Building muscle at home is surprisingly easy and does not require the purchase of sophisticated exercise equipment. Just get a little creative and stick to a regular exercise regimen. Even with this approach, you can seriously build muscle mass without any professional training equipment and equipment. If you want to safely and evenly tone your muscles, then home workouts are just the perfect option.


Upper body and torso work

Do push-ups to tone your arms and chest. Push-ups can be called a kind of basis for home workouts. You must be in good enough shape to benefit from them. maximum benefit. When doing push-ups, keep your back straight and level with your buttocks, do not arch your back. Usually, the hands are placed a little wider than the shoulders, but in order to better pump the chest, you can put them even wider, and for better pumping of the hands, they are put on the contrary closer friend to friend. In addition to regular push-ups, do incline push-ups and down push-ups to ensure more even muscle growth.

  • Push-ups with an upward tilt allow you to pump other muscles. To perform incline push-ups, simply place your hands on a low coffee table or chair, tilting your body up.
  • For push-ups with an inclination down, it is necessary to place the legs 30-60 cm above the hands and perform the exercise from this position. Remember to keep your head and back straight.
  • Each approach should consist of 8-12 repetitions of the exercise. Try doing up to three sets in total.

Do handstand push-ups against a wall to strengthen your shoulders and back. Despite the fact that such an exercise is not for the faint of heart, it allows you to work out many muscles at once. To get into the correct position, first squat down with your back against the wall. Place your hands on the floor and slowly "climb" the wall with your feet. Next, trying to maintain your own balance with your toes, slowly lower yourself on your hands with your head to the floor, and then push your body up again to complete the exercise. Try doing three sets of ten repetitions of the exercise.

  • If you are hesitant to do this exercise in an upright position, you can make it easier by using a high table for support. Place your feet on the table with your hips and torso far enough behind the edge so that you can place your hands on the floor. Tilt your head to the floor and start push-ups from this position. You will have a cross between incline push-ups and handstand push-ups.
  • Do chair squats to build your arms. To perform this exercise well, you will need a sturdy chair, table or bench about 30-60 cm high. Place your hands behind you on the chosen support so that your pelvis is in the air and your knees are bent at an angle of about 90 degrees. Place your feet firmly on the floor and lower your pelvis to the floor until your arms are bent at the elbows to about a 90-degree angle. Then push yourself back up. Perform three sets of 15-20 repetitions of the exercise.

    Do a plank. The plank is a great full-body exercise that can be easily modified to increase the load. To perform the plank, take a prone position, as for regular push-ups. However, instead of resting on your palms, stand on your elbows. Tighten your buttock muscles and straighten your back. From the neck to the buttocks, the body should be a straight line. Hold this position for one minute, then rest and repeat the exercise two more times.

    Rock the press to strengthen the muscles of the abdomen and torso. Abdominal exercises are one of the most the best exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles, so be sure to include them in your workout. Lie on your back, bend your knees and place your feet on the floor. Put your hands behind your neck, raise your shoulders 15-20 cm from the floor, linger for a second in this position, and then slowly lower yourself back. Immediately raise the body again, look up, work slowly and measuredly. Aim for three sets of 8-12 repetitions of the exercise.

    Use water bottles, heavy books, or homemade dumbbells to do basic strength training with weights. Although all of the exercises mentioned above require little or no equipment, to effectively work the upper body muscles, your training program should include some weight training. After choosing the right weight load for yourself, try the following types of exercises:

    Lower body workout

    To quickly build leg muscles, resort to intense cardio workouts. Despite the fact that in most cases people do not associate cardio training with building muscle mass, there are some exercises that together allow you to build clean and powerful muscle mass in the legs. Choose 5-6 exercises for yourself and do each of them for 60 seconds. After completing the first exercise, rest for 30 seconds and move on to the next. After completing all six exercises, rest for 4-5 minutes, and then do 2-3 more of the same approach. Your legs will simply burn, but you will quickly bring them into shape. Possible exercises are listed below:

    Do the wall exercise. With your back against a wall for balance, sit down until your legs are bent 90 degrees and your buttocks are in the air, as if you were sitting in a chair. Stay in this position for a minute. Rest 30 seconds and repeat two more times.

