Hand on heart, I will say: "I did not want to write about it!" But, since the people continue to "chew" the next nonsense and launch "Victory balloons" into the sky .... I have to clarify. In this article I set myself the task - to make you think. Just think.

On December 26, 2014, the outlines of a familiar ship flashed in the Bosphorus. A high “Atlantic” bow, an octagonal prism of the superstructure, a dashingly littered foremast, emphasizing the swift silhouette of the Aegis destroyer... An old friend returned to the Black Sea - USS Donald Cook (DDG-75). A US Navy guided missile destroyer that became famous after a high-profile incident in April 2014.
However, that incident became “loud” only on one side of the ocean. On the official website of the destroyer "Donald Cook" there is no mention of the refusal of the "Aegis", the inclusion of the electronic warfare of the "Khibiny" or the reports of 27 sailors who resigned with the motivation "we do not want to put our lives in mortal danger."

Missile destroyer of the 6th Fleet (assigned to the naval base Rota in Spain) all last year patrolled the water area mediterranean sea while completing tasks missile defense Europe and demonstrating guarantees of support for US allies in the region. On New Year's holidays (December 26 - January 14), the Americans decided to have a nice rest on the Black Sea. During 21 days of active rest, the destroyer visited Constanta and Varna, conducted joint maneuvers with a Turkish Navy ship and the only surviving ship of the Ukrainian Navy, the Hetman Sahaidachny frigate, and then, within the time period established by the Montreux Convention, left the Black Sea.

In connection with the previous events (of April 12, 2014), a reasonable question arises: what is it that “Cook” again forgot in our latitudes? Are the Yankees looking for new adventures? They completely lost their fear. Came for a rematch? Or did their acquaintance with CREP “Khibiny” not bring obvious expectations?

90 launch missile silos with the ability to store and launch anti-aircraft missiles of any class - from ESSM light self-defense missiles (4 in each cell) to SM-3 space interceptors. In addition to missiles, universal mines can be used to place Tomahawks and anti-submarine missile torpedoes - in any combination, depending on the tasks ahead. The destroyer's air defense in the near zone is additionally provided by two Phalanx high-speed anti-aircraft guns (4000 rds / min) with guidance according to the data of the radars built into them. All weapons and systems are under the unified control of the Aegis (Aegis) combat information and control system, which provides automatic detection, tracking, selection and destruction of selected targets on water, under water and in the air, and also controls the operation of the power plant, navigation systems, communications , as well as means of combating the survivability of the ship. The automated robot ship is able to exchange information with its “colleagues” (today, the Aegis are installed on 84 cruisers and destroyers of the US Navy), distribute tasks and independently make decisions in a combat situation.

“Donald Cook is more than capable of defending himself against two Su-24s”

- said Colonel Stephen Warren of the Pentagon press service.

Radiance of pure energy

Power plant destroyer Arleigh Burke consists of four General Electric LM2500 gas turbines with a total capacity of 77 million watts (105,000 hp), which allows the destroyer to reach speeds of over 30 knots (~55 km/h).

The Burks power supply system of the first sub-series consists of three Allison 501-K34 gas turbine generators (GTGS, Gas Turbine Generator Sets) with a capacity of 2.5 MW each, dispersed in three compartments (generator No. 1 - auxiliary machinery compartment, No. 2 - the second turbine compartment , No. 3 - a separate generator compartment), which allows for sufficient power generation to provide all ship consumers, including the Aegis CICS and its subsystems: first of all, advanced detection tools and weapons.

Three-phase electrical network, voltage 440 V, frequency 60 Hz.

Destroyers built at the beginning of the new century were equipped with new 3-megawatt generators. In the future, in the event of the appearance of a heavy-duty missile defense radar AMDR (sub-series 3 destroyers), one of the destroyer’s helicopter hangars will have to be converted to install an additional generator: the voltage in the network will increase to 4500 Volts, which will entail a significant number of technical problems related to electrical safety and nutrition of ordinary consumers.
The Su-24 front-line bomber (and its reconnaissance version Su-24MR) is equipped with two GT30P48B alternators with a power of 30 kW each (they generate current under voltage 200/115 V, frequency 400 Hz) and two GSR-ST-12/40a direct current generators power 12.5 kW (nominal voltage 28.5 V).
To convert the voltage of alternators into a three-phase current with a nominal voltage of 36 volts and a frequency of 400 Hz, two power transformers are provided (three-phase current is necessary for the operation of sighting and navigation equipment).

AN/SPY-1 phased radar antenna (one of four). Peak radiation power 6 MW.

Electronic warfare station AN/SLQ-32, known in maritime jargon as "Slick-32". Included in the standard equipment of all American destroyers.

