Georgia falls in love with itself more every second!🇬🇪❤️ ⠀ Today is an incredibly eventful day full of sensations and emotions✨ ⠀ Our route consisted of 3 main points: Borjomi, Akhaltsikhe, Vardzia. ⠀ In the lines it is unlikely that it will be possible to fit all the information and emotions that we received today. But one thing I can say is that to try khinkali in the mountains, climb a fortress, ride a mountain serpentine and contemplate incredible views with my own eyes, climb cave city, drinking water from the Borjomi spring and ending the day with Adjarian khachapuri washed down with a glass of Kindzmarauli is an incredible pleasure that you want to experience again and again! 🙏🏻 ⠀ If suddenly someone is interested, we took a tour, this time private) Not I know how it differs from group tours, but we got a wonderful guide with a good sense of humor and an excellent store of knowledge. You can stop wherever you want, even if you want to take a walk with the cows😄, and it’s somehow more pleasant to travel with your company 🙌🏻The order was made on the Tourister website. In general, the day was full of fulfilled desires, good dreams to all ❤️✨

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  • Find a dream, believe in it and it will believe in you Spend every hour wisely, be open, look for yours now Be worthy, because the whole world is spinning around you. ⠀ And sleepless nights - find them useful, necessary Do not lower your nose, do not turn up your nose, even though life will interfere with the whirlpool, break, elevate, and you only love people forward! Love People! Don't be afraid of the villains, boldly look into their eyes And remember who you don't want to be They will say that you have nothing, but this does not mean anything They will say how to speak And you say that the exit is burning in your soul look for What fogs would not surround the Main thoughts so that they are pure, not clouded In a drunken dope, in a different state, wherever they live The Main thoughts, so that they are pure, not clouded.

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  • 18 hours ago

    WHAT PARENTS ARE YOU! ⠀ ~ Hello guys🤟🏽😎 Put ❤️, save, read the post and comment 🙌🏽 Let's go 🚑 ⠀ ⠀What kind of stereotype is this anyway? me this expression after visited a couple of psychology. "The apple tree does not fall far from the apple tree" On the one hand, it's true... ⠀ ⠀For example: one of the parents is sick with some genetic disease. It was passed on to the child. "The apple tree does not fall far from the apple tree" ⠀ ⠀ But on the other hand - such nonsense! ⠀ ⠀Firstly, it depends on upbringing❗️ Secondly, on living conditions❗️ Thirdly, it depends on the person himself, how and who he should be in life❗️ ⠀ ⠀I am very outraged by this expression! I have a lot of friends, and I myself, when: "THE APPLE TREE FROM THE APPLE TREE ROLLED FURTHER THAN SEE, ROLLING, ALREADY THE HEELS SHINE" ⠀ ⠀There are a lot of living examples when parents, for example: alcoholics or drug addicts, and their children, so not to be like them - they achieve with sweat and blood a better life⠀ ⠀ Of course, there are cases when both parents and children are the same. This is very sad and sad. I feel sorry for such people ⠀ ⠀Psychologists are tired and say it's true, but it's not. Parents smoke - you will smoke. Parents drink - and you will drink too! Brad, right? And I'm sure many will agree with me! ⠀ ⠀This stereotype works only from the genetic side, and sometimes when a person does not want a better life, and he is too lazy to strive for this. What for? I'd rather be like them - like parents 😬 ⠀ ~ Every child should be better than his parents! I have always said so and will continue to say so!

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  • 20 hours ago

    Good morning☀️ Today we are going to Kazbegi, wish us good luck and a cloudless sky 🙌🏻

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  • Do not despair The most stupid feeling is to realize that life is passing by. As if you were waiting for the train, arrived at the station in advance, and for some reason he left two hours earlier. Here you are young and everything is ahead of you, but today the old man did not have time to go anywhere. So, I hasten to disappoint you back: it's not too late to catch up with the train or jump on another one. It is happiness to be a person who, even in his youth, understood what he wants to devote his life to. But this does not mean that if by twenty-five you have not found your passion, you should give up on yourself. We know examples of people who dramatically changed everything they did before. Alan Rickman was trained as a designer, but at the age of 26 he decided to become an actor and only by the age of 40 did he focus on cinema and get a big role. Jack Ma, one of the richest people in the world, opened a company at the age of 35, and before that he worked as a teacher, and even KFC was not hired. Among your acquaintances and friends, there are probably the same examples. And success is secondary here - it is important that a person enjoys the process. The Chinese have an expression: best time to plant a tree, it was 20 years ago. The next best time is today. We're still alive, so let's get down to business.