    Do squats. To do a squat, place your feet shoulder-width apart, straighten your back, lift your head and tighten your torso muscles. Place your hands on your hips or straight out in front of you, whichever is more comfortable for you. Lower yourself into a squat, as if you were sitting on a chair. Make sure your back stays straight and your knees don't protrude beyond your toes, don't lean forward. Concentrate on lowering the pelvis. Repeat 10 squats, and then after a short rest, do two more sets.

    Perform back leg swings on all fours. Get on all fours and swing one leg back and up, maintaining a 90-degree bend at the knee. Perform 12 repetitions of the exercise with each leg.

    Try doing a glute bridge. Lie on your back, bend your knees and rest on the floor. Lift your buttocks off the floor to get into a bridge. Straighten left leg, still remaining in a raised position above the floor, and then return the leg back to repeat the exercise with the right leg. Perform 10 repetitions of the exercise with each leg.

  • Do lunges. Lunges allow you to perfectly pump the muscles of the buttocks, thighs and hamstrings. To lunge, place one foot about 0.9–1 m in front of you. The bend in the knee should be about 90 degrees. Lower your pelvis down towards the floor, making sure that your front knee stays over your toe and your back knee bends towards the floor. Push yourself up and repeat with the other leg. Perform 10 repetitions of the exercise with each leg, rest and do two more of the same approach.

    • If you have dumbbells or weights, then with them you can significantly enhance your workouts and increase their effectiveness. For weighting, you can also use other improvised items.

    Training mode

    1. Make a training schedule that includes working out each muscle group twice a week. It is not necessary to involve a trainer to develop an effective training regimen. There are some simple and easy to remember guidelines that will help you get the most out of your workouts and build muscle quickly and safely.

      • Between workouts for one muscle group, there must be 1-2 days of rest. If you pumped your chest muscles on Tuesday, let them rest until Thursday or Friday.
      • Combine close muscle groups in workouts. For example, since many torso exercises also work the triceps, group the exercises for both into a single day program.
      • Rest 1-2 days a week - these days you can arrange a light jog or not engage in heavy physical activity at all. The body needs to be given time to recover so that the muscles can grow.
    2. Focus on quality over quantity to build muscle quickly and safely. A high-quality performance of ten push-ups will be noticeably more effective than fifteen low-quality ones. All your movements should be smooth and slow, without jerks and clumsy gestures. Despite the fact that all exercises are different from each other, there are several general rules their implementation, which are listed below.

      • Inhale as you rise or relax. Breathe out at the moment of tension.
      • Keep your back straight, try not to slouch or arch as much as possible.
      • Hold each exercise for 1-2 seconds at maximum tension, and then slowly return to a relaxed starting position.
    3. Do yoga stretches along with your full body workout. Yoga provides another additional opportunity to work out large muscle groups, as it allows you to strengthen the muscles and make them more plastic. Light, calm yoga classes are suitable for days of light stress, they can also be used to enhance regular workouts by adding some variety to them. If you find it difficult to find exercises without sports equipment that you will like, then yoga can be simple solution Problems.

      • On Youtube you can find many examples of yoga classes for people of all skill levels, so you have the opportunity to safely start home workouts with a minimum of equipment, without fear for your awkwardness.
    4. Give it your all so that the last 2-3 repetitions of the exercise in each approach are two of you difficult, but doable. If you really want to build muscle, you need to put in a little more effort. Your own body- the best indicator during training, so keep pumping the muscles until fatigue appears. At the end of each set, you should have some difficulty, and the last 2-3 repetitions of the exercise should require your full concentration and some effort.