Container KREP "Khibiny" (L175V). Container length 4950 mm. Weight 300 kg. Power consumption 3.6 kW

Based on the above data, the well-known “elephant and pug” paradox arises.

"Cook" even from a distance spotted the approach of "drying", played a combat alarm and froze at combat posts. Everything was going well, the radars considered the course of rapprochement with the target, "Aegis" regularly controlled the guidance systems. And suddenly - bang! Everything went out. "Aegis" does not work, screens show haze, even "Phalanxes" can not get target designation! Meanwhile, the SU-24 passed over the deck of the Cook, made a combat turn and simulated a missile attack on the target. Of course, successful - because there is no opposition! Then he turned around and imitated another one. And so on - 10 more times! All attempts by technicians to revive the Aegis and give target designation for air defense failed, and only when the silhouette of the “drying” melted into a haze over the Russian coast did the screens come to life, and the guidance systems conscientiously showed a clear April sky shining with emptiness.

- From the popular article "Khibiny" against "Aegis", or What scared the Pentagon so much?

“Clap!” - good sound. But for some reason, ordinary logic suggests the opposite: to distinguish the pulses of the Khibiny against the background of the pulses of the SPY-1 radar and the destroyer's electronic warfare systems is like hearing the breath of a KamAZ driver through the roar of the engine.

Therefore, all the tales about “jamming”, “turning off” and any kind of “maddening” of the Aegis system radars with impulses inferior in power by three (!) Orders are designed for victims of the USE and cannot be taken seriously.

It is not possible to “burn” or in any way damage the destroyer’s electronics with an electronic warfare container. To create an impulse of the required power, a nuclear charge equivalent to tens and even hundreds of kilotons of TNT would have to be blown up near the ship.

Finally, one must be aware that the Khibiny KREP is not an offensive, but a purely defensive weapon.

What can "Khibiny"

Aviation electronic countermeasure systems are considered an important element that increases the chances of aircraft survival in modern combat conditions. The principle of operation of the CREP is based on radio direction finding of the probing signal of the radiation source (enemy radar) with subsequent distortion of the parameters of the reflected signal in order to:

- delays in the detection of the carrier aircraft of the KREP as an object of attack for the enemy;
- masking the true object against the background of false ones;
- difficulties in measuring the distance to the object, its speed and angular position;
- deterioration of the characteristics of the tracking mode "on the way" when scanning the beam of the radar antenna;
- increase in time and difficulty in capturing an object when switching to continuous radio direction finding mode.

It is impossible to “cut down” the enemy’s radar with the help of the Khibiny CREP (such a task is not even set), but, acting on a local scale, it is quite possible to turn the “drying” into a “difficult target”, giving the pilots a few precious minutes to complete the task in the coverage area aviation and air defense of the enemy.

Now about how all this relates to the case of “Donald Cook”. The answer is no!

KREP "Khibiny" is not installed on Su-24 aircraft (silent scene). The complex is intended only for new Su-34 tactical bombers (mentioned containers L175V, delivery of 92 sets, according to the contract of the Ministry of Defense dated 01/14/2013). The version of this station KS-418E for the export Su-24MK and MK-2 did not go into production; it was last seen at the MAKS air show booth in the mid-2000s.

For effective operation of the Khibiny, it is not required to fly up point-blank to the enemy's radar. The radiation power of the radar is inversely proportional to the fourth power of the distance. And if at a distance of 200 km there is still a chance to distort the signal and “deceive” the radar of the Aegis destroyer, then it will be extremely problematic to do this close: powerful signals will quickly reveal the true position of the bomber and nothing good awaits the pilots.

Taking into account all of the above, it becomes clear the price of all the talk about the outbreak of panic on board, and the voluntary disembarkation of 27 frightened crew members. The air show hosted by a single Russian bomber undoubtedly remains a bright page in memory American sailors, but could not cause any serious consequences. "Donald Cook" continued to fulfill its tasks in the region. And, as we see, eight months later, without any special fears, he again returned to the Black Sea. American sailors (each, in accordance with his official duties) are aware of the capabilities of their supership and know how invulnerable their destroyer is to attacks by single aircraft.

The Aegis system is not perfect. But, when criticizing, it is necessary to understand that where the Aegis destroyer fails, the other ship will “throw back” even earlier. This is one of the best shipborne air defense systems, continuously evolving for 30 years. Any mockery here is inappropriate. As well as doubts about the combat capabilities of a robotic destroyer: contrary to the opinion of the victims of the Unified State Examination, electronics are the most reliable element of any system (an example is spacecraft, where they try to minimize the number of moving parts), the most resistant to strong vibrations and other unfavorable factors. Let's leave the tales of "powerful electromagnetic pulses" to the conscience of fans of nuclear weapons.

