Two pearls of the most expensive French resorts - Cannes and Nice - turned into a mud mess in just one night. This is the result of many hours of rain that hit the French Riviera. In the Far East, on Sakhalin, two days before, a hurricane wind at a speed of 40 m/s tore off the roofs of high-rise buildings and bent trees to the ground like reeds, moved 30-meter cranes.

What happened is a real natural anomaly, since the appearance of a typhoon requires huge masses of warm and humid air, which happens only in the tropics. Experts are sure that this case proves that the climate has begun to change on the Eurasian continent.

“This is, of course, primarily due to the changing climate: regional changes. And in our country, both a projectile does not fall into the same funnel, and anomalous weather conditions, and natural disasters, they also do not repeat regionally. That is, if you follow, now we have the 15th year. Starting from the 10th year, abnormal heat was observed on the European territory, including the Moscow region, due to blocking processes that did not allow humid atmospheric air masses from the Atlantic, and for almost two months we all languished, "- comments Yury Varakin, head of the situational center of Roshydromet.

Perhaps in a few hundred years our cold country, as well as all of Europe, will turn into real tropics. In Paris, the temperature has soared over 40 degrees recently. Because of the heat, even the electrical substation failed, and hundreds of thousands of Parisians were left without electricity.

"This is due to the fact that this summer in Western Europe the ozone layer was severely destroyed. When ozone is destroyed, then through this ozone anomaly, through the hole, comes additional ultraviolet radiation, additional solar radiation, which heats the surface air. When the air is heated, the pressure drops. And a pressure gradient is created between Europe, European and African latitudes,"- explains the anomalies Vladimir Syvorotkin, senior Researcher Faculty of Geology, Moscow State University, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences.

Infernal heat this summer came not only to Europe. Nature decided to attack Asia and the Middle East as well. In India this spring and summer, you could safely fry scrambled eggs without fire, just in the sun. And all because the temperature in the shade reached almost 50 degrees.

This year, almost 2.5 thousand people could not bear the summer heat in India - they died from heat stroke. Neither the usual veil, nor dousing with water, nor even bathing in not quite clean water. Many reservoirs dried up, and the Indians often did not have enough bottled water.

From the heat in India, not only people died, but also animals. In the Delhi Zoo, tigers and lions had to be saved from dehydration, for this they were given drinking bowls and pools of ice water.

The most exceptional nation, the Americans, did not escape the heat stroke. In Iowa this summer, the thermometers were off the charts over 40 degrees Celsius. The heat quickly spread to Michigan, Florida, North Dakota, Illinois, and Minnesota. The heat killed 20 people there. Moreover, according to experts, this is quite a bit - every year more than 160 people die from high temperatures in the United States.

It turns out that the hellish heat this summer was in the most different corners land (but not in central Russia). According to meteorologists, what is happening means that the climate on our planet is getting warmer. And so everywhere, as in the tropics or the open ocean, heavy rains arise, due to which rivers overflow their banks and turn cities into real lakes. This is exactly what happened in Cannes, which has never been a tropic and was not an island in the ocean.

"Ozone is cold, the anomaly is negative, that is, the ozone hole is warm. But at the junction of these ozone anomalies, all the so-called dangerous meteorological phenomena- cyclones, freezing rains, heavy rains. Why? Because the positive anomaly is we have the volume of air cooled, cold, with high pressure, and by negative ozone anomaly we mean warm air with low pressure. And when in the place, where they touch, there is a leveling of these gradients",- says Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences Vladimir Syvorotkin.

In the US state South Carolina the city of Springfield after heavy rains turned into a lake. Because of the flood of the rivers, thousands of houses were flooded, 12 people died, and the most unpleasant surprise was the coffins floating up at the local cemetery, which, in literally moored to the courtyards of the townspeople. The local authorities moored the floating dead in order to take them to the morgues on special boats.

