lyme disease

A bacterial infection transmitted to humans by the bite of an infected tick. Symptoms include an erythema migraine rash that often appears on early stages diseases.

The rash begins as a small red spot that may be warm to the touch but not itchy. The rash does not necessarily appear at the site of the tick bite.

20. Bacterial infection of the deep layer of the skin - the dermis.

Usually occurs when bacteria enter through a break in the skin. Symptoms include:

Skin sores or rash that starts suddenly and grows rapidly

Warm skin around redness;

Fever and fatigue.


MRSA (methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus) is a bacterial infection that is resistant to a number of antibiotics, making it difficult to treat. Symptoms include:

Swelling and tenderness in the affected part of the body;

Wounds that don't heal.

22. Chickenpox

Chickenpox is infection caused by the varicella-zoster virus. It's unpleasant, but most people get better after a couple of weeks. Symptoms include:

An itchy rash of small red spots first appears on the face and trunk, and then spreads over the whole body;

Then blisters develop on top of the spots;

After 48 hours, the bubbles burst and begin to dry out.

23. Lupus

Lupus is an autoimmune disease. Symptoms vary widely from person to person, but may include:

Crimson form of a rash on the cheeks and bridge of the nose;

Dark red patches or purple, scaly rash on the face, neck, or arms;

Skin sensitivity to the sun.

24. Toxic shock syndrome

Toxic shock syndrome is a rare condition caused by a bacterial infection. It develops rapidly and can be life-threatening.

All people with toxic shock syndrome have a fever and rash with the following characteristics:

Looks like a sunburn and covers most of the body;

Turns white when pressed.

25. Acute HIV infection

In the early stages of HIV, levels of the virus in the blood are very high because the immune system has not yet started fighting the infection. Early symptoms include a rash with the following features:

Mainly affects the upper body;

Not bumpy and rarely itchy patches.

26. Hand-foot-mouth

A childhood illness caused by a viral infection. Symptoms include:

The rash is flat, non-itchy red blisters on the hands and soles of the feet.

Loss of appetite.

Ulcers on the throat, tongue and mouth.

27. Acrodermatitis

A type of psoriasis that is associated with viral infections. Symptoms include:

Itchy purple or red blisters;

Enlarged lymph nodes;

Bloated belly.

May cause a number of complications. Symptoms include:

skin rash in one specific area that is red, itchy, and raised;

Complicated breathing;


29. Kawasaki disease

A rare syndrome that affects children. It is characterized by inflammation of the walls of the arteries throughout the body. Symptoms include:

Rash on legs, arms and trunk, between genitals and anus;

Rash on soles of feet and palms, sometimes with purifying skin;

Swollen, chapped and dry lips.

30. Syphilis

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection. The disease is treatable, but will not go away on its own. Symptoms vary depending on the stage of the disease and include:

Initially, painless, hard and round syphilitic ulcers;

Later, a red-brown rash that begins to spread throughout the body;

Oral, anal and genital wart-like ulcers.

31. Typhus

Typhoid is caused by a bacterial infection. It spreads rapidly through contact with the feces of an infected person. If left untreated, 25% of cases end in death.

Symptoms may include:

Pink spots, especially on the neck and abdomen;

elevated temperature;

Abdominal pain, diarrhea and constipation.

32. Dengue fever

Also called bone marrow fever, joint fever, is transmitted by mosquitoes. The form ranges from mild to severe. Symptoms may include:

Initially, a red rash appears over most of the body;

Later, a secondary rash appears, similar to measles;

Severe joints and muscle pain.

33. Ebola

Ebola is serious viral disease, which spreads rapidly among loved ones and can often be fatal. Often a rash is one of the symptoms:

Initially, a transient mild rash may be present;

The rash begins to peel off and look like a sunburn.

34. SARS

Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is an infectious and sometimes fatal respiratory disease. Symptoms may include:

Skin rash;

Muscle ache.

35. Contact dermatitis

Contact dermatitis occurs when the skin comes into contact with an irritant, is relatively common, and can be uncomfortable. Symptoms include:

Red, scaly rash that looks like a bite;

Burning sensation;

Cracked skin.

36. Fungal infection

While some fungi live naturally on the human body, they can sometimes be painful. Symptoms depend on where the infection strikes, but may include:

Red rash with a circular shape and raised edges;

cracking, flaking, or peeling of the skin in the infected area;

Irritation, itching or burning in the infected area.

37. Drug allergy

Some people have allergic reactions to prescribed medications. The body's immune system mistakenly attacks the drug as if it were a pathogen. Symptoms vary by person and drug, but may include:

Rash, including hives;

itching of the skin or eyes;


38. SARS

Also called pediatric pneumonia, SARS is less severe than the typical form. Symptoms may include:

rash (uncommon);

Weakness and fatigue;

Chest pain, especially when breathing deeply.

