The spider is one of the most scary creatures on the ground. Any person suffering from arachnophobia will confirm this to you. Perhaps you will say: what could be terrible in such a small creature? And I will answer you with a question to the question: “in what such a small one?” Look at the biggest spider in the world, and find out where he lives so you can plan your vacation away from that place.

10. Tegenaria wall (Cerbalus Aravaensis) - body 3 cm, leg span 14 cm

Where he lives: in the desert dunes of Wadi al-Arab in southern Israel and Jordan.

This is the smallest representative of arachnids in our selection, and one of the largest spiders on Earth.

Dehydration and sunburn are not the only threats you will face if you find yourself in the hot sand dunes of the Wadi al-Arab desert. After all, this is the home of the largest hunter spider in the Middle East. He creates his lair in the sand, and goes "on business" at night. Scientists do not believe that wall tegenaria is highly poisonous, but none of them tested this hypothesis.

9. Brazilian wandering spider (Phoneutria fera) - body 10 cm, leg span 7 cm

Where he lives: in South and Central America.

Not the biggest spider on the list, but the most dangerous. This furry banana lover even made it into the 2010 Guinness Book of World Records as the most poisonous spider in the world. Guinness does not have a category for the most aggressive spiders, otherwise brazilian spider and got into it. In this regard, he is very close with, she is also not famous for her meekness of character.

When there are no bananas nearby, the eight-legged Brazilian eats mice, lizards and large insects. To kill a 20-gram mouse, it is enough for a spider to inject it with 6 micrograms of poison intravenously and 134 micrograms subcutaneously. For comparison, a black widow would need 110 micrograms and 200 micrograms of poison, respectively, for the same purpose.

The venom of the Brazilian wandering spider is very dangerous and can kill a person in two hours. It can also cause a four-hour, painful erection in men. So in the future, this dangerous arthropod may serve science as a treatment for erectile dysfunction.

8. Camel spider (Solfigae) - body 5-7 cm, leg span 12-15 cm

Where it lives: in any warm desert area. You are safe (from this spider) in Australia. It has never been seen in Antarctica, if that helps you.

This spider, also known as the salpuga, gets its informal name from eating camels for breakfast. Didn't believe? And rightly so. He was nicknamed "camel" for the "humps" on his head. According to other information, a frightened spider jumps high enough and can grab with its powerful chelicerae (jaws) what is above it. In the desert, this something often turns out to be the groin of a camel.

Salpugi jaws are so strong that they can even pierce a human nail. In the video with the largest spiders in the world, solpegs look the most menacing, especially when you look at their jaw from the side. It clearly shows the teeth and cutting edge.

The good news is that this spider is not poisonous. Bad news- if he bites you, rotting food remains can get into the wound, and this is fraught with serious inflammation.

7. Hercules Baboon Spider - body size from 7 to 9 cm, leg span up to 20 cm

Where does he live: in African countries such as Niger, Benin, Ghana, Cameroon and Nigeria.

The only known specimen of the Herculean baboon was caught in Nigeria about a hundred years ago and is in the Natural History Museum in London. It got its name from the habit of eating baboons (just kidding). In fact, this spider is named for the resemblance between its legs and the toes of a baboon. Since no one has seen this spider for a long time, there is an assumption that it has disappeared from the face of the Earth. In a more optimistic version, he can lead a life underground, away from human eyes.

A close relative of the Herculean baboon, the king baboon spider (Pelinobius muticus) lives in East Africa, and another related subfamily - Harpactirinae - is famous for its aggressive and unpredictable behavior and strong poison.

6. Ornamental Rajai tarantula (Poecilotheria rajaei) - body 8 cm, limb span up to 20 cm

Where it lives: in old trees or in old buildings in Sri Lanka and India.

Bird-eaters live not only in Central and South America. A huge tarantula the size of a man's face has adapted to the deforestation in Sri Lanka, and moved into abandoned buildings. He likes to eat birds, lizards, rodents and even snakes.

This species was discovered relatively recently, in 2009. Poecilotheria rajaei got its name in honor of the policeman Michael Rajakumar Purajah, who guarded the scientists during their expedition.

5. Colombian giant tarantula (Megaphobema robustum) - body 8 cm, leg span up to 20 cm

Where does he live: in tropical forests Brazil and Colombia.