In Georgia, this summer the capital of the republic has turned into a real raging river. The city center - the Heroes' Square - resembled a huge lake, and the nearby zoo was flooded. As a result, not only dozens of people died, but also animals - almost 300 pets of the zoo. Crocodile, White Lion Shumba and many others were simply shot dead by the military, who considered that the animals could be dangerous for the townspeople.

Scientists say: the landslide that blocked the mouth of the Vera River is to blame. As a result, an artificial lake was formed in this place, which broke through the dam near Tbilisi, and the water fell on the city in a huge stream. According to weather forecasts, such floods due to global warming will happen more often, and some island states, such as, for example, Great Britain or Japan, may go under water in a few decades. But most importantly, floods will overtake even those places where they have never been. Tropical hurricanes and downpours will pass through Alaska and even across Russia. And some areas in the Far East, such as Kamchatka, Magadan or Khabarovsk, may be washed off the face of the earth.

"When we have such an amount of precipitation in the mountains, the amount of moisture flowing down at a time increases by an order of magnitude, or even by two orders of magnitude. And it turns out that this diameter, into which the river was driven, is not enough. Given that these are mountains, mudflows, broken trees clog the channel, clog it. And all this mass of water has to go somewhere.", - explains what is happening Yuri Varakin, head of the situational center of Roshydromet.

Against the backdrop of all these floods, one involuntarily recalls almost the most massive flood throughout history Far East Russia. At the end of the summer of 2013, a powerful flood hit the region, which led to truly catastrophic consequences. Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Vladivostok, Blagoveshchensk were almost completely flooded. Almost two and a half hundred towns and villages in the Khabarovsk Territory, the Amur Region and the Jewish Autonomous Region were under water. An area of ​​​​400 thousand square kilometers was flooded, an area that is larger than modern Germany. Then 135,000 people were affected by the disaster.

And another tragedy is the flood in Krymsk, a small town in southern Russia. Then, in 2012, Krasnodar Territory in 2 days, half a year's rainfall fell. Because of this, a natural reservoir was formed near Krymskoye, held back on the banks by a single bridge. That is, a natural dam was formed, which in the end could not withstand the pressure, and a roaring stream poured into the city. Then the elements claimed the lives of almost two hundred people, in total, 34 thousand suffered from a terrible disaster, more than 7 thousand houses were destroyed.

And such catastrophic, and most importantly, unexpected floods occurring due to heavy rains or sudden melting of snow in the mountains, in our country, according to weather forecasts, will be more and more in the coming years.

But what causes climate change on earth? And most importantly - why does it change not evenly, but chaotically, bringing snowfalls to the palm countries, and hellish heat to temperate Europe? Some scientists believe that earthquakes that have become more frequent over the past few decades are to blame.

After all, during an earthquake, the earth's crust shifts, that is, the surface of the earth with each earthquake changes. And this, according to scientists, eventually leads to the fact that the axis of rotation of the earth in relation to the sun also changes. And the climate is changing accordingly.

"The speed of the Earth's rotation is determined by daily cycles, but it is uneven. The Earth sometimes accelerates, sometimes it slows down. This is due to the interaction of the Earth - the Moon - the Sun. This conglomerate. This trio regulates the speed of the Earth. And when they say "The Earth slowed down" - this is in thousandths seconds. But these fractions can cause, among other things, the movement of the plates, "- says climatologist Alexander Diashev.

No one can give an exact answer to the question why earthquakes have become more frequent. However, some scientists suggest that this has something to do with temperature changes. earth's core. And it changes, according to experts, depending on the position of our planet in orbit. From a decrease in temperature, the core contracts, from an increase, on the contrary, it grows.

And it is from the growth of the nucleus that the shift occurs tectonic plates, which provokes such earthquakes.

Of course, a tsunami, a local flood or a heat wave does not pose a danger to the entire planet. However, this does not mean at all that we are immune from the strongest cataclysm that will shake the entire planet and can become a real apocalypse for us. Moreover, this apocalypse, according to scientists, can come from North America.

