For those who want to improve their health, tighten the figure exists great amount all kinds of sports. Increasingly gaining popularity among fans healthy lifestyle of life, a system of exercises developed at the beginning of the 20th century by Joseph Pilates and named after him. Pilates - what are these unusual workouts that strengthen the body, while being completely safe for the spine and characterized by slow movements?

What is Pilates in Fitness

One of the most useful and safe species training is what pilates is. The secret lies in the fact that the system was developed by a man who began to practice, being sickly and weak. Having independently developed and tested all the exercises on himself, the creator of the technique, Joseph Pilates, gained good health and a strong athletic figure.

Thanks to such an advantage as the possibility of classes for weak people, the system gradually gained a lot of fans - those who cannot afford to take on heavier and active species sports. Pregnant women, people with problems of the musculoskeletal system, novice athletes stop their choice on it. In fitness, the Pilates mix is ​​used, which includes slow strength exercises.


Pilates begins with breathing, so be sure to learn how to breathe lateral or breast way. It lies in the fact that with each breath you need to open the chest as much as possible. This actively saturates the body with oxygen, strengthens the intercostal muscles. A smooth exhalation helps to gently bring the muscles into tension. In addition to proper breathing, it is important to master all the other principles of the system that provide good result:

  • Smoothness. Pilates classes are characterized by a slow or medium pace of execution. They are carried out without jerks and overvoltage.
  • Relaxation and isolation. It is necessary to monitor tense zones so that those places that are not used remain relaxed.
  • Centering. All approaches are performed with constantly drawn in abdominal muscles.
  • Concentration. During classes, you need to get rid of extraneous thoughts and concentrate on the exercises themselves, the correctness of their implementation.
  • Alignment. The position of the body is very important, which must be constantly monitored.
  • Graduality. This applies to the load, which increases only when the previous one is fully mastered.
  • Regularity. Noticeable results appear after regular exercise.

The difference between Pilates and yoga

Both systems have more similarities than differences. They are smooth, designed to strengthen and heal, but yoga is an ancient direction that has been created for more than one millennium. Pilates is a young system that is only about 100 years old. Yoga involves more immersion in your inner world, rethinking everything around, spiritual development. Pilates is all about wellness physical body. It does not involve long poses such as yoga asanas.

Benefits of Pilates for the body

The peculiarity of the classes lies in the deep study of several muscle groups during each individual exercise. Together with correct breathing they bring great benefits to the body, improving health. Pilates helps to strengthen even the sickly and weak elderly. It tightens the shape, strengthens the bones, makes the muscles elastic. With regular exercises, posture changes, because the back muscles are strengthened. The technique helps to get rid of pain, improves joint mobility. The body from the inside is filled with strength, it becomes much more resilient, and the figure is more graceful.

For the spine

Spinal diseases can affect people of any age, and a sedentary lifestyle is increasingly contributing to this. In diseases such as osteochondrosis, scoliosis, intervertebral hernia, many types of physical activity are contraindicated, but not Pilates for the spine. It is safe due to the lack of sudden movements, in addition, many exercises are performed lying down, which reduces the risk of any additional injuries. The benefit is as follows:

  • nutrition of intervertebral discs;
  • development of flexibility;
  • the formation of a strong muscular frame;
  • the control and balance that this system teaches;
  • elimination of muscle spasms;
  • reducing body weight, which reduces the load on the spine.

For weight loss

Most people strive to lose weight quickly, but those who lose weight rapidly often cannot keep the weight off. Another thing is Pilates, which does not promise quick results. It acts slowly, but no less effectively helping to reset excess weight. The difference compared to more active sports is that the exercises in this system bring results when you give them a long time, doing it regularly. Many exercises (boat, pike, crunches) target areas that are problematic for most people: hips, stomach.

To strengthen muscles

During Pilates classes, all muscle groups are alternately worked out, during which they are strengthened, but not built up. Those who take 10 minutes a day to do this quickly begin to feel a difference in their condition before and after exercise. 20 minutes/day significantly changes a person's posture and gait by strengthening the muscles of the whole body. 30-minute exercises quickly make a person much more enduring, relief and strength appear in the body. Special attention is given to the “strength frame” - these are the oblique and transverse muscles of the press.

Pilates gymnastics at home

Due to the fact that this system is considered one of the safest, it is suitable for performing at home without pre-training and regardless of your physical data. Beginners should take into account that the training will not be very simple, so it is better to familiarize yourself with some rules first:

  • You need to breathe with your chest, taking in as much air as possible with your lungs.
  • The press must be constantly strained.
  • Shoulders are kept down. This is essential for full chest expansion.
  • The head should always be held straight, without tipping back or lowering onto the chest.
  • The spine must constantly try to stretch.

Basic exercises

There are three levels of difficulty in this system of exercises. Even if you are not used to playing sports, it is better to start with basic exercises. Although they are simple, but doing it right, you will find that it takes a lot of effort. the main objective initial complex- feel your spine, determine all the bends, return it to its normal position. The spine of most people is curved to a greater or lesser extent. Basic Pilates exercises will strengthen those muscles that stabilize his position, put his posture in order.

Pilates equipment

There is an inventory that is intended for use during classes on this system. It includes several special simulators and shells:

  • isotonic ring. It is made of steel, diameter - 38 centimeters. On the sides are attached grips for arms and legs.
  • Cylinder. He is a roller for Pilates or roll. It has a cylindrical shape, up to 90 centimeters long, 15 centimeters in diameter.
  • Ball or fitball. Pilates exercises on the ball reduce the load on the back, the ball is used to better work out the muscles.
  • Rug. The difference between this inventory and any other rugs is in thickness. It should be from 6 centimeters.
  • Tape expander up to 25 cm long. Provides additional load.
  • Reformer - a simulator that resembles a bed with a metal frame and other elements.
  • Allegro - a simulator with a movable frame.

How many times a week should you exercise

Each person can choose for himself individual program classes. The main thing is that these are regular workouts several times a week. The less often you spend them, the more time each should take:

  • Daily exercises can be given for 10-20 minutes.
  • If you train every other day, half an hour is enough.
  • You will have to spend about 45 minutes on exercises three times a week.
  • You can practice only twice, then it is better that the workouts are long (about 1.2-2 hours).