By the time the computers “flicker” and “go out”, all other ship systems (mechanics / hydraulics / electric drive) will have long been broken and disabled.

Attempts to find the source of the news about the flight of 27 sailors lead to the same Russian-language Internet resource. The Pentagon's official statement regarding this incident does not contain any meaningful information. The Americans only hint offendedly that it was impolite.

What was it?

Aircrew commanders of aircraft of each Party shall exercise the greatest caution and prudence when approaching aircraft of the other Party operating over open sea, and ships of the other Party operating on the high seas, in particular to ships engaged in the release or reception of aircraft, and in the interests of mutual security should not allow: imitation of attacks by simulating the use of weapons against aircraft, any ships, performing various aerobatic maneuvers over ships and dropping various objects near them in such a way that they represent a danger to ships or a hindrance to navigation.

- Article 4 of the Agreement between the governments of the USSR and the USA on the prevention of incidents on the high seas and in the airspace above it.

The incident with the 12 flybys of the Donald Cook can be viewed as a combat maneuver to demonstrate their displeasure with the presence of an American ship in the Black Sea and to politely warn the Yankees against making any sudden movements in the context of the growing intra-Ukrainian conflict.

Since its inception in the skies of Europe during World War II, electronic warfare has always been a game of cat and mouse. Now it looks like Russia is adding another key element to it: Dezinformatsiya.

The Digital Forensic Research Lab, a division of the Atlantic Council in Washington DC, has exposed an apparent fake circulated as part of the Russian information warfare campaign.

In the days after the incident in the Black Sea, unsubstantiated claims were circulated in Russian print media and social networks that the Su-24 aircraft, "equipped the latest complex electronic warfare "Khibiny", managed to suppress and disable the radar and other electronic systems of the destroyer "Donald Cook".

Researchers and laboratory staff found out, among other things, that the Khibiny complex is not installed on Su-24 aircraft.

According to none other than the manufacturer of Russian electronic warfare systems, known as the Radioelectronic Technologies Concern, which is part of the state enterprise Rostec, this complex is installed only on Su-30, Su-34 and Su-35 aircraft.

“The manufacturer of Khibiny himself has already exposed this story,” the researchers from the USA concluded. "It was either a catastrophic mistake made from great diligence, or a deliberate deception." Most experts agree that it was most likely the latter.

Indeed, US military analysts have previously questioned claims that Russian system EW suppressed the radar and electronics of the US ship.

Expressing skepticism about the incident with the Russian aircraft overflying the destroyer Donald Cook, the Army's Foreign Military Studies Office noted that Russia "does have a growing EW capability, and the political and military leadership understands the importance of technological progress in this type of warfare.

However, Division analysts also believe that the Black Sea incident was part of a larger operation in Russia's information war. Their analytical report is called: "Russian EW or IW?" ("Russian weapons - electronic or informational?")

Based on the latest evidence that the Russian EW attack was a hoax, most Western military analysts point to information weapons. Moreover, the outright Russian fake about the "electronic bomb" could even more accurately be described as "disguise", or military deception is another Russian speciality.

The researchers, led by Ben Nimmo, Senior Information Security Fellow at the Digital Forensic Research Laboratory, stressed that the sophisticated hoax called the “electronic bomb” highlights the fact that Russian state media “knowingly reported fabricated information in order to glorify Russia (and its specialists). on electronic warfare) And [continued] to taunt the United States" even after the fake was exposed.

Illustrating the ever-increasing use of information warfare techniques, the researchers noted that this fake news also "suggests that the Kremlin is probably not at all as confident in its high-tech military as it often proudly claims," ​​the researchers add.

The incident also highlights the role of Western media in spreading fake news that serves Moscow's information war effort.

Messages British tabloids, they concluded, were "a major factor in the penetration of circulating counterfeits into the West."

(Our report on the 2014 Black Sea incident noted that the initial reports of the incident were published in a Kremlin-funded newspaper and that the Foreign Armies Research Unit viewed these and Western reports with great skepticism.)

article read: 21971 people

tags: Information wars
Opozdavshiy, 14.05.2017 21:20:49

So I didn’t understand, “khibiny” there or not “khibiny” - it doesn’t matter. Is the destroyer's electronics out of order? Or not?
Aegis turned sour during the flight of the SU-24 or not?
Did Frank Gorenk make the quoted statement or not?
There is not a single refutation on these issues either in the article or in the world press. Or is there something I don't know?
The only thing I learned from the article is that, according to the Russian developers, there are no Khibiny on the Su-24. Actually, so what? What difference does it make for Aegis, what is the name of what makes him sour?