39. Erysipelas

Erysipelas, erysipelas, is a skin infection that is a form of cellulitis, and only affects the top layers of the skin, not the deeper tissues. The skin in a certain area becomes:

swollen, red and shiny;

Soft and warm to the touch;

Red streaks on the affected area.

40. Reye's syndrome

Reye's syndrome is rare and most common in children. This can cause serious damage to the organs of the body, especially the brain and liver. Early symptoms include:

Rash on the palms of the hands and feet;

Repeated severe vomiting;

Lethargy, confusion and headaches.

41. Addison Crisis

Also known as adrenal crisis and acute adrenal insufficiency, this is a rare and potentially fatal condition in which the adrenal glands stop working properly. Symptoms include:

Skin reactions including rash;

low blood pressure;

Fever, chills and sweating.

42. Chemical burns

They can occur when a person is in direct contact with chemical or its pairs. Symptoms vary but may include:

Skin that appears black or dead

irritation, burning, or redness in the affected area;

Numbness and pain.

43. Colorado tick (tick) fever

Also known as mountain tick fever and American tick fever, is a viral infection that develops after being bitten by Rocky Mountain ticks. Symptoms may include:

flat or pimply rash;

Pain in the skin or muscles;

(3 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

A rash on the shoulders and forearms in the form of acne has become a frequent occurrence for many people. Inflammations look not only unattractive, but also indicate malfunctions in the body or serious diseases. Ignoring the problem can result in an even greater spread of rashes to other parts of the body. To prevent this from happening, it is worth understanding the reasons and choosing the right therapy.


There are six types of rash, which have a different color and may change in the future.

  • Spots. Marks that have a characteristic or.
  • Nodules. A rash on the forearms in the form of small pimples or clearly defined tubercles. Cause pain on palpation.
  • bubbles. Reminiscent of semicircles different sizes containing liquid. They subsequently disappear.
  • Blackheads or acne. appear as a result. They are black and milky white. With age, disappear or transform into nodules.
  • Ulcers. Pimples growing in the upper layers of the epidermis. There is pus in every cavity. The skin around the focus turns red, and the inflammation itch.
  • . They look like dense cavities, which. After treatment, noticeable scars are left.

Origin factors

The causes of rashes are varied. They are divided into three groups - infectious, internal non-infectious, external.

The second is characterized by: imbalance of microflora, diseases of the thyroid gland and blood vessels, malfunctions of the genitourinary system, liver damage. And also in adolescents during puberty and pregnant women, hormonal disruptions occur that provoke the appearance of acne.

List external factors extensive. What could it be:

  • Violation of the rules of personal hygiene.
  • Squeezing acne provokes infection and inflammation of comedones.
  • , tobacco and unhealthy food, which directly affects the condition of the skin.
  • lack of vitamins and minerals interferes with proper organ function.
  • Stressful situations provoke an intensive production of hormones that are responsible for the sebaceous glands.
  • Application of some cosmetic procedures causes irritation in the form of red dots.
  • Excessive sweating caused physical activity, hot weather.
  • Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays.
  • Wearing tight, tight, as well as synthetic clothing makes it difficult for the skin to breathe and creates tissue friction against the upper layer of the epidermis.
  • The presence of a mental disorder, which manifests itself in the form of involuntary itching.
  • Taking medication for a long time.
  • Exposure to allergens such as food, plants and animals, household chemicals, etc.
  • Long hair makes it difficult for the skin to breathe.

Another reason for formations is a genetic predisposition, which often manifests itself in an infant in the first year of life.


Abundant rashes on the back and shoulders are often harbingers of a destructive state of the body. Therefore, if a rash occurs, you should consult a dermatologist. After passing the necessary tests, the doctor will determine the nature of the disease and prescribe treatment. Complex therapy is the interaction of external and internal use that destroy the causes of the disease.

As already mentioned, "the occurrence of pathological inflamed areas of the skin has a different etymology, so the therapy should be different."

To improve the condition of the epidermis, the doctor prescribes ointments and gels, among them:

  • "Dalacin" is an antibiotic suitable for eliminating abscesses and redness from large areas of the body. However, the drug has a number of contraindications, and uncontrolled use is fraught with scarring after long-term use.
  • "Skinoren" has an anti-inflammatory effect, removes redness of the skin.
  • Curiosin is an antimicrobial agent that promotes tissue healing. It is used to get rid of acne and purulent acne.
  • Vishnevsky's ointment is suitable for healing wounds and infections, eliminates inflammation.
  • Zinc is a time-tested drug that has universal properties. Used to treat rashes in adults and children.
  • Salicylic acid normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, regenerates and cleanses with action.
  • "Metrogil" destroys the infection caused by microorganisms.
  • "Badyaga", due to its irritating effect, increases blood circulation, which contributes to skin renewal. In addition, it cleanses the epithelium. It is used as an independent remedy, and in combination with other drugs, enhancing their effect. It is not recommended to use for violations of the integrity of the skin and open wounds.

