Publications in the media

There are legends about the Chechen mafia in Moscow. However, few people have any real idea about those groups that are united in the minds of Russians by this common phrase. This issue of the "MK Dossier" is dedicated to the so-called "Chechen" criminal groups. Without claiming to be the ultimate truth, we would like to show the dynamics of the development of this criminal community. The group, also known as the "Chechen community", was in fact the first ethnic From the very beginning, it was distinguished by a clear centralization, the supremacy of teip laws over thieves "concepts", the preserved institution of blood feud and the ability to hide in mountainous areas Chechnya in case of major trouble with the authorities.

Historical reference

The clan structure has developed in Chechnya along with Islam. It was then that Muslim brotherhoods, or orders-communities of TARIKATA, arose. At present, two tarikats are the most powerful - najbandiyya and qadiriya. As early as the 19th century, Qadiriya was divided into three branches: Kunta-Khaji, Batal-Kadzhi and Bamat-Khaji. The most militant were the Batal-Khaji, who initially had a caste system and preached jigitism. It was the Batal-hadji tariqa that was accused of betrayal during the Great Patriotic War. In the 1950s, the Batal-Kajians had a "black cash desk" for young murid students. From the same "common fund" they helped those who ended up in prison. In Moscow, tarikats began to show activity in the early 80s. Already then there is a seizure of territory and the glory of the Chechen extortionists. At the head of modern Chechen bandit formations is the center - the council of elders, the most respected people. There is no "leader" as such, but there is a person in charge of the "black box office". Clan members are called "humans". Killers are not included in certain clans, but can be called upon by the decision of the council of elders. As a rule, "guest performers" are involved for these purposes.

For the first time, the "Chechen community" (leaders: Khoza, Ruslan, Lecho-Lysy) announced itself in the capital in 1987. She immediately took a strong position, pushing the "Slavic lads" that had not yet taken shape by that time. The latter made repeated attempts to drive the Chechens out of Moscow, but this did not work. After a series of showdowns, the "Solntsevskaya", "Lyubertsy" and "Balashikha" groups were pushed back. In 1988, only representatives of the "community" were not at the all-thieves' meeting in Dagomys, where Moscow was divided into spheres of influence. The Chechens said they would take whatever they wanted. Then they succeeded. The main specialization of this North Caucasian group became: racketeering, car theft, hotel theft, kidnapping for ransom. The Chechens took over entire branches of the emerging business.

The actions of the "community" were distinguished by cruelty, rare for that time, and the merchants preferred not to rock the boat, falling under the pressure of this group. The main strength of the group was blood relations, which allowed the "community" to use almost any representative of their nation who found themselves in power structures. Custom is custom, and what remains for a poor deputy when a second cousin of a cousin's wife comes to him and asks for a favor. Subsequently, this very circumstance predetermined the change in the specialization of many Chechen teams ... Our valiant law enforcement officers turned out to be completely unprepared for such a development of events. After all, according to the official version organized crime we didn't have it then. In addition, there was an idiotic prohibition for the police, forbidding them to get involved in matters related to cooperatives and private enterprise. The unwillingness of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to react to the strengthening of the Chechen group was interpreted by the "Slavs" quite unambiguously - they bought the "cops". Meanwhile, the activity of the "Chechen community" became so "cool" that it came to the attention of the KGB. During 1991, such authorities of the "Community" as Ruslan (M. Altangeriev), Lecho-Lysy (L. Altamirov), Khoza (N. Suleymanov) and Khozha (Kh. Nukhaev) were arrested. After the arrest of these leaders, the “community”, which had been united until that moment, split into several small groups, which were headed by new “authorities”, headed by Richard (repeatedly convicted, an employee of the Dudayev Security Committee), the Talarov brothers, Gennady Arakelov, Sultan Daudov. From that moment began a fundamentally new stage in the activities of the Chechen group. This innovation was largely due to political changes that began in the country, after the collapse Soviet Union separatist sentiments intensified in Chechnya. They became especially clear with the coming to power of Dzhokhar Dudayev. At the same time, another native of Chechnya, Ruslan Khasbulatov, became chairman of the Supreme Soviet of Russia.

Teip traditions and interests played a cruel joke on Chechnya - Khasbulatov and Dudayev were representatives of different clans. Moreover, one traditionally gravitated toward Russia, and the other toward independence. The same blood relationship that initially played a rallying role in the criminal environment eventually led to stratification within the "community". Attempts by the VAHI (Vaytsy Talarov) and the OLD MAN (Musa Talarov) to rally the group did not lead to anything. In the autumn of 1992, the OLD MAN (also known as MUSA) became the custodian of the "black cash desk" of the Chechens in Moscow. On November 27, 1992, at the Ukraina Hotel, he held a meeting with 150 leaders of Chechen groups from all over Russia. In addition, seeing the changes taking place, he tried to make "thieves" traditions the ideological basis of the new community. To this end, Talarov tried to get close to the "thieves in law" and even unfastened money for the "common fund". This circumstance caused a murmur among the Chechen groups, and only the support of the brother's militants saved the Old Man from reprisal. In November 1992, Vakha was arrested. He was accused of kidnapping (Chief Accountant of the Prometheus Foreign Economic Association Alexander Malyshev). In May 1992, two false advice letters for a total of 710 million rubles were sent through "Prometheus", organized by the general director of "Prometheus" Alexander Ivanenko and the Ingush group. Vakha helped the president of the association find this money

Svetlana Abakonovich, who tried to "get" Ivanenko through the chief accountant. Instead of the "Ingush", the RUOP came to meet with Vakha. In addition to Vakha and his henchmen, Abakonovich was also arrested. Vakha spent two years in a pre-trial detention center. And at the trial, Malyshev retracted his testimony. As a result, Vakha was accused of arbitrariness (Article 200 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) and on December 28, 1994, he was released from custody after serving his sentence. The GUVD investigator even apologized to the accused. In the meantime, after Ruslan (one of the first leaders of the "Chechen community" in Moscow) was released in early 1993, the situation changed. Attempts to negotiate with the latter did not lead to anything, and the Old Man emigrated to Grozny ... However, the matter did not end there. A new character appeared on the criminal arena - SULTAN BALASHIKHINSKY (S. DAUDOV). SULTAN /1954/ is the only Chechen. He advocated the entry of his fellow countrymen into the Russian criminal environment, considering: what fewer wars and blood, the more income, but, not finding support, broke away and settled in Balashikha, sharing territory with Sergei Frolov (Frol was killed at the end of 1993). with the brothers Sokolov (Sokolyata), Avil, Sylvester, Tolya Bely ... Shot on March 21, 1994 by another Balashikha authority in the company, along with bodyguard Sasha. The wounded assistant Islam managed to get away in a jeep and soon fell into the hands of the local police, who were warned about the disassembly. On the day of the death of the Sultan, the younger Sokolenok was also shot. In Chechnya itself, meanwhile, there was a " new type"statehood - criminal-totalitarian with elements of tribal remnants. To finance the self-named Republic of Ichkeria, Dudayev and his entourage combined criminal, semi-legal and "clean" business.

