Material well-being plays a significant role in the life of every person, it is considered the key to happiness and the preservation of the family. Of course, even if wealth are not the main priority, it is simply impossible to live without money today.

In addition to the basic needs of shelter, food, medicine and clothing, modern man funds are also required for education, entertainment and favorite little things. There are many famous folk signs helping to maintain and increase material well-being.

If you decide to change jobs, then do it better on the growing moon

To attract and increase money, you should treat finances with respect. Creating the right mood is worth starting with the purchase of a beautiful purse for bills, and they should be folded face out.

It is undesirable for men to walk around with empty pockets or a wallet, and also to say that there is too much money - this can lead to a cessation of cash receipts, because there is never a lot of money.

Everyone knows that money loves an account, and it is better to count them in your own wallet. Also, money loves movement, so it’s better not to hide it under the pillow, but to keep it in a bank.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Baba Nina: "To escape from lack of money once and for all, make it a rule to wear simple .." Read article >>

A trifle should be distributed to the poor on Sunday - this penny means will only increase wealth.

The growing moon is the best time to fix your financial affairs. This phase is conducive to new beginnings, especially in the monetary sphere. If you decide to change jobs, open your own business, make a deposit in a bank, talk to your boss about increasing wages- this must be done without fail at the beginning of the lunar calendar.

With growth new moon, your income will also begin to gradually grow, and financial position will be corrected. This period is also suitable for rituals and magical rites to attract money.

Simple rituals for adding money

The easiest way to increase your wealth is on the night of the new moon (on the first day of the lunar calendar) you should show a banknote of as much denomination as possible to the young moon. Along with the growth of the new crescent, your income will increase proportionately.

The shown bill cannot be given or spent - it should be put in the side compartment of the wallet and wait for the growth of material well-being until the next new moon. If you lose or spend this money, you should not wait for good luck financially.

It is at this time that it is worth asking the authorities for an increase in salary or a bonus.

Also on new moon you can make a talisman to attract money with your own hands. In a small bag, put some bay leaves, seven coins and a small note indicating the amount of money you would like to receive.

The magical properties of bay leaves are known from ancient rome, laurel leaves protect from negative energy and contribute to the fulfillment of desires. During the period of the growing moon, their influence only intensifies, so you can make a coveted amount and count on the fulfillment of your desire in a few months.

To improve the financial situation on the new moon, it is recommended to place your money on the windowsill so that it is illuminated by the growing moon. Such a display of symbols of wealth for a growing month is the simplest ritual that attracts good luck, financial well-being and cash gifts.

To move to new apartment and related household chores went easily and carefree, it is worth scheduling them for the growing phase of the moon. New undertakings and business projects should also be planned on the new moon, then profit and success will not be long in coming.

Simoron, a money ritual to attract cash flows

To perform such a ritual, you will need the energy of water and moonlight. It is held at night, however, you need to start preparing for it in advance.

Seeing the new month, hold a coin in your hand and make a cherished wish. It will definitely come true in the near future.

Prepare two glass vessels, leave one clean and fill the other with melt water and a mixture of herbs (mint, marjoram, calamus, sage, basil and verbena). Place the glass container on the windowsill so that it is illuminated by the light of the new moon. Water needs to be spoken. Imagine a turbulent river flow or an ocean of wealth and say:

What will be full moon, so I will full house everything you need!

After you have spoken the plot, leave the water to charge for 3 hours. After the expiration of the prescribed period, the water must be filtered with a sieve into a second container and hidden in a secret cool place, away from prying eyes. Such a Simoron rite will help ensure that the money in your pocket will not be transferred throughout the year.

Other ways to increase capital

by the most simple method attracting wealth can be a simple haircut. Everyone knows that you need to get a haircut on a young growing moon so that your hair grows healthy and thick. However, if you follow the lunar calendar, you can choose the most favorable day for increasing wealth. Favorable haircuts on Thursday and Friday, but on Sunday it is better not to cut your hair.

If you saw a month, then show him either a wallet with money in an open form, or a bill of the highest denomination, or squeeze a few coins in your fist

To double your money, before the new moon, hide different amounts of money in the recesses of your home and leave it to be charged with the power of moonlight until the morning. The next day, spend all the hidden bills on useful and pleasant household items (thus, wealth will return and increase).

