Rules for the admission of citizens to the magistracy

Federal State Autonomous educational institution

"Far Eastern federal university»

1. Citizens are admitted to the FEFU master's program Russian Federation who have a state document on the corresponding level of higher vocational education: a bachelor's degree, a state-recognized diploma of higher professional education, confirming the qualification "certified specialist", a specialist's diploma or a master's degree.

2. Citizens of the Russian Federation who receive education of this level for the first time are admitted to the FEFU master's program for education at the expense of the federal budget:

persons with a bachelor's degree;

Persons who have a state-recognised diploma of higher professional education, confirming that they have been awarded the qualification "certified specialist"

3. Admission to the FEFU master's program is carried out on a competitive basis, based on the results of entrance examinations conducted by FEFU independently.

4. The list, programs and form of entrance examinations for admission to study in master's programs at FEFU are established independently.

5. To conduct entrance examinations for admission to study in master's programs by order of the chairman admission committee the composition of the examination and appeal commissions is approved.

6. For applicants to places financed from the federal budget, as well as to places with payment of tuition fees, for a certain master's program, the same entrance examinations are established.

7. The number of places for admission to the magistracy of students at the expense of the federal budget is determined by the target admission figures established by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. In addition to the established number of admission places financed from the federal budget, FEFU admits citizens to master's programs for study on the basis of contracts with payment of tuition fees by legal entities or individuals.

8. Applicants to the magistracy submit the following documents:

personal statement addressed to the Rector of the Far Eastern Federal University of the established form;

· the original and (or) a photocopy of a state document on higher professional education;

· the original and (or) a photocopy of the annex to the state document on higher professional education;

original or photocopy of a document proving his identity, citizenship.

9. Applicant personal provision documents, a receipt is issued on the receipt of documents.

10. Applicants have the right to send an application for admission to the first year, as well as Required documents can be sent by the applicant through public postal operators (hereinafter - by mail). Documents are sent by the applicant by mail by mail with notice and description of the attachment. The notification and inventory of the attachment are the basis for confirming the acceptance of the applicant's documents. Documents are accepted by the university upon their receipt late specified in clause 2.11. of these Rules.

11. The applicant is obliged to familiarize himself.

University graduates different years actively apply for admission to the magistracy of the Far Eastern Federal University. During the 2014 admissions campaign, which started on June 20, the desire to obtain a master's degree from a major university Far East 820 people have already been reported. With the end proms in universities, including FEFU, the influx of applicants is increasing every day. Acceptance of documents to the magistracy will continue until August 1.

In 2014, 1,087 budget places. Admission figures approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation are 10% higher than last year's figure. This increase reflects the clear focus of the university on the priority training of highly qualified specialists, advanced innovators and researchers. FEFU offers 75 directions for the choice of future undergraduates, within which more than 170 programs are being implemented.

Among the most popular profiles of this year are "Architecture", "Oil and Gas Business", "Instrument Engineering", "Infocommunication Technologies and Communication Systems", "Power Engineering and Electrical Engineering", "Biotechnical Systems and Technologies", "Public Health", "Conflictology", "Psychology", "Psychological and Pedagogical Education", "Personnel Management", "Finance and Credit" and "Jurisprudence". Applicants show great interest in the new master's programs opened at FEFU in 2014 - "Hospitality" and "Commodity Science" at the School of Economics and Management, "Anthropology and Ethnology" at the School humanities, "Oriental and African Studies" at the School of Regional and International Studies.

Since 2013, applicants from outside the Primorsky Territory began to enter the FEFU master's program. During the 2014 admission campaign, the geography of potential undergraduates of the Federal University has expanded significantly - today they already represent 18 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, including Siberian, Northwestern, Volga, North Caucasian and Southern federal districts.

We add that everyone can become the owner of a master's degree - age, sphere professional activity and previously received specialty do not matter. Master's programs FEFU is very flexible - they are designed for both graduates and those who received a diploma several years ago and are successfully working in business or in production. By choosing a direction that is different from the education already received, the graduate becomes a unique professional who can navigate in different directions.