In the very center, in the state of Wyoming, there is a giant volcano - perhaps the largest on the planet. Yellowstone supervolcano. The last time its eruption occurred 600,000 years ago and led to a planetary catastrophe: volcanic dust, ash and gases obscured the Sun on long years. As a result, it became so cold that it died out in North America great amount animals and plants.

Scientists are sure that very soon he may wake up again. True, now it will get not only North America. An eruption could wake up similar volcanoes all over the planet.

"The Yellowstone volcano is the largest. And, of course, in the event of its activation or explosion ... It will be a universal catastrophe, that is, according to scientists, in the event of an active eruption, a significant part of North America may simply disappear,"- says Yuri Varakin, head of the situational center of Roshydromet.

The Yellowstone volcano does not have a crater and a characteristic cone. Only a giant depression - a caldera with a size of almost 4 thousand square kilometers. It would fit three such megacities as Moscow.

"It can lead not only to a stop, a collapse in air transport communications over Europe and the USA with Canada. This can even lead to a one-time (within a year - a year and a half) drop in temperature. The smallest dust particles thrown into the upper layers of the atmosphere are there for quite a long time. This may be a year or two and leads to a sharp decrease in the incoming solar radiation, that is, to reduce the inflow sunlight and lower global temperatures,- explains Yuri Varakin.

Experts believe that if the Yellowstone volcano wakes up, its eruption will lead to the death of almost the entire continent. And it will happen in a matter of hours. Magma will break the earth's crust and thousands of square kilometers of forests and fields, towns and cities will collapse into a fiery vent. The explosion will eject hot gas, ash and rock for tens of thousands of kilometers around, killing all life in its path. streams volcanic lava with a temperature of a thousand degrees will fill the valleys and wipe out the cities.

According to experts, awakening yellowstone volcano can provoke colossal tectonic waves. This means that earthquakes will sweep across the world. Moreover, it will shake so that thousands of volcanoes around the planet will wake up, including colossi like the American one.

Seismologists cannot predict the year when the fiery apocalypse will happen. But they have already figured out how to pacify the eruption of such a force. For example, the Japanese proposed to perforate the perimeter of the volcano's caldera - that is, to drill its plug with huge boring machines. Then there might not be an explosion. However, there is one problem - to achieve desired effect wells should be 20 kilometers deep. Then the pressure in the vent will drop to an acceptable level, and the magma will begin to pour out to the surface gradually. For the time being deep well made by mankind is considered to be SG-3, which was drilled on the Kola Peninsula back in the days Soviet Union. Its depth is more than 12 kilometers. That is, the Japanese still need to develop and build drilling rigs that can make twenty-kilometer wells, and this takes years. As experts say, there may simply not be enough time.

At the very end of spring, a terrible natural disaster struck Moscow, which the inhabitants of the capital are unlikely to forget in the next few decades.

On May 29, squally winds knocked down several thousand trees and caused the death of eleven people.

Photo: / allexicher

The hurricane damaged 140 residential apartment buildings and fifteen hundred cars.


As it turned out later, when everyone came to their senses a little, the May rampage of bad weather became the most cruel and destructive natural disaster in Moscow for more than a hundred of the last years - only the tornado of 1904 was worse.

Before the Russians had time to recover from the Moscow storm, the hurricane hit a number of other regions of the country. Just a week later, on June 6 in: due to heavy rain, they overflowed the banks of the river, flooded the streets and destroyed roads and bridges. At the same time, a large hail fell in the Trans-Baikal Territory, and in the Komi Republic, melt water and pouring rain simply washed away the roads from the face of the region.


The worst thing is that weather forecasters promise that this is only the beginning of disasters. Hurricanes are forecast to hit the entire Central Russia. At the beginning of summer, on June 2, St. Petersburg residents, already accustomed to bad weather, suffered another stress: in the afternoon the temperature dropped to 4 degrees, and hail fell from the sky. So cold weather in the northern capital was last time only in 1930. And then, suddenly, after such an "extreme" the thermometer jumped in St. Petersburg right up to +20.