For household always buy plenty of cereals, which are considered an ancient symbol of wealth. Best suited for increasing capital rice. On the new moon, place three coins of different denominations under the door threshold - such a penny will attract good luck and prosperity to your home for a long time.

Signs of losing money

During the growing moon, it is strictly forbidden to borrow money. Otherwise, they will not be kept by the owner and will flow like water through the fingers. With a growing month, it is preferable to borrow money, but it should be returned already in the second half of the lunar calendar (when the month decreases). Also, do not give cash in the evening or at night, when the magical protection of the house is weakening.

Showing the money to the young Moon, say: “As the Young Man grows, so let my finances grow”

In this article we will tell you which powerful ones you can carry out. The satellite of the Earth was considered a faithful assistant in magical rituals. The energy of the growing moon contributes to all positive undertakings and fulfills all innermost desires and dreams. She will attract wealth and prosperity to your home, help in matters of the heart and career. It is safe to say that this is a period and renewal.

The satellite of the Earth does not have its own light, but reflects the light of the sun. Depending on how the Moon is located in relation to the Earth and the Sun, its appearance changes, which we can observe. There are phases of the moon twenty-nine and a half days long, each of which favors certain magical rites.

In the period when the Moon entered the renewal phase, the time comes to attract a new flow of energy into human life. Part of the universal energy field, which is activated in this phase on Earth, can be directed to love, creation and universal harmony. Therefore, during this period, magical rituals are held for material well-being, health promotion, happiness in love and career success. These are necessarily set up for creation and positive changes in a person's life.

If you decide to turn to the help of magical powers during the growing moon, be sure to consider some of the rules for conducting such rituals.

When conducting magical rites, the phase of the moon is usually always taken into account. Take into account some of the nuances of conspiracies: if they turn to the growing moon, they must be performed during the new month. If – , then decreasing.

Coordinate the time of the ceremony with lunar calendar, since, visually determining the phase of the moon, you can make a mistake. Then the rite will be ineffective, or even work the other way around.

Do not experiment with the words of conspiracies, because if you are not a magician, you can make mistakes.

If you, nevertheless, wish to address the Moon in your own words, treat her with respect and reverence. A disrespectful and familiar appeal to the night luminary will lead to an undesirable result.

Do not be selfish, because the universal energy flows are for everyone. Ask for love, wealth, health for all residents. In such a case, the probability that Higher power will help you, increases many times over.

Strong protective plot on the growing moon

During the new moon period, strong ritual to protect yourself and loved ones from various negative influences and energy attacks. It must be carried out on the first day of the new moon, with each subsequent day the force of the impact decreases. Beginners are advised to update protection every month, because if energy or magical effects are constantly exerted on you, it may not withstand. The strength of protection weakens not from a specific time, but from intensity negative impacts on you. If you are spoiled for death by a strong magician, then, for sure, such protection will not work.

Looking at the new moon, say:

Love rituals with the growing moon

The young month is the most auspicious time for various love rituals. This is not casual, because the first phase of the moon is a symbol of the birth love relationships or the beginning of a new stage in existing ones. There are many rituals and rituals during this period. But, keep in mind that if you have found a love ritual for the waning moon, it is better not to use it. Most likely, its result will not be what you want.

Ritual for the return of a beloved woman

Perform on the growing moon on Saturday night. Take three church candles, a mirror, a key with a lock and a photo of your beloved. At 12 o'clock at night, place a mirror on the table and light three candles in complete darkness and put a photograph. Take the key right hand, and the lock is left and say:

Read the plot three times, extinguishing one candle after another after each reading. After extinguishing the last, insert the key into the lock and close it. Then go to sleep, and in the morning you need to take out all the objects of the ritual to a place where people do not go, bury them and not return there.

Strong money rituals for the growing moon

The growing moon has a powerful influence on the attraction of material values ​​into a person's life. Therefore, during this period, various money rituals and rites. But in no case do not try to get rich at the expense of other people - in this case, the Higher Forces will not help you.
A powerful ritual that attracts money

Will definitely help if you urgently need money for something very important. Perform it on Sunday with the growing moon. You need to prepare an astrological candle, 2 green candles, one brown and yellow candle, jasmine oil, a cinnamon stick and a brown piece of paper.

First, light a green candle, which is larger in size, and a cinnamon stick. A brown candle should be smeared from top to bottom with jasmine oil and scratched on some sign that you associate with money. Write the exact amount of money you need on the paper sheet. The rite will not be valid if you write the amount more than the one that you actually need.