Pilates - a set of exercises

This system classes include a lot of exercises. They can be combined into different complexes that will suit a person, depending on the individual state and well-being. Beginners choose basic exercises that increase general tone, pregnant women - complexes that strengthen the muscles of the pelvis. For women who want to improve their figure after childbirth, there are many exercises that tighten stretched abdominal muscles. When doing it yourself, use the instructions in the photo or video, for example, from Karen Carter, which will help you better understand the implementation.

For beginners

If you are a beginner, you can start with simple exercises that do not require any equipment. Do each two or three times until you fully master and feel the strength to increase the number of approaches:

  • Cancan. Sit on the floor with your knees bent and squeezing tightly. Socks only lightly touch the floor. Place your elbows under your shoulders, lean on them. Pull in your stomach, inhale, at this moment turn your knees to the right. As you exhale, straighten your legs, put them on the same diagonal with the body. On the next inhale, return to the starting position. Repeat on the other side.
  • Criss-cross is suitable for stretching the back. Lie on your back, raise your legs, bend at the knees parallel to the floor, hands are under your head, elbows look to the sides. The stomach needs to be drawn in. Inhale, lift your shoulder blades off the floor. Exhale as you extend your right leg at a 45 degree angle, then twist your body to the left. Then do the opposite movement.

For pregnant

It is useful for women in the period of expectation of a child to engage in this technique for many reasons. This relaxes the muscles, prepares the body for childbirth, and reduces tension in the uterus. It is important to consider the trimester of pregnancy when choosing exercises, adhering to a small amplitude of performance and minimal effort. Here are the available and safe ones:

  • On knees. Perform simultaneous lifting of opposite arms and legs, placing them parallel to the floor. Quantity 5-10 times.
  • On the side. One leg is on the floor, the other is cut off at 45 degrees. Simulate the pedaling of a bicycle with it. Then change sides. Perform on each leg 10 times.

After childbirth

For recovery after childbirth, those exercises that are suitable for basic level tighten all the muscles of the body. You can start with the following:

  • A hundred. Lie on the floor with your knees bent. Exhale as you lift one leg so that the shin is parallel to the floor. Keep it there for 10-15 breaths (inhale/exhale). Then repeat with the other leg.
  • Knee circles. The position is the same. As you exhale again, raise your leg parallel to the floor, holding it like that, draw circles with your knee on the ceiling for 5-10 breaths. Repeat with the other leg.

Lose weight with Pilates

Active saturation of cells with oxygen during the special breathing of this technique helps to lose weight safely for health. Numerous exercises for the press, which are present in this technique, load all the muscles of the abdomen. The thighs and buttocks are also effectively tightened. Pilates for weight loss makes the whole body slimmer due to tightened and toned elastic muscles.

Press exercises for weight loss

One of the effective exercises for stretching the press, waist, strengthening the whole body is the "Plank Pose". First, get on all fours, rest on your elbows, then stretch your legs one by one, leaning on your toes. Press your feet together. Straighten the whole body, inhale, lifting the hips, lowering the head. On the second breath, return to the original position. Repeat 10 times.

Another option is an effective exercise for the press called “Scissor twists”. First, lie on your back with your arms stretched out to the sides. They will serve as a support. Grasp the ball in your shins, inhale, then raise your knees to a 90-degree angle. As you exhale, lower your legs to the right. Return to former position, repeat on the other side. Do 10 reps.

Exercises for the buttocks and thighs

In order to tighten the buttocks and thighs, the exercise "Swing the leg" is suitable. Get on all fours first. The wrists should be exactly under the shoulder joints. Slowly take each leg back in turn. Rest on your toes, feet pressed against each other. Straighten up in one straight line. Inhaling, raise one leg, exhaling, lower. Do this with the second leg. Repeat 5 times on each leg.

Exercise "Mermaid" will focus on the hips and the entire side line of the body. To begin, sit comfortably on one thigh with your knees bent. Rest one hand on the floor, put the other on your knee. Inhale as you push off the floor, straightening your body into a side plank pose. The free hand reaches up. The body resembles the letter "T". Lower yourself slowly, change position.

Pilates Contraindications

Although Pilates is considered the safest and most gentle type of exercise, in some cases it can also be dangerous. Remember that you should not exercise if you experience discomfort during exercise. If you're feeling unwell, have a fever, or feel like you're on the verge of a cold or other illness, skip class. If you have one of the following diseases, then the technique may be harmful. It is better to refuse it or consult a doctor first. Restrictions apply to people with:

  • osteoporosis;
  • mental illness;
  • chronic diseases during exacerbations;
  • types of pain syndrome;
  • fever;
  • varicose veins;
  • inflammatory processes.


Looking at the stars from the screens, one question arises: how can these people constantly keep themselves in shape? At the same time, they easily change in weight for roles in different films. The main assistant for such famous stars like Charlize Theron, Jennifer Lopez, is Pilates. Not everyone can set aside time to visit a fitness studio or work out with a personal trainer.

That is why the relevance of training at home is growing. If you have experience, you can independently engage in a particular program. If this type of training is not familiar, you need to choose Pilates video lessons for beginners for home. You can preview the video materials to understand what the load will be. With the help of Pilates, you can get back in shape after childbirth, keep your body slim, lose weight, improve blood circulation and mood.

These types of exercises were originally developed for the recovery of the military after various injuries. The author of the technique is D. Pilates.

Please note: The effectiveness and uniqueness of the exercise program lies in the fact that it allows you to use deep muscles. Thus, a strong framework is formed.

A feature of the complex of Pilates exercises is also the fact that everywhere there are elements that contribute to muscle stretching. This allows you to restore their elasticity, restore muscle tone. In addition, the exercises are not accompanied by injuries, which reduces the risk of unpleasant consequences. Training can be carried out even with pregnant women, subject to certain rules.

It is important to do exercises not only according to the methodology, but also with proper breathing. As a result, there is an improvement in blood flow and metabolism. If practiced regularly, it helps reduce appetite. At the same time, calories are lost not only during training, but also after them. Indeed, as a result of the fact that not only superficial, but also deep muscles work, the body needs much more energy.