Acceptance of documents to the magistracy is underway until August 1st. From 2 to 9 August Exams and interviews for applicants will be held at FEFU Schools - their schedule can be found at the link. Entrance examination programs are posted in a special section of the FEFU website.

Recall that all the main documents and useful information for applicants are available in the "Admission Campaign-2014" section of the FEFU website. Documents of applicants are accepted online and on campus on about. Russian (building A): Monday to Friday - from 9:00 to 19:00, on Saturdays and Sundays - until 17:00. Also works at FEFU "hot line" 8-800-555-0-888, whose operators will answer all questions related to admission.

Student of this university: Hello everyone, I am a 3rd year student, a linguist. When I entered here, I had a goal to break through the budget. And yet I made it through, at that time 250 USE points were enough for me and I was not the last on the list of state employees, and the competition itself at that time was small. The first thing that I did not like even before the start of my studies as such was the choice of language. The university program included a choice of three languages ​​(German, French, Chinese), and they offered to enroll in one of two (either French or Chinese). And I was lucky to get under the merciless skating rink of the Bachelor 2.0 program, which surpassed the President of Germany in its uselessness. As a result, in the first year, instead of a sufficient number of hours for core subjects, we were waiting for rhetoric, the basics project activities, philosophy, history, mathematics (!) and law (more or less applicable in Everyday life, yes, but why does a linguist need it at a university?!). Was interesting idea Major and Minor, suggesting that from the 3rd year we will be given the opportunity to get an additional specialty so that the "bachelor of linguistics" does not look too dull and vague in the diploma. But the program was canceled, probably, this is even for the better: I don’t know how this plan would be implemented at FEFU.
In the second year, a big top started because of the Eastern Economic Forum and the Football Championship. I mean that the whole new campus was conceived as a venue for such events, but in no way under learning activities. Although they also did it on a tyap-blunder. During the downpours before the championship, the buildings of the buildings and dormitories let water through like a sieve. Apart from the WEF, nothing is normally done here: for the sake of it, students’ schedules are shifted for a month, and because of it and other events, the guards will allow themselves to break the law and demand that you open your backpack / bag and even a clutch under the pretext of maintaining security. With the schedule, by the way, is also not so hot. Firstly, they study here 6 days a week, some groups have a day off in the middle of the week, some do not. The teaching load is unevenly distributed. The only plus in my personal schedule is that they don’t put more than 4 pairs a day. Secondly, you can read about the story with the scheduler, the attitude of the administration towards students and "no one gave you freedom of speech" in "Far Eastern Federal University Overheard" or even in the media.
In the third year, the schedule was drawn up automatically for us, and the program that made it up was buggy: what kind of pairs did you have and how much could you learn only in the morning, moreover, pairs with teachers that you should not have. Now it seems to have been corrected, but it was forbidden to transfer couples from one day to another. This is inconvenient for both students and teachers.
Of course, they talk about corruption among teachers, but I don’t know how stupid you need to be in order not to pull the local hacky program.
Oh, about the program, how did I forget! In the 5th semester, an online course from the HSE in cultural studies was imposed on us. When specialized subjects just started, like translation theory, they pushed us this garbage, where you need to go through fire, water and buggy right before the Examus exam, and the credit unit was defined as "oh, well, we don't know yet, credit or exam, then we'll say , and in general, this is so that you do not relax. Nice, isn't it?
I can’t really tell anything about hostels, because I don’t live either on campus or in mainland hostels, but there are a lot of bright reviews about “hotels”, especially about foreign students who always pig, especially Chinese and Indians. Because of them, fat, shiny cockroaches breed and march through the kitchens. There are such stories about city hostels that, having seen their image in a dream, you wake up gray-haired and in a cold sweat.
As for scholarships, they are not bad here. However, they are not distributed in the most fair way: there is a regular scholarship and an increased one, that's okay. However, there is a scholarship for priority areas, while it is not known how their priority is determined. Their scholarship is more than one and a half times. For volunteering and other encouraged activities, you can also get additional bonuses, however, in the list of "volunteers" in last time there were people who were seen on the fly at most a couple of times and were not doing anything useful.
Well, for dessert, the security system. I study in building D, so I'm only talking about the state inside it. In autumn, during fire alarms, it goes without saying that alarms went off. However, the point is that these alarms are only in the classrooms. Yes, yes, my dear friend. You are sitting like this in the corridor, minding your own business, and at this time everyone is running to the evacuation exits, leaving you to burn.
I don't recommend coming here. It is not known what this sharaga, affectionately called the Far East Festival School, will throw out in the new academic year and it is not known how many nerves it will gobble up from you, also for your own money.
Within the framework of the School of Regional and International Studies, training is carried out in the areas of bachelor's and master's programs.

