1987 was the year of the fire rabbit. The "Spring Festival", as the Chinese call it, then fell on the twenty-ninth of February. Chinese is coming New Year V different days, but always between the twentieth of January and the twentieth of February. People born under this sign have character traits that distinguish them from those born in other years. Most of the living Fire Rabbits were born in 1987, because 1927 (the previous year of the red hare) was too long ago, and 2047 will not come soon.

All people born under the sign of the Rabbit (Cat or Hare) Eastern calendar, have a refined taste and an excellent sense of beauty. They always strive for harmony and love stylish things. Representatives of this sign are artistic and sentimental, very fond of art. They have a gift for impressing other people. Women of this sign are romantic and emotional. Men are gallant and diplomatic. Rabbits love comfort, including psychological comfort, so they easily avoid conflicts when communicating with other people.

Thanks to these characteristics, people born in the year of the Cat make excellent professionals:

These people are resourceful, inventive, have a developed mind and are ready to do a lot for those chosen ones whom they will allow into their circle of friends.

Those belonging to the element of fire often have a reddish skin tone, a large hooked nose, and densely growing hair. Red rabbits are very fond of summer, they tolerate heat remarkably, although with age their heart does not work as well as in youth, and requires special measures to strengthen it. For the same reason, those representatives of this sign live longer, who throughout their lives have learned to restrain their emotions and deal with stress. Young fire rabbits are very dependent on the opinions of others and generally do not have stress tolerance. In favorable conditions they like to surround themselves big amount diverse people, but with a serious threat, they just as easily get rid of most of the environment, leaving only the closest and most trusted.

Men of this sign have the following character traits:

  • Willpower. Those born under the sign of the Fire Hare are more strong-willed than other rabbits. They are natural leaders, especially in favorable environment, but they endure the strings of life's hardships that unexpectedly fell on them worse. This is due to the developed instinct of self-preservation of all rabbits.
  • Vulnerability in case of unexpected troubles. IN adverse conditions can fall into prolonged depression, from which they easily recover, as soon as things go smoothly. Fire rabbits overcome the usual difficulties quite easily thanks to their inner strength, psychic abilities and endurance.
  • impressionability. Men are more pronounced leaders, but more susceptible to outside influence. More often they experience stress from the pressure of circumstances than from relationships with people. Despite the conservative nature of the character, they are often imbued with mysticism, operate well with numbers and do not give up on intuition. Such is the dual nature of the fiery cat man.

Female fire rabbits often combine opposite traits and have the following features:

  • Stealth. Women of this sign do not clearly demonstrate their authority and strength, they seem, at first glance, soft and obedient. Thanks to a developed intellect and the ability to manipulate, they get their way without resorting to open confrontation. But in some circumstances, for example, with a large crowd of people at a ball or dinner party, they are able to discard modesty and shine like queens.
  • Emotionality. Rabbits of the sign of fire are doubly emotional. They live by feelings, forebodings and sensations. Possessing strong-willed qualities and developed logic, they sometimes give up their abilities and plunge into the abyss of passions and mental anguish.

Rabbit (Cat) is able to love and be a gentle, attentive partner. But he chooses his partner extremely meticulously. Representatives of this sign start serious relationships several times, up to marriage with different people, before they find their ideal partner. But having already made the final choice, those who are under the auspices of the sign of the rabbit live a measured life in the future.

People born in 1987 are compatible with almost all signs, but they reach the greatest harmony with those born in the year of the Ox (Ox).

Calmness and leadership qualities of bulls balance the emotionality of rabbits, give them self-confidence. An animal such as a bull does not pose a threat to a rabbit, and confused on own security hares subconsciously feel it.

Even if the bulls are quite mundane and do not have enough romance and fantasy, the hares have more than enough of these qualities for two. The most preferable for friendship and love with a fiery hare is an ox born in the cold season - in autumn or winter.

