I love birdwatching, especially sparrows. I'm interested in everything about them. Sparrows - very interesting birds, and watching them can tell about many laws of the bird world.

I feed the birds - I throw bread crumbs. Not many sparrows flew. But this is a funny people. As soon as a handful of crumbs, scattered like a fan, touches the ground, they pounce and peck everything in the blink of an eye. It is clear that they have different personalities. This one is the most agile, he gets more. And this one strives to grab a larger piece and immediately flies away with it to enjoy it aside, in silence, away from envious people and bullies. There are also such: if they do not get food, then they take it away from others. Sometimes an attacker meets someone just as brave. Then a fight breaks out. Funny kids.

What beady black eyes they have! This one flew in later than everyone else, he didn’t get anything. He looks at me, doesn't look at me, or rather, he looks at me. He turns his head, tilts it to one side, tries to look me straight in the eyes. As if asking: will you give me more?

If you take a closer look at sparrows, you can notice a lot of unexpected things and sometimes draw interesting conclusions for yourself.

This sparrow, for example, is extremely dexterous, it has an instant reaction. useful quality.

A flock of sparrows flocked to me - just watch. But then a crow appears: she noticed that I was throwing food to the birds. She is moving closer. And the sparrow folk instantly scatters. Strength among them has undeniable authority.

Order of passeriformes

Passerines unite more than 5.1 thousand species. species, or nearly two-thirds of all known species birds. Passerines are distributed throughout the globe - from the equator to the polar regions. Almost anywhere on the planet there are more birds of this order than any other. Appearance members of this order is diverse: small sunbirds weighing 5 g and corvids weighing more than 1 kg, bright birds of paradise and modest warblers, birds with long and short, straight and curved beaks and tails. What unites them? All passerines build nests, their chicks are born naked and helpless and completely dependent on the care of their parents. Almost all representatives of this order form married couples and feed the offspring together. From anatomical features It is characterized by the presence of four toes on the feet, the first of which is turned back. The largest suborder - song passerines - has more than 4 thousand. types. Most of the birds of Russia belong to it.

Types of sparrows

Sparrows are small gray or grey-brown birds with a round head and a short beak. They live in cities and are very dependent on humans.

Sparrows are the most well-known among birds. There are two types of sparrows - house and forest.

The house sparrow is more widespread than the forest sparrow. As its name indicates, it lives close to houses and farms. The male house sparrow has on its breast black spot, and on the head - dark gray >. The female has a completely brown plumage. House sparrows nest in different places- in the walls of buildings, in attics, under eaves or in thickets of climbing plants, as well as in bushes and trees. They lay their eggs between February and August, five or six in a clutch.

Both types of sparrows feed on plant seeds, grains and insects.

The wood sparrow is smaller than the house sparrow. Black > has less, and > - brown. Males and females look almost the same.

The lifestyle of the forest sparrow is different from the lifestyle of the brownie. He prefers to live in countryside and stay away from human habitation. Wood sparrows usually live in colonies. They nest in holes in old walls, in hedges and in trees. From April to June they lay four to six eggs.

Habitats and food of sparrows.

The sparrow is well adapted to life next to humans. In cities, this granivorous bird often feeds on bread crumbs. At certain times of the day, towards evening, many sparrows flock to one tree, where they all begin to sing, making a deafening noise.

Sparrows have long lived in big cities adapting to the peculiarities of city life. Some sparrows have even learned to climb under the hoods of parked cars, pecking flies out of the radiator.

In spring, sparrows build new nests and repair old ones. Cunning and quick-witted birds tend to occupy at this time > - a birdhouse, where it will be much more comfortable and safer for them to hatch chicks than in a regular nest.

In summer, sparrows feed on worms, insects, grains - everything that they find on the ground in a city or in a field. In winter, the life of many of these birds depends on human kindness and generosity. It is especially hard for little fidgets on days of snowfalls and severe frosts. At this time, sparrows try to stay as close as possible to human habitation and gladly accept any treat.

IN winter time our feathered friends often find it difficult to forage for themselves. To help wintering birds with us, it is necessary to regularly feed them throughout the winter and early spring, arrange bird feeders. Feeders come in a variety of designs and are made from different materials. Bird feeders are divided into open and closed. Open feeders include trays, table feeders, bottle feeders, etc. Closed, that is, with a lid that protects food from rain and snow, is a feeder - a house, with a bottle and from milk cartons.