Igor Lvovich, 14.05.2017 22:36:52

So after all, this is the most relish !!!))) THERE IS NOT A SINGLE argument or evidence against the fact that the Cook's electronic systems were suppressed)))

Opozdavshiy, 15.05.2017 00:13:48

As far as I understand, we are witnessing the development of yet another brainwashing algorithm.
The really embarrassing situation with Donald Cook couldn't be pickled right away. Some time has passed, and now the media resource is being used just to sell it into the brains of the layman - they say there was no and that's it!
It is not clear why this is. We don't care what the boys are up to.
From colleagues, I heard that in the Black Sea, NATO is trying with all its might to provoke ours into a repeated electronic warfare attack. This is reasonable, they need at least some data to protect. Perhaps this is what caused such a stupid post. Our Cook was fucked in all poses and positions, sailed and abandoned. Amers then even failed to record the frequency spectrum of the impact, not to mention the modes ...

Mikhail Anokhin, 15.05.2017 04:32:29

Recording the work of our electronic warfare is important!
But if they work, then what's the problem?

A new ritual of meeting uninvited guests is a repeated flight by a combat aircraft of the Russian Air Force. A polite reminder of who is the boss on the Black Sea. Next time, another polite plane will arrive with polite missiles. The Black Sea is the Russian Sea. For centuries!

"The Su-24 bomber flew several times in close proximity to the US Navy destroyer Donald Cook, which entered the waters of the Black Sea on April 12. This is reported by Reuters, citing Pentagon spokesman Colonel Steve Warren. According to him, the plane is at a low altitude made 12 passes over the "Donald Cook" at a time when she was in the northern part of the Black Sea.

In connection with the keen interest of the public in the topic of the Navy and, in particular, in the incident with the overflight of the American destroyer, I propose detailed overview the current situation with a description of the possibilities of both parties. What threat could the bomber and destroyer pose to each other? What is this "Cook" capable of, and what is the danger of its appearance on the very shores of Russia?

USS Donald Cook (DDG-75)

The Aegis guided missile destroyer is the 25th ship of the Orly Burke class. Belongs to the obsolete "sub-series II". Bookmark date - 1996, launching - 1997, acceptance into the fleet - 1998. currently assigned to the naval base of Rota (Mediterranean coast of Spain).

The ship is small - 154 meters in length, the total displacement is about 9000 tons. Regular crew - 280 people. The cost of the destroyer is a billion dollars in 1996 prices.

Cook is famous for being the first to launch a missile at Iraq on a March night in 2003.

He really has a lot of missiles. 90 below-deck UVP Mk.41 cells, each of which can contain a Tomahawk tactical missile launcher, ASROC-VL anti-submarine missile torpedo, Stenderd-2 long-range anti-aircraft missile, ESSM short-range missiles (4 in one cell) or an atmospheric interceptor SM-3 American missile defense system. It is possible to use obsolete self-defense missiles "SiSparrow". By the end of this decade, LRASM anti-ship munitions are promised to appear in launch cells.

Thus, a modest destroyer is capable of carrying the entire range missile weapons, which is in service with the US Navy (with the exception of submarine-launched ballistic missiles). The number and type of missiles can vary in any proportion, increasing the number of strike or defensive weapons. The composition of the ammunition load is determined by the current task.

This is an extremely powerful and versatile ship, whose strike capabilities surpass those of any cruisers and destroyers in other countries. Even those who are much larger than Cook. There are no analogues to this ship in the Russian Navy yet.

However, do not overestimate the American destroyer. Its strike capabilities are great, but limited to the only format of warfare "fleet against coast". High-precision Tomahawk SLCMs are good for attacking the most important objects of military and civilian infrastructure in the depths of enemy territory, but they cannot help the destroyer in sea combat (the BGM-109B TASM anti-ship version of the Tomahawk was decommissioned 10 years ago). Before the advent of promising LRASM, the only anti-ship weapon of the destroyer "Kuk" to date are 4 small-sized subsonic anti-ship missiles "Harpoon", located in the stern of the ship.

"Donald Cook" and the British complex supply ship RFA Wave Ruler

And yet, Orly Burke-class super destroyers were not designed to launch Tomahawks at those who disagree with White House policy. The main "chip" of these ships has always been the "Aegis" ("Aegis") - a combat information and control system that linked all the means of detection, communication, fire control and damage control of the ship into a single information space. In fact, the destroyer "Donald Cook" is a naval combat robot capable of making decisions and exchanging information with other similar ships without any participation of living people.

Such an intelligent and high-speed system was created to solve one, the most important and responsible task - to ensure effective air defense of formations. Powerful air defense platforms for protecting aircraft carriers and escorting convoys on the high seas.