While the Russians are trying to hide from the ice hail, the Japanese are dying from the wild heat. According to Japanese media reports, over the past week, more than a thousand Japanese citizens ended up in the hospital with the same diagnosis - heatstroke. Already a few weeks in the country rising sun it is hot: thermometers show well over 40 degrees. After such an "inferno", employees of the fire service of Japan tell reporters, seventeen people will remain in the hospital for long-term treatment.

« The earth will fly into the heavenly axis! »

So what is really going on in the world? Global warming or cooling? Or is it just the agony of a mad planet that cannot get rid of the “plague” of humanity? In recent decades, the theory of global warming has been the most widespread. It seems to be unconditionally confirmed by the fact that glaciers are melting at a tremendous speed in the world. They are even called the “litmus test” of climate change: after all, small fluctuations average annual temperature we do not notice, but the volume of melted ice caps can be easily measured and even just seen with the naked eye.

According to the forecasts of supporters of the theory of global warming, in the next 80 years, 90% of the glaciers in the European Alps may disappear. In addition, due to melting arctic ice the level of the world's seas may also rise sharply. And this is fraught with flooding of some countries and serious climate change on the planet.


Researchers see the cause of global warming in human activities. They point out that carbon dioxide, methane and other by-products of human agricultural and industrial activities create a greenhouse effect, due to which the temperature on the planet rises, and ice flows into the ocean in streams.

"The winter is coming!"

At the same time, now there are more and more supporters of the theory of global cooling. The fact that the cold is waiting for us in the near future, and not excessive anthropogenic heat, is proved by scientists from British University Northumbria.

Global cooling, according to their version, will come as a result of the influence of external rather than internal factors on the Earth's climate. The reason will be a decrease in the activity of our luminary - the Sun. British scientists, using mathematical calculations, modeled the processes occurring on the Sun and made a forecast for the coming years.


According to the predictions of scientists, in 2022 a serious drop in temperature awaits us. At this time, the Earth will move away from its star to the maximum distance, which will lead to a cooling. In five years, Northumbria University scientists say, our planet will enter the Maunder Minimum, and earthlings will have to stock up on down jackets and heaters in full.

The last time the decline in temperature of such a level as predicted by British researchers was observed in Europe in the 17th century. The most interesting thing is that this theory does not at all contradict the latest observations of meteorologists: its supporters attribute the general increase in temperature and the melting of glaciers to the fact that earlier the Earth was at a minimum distance from the Sun.


The fact that humanity does not have such a strong influence on the global climate is also very appealing to the controversial new US leader Donald Trump. In early summer, he announced his country's withdrawal from the Paris climate agreement. This agreement imposes restrictions on the amount of carbon dioxide emitted by them into the atmosphere on the countries that signed it. Trump said that this agreement is holding back the growth of industry in the States, and this, in turn, is taking away jobs from the people. But if the British scientists are right, then the US leader has nothing to worry about - the "Maunder minimum" can level the damage that the policy of the industrial magnate can cause to the planet.

When the planet is torn apart

Interestingly, the battle between the supporters of global warming and global cooling can easily end in an equally global draw. There is a theory according to which periods of excessive heat are replaced by phases of cold in waves. This idea is promoted by the Russian scientist, head of the department of the Siberian Regional Research Hydrometeorological Institute Nikolai Zavalishin.

According to the meteorologist, short periods of global increase and decrease in temperature have happened before. In general, they are cyclical. As the scientist noted, each such cycle includes one decade of rapid global warming, followed by 40 to 50 years of cooling.


Studies conducted by a Siberian meteorologist show that the past two years - 2015 and 2016 - were the warmest in the history of meteorological observations. In the next five to six years, warming should continue, the scientist believes. The average air temperature, as a result, will increase by 1.1 degrees.

But soon, says Nikolai Zavalishin, the warming should end. Here the Siberian is in solidarity with the British: a phase of global cooling is coming. So, according to the Siberian theory, we still have an endless winter ahead of us.