  • Russian actress Anastasia Denisova was born in one of the capital's maternity hospitals on May 17, 1985. She became the second child: her older brother Denis was growing up in the family.

    Mother had creative profession designer, and father, after the breakup Soviet Union started running his own business.

    Youth and work as a secretary

    WITH early childhood little Nastya showed herself as creative person: studied at a music school, sang in the choir, actively performed in various amateur competitions and school activities. In addition, she attended a theater studio, where, thanks to excellent teachers, she was able to fall in love with the theater for life.

    At the age of 14, Nastya had to endure the divorce of her parents, which was not easy for her. The father left the family and soon remarried. In marriage, he had a son - Nastya's half-brother.

    After graduating from school, Denisova had no doubt that she should connect her fate with the acting profession. She passed the competitive selection at GITIS without any problems and was enrolled in the course of Valentin Teplyakov and Pavel Khomsky.

    While studying at the theater, Anastasia managed to play in the performances At the Last Line and The Brothers Karamazov. A talented student was noticed and invited to work at the Moscow Regional Youth Theater. However, the salary of theater artists was so meager that after graduation, Denisova revised her future plans and decided to acquire a more “earthly” profession.

    So Nastya began to work as a secretary. In just a year, she managed to make a good career, having achieved the position personal assistant company vice president. A year later, an active and purposeful girl began working as a logistics manager.

    Film and television

    stable habitual life Denisova changed dramatically after an unexpected call. She received a call from Mosfilm and was invited to audition for a television project.

    Nastya got the role of Katya's secretary, who always had problems in her personal life. Approval for the role turned out to be a very long and painstaking process. The creators of the series demanded that the actress either increase her weight or completely change her image.

    For the sake of the cherished role, Denisova had to recover by 10 kg, since her heroine, according to the script, had very magnificent forms. Because of the incredible a large number Nastya had to wait six months for the applicants, before she was finally approved.

    The heroine of Denisova is an ordinary young provincial who came to the capital for the sake of a beautiful life. She is distinguished by high intelligence and determination, only in her personal life she is extremely unlucky.

    After the release of the series "Deffchonki" Nastya realized that she had become popular and recognizable. She decided that fate itself had directed her to true path, and now she did not see any future for herself, except as an actress.

    On the wave of success, Anastasia decided to master the profession of a TV presenter, agreeing to host the program on TNT "". In each issue, experienced specialists of the fashion industry were engaged in the transformation of the next heroine.

    In 2014, Denisova received an offer to star in the melodrama The Middle-Aged Girl, and a year later she played in the film Citizen Katerina and the documentary film I Could Have Been In His Place, and also took part in the charity project Looking for a Friend.

    Interesting Notes:

    The Deffchonki project turned out to be so popular that the seasons came out one after another. The premiere of season 6 of the series was scheduled for 2017, but was postponed to the spring of 2018.. Currently, fans of the series are looking forward to the release of new episodes with great impatience.

    Family happiness of the actress

    Even while studying at GITIS, Nastya had a very passionate romance, the fruit of which was the son of Yuri. However, the boy's father never made a marriage proposal, and the girl had to raise her son on her own.

    Anastasia had to pass another test of strength when her father and wife tragically died in 2015. So that her half-brother would not end up in a shelter, Denisova issued guardianship over him and began to raise him as her own child.

    my real big love Nastya met during the filming of the film "Middle-aged Girl". The chosen one of the actress was the operator Bogdan Osyka, who in 2016 became her legal husband.

    Moreover, Bogdan, who quickly found a common language with Anastasia's son, adopted him, as well as his beloved's half-brother, who remained an orphan.

    In social networks and in the media, the weight loss of the actress was actively discussed. In the photo before and after losing weight, Anastasia Denisova looks completely different. The result that she has achieved through long training is really impressive.

    Tatyana Denisova is a talented dancer and choreographer, founder of the successful JB Ballet creative team, jury member and mentor of the Everyone Dance and Dance on TNT projects.

    Childhood and youth

    The future dancer was born in an ordinary and very far from creativity family of a sailor and a teacher kindergarten. When Tanya was two years old, her father was transferred to Sevastopol. There the girl was busy rhythmic gymnastics, and at the age of eight she began to attend a choreographic studio in ballet class. Soon dancing became the main meaning of her life. Even at home, wearing my mother's veil and turning on my favorite song "Ballet" performed by Alla Pugacheva, she imagined herself dancing on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater.

    Exercises for slender legs from Tatiana Denisova

    Therefore, as soon as such an opportunity presented itself, the young ballerina overcame a huge competition and entered the best choreographic school in the country - the Academy named after A.Ya. Vaganova in St. Petersburg. True, Tatiana did not manage to finish it (the family moved to Kyiv), but studying at this prestigious institution gave Denisova a unique base, thanks to which she was able to achieve dizzying success in the future.