Despite the advantages, external medicines with prolonged use can cause allergic reactions in both a child and an adult. Therefore, a doctor's consultation is required.

Vitamin complexes help to normalize the state of tissues. Aevit, Pentovit, Aerovit, Vitaminel are well suited for this. The course is one month.

In case of allergies, irritation is removed by taking Suprastin, Diazolin, Tavegil or other antihistamines.

For internal reasons, the specialist prescribes immunomodulators and hormonal agents. Treatment lasts for several months. The disease sometimes does not go away without a trace, but only subsides for a while.

Baths based on medicinal herbs serve as concomitant therapy to pharmacological preparations. Decoctions of chamomile, celandine, yarrow, string will help to dry the skin. Compresses from the infusion of sage, birch buds will significantly reduce the appearance of acne. Plantain infusion is known for its disinfecting and anti-inflammatory properties.

It is necessary to prepare the body before and after the use of baths or compresses. Before taking, wash off the remnants of ointments or gel, at the end of the procedure, blot the skin with a soft towel or napkin.


It is enough to follow simple rules so that existence without itching and inflammation becomes the norm. A healthy lifestyle has never harmed anyone, so you should exclude foods with artificial colors, flavors, preservatives from your diet. Do not eat overcooked, spicy foods.

Use natural cosmetics. Remove clothes made of synthetic fabrics from the wardrobe. Give up alcohol and smoking. Pay attention to personal hygiene.

Change bedding every 1-2 weeks, do not use someone else's underwear. In addition, avoid stress and anxiety, since most diseases are associated with instability of the human central nervous system.


A rash on the shoulders and forearms is a rather unpleasant phenomenon that causes internal and external causes. And if it is sometimes difficult to get rid of the former, the latter can be avoided under certain conditions.

A rash on the shoulders and forearms worries no less than pimples on the face. Girls are especially complex with such symptoms. We have to abandon open outfits, use models with long sleeve even in the summer heat. Such manifestations may indicate serious disorders in the body. Postponing a visit to a dermatologist is not advisable.

Main reasons

If the patient is completely healthy, a rash on the shoulders and forearms may indicate a lack of hygiene. On the shoulders accumulate the remnants of the skin secretion, keratinized particles of the epidermis. The pores are clogged, forming an excellent environment for the development of pathogenic microflora. The situation is aggravated by increased mechanical action (friction). After all, it is on the shoulders that the maximum pressure of clothing falls. Large quantity rashes are usually observed on the side where the patient wears the bag.

In some cases, a rash on the forearms is a banal manifestation of an allergy. Unpleasant symptoms can develop when using clothes made from low-quality synthetic materials. Tight tight models often provoke the appearance of unpleasant symptoms.

Patients with hyperhidrosis often suffer from rashes in these places. Inflammation on the skin is a reaction of the body to increased sweating.

If the patient eats low-quality foods, smokes and is fond of alcohol, the appearance of rashes on the shoulders and forearms is easily explained. Unpleasant symptoms develop against the background of the removal of toxins from the body. It is worth the patient to start leading healthy lifestyle life, as the condition of the epidermis is restored.

In pregnant women, a rash on the shoulders is the result of hormonal changes in the body.

Owners of long beautiful hair often complain about the appearance of pimples in the area of ​​​​the shoulders and forearms. Trouble is especially often disturbing in summer period. The problem is that loose hair does not allow the skin to fully breathe. Pimples are a protective reaction of the body.

Internal factors also play an important role. A rash on the forearms often appears in adolescents, as well as pregnant women. Trouble develops against the background of change hormonal background. The condition of the gastrointestinal tract is also important. With gastritis, stomach ulcers, dysbacteriosis, a rash on various parts of the body is a common occurrence. Diseases can lead to unpleasant symptoms endocrine system, pathology of the thyroid gland, diabetes. Many ailments cannot be called harmless, therefore, when pimples appear on the forearms, it is recommended to go full examination organism.

cystic acne

Such formations disturb the patient much more than small pimples. Cystic acne is the most severe form of acne. It occurs most often on the back, in the area of ​​​​the shoulders and forearms. Sacs (cysts) filled with purulent contents and skin secretions develop in the subcutaneous tissue. Such formations become inflamed, have a red or bluish tint. In the acute period, such a cyst causes a lot of anxiety to the patient. The inflamed area hurts and itches.