Please note: in one workout, you can lose from 200 to 250 kcal.

Pilates is contraindicated in two cases: if osteoporosis is diagnosed, as well as in high pain syndrome.

Basic principles

The complex of exercises has several principles. With their observance, even "dummies" will be able to achieve amazing results without a personal trainer.

  • Breathing is the fundamental and connecting link in Pilates. In exercises, it is important to work out every muscle. Only if proper breathing is observed, it will be easy, pleasant and with a positive effect.
  • Concentration. Concentration on the correct performance of the exercise and the work of the muscles in the video tutorials will allow you to achieve the most effective results in the shortest possible time.
  • Determination of the center of gravity. Because every person is different and has their own physical features(addition, mass), then the center will be located differently. Its definition will allow the load on the muscles to be evenly distributed.
  • Accuracy. If in some types of fitness or gymnastics the performance of some exercises may differ slightly or be adjusted, then in the case of Pilates, all complexes must be performed exactly as the trainer's instructions.
  • Smoothness. Pilates is a set of exercises in which one movement flows from another. Haste and jerks are undesirable. Stops and breaks during classes are prohibited. The smoothness of the movements allows you to use various muscles.

Mastering the basic principles of Pilates is the key to effective exercises, which means that the result will not be long in coming.

Suitable video tutorials for beginners

The best Pilates video tutorials for beginners in Russian and for free are not so difficult to find. There are various sets of exercises that are aimed at both individual muscles and the whole body. However, some of them may take 5 minutes. The frequency of classes is individual. When determining it, it is necessary to take into account physical training. For those who are just getting acquainted with Pilates, repetition 2-3 times a week is enough. Lesson time can be from 20 to 60 minutes. If you are no longer a beginner, then you can start classes 4-5 times a week. You can also increase the time up to 1.5 hours.

Please note: it is important not to stop exercising. Even if there is absolutely not enough time, it is better to reduce the exercise time, but not to cancel the program completely.

For Pilates, you need to prepare suitable clothing.

Michelle: classic

This option is great for those who are just learning the basics. Classic Pilates by Michelle is recommended for the following reasons:

  • in video lessons, the trainer explains all points in an accessible way;
  • you can get acquainted with the analysis of the mistakes that occur among beginners;
  • training takes no more than half an hour.

This best option for beginners. Although the video has exercises for advanced ones.

If the first set of exercises is mastered, you can proceed to the auxiliary program. Classes with Michelle are a set of balanced exercises that will tone your muscles, tighten your body, improve blood circulation and mood for the whole day. Video tutorials can be used at home for both beginner and advanced level.

Classes at home with Inga Yakhna

Inga Yakhney is a famous Russian coach. Her complex, which lasts 50 minutes, gives a detailed analysis of the exercises. Thanks to this, beginners can use this video for self-study.

The program begins with warming up the muscles. The duration of the first stage is 10 minutes. Articular gymnastics, stretching, warming up the main part were used as the main elements. The main emphasis in the program is on strengthening the muscles of the press and back. The pace is slow.

Workout for the perfect press

If there is a need to work out the abdominal muscles, then you should pay attention to the complex, which includes Pilates exercises at home for weight loss. The main emphasis in this lesson is on the abdominal muscles. It is very important to keep the tension and perform the movements slowly. After all, the main thing is quality, not quantity.

Alena Mordovina: home workouts for beginners and not only

The program is great for beginners, because during the lesson it is described in detail how to correctly perform a particular movement.

The trainer presents video lessons with varying degrees of difficulty. To begin with, it is enough to master the program, the duration of which is 15 minutes. With a heavy load, the whole body will hurt afterwards, so it is recommended to start small. Gradually, you can engage in the full program of movements that the trainer advises.

Summing up

To make the body slim, tighten the figure, restore muscle tone - all this can be done independently and at home. To do this, you just need to find suitable lessons and master the basic principles of training. With the correct implementation of the recommendations, 5-10 sessions are enough to notice changes in the mirror. Even if there are doubts, you can study the reviews of those people who were engaged in the selected video lessons.

Today, Pilates is considered one of the most popular types of training. Classes according to this technique are widely used in all fitness centers on the same level with other power loads, as well as in dance studios and clinics that specialize in the restoration and treatment of the musculoskeletal system. Pilates - what is it and what are its advantages over other physical activities? The uniqueness of this technique is that it is considered completely safe, but at the same time its main goal is to teach a person to feel his body and influence it.

Pilates - what is it? Basic concepts and classification

Pilates is a set of static exercises aimed at developing flexibility and mobility, combined with proper breathing and maintaining the body in balance.

The main task of Pilates is the interaction of all muscle groups, ligaments and tendons. This helps to strengthen the muscle tissue of the body, increase the elasticity of the ligaments, improve mood and morale.

A feature of this technique is awareness of actions during exercise, maximum concentration and concentration of the brain, which ensures and controls the work of the whole body.

The positive aspects of such training are the smoothness and continuity of the exercises. The absence of imbalance and overstrain is due to the state of relaxation in unused muscles.

There are three types of Pilates:

  • Floor exercises.
  • Trainer training.
  • Pilates classes with special equipment.

Benefits of Pilates

Such a young type of fitness as Pilates has a large number of advantages. What is it and what are its benefits?

  1. Subconscious control of the body and the development of coordination of movements.
  2. It rebalances all the muscles around the joints and restores the natural curve of the spine.
  3. Restores neuromuscular balance.
  4. The absence of age and gender contraindications.
  5. An ideal option for restorative gymnastics after an injury to the musculoskeletal system.
  6. Strengthens and builds at the same time muscle mass and increases its power.
  7. Prevents bedsores and pulmonary edema in bedridden patients.
  8. The ability to adjust the load depending on physical abilities person.
  9. In combination with the body, it trains and restores the emotional state of a person.
  10. Possibility of training at home.

Fundamental Principles

The Pilates technique is based on the principles of engagement. maximum number muscle fibers during exercise. In order for training to bring significant benefits to the body, it is necessary to follow the basic laws of a technique such as Pilates. What is it and what is their essence?

