Hibiscus Syrian(as it is called in science) - a representative of the Malvov family. Within Russia, he is better known as chinese rose, or rosana. Admirers of hibiscus love it for large and bright flowers of amazing beauty. However, often the plant refuses to please its owners with a scattering of buds, even if this handsome man is carried out at the proper level.

flowering period

The development of the Chinese rose is very fast. As a result of proper care, it turns into an attractive tree and can bloom for several months.

Hibiscus comes from tropical climate, therefore, theoretically, it can be covered with colors all year round. But this is possible only if all the necessary conditions are met: high temperature, good air humidity and plenty of bright sunlight.


Hibiscus inflorescences are characterized by an exotic appearance and large sizes: fully opened buds in diameter are 9-16 cm.

The shape of the flower is cup-shaped, inflorescences are both simple and double. In the center of each flower is a pistil, turning into stamens.

In the vast majority of varieties of Chinese rose, the flowers are devoid of any fragrance, however, there are also specimens with fragrant buds.

Usually hibiscus flowers open in the morning, with sunrise, and by the evening they wither. With proper care, one branch during the day can please about 20 inflorescences, on some large plants up to 50 flowers can bloom at the same time.

rest period

The dormant period of the Chinese rose lasts from November to February. During these months, the plant is best kept at temperatures between +14°С to +16. During its dormant period, hibiscus should receive enough light and moisture: should ensure good level lighting and moderate watering. It should be minimally disturbed at this time so that the plant can rest, gain strength and prepare for flowering.

The laying of new buds in the Chinese rose occurs at a temperature not higher than + 15 ° C. In February, hibiscus is placed closer to warmth and light, and the number of fertilizing and watering is gradually increased.

You can also send a rose for the winter by first completing it. To do this, in the fall you need to give him the opportunity to shed his leaves. To this end, watering is gradually reduced to a minimum. When the leaves of the hibiscus fall off, the stems are carefully cut, leaving “stumps” 6-8 cm long. Then the plant is transferred to a cool place (temperature environment at the same time it should not be higher than +12°C). To root system Chinese rose has not dried out, the soil needs to be slightly moistened from time to time.

Why doesn't it bloom?

Many flower growers complain that hibiscus does not bloom at home, stands for years and does not want to bloom. Or sometimes a couple of buds appear and fall off without opening.

How to make a Chinese rose bloom?

The guarantee of flowering of any indoor plant is the implementation of proper care for it.

  • Plant loves sunlight, so it should be kept in the brightest room.

    Hibiscus should be protected from direct sunlight.

  • Likes hibiscus and fresh air in summer time: it can be taken out to the balcony or garden, but it must be protected from the wind.
  • Watering in the summer should be plentiful (as the top layer of the earth dries up) and combined with daily spraying.
  • The soil in the pot after watering should be slightly loosened to provide the roots with an influx of fresh air.
  • In spring and summer, during its active growth, the Chinese rose prefers top dressing - it is advisable to carry them out 2-3 times a month. For this purpose, it is better to choose complex mineral or organic fertilizers, with a low concentration.

These are the elementary rules for keeping hibiscus. But often, even with their observance, there were no flowers, and no. This phenomenon occurs due to the fact that 2 Key Requirements for Rose Flowering:

  • Rosan must be sent to rest in the cold season;
  • Perform branch pruning.

If the plant has not been pruned before the hibernation period, then this procedure should be carried out before it wakes up. Hibiscus buds appear only on young branches, and the appearance of such just happens as a result.

Practice shows that the content of hibiscus does not require any extra effort from the grower. The key to health, attractiveness and lush flowering of the plant is the correct and optimal conditions for wintering.


Chinese rose or hibiscus decorates the homes of many Russians. Its dark green foliage and large burgundy flowers will appeal to every hostess. Growing a flower at home is quite simple, but sometimes for reasons unknown to the owner, the Chinese rose does not bloom. Why and what to do in this case? List possible problems, a description of the symptoms of hibiscus damage by diseases will certainly help the novice grower.

The Chinese rose has become famous all over the world for its abundant flowering from March to late autumn

Chinese rose does not bloom: what to do?

Hibiscus can be found not only at home, but also in offices, schools, kindergartens. According to the owners, the shrub often reaches a height of several meters. A plant of this size, generously strewn with flowers with a diameter of 10 to 15 cm, is guaranteed to delight everyone. Not surprisingly, the lack of long-awaited buds is a real concern for those who care for the bush.