Birds -> forests, destroyers of weed seeds and fighters against harmful insects, therefore they must be protected and protected. You can not catch and keep at home in bird cages

Creating a safe environment for birds, understanding their life and how important they are to National economy, every conscious person can make sure that the number of birds in our country and their safety, and, consequently, life expectancy, despite economic use them will increase.

Noticing that the sparrow chick has fallen out of the nest, do not rush to drag it home. Assess the situation. A newborn will have to be monitored a lot: if there is no time, do not take on overwork. It should be fed often, and, most importantly, correctly. There is no possibility - give up the idea. Intervention would be a disservice if the bird accidentally fell from a tree while following its parents. See if they're looking for a baby. If you decide to help the baby, read how to do it right.

Sometimes the chicks fall out of the nests. To understand how to save a sparrow baby, you need to determine the cause. If you find a baby on the ground, look around.

The sparrows themselves will not throw the chick out of the nest. But other birds, swifts, starlings, can win back their homes, getting rid of the "enemy" offspring. In this case, try to drive away the fighters and help the baby.

If the sparrow chick fell out of the nest by accident, return it back. Sometimes babies instinctively reach for their parents, falling from trees. If everything is in order with the "bird house", the parents are in place, then the tragedy will not happen.

Don't worry about whether or not to pick up the baby and carry it to the nest. Sparrows do not smell, so they will not abandon the brood due to human interference.

Natural disasters can also destroy the nest: a hurricane, a thunderstorm. In this case, you can help the birds by restoring the home. Bring the little ones back to the renovated home and watch them. If the parents respond to the call of the cubs, the rescue mission is over. If this does not happen, you will have to feed the young.

Sparrow chicks grow up to an independent age of 2-3 weeks. That's how long it takes for the cubs to come out.

Sparrow classification

Newborn sparrow chicks are newly hatched, not covered with feathers, very small birds. It is hardly possible to provide them with food, since they will have to be fed often: once every 2-3 hours. The best decision- find an abandoned nest.

Yellowmouths are juvenile chicks that have acquired feathers. Despite the fact that sparrows look mature, they are not capable of self-feeding. At this age, babies often fall out due to negligence. It is possible to leave the bird, but you will have to feed it regularly, and this is the time.

Fledglings are called already quite matured, capable of self-feeding birds. Having found such a bird, do not touch it: let it learn to fly and get food. The only possible help in this situation is to plant them on a hill (to protect them from land-based predators).

This is important: water and food for the new tenant

Having picked up a sparrow, it is important to understand how to water the chick and what to feed. To give the baby a drink, it is better to use a pipette. Fill it with water and bring the tip to the beak. Do not put pressure on the "mouth", trying to open.

Newborn birds cannot drink on their own from a bowl - this must be remembered. If you put a container of water and leave, the sparrows will choke.

If you often pick up birds for treatment, then there will definitely be something in the house to feed the injured sparrow. Another thing is if the case is isolated. Before you rush to the pet store or prepare complex formulas, feed your baby something that is in the refrigerator. Suitable lean meat, minced meat, eggs (boiled), cottage cheese, fish.

First steps in nursing

What needs to be done immediately after picking up a chick is to ensure comfort. Nesting equipment is a top priority. Use a lint-free cloth, rolling it up so that it slopes.

Feeding fledglings from the first day requires a routine. It is important to observe a certain time between meals: 15-20 minutes for newborns and 2-3 hours for yellowmouths.

Below we will tell you how and what to feed a sparrow chick in order to grow it at home. Let's turn to nature. Give them:

  • flour worms;
  • larvae;
  • small insects.

Human food will work too.

  • cottage cheese;
  • eggs;
  • meat;
  • fish.

The main thing is to feed the babies in a timely manner so that their own resources are not burned: sparrows have a fast metabolism. Read on to find out how to care for chicks and make the right diet.

Formula formula

What chicks eat with pleasure are insects. But feeding feathered birds and fledglings can be simplified by preparing a special mixture. The recipe is:

  • three medium carrots and squeeze the juice;
  • chop the egg (pre-cook);
  • cut meat (veal / beef / chicken) and split into fibers;
  • greens (lettuce / wood lice / dandelion) chop;
  • add 10 g of cottage cheese (pre-squeeze);
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of boiled millet (avoid salt or oil);
  • a teaspoon of fish food (dry mix);
  • pour calcium glycerophosphate powder (1 tablet per liter);
  • put a teaspoon of crushed eggshells.