1. Undergraduate is the first level higher education, which is basic and lasts 4 years. A graduate of a bachelor's degree receives a general fundamental and profile practical training enough to perform professional tasks. This level of higher education does not have a narrow specialization. Upon graduation, the graduate is awarded a diploma of higher professional education with a bachelor's degree.

Within the framework of SRMI, bachelors are trained in the following areas

  • Foreign Regional Studies
  • International relationships
  • Political science
  • Philology (foreign languages)
  • Philology (Russian language)
  • Fundamental and Applied Linguistics

Conditions for admission to undergraduate programs

1. The results of the Unified State Examination (USE) are counted as the results of entrance examinations for admission to the bachelor's degree.

Some categories of the population are accepted on the basis of entrance examinations conducted by FEFU independently, as well as without entrance examinations or out of competition - see Rules for the admission of citizens to FEFU in 2013.

2. Admission to FEFU for training in the main educational programs of higher professional education is carried out at the request of citizens.

Applicants to the first year for undergraduate studies have the right to apply and participate in competitions simultaneously in no more than three areas of training (specialties), groups of areas of study (specialties), depending on the procedure for organizing admission.

Applications are accepted for the first year from persons who have a state document on secondary (complete) general education, secondary vocational education or higher vocational education, as well as a state document on primary vocational education, if it contains a record of the bearer receiving secondary (complete) general education.

For the second and subsequent courses, applications are accepted from persons who have a state-recognized diploma of incomplete higher professional education, an academic certificate of the established form or a state-recognized document of higher professional education.

3. When applying for admission to FEFU, the applicant provides, at his own discretion:

  • original or photocopy of a document proving his identity, citizenship;
  • original or photocopy of a state-recognised document on education.

4. The preparation of bachelors is carried out both on the budget (free) and on paid basis. For admission to places financed from the budget (according to general competition, for targeted admission, having the right to out-of-competition admission), as well as for places under contracts with payment of tuition fees for a certain area of ​​training, the same entrance tests are established. The results of all entrance examinations are evaluated on a hundred-point scale.

2. Master's degree represents more high level higher education, which is acquired in 2 additional years after the end of the bachelor's degree and involves a deeper development theoretical aspects areas of training and orients the student to research activities in this area. Upon completion of this program, the graduate is awarded a diploma of higher professional education with a master's degree.

Within the framework of SHMI, masters are trained in the following areas

  • Oriental and African studies
  • Foreign Regional Studies
  • International relationships
  • Political science
  • Philology (foreign languages)
  • Philology (Russian language)

In addition, SRMI is preparing graduates in the English-language master's program - Russia in the Asia-Pacific: Politics, Economics, Security (Russia in the Asia-Pacific Region: politics, economics, security)

Conditions for admission to the magistracy

1. Citizens of the Russian Federation who have a state document on the appropriate level of higher professional education are admitted to the FEFU master's program: a bachelor's degree, a state diploma of higher professional education, confirming the qualification of a "certified specialist", a specialist diploma or a master's degree.