      • Set goals for yourself. If you decide in advance to perform three sets of twenty repetitions, it is very likely that you will not have time to look around before you have already done everything. You can always increase the load if the task is too easy.
      • To give all the best - does not mean to be injured. If your joints, bones, and muscles hurt differently than they do from fatigue, you should stop and rest.
    5. Eat a balanced diet high in protein and low in fat. This does not mean that you need to consume protein shakes daily and give up any desserts. good diet should be balanced and include whole grains, fruits and vegetables, as well as sources of pure protein in the form of chicken, fish, eggs and beans.

      • A glass of skimmed milk with chocolate is a great post-workout snack.
      • Switching from drinking white bread and pasta to whole grain products - easy way immediately start eating healthier foods.
      • Avocados, nuts, olive oil and eggs contain healthy fats. But you should limit your use butter, cream, lard and similar products that can almost never be called healthy food.
      • If you have any injuries or illnesses, do not start exercising without first consulting with your doctor.
      • If any of the exercises in the article cause you pain in the joints, back, neck, and so on, stop immediately and do not continue exercising without first consulting your doctor.
  • You need to make a precise training schedule and stick to it. Experts recommend doing classes 2-3 times a week with a break of several days. The duration of each workout should be 40-90 minutes, depending on the goals and overall physical training. Classes should begin with a light warm-up, which will warm up all the muscles of the body. Thus, you will be able to avoid various kinds of injuries and sprains. After that, you can safely proceed to the basic exercises.

    A set of exercises

    In order to pump up the muscles of the hands, you will need additional sports equipment - dumbbells. To perform the exercise, you must stand up straight. Take dumbbells in your hands and alternately bend them at the elbows. The exercise is performed 10-15 times for each hand.

    The starting position of the next exercise is sitting on a chair, legs slightly apart to the sides. IN right hand you need to take a dumbbell. Gradually lower it to the floor so that the elbow touches the middle of the thigh of the right leg. Gently return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise in 2 sets of 15-18 times for each hand.

    The next exercise is designed to pump the spit belt. Place your arms with dumbbells at your sides. Slowly squeeze them at the elbows, touching the shoulders with the dumbbells. Please note: the back should be flat and not bend. Unclenching your elbows, raise your hands up. Repeat the exercise 10-12 times in 3 sets.

    Push-ups are the most effective for pumping the muscles of the chest. Place your hands forward with your fingers as close to chest. The exercise should be performed 10-15 times in 2-3 sets. To increase the load, you can hang a backpack full of books on your back.

    To pump up your back muscles, lie on your stomach. Put your hands behind your head, clasping them in the castle. Gradually lift your chest off the floor. Fix the position at the end point. Please note: when performing the exercise, the head should stretch up. Gently return to the original position. Repeat the exercise 10-12 times for 3 sets.

    The exercise for the muscles of the upper press is familiar to many of the physical education classes at school. Lie down on a flat surface. Place your hands behind your head. Bend your legs slightly at the knees, spreading them shoulder-width apart. Slowly raise your body without arching your spine. Fix the end point for 3-5 seconds. Gently return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 10-15 times for 3 sets.

    To build muscle lower press, lie down on a hill so that Bottom part the body drooped a little. Gradually raise your legs to your chest, bending them at the knees. Do 3 sets of 20 reps.

    Lie down on a hard surface. Place your hands along the body. Slowly lift your straight legs up at a 45 degree angle. Fix the end point for 10 seconds. Return to starting position. Repeat the exercise 15-18 times.

    You can pump up the muscles of the legs with the help of squats. Here, too, there are nuances. If you do not do deep squats, the main load will fall on the hips. To pump the gluteal muscles, squat as low as possible. Repeat the exercise 15-20 times in 3 sets.

    Let's talk about how to swing correctly at home - without special simulators, hardware, a trainer and the inevitable gym the spirit of competition that makes you move on and not stop there.