  • Integration - concentration of attention. During exercise, you should focus on both the muscles involved and the parts of the body that do not move.
  • Intuition - muscle control without tension. The ability to modify exercises when pain or discomfort occurs.
  • Centralization - the creation of a "center of power", the formation of muscle strength in the press, lumbar spine and gluteal muscles.
  • Visualization - the involvement of muscle bundles at the subconscious level. This principle allows you to get to a complex anatomical system and work out the most distant and smallest muscle fibers.
  • Smoothness and continuity. Each exercise has a start point and an end point. The essence of this principle is a smooth transition between movements.
  • Accuracy - contributes to the efficient functioning of the body's muscle tissue. Compliance with all the rules will increase the effectiveness of classes.
  • Proper breathing is the natural rhythm of normal human breathing during exercise. Calm breath in through the nose, smooth exhalation through the mouth.
  • regularity and stability. Classes are held 3 times a week, preferably at the same time. It is not recommended to take long breaks.

Gymnastics for beginners

What are the features of Pilates exercises for beginners? What is it and what points should I pay attention to? The effectiveness of training depends on the correct technique for performing all exercises.

Pilates for beginners has a large number of advantages over other types of fitness. Lack of physical fitness will not hurt to tighten the muscle fibers of the press and spinal muscles through such training.

The main thing that beginners should pay attention to is working out, before proceeding to the main part of the classes, the main stance and breathing.

In the main stance, the body should be perfectly even, and the lower back should be flat. Breathing should be done slowly and calmly through the chest. Proper exercise technique will allow you to get the maximum health benefits from Pilates.

Basic exercises:

  • Warm up.
  • Twisting of the spine in a vertical position.
  • Plank.
  • Press exercise.
  • Plank.
  • Move your legs.
  • Stretching.

These basic exercises will help you learn the correct technique for performing more complex aerobic sessions. Pilates consists not only of them. But performing more complex exercises should not be included in training for beginners.

How to lose weight with Pilates?

IN Lately Several varieties of such gymnastics as Pilates for weight loss have appeared. Using such a fitness system for training in combination with other strength and physical loads, you can get rid of extra pounds and centimeters much faster. Gymnastics for weight loss Pilates - what is it and how does it affect the body?

In the process of training, muscle tissue is strengthened, the tone of the whole body increases, and this is exactly what is needed to speed up the metabolic process, which contributes to active weight loss.

Pilates for weight loss for beginners is a separate area of ​​​​fitness. There are special aerobic sessions during which more than 600 kcal are burned in the body in one workout.

The use of additional sports equipment during classes, such as dumbbells, balls, expanders and fitball, allows not only to diversify training process, but also strengthen physical exercise on the body, which leads to muscle tightening and burning of subcutaneous fat.

Differences from yoga

Yoga is a system of spiritual self-improvement by performing various asanas. In this system, all exercises are done on static loads of the muscle tissue of the body. The main goal of yoga is to stretch and strengthen the muscular corset through the methods of static fixation of the body in different positions. Most Attention when doing yoga, it is given to the muscles of the back, stretching the spine, developing the ability to relax and concentrate.

Pilates is one of the subtypes of fitness, which is designed to develop strength and endurance skills. When doing Pilates, the main physical load goes to the abdominal area and back muscles. The main goal of Pilates, unlike yoga, is to strengthen the muscles and put the bones and muscle bundles in their place.

Also, the difference between Pilates and yoga lies in the breathing technique. The functions of breathing in Pilates are to enrich the body with oxygen, and yoga adds to this the ability to control the body.

Exercises aimed at developing muscle strength and endurance are the basis of such a type of gymnastics as Pilates. Yoga, in turn, is aimed at spiritual development and the interaction of body and mind.

There are differences between these types of gymnastics, but they are somewhat similar to each other. Having understood all the nuances and choosing the most suitable training system for yourself, you can safely proceed to the training process.


Pilates is the foundation of a healthy body. The systematic implementation of a set of exercises will allow you to return the muscles to tone and overcome extra centimeters and kilograms. The main rule of successful training is the correct execution of each exercise. Pilates works with the stabilizing muscles, and this contributes to the acquisition of a flat stomach and perfect posture in a short time.

Basic Pilates Exercises

  • "A hundred". Lying on the floor, raise your straight legs 45 degrees up while lifting your head and shoulders off the floor. Hands are straight, located along the body. For 5 breaths, do 5 blows with your hands with your palms up, while exhaling, 5 blows with your palms down in the air. Number of sets - 10.
  • "Penknife". Being in a horizontal position, smoothly and slowly first bend the legs in knee joint at 90 degrees, then pull them up perfectly even. Lifting the pelvis off the floor, raise the legs up, twisting the body forward as much as possible.
  • Stretching the neck. We sit on the ground, the torso is at an angle of 90 degrees. Smoothly and slowly stretch our arms to our feet, tilting the body as low as possible.
  • Stretching the spine and legs. We are in a sitting position, one leg is bent at the knee, and we tilt the body to the other. Tilts should alternate on each leg.
  • "Mermaid". Sitting on your hip, you need to lean on the floor with one hand, gradually raise the body, forming a perfectly even line from head to toes. The exercise is repeated on each side.
  • Circle with legs on weight. Starting position lying on the floor. Raising your legs up 45 degrees, draw circles in the air. First one way, then the other. We hold the legs due to the press and do not allow contact with the floor.
  • Turn. Sitting on the floor, the legs must be stretched and connected, the socks should be parted. The upper limbs are raised to the sides and up at shoulder level. Smoothly make turns left and right with fixation for a few seconds at the extreme point.
  • Rolls. We sit on the buttocks, the lower limbs are bent at the knees and tucked up to the chest. We do rolls forward and backward.
  • "Pendulum". Being in a horizontal position on your side, you should tear off your leg and swing up. At least 20 swings should be done for each lower limb.
  • Shoulder bridge. Lying on the floor Legs, bending at the knees, pull up to the buttocks. Gently raise the pelvis off the floor, forming a bridge. We perform fixation at the top point of the amplitude for 5 respiratory cycles.

Pilates for beginners consists of basic exercises. Having understood and learned how to perform them in compliance with all the principles, you can begin to perform more complex exercises.