The bulk of the Chechens took either the side of Khasbulatov or Dudayev. True, the "Chechens" did not come to a showdown among themselves. Apparently, the custom of blood feud, as well as the constant danger of a collision with the "Slavs", who finally took shape and strengthened, kept them from the bloody massacre. The most dashing leaders of these groups rallied to fight the "Caucasians". And first of all, with people from Chechnya. In early 1993, the Ivanteevskys killed three Chechens. Five hundred members of different clans sentenced five "Ivanteevsky" to death. In response, the "Slavs" united under the slogan "Moscow to the Russians!" (the same thing happened in the zones). The Chechens failed to unite all the Moscow Caucasians for retaliatory actions. During the 11 months of 1993, 1923 Caucasians were brought to criminal responsibility, of which 123 were Chechens. 70 representatives of Chechen gangster formations died in the showdown (for comparison, in 1990 only 11). By this time, the nature of the criminal activity of the Chechen group had also changed. Most of its representatives, relying on connections in the power structures of Chechnya and Russia, began to engage in "intellectual work." More attention was paid not only to the taxation of commercial structures by tribute, but also to "laundering" money with their help. One of the main types of business is the sale of weapons. Most often, these are Borz-Wolk (Uzi type) assault rifles, which are produced in Chechnya and have great lethal force. Another "trade" is the manufacture of counterfeit money. Only in 1994, a group of Chechens with a billion counterfeit rubles was detained in St. Petersburg. At the exchange rate of those days, this was about 700 thousand dollars. In addition, Chechen authorities began to take a direct part in legal business. In particular, in the trade in oil, gas and timber. At the same time, in the event of "problems" with partners, tried and tested methods were used - from anonymous threats to contract killings. The most high-profile "intellectual" case of the Chechens was the famous advice notes, according to which astronomical sums were stolen. To this day, the authorities are trying to figure out all the details of this "fraud of the century." The opinion was also expressed that this money was intended to pay for Dudayev's guards and the security service. The criminal business of Chechen gangs has crossed the borders of Russia and the CIS. In the Czech Republic, almost all prostitution was under their control, as well as merchants from former USSR. In a number of cities in Germany, the Chechens also tried to gain a foothold, but they did not succeed. From all these operations, part of the money was sent to Chechnya - either to the opposition or to Dudayev. March 2, 1993 in London, in a hotel room, found the bodies of the executed brothers Ruslan and Nazarbeg Utsiev. Ruslan Utsiev was the deputy chairman of the Military Council of Chechnya. Both were shot professionally - with a mandatory control shot to the head. The brothers had an official order from the Chechen government to negotiate the printing of Chechen money, stamps and passports. They had been in London for four months already. The Utsievs also negotiated a loan of 173 million pounds for Chechnya with the American businessman Joseph Ripp, and managed to purchase real estate in their own name. The Utsievs were also suspected of arms dealing with Muslim organizations in the Middle East. In particular, Ruslan Utsiev was negotiating in London on the purchase of a large batch of portable Stinger surface-to-air missiles for Azerbaijan.

Two Armenians were accused of killing Dudayev's envoys: Oganesyan and Martirosyan. Mkrtich Martirosyan confessed that he was a KGB officer and after the visit of Armenian KGB General Ashot Sargsyan, who unsuccessfully tried to give him an ampoule with snake venom, hanged himself on a sheet in the pre-trial detention cell of Belmarch prison. IN suicide note denied his guilt. Hovhannisyan was sentenced by a court at the Old Bailey to life imprisonment. According to some reports, both Armenians did not belong to the KGB, but to an international terrorist organization - the Armenian secret army for the liberation of Armenia "Asala", created to replace the "Dashnaktsutyun". They had secret contacts with the former chief of the KGB of Armenia, Yuzbashchyan, from which the version arose that the killers were KGB agents. The peak of this period, characterized by the participation of the militants of the former "community" both in the economy and in politics, was the October events. On the afternoon of October 3, 1993, in the forefront of the rebels who attacked from the White House, Chechens supporting Khasbulatov walked with machine guns at the ready. With the installation of the ex-speaker in Lefortovo, the strength of the Chechen groups began to wane. "Slavs", directly linking high position Ruslan Khasbulatov with the impunity of the "unlimited children of the mountains", as a result of a series of showdowns, the Chechens were driven out of many points controlled by them. Moreover, they did not particularly stand on ceremony and did not understand - they used weapons at the first opportunity. It was here that the support of the self-proclaimed Vainakh Republic came into play, from where reinforcements began to arrive in Russia. Well, the militants who "inherited" here went to Chechnya. In a word, using money and surviving connections in power structures, the Chechen authorities managed to stabilize the situation for some time. This was largely facilitated by disagreements and disassembly between the "Slavic" groups. In addition, the Chechens, according to some reports, made contact with the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Many people saw confirmation of these rumors in the fact that instead of the Chechens, Ruopovtsy and OMON began to come to the "shooters". In December 1993, in the area of ​​​​the Koptev baths, a "shooter" was to take place between the "Koptev" and "Chechen" teams. However, instead of the Caucasians, a RUOP unit came to the meeting. True, they were overtaken by local operatives, whom the "Koptevites" mistook for Chechens. Shots were fired at the operatives from pump-action rifles, several policemen were wounded, and the "Koptevites" slipped away. The next day, enraged policemen arrested 20 people from the "Koptevskaya" brigade ... A similar incident happened with the youngest Georgian thief in law Mamuka. By the beginning of 1994, seven main groups of Chechens were operating in Moscow: "Lozan", "Belgrade", "Salyutinskaya", "Ukrainian" (according to the names of hotels), central, Ostankino and Yuzhnoportovaya. Their activities were coordinated by a council of elders. Most full information there are three. The central one, under the leadership of Lecha Islamov, controlled about three hundred firms, markets, and prostitution in the city center. Ostankinskaya - headed by Bolshoy Mamud - was engaged in the delivery of necessary goods, furniture to Grozny, as well as the resale of office equipment. The third, southern port, under the leadership of Suleymanov (Khoza), specialized in cars. At the disposal of the Moscow chief of the Chechen criminal "counterintelligence" Akhmed was about 500 apartments for various "events".