Set the brown candle in the center. The remaining candles also need to be rubbed with jasmine oil from top to bottom. Put in this order: astrological behind brown, to the left of it - green, and to the right - yellow. Now you need to light the candles and read the words of the conspiracy 2, 4, 6 or 8 times:

With the help of a brown candle, you need to burn a sheet of paper and dispel the ashes.

Powerful ritual to attract money

It must be performed for three nights during the growing moon. Prepare on the table a green candle, orange, bergamot and cedar oil, a stick with one of these fragrances, a candlestick, a thin candle white, pen with paper and bowl. As you place these items on the table, think about the fact that money is starting to come to you.

Before the ritual, it is recommended to take a cleansing bath with herbs. Draw a circle and light the wand. Sit in the center of the circle and imagine a luminous in green a ball containing you and the objects of the ritual. Holding the candle with both hands, charge it with your energy. After that, install it in a candlestick. On a piece of paper you need to write all your desires for wealth and ideas on how you can achieve prosperity. Place a sheet of paper under the candlestick so that the words are on top.

Perform the ritual on and the next two nights. At the last, you need to take out a note, burn it with a candle and throw the ashes into the bowl. After collecting the wax of a candle that has completely burned out and the ashes from a piece of paper, bury the remains under the wall of your house. During the ritual, imagine yourself inside a luminous green sphere all the time.

In this article, we have introduced you to some powerful rituals that are performed during the growing moon. But do not forget that the ritual will help you only if you yourself make efforts to achieve your goals. The essence of magic is that you see new opportunities for the fulfillment of your desires and take advantage of them. But just lying on the couch, it is unlikely that in the morning you will find a pack of banknotes under your pillow.

The growing moon is a very fertile time. You are full of energy, you succeed in everything, and even the tiring heat does not knock you out of a positive mood. The more the Moon rounds, the easier it is for you to do what a couple of weeks ago seemed difficult or completely impossible.

It’s like someone pours extra strength into you and feeds your brain. Everything that you start, sprouts, bears fruit and returns with interest. This is a period of creation and "scattering of stones", because while the moon is growing, you can lay a solid base under your future life. But there is something that is not recommended to do on the growing moon. That's what we'll talk about today.

There is so much to do on the Growing Moon that you just have time to turn around. But do not try to redo everything in one phase - in a month a new New Moon will come and the Moon will begin to grow again, again giving you the opportunity to catch up on what was not enough time in the last favorable phase.

Cases and cases

If you are going to build a house, then lay the first stone (symbolic) on the growing Moon, then the construction will be fast, and then it will be very comfortable to live in such a house. The same applies to repairs - start it on the growing moon, but do not rush to get rid of old and unnecessary junk - do it on the waning one. Although it’s better to get rid of everything unnecessary on a decreasing one, and only then, on a growing one, start alterations.

Putting money in a bank at interest and investing it in a business is also better on a growing moon, so you insure yourself against unsuccessful investments, and every ruble (or dollar) will “work” and not lie dead weight.

Make large purchases for the long term - cars, furniture, large Appliances etc. - all these things bought for the growing moon will be for a long time serve you faithfully.

In this phase of the moon, it is recommended to ask for an increase in salary, look for new job, if for some reason the old one does not suit you, offer new projects to the authorities and push through your ideas. During this period, you feel more confident, it is easier for you to find a common language with higher people, you are open to communication and constructive dialogue, so you can show yourself to both current and potential bosses from the best side.

On the growing moon, it is good to discover new abilities in yourself. You can try fortune-telling, clay modeling, hands-on healing, or reading other people's fates from faces. If you have potential, it will show up immediately. And it will bring you a lot of benefits in life. If you are not adapted to creativity and mystical practices, then a brilliant financier, a talented matchmaker or a virtuoso wallpaperer can open up in you. Experiment!

Meet, enter into new relationships - sexual, friendly, business. All this will be productive and promising. If everything suits you in your personal and business life, and you don’t need new acquaintances, then it’s good to develop what you already have on the growing moon. Communicate, have fun, contribute your ideas - others will appreciate your enthusiasm.

beauty and health

On the growing moon, be sure to take care of your appearance: a haircut made during this period, especially on days when the Moon is in Leo, will perfectly “take root” on your head - the hair will be silky, obedient, will grow well, and you will pick up the haircut that suits you without difficulty. Coloring, highlighting and toning of hair will give an excellent result - the paint will last for a long time and the color will not “wash off”.