Included with the "Aegis" is certainly a multifunctional radar AN / SPY-1. A masterpiece of the US electronics industry, capable of detecting missiles flying above the water itself and observing satellites in near-Earth orbits. This is the problem with SPY-1 - it turned out to be impossible to effectively solve such different tasks with the help of a single radar. And if there are no problems with the detection of spacecraft, then the ability of Aegis destroyers to repel attacks of anti-ship missiles looks frankly doubtful.

The Aegis + SPY-1 bundle looked like a very innovative solution for 1983, but by now this system is completely outdated. You can name at least five modern maritime systems that are superior to Aegis in the field of solving air defense problems.

As a result, the super destroyer "Cook" (like any of its 62 twins) was not able to perform the first of its tasks.

And the only terrible trophy of the Aegis system in all 30 years of its operation was an IranAir passenger airliner, which the CICS erroneously identified as an F-14 fighter.

With such an "outstanding" air defense system, the American Aegis destroyers are hardly worth entering the Black Sea at all. Where the entire water area is shot through by coastal missile systems and coastal aviation, capable of "slamming" an American tin can with one blow. A lone American ship is not serious.

A major drawback of the destroyer "Cook", as well as all representatives of the sub-series I-II, is the inability to permanently base the helicopter. The ship has only a stern landing site and a limited supply of aviation fuel. The absence of a helicopter reduces the destroyer's anti-submarine capabilities and limits its functionality.

Is it really an explosion on board the destroyer?
Alas, just a rocket launch from the aft UVP


"Cook" passes the Bosphorus

Surely, many regretted that the destroyer was flown not by the snow-white Tu-22M missile carrier and not the latest Su-34 bomber, but only by the modest 24th Sukharik. A front-line bomber with a variable sweep wing, put into service in the distant 70s. However, even this was more than enough. The Pentagon press office erupted in angry accusations of provocation and "unprofessional actions" Russian pilots. The Russian public also reacted with a flurry of derisive and jocular comments in the style of "Yankee, go home!"

On Saturday, the fighter flew up to a distance of a thousand yards (about a kilometer) to the destroyer at an altitude of about 500 feet (150 meters). The fighter had no weapons. The ship's commander issued several radio warnings. The maneuvers ended without any incident.

In general, it is worth recognizing that this episode does not make sense from a military point of view. Su-24 is not a German dive bomber "Stuka". He doesn't need to approach the target at a distance of a thousand yards. Outside the twenty-first century. Epoch precision weapons. The main method of warfare has become remote, in which the weapons operator does not see the enemy in person.

Rapprochement with an opponent's warship in PEACE also does not give any reason to discuss the current situation. The incident took place in neutral waters, where everyone is free to be where he pleases. Another thing is that an American destroyer arrived in the Black Sea - the sphere of Russia's primordial interests, where the appearance of strangers is not welcome and is even specially limited by the Montreux Convention.

The Russian bomber "passed" the American ship at low level 12 times. And this is also a sign.

The only countermeasure that could be used by the Aegis destroyer was to shoot down the aircraft. Like the mentioned Iranian airliner in 1988. Of course, it was categorically impossible to do this in this situation - I had to endure ridicule and, as if nothing had happened, take refuge in the territorial waters of Romania.

It is useless to look for any sense in the actions of the Su-24 crew from a military point of view. “Combat sortie”, “attack rehearsal”, “Su-24 revealed the position of an enemy ship” - this is not about him. Combat sorties are carried out according to a different scheme - detection from the greatest range, launch of missiles and immediate departure to low altitude, beyond the radio horizon of the ship. Where the SPY-1 radar can't see it. In combat conditions, “going breastfeeding” on Aegis missiles is a beautiful, but not the most prudent act

The twelvefold flyby of the Donald Cook was purely demonstrative. To moderate the bellicose fervor of the Pentagon, which sent the fifth warship to the region this year, apparently believing that the Black Sea has the right to be called African American. The Russian side needed to demonstrate its determination. To show the whole world that we are closely following the development of the situation in the Black Sea, and if necessary... However, our "partners" understood everything and retreated.

If necessary, even the Su-24, which is not too adapted for striking ships, has a lot of worthy “answers” ​​for the adversary. Of particular interest are the Kh-59 air-to-surface remote-controlled missiles and the Kh-58A missiles, which are guided by the radiation of shipborne radars (flight speed - Mach 3.6).

US Secretary of State John Kerry will personally discuss with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov the situation with a Su-24 overflight near a US Navy destroyer in the Baltic Sea.

Due to this official representative US State Department John Kirby explained that "the Secretary of State was alerted to these flights, the incident over the USS Donald Cook, saw the footage and reports. In his opinion, they (the flights) are unprofessional, almost provocative and undoubtedly dangerous."