With the outbreak of hostilities in Chechnya, the position of the Chechen groups became more complicated to the limit. Both the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Federal Grid Company had fairly accurate information on them. That is why the criminal Chechen elite was out of the game in Moscow and did not become the fifth column that Dzhokhar Dudayev counted on. The instinct of self-preservation turned out to be stronger than teip customs. The leaders of the Chechen diaspora assured the authorities that there would be no "transfer of hostilities to Moscow" that Dudayev spoke of. Although, in fairness, it should be said that many went to fight in Chechnya itself. In this situation, there is no need to talk about any serious clashes on the territory of the capital and other cities of Russia - supporters of a military solution to the Chechen conflict are just waiting for the slightest reason to liquidate the Vainakh groups. This is what the "Slavs" took advantage of, launching another offensive against the "community".

On this moment According to our data, there are about 3,000 Chechens operating in Moscow, united in several groups. Of these, about 250 are militants. The rest are engaged in fraud in the financial sector, drug trafficking and money laundering. Predicting the fate of this criminal community is not easy. Although, most likely, after the fall of the strongholds of the Dudayevites in major cities Chechnya will cease to be a safe haven for its prodigal sons, who hunt in the criminal field of Russia. In many ways, the defeat of the Chechen group is also due to the fact that the lawlessness of the Vainakhs awakened nationalism dormant in the soul of the layman, and any anti-Chechen steps are approved by the population. And the worst thing is that it doesn't matter to people from whose bullets the Chechens die - from the police or from the bandits.

Alexander Pogonchenkov, Oleg Fomin

Nikolai Said-Alievich Suleimanov, born in 1954, (Khoza). On December 22, 1994, he was shot with a pistol near the Mercedes maintenance station No. 7, which he had been in charge of for many years. "Khoza" is translated as "Sparrow". Since 1987, he headed the Southport group in the Moscow "Chechen community". The brigade "held" service stations and a consignment store in the South Port.

He was first arrested in the fall of 1989 on suspicion of a number of robberies against the owners of foreign cars. The latter, under the threat of physical violence, "gifted" their cars to extortionists. However, during the investigation, all the victims changed their testimony. "Khoza" was eventually sentenced to 1.5 years for possession of cartridges for a "TT" pistol. Already in 1990, under massive pressure, the sentence was canceled, and Suleimanov was released. Khoza, together with his brother Gelani Akhmadov, engaged in "intellectual racketeering" (money laundering through shell companies). The investigative group of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate in 1991 qualified the actions of the Khozy brigade "like committing a crime

organized group. The court gave a different qualification to the case, and Suleimanov received 4 years (as he had no previous convictions), half of which had already served in Butyrka by that time. A year later, he left the penal colony of the Arkhangelsk region. Returning to Grozny, he landscaped and paved one street. In May 1994, he got along with Ruslan Labazanov, in one of the clashes with the Dudaevites he was wounded and taken prisoner. After he was bought out, he returned to Moscow. On September 30, 1994, with his cousin Malik Batyrov, he organized a meeting of the Chechen Moscow diaspora. Topic: Dudayev's threat to start terror in Moscow. They decided to stigmatize Dudayev.

A little earlier, in September 1994, another leader of the "Chechen community" Gennady Lobzhanidze (Gena Shram) was shot. He was a member of the "Lausanne" brigade, was "friends" with the Solntsevo authorities. The brigade (about 100 people) was based in the Lozania cafe on Pyatnitskaya street. It was headed by Gennady Arakelov, who was killed last year.

In 1991, M. Atlangeriev (Ruslan) and Kh. Nukhaev (Khozha) were involved in the same case with Gena Shram. All three were convicted of racketeering (they imposed a tribute on the entrepreneur who opened a sausage shop in the Ramenskoye district) for 8 years. Nukhaev was requested by the law enforcement agencies of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic to conduct an investigative experiment in another case. Soon, the racketeering case of Khozha was terminated due to the lack of corpus delicti with the participation of Supreme Court Russia. The case itself was "lost" on the way from the Moskvoretsky Court to the Supreme Court.

Khazha remained in Grozny, even became Dudayev's guardsman. Then he bought a number of buildings in Grozny, bought the building of the city covered market, the former House of Officers, in which he wanted to place the bank he founded, had his people surrounded by Dudayev.

Lechi Islamov (Lechi Beard) was recently arrested by the RUOP. For several years he was on the federal wanted list for extorting a large amount of foreign currency from a businessman from Afghanistan. Based with a brigade in the hotel "Russia" on the armor of the Supreme Council of Russia. Occupied 19 rooms. He also worked on false advice. In connection with this, he repeatedly visited Western Europe, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey. He supplied weapons to Chechnya from third countries. Did plastic surgery. Hiding under the name Beridze.

The "Belgrade" group is headed by Yury and Alik Temiraliyev. On account of their impact on "Menatep", after which the brothers were tied up.

Dudayev's entourage

Gelani Akhmadov (Khoza's brother) is Dudayev's economic adviser. Listed in the All-Union wanted list. He headed the Chechen delegation in London to investigate the sensational murder of the Utsiev brothers.

Mavladi Dzhabrailov - convicted, commander of the presidential guard.

Mavladi Udugov (Temishev) - convicted, Minister of Press and Information of Chechnya.

Umaev - was under investigation in the case of rape of a minor. Ran. Being on the All-Union wanted list, he simultaneously worked in the investigating authorities in Moscow. Committee Officer national security Chechnya.