Mix the resulting feed until smooth. It shouldn't stick to your hands. Give to kids in portions, rolling up small balls, the size of a cherry stone. When we prepare the mixture for feeding the chick, we get a large supply. Food can be stored frozen.

How to feed a sparrow chick, we told. But do not forget that the birds should be watered: a few drops of water per feed ball.

Calcium: dosage calculation and sources

Calcium for sparrow chicks, as for all birds, is necessary to prevent the development of rickets. The mix above includes required amount useful substances. Using it, you can not worry about the health of the kids.

Features of feeding a sparrow at home allow you to monitor the vitamins received. To calculate the need for calcium in a chick, it is enough to determine 2% of its mass. But remember that it is possible to overdo it with the additive, so it is better to play it safe and add more.

A bird can get calcium from chalk, edible clay or boiled egg shells. They are added in powder form. For a standard daily dose, take half a teaspoon - if there is no desire to make calculations.

Primary knowledge: what and how

Let's talk about how to hatch a sparrow chick, and what to use for feeding. Newborn birds are fed from a syringe with a catheter - this is more convenient.

It is forbidden to take a catheter for feeding grown sparrows, because of the danger to life: the birds can swallow the needle. The process of feeding a chick with a brush is less convenient: due to soiling of feathers. But for neat people, the technique is ideal, since a soft pile will not harm.

The sequence of feeding sparrow chicks - important point. Don't give them all at once. Dose food for better absorption. One "dose" is 2/3 of the volume of the head. If the kids keep begging for treats, ignore it. Overfeeding is just as bad as undereating.

The importance of the intermediate stage

When caring for a sparrow, do not miss the moment of stopping feeding and transferring the chick to self-feeding. Remember that a baby's desire for independence does not indicate that it is necessary to reduce feeding.

IN natural environment parents feed the chicks even when the kids learn to fly and get food. Do not miss this crucial moment. Make the sparrow chase you to get the desired food.

You can understand that the chick is ready for independence by weight. The norm is 20-27 g. The sparrow is completely covered with feathers, the tail is long, the beak loses its yellowness. Mature birds bite painfully.

When the sparrow chick grows up, the frequency of feeding is gradually reduced. Some birds switch to self-feeding quickly, for others the process is delayed - this is not scary. If your baby refuses to eat, don't worry. This is a normal process until their weight drops below 21g.

Painless weaning

A man-fed sparrow chick can be released into nature. The main thing to consider is how to properly conduct the process. Remember: if you are not going to leave the selected bird, start preparing for the "weaning" in advance.

If you are going to release a sparrow into nature, do not treat the bird like a pet. Don't spend more time with your baby than necessary. Don't play, don't caress. When feeding, it is better to wear something bright to divert attention "from yourself" and minimize addiction.

When the chick grows up, do not play with him. Do not accustom the baby "to the hands." If you do not give the bird a lot of time, the growing sparrow will quickly learn to be frightened of a person.

Sparrows cannot be released without pre-training. Before the bird settles in nature, it is kept in an aviary. The street corral helps to adapt. Teach your chick to "local" food.

Before releasing a sparrow to freedom, make sure that the chick is healthy. Look at the weather forecast. On the day of "absentee" there should be no rain or strong wind. It is better that in the next few days the hydrometeorological center does not report on impending bad weather.

Discuss your concerns in the comments to the article.

The article will tell you how to properly prepare food for wintering birds in the feeders.

A person often feels a desire to take care of "our smaller brothers." If you can't afford to volunteer at animal shelters or send monthly donations to voluntary animal welfare organizations, then you can feed the local birds during the winter season. By creating a feeder in your yard or on your balcony, you not only give food to small feathered creatures, you give them a chance to survive, extending their lives for several days, weeks, and a harsh winter.

Of course, you should not expect gratitude from small creatures, they will help you at another time - in the summer, when they start eating harmful insects (mosquitoes, larvae, flies, ants, aphids and worms), which prevent you from growing decent crops. Yes, and you must admit that feeding the birds will not hit your pocketbook, but will bring a pleasant feeling of accomplishment.