    Of course, you are unlikely to achieve the indicators of professional bodybuilders - this still requires serious and daily many hours of work with special equipment, not to mention a complex system of sports nutrition.

    However, practice shows that it is quite possible to pump up muscles at home, get a beautiful body relief, develop strength and endurance.

    True, not everyone succeeds at all - and first of all, precisely because it is important to correctly develop own program workouts and strictly adhere to it.

    Define the goal

    In many ways, the training program that you need depends on the goal that you are trying to achieve. So first of all, try to answer the question of what you want to get as a result as accurately as possible.

    So, if you want, for example, to lose weight, it makes sense to stop at cardio workouts.

    To improve health, increase immunity, improve the condition of the body, or just maintain a figure, a standard general strengthening exercise program.

    To increase endurance, you need aerobic exercise (for example, jogging).

    If your goal is to become stronger, get a good body relief - accordingly, it is worth focusing on strength exercises in workouts. At the same time, if you need to build muscle mass or dry the body, you need to pay special attention to your nutrition system.

    Cons of home workouts

    The main disadvantage of home workouts is, of course, the lack of special simulators. They will have to be replaced with improvised means - chairs, a window sill, etc. will be used.

    Another crucial point is that there are always experienced coaches and experienced athletes in the gym who can tell you if you are doing the exercise correctly, what your mistakes are, and correct them in time. Besides, a large number of mirrors in the hall sometimes helps you see your mistakes and yourself.

    If you have not been involved in sports before, then in order for the absence of “senior comrades” not to affect the results of your training, you should be extremely careful about performing each exercise. Ideally, read special literature, or even watch videos demonstrating the correct execution of exercises.

    And finally, the reason why many consider home workouts doomed to failure is reduced motivation. In the hall you constantly see those who have already achieved success, and strive for the same.

    In addition, there is always a kind of atmosphere of rivalry and at the same time camaraderie in the gym, which gives you incentives during training. We will talk about how not to lose motivation during home workouts below.

    Development of strength and muscle mass at home

    How to swing at home. To pump and build muscle, regardless of whether you are working out at home or in the gym, you must follow two essential conditions: proper nutrition and a constant increase in workload.

    As for the increase in loads, this is necessary so that the body does not have time to “get used to it”. At the same time, by increasing the weight and severity of the workout, we build up the actual muscle mass. If it is necessary to "dry" the body for a better drawing of the relief, it is not the weight to be lifted that should be increased, but the number of repetitions.

    The complexity of fitness exercises at home in this regard lies in the fact that here we work mainly with our own weight, that is, we practically cannot increase the load. It is advisable to alternate exercises, change the complex from time to time, so as not to let the muscles get used to it.

    In addition, it makes sense to still acquire a minimum inventory. First of all, it is, of course, dumbbells. If desired, you can replace them with weighting agents (sold in sports stores). For many exercises, a crossbar or Swedish wall is needed. In principle, if it is not possible to install it at home, you can always go out into the yard and train on the horizontal bar on the street.

    Nutrition during intense training

    For the construction of muscles, first of all, proteins are needed - these are meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese. If you don't eat enough protein when you're high physical activity, this will not lead to anything good: in the absence of other material, the body will “use” your own resources.

    There is no need to talk about muscle growth in such a situation.

    At the same time, fats and carbohydrates should not be completely excluded from the diet - after all, they provide energy for your activities.

    However, it is necessary to minimize the consumption of fast carbohydrates - bread (especially white) and any other pastries, sweets.

    The last meal of the day (dinner) should be almost exclusively protein! For breakfast, eat foods containing slow carbohydrates and fiber - first of all, cereals.

    And, of course, do not forget about the need to increase the amount of vitamins in the diet. In no case do not skip meals - you can even increase their number. But the portions eaten at a time, it is better to reduce.