A man born in 1987 would be a good fit for a woman born in 1997. The age difference in this case will strengthen this union, since the younger female ox will more easily become led by a more experienced cat. The rabbit man and the bull woman form a very strong union if the woman could wholeheartedly trust her partner. Rabbit charm causes bouts of jealousy in women. And it is especially difficult for oxen to overcome this character trait. If the cat found the strength to demonstrate his feelings to his partner every day, was able to convince her that there is no one more unique to him than his beloved, then this union will be eternal.

A female fire rabbit born in 1987 will suit a man born in 1985. The cat woman and the ox man according to the horoscope are the perfect combination. They are harmonious in everything, their union is strong and unshakable. Both of these signs are very fond of children and appreciate their home, which they can jointly turn into a model of style and comfort. The rabbit, thanks to its sociability and diplomacy, will surround the bull with comfort, and the ox will become a reliable protector and patron for the female rabbit. It will provide the house with a beautiful and thoughtful design, and it will provide all the necessary material means for a cloudless life.

It is better if in this union the tiger is a man. A calm, diplomatic rabbit will follow him like a stone wall, with her ability to smooth out conflicts, contributing to her husband's career and building relationships with neighbors. It is more difficult for a male rabbit with a tigress, but such an alliance is quite possible thanks to rabbit resourcefulness and the ability to compromise.

The two rabbits get along well with each other. This is the union of two polite, well-mannered and diplomatic people. It is unlikely that Shakespearean passions will boil in such a family, but tenderness and calmness will be more than enough. This family will achieve great wealth only if one of the spouses has outstanding abilities in his profession. Joint business is unlikely to be successful.

If the rabbit is a man, then an alliance with a female dragon is possible only as lovers, a maximum of a guest marriage. The dragon is too bright and independent, she needs a lot of men and worship, a quiet rabbit, with all her resourcefulness, is simply not able to constantly be with such a burning-bright nature. A dragon man is quite capable of making a rabbit woman happy. Inspire her with optimism and confidence both in herself and in tomorrow. A calm, sociable rabbit will quite suit the dragon, because he must stand out and emit flame against someone else's background.

We have to admit that a snake is not the best match for a rabbit. Male snakes, with all their analytical abilities and the ability to solve everyday problems, are too cold and not ambitious and energetic enough to create a feeling of complete security in the rabbit. Women of this sign are too prone to change to agree to a calm rabbit, a successful and rich hare, the snake will endure and even agree to moderate their impulses.

A hot and impulsive, unrestrained horse can hurt a sensitive rabbit badly. The horse woman is not very domestic, she is cramped to sit at home, and this does not suit the zealous male cat. A horse man in alliance with a rabbit woman is able to pull the whole family behind him, to become indigenous in this team. Such an alliance is more durable. The independence and independence of the man of this sign impresses the rabbit woman and calms her down.

Both the sheep and the rabbit are rather calm signs, this brings them together. Those born under the sign of the goat are rather dreamy natures, this awakens the imagination of rabbits and pleasantly excites them. The female sheep will not suppress the male cat, and he will gratefully take on the main male responsibility - the extraction of finance for the family. And that's all the goat needs. If there is a sheep-man in this pair, then everything develops less positively. Rabbits love strong and down to earth partners who give them confidence in the future. The men of the goat sign are eccentric and out of touch with reality.

The monkey is smart and resourceful. A monkey woman is able to tire a man with her activity and desire to dominate him, with high volitional qualities, both of these signs are able to agree, but the union of a monkey man and a cat woman will be more successful. The first will be happy to go for prey and return to his cozy, ideally equipped partner's house. And the female rabbit is able to sincerely admire the confidence and love of life of the monkey. Moreover, the men of this sign are quite clearly focused on achieving success.