Global warming is a myth

While most scientists place the blame for climate change on humanity, a researcher from the Siberian Institute believes that human activity does not bother the planet too much. The cycles of moderate warming and cooling, according to this version, replace each other regardless of human activity, growth in volumes Agriculture and the scope of the industry. At the same time, fluctuations average temperature on the planet are closely related to the earth's albedo - the reflectivity of our planet.


The fact is that we receive all the energy, in fact, from one main source - from the Sun. However, part of this energy is reflected from the earth's surface and goes into space irrevocably. The other part is absorbed and provides all life on Earth with a happy and productive life.

But different earth surfaces absorb and reflect light differently. Pure snow is able to kick back into space up to 95% of solar radiation, but fat black earth absorbs the same amount.

The more snow and glaciers on the planet, the more sunlight is reflected. Now the glaciers on Earth are in a phase of active melting. However, according to Zavalishin's theory, there is no need to worry about them - when a half-century period of cooling sets in, the balance will be restored.

Who among the scientists is still worth believing? There are quite a few versions of the development of events. Some researchers even promise that in thirty years, in 2047, humanity is waiting for an apocalypse, the cause of which will be unprecedented activity of the Sun. So far, we have only one way to verify this statement - personally live and see.

Margarita Zvyagintseva

This summer has already been dubbed anomalous. Snow fell in June Chelyabinsk region, Murmansk, Severomorsk, Kirovsk. in Khakassia heavy hail. Moscow is abnormally cold for this time of year. And in the Krasnodar Territory at this time, the temperature breaks other records, approaching the 40-degree mark. locals they say that they will not remember such a heat for a long time. Weather anomalies are also observed in European countries. In Sofia, due to unusually high temperatures (up to 44 degrees), five people died, and a heavy downpour hit Berlin, flooding several subway stations. Why weather disasters have become more frequent and whether Russians should expect tropical hurricanes, said a senior researcher at the Main Geophysical Observatory named after A.I. Voeikova, author of the book "Climate Paradoxes".

"": Snow in June in the Kuban, heat in Sochi, cold and showers in Moscow - is it time to get used to such anomalies?

Kiselev: It is customary to evaluate the climate for a thirty-year period. During this time, drought, cold, and rain can happen. Now the anomalous weather situation from the point of view of an ordinary person. These are the laws of psychology. We are not used to it, and statistically this year can be quite ordinary. After all, we often have situations when one summer is not like another, and there is nothing extraordinary in this.

Few people remember what happened 30 years ago. But today, everyone is worried that these "ordinary" weather events from the point of view of the average person are happening more and more often. This is true?

Yes. According to Roshydromet, over the past 20 years, the number of dangerous hydrometeorological phenomena that have damaged the economy has approximately doubled. If in the last century there were 150-200 of them per year, then starting from 2007, every two years their number can exceed 400. It is more difficult with foreign statistics: each hydrometeorological service has its own criteria for anomaly, so I operate with the statistics of insurance companies. According to them, over the past 35 years, the number of insured events related to the weather has tripled. First of all, insurers fix floods, droughts, hurricanes - that is, those natural phenomena, the damage from which is subject to compensation.

It turns out that there is no unified statistics of natural disasters in the world? Does each country keep records differently?

Scientists are arguing over the criteria, they still cannot agree on what a drought is, therefore they cannot calculate that there were such and such a number of dry days in the world. For areas with the same topography and similar weather conditions everything seems to be clear, but how to derive the total value for drought in the mountains or in the continental part of the country? There it goes completely differently. In the same way, they cannot, for example, unequivocally say what a heavy downpour is: there is no common opinion about when an ordinary rain turns into a downpour.

What is the reason for the growth of the anomaly?

