Chinese characters are considered powerful tools of the Feng Shui system when the space in the house is organized in a certain way. They are used to attract happiness, good luck, financial well-being into your life. With their help, you can improve the energy of your home, as well as strengthen your own energy.

History of Chinese characters

- This is a special system of graphic signs, invented more than 6 thousand years ago. Hieroglyphs count ancient species writing among the famous. The invention of these symbols was the impetus for the development of civilization on the territory of modern China, had a strong influence on world culture and development of neighboring states. The Japanese and Koreans borrowed hieroglyphs from the Chinese, only slightly modifying them. When creating hieroglyphic strokes, the contours of mountains, reservoirs and rivers, the outlines of traces of snakes and dragons in the sand became samples. According to legend, it was thanks to these symbols that the Chinese were able to learn about the structure of the world. The most ancient hieroglyphs were found inscribed on the shells of turtles, later they were applied to the vessels.

There are only about 10 thousand hieroglyphs in the Chinese language, 3000 of them are the most used in today's life. They can be made up great amount phrases. This amount is enough to read a modern Chinese newspaper.

Spelling and meaning of symbols

Chinese is the most difficult of all languages ​​in the world. Each hieroglyph is a unique drawing that has its own history, meaning, and writing features. They are associated with the traditions and customs of modern Chinese. One character can represent a whole word or a single syllable, many words contain two syllables. The main rule of writing: draw from left to right and from top to bottom, without taking your hands off.

When studying a language, people tend to come up with associations to hieroglyphs in order to better remember them. In total, there are about 200 graphic drawings that make up hieroglyphs. Each of them in itself does not carry any semantic load. Combining in a certain sequence, they form hieroglyphs.

Basic characters for writing:

  • vertical bar;
  • horizontal line;
  • dot;
  • broken line;
  • folding right or left;
  • dash up;
  • hook.

Many hieroglyphs are so similar to each other that they differ only in a small dash. And sometimes an extra dash changes the meaning of the symbol to the opposite.

They say that the hieroglyph is life, new symbols are periodically “born”, and the old ones die off.


Happiness is a very capacious concept and for each person it is something different. The Chinese character for happiness (Fu) is made up of two parts: god and abundance. It will become the source of fulfillment of all that is necessary for true happiness. The symbol calls on the power of the Gods and Heaven to help in achieving success, the search for happiness. In order to draw more prosperity from the ocean of abundance of the Universe, then you need to place the symbol in the southeast, if love, then in the southwest.

It is customary to hang an inverted hieroglyph "Happiness" at the entrance to the house. The guest sees this and thinks: “The hieroglyph “happiness” has turned over,” and this is consonant with the phrase “Happiness has come.”

To give the hieroglyph "happiness" means to carry the best wishes to loved ones.

The hieroglyph "Happiness" appeared one of the first, was used in the rituals of worshiping the gods. Now it is a universal symbol that has many meanings: joy, pleasure. The left part denotes the sacrificial altar, and the right part reflects the components of wealth: a roof, a person, a field.

Happiness is a blessing for a person from God, his ability to have a home and a source of food for his family.

Double Happiness

The image consists of two identical halves, which are located side by side, being full partners in any field. This powerful symbol brings the fulfillment of all innermost desires, harmony in marriage and a happy family life. In China, this sign is hung on the door of the room where the newlyweds sleep, for their happiness in love. Double happiness means happiness for each person in a couple. The symbol applied to the gift doubles everything that the giver sincerely desires.

There is a tradition to place the symbol of Double Happiness under the bed of a young couple who seeks to conceive a child, and above the bed to enhance feelings. If you place a hieroglyph in the office, then it will help in attracting partners, like-minded people, and improve business. Those who want to meet love should wear this symbol as an amulet.

A gift with the symbol "Double Happiness" can be a hint of a desire to have common happiness with a person. If this hieroglyph is cut out of red paper, decorated with images of birds and flowers, then it will bring not only happiness, but also abundance.

The location of the Double Happiness symbol can be anywhere.