IMPORTANT: If you decide to feed the birds in the winter season, when it is difficult for them to find food for themselves, it is important to know that their diet in winter is significantly different from summer. Birds need high-calorie food, but not harmful (otherwise you will simply kill them).

What can you feed:

Food: Peculiarities: Who eats:
Sunflower (seeds) Seeds should make up almost 70-75% of the total feed (they are nutritious and high in calories, they are high in fat) Tits, woodpeckers, sparrows, nuthatches and other granivorous birds
Millet Dry food (often sold as pet parrot food in pet stores) Sparrows, carduelis, pigeons, greenfinches and other granivorous
oats Raw or boiled cereals (without spices and oil) Sparrows, carduelis, pigeons, greenfinches and other granivorous
Wheat Raw or boiled cereals (without spices and oil) Sparrows, carduelis, pigeons, greenfinches and other granivorous
Rice Raw or boiled cereals (without spices and oil) Sparrows, carduelis, pigeons, greenfinches and other granivorous
Meat Pieces of raw or dried meat, finely crushed. Without any salt and spices!
Salo Raw lard without salt! It can be strung on a thread and hung Tits, nuthatches and other species (crows, jackdaws and magpies may arrive)
Beef fat or chicken It can be mixed with bread or put separately in the feeder. Fat should not be salty! Tits, nuthatches and other species (crows, jackdaws and magpies may arrive)
Dried rowan (viburnum, hawthorn) Berries should be prepared in advance and dried in the fall. They can be put in a feeder or hung with beads. Bullfinches, waxwings
Maple seeds (lionfish) They should be collected in the fall when they are sprinkled from the trees. In winter, such food is often inaccessible to birds, as it is covered with leaves. Mud and snow Bullfinches, waxwings
cones WITH various kinds coniferous trees, should be collected in the fall Woodpeckers, crossbills
nuts Any fresh nuts that are not salted (as store-bought peanuts are) or roasted Jay woodpeckers and other species
acorns Gathering in autumn Jays
Corn Dried
Grains of watermelon and melon Good source of fats and nutrients(harvested from summer, dried) Bullfinches, jays, woodpeckers
Pumpkin seeds Good source of fats and nutrients (harvested in autumn) All granivorous bird species
Chicken egg shell Serves as a good calcium supplement (you can put a piece of natural chalk in the feeder) For all kinds of birds

What not to feed the birds in the winter in the feeder: a list of products

What you need to know about unhealthy food for birds:

  • Of course, in winter, birds need fatty foods such as meat and lard. However in no case should it be salty foods, since such food can kill small creatures, provoking dehydration and intoxication in the excretory organs.
  • Meat, lard and fat should be given neat., you can mix these ingredients with other food (grains, boiled cereals or bread).
  • You can not give black bread - this product, prepared with rye flour, can cause upset and diarrhea in birds, which will lead to their death. There is a lot of salt in black bread, and it also leads to disruption of the kidneys and liver in birds.
  • Rye bread can ferment in the goiter of birds and kill them, since there is much more yeast in it than in wheat.

What can not be added to the feeder:

  • salty foods
  • fried food
  • spicy food
  • acidic foods
  • Citrus fruits (even the peel)
  • Peel and fruits of bananas
  • Milk
  • roasted nuts
  • Spicy products

Why can't you feed the birds with salted bacon, fried seeds?

Any disease striking a bird in the winter season it becomes much more dangerous for her than it would be in summer. Gastrointestinal diseases in birds happen quite often, as in harsh winters they can eat junk food in search of survival. This food is offered to them by a person who knows little about the peculiarities of animal nutrition.

INTERESTING: It turns out that chewing gum thrown by a person is often perceived by birds as a piece of bread. They peck it, but after that they die, as the chewing gum completely slows down and clogs their digestive tract.

When offering titmouse and other birds with lard, make sure you cut it out of the non-salted part. Salt is poison for birds. Their kidneys and liver cannot digest and excrete it, and therefore such a product will certain death for the little creature.

It would seem that sunflower seeds are the most useful food for birds. But only if the seeds are raw. Roasted seeds are soaking up too a large number of fat and the gastrointestinal tract of birds cannot absorb it, causing poisoning, diarrhea and indigestion, which is very detrimental to most species.

What birds fly to the feeder in winter, and what bird will not appear at the feeder in winter?