The growing moon is a time of renewal and action. It is during this period that you need to make grandiose plans, dream, wealth and be considered in fashion magazines. After all, all your ideas and projects, drawn up and written down at this time, gain great strength and have every chance of being realized in the very near future. The growth phase of the moon is a time of increased human activity, which is why now it is easier for us to succeed in everything that could cause great difficulties on the waning moon.

Remember one simple rule - everything that you get rid of on the growing moon will return to you doubled and much more. A haircut done during this period will allow you to hair, so if you do not want to go back to the hairdresser in a couple of weeks, get your hair in shape on the waning moon. But for those who grow their hair, the growing moon - best time to get rid of the split ends and give the hairstyle a well-groomed look. By the way, the same rule applies to the removal of excess hair - in no case do it on the growing moon, otherwise you risk getting a diametrically opposite result.

When the moon grows, everything grows stronger microbiological processes. This is a great time to start fermenting cabbage and pickling cucumbers. But it is better not to cook the jam - it can quickly deteriorate. If you have a plot or you are fond of planting greenery on your own, it would be useful to know that it is always better to transplant on a growing moon. Plants, like all living organisms, grow and develop more intensively during this period, so they tolerate minor damage and stress more easily.

All the manipulations associated with cleansing, getting rid of the unnecessary and throwing away the old on the growing moon do not lead to anything good. But shopping trips, recovery after an illness or an exhausting diet and procedures aimed at raising the tone will benefit. The working capacity of a person on the growing moon increases several times, so you can do fitness, aerobics or jogging in the fresh air. But with uncontrolled eating of everything that stops your attention, you should be extremely careful. Now is the easiest time to get excess weight- after all, the body actively accumulates everything that it may need.

But the best thing you can do on a waxing moon is to fall in love. According to astrology, it is precisely such relationships that become the longest and may well develop into a real strong feeling.

Our article will introduce you to conspiracies that can be read on the growing moon. You will also learn how to properly conduct rituals to attract wealth, love and health.

If we consider the Moon from the point of view of esotericism, then we can say that it is quite powerful energy body, which, regardless of our desires, affects our behavior and thoughts every day. It has the greatest influence on us precisely in the period when it is growing intensively.

Therefore, if you want to attract wealth to yourself, restore health, or simply radically change your life, then try to perform a ritual of white magic in this particular time period.

What conspiracies and prayers to read on a candle, water, salt on the growing moon?

Rites to the Moon

Esotericists claim that the growing moon carries enough strong energy pleasant change. Therefore, all the time while it will increase in size, you can try to attract good luck, love and wealth. As practice shows, absolutely all conspiracies associated with the growth of something during this period give a positive result very quickly. But remember, the energy of the queen of the night can only be used in the rites of white magic.

If you try to use it to inflict physical or moral harm on someone, then with a high probability the problems will begin not with the one you wished for them, but with you. To enhance the energy of the Moon, all rituals are carried out with certain attributes. For example, conspiracies to attract love are most often read on a candle, luck is attracted to salt, and money and wealth to water.

Since these things are more material than heavenly body to which you are referring, then with their help you will be able to fill the space around you with the necessary energy even after the Full Moon comes.

What conspiracies and prayers to read on the first day of the growing moon, on Wednesday on the growing moon and on Thursday?

Conspiracies for the growing moon

As you probably already understood, the period of the growth of the moon is a special time, so if you want your life to change at least a little in better side, then right on the first day of the New Moon, start performing rituals to attract good luck. In addition, on the first day of the growth of the moon, it is best to read conspiracies to attract money and wealth.

It is believed that as it grows, yours will also improve. financial condition. True, when performing the necessary ceremony, you must clearly understand that the heavenly body helps only those who treat it with respect and, most importantly, believe in its power. Therefore, if you read a conspiracy without believing that soon your life will begin white stripe, then positive changes are unlikely to come.

As for Wednesday, it is considered Women's Day. On this day, you can perform rituals for love, marriage and pregnancy. Thursday, on the contrary, is considered a men's day, so at this time it is best to read prayers for reconciliation, attracting wealth or conspiracies from enemies.