Not best compatibility in any of the possible combinations. The rooster is too adventurous for the cautious, even timid rabbit. Rabbit women are pissed off by the recklessness and riskiness of the male rooster. It is clearly not suitable for their cute family nest. A female rooster is even less suitable for a male cat. Her causticity does not allow him to live and feel at ease, and the inability of the female rooster to create a quiet, cozy atmosphere in the house simply deprives the rabbit of strength and desire to somehow fight to preserve this union.

Faithful and patient dog is not the best and not the most worst sign for the rabbit. A rabbit man and a dog woman can form a strong union if the woman is calm enough. Dog fidelity and affection for the house go well with the inner values ​​​​of the rabbit man. The downside is that the dog is not always ready to support his partner psychologically. The rabbit can handle it. A male dog and a female cat are combined worse, due to the fact that in a male dog, a sense of duty prevails over a sense of family. For a rabbit has quite strong meaning everything related to home and family, and the neglect of these values ​​​​can greatly hurt a woman of this sign.

The boar is a good partner for the rabbit. From the point of view of the eastern horoscope, this is one of the most successful combinations. The only difference is that the pig, at first glance, is less delicate and refined than the rabbit. But a closer look reveals her rich inner world. The boar woman is quite capable of taking care of the comfort and order in the house, and this cat man suits one hundred percent. Sensitive and gentle, she does not hurt his feelings, but the fact that the pig is slightly rustic suits the rabbit, because simplicity does not frighten him like something incomprehensible and complex. The male boar is able to disappoint the rabbit by the fact that it may turn out to be not as strong and courageous as he exposes himself at first. With the support of a female rabbit, a male pig is quite capable of becoming strong and active.

The riskiness of a rat is not very suitable for a wary rabbit. Female rats are quite secretive, so they easily form relationships with male rabbits. It seems to them that they met a soft and calm partner. Rats are drawn to adventure, and whether it will be possible to find a compromise, only time will tell. The male rat will take on the calm nature of the rabbit and take on an outwardly dominant position, but the born scheming rabbit will gradually control her master, to everyone's pleasure.

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The Chinese horoscope provides a fascinating opportunity to get acquainted with the characteristics of a person depending on his year of birth. People who were born between January 29, 1987 and February 16, 1988 were under the influence of the red fiery Rabbit or Cat. The patronizing element for these personalities was fire. Such a powerful element endowed those born with a special character. These are bright individuals, endowed with outrageousness and a wonderful sense of humor.

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    general characteristics

    All people under the auspices of this sign are endowed with a subtle sense of beauty. Rabbits are superbly versed in fashion and strive for harmony in everything. These are artistic personalities who cannot imagine their life without art. They are not alien to sentimentality and they know how to produce good impression. At the same time, love for comfort, including psychological comfort, allows fiery cats to skillfully avoid conflict situations.

    The appearance of people born in the year of the Fire Rabbit is dominated by dark skin with a reddish tint and thick hair. This sign loves summer and feels great even in intense heat, but with age, the heart of Cats-Rabbits functions worse, which they should pay special attention to. Extend life path successful for those people who have learned to control their emotionality and do not allow stress to break into their lives too often.

    According to the Eastern calendar in 1987 were born active people. The element of fire gave them almost unlimited energy. Cats and Rabbits sit still with great difficulty. Such people have a very well developed intuition. In some cases, people around even notice psychic abilities fire rabbits. Their spirit is strong, but at the same time they are easily depressed.

    positive and negative traits character Cats-Rabbits:

    Eastern horoscope: 1986 - the year of which animal?


    The fair sex, under the auspices of this animal, are somewhat contradictory personalities. They are emotional, trust their feelings. Also, women of this zodiac sign have a well-developed logic and willpower. It is difficult to say whether such a girl will succumb to her feelings or try to maintain a sober mind.

    The Fire Cat is used to keeping a low profile. But sometimes there are situations when she is ready to throw off the mask. A woman does this when it becomes necessary to draw someone's attention to her person.