Cystic acne is a problem that any patient over the age of 15 can face. Often, the first symptoms develop during puberty in girls and boys. Statistical data indicate that in the representatives of the stronger sex the disease is more difficult and longer, more difficult to treat.

A rash on the shoulders can go through three stages of development. Initially, the pores are clogged, large comedones (acne) with black heads appear. Every day the tubercles become larger, begin to be visible to the naked eye. In the second stage of development, comedones become more and more. Some formations may merge. In the third stage, comedones become inflamed, painful boils form. Such a rash on the shoulders causes great discomfort to the patient. Sleep may be disturbed, the patient becomes irritable, avoids social contacts.

Cystic acne often appears on the shoulders

What are the causes of cystic acne? Great value has heredity. In 50% of cases, it is possible to find out that the patient's parents also suffered from such a disease. To disrupt the production of sebum and the formation of large comedones lead hormonal disorders. In women, on the background of cystic acne on the back, infertility is often observed. The situation worsens in immunocompromised patients.

The rash is very difficult to treat. In most cases, the therapy regimen is signed months in advance. The patient must be prescribed drugs from the group of retinoids. These drugs help remove fatty plugs, normalize the production of skin secretions, and promote the regeneration of damaged areas. Good results show Roaccutane tablets.

Proper antiseptic treatment of inflammation is important. It is recommended to use solutions such as Chlorhexidine, Miramistin. Alcohol tincture of calendula dries the knots well.

The patient will have to reconsider the way of life, give up bad habits, fast food, carbonated drinks.

Physiotherapeutic procedures help to restore the skin condition well - darsonvalization, UV irradiation, UHF, electrophoresis.


Any patient can face this disease if vaccination has not been carried out in a timely manner. An acute infectious disease of a viral nature can be very difficult in an adult. In this case, one of the common symptoms is a rash on the back or forearms. The incubation period lasts up to 21 days. The source of infection is a sick person. In most cases, it is not possible to find out where and under what circumstances the infection occurred.

In the first days of the pathological process, the patient's body temperature rises sharply to 39-40 degrees. There are symptoms of severe intoxication - dizziness, joint pain, drowsiness. A few hours after the deterioration of the general condition, a small red rash appears on the body, the eyelids swell.

Ibuprofen relieves symptoms of general intoxication, normalizes body temperature

A qualified specialist will easily make a diagnosis already at the first examination of the patient. However, this is not enough to prescribe qualified treatment. In a hospital setting, the patient gives general analyzes urine and blood, bacterial culture of sputum and other mucous secretions is performed.

Treatment of measles is carried out using antiviral drugs and symptomatic agents. Medicines based on Paracetamol, Ibuprofen help to normalize well-being. Areas of rashes are treated with antiseptic solutions.

Chicken pox

Chickenpox is a disease that many faced in childhood. In most cases, small patients develop antibodies and re-infection does not occur. If it was not possible to get sick in childhood, there is a risk of encountering a complicated form of the disease in the adult period. In patients over 18 years of age, chickenpox always occurs in severe form with a significant increase in body temperature, symptoms of general intoxication. The main symptom is watery rashes all over the body, including on the shoulders and forearms.

Chickenpox in an adult is one of the causes of rashes on the shoulders and forearms

Chickenpox is caused by viruses from the herpes family. IN childhood no specific therapy. Rashes are only treated with antiseptic solutions to avoid the addition of a secondary infection. Antihistamines may be used to relieve itching. Adult patients who are difficult to tolerate the disease are prescribed drugs that stimulate the immune system, antiviral drugs. Therapy lasts 7-10 days. In severe chickenpox, the patient must be hospitalized.

Rashes with syphilis on the back

Syphilis - dangerous disease sexually transmitted. Are amazed skin, mucous membranes, internal organs patient. A rash on the shoulders can be the first symptom of a pathological process. The causative agent of the disease is a microorganism called pale spirochete. The most favorable conditions for the rapid reproduction of bacteria are formed in the human lymphatic system. Pathogenic microorganisms are resistant to low and high temperatures, die only at 60 degrees.

Syphilis requires long-term treatment

A rash is one of the first signs of a pathological process. Most often, inflamed elements appear in the area where the infection enters the body. Therefore, often the first pimples are observed on the genitals. However, the infection spreads rapidly. After a few days, rashes appear on the back, shoulders, arms. In parallel, there are symptoms such as swollen lymph nodes, deterioration of well-being.

With timely detection of pathology, a favorable prognosis is possible. Therefore, when the first rashes appear, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist for a consultation. Syphilis is treated for a long time. Sometimes a full course can take up to two years. The therapy is based on the use of strong antibiotics from the group of penicillins, macrolides or tetracyclines.

A rash on the shoulders and forearms is not such a harmless problem as it might seem at first glance. The right approach to treatment will avoid dangerous complications.