A strong money conspiracy and a rite for wealth money, for banknotes, coins for the growing moon: white magic

Conspiracy for money

Remember, money rituals do not like fuss and noise, so they must be carried out in secluded places. Ideally, you should find a place in your house where it is almost always quiet and, most importantly, strangers never come there. The best option in this case it could be a bedroom. After you perform the ceremony, you will have to mentally imagine every evening how the number of banknotes in your wallet increases.

Yes, and it would be better if, before the ritual, you buy yourself a new green wallet and put a couple of large bills in it. It will also enhance the energy of the conspiracy, thereby helping the Moon improve your financial condition. If you want to attract money and wealth as quickly as possible, then perform the following ceremony. Take 12 identical coins or banknotes, carefully fold them, wrap them in green cloth and tie everything in 7 strong knots.

Then place the resulting blank on the window so that moonlight falls on it all the time, and every evening before going to bed, read a conspiracy over it (you can see the words of the conspiracy a little higher). When the Full Moon comes, the charmed coins and banknotes will need to be transferred to the wallet. They will act as a magnet that attracts wealth to you.

A strong conspiracy to love a man, husband, boyfriend on the growing moon

Husband love spell

A conspiracy to the growing moon is an excellent alternative to the rites of black magic, which simply dry the chosen one. In this case, the object of your adoration will have a rather mild effect, which in no way will suppress his psyche. And although this means that you still have to fight for your love, if you behave correctly, you will eventually get what you were striving for.

It is better to start reading such a conspiracy literally from the first days of the growth of the moon. If you can give the right energy message, then as the heavenly body grows, the sympathy of your chosen one for you will grow. Rights, please note that it is undesirable to conduct such a ceremony in the evening. Since we are talking about bright feelings, it would be better if you read a prayer at the time of sunrise or at last resort at noon.

In addition, keep in mind that there are periods in which women and girls cannot attract the love of a man. It is absolutely impossible to read conspiracies for love during menstruation. So if critical days fell on the period of the growth of the moon, then postpone the ritual until the next month.

A strong conspiracy for good luck, for the growing moon

Conspiracy for good luck

If you want to attract good luck to yourself, you will need to read the plot correctly and use it to make a strong energy amulet that will guide you in the right direction. As an amulet, you can use any thing that you carry with you all the time. It can be a ring, a chain and even an ordinary button.

In order for the thing you have chosen to have the necessary energy, a certain ritual will need to be performed on it. So, take a church candle, light it exactly at midnight, and holding a ring or a button over it, begin to pronounce the words of the conspiracy. Repeat it three times, put out the flame and go to bed. Keep chanting your amulet for as long as the moon is growing.

On the day of the Full Moon, put the amulet on yourself. Yes, and remember, it is undesirable to tell anyone, even the closest relatives, about the ceremony. The most minimal negative can destroy the positive energy of the conspiracy, and then you will not get exactly the result you expected.

Wallet conspiracy for the growing moon: prayer

Purse conspiracy

Immediately I want to say that it is a new wallet that needs to be spoken. The old one, of course, can also be spoken, but as practice shows, in the end the ritual does not give the desired result. Therefore, it will be better if you go to the store or shopping mall and get yourself a green or red wallet.

Yes, and do not save on this purchase. If you want your money to be what is called sticky, then splurge on a good leather purse. After you bring it home, light three church candles and put a wallet, a magnet and a packet of dry yeast between them. Concentrate very well and begin to pronounce the words of the conspiracy as accurately as possible.

After you read it three times, you can pick up the wallet and put money into it. Also, do not forget to put a magnet and a pack of yeast in one of the compartments. The magnet will draw back everything that you have spent, and the yeast will help your finances increase very quickly.

A conspiracy on the growing moon for longing and the return of a loved one

Conspiracy to return a loved one

If you feel that the passion in your relationship has begun to fade and your loved one is gradually moving away from you, then you can try to refresh your feelings with a longing conspiracy. But keep in mind, if you do not want to suppress the will of a loved one, then in no case do not use blood or his personal belongings for this. In this case, after the ceremony, you run the risk of getting a jealous person back who will control you in everything.

In view of this, it would be better if you perform a ceremony that simply warms up the emotions of a man. To conduct it, you will need a sheet of paper, a pen and three red candles. Lay a sheet of paper on the table, put your joint photo, and put candles on top of it and light them. Then focus and start reading the plot.