When installing a feeder, you should be aware that it is always a source of debris. Therefore, there is no place for feeders on windowsills and balconies of houses (your neighbors may complain). It is best to install it on trees at a height where they will not be accessible to children who want to misbehave and knock it down (or add junk food).

It is possible that along with the "good-natured" birds, you will be able to notice "arrogant" thieves like crows, pigeons, magpies and jackdaws. However, most often they still eat in the feeders:

  • sparrows
  • Bullfinches
  • titmouse
  • Nuthatch
  • Jays
  • Goldfinch
  • Crossbill
  • pika
  • waxwing

What is the best way to feed sparrows, titmice, bullfinches, woodpeckers, waxwings in the winter in the feeder?

If you can afford to buy bird food, then periodically do it in a pet store. There you can easily pick up food from a mixture of millet, oats, wheat and sunflower seeds. This food can be combined with dried rowan berries, pieces white bread(or breadcrumbs), animal fat and lard.

IMPORTANT: The feeder should be updated as the food is eaten. Do not pour too much food at once, because the birds very often empty themselves right during the meal and this spoils some of the food.

What birds eat mountain ash in winter?

The bright red rowan berries often attract birds. These berries, dried by a person and sprinkled in a feeder or left hanging on a tree, serve as food for:

  • Ryabinnikov
  • Drozdov
  • bullfinch
  • Waxwings

What cereal can be given to birds in the winter in the feeder? Is it possible to feed birds in the winter feeder with millet, corn, wheat, pearl barley, barley groats, buckwheat, oats, oatmeal, rice, oatmeal?

Groats are a satisfying, nutritious and healthy food for all granivorous birds. It can be sprinkled in raw and dry form, boiled, brought to half-cooked. It is important not to add salt to porridge during cooking, not to add sugar and spices, not to pour in oil (the exception is a small amount of natural animal fat: beef or chicken).

What cereal can be given to wintering birds:

  • Buckwheat
  • Millet
  • Oatmeal (hercules, cereal)
  • Perlovka
  • corn
  • Wheat

Is it possible to feed birds in the winter feeder with pumpkin, watermelon, sunflower seeds?

Saving melon seeds from summer is far from difficult when you eat watermelons, melons and pumpkins. To do this, they should be washed well with running water and dried in the sun from moisture. Such seeds are an excellent nutritious and healthy food for all wintering birds, because they contain dietary fiber and oils. It is easily digested and gives the birds a boost of energy for the winter.

Is it possible to feed birds in the winter in the feeder with crackers, bread, fresh lard?

As already mentioned, bread is not ideal food for birds, but acceptable. However we are talking only about white and unleavened bread. It should be dried or crushed. It is also allowed to add white bread crackers to the feeder, hanging them on dense threads.

IMPORTANT: If you put pieces of raw, non-salted fat and meat in the feeders, it is also recommended to string them with beads so that the birds do not lose this food, do not drop it from the feeder, do not try to swallow whole, but pinch off piece by piece.

Video: "Wintering Birds"

Important!!! Never pick up sparrow fledglings, never feed them. Because each such feathered lump, which seems lonely, unhappy and abandoned, is tightly controlled by its parents [online] and is fed by them strictly by the hour. Except in very rare cases.

Important!!! If you nevertheless picked up a chick and artificially fed it, then it is no longer possible to release it into the wild. Such a sparrow, fed by a man, will not be adapted for a free life even if a flock of sparrows accepts it. Practice shows that a sparrow released into the wild dies in 3-5 days.

So, if you already have a sparrow, get ready to get up with the first rays of the sun for several weeks, take it with you to work, and go to bed late in the evening. All in order to feed the bird every hour. Birds in general, and chicks in particular, need to eat frequently. Remember, you need to feed the chick strictly every hour, preferably every half an hour, until saturated. If the feeding process is interrupted for more than two hours, the chick will most likely die. This is due to the specific digestive system and a very fast metabolism. You can sleep peacefully at night, because at night the metabolism of birds naturally and significantly slows down.

For right choice diet, you need to try to determine the approximate age of the chick.

  • 1. the chick in the photo is about 2-3 days old;
  • 2. the chick in the photo is about 7 days old;
  • 3. about 12 days;
  • 4. about 15-20 days (already trying to fly).