Ruslan Labazanov, (29 years old) - Chechen "Robin Hood". Sat for murder. Proficient in martial arts. Growth is about 2 meters, athletic build, he knows weapons very well. During the putsch-91, he raised a riot in the Grozny prison and freed himself and other prisoners. For this daring act, Dudayev invites Labazanov to become the head of the presidential guard. The guards included those who fled with Ruslan from prison. He becomes one of the people closest to Dudayev. President's adviser. But Labazanov leaves the president and in 1994 actively fought on the side of the opposition. In Grozny, Dudayev's cousin and close friend(their heads were cut off). Labazanov announced blood feud to Dudaev for this. He has one of the most disciplined, trained and well-armed units. Drunkenness is punishable by death. There are legends that "Robin Hood" robs only the rich, and distributes money to the poor. Fights against Dudayev and against Russian troops believing them to be robbers and murderers.

Ruslan Gantemirov is one of the leaders of the opposition. Former senior police sergeant. Sat for bribes. After Dudayev came to power, he was the first mayor of Grozny, but he wanted power and began to form his own detachments.

Chechen community

The disproportionate development of the economic infrastructure of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic over the course of decades turned the rural areas of the republic into an agrarian appendage of Grozny's gigantic oil refining and petrochemical industry. In the villages of Checheno-Ingushetia, which have always suffered from lack of land, tens of thousands of unemployed appeared - the so-called surplus rural population. The personnel policy of the republican authorities (first of all, the then first secretary of the regional committee Vlasov, who later became chairman of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR) and the leadership of the oil industry complex (USSR Minister Salambek Khadzhiev), who encouraged the influx of unskilled labor from Checheno-Ingushetia central regions Russia and did not create conditions for attracting Chechens and Ingush to the oil industry (and actually prevented this), further aggravated the situation in the republic.

In the mid-1980s, unemployment in the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic became already chronic. Every summer, tens of thousands of villagers traveled outside the republic to work. In 1989, the new first secretary of the regional committee, Doku Zavgaev, called for an end to the humiliating export of labor and promised to create jobs through the expansion of construction and development Food Industry in the province. These promises remained unfulfilled, as a result of which, by August 1991, the "surplus rural population" in Checheno-Ingushetia exceeded 100 thousand people (and according to unofficial data, approached 200 thousand), which amounted to approximately 20% of the republic's able-bodied population (according to unofficial data, about 30%). Colossal unemployment has led to the emergence of large masses of young people with virtually no means of subsistence. Chechen paupers have become a social base not only for political radicalism, but also for criminals.

The heyday of a criminal group - the Chechen community in Moscow - falls precisely on the years of peak growth in the number of paupers in Chechnya.

Organized criminal gangs of Chechens in Moscow were headed by physically strong Nikolai Suleimenov (Khoza) and Musa Altimirov. Later, Nukhaev and Atlagireev, released from prison, joined them. Issa Talarov became the treasurer of the community. The size of the Chechen community has never been as high as that of the Georgian criminal gangs, however, their fame and power were determined not by their numbers, but by their exceptional cruelty, unwillingness to recognize thieves' laws and authorities (there are no thieves in law among Chechens, and they somehow do not aspired to a "civilized" inclusion in the criminal business) and outright lawlessness in the struggle for Moscow. The Chechen community literally crushed the Bauman group. 30 Chechens broke into the cafe "Labyrinth" on Kalininsky Prospekt and slaughtered almost all the "Baumans" who were there. More than 60 Chechens committed a mass beating of gypsies who traded without a license in the Riga market. The brutal murder of members of the Lyubertsy group was also committed by a group of Chechens in the Atrium cafe. Later, the leaders of the Chechen community openly ignored the meeting of thieves in law in hotel complex"Dagomys", where where they were supposed to amicably resolve the dispute for the division of Moscow. According to unofficial data, Khoza (Suleimenov) said that "the Chechens will conquer Moscow, like the Sicilians will conquer New York."

The Chechen community successively placed under its control almost all Moscow markets, which were predominantly Azerbaijanis, car sales in the South Port, service stations for foreign cars, and then Soviet cars. The main "business" was racketeering and extortion. The maximum number of militants that Suleimenov could put up reached 500 people, but such a number of Chechens had never taken part in actions. Subsequently, representatives of other nationalities began to enter the gang (cashier Zhenya Lyuberetsky is a well-known thief in law, drug addict Sergei Mamsurov (Mamsur) is Ossetian; he was killed last year during the storming of his apartment by riot police), although they did not occupy a leadership position, since the relations of the Chechen community were built according to all the laws of the Chechen teip adat. In addition, most of the leaders of the community were relatives to one degree or another. At the same time, neither Suleimenov, nor Nukhaev, nor other leaders of the Chechen criminals in Moscow belonged to well-born teips and did not have powerful patrons in Chechnya. Later, Khoza (Suleimenov) even supported the opposition to Dzhokhar Dudayev and took part in one of the attempts to revolt against him, which was led by another criminal authority - professional killer Ruslan Labazanov (now one of the leaders of the anti-Dudaev opposition). Detachments of militants Labazanov and Suleimenov were forced out by Dudayev's guards to the outskirts of Grozny and blocked in a 9-storey building, from where they were then driven out and relocated to the city of Argun - the teip homeland of Suleimenov and Labazanov. Dudayev's Abkhaz guards stormed Argun and dispersed Labazanov's militants with great sacrifices. Dudayev's Abkhaz Guards stormed Argun and dispersed the militants Labazanov and Khoza with great sacrifices, and Suleimenov was seriously wounded.

In principle, the Chechen community could not stand the competition with the also rapidly growing Slavic criminal groups in Moscow. The arrest of the group's second most important leader, Nukhaev, also seriously weakened its position. Khoza (Suleimenov) was killed on December 23, 1994 in Moscow under the same mysterious circumstances as the Georgian authorities. His "nine" was shot from Western automatic weapons at the entrance of the house where he lived. The history of the rise of the Chechen community is over. The group was practically destroyed.

Blacklist of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Vihengireev Salautdin Tumaevich, born in 1953, formally heads the Big Business Group SE and the Rashat cooperative, located in the Voskhod hotel. He offered the director of the Voskhod Hotel to privatize it, taking on all financial issues.