The Chinese character for "Luck" (dzu) will become a real amulet for attracting and maintaining good luck in any endeavor. It is better to keep it at home so as not to release the “bird of luck”. This hieroglyph is the most powerful, it is used to achieve success in any industry.

Visually, it consists of two parts: the upper one is translated as “sage”, and the lower one is “mouth”. The ancient Chinese firmly believed that the instructions of the sages are a direct path to happiness and good luck, so they listened to them. The Chinese character for "luck" means "a word spoken by a wise man."

Despite the wide scope of application, it is not recommended to wear this sign in a wallet or as a pendant. He must necessarily "contact" with the house, which needs happiness and good luck.


The symbol creates positive Chi energy in a residential building or business premises. It helps to increase wealth, not only material, but also spiritual, helps to create an atmosphere of prosperity, promotes cash flows, and removes all obstacles to success.

To attract wealth to the house and increase income, the Chinese are advised to keep an image or photo of this symbol in money places: on piggy banks, in safes, in wallets, or hang in the southeast of the room. Savings are often stored in red envelopes or wallets with the hieroglyph “Wealth” applied.

It is customary to give this image to friends, as the Chinese believe in the “boomerang” rule: a gift with a pure heart will always come back.


It is a talisman, able to protect bright feelings in marriage, family happiness. With its help, conflicts go out before they flare up, harmony reigns in the house. Feng Shui considers this sign to be very strong, as it not only helps to find a soul mate, but also strengthen those relationships that already exist. To achieve the effect, it is better to place the “Love” symbol in the house in the southwest, and wear it closer to your heart in the form of a pendant or talisman.


It is read in Chinese "pin'an". This important symbol can be placed on the wall of your home so that luck notices this particular house. In China, it is customary to decorate the front door with this character during the days of the Chinese New Year. There is a legend that the Goddess of Poverty does not come to the house where there is this sign, which also means health and longevity.

Photo of hieroglyphs

Some more popular hieroglyphs:

  • Money - attracts cash to the place of storage financial resources, and also gives the energy needed to easily obtain them;
  • Prosperity - will bring material well-being to the house;
  • Many (abundance) - will bring abundance in any field of activity. Visually, it resembles a bouquet of ears in a bowl, which speaks of fertility and wealth in any area. To make Abundance work in the right direction, you can combine it with other signs;
  • Fulfillment of desires - will help to realize plans and dreams, direct the energy necessary to achieve them in the right direction;
  • Health - helps to recover from illnesses, restore good health, replenish vitality. Will become a good gift for a loved one.

You should not use more than three characters at the same time in the house. It is better to choose those that are most important in this moment and focus on them. You can periodically mentally turn to an amulet or amulet, ask him for protection.


Feng Shui experts believe that hieroglyphs inscribed personally, with bright thoughts and in compliance with all the rules, work most effectively. In the process of inscription, a person puts into the symbol exactly the meaning that he wants to see as a result. Some Feng Shui tips:

  • to decorate the house, you can use hieroglyphs drawn by yourself, not forgetting about right choice sides of the world;
  • you can embroider on fabric, burn on a wooden surface, engrave on any vessel;
  • when making a souvenir with the image of a symbol as a gift, you need to try to mentally associate the addressee with this item.

And most importantly - you need to believe in the talisman, only then can it be useful, and not just decorate the interior.

When choosing a picture to apply to the body as a tattoo, it is important to carefully study its meaning and spelling. In China, young people prefer tattoos from inscriptions on English language, and errors are quite common.

Every person should have a place in the world where he can come and rest. Many people buy houses and apartments in order to be able to come in the evening after work to a cozy nest.

Let's figure it out

Home is a special place for every person. In it, we feel confident and protected, especially if the interior is comfortable and made in accordance with the rules and harmonious.

Since ancient times, people have used signs for a favorable home atmosphere, for example, it is known that in new apartment or the house should let the cat in first and put the bed where she lies. On the basis of various similar signs, the Chinese art of creating comfort in the house was created. Feng Shui can help in the matter of the right device.

In this article, we will talk about how to correctly apply the hieroglyphs of luck in the interior, as well as what they are and what they mean.