This member of the tarantula family feeds on mice, lizards and large insects so you can use it to control household pests. It is quite rarely imported to Russia, and any arachnophile collector dreams of getting a handsome Colombian.

On the hind legs of this species are spikes with which the spider attacks and fights off enemies. It is not aggressive towards humans, but it can bite on occasion. The venom of the Colombian giant tarantula is not fatal, but there is a risk of an allergic reaction. In a word, this is not the most suitable pet.

4. Brazilian black tarantula (Grammostola anthracina) - body 16-18 cm, paw span 7-10 cm

Where he lives: in Uruguay, Paraguay, Brazil and Argentina.

Don't forget to visit South America if you are looking for giant spiders. Grammostola anthracine is one of the species of tarantulas, which is very popular because of its beautiful black "fur" with a metallic sheen. He is unlikely to bite you if you remember to feed him cockroaches or crickets. However, the long hairs on the legs and body of the Brazilian tarantula can cause irritation when in contact with human skin.

3. Horse spider (Lasiodora parahybana) - body 8-10 cm, paw span up to 25 cm

Where he lives: in the forests of Brazil. This is a popular pet, so you might see them in pet stores and maybe in your neighbor's apartment.

The third largest spider in the world breeds easily in captivity and is considered docile. However, if provoked, the horse spider can bite, not too dangerous, but quite painful. Also, these animals have a “cute” habit of combing burning hairs when in danger. Therefore, do not bring the spider close to your eyes.

2. Giant hunter spider (Heteropoda maxima) - body 4.6 cm, paw span from 25 to 30 cm

Where it lives: only in the caves of Laos, but huge hunter spiders similar to it live in all warm and warm-temperate regions of the planet.

While the goliath tarantula (first number on the list) is considered the most massive spider on Earth, the giant hunter spider has more long legs. Their range reaches from 25 to 30 centimeters.

These spiders are dangerous not only for their own natural enemies but also for humans. After their bite, hospitalization may be required. If you live in a warm climate and hear a rhythmic ticking sound similar to the ticking of a quartz clock, know that somewhere nearby is a male Heteropoda maxima. And if you're not a female giant spider, you better run.

1. Goliath tarantula (Theraphosa blondi) - body 10.4 cm, leg span up to 28 cm

Where it lives: in burrows in tropical forests and swamps of northern South America.

Here it is, the largest spider in the world. In the photo, he looks intimidating, and not without reason. The goliath tarantula is a type of tarantula. Theraphosis of a blond can bite a person with its huge fangs (1-2 cm), and its poison is comparable in pain and general exposure to wasp venom.

The spiky hairs of this giant "fluffy" pose a great threat, as they can remain on the skin and in the eyes of a person, causing itching and irritation for several days.

One of Theraphosa blondi was even lucky enough to get into the Guinness Book of Records as the largest representative of its species. The span of the paws of this specimen, caught in Venezuela in 1965, was 28 centimeters.

As the name suggests, this spider will occasionally eat small birds such as hummingbirds. But he himself can turn from a hunter into a tasty prey. People who live in the habitat of goliath tarantulas catch and eat them (they say they taste like shrimp).

And finally interesting fact: Male spiders have specialized appendages that are used to make sounds needed for defense and sexual communication. The largest spiders produce sounds loud enough for humans to hear. So if you hear a strange sound in the night, there may be a horny spider somewhere nearby.

Spiders can no doubt be attributed to the most unusual and interesting representatives of the animal world. Many of them have a bright color and are significantly different from other inhabitants of our planet. Arthropods amaze not only with their appearance but also the way of life, nutrition, reproduction.

Large spiders are predators that eat insects, rodents, frogs, lizards, small snakes, birds and other small animals. As a rule, they do not use the web for hunting, tracking down and overtaking their victims, hiding in an inconspicuous place. Once next to the insect, the spider pierces its skin with sharp chelicerae located in the mouth opening, releasing poison and digestive juice into its body. Then, after waiting for some time, it sucks liquid nutrients from the animal.

For housing, spiders choose secluded corners formed by fallen tree branches and bark, some species live in burrows dug in the ground or on trees. characteristic feature of these animals is a periodic molt, during which they pull off the shell that has become tight, giving way to a new, more spacious shell - the exoskeleton.