The Chinese rose has become famous all over the world for its abundant flowering from March to late autumn. Large flowers exude a delicate, barely noticeable aroma. You won’t have to enjoy such beauty for a long time, because after 2 days the flower fades. To replace it, a new bud immediately opens. Why does not the Chinese rose bloom at home? Here are some of the main reasons:

  • the plant is located in a shaded room - this is the most common mistake made by inexperienced flower growers. Hibiscus is very fond of sunlight, but suffers from direct sunlight. The pot is best placed in a well-lit room;
  • the rose is demanding on the frequency and quality of watering. Excess moisture is also harmful to the roots of the shrub. When the soil is waterlogged, dangerous fungi develop in it. Insufficient watering, especially in summer period, may be the reason why the Chinese rose does not bloom. Florists recommend watering the plant 1 time in 2 days;
  • the soil in the flowerpot is poor, too dense. During the period of flowering and intensive growth in spring, hibiscus needs additional feeding. For this purpose, you can use infusions on mullein or chicken manure. The use of complex fertilizers purchased at the store will lead to excellent results. It is recommended to use ash as a mineral complementary food. fruit trees. She needs to crush the surface of the soil, and then loosen the soil;
  • if the Chinese rose does not bloom for a long time, the reason lies in the too high or low air temperature in the room. If the bush is located close to a heat source, such as a radiator, then dry and warm air will adversely affect the microclimate of the room. If the room temperature is below +15 degrees, the hibiscus will be in a state of winter dormancy.

Chinese rose does not bloom: reasons s

Hibiscus stops flowering for natural reasons from approximately November to March

Hibiscus ceases to bloom for natural reasons from approximately November to March. During the winter dormancy, the Chinese rose is recommended to be kept indoors with a temperature of about +15 degrees. The number of waterings is reduced, but the room should be well lit. At the end of winter, the first top dressing is applied and the number of waterings is increased by 2 times.

To make the Chinese rose bloom well, on the eve of winter or in early spring carry out mandatory procedure- pruning. According to reviews, holding this event has a positive effect on the size and number of buds. The upper parts of faded branches, apical branches, complete removal of basal processes, dry and affected branches are subject to pruning.

How to prune a Chinese rose, video:

Experienced flower growers recommend transplanting hibiscus once every 3 years. This makes it possible to enrich the mixture with nutrients. Transplanting into fresh, loose and fertilized soil is an excellent solution to many problems. For transplanting, it is recommended to use soil from a summer residence or bought in a store.

It is worth adding to the soil organic fertilizers, humus, peat, a little sand for looseness. Everything is thoroughly mixed. Next, the resulting soil mixture must be disinfected. For this, disinfection is carried out. For this purpose, the earth is placed in the oven and heated for maximum temperature 30-40 minutes. During this time, all insect pests and their larvae, bacteria, fungi, and viruses die in the soil. The disadvantage of calcining the earth is that it is destroyed and beneficial flora. However, it is easy to restore. It is enough to leave the soil alone for 2 weeks and water it once every 4-5 days.

Before transplanting hibiscus, large gravel, polystyrene, broken bricks are laid on the bottom of the flowerpot for good drainage of the soil. The plant is transferred to a new planting site as carefully as possible, trying not to damage the roots. It is better to keep an earthen ball around them.

After transplantation, the plant will be sick for about 14-20 days, and then it will please with intensive growth and abundant flowering. If the desired flowers do not appear, perhaps the reason is that the rose is sick or the plant is being destroyed by a pest.

In the photo, a Chinese rose during flowering

Chinese rose does not bloom: how to treat a shrub?

Leading to wilting and shedding of flowers is a frequent occurrence. IN indoors there is no normal air circulation, and the microclimate may not be suitable for hibiscus. It can be cured using modern drugs. How to spray a Chinese rose? Here are some recommendations:

  • from aphids on the leaves can be sprayed with Fitoverm, Intra Vir;
  • from spider mites, the crown is treated with “Akarin” or “Vertimek”;
  • flower growers recommend washing the foliage with a household soap solution. It's simple folk remedy helps to get rid of their eggs on the leaves;
  • if the earth in a pot is covered with mold, you can pour it with a solution of "Fitosporin", "Topaz" and treat the aerial part of the plant with the same preparation;
  • colloidal sulfur is non-toxic but effective against most fungal infections and their spores.

All fallen rose leaves should be collected and destroyed. They may contain pathogens or pests. If the plant is affected by fungi and has stopped blooming, it is important to organize normal air circulation in the room. Ventilation will help restore a normal microclimate.

Why the Chinese rose does not bloom at home, video:

Why the Chinese rose does not bloom - this is the question that interests many beginner flower growers. How to solve the problem and cure hibiscus? Chinese rose can delight the hostess with flowering at home throughout the season. However, for this, the owner of the plantation needs to take a number of important actions to care for him.