Gymnastics Pilates: reviews and comments

How many people, so many opinions. Such a subspecies of fitness as Pilates has a number of positive reviews. Systematic exercises will allow you to acquire a beautiful posture, flexibility and endurance.

It is impossible not to appreciate the impact of Pilates on the body during pregnancy and preparation for childbirth. Reviews of mothers are based only on the fact that classes help strengthen the back and prepare the body for labor.

His technique is designed for people with any physical training and even injured bodies. Strong physical training is not required. Pilates consists of a whole range of different exercises. Therefore, they can be selected individually for each person for health reasons. Get toned body, having worked out all the smallest muscles, a system such as Pilates allows.

The evolution of all living things is based on constant improvement to facilitate the survival of each particular species. If the species cannot adapt to the conditions of aggressive environment, it disappears.

Man has followed the same path throughout the history of his development and formation on this planet. Our body is a perfect mechanism that can adapt to a very wide range of conditions.

However, the further human civilization developed, the more the importance of the effective functioning of human body for his survival. Today, a person does not have to be fast and strong in order to get his own food.

As a result, and also due to the increase in the level of comfort of life and the availability of food, most of humanity in modern world suffering from problems associated with being overweight.

This state of affairs has caused the rapid development of dietetics and a wide variety of methods for losing weight, among which anyone can choose an activity to their liking.

Fans of intense movements choose active sports, and those who love smooth and calm exercises, during which the work of every muscle of the body is felt, prefer calm methods.

About one of these methods, which over the years of its existence has gathered a whole army of fans, we propose to talk today. It will be about Pilates - a popular technique for losing weight and maintaining excellent physical shape.

We will figure out what Pilates is in fitness and how it is useful, is it possible to do it at home, or is it better to visit a Pilates studio, how Pilates differs from yoga, and also consider the complex simple exercises Pilates for the back and other problem areas of the body.

History of Pilates

Pilates gymnastics was created at the beginning of the last century by Joseph Pilates, after whom it was named. Joseph Pilates himself to create effective methodology the improvement of your body pushed own problems with health.

From childhood he was a very sickly child who suffered from asthma and other serious illnesses.

This state of affairs did not suit the young Pilates, and, as a very young child, he began to study anatomy and other sciences, trying to find a way to heal and improve his body.

Thanks to natural resourcefulness and aspiration, as well as incredible willpower, by the age of 14, thanks to his own training system, he completely got rid of all his diseases and formed himself a strong, beautiful and strong body.

In the 1920s, Pilates emigrated to the United States, where his system quickly gained incredible popularity. In our country, Pilates became widespread only in the 90s of the last century, and today this type of fitness occupies a strong position among other fitness areas in Russia.

Basic Principles of Pilates

Pilates is complex gymnastic exercises, which is performed at a leisurely pace, includes a consistent load on all muscle groups, and is also accompanied by active breathing.

Such loads, subject to their regularity, lead to a significant development of all physical conditions of the body.

Basic principles of Pilates which allows the body to get rid of overweight, is in accelerating metabolism through exercise. Also, fat deposits are burned due to the active saturation of all cells of the body with oxygen.

This symbiosis allows effectively remove all harmful substances from the body, and also use the energy that is produced during the destruction of adipose tissue.

Pilates is suitable for men and women of any age and health level, and has virtually no contraindications. In medicine, Pilates has long been actively used for rehabilitation after severe spinal injuries, osteochondrosis or other problems with the musculoskeletal system.

Pilates also allows you to adjust the figure in the right places, achieving ideal body proportions.
Pilates differs from other similar weight loss systems in the complexity of its effect on the body - each exercise is aimed at qualitatively working out the maximum number of muscle groups.

Each movement continues the previous one and flows into the next, which allows you to develop concentration and control over your own body.

Advantages and disadvantages of the complex

Pilates has a number of undeniable advantages:

With impressive benefits, Pilates is practically devoid of drawbacks, and, moreover, has very few contraindications.

You should not do Pilates if:

  • You have a cold or flu, and your temperature is above 37.5.
  • You have injuries that have not fully healed (fractures, dislocations, etc.).
  • You have exacerbated chronic diseases or inflammatory processes have begun.
  • You are prone to disorder nervous system which do not allow you to control your body qualitatively.
  • You may experience sudden internal bleeding.

Pilates rules for beginners

To achieve the desired effectiveness of Pilates classes, you must strictly adhere to the following rules:

The effectiveness of the Pilates system and reviews about it, you can use our article "Pilates for weight loss - discussion and reviews."

Pilates exercises for beginners at home

Before starting a Pilates class, like before any other workout, you need to conduct a quality warm-up. This will help to avoid unnecessary injuries, and will also serve to master the basic Pilates technique - breathing, correct abdominal contractions and focusing on one area of ​​the body.

The following exercises are performed as a warm-up:

After warming up, you can begin to perform the actual Pilates exercises. Please note that each exercise must be performed 13-15 times. Consider the basic Pilates exercises in pictures that can be performed without a trainer.


Exercise start position: sit on the floor, bend your knees, grab your hips with your hands. Then lift your shins off the floor so that they are parallel to it.

Stay in this state for 10 seconds, concentrating your attention on breathing and the work of the abdominal muscles. Take a slow breath. As you exhale, round your back, lean back a little and pull your stomach in as much as possible.

On the next inhale, return to the starting position.


Exercise start position: Get into a push up position on your forearms. Your feet should be brought together, the pelvis is perpendicular to the ground, and the whole body is even, without bends.

Take a slow breath. At the same time as you exhale, lift your hips and lower your head, and on the next inhale, return to the starting position of the exercise.

Exercise "Hundred" in Pilates

Exercise start position: take a lying position, bend your knees and hip joints so that the shins are parallel to the floor. As you exhale, raise your head and upper body, pull your arms along the floor, straighten your knees. On an inhale, return to the starting position.

Cross movements

Exercise start position: lie on the mat, raise your bent legs so that your shins are parallel to the ground. Keep your hands behind your head, and spread your elbows to the sides. While in this position, while inhaling, draw in your stomach, raise your head and upper body to the shoulder blades.