The reproduction of spiders occurs with the obligatory preliminary demonstration of the male's readiness for mating and the response signals of the female. After the end of the process, the male has to quickly retreat so as not to become a tasty morsel for his partner.

We present to your attention the top largest spiders in the world - these living creatures often inspire fear in impressionable people But is it really worth being afraid of them?

5th place

Purple tarantula is a spider from the Tarantula family. Reaches 25 cm in length. The life expectancy of females is 15 years, males - from 2 to 3 years. These large spiders catch their prey by hiding in a secluded place. Tarantulas do not use cobwebs for this purpose.


  • the body of the spider consists of a cephalothorax, an abdomen densely covered with hairs, long pubescent legs;
  • the color of the female is dominated by dark blue, purple and black shades;
  • the color of males is yellow-green.

IN vivo found in the tropical forests of South America, Asia, the deserts of Africa. It feeds mainly on crickets, cockroaches, flies, small rodents, sometimes they eat frogs, fish, small birds. For humans, the bite of tarantulas does not pose a mortal danger, but can cause an allergic reaction.

4th place

Camel spider, also called solar spider or phalanx. This huge spider grows up to 30 cm, and its body length is only 5–7 cm. It has a yellow-brown color, the body is divided into segments, tentacles are located on the cephalothorax, which act as limbs. This arthropod distinguishes light and moving objects well due to the presence of 4 compound eyes. The speed of movement of the phalanx is quite high - 16 km / h.

Camel spider eats various types insects, lizards, rodents. Sharp chelicerae (pincer-shaped mouth appendages) have high cutting abilities and are able to cut the skin, thin bones, and cut off the hairline from the victim. The bites of a camel spider can become inflamed due to the infection on the chelicerae entering the wound. It lives in Europe, Asia, Africa, countries of North and South America.

3rd place

Goliath tarantula, its second name is Theraphosa Blonda. This is a huge spider: the body length of the goliath is about 10 cm, with limbs up to 30 cm. The abdomen, body and limbs of the arthropod are dark brown, covered with many hairs. The average life expectancy of a male is 4.5 years, females live 5 times longer. It feeds mainly on frogs, small snakes, rodents, lizards. When attacked, the victim is paralyzed by the poison contained in the fangs on the head.

For humans, the toxic component of goliath venom is not dangerous; it feels like a bee sting. In order to protect against enemies, the spider also uses abdominal hairs that irritate the mucous membranes. Habitat of Theraphosa Blond - South America. You can get an idea of ​​the appearance of this and other largest arthropods by looking at pictures of the largest spiders in the world.

2nd place

Brazilian salmon-pink tarantula. Reaches 30 cm in size, body length is about 10 cm. Females are much larger than males in size and body weight. This species of tarantula lives in Brazil.

External features:

  1. The upper part of the spider's cephalothorax is covered with a shield with a pattern in the form of a 10-pointed black star on a salmon background.
  2. The first segments of the limbs adjoining the body are colored in pink color, the rest are in dark grey.
  3. The abdomen and legs are densely pubescent.

The special decorative properties of large arthropods determine the interest of lovers in keeping them at home. When purchasing, it is necessary to create optimal living conditions for the pet. In the absence of such experience, one should look at the nature of the animal: some spiders may experience increased anxiety and aggressiveness when kept in captivity.

1st place

Giant crab spider. The second name of this species is the hunter spider. Given the length of the limbs, its size reaches 30 cm or more. This giant spider is a bit like a crab in the structure of its legs and the ability to move both in the forward and sideways direction. The body and limbs are usually gray or brown in color, often its coloration is spotted - contains black, white or red blotches.

The photo shows what the largest spider in the world looks like. The hunter feeds on insects and small invertebrates. Pursuing his prey, he overtakes her with quick jumps and injects poison, which includes a substance - a neurotoxin that affects nerve cells. Neurotoxin can cause pain, swelling, but does not lead to serious health consequences.

It can only bite a person in self-defense. Habitat of the giant crab spider- Japan and Australia.

Reading 8 min. Published on 06/30/2018

Nature is diverse and has created a lot of interesting and unusual creatures. Spiders can be attributed to the most numerous and interesting individuals. In apartments and houses there are relatively small individuals, but in the world there are such arachnids that amaze with their size and even frighten. But not everyone knows which spider is the largest in the world, because in most cases large species are rare and live in tropical countries.