Hibiscus, or Chinese rose - popular in Russia indoor flower, which is famous for its unpretentiousness and ability for long flowering. But it also happens that the hibiscus suddenly refuses to bloom, and this makes the owners think about what they are doing wrong.

In favorable home conditions, hibiscus develops very quickly, grows well and blooms for several months in a row. This plant can bloom even in a room overlooking the North, content with weak diffused light or artificial lighting. But like anyone flowering plant he needs a period of rest in winter time.

blooming hibiscus

In order for the hibiscus to bloom, after dropping the leaves and before being sent for wintering, pruning is carried out. The stems are removed, leaving stumps no higher than 10 cm.

The dormant period for hibiscus growing at home lasts from late October to early February. At this time, he is transferred to a room with a temperature of 15-16 degrees. Watering at this time should be moderate, fertilizing is canceled altogether. As for lighting - during the rest daylight hours should last 9-11 hours. In a dark room, hibiscus can be additionally highlighted with a phytolamp.

By the end of the rest, it forms a large number of flower buds, which will eventually turn into beautiful flowers. After a dormant period, the plant is returned to a warm and bright room, more frequent and plentiful watering is carried out, and top dressing is done. And hibiscus begins to bloom from early summer to late autumn.

If the hibiscus was not pruned before the dormant period, this procedure can be carried out after it. After spring pruning, the plant is fed with nitrogenous, and then potassium-phosphorus fertilizers every 10 days.

Hibiscus buds form on young branches that have grown in the current year, and they appear precisely after pruning. If pruning is not carried out, it will be difficult to get the hibiscus to bloom. It is impossible to prune the shoots in the summer - in this case there will be no flowers either.

Another reason why hibiscus does not bloom at home is that the pot is too spacious. To wait for the flowers, you should not transplant the plant into a container large sizes, in it the roots will feel freedom, and will begin to actively grow, all the power of the bush will be spent on this process, and not on flowering.

In order for the hibiscus to bloom, the pot must be cramped, but not so much that there is not enough soil in it. After all, the state of health and flowering of any plant is associated precisely with the soil and the presence of nutrients in her.

Good conditions - what are they?

What does a hibiscus need to bloom well? The plant does not need anything special for well-being and flowering. His requirements are the simplest - good lighting, pure water for watering and spraying, top dressing, normal temperature air and timely pruning. If all these conditions are met, the nibiscus at home will bloom profusely, sometimes even during the winter dormancy.

It is better to put a flower pot in a warm and well-lit place, but not necessarily under the direct rays of the sun. Hibiscus prefers diffused light, in warm time year, it can be taken out to the street or to the balcony, but sheltered from the strong rays of the sun.

The plant loves moisture, so in the summer it is watered twice a day - in the morning and in the evening, the soil in the pot should always be wet. For irrigation, it is better to use warm, soft water, tap, chlorinated water can kill the flower. The flower is sprayed only in summer, no more than 1-2 times a week, this procedure not only increases the humidity of the air, but also prevents the appearance of spider mites.

What kind of soil is needed for planting hibiscus? The soil mixture for planting it is made at home from turf and leafy soil, humus and peat. To make the soil light, sand and charcoal are added to it.

The acidity of the soil for hibiscus must be neutral or high, otherwise it may weaken due to the inability to receive enough nutrients.

Hibiscus are transplanted in the spring, young plants - every year, and adults 1 time in 2-3 and even four years. Sometimes, instead of transplanting, the top layer of soil in a pot is replaced with fresh, fertile.

If you follow all the rules for growing hibiscus at home, you will not need to force it to bloom, it will bloom on its own, at a time determined by nature.

Of the many types and forms of hibiscus, the Chinese rose is the most popular variety that is grown at home. It is famous for its exotic, large fiery red flowers.

An unpretentious shrub decorates the room with Asian buds throughout the warm season. But many flower growers face a difficulty - the plant does not bloom. Recommendations for care will help to deal with the mistakes made during cultivation.

Guest from Asia

Hibiscus is a genus that combines 241 species of shrubs, trees and herbaceous plants. Many varieties are grown in ornamental horticulture as horticultural and indoor flowers. In administrative buildings, hospitals, in private homes, you can find Chinese hibiscus or Chinese rose.

Chinese rose - evergreen ornamental plant from the Malvaceae family. In nature, it grows in southern China and on the Indochina peninsula. The flower needs warm climate, therefore, in Russia it is grown only in greenhouses and premises.

The plant is characterized as an evergreen shrub, has bright shiny ovoid foliage and large, rich red flowers. The buds bloom alternately from late spring and bloom until autumn.