2. Citizens of the Russian Federation who receive education of this level for the first time are admitted to the FEFU master's program for education at the expense of the federal budget:

  • persons with a bachelor's degree;
  • persons who have a state-recognised diploma of higher professional education, confirming that they have been awarded the qualification "certified specialist"

3. Admission to the FEFU master's program is carried out on a competitive basis, based on the results of entrance examinations conducted by FEFU independently.

4. The list, programs and form of entrance examinations for admission to study in master's programs at FEFU are established independently.

5. To conduct entrance examinations for admission to study in master's programs, the composition of the examination and appeal commissions is approved by order of the chairman of the selection committee.

6. For applicants to places financed from the federal budget, as well as to places with payment of tuition fees, for a certain master's program, the same entrance examinations are established.

7. The number of places for admission to the magistracy of students at the expense of the federal budget is determined by the target admission figures established by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. In addition to the established number of admission places financed from the federal budget, FEFU admits citizens to master's programs for study on the basis of contracts with payment of tuition fees by legal entities or individuals.

8. Applicants to the magistracy submit the following documents:

  • personal application addressed to the rector of FEFU of the established form;
  • the original and (or) a photocopy of a state document on higher professional education;
  • the original and (or) a photocopy of the annex to the state document on higher professional education;
  • original or photocopy of a document proving his identity, citizenship.

Apply to our educational programs can be both Russian and foreign citizens. Foreign applicants and students wishing to study in the areas of undergraduate and graduate studies at the ShRMI can familiarize themselves with the rules and conditions for admission in the Regulation on the Admission of Foreign Citizens to the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Far Eastern Federal University"

The Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU) has approved admission rules and a plan for enrolling students in 2018. For full-time and part-time bachelor's, specialist's and master's programs, the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia provided FEFU with 4,368 state-funded places, keeping the numbers at the level of previous years. Significantly increased admission to the magistracy - admission is announced for 1905 places (157 more than in 2017). In total, there are 100 bachelor's and specialist's programs and 70 master's programs for the choice of applicants.

According to the admissions committee, 2,463 state-funded places have been allocated in the bachelor's and specialist's programs. Enrollment for programs that meet the priority areas for the development of FEFU and Russia's integration into the Asia-Pacific region has been increased. Enrollment for Oriental and African Studies increased five times (from 24 to 120 places), for Foreign Regional Studies and International relationships- from 15 to 25. The admission of students to "Software Engineering" (from 25 to 50 places), to "Chemical Technology" (from 20 to 40) has been doubled. Enrollment figures for Economics, Management, School of Pedagogy programs and a number of others have also grown.

The plan for admission to the master's program has been increased in almost all areas, which reflects the university's clear focus on the priority training of highly qualified specialists, advanced innovators and researchers. Enrollment in postgraduate studies remains at the level of previous years - 109 state-funded places.

The rules for admission to the Far Eastern Federal University in 2018 have not changed fundamental changes. Applicants retain the right to enter five universities in three areas each. The main criterion for admission remains the number of points scored in the Unified State Examination (USE) and entrance examinations.

For the first time since 2018, at FEFU, upon admission to undergraduate and specialist programs, diplomas of the winner or prize-winner of regional and national championships according to WorldSkillsRussia standards (6-10 points), project shifts of the Sirius Educational Center (10 points), All-Russian Forum "Future Intellectual Leaders of Russia" (6 points) and the competition "Scientists of the Future" (6-10 points).

Also, applicants are awarded bonuses for the gold TRP badge (2 points), gold and silver medal(5 points), diploma of secondary vocational education with honors (5 points), diploma of the winner or prize-winner of Olympiads (5-10 points).

A section "Admission Campaign 2018" has been created on the FEFU website for applicants and their parents. Here is placed full information about the upcoming recruitment, admission conditions, the number of budget places, entrance examinations, passing scores, terms and stages of enrollment. Questions will be answered by phone hotline»: 8-800-555-0-888 (toll-free within Russia), e-mail [email protected] and on the FEFU Applicants page on VKontakte.