In nature, there are huge and frightening individuals of spiders.

In this article:

Nephiles-circular weaves and their description

Nephila - large spider, which weaves the largest and strongest webs in the world. In some of them, scientists even found entangled birds. And the fishermen of the Pacific and Indian Oceans use their webs to catch fish.

Nephiles-orbweavers weave the strongest web

This type of arthropod has quite a few names, the most popular of which are woody andbananaspider. Nephiles are poisonous, but their poison is not dangerous for humans. After a bite, slight redness or rashes may appear on the body, which completely disappear in a day.

The body length does not exceed 4 cm, but the paws can reach a length of 12 cm. The color of the body is bright, warning of its danger to small animals and insects. Most often, nephiles are orange or red. These arthropods are found in Australia, Madagascar, Asia and Africa.

The largest spiders are described in the video:

This type of spider belongs to the family of runners. The genus phoneutria belonging to this species is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the most poisonous in the world. It is more dangerous than its relatives, its poison can cause significant damage to human health and large animals.

The main characteristics are:

  • body length up to 5 cm;
  • paw span - 17 cm;
  • lives in tropical regions of Central and South America.

Wandering spider is considered one of the most poisonous in the world.

He got his name - the Brazilian wanderer - because he does not sit still and does not wait for the victim to become entangled in his networks. He hunts during his regular travels. Having noticed the victim, he accelerates to incredible speed and pounces on it. Through the chelicerae (jaws) it releases poison into the body of the prey, thereby blocking its resistance.

Active lifestyle leads only at night, and during the day he tries to hide in shady places:

  • under stones;
  • in grass.

In rare cases, he can crawl into a person's dwelling and hide in things. But he will not attack people if he does not have to defend himself. In this case, the spider may bite. The main diet of arachnids is birds and lizards. It often eats small spiders and can even eat sweet fruits.

Watch the strangest types of spiders in the video:

This spider is one of the cutest and most attractive individuals. It is he who is often kept at home. For a person, it is interesting in appearance, bright coloring and a fluffy body. Under natural conditions, it can be found in hot and humid areas, often it can be seen in dense shrubs.

Tarantulas are listed in the Red Book and prohibited from being caught.

Tarantulas are species that are prohibited from being caught and sold. There are very few left, so arachnids are listed in the Red Book.

This type of spider is less dangerous to humans than other subspecies of tarantulas. But for large animals and people, the burning hairs of an arthropod that cover its entire body are dangerous. During danger, the spider sheds part of the villi: if they get on the skin, they can lead to burns and an allergic reaction. If it gets into the eyes, it can lead to loss of vision.

All individuals of this species are no more than 8 cm in size. The body is brown with red or orange stripes on the legs and abdomen. Often there are varieties with a yellow border. The tarantula feeds on small lizards, bird eggs and rodents.

This giant is quite capable of becoming a pet. Despite its intimidating appearance, it does not pose a particular danger to humans. Its poison is dangerous only for small animals or invertebrates. If, after a bite, a person immediately turns to a doctor, then he is not in danger of anything except nausea and slight dizziness.

The royal baboon tarantula has a pleasant appearance and is suitable as a pet

Like most spiders, the baboon tarantula is usually nocturnal and secretive. This representative of arthropods lives in a hole that he digs himself. But this is not just a hole: it is a whole system of tunnels. It is found mainly in tropical forests. When hunting, the tarantula digs a small hole in the grass and covers it with cobwebs, making it inconspicuous for a potential victim.

Baboon species feed on small animals and spiders. Their body size is no more than 9 cm, but the limb span is much larger - up to 20 cm.

A feature of the arachnid is that females do not eat their hatched cubs. They share food with them and protect them until they leave the nest.

You can often find this giant spider at home. But the nature of the individuals is far from friendly, for the most part they are very aggressive. However, those who like this arthropod are happy to buy it and keep it at home.

Purple Colombian tarantula is also found in homes, having a not very aggressive character.

He hunts from a hiding place, lying in wait for the victim in a secluded corner. It overtakes its prey very quickly and pierces it with powerful chelicerae. It feeds on small lizards, frogs, fish and small insects. It lives mainly in the tropical forests of Panama, Ecuador and Colombia.

This arachnid can live up to 15 years if conditions allow, and its size can reach 22 cm.