Scientists are inclined to believe that climate change makes a significant contribution to this. This has not yet been officially proven, because there is not enough statistical information. Hundreds of cases need to be collected for the numbers to be representative. In, for example, the last document regulating what can be considered dangerous phenomenon, and what is not, was released in 2009 - that is, quite recently. And how to take into account those things that were before, it is no longer clear. That is, there is a problem associated with the lack of material. But, I think, within a few years it will be overcome.

What is changing in our climate?

Many mean by this process only global warming. This is indeed the case, but at the same time whole complex phenomena: changes in the circulation of the atmosphere and ocean, precipitation regime. More high temperatures- it means that evaporation and other processes associated with this are increasing: the formation of clouds, precipitation. Everything is connected, it is a complex system from which one factor cannot be torn out.

How much warmer has it become in Central Russia?

From 1880 to 2012, warming was 0.85 degrees.

Photo: Kirill Kallinikov / RIA Novosti

A common person won't even notice it.

It's right. But in a global sense, this is a lot. The Paris climate agreement, which many countries have signed, has indicated that the point of no return for global climate change is a change in average air temperature by two degrees relative to the pre-industrial period.

Point of no return... And then what? Are we all slowly dying out?

Academician Andrei Monin, a classic of climatology, wrote that in the entire history of the Earth there was no situation when the climate was incompatible with life. There were climate changes, and in all directions: both very warm and very cold - ice ages, For example. But still, in general, extinction due to climate does not threaten humanity. Although, for example, the rise of water in the oceans can lead to the fact that they will be flooded certain territories, and the local population either migrates or perishes.

Some of your colleagues suggested that man, with his modest abilities, is not able to change the climate of the Earth, and space processes have a much greater influence.

There is a theory that the climate of the Earth is determined by a combination of some astronomical factors, by the position of the planets. But the scale of these changes is tens of thousands of years, so it simply will not affect such a short period as a human life, or within one century. The astronomical parameters in which we live can be considered constant. If we lived for 50 thousand years, then indeed the changes associated with astronomy would be significant for us.

If we talk about warming, then it seems that it is going very unevenly. Why?

We are talking about global warming, and we must keep in mind that the world average is taken. It's like the average temperature in a hospital. For example, in Transbaikalia in the last decade there has been a trend towards cooling, and in other parts of Russia and Europe - towards warming. The climatic trend is also influenced by local, local factors. They are superimposed on the global. It is wrong to say that the climate is getting warmer in all countries. It is known that in Russia it was getting warmer on average faster than in the globe. And in the Arctic, for example, this process was twice as intense as the average. This means that in some regions, warming is very slow or does not occur at all.

Some people think that there is nothing wrong with getting a little warmer everywhere.

It's like saying. As the temperature changes, the rate of ice melting increases. Two-thirds of Russia's territory is located in the permafrost zone. There is infrastructure on this frozen ground: houses, roads, pipelines. When the soil begins to degrade due to warming, man-made accidents occur.

What should Russians prepare for in the foreseeable future?

The rise in average temperature will continue. Accordingly, according to mathematical calculations, it turns out that weather anomalies will become more, they will become more frequent.

Photo: Safron Golikov / Kommersant

Is it possible to make a forecast for each Russian region on probable cataclysms?

can be guided common sense. If, say, you live in the desert, it would be strange to expect floods. Behind last month in the Moscow region, we received three types of cataclysms: a hurricane, a flood and a severe thunderstorm. Accordingly, the number of these anomalies may increase. Scientists today attribute an increase in hot and cold zones to climate change. In particular, we can recall the hot two months in 2010 in Russia. They may repeat, but no one can predict this. More or less, you can focus on a forecast lasting three to five days.

Why, then, are forecasts up to 15 days published on the website of the Hydrometeorological Center?

Demand creates supply: everyone wants to know what will happen. In January, they may ask what the summer will be like. Meteorologists do not lie: they honestly consider and say that it turned out like this. But only incorrigible optimists can count on the fact that these forecasts will turn out to be real.

Is it worth waiting for that every year the strength natural anomalies will increase? Are Russians threatened by tropical hurricanes destroying homes?