The science

As you know, feng shui is an ancient Chinese art of decorating a house in accordance with the laws of harmony, comfort and convenience. This is not quite a science, it is the art of controlling the energies of the human body and objects. Harmony, the energy of life and creativity - this is what underlies such art. With the help of Feng Shui, the Chinese attract luck, happiness, and confidence into their lives. All this can be concentrated in the internal space of the House, the House with a capital letter, as global concept, concept.

At present, not only the Chinese people are showing interest in this art, but people of many other nationalities are beginning to bring to their everyday life feng shui art elements.

Literally translated from Chinese, the name of science means "wind and water." Everyone is familiar with the device hair dryer, the name of which is consonant with the name of ancient Chinese art. Feng Shui is the science of arranging not only your home, but also the personal space around a person, creating a favorable aura.

magical elements

Talismans help in this matter. Since childhood, we know that a talisman is a kind of object, spoken for good luck or success. With such a thing, we went to exams, took it with us to important things, or when there was a need to leave our parental home for a long time (for example, in Kid `s camp). In adult life, talismans no longer have that childlike magical power (when absolutely any object or toy could be mistaken for them). But some talismans are still present in the lives of adults. In Feng Shui, it is "love", "happiness", "luck".


As you know, the Chinese language, or, as some linguists believe, a group of dialects, has more than eighty thousand different characters! Moreover, to understand approximately eighty percent of such speech, it is enough to know only five hundred hieroglyphs! Well, if a person knows a thousand of these characters, then he will already be able to understand ninety-one percent of Chinese texts. Hieroglyphs of luck are the most popular symbols in the world.

These signs consist of graphemes, which, in turn, consist of strokes, or strokes, from one to twenty-four. Hieroglyphs for people of non-Chinese nationality are not only symbols of speech, but above all a beautiful element of decor, which is often used in interior solutions.

If, for example, luck, well-being are placed above the headboard in the bedroom, "then it is highly likely that subconsciously you will begin to strive for happiness, and luck and well-being will accompany you. This sign will lead a person precisely to the happiness that he imagines himself, Because it means different things to different people.

Some people think that the main happiness in life is home and family, someone is important creative success, and someone thinks that happiness is freedom and travel. In any case, subconsciously fate leads a person to what he wants.

Chinese signs of luck are good ideas for a gift. Interior items that contain, for example, the hieroglyphs "happiness", "luck", "wealth", will not only decorate your Chinese-style living room, but will also attract joy to your home, because if you surround yourself with positive objects, then both events and people around a person will strive for the good. The inner mood of a person for virtuous joy is very important.

good luck symbols

The Chinese sincerely believe in Qi energy, which harmonizes everything around, both the house and the person himself, his inner world. It personifies nature, the spirit of man and the harmony of his existence on Earth.

Hieroglyphs of luck activate Qi energy in any object or in the human body. If you carry them constantly with you, for example, in your wallet or in the form of jewelry- pendants on a chain - then success will accompany you everywhere and everywhere. Of course, not all people believe in these signs, some believe that if you do not try yourself, then no amulets will help. But why not check the energy of Chinese characters? Even if your house is not decorated according to Feng Shui, you must understand that it does not consist in blindly following traditions and signs, but in setting the person himself for good luck and success, teaching him to think positively. This is what contributes to the true success of successful people in life.


The hieroglyphs "love", "happiness", "luck" can be inscribed as an ornament. Two or three Chinese details in the interior will help justify their presence, even if you have never been to China and your interior does not quite correspond to this theme. It is especially important to place these characters correctly so that no overload occurs. Fans, aromatic bowls, "wind music" - all this can help your interior become more harmonious. This does not mean that the house will immediately become “correct” according to Feng Shui, but a certain Chinese flavor will still be acquired. Hieroglyphs of luck are just symbols, not luck itself. Good luck is created by a person with his actions and thoughts, and not with what surrounds him.

Only the things you like should be in your house. There is no need to place an object in the interior, the pattern on which annoys you, despite the fact that it was, for example, donated by close friends. Even if the best hieroglyph of happiness and good luck is depicted on this thing, but you don’t like it, such an object will not bring anything good into your life. After all, as already mentioned, the mood for happiness comes from the person himself, the owner of this item. A pessimist cannot be corrected either by hieroglyphs or by any other Feng Shui symbols. The mindset is what determines a person's actions.