    Do not neglect sports food additives. This does not mean that you need to completely switch to sports nutrition from specialized stores. But a little help to your body, giving it the necessary "bricks" for building your new body, does not hurt at all.

    So, in sports nutrition stores you can buy protein, as well as essential amino acids that the body does not produce on its own - el-arginine and el-carnitine. Arginine is involved in the construction of protein molecules and will be a great help in building muscle. Carnitine, which promotes oxygen transport, will give you a boost of energy for training.

    The latter, by the way, can also be purchased at a pharmacy (Carniton, Elkar, etc.), where it is sold as a general tonic and adaptogen. The main difference between "pharmacy" el-carnitine and "sports" is that it does not contain caffeine. However, if you wish, you can make up for this deficiency yourself.

    By the way, collagen and collagen supplements (to improve the condition of joints and ligaments) also sold in sports nutrition stores, if desired, can be replaced with ordinary food gelatin, which is a hydrolyzate of animal collagen.

    And, of course, do not forget that after any meal before training, at least two hours should pass.

    Rules, training regime

    With intensive training in the gym, the body receives a powerful and constantly growing load. It is generally recommended to give the muscles 2-3 days to recover. Thus, training is carried out 2-3 times a week.

    However, as we have already said, at home you have to work mainly with your own weight. Muscles don't need that much time to recover. Therefore, training at home is best done daily - unless, of course, you really want to see the result.

    For training, define some constant time and try to stick to that schedule. For example, to study every day in the morning or every day in the evening after work.

    In order to evenly distribute the load for different muscle groups, make yourself a training program. For example, on Monday you train your shoulders, back and arms, on Tuesday you train your back, buttocks and legs, and so on. Be sure to write down this schedule for yourself and follow it.

    Circuit training

    Circuit training involves alternately working out the muscles of the whole body during one "circle" - a cycle of exercises. How to do it at home? Let's try to compose sample program using improvised "equipment".

      Pull-ups on the bar. We place our hands a little further than shoulder-width apart, palms away from us. We pull ourselves up so that the chin is above the crossbar. 10 times.

      Push ups. We will push up in a special way. First, lower yourself completely to the floor, and then forcefully push your body up with your hands so that your palms come off the floor. Ideally, you should also clap your palms in front of you before spreading your palms again and landing on them. 8 times.

      One leg squat. You will need a chair for this exercise. Place it behind your back, stretch one leg back and place it on a chair. Squat in this position on one leg 8 times. Change your leg, do 8 more squats.

      Reverse bar pull-ups. Hands shoulder-width apart, palms facing you. 12 times.

      Push-ups on the hands against the wall. Stand on your hands upside down with your feet against the wall. Slowly bend your arms, lowering your head to the floor, and rise again, stretching your arms. 5 times.

      On two chairs. Take two stable chairs of the same height, put them opposite each other. Place your feet on one with your ankles, and on the other, rest your hands slightly behind your back (your body is hanging in the air between the chairs). Rise and fall down with your arms bent behind your back. 12 times.

      Hanging flexion. Hang on the horizontal bar and raise your legs as high as possible. 12 times.

    After completing the circle, you can give yourself a couple of minutes of rest. After that, start a new circle. You can start with four circles, in the future their number should be increased.

    Training programs as a set of exercises for all parts of the body

    Another way is to train one or another muscle group every day in order to pump everything in a week.

    Exercises for arms, shoulders and chest- This is primarily push-ups and pull-ups. By the way, with push-ups, the press also trains. You can start with two series of push-ups from the floor 10-20 times, between them - a break of one minute. These are warm-up series. After that, push up as much as you can. A prerequisite for the result is to use your resources fully.

    For legs and buttocks- weighted squats. It is not necessary to squat deeply, it is enough that the thighs are parallel to the floor. At the same time, if you rise on your toes, the calves will be pumped up to a greater extent, and if you squat on a full foot, your hips will be pumped up. Ideal - squats on one leg, as well as squats with a load on the shoulders.