No, there are certain limits beyond which nature cannot yet go. They are determined by processes on a planetary scale.

But a man with his anthropogenic activity can contribute to this?

Human activities naturally have a significant impact on the climate. Scientists have proved that until 1850 the human factor did not play a significant role, and when the process of industrialization began, this role became important. This is a very serious problem and it needs to be dealt with. In Russia, they somehow distance themselves from it. When the President of America withdrew from the Paris Agreements to minimize human impact on the climate, European countries he was convicted. And we were told very carefully: we will figure it out, Trump is not a stupid person, and he has reasons.

See what is meant. A person can influence some minor events: for example, disperse the clouds on holidays and make it rain in another place. But if we talk about regulating the processes taking place in the atmosphere - for example, changing the direction of cyclones - this is absolutely unrealistic. I gave this example in my book: the Sahara Desert receives as much energy from the Sun in six hours as a person generates in a year with the help of various power plants. Compare: a few hours - and a year. This is the scale of human capabilities. They are not very big.

Our present is quite unpredictable and it becomes difficult to predict even the banal weather for tomorrow. What are these mother nature jokes? What is happening to the climate on the planet? Hurricanes, storms, abnormal heat or abnormal frosts - cataclysms in the news feed never cease to amaze with their magnitude. Hundreds of people leaving their homes in the morning may not return home. Snow in the summer, hail destroys crops and crashes planes and this is only a small part of what is happening on our planet. This is all we are watching live, and not watching science fiction in the cinema. The desire to understand haunts us, so what is happening to the climate on the planet.

Do you know that for a small group of people, all these cataclysms were known long before their implementation. Scientists climatologists have long been concerned about the state of the climate on planet Earth. At the end of 2016, a group of climatologists released a closed report that a new climate catastrophe is approaching our planet, and from 2017 it will begin to act. The sensational report was presented by the board of all countries, but this information was closed to the general public.

What was so secret about it? And how does this relate to what is happening to the climate on the planet. According to scientists, people should know what is happening with the climate on the planet and how it all will affect the fate of mankind, whatever it may be. Scientists suggest that those who are now in ruling positions have their own plans for the future and they have their own plans for the truth that can be given to people. They believe that the elected will be able to sit wrapped in comfort, and they do not care about the rest of humanity. What has already begun to hurt all countries and all peoples, and our ruling elite is simply afraid of panic and that people will begin to demand that they take appropriate measures. Prepare for the horror that has already begun to approach.

What a group of climatologists and weather forecasters found out in their calculations has already begun. See what's happening with the weather this year in all countries. A group of scientists warned about this in their report back in 2016. Their model of future natural disasters coincides by 80% with the events that are currently taking place in the world.

Scientific and technological progress has caused tremendouse impact on changes occurring with the climate on the planet.

Things have even gone so far that people themselves want to control natural processes by developing climate change technologies. Pioneers in this area were still Soviet scientists. When abnormal heat or abnormal cold sets in, many people believe that this is the so-called climate weapon. Yes, such a project had good funding, but years of work have not yet yielded results. It has not yet been possible to launch the so-called climate weapon. And research is currently not being done on climate weapons.


It is ridiculous to blame one or a group of people for climate change on Earth. Even at school, children are taught to cherish and appreciate our environment and nature, because it is our future and the future of our children. No wonder the forests are called lungs of the planet, and massive deforestation does not contribute to climate improvement. Humanity uses the resources given to us by mother nature, but forgets that it is necessary to update and increase this.

Technical progress is, of course, great and necessary, we don’t want to go back to prehistoric times, but how this progress affects what is happening with the planet’s climate. New factories and power plants, hundreds and thousands of tons of machines have been emitting greenhouse waste into the atmosphere for a considerable time. We work and live for pleasure, and then we are surprised by floods and temperatures below + 40, and all these are the consequences of human activity. Some skeptics believe that human activity is an influence only to a small extent, but it has already been proven that 60% earth atmosphere suffers from human technical and scientific progress. We do not stand still, but move forward, but in the right direction? Here you can write a lot of articles and studies, put forward a lot of hypotheses and tell that you don’t have long to live, and the more of this garbage, even more questions appear.