The Americans, of course, have already stated that the behavior of Russian aviation was reckless and provocative. Let us recall that Russian Su-24 front-line bombers allegedly “dangerously approached” the US destroyer USS Donald Cook several times.

The latest incident took place in the neutral waters of the Baltic Sea, where a US warship was conducting exercises together with other NATO members. For its part, the Russian Defense Ministry noted that this situation did not pose any threat. Moscow does not understand the reason for such a painful reaction from the United States, since the flights are carried out in accordance with international rules.

A bit of history: on February 12, 1988, the American cruiser Yorktown and the destroyer Caron violated the border of the USSR, invading 7 miles into territorial waters. In connection with this, the patrol ships of the Black Sea Fleet "Bezzavetny" and SKR-6 went to ram the violators. According to experts, it was a typical show of force - the United States practices this wherever it appears. But even during the confrontation between the US and the USSR, it became clear that the Americans are good sailors, but psychologically weaker. As a rule, dying for their homeland is not included in their plans.

Hence such a painful reaction to a rebuff of any kind - for many years the US military has become accustomed to doing only what they need, regardless of the interests of others. Recall that on July 18, an American reconnaissance aircraft "flew more than 200 kilometers inside Swedish airspace, moving away from a Russian fighter." At the same time, the Swedes subordinate to the United States "tried to hide the information," but the press found out about it.

There is also a known case when US Air Force aircraft violated Finnish airspace. But God forbid someone touch the true or imaginary interests of the United States - the question is immediately posed point-blank.

Although the Americans themselves understand that "Russia performs its flights in accordance with international law." This was stated by the head of the US Northern Command, Admiral William Gortney.

This statement was made due to the fact that the Russian Air Force has recently resumed flights over neutral territories, including in Europe, as well as near the borders of the United States and Canada. The latter reacted extremely nervously and accused Russia of escalating tension.

According to Gortney, "we are very closely following what they are doing ... Russian pilots adhere to all international standards, which are valid for any aircraft that are over neutral territories. They fly in a professional manner, and so do we, because we follow them very closely."

Former NATO General Harald Kujat, in an interview with the German portal Web.de, also acknowledged that "Russia with its" military maneuvers "did not violate the borders of any states." Unlike the United States, from 1981 to 1983, American bombers "patrolled in the direction of Soviet airspace" several times a week, turning away only at the last moment before violating the state border. The United States itself declassified many operations of this kind. But what is allowed to Jupiter ...

The Russian Ministry of Defense has already issued a statement that the Su-24 flight was carried out in accordance with all international standards. "All flights of Russian Aerospace Forces aircraft are carried out in accordance with international standards," Major General Igor Konashenkov, official representative of the Russian Defense Ministry, said. "The pilots turned away from the ship in compliance with all security measures."

"I'm rather inclined to agree with the explanations that were provided by representatives of the Ministry of Defense," Dmitry Peskov, press secretary of the Russian President, added in turn.

It is worth noting that the exchange of courtesies with "Donald Cook" does not indicate any particular tension in the region. This is rather a common practice: this is how foreign warships are escorted in other countries.

Recall that in March of this year, a detachment of as many as six NATO ships entered the Black Sea, which conducted exercises with Turkey and Romania. In May, an American missile destroyer"Ross", also to support partners - Ukraine and NATO countries. The destroyer Jason Dunham, armed with cruise missiles, also visited here with a menacing look.

And the crew of the US Navy destroyer "Donald Cook", apparently, will not soon forget the previous close acquaintance with the Russian Su-24, which not only flew up to "greet" the ship 11 times, but also, in the meantime, turned off the entire "Aegis" with which it is equipped super destroyer.

According to a high-ranking Navy officer, "the NATO fleet does not pose a real threat, it is, let's say, pressure on the Russian Federation, support for Ukraine. Those combat units, which are in the water area, even if they wanted to, would not be able to cause significant damage to the Black Sea Fleet or the territory of Russia - moreover, in the event of aggression against Russia, their life time would be 5-10 minutes. "That is, you can shoot down something. ..But the result will be obviously tragic for everyone.

There are many obscure moments in this story. The American side does not want to disclose details. Command of the Russian naval aviation also modestly remains silent after a brief informational message broadcast on Cosmonautics Day 2014. However, meager data was enough for the American destroyer Donald Cook to become famous all over the world. This ship is quite new, equipped with everything necessary, and despite the fact that its dimensions are not record-breaking, it could symbolize the US naval power, for which it was sent to the Black Sea. As the circus workers say in such cases, the number failed.

Exciting plot

In April, near the Russian borders, a drama began to unfold, which was called the anti-terrorist operation, but in fact became a real one. civil war. After a successful coup against the rebellious eastern regions, the new Ukrainian authorities sent regular troops with artillery, tanks, tactical ballistic missiles and all other weapons, originally made to fight a strong and dangerous external aggressor. Crimea managed to avoid the sad fate of the victim, the population of the peninsula voted for independence and joining Russia.