    The girls of this sign are quite secretive, from the outside they may seem harmless and sweet. But such persons are always able to protect themselves. If necessary, the imperiousness and strength skillfully hidden up to this point will be directed at the enemy. The Fire Rabbit does not like open confrontation, so a lady born under his protection will begin to skillfully manipulate the aggressor with her intellect.

    1949 - characteristics of those born in the year of the Ox according to the eastern horoscope


    The strong half of humanity, born in 1987, has amazing willpower. Almost all Cats born in other years are deprived of this quality. The fire element made such men natural leaders. But they endure life's difficulties with difficulty.

    The pressure of outsiders negatively affects the leadership qualities of fiery Cats. Such a slight weakness of the men of this sign is explained by natural impressionability. This situation makes them feel anxious.

    Even such strong and strong-willed individuals have a hard time experiencing failures. Complex life situations can drive Rabbits into a long-term depression. It will be possible to avoid this if in his environment there is close person able to support at the right moment. With minor troubles, these men can easily cope on their own.

    Features of behavior in different periods of life

    In childhood, the Rabbit child differs from its peers in calmness. He tries never to interfere in fights, as he does not accept them. But conflict avoidance is not always good strategy in this age. Subsequently, such a child will hardly be able to stand up for himself in a controversial situation.

    With time personal qualities the growing Rabbit undergo changes. Closer to adolescence, he will gain more confidence. Some friends or some personal achievements will contribute to this. They may be academic or athletic achievement.

    An adult Fire Rabbit is a self-sufficient person. He likes to take an active part in social activities and does it with pleasure. However, the Cat is impressionable, if someone in the environment claims that he is a loser, then as a result it will be so.

    In old age, the Rabbit makes an impression wise man accustomed to a measured life. He is not grouchy, pleasant and not in a hurry. People love such old people and communication with them.

    Communication and friendship

    In his youth, a person born under the auspices of this animal is very dependent on the opinions of others. Such a person hates loneliness and therefore tries to surround himself with completely diverse people. Rabbits are reputed to be hospitable hosts, they easily win the favor of new acquaintances with kindness and a subtle combination of charm and modesty. They have practically no enemies.

    People under the auspices of such a sign are distinguished by sociability. They easily and with pleasure make new acquaintances. But they do not tolerate obsessive personalities, from communication with which they try to fence themselves off.

    The innate kindness of Rabbits makes them come to the rescue not only close friend, but also to a stranger. And they never ask for anything in return. Rabbits can not stand quarrels and screams. For this reason, such a sign tries to resolve any conflict with words, without raising his voice.

    Fire Cats themselves are very true friends who you can always count on for help. But under adverse circumstances or a serious threat, these people easily get rid of an impressive part of their friends, maintaining relationships only with the most dear and close.

    Professional area

    The Red Rabbit (Cat) is a valuable employee who prefers to work discreetly but efficiently. When working in areas closely related to people, he is guided by his insight. Such a person very well feels the tension that sometimes arises in a team, and is able to alleviate the situation.

    Fire Cats are strategists and tend to plan ahead for all upcoming events and tasks far ahead. They prefer not to take risks and have difficulty getting used to major changes in the work area. These people value their position and earned money.

    High intelligence, good memory and scrupulousness are qualities that help Rabbits to be promoted. It is these character traits that allow them to prove themselves in professions such as a lawyer, diplomat or entrepreneur.

    Love and family

    Fire Cats are very gentle partners who know how to sincerely love. They rarely manage to choose the perfect couple the first time, but having found the right person, they will give him themselves completely and forever.

    Fire Rabbit men avoid quick and rash marriages.. An offer from them will come only to a truly dear and beloved woman. With his chosen one, such a man will always try to come to a compromise. He is loyal and compliant within reason. The rabbit is used to giving more than taking in return. Mutual understanding and love will reign in the family if the partner understands how important it is for the Cat to be in the spotlight.