As you exhale, turn your upper body to the left while straightening your right leg under acute angle to the floor. On an inhalation, return to the starting position of the exercise and repeat the movement to the right side.


Exercise start position: Get into a push up position on your palms. Your feet should be brought together, and the whole body should be straightened in one line. Inhale as you lift one leg up. With an exhalation, return the leg to the starting position, and with the next breath, raise the other leg.

Back extension

Exercise start position: lie on your stomach, fully stretch. The head lies on the mat with the forehead, the hands are located along the body. Take a slow breath. At the same time as you exhale, lift your head and upper body off the mat. With the next breath, return to the starting position of the exercise.

Pilates for pregnant women

Pilates classes during pregnancy have a positive effect on its course. However, before you start doing it, you need to Be sure to consult with your doctor.

As in the usual version, expectant mothers begin their Pilates classes with a warm-up. It, like the whole training, is lightweight and consists of the following exercises:

  • Stand straight, spread your legs shoulder-width apart, arms hanging along the body. Take a smooth deep breath, filling the diaphragm first with air, and then the stomach.
  • Stretch your neck by turning your head to the sides without tilting it back.
  • Take a position similar to the first warm-up exercise. Take deep, smooth breaths, at the same time spread your arms to the sides, and at the exit, return them to the starting position.

A set of exercises for pregnant women

In most cases, Pilates exercises for expectant mothers are performed in a standing position on all fours, which helps relieve back pain and promotes the natural position of the fetus. Consider a few simple Pilates exercises for pregnant women with a photo.


Exercise start position: get on all fours, rest your palms on the mat. Take a smooth breath, and at the same time bend your spine up, and as you exhale, return to the starting position. Take 6-8 breaths.


Exercise start position: sit on the mat, spread your limbs to the sides. While inhaling, turn the body to the side, and as you exhale, return to the starting position of the exercise. Make 5 turns in each direction.


Exercise start position: take a prone position, keep your knees at an angle, feet flat on the floor. While inhaling, lift the pelvis until it is aligned with the body. As you exhale, return to the starting position of the exercise. Do 6 lifts.

Abductions of legs and arms

Exercise start position: get on all fours, rest your palms on the floor. While inhaling, take your right leg back and up so that it is parallel to the floor.

At the same time, pull left hand so that it is also parallel to the floor. As you exhale, return to the starting position of the exercise, and with a subsequent inhalation, repeat the same movements with the other leg and arm.

Mahi legs

Exercise start position: lying on your side, legs extended. While inhaling, lift one leg and do 4-5 short swings and circular rotations with it. As you exhale, return to the starting position of the exercise. Do the exercise 5 times on each leg.

If you want to learn the technique of performing exercises, as well as get trained in the Pilates technique, pay attention to our article "Pilates for Beginners - Video Tutorials".

The Josef Pilates technique with proper and regular use relieve you of many health problems, including overweight. The effectiveness of Pilates has been proven by millions of people around the world who improve their body in just 10 minutes a day.

Do you practice Pilates? What kind of it do you prefer - stretching or power Pilates? How do you feel about the idea of ​​exercising at home? Share your thoughts with us in the comments!

Pilates is a young type of fitness that has gained popularity with its versatility. Combines yoga, ballet and rhythmic gymnastics.

This article will consider correct exercises for beginners, what equipment is used for Pilates at home, video lessons for weight loss.

Pilates - what is it, benefits and exercises for beginners

Pilates is a complex of physical exercises that help not only correct the figure, but also strengthen the human body. At the same time, it belongs to a variety of fitness and therapeutic exercises. The benefits and exercises for beginners are discussed in detail in the article.

Physical exercises are designed for all age categories. The main difference between Pilates and other physical activities, any movement is performed slowly, smoothly, without haste. Sharp movements are excluded, so injuries during training are almost impossible.

Pilates - what it is, benefits, exercises for beginners, for pregnant women and children, as well as video tutorials can be found in this article.

Pilates is practiced not only in the fitness center, but also at home. Before practicing at home, they study how the movements are performed correctly so as not to harm themselves.

Interesting fact: A set of exercises for Pilates was developed by Joseph Pilates in the early twentieth century to strengthen the spine (back muscles), which combines Western and Eastern techniques for healing. Initially, such a set of exercises was developed for the quick recovery of wounded soldiers.

Simple and not intense exercises allow people to exercise after operations and injuries, contributing to a quick recovery.

Benefits for the muscular corset

The frame (spine), which holds the musculoskeletal system, consists of muscles. With the strengthening of the muscular corset, the correct posture is formed, the mobility of the skeletal system and the elasticity of the muscles increase.

For the circulatory system

Rhythmic breathing increases the volume of oxygen in the body, thereby saturating every cell with it. Correct movements increase blood circulation.

For mental state

When doing Pilates, they necessarily focus on the correct technique of breathing and movement, such concentration allows you to escape from stress and depression, frees the brain from negativity.

For good health

Increases the body's immunity each posture helps to resist different diseases. Improves respiratory system and the work of digestion. Simple and non-intense exercises allow people to exercise after operations and injuries, contributing to a quick recovery.

For flexibility

Pilates helps to soften and stretch the muscles for body flexibility. Unlike other types of fitness, stretching warms the muscles, which reduces pain.

For weight loss

Pilates helps to quickly get rid of cellulite, allows you to quickly tighten the muscles of the press. Daily exercises help to lose weight and keep the result for a long time.

For the back

Regular Pilates helps relieve back pain. The set of exercises contains movements to strengthen the muscles of the back, which allows you to relieve the load on the spine.

Pilates - benefits for women

Pilates classes are available for women with any physical fitness, complexion and age category.. Most often, women do Pilates for weight loss. But this therapeutic exercise helps not only to reduce weight, but also to strengthen female organs: abdominal muscles, deep abdominal muscles, pelvic muscles.

Pregnant women and young mothers can do Pilates. For pregnant women, it helps to strengthen the lower back and pelvic muscles, which are important during childbirth. For a young mother, this type of exercise will quickly help to recover from childbirth, return slim figure and tighten the muscles of the abdomen, hips, buttocks.

Pilates: contraindications

Like any physical activity, Pilates also has its contraindications.