Utsiev Ruslan Zurbikovich, born in 1954, actually manages the association of external economic ties"ASKO" (Galushkina str., 3), a close associate of President Dudaev, adviser on foreign economic relations, is known to the 3rd department of the 3rd service of the UBKK of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Arsamakov Abubakar Azazarovich, born in 1956, lives on Lyusinovskaya street, 43-18

Buktaev Lecha Khamidovich, born in 1944, lives at Pogodinskaya St., 4-36, both are connections of G.I. JSC "Development".

Bogatyrev Kureima Sultanovich, permanently residing in the Izmailovo Hotel, tried to open a current account in the Elektrostal branch of the Savings Bank in Moscow, he registered Sokol and K LLP.

Vykhovsky (deputy director of the guest house "Cosmos") and Bogdanov (chairman of the commercial structure "SPACE", according to operational data, for bribes, they settle Chechens to live in the hotel "Cosmos".

ISA (without setting data) - the leader of the Chechen community of MIT (Technological Institute), Pushkinsky District of Moscow, uses a car with license plates E 16-47 ME.

Muguev Ayub Khalodovich, born in 1962,

Bushurov Aymiran Abumvakhidovich, born in 1959,

Jablaev Ayubkhan Khasanovich, born in 1966,

Kerailov Olkhazur Borminovich, born in 1966,

Khadisov Nurza Khalidovich, periodically live in the hotel "Zorkiy" (Krasnogorsk MO).

Ismailov Magomed Uzhakhovich, born in 1954, registered in Moscow at 9-68 Mozhayskoe shosse, does not live at the address, director of MOC-5 "Avtovaztechobsluzhivanie" (Yaroslavskoe shosse).

Temirsultanov Abdul-Khamir Adamovich, born in 1960, lives in Kaliningrad, 28-30 Koroleva Ave., nickname "Abdulla", director of the "Avtozapchasti" store.

Khazbulatov N.P., deputy chief OBKhSS RUVD-17 ( Krasnogvardeisky district), maintains extensive contacts with Chechens from commercial structures, uses their services.

Saidulaev Adam Khuseinovich, born in 1956, a native of Grozny, lives in the city of Odintsovo, Moscow Region, Chikina St., 2-115, (object of the Organized Crime Control Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation), one of the leaders of the "Chechen community", until 1991 was the owner of the "common fund", his close ties: Karakotov Soltan, born in 1954, lives in the city of Odintsovo on Parkovaya St., 25, coach of the sports club "Iskra" in weightlifting, Huseynov Ruslan, born in 1970, coach of the sports club "Iskra" in kettlebell lifting.

Idrisov Ruslan Gamalayevich, born in 1964, CHIASSR, registered in the North Kazakhstan region, Timiryazevsky district, Timiryazevka-2 village, Gochaya-24 street, lived in the Voskhod hotel, building 1, room in Moscow 524. On October 28, 1992, he was detained, a live grenade and a large sum of money were confiscated from him. A criminal case was initiated under Article 218 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR.

Tumgaev Musa Bogomutdinovich, born in 1972, lives in the city of Nazran, Bulvarnaya St., Arapaev Mustapa Abashevich, born in 1967, a native of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, lives in the village of Eskazhelo, Nazran District, Lomonosov St., 19,

Tumgaev Bahadur Usmanovich, born in 1968, lives in the village of Surani on Vostochnaya street, 4-8,

the last three, on 10/22/92, participated in an attack on police officers who were inspecting their car.

Taramov Salambek Bashevich, a native of Grozny, is suspected of killing two SA officers near the Uzbekistan restaurant in February 1991, a member of a "Chechen criminal group."

Gaziev Hamid (Hamad)- from 1944 to 1956 he committed terrorist attacks in Tashkent, Chimkent, Dzhambul, Frunze, Alma-Ata. He received wide publicity when a KGB capture group in 1968 killed him during an assault in the village of Chemulga, located south of the village of Assinovskaya. Then the article "Blood on a white turban" appeared in the Groznensky Rabochiy newspaper.
Photo from the investigation file from the place of destruction of the bandit group.
It all started traditionally for a Chechen bandit. In 1938, in the village of Elistanzhi, he killed his best friend, his brother, with a pistol shot. He fled, lived in the forest for 6 years, killed, of course, moved to Central Asia after the war, he gathered a new gang and began to act.

Gaziev considered it his sacred duty to harm the USSR as much as possible. When he became aware of the decision of the USSR government to restore the Chechen autonomy, Gaziev announced to his team that sabotage against the authorities had ceased (although this is known only from the words of his Chechen admirers). The members of the gang began to persuade him to allow them to make a last raid on the Kirovsky District Bank of the Kirghiz SSR, where, according to their calculations, there was a huge amount of money. Here, Gaziev did not interfere with them, but said: "From now on, we do not know each other and stop doing evil against the authorities."

After that, he left for Tashkent, and from there to the Caucasus. The remaining group on August 25, 1956 tried to rob the Kirovsky Bank, as a result of which four people were killed. All participants in this raid were captured and received "in full". But Khamid Gaziev returned to Chechnya and in 1968 a team from Moscow arrived to take Gaziev alive, but this did not succeed. He was killed as a result of a well-organized special operation in the village of Chemulga.

The corpse of Khasukh Magomadov. This is another well-known Nazi accomplice with a rich biography. In 1936, at one of the parties, Khasuha quarreled with someone and committed a murder, after which he fled. They say that one day he came to the village of Novolak (Boni-aul) and heard dance music. Khasukha hid his weapon in the bushes and asked the first person he met: "Was anyone married?" In response, they told him: “Countryman, we are happy. Today the Chechens were expelled. Therefore, we made a “lovzar” ... Khasukha returned back, took his weapon and killed 41 party participants (according to a resident of the village). Since then, all 13 years Khasukha killed until 1957. Shot dead ... in 1976, at the age of 69. He and his gang of Caucasian Nazis had been in an illegal position since 1939.

Interestingly, not one of the enthusiastic admirers of these bandits describes their gang adventures during the war. As if they were hibernating.

The FSB Central Archive contains declassified materials from the criminal case of German intelligence resident Osman Saydnurov (undercover pseudonym - Guba), who was abandoned in the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic in 1942 to form bandit groups and organize an uprising in the Caucasus.