    The Fire Rabbit woman in love is also devoted and patient.. She prefers to be a leader in relationships, but acts gently and takes into account the interests of her beloved. Therefore, it is difficult to accuse her of selfishness. Appears as a wife wise woman who will support you with advice and take care of business, trying to help your spouse. The only thing she wants is to feel unique and loved.

    Compatibility Horoscope

    It is believed that people born in 1987 are compatible with many other signs of the eastern horoscope. Being very sensitive partners, they are able to find an approach to almost anyone.


    Partner signCompatibility
    BullThe union of people under the auspices of these animals is considered the most reliable and promising. Calmness of the Ox has a positive effect on emotional Cats. The greatest harmony awaits the Rabbit with the Ox, born in autumn or winter. For a man born in 1987 best couple will be the Ox woman, who was born in 1997. The Fire Rabbit girl should be given preference to the Ox partner, whose birth falls in 1985
    TigerLove between a male Cat and a female Tiger is possible if the Cat agrees to compromises. Relations in the opposite pair, in which the Tiger is a man, are more harmonious. The partner will feel protected, but it is she who needs to learn how to end quarrels at the stage of their conception
    Rabbit (Cat)A pair of identical characters will get along well. Peace will reign within such a family. Passions, like in a movie, have no place in this haven of peace and understanding. It should be borne in mind that such spouses are not recommended to start a family business
    The DragonSuch a union is far from ideal if the Dragon is a woman. This temperamental person does not want to take monogamy for granted. And the Cat man will not be able to come to terms with betrayal by his partner. The opposite union will get a chance to exist if the Rabbit woman has the strength to keep it
    SnakeA snake is considered a poor choice for a Rabbit. The Snake Woman will only agree to such an alliance if her partner can offer financial stability and luxurious life. The Snake Man is faithful to his composure and stingy with emotions, which will not allow the Rabbit girl to feel protected
    HorseThe eastern horoscope gives a chance for a joint future only to the couple in which the man is the Horse. Only such a combination does not guarantee unconditional happiness for both partners, but a good family may well turn out
    SheepRepresentatives of these signs have something in common - calmness. It is this character trait that can become fundamental for the development of such relationships. The most successful couples are formed from a Horse woman and a Cat man.
    MonkeyIn a combination of these signs, a worthy marriage will turn out for a Cat woman and a Monkey man. The wife will be satisfied with the role of the keeper of the hearth, and the husband will perfectly cope with the tasks of the breadwinner.
    RoosterSuch an alliance is doomed to fail. These relationships almost never live up to marriage, and if they do, it does not bring happiness to the couple. Fearful and prudent Rabbits do not like the adventurism of the Rooster
    DogWith a stretch, such a combination of signs can predict a chance for successful coexistence. But only on the condition that the Dog Woman can control her complex and explosive nature. Opposite Union Impossible
    Pig (boar)The relationship between this couple may well be strong. Both partners value reliability, and this good foundation for a happy marriage
    RatThe possibility of the existence of such a union depends entirely on the man and woman. From the outside, it seems that the risky Rat is not the most suitable choice for the cautious Cat. But the relationship will be promising if the partners mutually desire to find a compromise.

The period from January 29, 1987 to February 16, 1988 according to the Eastern horoscope is the sign of the Red Fire Rabbit.

People born under his leadership are very friendly and sociable, they are respected primarily for their ability to be honest with others.

People born in 1987 are reserved, diplomatic, insightful, good psychologists well versed in human nature.

The fiery element gives people born in 1987 strength, gives them will. Difficulties are unacceptable for them, and in the event of problems and troubles, they are even able to withdraw into themselves, to feel depressed.

Personal qualities

The Rabbit has many useful qualities that can be useful to them in the process of life, in particular, those born in 1987 are very careful in life. They are good intellectuals, polite and generally calm, harmonious. They do not like any kind of trouble and will always try to stay away from conflicts and disputes. These people are true peacemakers and defenders of the oppressed.