The one who does nothing is not mistaken! If you don't strive for success in your life, then you don't have to bother posting these chinese characters in the interior or among personal items.

The hieroglyph "happiness" is best placed in the southeast if you want to draw more energy from the universe. If you look closely at it, you can see that this graphic symbol vaguely resembles a window with a roof. All Chinese characters are inscribed with historical imagery. The window is the hole through which happiness and joy are attracted.

Chinese characters are not just dashes and zigzags. They were created over the centuries, not by chance, they contained the figurative thinking of the ancient Chinese, the dashes were the prototypes of a person, mountains, forests, and so on.

Some hieroglyphs

This window is like a small house, and next to it with open arms is a little man. He calls upon you the protection of Heaven and the Gods.

The hieroglyph "love" looks like an inverted heart, and at the same time looks like a flowering branch. He is able to attract happiness in a relationship of two.

The hieroglyph "luck" is simpler in form, a clear stroke, a square. You need to keep it in the house, as the energy of the home enhances its strength many times over.

The hieroglyph "double luck" looks like two small windows and rushes up. The Chinese believe that if you place this graphic object over the marital bed, it will help to conceive a child, since from ancient times mother and child are a dual union arising from the love of two people.

For two, there is also a hieroglyph literally called "one hundred years of happiness in marriage." This symbol looks like two little men, depicted in a quick stroke, under them a house, a Christmas tree are visible. In a word, this hieroglyph protects the family from third-party intrusion and allows you to maintain love and harmony in marriage for a long time.

But if people themselves do not strive for happiness, do not respect each other and their parents, then the hieroglyph stored correctly in the house will not help them. The symbol “one hundred years of happiness in marriage” should be placed together, speaking to each other important points life, by identifying the features of family behavior that will help maintain love and good luck in marriage for many, many years.


Thus, the hieroglyphs of luck - of course, good moment for interior decoration, but these little ones will not bring more happiness into your home than you yourself want to let it in.

Auspicious hieroglyphs.

Auspicious Chinese characters are one of the most powerful and effective Feng Shui tools for attracting a specific type of luck. With the help of favorable hieroglyphs, you can activate not only a specific Bagua sector, but also qualitatively improve the Qi energy of your home. The hieroglyph "Wealth" and "Money" can be put in the wallet and the places where you keep money. Thus, you will attract the energy of money and significantly increase your income.

Consider auspicious hieroglyphs as your talisman Well, how to use the talisman is not for me to explain to you. In general, the Chinese are very fond of and sincerely believe in the power of these squiggles. And they, after all, really know a lot about it. Therefore, on red envelopes, which are very popular and not only in China, auspicious hieroglyphs are depicted. So it's up to you, to believe or not to believe, but you can, at least for the sake of curiosity, check the strength of the hieroglyphs, but you will only get better from this, so why not ?!

You can buy ready-made panels with hieroglyphs in specialized stores, for example, in this - ESOTERICS - an online store of feng shui items, unusual gifts and souvenirs, you can try to draw them yourself (if you can) or just print them from this page and apply at your discretion. We offer you the most common and effective hieroglyphs, which the Chinese themselves have been using for centuries, and not only them.

Hieroglyph "Double Happiness" will bring to your home the fulfillment of all dreams and harmony in marriage. Since this is double happiness, this hieroglyph helps not only the owner of this symbol, but also his soul mate. Success becomes the success of both, happiness becomes twice as much! If you give this hieroglyph, then you sincerely wish the person happiness, the fulfillment of all desires and show an expression of deep friendship.

Hieroglyph "Wealth" contributes to the increase in income and the receipt of all kinds of material benefits. This hieroglyph can be put in the wealth zone, wallet, safe and other "money" places. The hieroglyph "Wealth" helps to gain not only wealth, but also spiritual, creates positive Qi in the home and office. This hieroglyph, in principle, like all the others, is customary to give to friends. After all, the more we desire good, the more we ourselves receive it.