    For the press- twisting lying on the floor, lifting the legs in the hang, lifting the body while lying on the floor. A good static ab exercise that puts minimal strain on your spine (sometimes that's important): place your hands on the floor with your feet on the bed or against a wall. The whole body must be stretched into a string. Stand like this without moving or bending your arms for at least 40 seconds. Repeat for several sets.

    In general, the abdominal muscles very quickly get used to a particular exercise, so it is advisable to periodically change the exercises for the press.

    A sample home fitness program for a week might look like this:

    • Monday- lifting dumbbells (biceps work).

    • Tuesday- dumbbell bench press.

    • Wednesday- Wiring with dumbbells.

    • Thursday- squats and deadlifts.

    • Friday- Bent Over Dumbbell Row.

    • Saturday- breeding dumbbells on deltas, bench press.

    • Sunday- push-ups, twisting on the press.

    How to force yourself to work out at home and not stop exercising

    So, you have mastered the necessary exercises, done them for several days.

    Then you had a friendly party and you missed one training session, the next day a friend you haven’t seen for a long time arrived, then you wanted to go to the long-awaited movie premiere, then you decided that since you took a break from training anyway, you can just lie in front of the TV in the evening, And tomorrow, for sure...

    Alas, in the vast majority of cases, this is where home workouts end.

    Indeed, when you know for sure that on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday you have an appointment in the gym, you put off everything for this and build your schedule accordingly, and skip a workout only in case of emergency. Organizing yourself on your own, when at any time the training can be postponed or rescheduled (or even canceled altogether), is much more difficult.

    The most important thing is how to swing at home correctly, what is worth doing, is to remember your goal all the time and keep it in front of your eyes.

    Just for this to work, the question of the goal to yourself should be answered with the utmost honesty. The abstract “to become healthy and strong” will not work. It may be desirable, but it will not make you get off the couch. Why do you really need training? Why do you need a pumped up body?

    If, say, you want to please women - well, great! So, imagine how you will go to the sea in the summer, come to the beach, and all the girls will follow you with admiring glances. Let this beach, where you can safely choose any beauty, be your "motivational picture" that you keep in your head.

    If you want to arouse the envy of your friends, that's great too! So, we present fishing and how you carelessly lift in front of everyone the load that three of your friends could not pull. Hey, it's not funny! You don't have to describe this picture to anyone. This is your personal motivation.

    Just feel the emotions that you feel at that moment - and move towards this goal. After all, you can’t deceive yourself - so motivate yourself with honest goals.

    Do not take breaks in class! Especially at first. After any break, it becomes psychologically more difficult to return to training every day.

    Let yourself be drawn in, let your body feel the joy, the pleasure of muscle fatigue. When you see the first results, it will become much easier to motivate yourself, but at first you need to literally “take yourself by the scruff of the neck” and force you to act.

    You can try to create for yourself the "illusion of the hall", watch a motivating video. Other people's achievements can also set the tone and direction.

    And, of course, be sure to put on your favorite energetic music for the duration of your classes - the one that will make you get up and move.

    In shape, it's time to sound the alarm and ask the most main question: "How to quickly pump up?". The answer, however, is disappointing. In a month, and even in six months, you won’t be able to gain mass like Schwarzenegger, but it’s easy to put your body in order so that it’s not a shame to go to the beach.

    The second, painful question: “How to do it at home?”. There is an opinion that it is impossible to pump up at home, but only possible and it is not entirely correct. The main problem at home is that there is no way to use more or less serious weights, but let's be honest. Those who are wondering about home workouts do not need them, if only because it gives out beginner athletes who can quite realistically gain five to six kilograms of weight without leaving home.

    How to swing at home?

    First of all, at home, as in the gym, a novice athlete needs to perform three basic exercises: This is a bench press, squat and deadlift. How to replace them at home?