Since the sparrow is a grain- and insect-eating bird, consider it an omnivore, it is easy to feed it. Usually, sparrows and similar birds are fed with a mash composed of the following components in the indicated proportions:

  • One boiled chicken egg (or three quail eggs);
  • Millet boiled 2 teaspoons;
  • Grated carrots on a fine grater 1 teaspoon (squeeze the juice);
  • Shredded lettuce or woodlice herb (stellaria media) 1/2 teaspoon;
  • Dried daphnia 1 teaspoon (sold in pet stores) or 1 teaspoon finely minced boiled beef;
  • One tablet of pharmacy calcium.

The components are thoroughly mixed, preferably in a blender until the consistency of medium density sour cream. The mixture is stored in the freezer, of course, frozen. Before feeding, I break off part of the mixture, thaw it and draw it into a syringe. It is convenient to take an insulin syringe, in which the piston gently chokes.

We take the sparrow in a fist, but do not pinch it strongly so as not to damage it, but also so that it does not break out. Next, tap the nose of the syringe on the beak. The chick must open its beak on its own. If the chick is not yet fledged, naked, then he himself, in any case, will open his mouth when the syringe approaches. If the chick is already a fledgling fledgling, then it will not open its beak. In this case, you will have to unclench the beak with your nails.

Give the mixture little by little. You need to try not to put the mash in the beak, but stick it a little further so that the food gets into the goiter, and not into the beak. After each serving, give the chick a drop of water. Feed at a time until full, until it stops opening its beak. A notable feature: when the sparrow is sated, it begins to vibrate weakly in the palm of your hand with your whole body. I don’t know what it is connected with, maybe with a feeling of pleasure, but the sensations are unforgettable.

If the chick does not open its mouth in principle, then it will be necessary to feed it by force. After some time, the chick gets used to the syringe and begins to open its mouth, however, not always.

When feeding a sparrow, it is very important to monitor the bird's droppings. Litter should not be completely covered with a white film. The presence of a film indicates an incorrect feeding regimen.

Starting from the third week, the sparrow should already try to peck at seeds (not sunflowers). But since his beak is still soft, it is difficult for him to crack the seeds. Therefore, along with the seeds, you need to give a sparrow rice porridge or boiled millet, millet, which, by the way, the sparrow eats with pleasure from the finger.

As soon as the sparrow began to eat porridge himself, the mash from the syringe can no longer be given. When the sparrow begins to eat the seeds on its own, you can also refuse porridge. Of the available bird feeds, a grain mix for finches or canaries is excellent. Parrot grain mix can also be tried, but it contains a lot of oats, and sparrows do not eat it very well.

  • Category:
  • Posted on September 13, 2014 12:56 pm
  • Read 32742 times

Let's talk about what sparrows eat. You can recognize these birds by live fuss on city streets. These active and cheerful birds survive even in severe frosts, because they do not neglect the food that catches their eye. Sparrows are characterized by such traits as cunning, agility and courage. From this article, you will learn about the seasonal eating habits of birds, as well as how to feed a sparrow that has fallen into your hands at home.

Sparrows are omnivores. They got their name for their impudent thieves' character. No wonder the peasants chased away annoying gluttons with the words: “Beat the thief!”. After all, it is known that a flock of these birds is capable of destroying an entire field of grain in just a few days.

However, there are benefits from these voracious birds. They prey on harmful insects, whose populations, when uncontrolled reproduction, cause even more damage to agriculture than the sparrows themselves.

History remembers a case from the last century, when, after the mass destruction of sparrows in China, crops were completely destroyed by beetles and caterpillars. After that, the Chinese were forced to artificially breed sparrows, buying them in neighboring countries.

This suggests that small voracious sparrows are an indispensable cog in the ecosystem that performs important work in it.

Field and brownies

In nature, there are two types of sparrows: house and field.

field sparrows outward signs resemble adult male brownies. Their physique has a more elegant shape, and the body length is 12-14 cm.

Main distinguishing feature between species lies in the different color of plumage on the crown. In the field sparrow it is bright brown, and in the house sparrow it is dark brown. There are dark blotches in the form of spots in the neck and head area of ​​field sparrows, and the “collar” is painted white. On the wings of house birds, one light strip flaunts, while the field birds have two.

As for gastronomic preferences, these varieties are completely the same.

Sparrow feeding in spring

The mating season and nesting of birds begins with the onset of the first heat. By this time, buds are already appearing on the trees. They become the main nutritious food for sparrows.