For any damage to the ligaments or fractures, with a variety of sprains, doctors forbid Pilates. This exercise helps to restore the musculoskeletal system, if all components are back to normal.

Elevated body temperature can lead to loss of coordination, leading to injury.

Pilates is all about concentration, so It is forbidden to engage people with mental disorders.

Pilates or yoga: which is better, the differences

Pilates and yoga have similarities and differences. To understand which practice is better, you need to understand in more detail what yoga and Pilates are.

Yoga (a kind of slow dance) is a practice that allows you to know the spiritual and physical meaning. It has collected in itself physical, mental and spiritual practices. Each yoga exercise is a concentration on yourself.

Any movement is maintained for several minutes. When doing yoga, they learn to relax in any exercise and concentrate on sensations.

Pilates (exercises that must be performed and felt with the body) is a healing system. Physiotherapy, which strengthens the muscles of the back and press, puts the bones in place.

It is important to know! Yoga and Pilates, although they have similarities, are two different practices:

  1. There is no philosophy in Pilates.
  2. Often, exercises are done with additional equipment, and are performed according to certain rules.
  3. Between these practices there is a difference in breathing technique. In Pilates, breathing is directed to enrich the muscles with oxygen, and in yoga, it makes it possible to control the body.
  4. Dynamism of movements. Pilates contains more dynamic movements that contain a certain number of repetitions.
  5. Pilates exercises strengthen the muscles. In yoga, they stretch the muscles and give elasticity.

Pilates and callanetics - what's the difference?

Callanetics is a set of exercises based on yoga asanas and aimed at static postures. Has 29 static exercises.

In callanetics, the emphasis is on the compression and stretching of certain muscles. Exercise requires flexibility. Severe stretching exercises are used. The focus is on: hips, abdomen and buttocks. Breathing is superficial. Classes are conducted under the guidance of an experienced trainer.

Pilates at home (Pilates equipment)

Music for Pilates

Choose instrumental calm compositions with the sounds of nature. Properly selected music helps to immerse yourself in a state of harmony and relax not only physically, but also mentally.

Roll (roller, cylinder) for Pilates, where to buy

Rolling exercises improve posture, allows you to relieve muscle tension and stretch the spine. You can buy it in specialized stores or order it on the Internet.

Ring (hoop) for Pilates, where to buy

This type of expander has grips around the edges. The rings have different diameters of 35–38 cm. Occupation with a ring allows you to pump up the muscles of the chest, arms and legs. You can buy it in specialized stores or order it on the Internet.

Pilates Tape

Elastic band is used for stretching and strength training of muscles. Classes with a tape allow you to work on all muscle groups.

Pilates clothing

Clothing should not restrict movement during stretching. It should not be too loose, the reliefs of the body should stand out so that the correct movement can be seen.

Pilates shoes

There are several types of Pilates shoes. Ballet pointe-like slippers with rubberized soles. Silk ribbons help to fix the leg, the toes remain free.

Sports slippers - these are socks that perform the function of sneakers. Slippers have the principle of gloves, involve all the muscles of the feet and improve blood circulation.

Important to remember: the choice of clothing for classes is approached deliberately, it should not bring discomfort.

Pilates classes (a set of exercises)

Pilates can be easily practiced at home, for this the most effective and successful exercises are selected, depending on whether a beginner or a professional, a pregnant woman or a nursing mother, training is designed for men or children.

Pilates: exercises for beginners at home

You can do the following exercises:

  1. The position of the body is lying. The legs are bent at the knees, the heels and feet are even. Raise one leg up, knees remain bent. As you exhale, slowly lower your legs until your toes touch the mat. Change legs one by one.
  2. The position of the body is lying, the arms are placed along the body, the legs are bent at the knees. They immediately begin to stretch their arms and legs forward, slightly raise their head, neck and shoulders. Spread the legs wider than the shoulders and connect them together. Exhale and return the legs to the opposite position, while keeping the upper body in a raised state.
  3. Lie on your left side, one arm is pulled up to the ceiling. They begin to raise the hip, while focusing on keeping the shoulder from rising. Then right hand rest on the floor and make a turn with the body.
  4. Get on all fours, back and shoulder blades are even. As you exhale, draw in the press and raise your knees. Hold them up for 2 breaths, lower your knees.
  5. They are laid on the left side, the left leg is straight, and the right leg is bent. Raise left leg 10 cm from the mat and make small circular movements (using the inner thigh muscles).
  6. The position of the body is on the side, the legs are straight, the right hand rests on the floor. On exhalation, raise the right leg and hold for 2 breaths. Exhale and smoothly move the leg over the line of the body.
  7. The position is exactly on the floor, the legs are bent, the feet are hip-width apart. Leaning with your feet, raise your hips. Stretch one leg up, fix the pelvis raised.
  8. Leg lift. The position of the body on the side, the legs are straight, the socks are elongated. They begin to lift the upper leg up, while turning it around a little. The hips remain in a neutral position, the stomach is pulled in.
  9. Lie on your stomach, arms straight. Stretch your arms back, slowly raise your back, the lower back remains in a level position. Return to starting position, arms and legs straightened. They begin to raise their head and shoulders, legs and arms up. Alternately raise arms and legs, simulating swimming.
  10. The position of the body on the side while the knees are bent and pressed against each other. The feet are held together, the upper knee is raised and lowered, the pelvis remains motionless.

Important to remember: all movements are done smoothly and slowly.

Pilates for weight loss (exercises) at home

  1. Body position - lying on the mat, legs bent at the knees. They inhale and draw the press to the spine, lift up the torso, head and shoulder blades. The arms are straight, they imitate blows on the water. Inhale and exhale for 4 counts.
  2. Body position - lying on the back. The knees are bent, the arms are straight along the body. Raise one leg and begin circular movements, the torso remains motionless.
  3. Sit on the mat, raise your knees with your hands and clasp the hips from the outside. The knees do not press against the chest, the spine is rounded as much as possible, rolls back and forth.
  4. Position - sitting with a flat back, legs are shoulder-width apart. The arms are extended, the chin is pressed to the chest. They start with their hands, lift them forward, pull the stomach in, pull the toes towards themselves.
  5. Lie on your back, hands behind your head, head raised off the floor. They begin to make movements with the elbow and knee so that they meet each other. The elbows are kept even in weight.