You will need to pronounce it seven times, and then you will have to wait until the candles are completely burned out. After that, you will need to carefully wrap the photo in paper (try not to crack the wax that got on it) and put everything in the bedside table or away on the shelf in the closet.

Conspiracy to lose weight on the growing moon

weight loss conspiracy

On the first day of the New Moon, go to the market or shop and buy a wooden comb there. When you bring your purchase home, sprinkle it with holy water and read the Lord's Prayer over it. Eat nothing all day and drink only water. Wait until the moon appears in the sky and all the household members go to bed, and begin to conduct the ceremony.

To do this, stand by the window (moonlight should fall on you) and begin to pronounce the words of the conspiracy as clearly as possible. You need to do this so that the wooden comb is in your field of vision all the time. Read the plot three times, cross yourself and go to bed. Starting from the next day, you can start combing out excess fat.

This should be done exactly at the time when the night queen will appear in the sky. Perform the ceremony until the Full Moon, and then take a break. You can continue losing weight only when the moon begins to rise again.

Conspiracies for beauty and hair growth on the growing moon

Conspiracy for beauty

Beautiful and healthy hair is the dream of every woman. But unfortunately, only a few modern beauties manage to grow themselves long curls. If you are unable to do this with the help of care products, then try to enhance the growth of your hair with a special conspiracy.

You can read it just by looking at the young Moon, or you can try to speak to them all the same comb or, for example, herbal flock. In order for these items to be charged with the necessary energy, you will need to place them on the windowsill every evening and read magic words over them. Getting up in the morning, you will only have to use the spoken things during hygiene procedures.

If you want positive energy to influence your curls for days on end, then carry a charmed comb with you and periodically comb your hair with it throughout the day.

A conspiracy for good trading and profit on the growing moon

conspiracy to trade

Good trade conspiracies are best read in the place where you sell your product and on those days when in your point of sale happens very a large number of buyers. Therefore, if you want a profit plot to help you improve your financial condition, then read it on a day off. If you are unable to do this, then perform the ceremony on Wednesday if, of course, it does not fall on the 13th.

It is also worth avoiding money rites on the 23rd and 27th. These lunar day are also considered unsuitable for incanting amulets as they carry negative energy. To perform this ceremony, you will need salt and coins. Make a circle of salt, put coins in it, and then start speaking them. Read over them a plot for profit, and then put the salt in the red bag and the money in the green one.

Put salt as close as possible at the entrance, and put coins at the checkout. The green bag will do everything to prevent people from leaving you with money, and the red one will ensure that there is always money in your cash register.

A conspiracy on the growing moon for a good job

Conspiracy on Good work

As you probably already understood, in order to get what you want, you always need to carry the right item with you. Therefore, in this case, you will need to choose a thing that will help you find the job of your dreams. As an amulet to attract work, it is best to use stationery items or, for example, an ordinary scarf.

They will need to be spoken by a conspiracy, which you can see a little higher, and always carry with you. But keep in mind, even after you get a job in a good company, continue to carry the charmed things with you. They will protect you from the envy of colleagues and will definitely help you move up the career ladder as quickly as possible.

A conspiracy for health and disease on the growing moon

Conspiracy from diseases

Health conspiracies are the most popular among people. But few of them know that they are effective only if they are read over holy water. In view of this, if you want to get a positive result, then stock up on such a liquid and read the plot over it. Water for such a ceremony is best collected in the great church holidays and preferably after confession and communion.

Having brought water home, you will need to ask God for blessings and only after that start reading the conspiracy for health. After you say the right words, put water on the window and let the moon feed it with its energy. Do this ritual for 7 days, and then start drinking a little water every day, morning and evening.

Conspiracy to win the lottery on the growing moon

Conspiracy to win the lottery

The rite of passage for winning the lottery, as a rule, is carried out over the money for which it will be bought. To conduct such a ritual, large bills are used. After you buy the lottery and you get change, you will need to put it in your wallet and carry it there until you receive your winnings. She will act as a magnet that will attract big money to you.

So take any large bill, place it on the windowsill or just as close as possible to the window, and read the plot over it for seven days in a row. Then, on the 9th lunar day, take the charmed money and buy a lottery for them. Put it with the change received at the time of purchase and keep them together at all times.