While the female is incubating the eggs, her partner is engaged in the extraction of food for both of them. Earthworms, flies, caterpillars and other living creatures that crawl out into the sun after wintering act as spring food for sparrows. The same food is suitable for chicks that are born.

IN spring months the benefits of sparrows are most tangible, since they catch harmful insects not only for themselves, but also for their offspring. Statistics show that one pair during this period destroys up to three kilograms of pests per month.

At the same time, sparrows do not stop raids on garden trees and other crops, eating their buds and seeds.

Subsistence in the summer

In the hot season, there is plenty of food for birds. Here's what sparrows eat in summer:

  • beetles;
  • larvae;
  • caterpillars;
  • locust;
  • butterflies;
  • cereals (wheat, oats, millet);
  • seeds;
  • berries;
  • fruits;
  • food waste.

Sparrows in the city and the countryside are found at every turn. There are a lot of them in parks, squares, gardens, fields, as well as nearby cafes and near garbage cans. In summer, the birds become especially harmful. They destroy not only crops, but also spoil the harvest of fruits ripening on trees. In addition, birds peck out grapes and other berries that have ripened by that time.

Due to this Agriculture controls the number of sparrows. This maintains a balance that does not allow both birds and insect pests to actively multiply.

Feeding sparrows in winter

In winter, sparrows begin to have serious problems finding food. Trees and earth are left without fruits, insects completely disappear. This significantly narrows the circle of search for food. Birds often die of starvation.

City dumps, winter berries, cereal processing plants, and catering places remain from food sources for sparrows.

Fortunately, in winter, a person comes to the aid of sparrows, equipping feeders and filling them with bread, grains, sausage, cheese, pieces of lard and other bird delicacies.

Feeding features

To save sparrows starving in winter, it is necessary to build a feeder that is suitable for them.

To avoid neighborhood with large birds, build a small structure for sparrows. For this, any improvised object is suitable, in particular, plastic bottle or box. Make a hole in it through which only a small bird can easily enter.

As a nutritious food for a sparrow in the winter months, there is a mix of cereals, food leftovers from our table, including bread and protein products, nuts, cereals, seeds. Meat pieces are recommended to be strung on a thick thread and hung on top of the feeder.

Fill the feeder regularly, as sparrows will stop visiting if it is empty for a long time.

Feeding a sparrow chick at home

If you find a baby sparrow that has fallen out of the nest and want to save him from starvation, take care of proper nutrition chick. IN wild nature its diet consists mainly of insects.

It is not easy to get such food, so give the little sparrow boiled lean meat, rubbed in half with oatmeal or chopped boiled egg. Bread baby can be fed no more than once in three days, after soaking a piece in milk.

The vegetable diet of a sparrow chick is boiled and mashed beets, carrots and grated cucumber. Drain excess juice from vegetables. The chick will receive calcium by including crushed chalk in the menu.

Do not salt cooked foods.

If the baby refuses food, gently push it down the throat, holding the open beak with tweezers. Give the sparrow water using a pipette.

Feeding of the little sparrow is carried out every two hours.

If you feel like you can't handle all this, don't pick up the dropped chicks.

Principles of caring for a sick sparrow

It happens that an adult sparrow with a physical defect or indisposition falls into the hands of a person. A balanced diet will help you get out.

The basis of the menu should be protein. Insects (worms and larvae) can be purchased at a fishing store or pet store. If getting them is problematic, give preference to parrot food, berries, boiled or raw meat, grated boiled carrots, chicken eggs and fresh clean water. With a lack of vitamins, enter into the diet a special mixture recommended by the veterinarian.

If the bird is able to eat on its own, place a feeder with food and water in front of it. Otherwise, use tweezers and a pipette.

Forbidden foods for sparrows

From home food sparrow, exclude rye and pastries, which include it. This cereal lowers the acidity of the stomach, which leads to an upset stomach. digestive system birds.

Also remove smoked and salty dishes from the bird's diet. Sunflower or pumpkin seeds are good only raw. Everything fried, including seeds, causes disturbances in the body.

Be careful with beans too. They are rich in protein, but interfere with the full absorption of food.

Of course, in the wild, sparrows do not disdain these products, since we are talking about survival. But if you do not want the bird to stain your home with numerous feces and die from inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, heed our advice.

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