Cerbal Arabian

This species of arthropod lives in Israel and Jordan. An individual was discovered relatively recently - in 2003.

Its dimensions range from 20 to 25 cm. The color of the spider is adapted to the shade of sand, among which it spends most of its time. Attacks the victim only at night, during the day it hides among small pebbles.

It lives mainly on the territory of Arabia, from where its name came from - Arabian cerbal. For humans, it is completely safe, so it is often found at home.

This spider can also be called a camel spider due to the hump on its back. All individuals of this species are very mobile, but are strictly nocturnal. The body and limbs are covered with hairs.

Arachnid Phalanx is quick to react

The eyesight of individuals is quite remarkable. They have another extra pair of eyes on the sides, like scorpions. Spiders distinguish light, are able to respond to movement. Due to this, the arachnid reaction is very fast. It attacks its prey with a fraction of a second delay, making the giant spider not only an excellent hunter, but also an elusive creature.

Another notable feature of the spider is its chelicerae. They are so strong and durable that he can bite through not only the skin, but also the human nail. Outwardly, each chelicera looks like a crab claw. It is with them that he rips off fur and feathers from his prey, and then lines his dwelling with material.

In size, it can reach 25 cm with legs. It lives mainly in desert areas, it can be found on all continents. This is the most common spider on the planet.

Brazilian orange and pink tarantula

The first mention of this spider dates back to 1917. This is a rare endemic variety. His area of ​​​​residence is reduced to one place, in particular, to the state of Paraiba in Brazil. Individuals cannot live in other places.

The Brazilian tarantula is not the largest spider on Earth, but it is the most expensive. Its cost is fabulous, given that the population is very small.

The body is colored brown or black, gradually turning into gray at the tips of the legs. The size ranges from 20 to 26 cm. The main diet is insects, but it also likes to feast on small lizards, frogs and smaller spiders.

The real giant is the goliath

The largest spider in the world is the goliath tarantula. This arthropod lives in the tropics of South America and looks very frightening. Its fangs are at least 2 cm, and its body weight is 170 g. With such an impressive size, its nutrition is appropriate. He prefers mice, small lizards and snakes.

The goliath spider is considered the largest in the world.

Even in the picture, this spider looks intimidating, but the goliath attacks only when it feels danger. Even so, he doesn't always use his paralyzing poison.

For humans, the spider is not dangerous; swelling or redness may occur at the site of the bite, which will completely disappear in a few days.

He builds housing for himself on his own, digging a small hole in the ground and covering it with cobwebs, like a door. Goliath females live up to 25 years, but males live only 6 years.

The web is not used for hunting. Most often, he waits for the victim in a secluded corner and pounces on her. With sharp fangs, it rips open the body and injects poison so that the prey does not run away.

The largest spider in the world does not look so terrible, so it is also often kept in terrariums at home. But more often large individuals can be found in zoos and admire their beauty and unusual coloring.

The average spider is typically 4 to 6 centimeters in size. But there are also such instances that I can amaze with their dimensions. To determine which are the largest spiders in the world, you need to refer to the Guinness Book of Records.

Tarantula Theraphosa Blonda

The largest spiders are tarantulas. They were first found and described by the French entomologist Latreille back in 1804. In 1965, the largest tarantula was discovered in Venezuela by the expedition of Pablo San Martin. His furry paws spanned exactly 28 centimeters.

This is enough to cover an ordinary dinner plate. It was this individual, the goliath tarantula, that got into the Guinness Book of Records. However, later experts found an even larger spider.

bird eater

Shaggy eight-legged tarantulas are harmless, but in humans they cause only antipathy and disgust. Spider venom is not dangerous, it can be compared with wasp venom. But at first, scientists considered them poisonous. But here is the benefit. Spiders are amazing creatures that many mistakenly refer to as insects. But in fact, spiders are arthropods from the arachnid class.

This spider species is found in the rainforests of Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana, but single specimens have been recorded in Brazil and Venezuela. The animal does not justify its name "tarantula". Because of its terrifying size and habitat, in the trees, it was believed that the spider feeds on birds. But the tarantula feeds only on frogs, small rodents, fledgling birds, lizards and small snakes. The tropics are a real paradise for the largest spider. Photos show that they live in deep burrows, rock crevices, tree hollows, and the entrance is covered with cobwebs. The bird-eater does not weave a trap for his prey, but catches them himself. They have other weapons besides nets - strong jaws. It is worth noting that spiders feed only on liquid food. They, as a rule, suck out the victim and leave only a dry shell from it.