Rabbits highly appreciate art and in general are beautiful, they like to have fun, they know where in the city you can spend time with interest. The rabbit has a good sense of humor, feels equally at ease in any company, will always support the conversation and take part in any discussion.

Non-conflict nature allows the bearers of the sign to turn a blind eye to any unpleasant situations and sharp corners in the process of communicating just to keep the peace. They love to support a good relationship with everyone, however, if they are faced with criticism in their address, they can be unrestrained and even able to end friendly relations with the critic.

Professional skills

The rabbit is a hard worker, it is an inconspicuous but effective worker who, in addition to intellectual qualities, has a good memory and quick wits. In working with people, insight helps them a lot. They perfectly feel the tense atmosphere in the team, which, by the way, can affect their performance.

Rabbits are good strategists labor activity they tend to plan in advance all upcoming events for a week, or even a month in advance.

Rabbits and risk are incompatible concepts, they are very difficult to get used to external changes and tend to settle in a safe haven, far from society.

In work, those born in 1987 show meticulousness and scrupulousness, thanks to which they become diplomats, lawyers, and entrepreneurs.

In family life

They love their home and can spend a fortune to keep it cozy. As connoisseurs of all that is beautiful, Rabbits Special attention give jewelry and accessories in their nest - they can collect something with enthusiasm, buy antiques. Those born under the sign of the Rabbit are clean, they are ready to spend a lot of time putting things in order in the room.

Rabbits tend to be very lucky in life, due to their perceptiveness, they often end up in the right place at the right time. Their main postulate in relationships and life is no problems and conventions.

According to the Chinese horoscope, 1987 is the year of the Red Rabbit, the element of the year is Fire.

Beginning of the Year of the Rabbit Chinese calendar- January 29, 1987, the end of the year - February 16, 1988. A person born before January 29, 1987 belongs to the sign Tiger (the previous sign in the horoscope).

The character of 1987 according to the Chinese calendar

According to the Chinese horoscope, the element of 1987 is Fire, and the element of the Rabbit (patron of the year) Wood. The interaction of these two elements, Fire and Wood, largely determines the nature of the year, as well as the nature of people born in 1987.

Despite the fact that in nature Fire poses a clear threat to the Tree, the ancient eastern sages approached this issue from a different angle: the Tree gives food to Fire, supports it and nourishes it. Therefore, in the Chinese horoscope, the elements of Wood and Fire are perfectly compatible with each other and have a positive effect on the character of 1987.

A person born in 1987, the elements of Wood and Fire endow with solar, positive energy, inspiration, peacefulness, as well as an invaluable ability to bring things to an end. If under the influence of the element of Fire, according to the Chinese horoscope, an impulsive character is formed that can quickly flare up with interest in something and also quickly fade away, then a person born in 1987 knows how to hold his interest for a long time. The tree gives the ability to a person born in 1987 to clearly plan, set specific goals for himself, and most importantly, gives strength and patience in order to achieve these goals over time, getting an excellent result.

The nature of a person born in the year of the Rabbit

A person born in the year of the Rabbit (in other versions Eastern horoscope- Kota), knows how to make the right impression and is able to fit into almost any team. With his well-established lifestyle, responsibility, goodwill, sociability, good manners, the Rabbit can cause others to feel “white” envy and a desire to imitate him in everything. It seems that the Rabbit has an amazing talent for accumulating positive traits– in order to apply them in the right place and at the right time.

Years of the Red Fire Rabbit:

(People born in these years, according to the Chinese horoscope, are "heavenly twins", that is, they have largely similar character traits and outlook on life).

Celebrities born in 1987:

– Ashley Greene, American actress, best known for her role as Alice Cullen in the Twilight film series (February 21, 1987).

- Lionel Messi, Argentine football player, striker of the Barcelona football club, captain of the Argentina national team (June 24, 1987).

- Sebastian Vettel, German racing driver. Four-time world champion of the Formula 1 series (July 3, 1987).

"Years Chinese horoscope", Nadezhda Zima