Hieroglyph "Money"- one of the most popular hieroglyphs in feng shui. Attracts wealth and monetary wealth where it is located. Unlike the hieroglyph "Wealth", it attracts precisely monetary energy and everything related to money. Promotes the formation of several sources of income. Money will make you free and you can do whatever you want.

Hieroglyph "Prosperity" contributes to the growth and prosperity of all aspects of life. Therefore, it can be placed in any Bagua sector that you want to further activate. This generalized hieroglyph will bring good luck, health, love and material well-being to your home. If you do not strive for wealth, then you will find spiritual peace and tranquility.

Hieroglyph "Happiness"- a sign of good wishes. This symbol awakens spiritual strength and inner energy. Happiness is different for everyone, for someone - to find love and family, for another - to reach career heights, for the third - success in creative activity. So, this hieroglyph "Happiness" contributes to obtaining what exactly for you is happiness and well-being.

Hieroglyph "Abundance" will bring to your home an abundance of whatever you desire, whether it be money, fame, success or love. This hieroglyph, like "Prosperity", attracts the energy of abundance and growth in any area of ​​life. This hieroglyph can be used in conjunction with other hieroglyphs, the symbolism of which is important to you at the moment.

Hieroglyph "Fulfillment of desires" promotes the awakening of energy that is associated with your dreams and desires. It is very good to have such a hieroglyph at home, it will help with the fulfillment of desires and the implementation of all your plans, both personal and business. It is customary to give this calligraphy to friends with the wish of all the best and the fulfillment of all cherished desires.

Hieroglyph "Business success" good for both businessmen and people creative professions. It attracts customers, business partners, ensures success in all endeavors, contributes to the birth of new ideas and opportunities. This hieroglyph is usually placed in offices, on the desktop or at home in the office to attract energy, activity and creativity.

Hieroglyph "Love" attracts the energy of love, contributes to the acquisition of a long and mutual love, happiness in love, and in marriage creates harmony and mutual understanding. This hieroglyph not only strengthens the joint bonds of marriage, but also extinguishes mutual conflicts. You will find harmony and peace, peace and a decent life with your loved one. If you don’t have it yet, then put this hieroglyph in the sector of love and marriage, and you yourself will not notice how you will meet your half.

Hieroglyph "Eternal Love" will give you a flame of eternal and unquenchable love. This hieroglyph is used as a love amulet so that nothing can destroy this deep and tender feeling. Present the hieroglyph to your friends, parents with a wish of eternal love, they will only be grateful to you in return.

Hieroglyph "100 years of happiness in marriage" speaks for itself. This hieroglyph promotes a strong family union and happiness in marriage. As a talisman, it is used for the family from the invasion of third parties, helps to prevent betrayal of spouses and gives them happiness and love. Year by year, their married life is only getting better and better.

Hieroglyph "Health" helps to achieve excellent health and good health. In wishes to close people, first of all, we wish health, since it cannot be bought for any money. This hieroglyph not only helps to maintain health, but also contributes to the speedy recovery of patients. Give this hieroglyph to your loved ones and friends with a wish for good health.

Hieroglyph "Longevity"- a symbol of health and years life. One of the most popular hieroglyphs, it is customary to give it to the elderly with a wish for a long life. This symbol can be placed in the health sector or in the bedroom.

Deities of Plenty and Prosperity:

feng shui hieroglyphs very popular among various symbols. After all, these are real talismans, each of the hieroglyphs has a certain meaning.

Feng Shui hieroglyphs attract good luck, and a certain hieroglyph is responsible for a certain luck. But such hieroglyphs will help you if you really believe in it.

Such hieroglyphs can be purchased in specialized stores, and you choose the hieroglyph that will attract success in the area of ​​\u200b\u200blife in which you need - happiness, family, luck, wealth. You can also just draw the characters if you can. If you give such a hieroglyph, then good luck and success will come to the person to whom you give the hieroglyph.

Chinese feng shui characters - easier than you think

Hieroglyphs are a graphic image various figures, which in combination has some meaning. placed in the house chinese feng shui characters not only create a special mood, but are also a strong energy activator.