Global warming is another factor in the changes that occur to the planet's climate. Not even a factor, but rather the result of activity. Due to abnormal heat, the amount of precipitation increases, unexpected and unprecedented droughts, tsunamis kill people, entire cities are destroyed. Hot climate promotes multiplication of bacteria. Mosquitoes, which are the most common carriers of infections, will multiply faster, attacks will become aggressive, respectively, until 2020, the death rate of people from infections will increase. Polluted by floods and droughts drinking water, that is, reserves fresh water decrease.

Surely you will think about whether you can change something. Yes! You can, but for yourself. You can't change the whole planet. Yes, and the clock is already ticking, what will happen next is unknown. Even scientists cannot predict the future 100%, it remains to be observed.

Unprecedented downpours in Moscow, Sochi, Kursk, Voronezh, tornadoes in Dnepropetrovsk - what is happening to the climate? Answered this question Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences Vladimir Polevanov.


One of the versions of the current weather cataclysms popular among the people is a climate weapon. They say that America deliberately opened up the abyss of heaven over Russia in June, in order, together with economic sanctions finally destroy the Russian economy ...

Nonsense, the United States has absolutely nothing to do with it, they suffer even more from climatic cataclysms, - says Vladimir Polevanov, ex-Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation in the Chernomyrdin government, doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences. - In January-February, abnormal frosts and snowfalls reigned in America, dozens of people froze to death, airports and schools were closed. Even the geyser froze national park… The weather is changing throughout the Northern Hemisphere. South is relatively quiet.

So what's going on with the climate?

The planet is now smoothly rolling into the beginning of the next ice age.

- Yes you? But what about global warming?

The worldwide hysteria about global warming was deliberately fanned. The Kyoto Protocol (officially the main weapon in the fight against global warming) is a political and economic club in the hands of the United States against developing countries and other competitors. So that they do not develop their industry. But I am not acting as a politician and a conspiracy theorist.

I am a professional geologist and I know that in 1960-1998 the USSR and the USA carried out a very expensive drilling program in Greenland and Antarctica with more than a dozen wells that penetrated the glaciers to their very foundation. This made it possible to obtain invaluable material for reliable climatic conclusions.

The study of the ice core (rock samples) showed that the epochs of warming and cooling regularly alternated. Over the past 450 thousand years, there have been 6 climatic cycles. We live in the era of the ending interglacial period and naturally roll into the period of the "great cooling".

The first factor in the inevitability of a new cold snap is the cooling of the Gulf Stream. warm current starts in the Gulf of Mexico and goes to our Murmansk, Severnaya Zemlya, because the Barents Sea is non-freezing. However, the Gulf Stream last years weakens, carries less and less heat to Europe. This winter, the Murmansk port has frozen over, and this is a rarity! Previously, the Kola Bay was covered with ice no more than once every 25-30 years, but in the new century this has already happened twice.

The second factor is a sharp decrease in the number of spots on the Sun, not yet explained by scientists. Solar power is declining. And the Sun is the main heater of the Earth. To these factors was added a third, man-made. The explosion of an oil well in the Gulf of Mexico, from where the Gulf Stream originates. The weather change accelerated after that catastrophe.


- We are surprised by Moscow tropical downpours.

In recent years, we have seen a similar picture of cars flooded to the roof, stormy streams on TV more than once on the streets of European cities. Now it floods us. Air currents have changed dramatically. The climate is changing throughout the Northern Hemisphere. Similar climatic foci on both sides of the Atlantic will become more and more frequent.

- And how soon will Russia freeze?

There will be enough warmth for our age, don't worry. It will even be warmer than now. From the point of view of geology, this is an instantaneous process of glacier formation - thousands of years. By the standards human life- gigantic period. So congratulations - we live in an era of climate change. But at the very beginning!