    Push ups

    A natural replacement for the barbell press is regular push-ups from the floor. Moreover, this exercise is so versatile that with it you can work out each bundle of pectoral muscles. The middle beam is pumped when the arms are parallel to the line of the shoulders, the so-called "classic" push-ups. The upper bundle of the chest swings when doing push-ups, with the legs elevated, so that the bulk of the body is transferred to the arms and chest. The lower chest bundle can be trained by shifting the palms to the line of the bottom of the chest with ordinary push-ups. This is more difficult than it seems, but if you add additional weight to these exercises, then the result will impress you. It is best to pump one of the beams in one workout.


    WITH squats everything is clear, they are performed according to the same principle as in the gym, but because of the inability to heavily load yourself, it is best for you to alternate your workouts as follows. One day you do the squat very slowly, following the technique thoroughly, in 3 sets of 10-12 reps. On another day, on the contrary, quickly, in 4-5 sets of 18-26 repetitions. This will not only increase the mass, but also prevent the muscles from getting used to the same type of load too quickly.


    The most difficult thing in home workouts is the deadlift, as it is fundamentally performed with a lot of weight. The only replacement for this exercise can be pull-ups with a wide grip on the horizontal bar. Pull-ups and dips are generally versatile exercises that develop the torso in a complex manner, and if you have the opportunity, you should add these exercises to your training program.

    Home fitness equipment

    Of course, you can pump up perfectly at home using kettlebells, dumbbells, a crossbar, etc. Here, of course, regularity and maximum dedication are important. But without simulators, it will be very difficult to achieve the desired effect. Therefore, if you train at home and want to achieve maximum results, then keep in mind that you cannot do without one or two simulators. When choosing a simulator for home, pay attention to the so-called new generation rowing machines from First Degree Fitness - They are suitable for both beginners and professional athletes. All machines use the power of water resistance and are equipped with an innovative patented Fluid Technology system that allows you to quickly adjust the load from entry-level to Olympic level.


    And of course, without running anywhere. Running not only trains your lungs, burns fat and hardens the circulatory system, while running, the muscles of not only the legs, but almost the entire body work. But that's not all, which will give you the opportunity to gain a large amount of muscle mass in a short time! This is because when we run in the morning, the so-called protein-carbohydrate window opens in the body. In these very 30-40 minutes, our body in huge number required nutrients to replenish the lost energy reserve, and taking into account your workouts, it is your muscles that will be built, and the fat will burn.

    That's the whole list of simple exercises that will allow you to gain weight and keep fit, not only during beach season, but the whole year, and without investing a penny in it! Undoubtedly, if you have dumbbells, weights or even a barbell at home, then this will make it much easier for you training process and will allow you to work out your body in much more detail, but that's another story.

    Good luck and sports success!


    What is the best way to pump up at home?

    Every day a lot of letters arrive, in which very often they ask whether it is possible and how to pump upHouses and what are the ways to train muscles at home. That is why it became necessary to write an article and reveal all the subtleties and mechanisms of the process of pumping up muscle mass at home. Let us consider in more detail the situation in which we do not have the necessary sports equipment at our disposal.

    As a rule, this topic is important and interesting for beginner bodybuilders. For people who can boast of a fairly good performance of muscle training at home, sooner or later the understanding comes that you need to move to a new stage. They begin to train in gyms, in which the load is much greater than if they train at home, using improvised means for this.

    How best to pump up at home, what are the ways and methods?

    I will talk about it in detail and share my own experience.

    Pectoral muscles.

    The most famous exercise for everyone - push up off the floor. Hands should be kept at the optimal distance for this - about 25-30 cm wider than the shoulders. When reaching 15 repetitions in one approach, it is recommended to increase the load. You will need the help of your family, ask that you create resistance, and, therefore, an additional load, pressing you to the floor. You need to press with both hands the will of the shoulder blades. The load should be such that you can push out 6-12 times in one approach.