In the midst of this seething turmoil, accompanied by bloodshed, the US destroyer Donald Cook entered the Black Sea. One can only guess about the true purpose of this visit, but certain conclusions can be reached by understanding the combat capabilities of this ship.

The Arleigh Burke series and its 25th copy

Americans have their national heroes, and they name this or that cruiser, frigate or destroyer after them. Donald Cook, a corps captain fought in Vietnam and died of an illness (malaria) while in captivity. Even in the homeland of this hero, there is no consensus on how fair this war was. The exploits, if any, committed by Cook before his capture are also unknown. However, is it really that important? The captain fought for his country where he was sent and died in 1967. In honor of him, the 25th unit of the most massive post-war series of American warships was named. In total, it is assumed that the number of twins of this destroyer will exceed 60.

The Arleigh Burke project seemed so successful to the Pentagon leadership that high hopes were placed on it. In 1983, when the lead ship of the series was laid down, it impressed with its contours, the technologies used in construction, and even its appearance.

Surface-to-shore class destroyer

Any naval series consists of ships that are similar in appearance, differing from each other the stronger, the later this or that unit left the stocks. The destroyer "Donald Cook" was launched in 1997, accepted into the fleet in 15 months. This ship cannot be called obsolete, it has a powerful missile armament, is equipped with the most advanced electronic means, is protected from a variety of possible damaging factors and is almost invisible on radars. However, the destroyer has some features due to the nature of specific fire capabilities. The fact is that its onboard anti-ship systems are presented very modestly. four cruise missiles type "Harpoon" (subsonic and small) is clearly not enough to conduct a serious naval battle against strong enemy. In other words, the destroyer of the US Navy "Donald Cook" is designed to strike at coastal targets in conditions of complete domination and the absence of resistance from the enemy fleet. To do this, he has "Tomahawks" (according to the number of cells under the deck of the KR, there can be up to 90 pieces).

About Aegis

But not only for firing at cities and coastal positions, this ship was created, which cost the military budget a billion (at prices in the second half of the 90s). The main share of this astronomical sum falls on the latest electronics integrated into the design of the hull and superstructures. The multifaceted angular cabin not only serves as a sheathing of the premises, on its inclined planes antennas of transmitters and receivers of radar signals were mounted. They sensitively monitor hundreds of possible targets, and, by transmitting information to the computer control complex, ensure the safe execution of a combat mission. The Aegis system operates fifty anti-aircraft missiles capable of hitting ICBMs in near space. American destroyer"Donald Cook", by design, is a mobile element of the global missile defense system, conducting reconnaissance and automatically, like a robot, developing decisions at a strategic level.

In addition to antennas that are fixed relative to the hull, the ship also has another AN / SPY-1 radar that performs many functions, from detecting low-flying objects to monitoring spy satellites.

Destroyer as a ship

It makes sense to dwell on the question of what the destroyer of the US Navy "Donald Cook" is in the navigable sense. The characteristics of the ship are not unique, but they are good. With a full displacement of 8.9 thousand tons, it has a length of 153 meters, a width of 20 m and a draft of 9.4 m. For the manufacture of the underwater part of the hull, non-magnetic high-strength magnesium-aluminum alloys were used, which increases anti-torpedo resistance and reduces visibility for enemy systems detection. The power section, loaded on two screws, consists of two LM2500-30 gas turbines from General Electric with a total capacity of 108 thousand liters. With. The maximum speed is 32 knots, the autonomy is 4400 miles (with a cruising speed of 20 knots). The crew consists of 337 crew members, of which 23 are officers. Kubricks and combat posts are protected by durable and lightweight Kevlar panels, which also became a revolutionary solution.

The screws deserve special admiration. These propellers, as a rule, betray the ship with their noise generated as a result of cavitation processes, and acoustic stations of submarines can easily determine the type of a moving object, its speed and distance to it. Each blade of the Cook propellers is equipped with a special tubular system that pumps air into the ends of the edges. As a result, a bubble cloud is formed, which distorts the sound "portrait" of the ship and absorbs noise. How justified the funds spent on the development and manufacture of this complex system is unknown, because the destroyer can be detected by many other means of warning.