Healing tea is brewed from the petals of the Chinese rose. He possesses big amount Vitamin C, therefore, helps with colds, and also has a calming effect on the human body.

According to the reviews of flower growers, the shrub is undemanding to its owner. Simple terms maintenance and minimal care is necessary for a culture to normal growth and development. But many lovers indoor plants complain about the lack of long-awaited buds. If the hibiscus does not bloom, mistakes were made during cultivation. Both a lack and an excess of attention for a flower can affect its vegetative processes.

Reasons for the lack of flowering

When growing Chinese roses, many flower growers harm the plant with excessive care and improper care. The reason for the lack of flowers on hibiscus can be the following factors:

  • excessive feeding or unsuitable soil;
  • prolonged contact with the sun or its absence;
  • poor or too intense watering;
  • unsuitable room temperature;
  • cramped or very large pot;
  • unnecessary care during the winter dormancy.

Proper care of indoor hibiscus

In order for indoor hibiscus to bloom at home, specialist skills are not needed. The main thing is to properly care for the plant and provide it with the necessary conditions for the formation of flower buds.

Planting capacity and soil

A shrub planted in a pot that is too large will grow well, grow a green lush crown and not bloom. In order for the hibiscus to begin to form buds, its root system needs to fill the entire container. For a young plant, choose a compact tub that matches its size, and change it as needed to a larger one.

The substrate plays very important role planting hibiscus. The seedling will need fertile soil with a neutral pH level from soddy and deciduous soil with the addition of humus and sand. A layer of pebbles or expanded clay is laid at the bottom of the container, and a prepared earth mixture is placed on it. Periodically, the top layer of soil is removed from the pot and replaced with compost.

Temperature and watering

In winter, when the dormant period begins, flower buds form at the hibiscus. At this time, it is important to create right conditions contents for a flower. In autumn, when nature falls asleep, the Chinese rose is removed to a cool place where the temperature ranges from +12 to +15 degrees. The plant is forgotten until the last winter month. Do not allow sudden changes in temperature in the room.

In order not to harm the Chinese rosan during watering, the following rules are taken into account:

  1. 1. For irrigation, rain or settled soft water is prepared without the addition of chlorine.
  2. 2. When the air temperature in the room where the flower is located drops below +15 degrees, watering is minimized.
  3. 3. In warm weather, the top layer of the earth should not dry out completely.
  4. 4. Hot summer days the plant is abundantly watered under the root and the leafy crown is sprayed with water.

Balanced fertilization

From a lack of top dressing, indoor hibiscus discards unopened buds, and from an overabundance, it does not form at all. Fertilizers are applied seasonally, moderately, taking into account the vitamins and chemical elements necessary for flowering.

"Asian" feed the entire growing season every 7-10 days. To make the shrub bloom, use complex fertilizers for ornamental flowering plants containing potassium and phosphorus, which will accelerate the growth of the root system and help the formation of flowers. Nitrogen fertilizers are used less often - when the leaves lose their healthy appearance. From organic matter, fermented bird or cow manure diluted with water 1:10, compost, tree ash is used. Top dressing is applied only after watering in the morning or evening. In winter, fertilize no more than 1 time per month.


The laying of flower buds occurs only on young shoots. In order for more buds to form on the Chinese rose, cut off the old branches and pinch the tops of the shoots.

Pruning is carried out in late February or early March, when the shrub reaches two years of age. They also cut off dry, damaged and inward-growing branches. This procedure will improve the decorativeness of the crown and accelerate the growth of the plant.

Suitable place in the house

Ornamental shrubs cannot be moved from one place to another. It should be in a cool (+18–22 degrees), ventilated room with diffused daylight. In the shade, the plant will not die, but it will not bloom either, and prolonged "sunbathing" is even more harmful to this representative of the flora. Drafts and wind negatively affect the flower.

Stamp house tree

Chinese rose can be grown in the form of a trunk. With the help of special manipulations, the bush will take on the appearance of an original tree with a rounded crown and an even vertical trunk.

At home, the procedure is as follows:

  1. 1. Choose a young indoor hibiscus bush with an even central stem. A stable support is attached parallel to the trunk, tying it at the same distance along the entire length of the shoot. Lateral branches are pruned as they appear.
  2. 2. The top of the tree is pinched when it grows to the desired size.
  3. 3. After pinching, the growth points form a crown, monthly cutting the shoots and their tips.

Over time, the crown will become spherical. An ornamental tree will require proper care. In the fall, pruning is carried out to maintain a beautiful standard shape.

Chinese rose (Hibiscus) is a tall ornamental crop. Differs in large flowers of various flowers and their shades. Possible colors: red, orange, white, purple. Numerous cultivars have been bred with countless flower shades up to black.