As we know, there is nothing superfluous in the Chinese worldview. For any phenomenon there is a hieroglyph. The very process of drawing a hieroglyph is a special meditation. While drawing, you need to focus on the goal that you would like to achieve with the help of new forces that have come from above.

The hieroglyphs depicted on the Feng Shui talisman are especially effective. We all know that chinese feng shui characters is always on a holey coin - a talisman of good luck. The photo shows the famous hieroglyph for double love luck. It is applied to the red lantern - a popular talisman for the activator of the love zone and love relationship.

Chinese character Love

All Chinese characters are composed of keys (radicals) by which they can be found in the dictionary. True, often they do not help to understand an unfamiliar hieroglyph.

For example, Chinese character Love consists of four keys:

  • claw,
  • roof,
  • heart,
  • walk slowly, have a lot of legs.

If you do not know that it means love, it is very difficult to guess. In traditional dictionaries, it is found by the key heart. It is pronounced like ah, though the intonation is still important.

The concept of love and family happiness is very important in the practice and theory of Feng Shui. Chinese character Love or written hieroglyphs sayings about love and relationships are hung in the love zone, in the southwest of the dwelling.

Auspicious Chinese characters. Hieroglyph Fortitude, Money, Happiness, Love

Special attention Chinese teaching about the search for auspicious Qi energy called Feng Shui pays all kinds of auspicious hieroglyphs. These intricate lines used as talismans to attract money, love, good luck and so on.

Each hieroglyph has an individual potential, a certain meaning and purpose.. These characters they have a huge energy, so you need to use them very carefully: before you choose a hieroglyph as a talisman, you should not only recognize it exact value, but also to find as much information as possible about where it can be used and where it should not be used.

The most popular character used in Feng Shui is Money.. This symbol attracts precisely monetary well-being (as opposed to Wealth, which attracts both material and spiritual wealth). The best place for its placement there will be so-called "money" places - a wallet or a safe.

Hieroglyph Money is not inferior in popularity symbol "Love", attracting personal happiness, contributing to the strengthening and harmony of relations, and also extinguishes conflicts. For those who have not found family happiness, it is recommended to place this hieroglyph in the zone of love and marriage, and your soulmate will appear on the horizon very soon.

Hieroglyph Strength spirit favorably affects the inner world of a person, his will, helps to overcome oneself in difficult situations and make the right decision. It is best to keep this symbol with you at all times - as some kind of decoration or just in your pocket.

Hieroglyph Happiness symbolizes good wishes awakens inner energy and spiritual strength. In terms of impact, it resembles the character Strength of the Spirit, since it is also aimed at activating personal potential.

Delicate hieroglyph Sakura - Your heart

We all know that Feng Shui characters are able to enhance and stimulate personal energy.

Deciphering hieroglyphs Feng Shui will help us to use correct values in order to place a character in the correct place in the room or in order to print it on a T-shirt.

Deciphering hieroglyphs will help you learn about right sense of one or another sign, for example, the hieroglyph “ The Dragon” embodies power and strength, therefore, he is able to help your business, and in particular - development of new beginnings.

Very often, by the appearance of the hieroglyph, one can guess its meaning, for example, by considering the hieroglyph “ Mother” you can see the outline of a seated woman.

If you are choosing a hieroglyph for a talisman, then do not forget to link it with logic, for example, the water symbol “Little Waterfall” is perfect for the zone wealth.

Japanese character Health will make you feel better

Japanese writing very attractive with its mysterious and beautiful hieroglyphs. Each hieroglyph means something. Whether japanese character Health, Success, Double Happiness and so on.

Hieroglyph health - a powerful Feng Shui tool

Chinese hieroglyph health According to Feng Shui, it is a powerful tool that carries the power that can positively affect a person’s well-being. This hieroglyph will improve the Qi energy in your home, as well as activate a certain Bagua sector.

As you know, on any holiday, guests wish, first of all, health. Without it, you can not achieve success in other areas of life. That's why hieroglyph health you need to give to your relatives and friends so that their vitality never leaves them, and their health is always in excellent shape. This hieroglyph also helps the patient recover quickly after an illness.