In early 1943, the fascist emissary Osman Gube was arrested by Soviet counterintelligence and gave evidence that contributed to the almost complete defeat of the Caucasian "insurgent" movement. Here are some excerpts from the interrogation protocols of the fascist resident.

“Question: - How did you get to the territory of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic?

Answer: - I was thrown into the territory of Checheno-Ingushetia from an aircraft belonging to German army, August 25, 1942 and landed in the area of ​​​​the villages of Arshty - Bereshki, Galashkinsky district.

Question: - How many people were dropped by the Germans at the same time as you? Name them.

Answer: - Four. Ramazanov Ali, 45 years old, a native of the Kazikumuk district of the Dagestan ASSR, who lived in the Crimea, where he was engaged in notching silver; Gasanov Daud, 35 years old, a native of the village of Untsukul, Dagestan ASSR; Batalov Akhmed, 30 years old, Chechen, native of the Shali district of the Chechen-Ingush ASSR; Agaev Salman, a Chechen, a native of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, served in the Red Army in the paratrooper unit and, together with a group of 15 people, was transferred to the Crimea in early 1942 to join the partisans, but the next day he was detained and recruited by the Germans .

Question: - With what task did you arrive in CHIASSR?

Answer: - Recruitment local residents. Intelligence activities. Organization of blowing up bridges and other structures in the hope of disrupting the movement of units of the Red Army. Incite the local population to sabotage and disrupt the activities of the Soviet authorities to supply food to the Red Army. Conduct pro-fascist agitation among the population and spread rumors about the imminent arrival of German troops, their upcoming capture of the entire Caucasus, promising independence to all Caucasian peoples on behalf of the German command. Organize, if possible, an uprising in the mountainous regions and seize power into your own hands, uniting bandit gangs and rebel groups for this purpose ...

The fact that the intention of the fascist special services to raise an uprising in the Caucasus was not groundless is also evidenced by the documents of local political agencies, recently declassified in the Central Archive of the RF Ministry of Defense.

According to the military commissariats, in March 1942 from 14576 Chechen conscripts deserted 13560 people who went to the mountains and joined gangs.

At the end of August 1943, the head of the political department of the military commissariat of the CHIASSR, Colonel Ivanov, reported to the higher leadership: “In Shatoevsky, Itum-Kalinsky, Cheberloevsky, Sharoevsky and other areas, the situation continues to be tense.

1. On August 12, 1943, a group of bandits entered the regional center of the Achaluk district, armed with machine guns and rifles. The bandits opened fire, attacked the apartment of policeman Bistov, opened fire on the windows. Bistov managed to escape, and his 14-year-old daughter was killed.

2. 18.8.43 from the collective farm. The "2nd Five-Year Plan" of the Achaluk region was taken away by bandits of collective farm horses.

3. 18.8.43 in the area of ​​the villages. Buty, an armed gang of up to 30 people attacked a convoy with a load of the Sharoevsky general store.

4. On August 19, 1943, a group of an armed gang in the Kirinsky village council stole up to 300 sheep.

5. In Achkhoi-Martan district 13.8. 43 in the village of Chu-Zhi-Chu, the chairman of the village council Comrade Larsonova was killed by a group of bandits.

At present, measures are being taken to liquidate counter-revolutionary bandit groups in the republic.”

Reading these documents, one involuntarily draws attention to the fact that even in war time bandit attacks in Chechnya were not as bloody and cruel as they are today. Perhaps that is why some of the bandit groups managed to escape destruction, and they hid in the mountains for quite a long time after the war?

I recently had a chance to talk on this topic with KGB Major General Eduard Boleslavovich Nordman. Here is what he said:

In 1968, I participated in a scheduled inspection of the work of the Chechen-Ingush KGB. From conversations with local Chekists, I suddenly learned that two unfinished gangs, formed during the war years, are still hiding in the mountains. True, their activities have lost any political connotation. Just survived, robbed the local population. But it did not betray its offenders - due to its peculiar mentality.

What kind of mentality is this - you can see in this video. However, the killed tourists and the beheaded employees of the Red Cross, the maternity hospital and the school .... In general, this is the mentality.

In the 1970s, these old men were replaced by a new generation of bandits. In 1975, a new "steady gang" emerged. Its basis was some Gegirov (leader), Shogenov, Kyarov, Bitsuev and Gedogushev. At the peak of "activities" the number of the gang reached 32 people. The geography of its action stretched from the Stavropol Territory to Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachay-Cherkessia and North Ossetia.
First, the group made several raids on civilian facilities in order to get money and buy cars and weapons for them: the Lesken consumer society suffered (a watchman was killed), several cafes, and a department store in North Ossetian Digor. Part of the proceeds - about 9 thousand rubles, they gave to the underground Muslim clergy to print the Koran and other spiritual literature.
In 1979 the gang decided to go to Nalchik. They chose the pre-trial detention center as the target of the attack. The raid ended with half success - the armory could not be taken by storm, but the machine guns were taken from the prison guards.
After that, there were armed raids on police stations, on military registration and enlistment offices, and again on department stores. The gang by that time was armed with machine guns and machine guns, it had 7 cars at its disposal. After the raids, they lay for some time at the bottom in the mountain villages.

In the end, the gang was stormed in Nalchik.
Vladimir was chosen as the place of trial. More than 300 soldiers were involved in the protection.

As a result, the court in 1981 sentenced the most notorious militants - Khabala Osmanov, Aslan Gegirov, Ruslan Gubachikov and Safrail Kyarov to death.

From the history of independent Ichkeria:
"... Failing to get a ransom, the bandits beheaded three Britons: Peter Kennedy, Darren Hickey, Rudolf Petchy and New Zealander Stanley Shaw. On December 8, 1998, the heads of the hostages were found on the side of the federal highway "Caucasus", near Grozny. All four employees of the British of the Granger Telecom company, which concluded a contract with customers from Chechen Telecom, were engaged in establishing communication links in the self-proclaimed Ichkeria ... "

Note that they came at the invitation of gang leaders from Britain, which was friendly to them. And these are by no means isolated cases. All foreign human rights and international organizations, after numerous cases like this, ceased their activities before the destruction of the bandits already under Putin. Although they continued to provide them with asylum in their countries.

True, after the murders and explosions, already in the EU countries they began to judge and expel the once kindly Chechens.