In private collections, the tarantula Terafoz Blond can be found extremely rarely. Reproduction of these spiders requires seasonal changes in conditions. Therefore, such animals rarely breed in captivity. In addition, Theraphosa Blond spiders cannot be exported outside of many countries where they live.

Tarantula Terafoza Blonda on video

By the way, the world record for the size of the tarantula was repeated. A two-year-old animal of this species, which was bred by Robert Bustard and raised by Brian Barnett, also had a paw span of 28 centimeters and weighed only 170 grams.

However, the largest tarantula was discovered in the Paris Museum. The discovery was made by a German biologist who examined the exhibits. In a jar of formalin, he found a tarantula whose legs were 30 centimeters long. This is two centimeters more than the current record. As it turned out, the spider was caught in 1939 in Laos, after which it was kept in a museum for many years.

Spider - Nephila

These are the largest spiders that weave webs. They are also called banana spiders, giant tree spiders. And they are the real thunderstorm of birds.

The size of the body of this spider is from 1 to 4 centimeters, and the span of the legs can be up to 12 centimeters.

It is worth noting that female nephil spiders are much larger than males. The leg span of this giant fossil spider reached 15 centimeters. Among their victims there are even small birds. By the way, you can meet such an animal in Australia, Africa, Asia, America and Madagascar.

Now, 6 species of the genus Nephila are known in the fossil. Five of them are from the Neogene (Dominican amber, 16 million years old), one from the Eocene (USA, 34 million years old) and Jurassic(165 million years).

The poison of these spiders is stronger, but not fatal to humans. It has a neurotoxic effect, like karakurt. Not the whole body hurts from a bite, but only the affected area. After that, blisters appear and disappear within 24 hours. Sometimes allergic reactions to the bite of a nephil are possible, and asthmatics have difficulty breathing. This genus of spiders has strong chelicerae, so a bite can leave a small scar on thin skin (for example, on fingers).

Nephila weaves a web on the branches of trees. They - brilliant architects. And very skillfully and skillfully weave a trap for their victims. "Yarn" is produced by special glands, which are located on the abdomen. The properties of threads surprise scientists so far. The web is so elastic and strong that it can support more weight than standard threads of this thickness. By the way, getting into the net of a nephila spider, the victim has no way to get out.

This web has already been used by fishermen from the coasts of the Pacific and Indian Oceans. They collect nets, make a ball out of them and throw them into the water to catch fish.

South Russian tarantula

Also known as misgir. It also has its place of honor in the ranking of "The Biggest Spiders in the World." They are found in Central Asia, in Ukraine and in the south of Russia. Basically, the tarantula can be found in the desert, forest-steppe and steppe zones. The size of one spider is up to 3.5 centimeters - it is much inferior to tarantulas. The whole body is covered with hair, the color is brown-red, almost black.

The tarantula digs vertical holes. Their depth can reach 30 and even 40 centimeters. The entire dwelling is lined with cobwebs. If the tarantula has sensed an insect near the hole, then it quickly jumps out of its shelter and catches the victim. Do not run away and those insects that accidentally crawled into the hole to the spider. The tarantula is guided by the shadow of its victim, which runs along the entrance to the hole, it also feels the movement of running insects. By the way, if you tie a button or a plasticine ball to a thread, swing it around a mink, you can deceive the tarantula and lure it out. At night, spiders are more active, they get out of their shelter and move a short distance from the mink. Their main prey are beetles and orthoptera.

South Russian tarantula against the cockchafer

By the way, these spiders are poisonous, but they rarely bite a person. In terms of pain, the bite can be compared with a hornet. The affected area swells and hurts a lot. It must be burned immediately with a match. The bite of a tarantula is shallow, it injects poison into the skin. When cauterized, under the influence of temperature, the poison decomposes. Bites in children are especially painful. They may not go away within 2-3 days.


This type of spider is even smaller than the tarantula. The size of the female is from 1.7 to 2.6 centimeters. The male is even less. They live mainly in Europe. You can meet them in Russia, for example, in Astrakhan, Smolensk, Rostov regions, as well as in Altai.