If you were given a calligraphy that depicts hieroglyph health, then hang it in the health sector to the east. You can use the hieroglyph as a talisman that will be with you. The most important thing, of course, is to believe in the power Chinese sign so that his strength helps you always and everywhere.

Any character in Chinese writing is a symbol. Each of them carries a semantic load, the knowledge of which was laid thousands of years ago during the existence ancient civilization. Their meaning is shrouded in mystery, however, information about the healing power of some signs has come down to our days.

Hieroglyph of happiness "fu"

A powerful stream of positive energy is embedded in the Chinese character 福 "fu". Its image is used as a talisman that can protect its owner from misfortune, bring him joy, wealth and health. Literally, the translation sounds like "peace," prosperity "or" delight ".

On New Year's Eve, which begins in China in February and lasts a whole month, this sign is present on all gifts, things and other paraphernalia of the holiday. Its purpose is to protect their owners from the "black eye", preserve the family, well-being in financial affairs in the new year.

The history of the hieroglyph of happiness began about 4000 years ago. It was applied on fortune-telling stones. In the era of paganism, pictures with "fu" were left next to the altars to worship religious symbols. It was believed that through this sign, parishioners receive the blessing of heaven. It was also used in most ritual ceremonies.

The tradition of hanging a sign of happiness over entrance doors At home, it is associated with the myth of Jiang Taigong, which occupies a central place on the celestial Olympus. He assigned positions to other cults and assigned powers to them. According to legend, he lived during the reign of the Zhou Dynasty. They were led by the Supreme Lord in heaven.

He received the position of Jiang Taigong not by chance. One day, the wife asked her to raise her to the inhabitants of heaven and grant her certain opportunities. He said that since he married her, his house had become impoverished, and made her a cult of poverty, where there is no happiness. And he ordered people to hang the symbol “fu” on their houses so that poverty would not knock on their house.

The hieroglyph 福 (fú) embodies all of the above meanings. It consists of two parts: right and left. The first contains three symbols: the roof, the mouth and the earth, which means prosperity and abundance. The second represents the altar to which people go to receive blessings.

Symbol of double happiness in Chinese tradition

Chinese hieroglyphs can combine a double symbol of happiness and are denoted 幸福. Each of them is read separately, but together they make one and the same. 幸 (xìng) is a characteristic of being happy and prosperous, while 福 (fú) carries the meaning of happiness and well-being.

The double symbol of happiness turns into "fun" and "joy" for harmony in marriage and the fulfillment of cherished desires.

In southern China, close friends exchange the double sign of happiness. It looks like a wish for the speedy conception of a child or the implementation of a creative idea. The indicated hieroglyph of happiness is considered the most powerful in terms of energy than the “fu” sign.

The "chi" energy of ancient China

In grammar Chinese there are also other hieroglyphs, the meaning of which is reduced to the wish of "good luck", "longevity", "health". They are applied to furniture, pillows, clothes, dishes. It is believed that they favor the creation of comfort in the family and strengthen the marriage union, ensure success.
and prosperity, as well as create good conditions for business development and expansion. In this sense, the symbol can be found on the desktops of offices, the entrances to the central building of the company, and the offices of the authorities. The sign of "longevity" is used to create an atmosphere in the bedroom. Its presence in the room means strong bonds for marriage and keeping it for many years.

The hieroglyph "health" means vital energy that gives life to all living things. It is applied to the beds of patients, newborns.

Symbols ancient China applied in the form of tattoos on various parts of the body. They say that they can influence favorably the fate of a person, change it in better side. It is important that the person who applied for the tattoo knows the meaning of the sign. The most favorable place for applying a sign is the neck, where it is hidden from permanent eyes. Also, “happiness” is drawn on the hand, which brings prosperity in business and the financial sector.

The Chinese tradition draws a fine line between morality and religiosity. The Chinese believe that good luck and goodness come to good people who have accumulated positive energy through heartfelt deeds, while envious people are at a loss. A doctor who served at the court of the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, his name was Sun Simiao, spoke about this: “Luck comes to those who accumulate good deeds, when misfortune befalls a person, this means that he is on the side of evil.”