    Another option for push-ups from the floor, this is to do the exercise, resting your toes on the floor, or an elevation, for example, an armchair, a sofa, or any other stable furniture, can become a support for your legs. Thus, various zones of the pectoral muscles are activated.

    And, needless to say, the horizontal bar and exercises on the uneven bars. Surely in every yard there is a playground with various horizontal bars. The recommendations for load regulation are exactly the same as for push-ups. Complexes of exercises on the uneven bars create a pretty good load for the triceps.

    Back muscles.

    With the spinal muscles, not everything is simple. Here you can not do without a horizontal bar. It, as already mentioned, is most likely in the yard, but for convenience it can also be made at home by attaching a crossbar under the ceiling or between the walls. You need to pull yourself up with a free grip to the chest, and a reverse grip. Pulling up, you create a good load on the deltas, especially the back ones, and on the biceps.

    To pump up your shoulders at home, you can use 5-10-20 liter water bottles. They usually have a handle attached to them. Do lifts, holding in front of you, or spread your arms to the sides. All kinds of bottle exercises, including those discussed in this article, can also be done with dumbbells if you have them. The correct execution technique is described in more detail in the appropriate section. The intensity of the load is regulated by the amount of liquid in the bottles.


    The already mentioned water bottles will help to pump up the biceps. In a standing position, sitting, bend your arms. Repeat the same movements as in the dumbbell exercises. See the section on exercises for more details.


    A great exercise for triceps is push-ups from the floor with a narrow grip (the position of the arms is already shoulder-width apart). After doing about 12-15 push-ups in the approach, ask someone to press on your back.


    It is quite difficult to train leg muscles at home. You can remember the school physical education lessons - holding on to the wall, or furniture, squat while standing on one leg. But an essential detail - remember that by squatting very low, the risk of overloading the joints increases.

    While lying down, do crunches, or vertical leg raises. When the muscles warm up enough, and a characteristic burning sensation appears in the abdominal area, the exercises should be stopped.

    It is important to remember the main! The number of repeated exercises is 6-12 times, until the last strength. In other words, failure occurs when last repetition exercises.

    Training with a large load is recommended to be performed qualitatively once every two weeks, separately for each muscle group. In the intervals between heavy workouts, do light workouts (up to 70% of the most loads, in other words, those given and performed in high-load workouts). It is very important to understand that light workouts are needed rather to restore strength, so swinging at home does not need to bring the muscles to failure.
    It is also necessary to take a break, in training with a large load, the break should be at least five minutes, in light training, three minutes will be enough.

    And finally, remember the most important rule - at each hard workout, you need to increase the load - add water to eggplants, increase the pressing force to the floor when doing push-ups, etc. Based on this, over time, muscle strength will increase markedly, and training will be carried out in a specialized gym.

    An approximate training schedule to pump up as best as possible at home.

    We alternate workouts: in the first week, Monday, Friday - enhanced training;

    In the second week, respectively, Monday, Friday - easy training.


    1. Pull up with a wide grip: 3 sets of 6-12 plays;

    2. Pull up with reverse grip: 3 sets of 6-12 reps;

    3. The classic version of push-ups from the floor: 3 sets of 6-12 plays;

    4. Push-ups from the floor with legs on the couch: 3 sets of 6-12 plays;

    5. Raise your arms vertically in front of you: 3 sets of 6-12 plays;

    6. Spread arms to the sides: 3 sets of 6-12 reproductions;


    1. 1. Bend arms holding bottles of water: 3 sets of 6-12 reps;
    2. 2. We push up from the floor, with a narrow setting of hands: 3 sets of 6-12 repetitions;
    3. 3. Single leg squats (not very deep): 3 sets of 6-12 reps
    4. 4. In the prone position, we do twisting: 4 approaches, until a burning sensation appears in the press.

    5. After two months, do 4 sets of exercises, and so on for the next two months.