The spider is waiting for its prey on the web. He sits either in the center or next to him on a signal thread. The main food is mosquitoes and flies. But if something poisonous gets into the net, then the cross cuts the threads and releases its nets. Usually the web of the cross can be seen on the crowns of trees, between the branches. Threads can be seen immediately when visiting a forest, neglected grove or garden. Spider spider venom is toxic to vertebrates and invertebrates. Thermolabile hemolysin, which is part of the poison, acts on the erythrocytes of rabbits, mice, rats, and even humans.
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07/12/2014 at 21:41 · Johnny · 35 290

Top 10 biggest spiders in the world

All spiders in our rating are huge, and some of them feed on fairly large birds and rodents. Basically, these are poisonous and dangerous, and sometimes very disgusting and ugly (from a human point of view) arachnids.


The top ten is opened by the nephila-goldworm: the body of females is 4 cm, if you add the length of the limbs to it, you get about 11-13 cm, the size of the males is much smaller, together with the legs - 7-10 mm. The color of representatives of this species is most often greenish-yellow, the abdomen and head are white color, they also differ in toxic poison that can damage human health (not lethal). The habitats of representatives of the nephila-goldworm are the warm regions of the planet (Asia, Australia, South America, etc.).


Arachnid, whose body is "only" 7.5-14.5 cm. However, visually, wall tegenaria looks much larger - thanks to huge, intricately curved 8 legs. The spider has a pale color and is considered the best runner on short distances. Today this species it is quite rare in nature, mainly in Asia, Africa, where it chooses to live, or destroyed buildings.


Look at the photo and remember: avoiding encounters with this spider is vital, as this Brazilian arachnid is one of the most poisonous in the world. The length of its body reaches 5-7 cm, together with the limbs - up to 17 cm. Habitat - Central and South America, one of the subspecies (running) likes to climb into human dwellings.


Cerbal Arabian is the most "new" species of spiders, scientists became aware of its existence only in 2010. The largest individuals known today reach 20 cm in size. Its habitats (detections) - Jordan and Israel, became decisive when choosing a name new kind. One of the factors that affected such a late discovery of the species is the nocturnal lifestyle of its individuals.


Despite its frightening size, it does not pose a particular danger to a person - an attack can only occur as a response in the presence of an active threat. Individuals of this species (also known as red Cameroonian baboon spiders) grow up to 30.5 cm, body length is up to 13 cm. Like most of the largest spiders on our planet, it hunts mainly at night, killing victims (crickets, cockroaches, butterflies , and even small mice).


The main occupation of the representatives of this spider family (related to the tarantula) is eloquently displayed in the title. The predominant habitat is the tropical Colombian forests, where the tarantula subspecies is found a large number of. The officially registered maximum parameters of representatives of this class are 34.5 cm (including limbs), however, average individuals are up to 26 cm in size. Note that purple tarantulas do not pose a danger to humans.


Forced to disappoint adherents : their name camel spiders received absolutely not because of eating camels, but due to the presence of several humps on the head, which makes them somewhat similar to the "ships of the desert". However, camel spiders feed on mammals: lizards, rodents, as well as small birds. Successful hunting is facilitated by the ability to reach speeds of up to 16 km / h. The size of representatives of this species is up to 30 cm, given the length of the limbs.


Interestingly, this type of spider is one of the few whose representatives are used by people as pets. The sizes of such spiders can exceed 30 cm, in natural environment habitats, the main food is birds, lishers, small snakes - thanks to the lightning-fast movements of spiders, the chances of prey for survival are minimal.


Spiders, whose dimensions exceed 30 cm, got their nickname due to their terrifying appearance and exceptional ability to kill the chosen victim. A person is attacked solely in self-defense, but it is still better to bypass them.

1. Goliath birdeater (Birdeater)

The habitat of these representatives of the tarantula family is South America. Goliath tarantula is distinguished by the presence of large (up to 2.5 cm) fangs, with sizes over 30 cm (including limbs), and weight up to 200 grams. It is because of its size and greater weight than the Hunter Spider that the Goliath tarantula is considered the largest spider on our planet. Goliath tarantulas live in burrows, the main food of these arachnids are birds, mice and snakes. They do not pose a danger to people - the paralytic poison that the glands of these spiders produce is very weak.

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