From Musa Geshaev's book "Famous Chechens"
FSB website

Origin and activity

In Moscow, representatives of the Chechen organized criminal group began to operate in the mid-1980s. In the early 1990s, gangs were active in the hotel and gambling business. The main leaders were Khozh-Akhmet Nukhaev ("Khozha"), Nikolai (Khoza) Suleymanov, Movladi Atlangeriev, Sultan Daudov.

In 1992-1994, nine banks in Chechnya received 485 false advice letters in the amount of 1 trillion rubles. The Investigative Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs revealed the activities of the group, which included Khusein Chekuev, Shaman Zelimkhanov and Ali Ibragimov. 250 criminal cases were initiated and 2,500 false advice notes worth more than 270 billion rubles were discovered.

By the end of 1994, most of the Chechen criminal groups in Moscow were either destroyed in battles with the Slavic mafia (which also disappeared over time) and law enforcement agencies that united against them, or fled to Chechnya and joined the growing movement of separatist militants. During the war in Chechnya, a stream of immigration poured out of the region, which was facilitated by the soft policy of European countries that granted immigrants the status of political refugees and housing. Among them were many former bandits and militants hiding from the Russian federal forces. As a result, after a while the Chechen mafia settled in many European countries and began to engage in criminal activities again (currently organizing prostitution, drug trafficking and protecting small businesses). In Italy, the refugees did not manage to engage in organized criminal activity, since the Sicilian and Neapolitan mafia clans (in whose ranks today, it is noteworthy, there are many ethnic Ukrainians) successfully managed to defend their territory. The Chechen mafia in Europe is often referred to as the "Russian mafia", although its ranks are still dominated by ethnic Chechens.

Support for armed bandit formations of separatists

In 2004, the leaders of Chechen criminal groups Omar Bekaev (Omar Ufimsky) and Salman-Parusei Abdurzakov (Timur Saratovsky), suspected of financing separatist formations, were detained. Both citizens, according to the Kommersant publication, have the status of " thieves in law". As a representative of the GUBOP said, “donations from criminal leaders are one of the income items for field commanders in Chechnya, so our operatives are constantly focused on identifying and detaining such leaders and authorities.” During the 1990s, Bekayev directed the criminal activities of several Chechen gangs in Bashkortostan, according to the Interior Ministry.

In other countries

Chechen criminal groups also operate outside of Russia.

According to a representative of the Main Criminal Police Department of Latvia, the Chechen criminal group is one of the most dangerous. The activities of the Chechen organized crime group are connected with the Ventspils oil terminal, members of the group distribute counterfeit money, try to control the oil business, banks, and construction.

see also



  • Chechen crime in Moscow // Kommersant No. 20 (738) of 02/04/1995

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

See what the "Chechen mafia" is in other dictionaries:

    The mafia is a criminal group that formed in Sicily in the second half of the 19th century. Also the designation of other organizations, such as: Albanian mafia American mafia Irish mafia Chinese mafia Mexican mafia Russian mafia ... ... Wikipedia

    "Ichkeria" redirects here; see also other meanings. Chechen Republic of Ichkeria Chech. Nóxçiyn Respúblik Içkéri Nokhchiyn Republic of Ichkeri unrecognized republic ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see Mafia (meanings). The mafia (Italian mafia) is a criminal community that formed in Sicily in the second half of the 19th century and subsequently spread its activity to large, ... ... Wikipedia

    Mafia (Italian mafia) is a secret society, an organized criminal group (OCG), which widely uses arbitrariness, violence and murder to achieve its criminal goals. In order to avoid legal retribution for his deeds, he bribes officials ... ... Wikipedia

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    Ethnic criminal formations are groups, communities (organizations), which are specific criminal associations that are formed on a national (ethnic) basis, that is, they unite persons of one or ... ... Wikipedia

    Ethnic criminal groups - associations of persons on an ethnic basis to carry out criminal activities in a certain area public life, which has a material, information base, as well as a mechanism for protecting against social ... ... Wikipedia

    Ethnic criminal groups are associations of persons on an ethnic basis to carry out criminal activities in a certain area of ​​public life, having a material, information base, as well as a mechanism for protecting against social ... ... Wikipedia, Vyacheslav Denisov. The governor of the northern "fish" region was stabbed to death right in a Moscow hotel room. The case was entrusted to the most cunning investigator - the big man of the Prosecutor General's Office Ivan Kryazhin. Starting an investigation... eBook

Like other well-known organized criminal groups of the USSR, the Chechen mafia declared itself in the late 80s - early 90s of the last century. The "Chechen" organized crime groups were among the most brutal, they took an active part in the war that broke out in the North Caucasus.

Creation of the "Lozanskaya" organized criminal group

This group is called the bloodiest among the then organized crime groups - the Chechens were especially cruel in showdowns with the rest of the gangs of the capital. It got its name from the Losania restaurant, where the bandits preferred to gather. Among the ethnic criminal gangs of that time, the Lausannes were the most influential. The leaders of the "Lausanne" were Movladi Atlangeriev and Khozh-Akhmed Nukhaev. They started with robberies foreign students, who were engaged in fartsovka in Moscow, served time in prison for this. Coming out of there in the late 80s, Atlangeriev and Nukhaev, they united (according to some sources, not without the help of special services) all the scattered Chechen groups operating in Moscow at that time. Researchers of the criminal wars of the 80s and 90s argue that this had to be done in order to have some kind of counterbalance to the numerous Slavic organized crime groups, which had completely gone mad by that time.

Launched knives

"Lozanskie" quickly took control of all currency shops in the capital, most of the hotels and gas stations. Sharing spheres of influence with other organized crime groups, the Chechens slaughtered competitors with knives during a showdown. In 1988, such a battle took place in the Labyrinth restaurant, where the "Lozan" sorted out relations with the "Bauman", then they also taught the "Lyubertsy" a lesson in the "Atrium" cafe. And such cruel fights were arranged regularly. They preferred not to get involved with the "Lausannes", since they did not always recognize even thieves' concepts.