PTO and air defense system

A ship at sea is threatened with many troubles. In the event of war, the enemy shows a persistent desire to let him go to the bottom, and does everything he can for this. He lays mines, sometimes equipped with multiplicity devices (if it is known which order the most important enemy ship will follow), they are equipped with fuses different types. In addition, torpedoes, missiles, and, of course, aircraft are used. At the Bath Iron Works shipyards, they took care to protect the US Navy destroyer Donald Cook from all these misfortunes. Its armament includes ASROC-VL anti-submarine missile torpedoes, anti-aircraft missiles"Stenderd-2" for intercepting targets at long distances, anti-aircraft missiles ESSM, hitting an enemy that has crept up, and even SM-3 atmospheric interceptors.

Eliminating a gap in the anti-ship class, the designers plan to equip the ship with a promising LRASM complex. In general, a lot of weapons. But it turned out to be useless even during a training raid of a not-so-modern Su-24 bomber. The destroyer "Donald Cook" went blind.

Battle path and experience

From the moment of launching, the ship did not stand idle. At first it was based in Norfolk, since 2012 it has been assigned to the Spanish port of Rota, where the US Navy base is located. In 2000, during the events in Aden, the destroyer "Donald Cook" assisted another ship, the "Cole", rammed by a boat with suicide bombers. The first volley of Tomahawks in Iraq in 2003 was fired by the same Cook. He has been on many long trips, sailed the seas around the world, participated in exercises, including international ones. The crew of the ship demonstrated good training and coherence, high qualifications and a certain courage shown during the execution of tasks.

Chronicle of events

Few facts describe the chronology of the entire period of the destroyer's presence in the Black Sea in 2014. The ship passed the Bosphorus on April 10, the Day from the German-Romanian invaders. For about two days, the formation, which, in addition to Cook, included the Dupuis de Lom naval reconnaissance aircraft, the Alize rescuer and the Duplex destroyer of the French Navy, performed various maneuvers at a relatively short distance from Sevastopol. On April 12, an approaching aircraft appeared on the radar screens, heading straight for the Donald Cook. The destroyer "Su" noticed (even determined the type of aircraft, and the fact that it was not armed), and a combat training alert was announced on the ship. What happened next remained a mystery for some time.


Pentagon officials expressed extreme indignation at the actions of the Russian pilots. They characterized them as unprofessional and hostile. The statement was emotional and tough, but confusion was read between its lines. The suddenly famous destroyer Donald Cook, whose photo was published with mocking comments by many media around the world, moored in the Romanian port of Constanta, and 27 demoralized members of his team expressed a desire to resign. The blame for everything is the Russian plane, which allegedly violated every conceivable norm of international law.

Montreux Convention

One of the international maritime treaties referred to by the American side is called According to it, warships of countries that do not have their own water area here can stay in the Black Sea for no more than 21 days, and their total tonnage cannot exceed 30 thousand tons for each country. The destroyer "Donald Cook" really did not violate this convention, however, shortly before the events described, another US Navy ship, the "Taylor", was somewhat delayed, allegedly repairing the propellers. The purpose of Cook's last visit was clearly to "show the flag", but besides this, the crew, most likely, had one more, secret task.

How about a war?

The connection between the presence of the international squadron near the Russian coast and the Ukrainian events, in general, was not disputed or denied by anyone. As the conflict developed, the danger of its transition to a military stage increased. Having no illusions about the possibilities, the American side could consider the possibility of providing them with assistance in the form of intelligence without involving its army in a possible full-scale war. The US Navy destroyer Donald Cook was probably going to collect such information. Parameters of defensive systems, deployment of air defense systems, communication centers and other important elements military structure The Black Sea Fleet could be of interest to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, to which this information would be immediately transferred in case of war.

So what happened?

In fact, nothing terrible happened to the American destroyer. He safely left the inhospitable area of ​​the Black Sea area. The planned visit to Odessa did not take place due to the deep moral trauma experienced by the crew. The reason for this annoyance is the Khibiny compact electronic warfare system, mounted on the console of an unarmed Su-24 bomber that passed a dozen times over the ship at extremely low altitude. Apparently, his belly with oil streaks so upset the Cook's crew as much as the realization of their vulnerability and even helplessness. It would seem that here he is - probable adversary, and it works in training mode. So learn, practice the techniques of using your air defense! But the system failed. Temporarily. The Russians didn't even spoil anything, although they could. The plane took off and the Aegis started up again.

Results and conclusions

The essence of the Pentagon's claims to Russian aviation, in general, boiled down to the fact that our pilots showed some kind of impoliteness. Well, perhaps a certain intolerance did take place. Just as impolitely, in 1988, Soviet sailors rammed the US Navy destroyer Caron, which was trying to enter the territorial waters of the USSR. Crimea, indeed, has long attracted foreign squadrons, striving to visit the peninsula, not always with friendly intentions.

As for the destroyer "Donald Cook", it is still not worth underestimating its combat capabilities. This is a modern and seriously armed ship, which was modernized in 2012. It is quite possible that he will now have another one.