A conspiracy to fulfill a wish on the growing moon

Conspiracy to fulfill a wish

The ritual for the fulfillment of desires, as a rule, begins to be carried out on the third day of the New Moon. It is believed that it was at this time that the energy of our planet is maximally aimed at fulfilling cherished desires. For this ceremony, you will need a red, green and yellow satin ribbon. They will need to be fastened together with a strong knot, and then weave a bracelet out of them in 36 movements.

The end of the pigtail will also need to be fixed with a strong knot. During weaving, you will have to pronounce a conspiracy and mentally think about your desire all the time. After the ribbons are woven, you just have to make a bracelet out of the blank and wear it on your right hand all the time.

A conspiracy on the growing moon to call the right person

Conspiracy to call

Magicians and esotericists advise reading conspiracies for the right call, clearly imagining who you want to talk to at that very moment. According to them, only the most clear visualization of the interlocutor can help create the right energy message.

As for the charmed things, in this case they can also be used in the ceremony, although they will play a secondary role. If you can’t imagine as accurately as possible the features of the person from whom you want to receive a call, then get his photo and look at him all the time while pronouncing the plot.

After the right words have been spoken, put the phone with the photo on the window and let them spend the night under the moonlight. If the next day you do not receive a call from right person then repeat the ritual again.

Conspiracy from drunkenness on the growing moon

Conspiracy from drunkenness

Conspiracies from drunkenness most often begin to be read on the first day of the New Moon. As a rule, magic words are pronounced over holy water and salt. After the ceremony, these products are added little by little to the food and drink of the dependent person, and are also used as a protective amulet.

You can put the charmed salt in the drinker's clothes and when he leaves the house, she will protect him from the temptation to drink alcohol. With charmed water, it will be possible to clear the space in the house. To do this, it will be necessary to add 15-20 drops of magical liquid to water and wipe all surfaces with it in the room in which a person with alcohol addiction lives.

Conspiracy to marry on the growing moon

conspiracy for marriage

The marriage conspiracy has a strong effect on the subconscious of a person, so if you are not sure that your soulmate has the same feelings for you as you do, then it’s better not to spend it. Your lover will eventually propose to you, but since this will not happen by his will, your marriage may not last long.

A conspiracy for a successful marriage should be read over indoor plants purchased on the first day of the New Moon. Therefore, plan your time in such a way that you have the opportunity to make such a purchase on that particular day, and preferably in the first half of the day. Try to find two constantly blooming red and white flowers.

Bring them home and put them on the window, after tying them together with red tape. Every day before going to bed, read over them a conspiracy, with which we introduced you a little higher. After the New Moon comes, remove the flowers from the windowsill and, without untying the ribbon, place them as close as possible to your bed. It is believed that the more often you see these houseplants the sooner you can get married.

Conspiracy for pregnancy on the growing moon

conspiracy to conceive

When asking the queen of the night for a baby, you must understand that a child is a gift from God, so in this case you must combine and white magic, And christian prayers. The combination of these two components will help you conceive a child as quickly as possible. Therefore, before reading conspiracies over the marital bed, first go to church with your husband and take communion.

Also be sure to give alms to the three begging people. This must be done, as it is believed that a person can receive a gift only if he sincerely repents of his earthly sins and does not spare his fortune for those in need. After the third visit to the church, you can begin to charm the marital bed. You will need to do this for 12 days in a row.

So, before you go to bed, open the curtains on the window and let the moonlight saturate your bed with positive energy. Then, dressed in a clean shirt, slowly begin to pronounce the words of the conspiracy. After reading it 3 times in a row, you can call your husband and go to bed. If you want the plot to work faster, you can read it with your spouse.

Growing Moon Conspiracy: Consequences

Consequences of conspiracies

Know that any even the most harmless conspiracy affects the fate of a person big influence. Therefore, you should always remember that if you do something wrong, then not only will you not change your life for the better, but, on the contrary, will make it even more difficult. In view of this, it will be better if you perform all the rituals with maximum concentration and the belief that the Moon can help you solve your problems.

Also, you should be very careful about the amulets that you will speak on the growing moon. You will have to take care of them even after you receive everything that you asked for from the night luminary. In no case should conspired objects be thrown away or donated. People with bad energy can destroy the protection they gave you, and then the old problems will return to you again.

Video: A strong conspiracy from debt. How to get rid of debts. A strong conspiracy for money on a growing moon