The culture can grow up to 4.5 meters. Mature trunks are distinguished by an almost black color of the bark. The leaves can reach a length of up to 15 cm.

The plant is also called hibiscus. He fell in love with flower growers not only for their decorative qualities, but also for the ease of maintenance and care. However, sometimes you have to make every effort to ensure that the Chinese rose blooms profusely and magnificently.

hibiscus bloom

The Chinese rose is planted not only for unpretentiousness, but, first of all, for beautiful abundant flowering. Despite the fact that the flowers do not bloom for a long time - only 2-3 days, they open gradually, one after another. As a result, it seems that the flowering is very lush and long.

However, flowering depends on proper development the culture itself. Opened flowers can reach a diameter of 14 cm. Sometimes they can exceed 15 cm. Depending on the variety, both double and simple flowers are found. The colors are varied: white, pink, cream, lilac, purple, red. The petals are thin.

Hibiscus flowering with proper maintenance and healthy development starts in spring and ends in autumn.

Reasons for the lack of flowering hibiscus

Often, the owners of this beautiful culture are faced with an extremely unpleasant problem - the lack of flowering. What could be worse? After all, for the sake of flowers, hibiscus are planted.

It is required to understand the reasons for the refusal of the rose to bloom and solve this problem. We'll have to reconsider the care of the plant. After all, it is the wrong care - main reason such a phenomenon.

Main reasons:

  • Too big pot. Until the roots of the plant fill the entire container, the leaves will grow vigorously, but this will negatively affect flowering;
  • Wrong temperature in winter. Optimum temperature hibiscus content in winter should be about 15 degrees, but no more;
  • Regular pruning and pinching. More precisely, their absence Since flowers are formed only at the tops of young branches, the branches need to be cut and pinched to form a compact, dense bush;
  • Excessive hydration soil during the growing season;
  • Lack of light. Hibiscus prefers bright diffused light, but direct rays are fraught with burns;
  • Excess nitrogen in the soil. It is required to limit the application of nitrogen fertilizers.

What to do to make hibiscus bloom luxuriantly and plentifully?

In order for the Chinese rose to please with its lush flowering every year, it is necessary to observe the features of the content of the culture:

  1. The location in the apartment is a southern or eastern window with shading during the midday sun. In the shade the flower will not bloom;
  2. Proper wintering. The temperature in winter should not exceed 15 degrees. If the temperature is less than 10, then the plant will drop foliage;
  3. Pot and soil. The pot should be a little cramped for the root system, only then the culture will please with flowering; The pot needs good drainage. The acidity of the soil should be neutral. Clay turf is required in the composition;
  4. Pruning must be systematic, otherwise the bush will grow strongly, but will not bloom;
  5. Water for irrigation should be soft without chlorine and scale. The temperature is about 30 degrees Celsius. In summer, you need to water abundantly and regularly, and in winter - less often. However, overflows are dangerous for the plant;
  6. The introduction of fertilizers. For flowering, fertilizers with a high content of phosphorus are considered extremely effective;
  7. No temperature fluctuations or drafts.

Thus, in order for the Chinese rose to bloom, it is necessary to observe the peculiarities of care, to feed the culture only in the summer-spring season. It is recommended to choose fertilizers with a high content of phosphorus. This promotes lush flowering. However, an excess of fertilizing, on the contrary, can harm the plant. During the dormant period - in winter - it is not necessary to feed the culture.

For irrigation, you need to take soft and settled water. Hibiscus does not tolerate water with scale and chlorine. Therefore, before watering the culture, it is required to defend the water for several days. You can also filter or boil the water.

Important! During the formation of buds, you can not turn the pot and change its location.

Pests and diseases that interfere with hibiscus flowering

The main diseases that prevent the flowering of the Chinese rose:

  • Non-infectious and infectious chlorosis. The reasons are: excess nitrogen in the soil, fungus;
  • Fungal infections lead to bud drop;
  • Root rot can lead not only to the absence of flowering, but also to the death of the plant.

Chlorosis (lack of iron) on leaves. Solutions - transplants, top dressing, time for rehabilitation.

A flooded plant affected by root rot.

infectious fungal diseases treated with fungicides.

Among the pests should be highlighted:

These pests usually infect leaves and stems, they practically do not affect flowering. However, huge accumulations without treatment can lead to the death of the culture. These pests are treated by wiping the plant with soapy water and insecticidal preparations.

About the reasons for the video

The author of the channel tells about his mistakes when growing hibiscus Landscape Design On one's own". Along the way, the author also shows other plants of his collection.