    In Ukraine, Denisova entered the Kiev Institute of Culture at the choreographic department. While still a student, the 21-year-old girl organized her first dance group, which soon became known not only in Kyiv, but throughout Ukraine. At the same time, she taught choreography at a circus variety school, where she was noticed by foreign impresarios.

    Tatiana received a tempting offer to work with her ballet "JB" in Germany and did not miss this chance. For seven years she created original dance shows and circus numbers in Europe and established herself as a talented choreographer and an outstanding creative person.

    In 2009, Tatyana was offered to become a jury member and mentor in the Ukrainian talent show "Everybody Dance" along with Francisco Gomez, Alexei Litvinov and Vladislav Yama. For several seasons, Denisova, in the company of outstanding Ukrainian choreographers, decided the fate of the project participants.

    "Everybody dance". Choreography by Tatyana Denisova

    In 2016, the last, ninth season of the show was shown, after which it was announced that it was closing. In the same year, Tatyana Denisova appeared as a guest choreographer in a similar Russian project "Dancing on TNT".

    Personal life of Tatyana Denisova

    Denisova's first husband, from whom she gave birth to their first child Leo in 2009, was circus acrobat Ilya Strakhov.

    In 2011, Denisova left him for singer Alexander Krivoshapko, whom she met at the finale of the X-factor show. The young artist charmed the windy beauty, and, despite the twelve-year age difference, the lovers soon got married.

    Three years of them family relationships they resembled a battlefield - they quarreled and reconciled, poured mud on each other and converged again. In 2013, the couple officially terminated the relationship, and since then Tatyana has been trying to hide her personal life from the general public.

    Tatyana Denisova now

    In 2017, Tatyana Denisova became a full-fledged mentor and jury member of "Dancing on TNT" instead of the retired

    Anastasia Andreevna Denisova - Russian actress theater and cinema, star of the TV series "". Anastasia managed to recreate vivid image a principled careerist from Saratov, chubby Palna, who by all means seeks to arrange her personal life.

    But the girl's main obstacle to the boss's heart becomes excess weight, which is not so easy to lose if you like to eat delicious food.

    Childhood and youth

    Anastasia was born under the zodiac sign Taurus on May 17, 1985. The older brother Denis was already growing up in the family. After the collapse of the USSR, his father went into business, his mother worked as a designer-technologist. In 1999, the parents divorced, and the father created new family where a second son was soon born. Nastya as a child studied at the music school. Shebalin, where she studied at the choral department. The girl also attended a theater studio.

    After 11th grade, the girl entered GITIS. Pavel Khomsky and Valentin Teplyakov became the leaders of the Denisova course. The girl played Lisa in The Brothers Karamazov by, the main role of Shakuntala in the production of the same name based on the work of Kalidas and Lisa in the play At the Last Line by M. Artsybashev. The director was V. Teplyakov.

    After several years of study at the university, Anastasia Denisova was invited to the Moscow Regional Theater of the Young Spectator. The salary of the actress turned out to be small, and Denisova began to think about more profitable activities in order to feed her family.

    As a result, Anastasia chose an uncreative profession and a stable career. wages, and questions about acting education answered that it was a childhood dream and nothing more. The girl's career began to develop: Anastasia worked as a secretary for 2 years, then moved to the position of manager in foreign company where she handled logistics. But one unexpected call changed the artist's entire biography.


    Once Anastasia Denisova received a call from Mosfilm and was invited to the television series Deffchonki. The girl was offered to play the role of secretary Katya Schwimmer (Palna), who is unlucky in love. In the heroine, the actress saw herself and decided to try.

    The approval process for the role was difficult - it was necessary either to increase the weight, or to change the image (Palna is not distinguished by harmony). Especially for participation in the film, the girl recovered by 10 kg. During filming, Anastasia increased the number of extra pounds by another five. With a girl's height of 162 cm, 70 kg of weight created desired effect completeness.

    “The selection was tough, there were unrealistically many people who wanted to get into the project. I turned out to be very similar to the character. Then I had a lot of tests, and only six months later I was approved, ”recalls Anastasia.

    In the TV series "Deffchonki", the actress plays one of her friends who came from Saratov to conquer Moscow. Katya Schwimmer is 23 years old, but the girl looks 30. The provincial is distinguished by composure, high intelligence, purposefulness and lack of personal life - the girl hopelessly loves her boss.

    Anastasia Denisova is pretty Palna. The actress would like to learn some qualities from the heroine: by all means, always achieve what you want, not be afraid to be ironic and funny, not be ashamed to confess your love to a man first. Together with Anastasia in the popular series, the main roles were played by,.

    In November 2013, the actress became the TV presenter of the program (TNT). Each issue of the program was dedicated to the transformation of the heroine, which was attended by fashion designer Sasha Podielskaya, beauty expert Andrei Drykin, stylist Alexander Kuzemin. In the same year, the creators of the series "Deffchonki" released a documentary with complete overview the filming process of the sitcom.

    A year later, the actress starred in a 4-episode melodrama by Arthur Romanian "Middle-aged Girl". In the film, we are talking about the terminally ill lonely heroine Ksyusha Kuznetsova (), who decides to fulfill the dreams she has postponed "for later". Anastasia Denisova reincarnated as Ksyusha's close friend, Alla, who is always ready to help with advice.

    In 2015, Denisova's filmography was replenished new job in the melodrama "Citizen Katerina", created by order of the TVC channel. In the new project, Anastasia again tried on the role of a complete laugher - the girl played the chef Zina. The main roles were played by and.

    In the same year, the girl took part in the creation of the documentary “I could have been in his place,” which told about castings at the Mosfilm film studio. The young actress appeared in an episode dedicated to the TV series "Deffchonki". The stars of Russian cinema also starred in the film,.

    To finally get in shape after participating in the film "Deffchonki", Anastasia Denisova had to resort to the services of nutritionist Mila Gritsenko, who helped to create an individual diet and choose a complex sports exercises. A prerequisite for the diet was the daily consumption of 3 liters of water. As a result, the actress lost weight to 54 kg. But Anastasia considers her ideal weight to be 50-52 kg.

    In 2016, the actress tried herself as a singer, taking part in the TV show of the NTV channel "Kinoshou". The TV presenters of the program became and. 12 film and theater actors competed on the stage, including, in addition to Anastasia Denisova, and others.

    Anastasia Denisova - "Looking for you"

    As the artist stated in an interview, her husband Bogdan persuaded her to try to realize her vocal talent. On the project, Anastasia performed the hits of past years “Thank you, music, to you”, “Looking for you”. After the TV competition, the actress recorded the song "House" at the studio, which her father composed in her youth.

    Personal life

    During her studies at GITIS, Anastasia Denisova had a son, Yuri, whose father was civil husband girls Vladislav. It so happened that the actress raised the boy alone. During the filming of the film "Middle-aged Girl" Anastasia met Bogdan Osyka, who worked as a cameraman. As Bogdan admits, he immediately liked Nastya, and the relationship grew into a romantic one.

    On May 17, 2016, on Anastasia's birthday, the couple married in the capital's registry office. The young people celebrated their wedding in a Moscow restaurant. Bogdan adopted Yuri, as well as the younger brother of the actress, Andrei, whom Denisova took under guardianship back in 2015 after the death of her father and his second wife.

    Now Anastasia has two children in her family. Online "Instagram" happy mother, in addition to working photos from the shooting, also uploads joint pictures with Yura and Andrey. You can also find wedding photos on the actress's page.

    According to Anastasia, the son does not show interest in the acting profession, but remains a sociable and lively young man. I have not yet decided on the choice of the university. The actress herself is not averse to trying her hand at small business. She is attracted by examples of friends who successfully combine several activities.

    Anastasia Denisova now

    Over the sixth season of the series "Deffchonki" film crew directed by Sergei Koryagin began working immediately after the release of the fifth. But the premiere of the new series was postponed indefinitely. Finally, the launch date for the 6th season of the series on TNT was announced - August 13, 2018.

    Anastasia Denisova starred in the continuation of the sitcom "Deffchonki"

    In the new series, the heroines will return to Saratov, each for her own reason. The careerist Palna will take the place of a top manager at the local plant and will successfully launch new projects in production. But her personal life will also change. The girl will have many fans, and Catherine will feel like a real heartbreaker. Also, for the first time in his life, Palna will have to face corruption.

    In addition to the main cast, the series will appear, - brilliant comedians who will embody the images of the new heroes of the film on the screen.

    Now, in addition to the main project, Anastasia Denisova is working on main role in the film "Love with home delivery." This is a new lyrical comedy in the filmography of the actress. The heroine Anna Shmeleva, in search of love, gets acquainted through social media with the perfect, in her opinion, man. But behind the mask of the virtual "prince" hides Anna's boss, the captious tyrant boss Maxim Viktorovich ().


    • 2012-2018 - "Deffchonki"
    • 2014 - Middle-aged girl
    • 2015 - "Citizen Katerina"
    • 2018 - "Love with home delivery"