Berezovsky paid them

With the intensification of national separatist sentiments in Chechnya, the "Lozan" strengthened their position in the rebellious republic, although before that they were strong there. The bandits supported, including financially, the new president of Chechnya, Dzhokhar Dudayev. Nukhaev became the closest associate of the general. In 1990, the top of the "Lausanne" was put on long terms, which they, however, did not serve to the end. Having been released, the Chechens were closely engaged in scams with advice notes, continued to work with businessman Boris Berezovsky, with whom the “Lozanians” had been in contact since the 80s. Berezovsky, in fact, was under the "roof" of the Chechen organized crime group, Nukhaev and Atlangeriev owned a significant stake in his LogoVAZ. The Lozanskys helped the businessman resolve the issue with the leader of the Orekhovskys, Sylvester, whose people “threw” Berezovsky for a billion rubles.

Bandits at war

With the outbreak of hostilities in Chechnya, a number of "Lozan" actively joined the campaign to organize and carry out terrorist attacks. According to some reports, it was the members of this group who were involved in the explosion of a trolley bus in Moscow in December 1994 and in an attempt to plant a bomb on the bridge over the Yauza (in this case, the miner himself, an employee of Nukhaev's company, died). Many "Lozan" became part of the government of the Chechen separatists. With the coming to power of Aslan Maskhadov, with whom representatives of the influential organized criminal group did not immediately get along, the Lozanians took part in one of the assassination attempts on the President of Chechnya. The car bomb that exploded next to Maskhadov's car, however, did not cause much harm to the leader of the republic.

The assassination of the President of "Spartacus"

One of the most resonant crimes in which the "Lausanne" were involved. Director General football club "Spartak" Larisa Nechaeva, along with her brother and girlfriend, were shot dead by two killers in June 1997. The Lozanskys had commercial interests in the club, and when Nechaeva tried to squeeze out the representatives of the organized criminal group from Spartak, an assassination attempt was organized on her. The killers hiding in Chechnya (one of them was directly involved in organizing the assassination attempt on Maskhadov) were eventually found and killed by their fellow countrymen.

The defeat of the group

In the "zero" "Lausanne" were finally defeated by law enforcement agencies. Atlangeriev was killed in Chechnya, and Nukhaev, who fled to Azerbaijan, who was noted for his involvement in organizing the murder of well-known journalist Paul Khlebnikov and Colonel Yuri Budanov, was put on the international wanted list. His death was periodically reported, but there is no exact data on this.

Like other well-known organized criminal groups of the USSR, the Chechen mafia declared itself in the late 80s - early 90s of the last century. The "Chechen" organized crime groups were among the most brutal, they took an active part in the war that broke out in the North Caucasus.

Creation of the "Lozanskaya" organized criminal group

This group is called the bloodiest among the then organized crime groups - the Chechens were especially cruel in showdowns with the rest of the gangs of the capital. It got its name from the Losania restaurant, where the bandits preferred to gather. Among the ethnic criminal gangs of that time, the Lausannes were the most influential. The leaders of the "Lausanne" were Movladi Atlangeriev and Khozh-Akhmed Nukhaev. They started with robberies of foreign students who were engaged in fartsovka in Moscow, they served time in prison for this. Coming out of there in the late 80s, Atlangeriev and Nukhaev, they united (according to some sources, not without the help of special services) all the scattered Chechen groups operating in Moscow at that time. Researchers of the criminal wars of the 80s and 90s argue that this had to be done in order to have some kind of counterbalance to the numerous Slavic organized crime groups, which had completely gone mad by that time.

Launched knives

"Lozanskie" quickly took control of all currency shops in the capital, most of the hotels and gas stations. Sharing spheres of influence with other organized crime groups, the Chechens slaughtered competitors with knives during a showdown. In 1988, such a battle took place in the Labyrinth restaurant, where the "Lozan" sorted out relations with the "Bauman", then they also taught the "Lyubertsy" a lesson in the "Atrium" cafe. And such cruel fights were arranged regularly. They preferred not to get involved with the "Lausannes", since they did not always recognize even thieves' concepts.

Berezovsky paid them

With the intensification of national separatist sentiments in Chechnya, the "Lozan" strengthened their position in the rebellious republic, although before that they were strong there. The bandits supported, including financially, the new president of Chechnya, Dzhokhar Dudayev. Nukhaev became the closest associate of the general. In 1990, the top of the “Lausannes” were imprisoned for long terms, which, however, they never served to the end. Having been released, the Chechens were closely engaged in scams with advice notes, continued to work with businessman Boris Berezovsky, with whom the “Lozanians” had been in contact since the 80s. Berezovsky, in fact, was under the "roof" of the Chechen organized crime group, Nukhaev and Atlangeriev owned a significant stake in his LogoVAZ. The Lozanskys helped the businessman resolve the issue with the leader of the Orekhovskys, Sylvester, whose people “threw” Berezovsky for a billion rubles.

Bandits at war

With the outbreak of hostilities in Chechnya, a number of "Lozan" actively joined the campaign to organize and carry out terrorist attacks. According to some reports, it was the members of this group who were involved in the explosion of a trolley bus in Moscow in December 1994 and in an attempt to plant a bomb on the bridge over the Yauza (in this case, the miner himself, an employee of Nukhaev's company, died). Many "Lozan" became part of the government of the Chechen separatists. With the coming to power of Aslan Maskhadov, with whom representatives of the influential organized criminal group did not immediately get along, the Lozanians took part in one of the assassination attempts on the President of Chechnya. The car bomb that exploded next to Maskhadov's car, however, did not cause much harm to the leader of the republic.

The assassination of the President of "Spartacus"

One of the most resonant crimes in which the "Lausanne" were involved. The general director of the Spartak football club, Larisa Nechaeva, along with her brother and girlfriend, were shot dead by two killers in June 1997. The Lozanskys had commercial interests in the club, and when Nechaeva tried to squeeze out the representatives of the organized criminal group from Spartak, an assassination attempt was organized on her. The killers hiding in Chechnya (one of them was directly involved in organizing the assassination attempt on Maskhadov) were eventually found and killed by their fellow countrymen.

The defeat of the group

In the "zero" "Lausanne" were finally defeated by law enforcement agencies. Atlangeriev was killed in Chechnya, and Nukhaev, who fled to Azerbaijan, who was noted for his involvement in organizing the murder of well-known journalist Paul Khlebnikov and Colonel Yuri Budanov, was put on the international wanted list. His death was periodically reported, but there is no exact data on this matter.HeaderHeader

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