Pilates for pregnant women (1st trimester, 2nd trimester, 3rd trimester)

Exercises for the 1st trimester:

  1. Stand fully on the foot, feet hip-width apart, hands, relaxed, below. Begin uniform breathing with the chest and stomach separately. During inhalation, they stretch to their full height.
  2. Slow rotation of the head in different directions(forward and backward, left and right). Shoulders remain in place.
  3. Get on all fours, back straight. When inhaling, the spine is rounded; when exhaling, they become in a flat position.
  4. Sit on the mat, legs and arms on the sides, the back is even. The body begins to turn alternately in different directions.

Exercises for the 2nd trimester. A few more are added to the exercises of the 1st trimester:

  1. Take a deep breath and move (through the back) to the other side.
  2. They lie on each side for about 5 minutes, gently roll from one side to the other.

Exercises for the 3rd trimester include the same as in the previous trimesters, plus add the following: body position on the left side, knees together and slightly bent. The back is in a straight position.

The right hand is placed on the stomach, the toes are kept closed. They begin to sway on their left hip, slightly raise their left knee, spread their legs and slowly lower them.

Note: classes for pregnant women are designed to restore the general condition and improve the metabolism in the body.

Pilates after childbirth


  1. The body is in a sitting position (on a chair), legs spread hip-width apart, shoulders relaxed, back straight. When inhaling, they focus on the shoulders, while exhaling, they draw in the stomach as much as possible. On the next exhalation, the buttocks are clamped, and on the third exhalation, the muscles of the vagina are compressed.
  2. Sitting on a chair maximally compress all the pelvic muscles, linger for 5 seconds.
  3. Lie down on the mat, back straight, hands behind the head. Bent legs pull towards chest, the stomach is pulled towards the spine. On inspiration, raise the head and shoulder blades, on exhalation - legs in an even position.
  4. They lie on the stomach, hands forward, the stomach is drawn in. On exhalation - touch the right thigh with the right hand, turning the body, look behind the hand. When inhaling, the hand is returned back.

Gymnastics (exercises) Pilates for the spine and back (for scoliosis, osteochondrosis)


  1. Standing position. Completely relax the muscles of the body, stretch the neck, take the shoulders back and try to connect the shoulder blades.
  2. Hands down begin to make smooth forward bends, strain the muscles of the back.
  3. Lie on your back, bend your knees, press your feet to the floor. They begin to slowly raise the body when they enter a sitting position, stretch their arms above their heads and reach for the ceiling with their entire body. They return to the supine position, slowly tear off the lower back from the floor and squeeze the buttocks.
  4. In a sitting position, spread your arms, your back is straight, your head is fixed. Make slow side turns.

Pilates for a hernia of the lumbar spine


  1. They become in an even position, draw in the stomach and pelvis, are fixed for 10 seconds.
  2. Lying on your back, they begin to slowly rise to a sitting position and lower, gradually laying the spine on the floor.
  3. In a sitting position, the back is evenly fixed, arms are raised and turns are made in different directions.
  4. In the supine position, hands are placed under the chin. Slowly raise and lower the upper part of the body, the lower one is fixed motionless.
  5. Get on all fours, lift and straighten each leg in turn. Fixing in this position for 10-15 seconds.

Pilates Ring Exercises

In a standing position, arms at chest level, shoulders relaxed. The ring is clamped between the hands, while exhaling, it is slowly squeezed (for a few seconds), while inhaling, it is unclenched. They do the same only raise their hands above their heads.

Lying on your back, bend your knees, arms along the body. The ring is squeezed by the knees. On inspiration - slowly raise the buttocks, on exhalation - slowly lower them.

Pilates on the ball (fitball)

Classes on the fitball will help to make a flat stomach, pump up the legs and muscles on the hips.

Exercise for abdominal muscles- sit on the ball and start walking forward with their feet. When the ball is located in the middle of the spine, bend the knees and pull the arms to the floor. Fix the position of the body for 10 seconds and slowly return to the starting position.

What are the benefits of Pilates for men? for Beginner Athletes, it helps to warm up those muscle groups that are not available for other types of training.

They lie on the floor, feet are placed on the ball, arms are straight along the body. When exhaling, draw in the stomach and raise the lower back. When inhaling, they lower and press the foot to the ball.

They lie on their back and lean on their arms (bent at the elbows), the ball is fixed between the ankles, the knees are bent, the stomach is drawn in. As you exhale, slowly raise the ball with your feet.

Pilates for kids

For children under 7 years old, a separate set of exercises has been developed:

  1. Squirrel. The position of the body is in an even state, legs hip-width apart. Slowly tilt the head to the shoulder, return the head back, tilt smoothly to the other shoulder.
  2. Bike. The child lies on its side in an upright position. The upper leg is made in a circular motion (full circle), while leaning on the arm bent at the elbow.
  3. snake. Lie on your stomach, hands at chest level. Straining the muscles of the press, the arms stretch forward and slowly return back.
  4. Turtle. Lie on your back and stretch your arms and legs to your sides. They begin to twist slowly, clasping their legs with their hands, and return.

Pilates for men

Pilates is useful not only for women, but also for men. Classes will help get rid of pain in the back and joints. It helps athletes to warm up those muscle groups that are not available for other types of training.

Pilates - results

Women and men who regularly practice Pilates note the following:

  • improvement of physical and psychological condition;
  • weight loss;
  • fast and effective rehabilitation after injuries;
  • strengthening the muscles of the back;
  • posture improvement;
  • strengthening of joints;
  • strengthening immunity.

Pilates is a universal form of fitness that helps not only in the fight against excess weight, but also to quickly rehabilitate after a variety of injuries.

Pilates: photos, exercises in pictures

Pilates exercises for beginners at home: video lessons

Pilates training with a ball and other tools: video lessons

Pilates with Alena Mordovina (beginner level): video

Pilates with Olga Yanchuk: video lessons

A set of Pilates exercises for beginners:

What is Pilates and what exercises are necessary for weight loss: