The problem of snakes has always been relevant for people, especially for those who live in rural areas. If there is a possibility of snakes in the house, then people start to be afraid to leave their rooms and start to be afraid to go to bed. If you fit the description, don't you think it's time to do something?

In this article, you will learn how to find a way out of this situation, because it lists effective methods of getting rid of snakes that anyone can use! They will help make your home, garden or garden a quiet, calm and isolated place from various dangers. It may be hard for you to believe that the solution to the problem with snakes is right on the surface, but believe me, there is nothing easier to achieve the result. Forget about fears and doubts! Feel confident! This is your home, not theirs!

Getting Rid of Snakes Naturally: Habitat Change

There is one rule that, for some reason, everyone forgets - changing habits: you change your habits, and snakes, accordingly, change theirs. When you constantly observe reptiles around your site or house, this means only one thing - the conditions are favorable for them. The slightest change environment will prevent them from living near you and your home.

Here are a few effective advice how to get rid of snakes naturally :

  • Mow all tall grass;
  • Remove piles of rocks, lumber, and other debris from the site as they are a haven for small pests, which, in turn, are food for snakes;
  • Bury or cover all rodent holes - they attract snakes;
  • Rodent control (rats, mice) leads to good results in getting rid of snakes;
  • Build a fence around your yard - it will keep most snakes at bay, especially if its cells are no larger than 5cm and buried a few centimeters into the ground.

If you need to get rid of snakes such as copperfish, then, first of all, you need to think about creating hostile environment for them. Think about how you can deprive them of food so that they have nothing to do on your site. Also try to keep green spaces as far away from your home as possible - this will add more security to you and your site.

However, in order to get rid of the various snakes that have appeared on your site once and for all, it is best to trust the professionals, because. they have all the knowledge and tools to quickly solve this problem.

How to get rid of snakes with naphthalene

Naphthalene will only be effective if the reptiles have not yet managed to occupy a large area of ​​​​your site. A small amount of solution will negate any presence of snakes, but the disadvantage of this method is its short-term effect. Naphthalene will ideal solution if you need to secure the entrances to your house - small gaps in the walls, sewer pipes etc.

Naphthalene is derived from resin and is a source of a toxic gas that smells very unpleasant to snakes. If you're planning on moth balls, it's best to mix them with cat litter and then scatter them throughout the garden, as well as in areas where reptiles can enter your home.

When working with naphthalene, be very careful, because. the gas given off by naphthalene can cause health problems: destruction of red blood cells, jaundice, bowel problems, and can even cause cancer. It is for this reason that most people prefer to use alternative repellents and traps when dealing with reptiles.

How to get rid of all the snakes in the house

As you know, get rid of dangerous snakes who settled in your house is a rather laborious task. But, good start- this is already half the battle, so you should know where to start fighting reptiles.

To get started, take a good look at all the vents in your basement. If you notice that there are holes that exceed 1 cm, then you need to close them up. Never leave, in the hope that the snakes themselves will leave the house, the doors open - this will not lead to any effect.

If you find a snake nest or a snake in the basement, then never try to cope on your own, unless, of course, you have necessary knowledge and sufficient experience. Remember that the most Poisonous snakes will live only in the garden (garden), and the most problematic snakes are the smallest. So how do you get rid of snakes in your basement?

Never take a snake in your hand unless you are 100% sure that the snake is not poisonous and does not pose a danger.
  • Sealing. Go around your whole house in a circle - your goal is to find everything, even small holes, near the ground - these are the points of entry of reptiles into your basement. As soon as you find all such holes, close them immediately.
  • physical removal. If there is a snake in your home, then it must be physically removed from your home. For this purpose, it is best to hire a professional or install special traps. However, simply removing the snake is not enough - once again go around the basement to find and fix everything possible points penetration.
  • Easily available products. Food attracts snakes to the home. Make sure you place all pet food in containers with tight-fitting lids. When there is no food, there is no point in staying at home.

Of all the above options - calling a specialist - the best way solving the problem of snakes in the house. A snake in a house is not the same as a snake in a garden or garden. In the latter case, you can safely try any solutions in the fight against them, because. the snake is far away from the place where you sleep and rest.

How to get rid of snakes in the garden and how to prevent them from entering the house

As already mentioned in this article, snakes are constantly looking for new places where there is a lot of available food for them - mainly insects and rodents.

Once all food sources have been eliminated, the reptiles will leave your area in search of food for themselves. To achieve this, many people spray insecticides all over their yard and also use rodent repellants.

Methods for dealing with reptiles in the garden:

  1. 1. Pest control. This is perhaps the way to get rid of the snakes that live around your house. Just destroy all insects, rodents and worms, thereby depriving the snakes of food. This method in practice has proven its effectiveness and duration of the result.
  2. 2. Naphthalene. One more effective method. Surround your home with moth balls and you will soon see results. However, do not use naphthalene where children or pets can get to it.
  3. 3. Pruning plants. Try trimming the trees around the house - many snakes are able to move from the tree to the roof of the house, and from there right into the house. It is also worth remembering that many species of snakes that pose a danger to humans can live in the surrounding forest areas.
  4. 4. Sulfur. If you need a method with the fastest effect, then buy sulfur powder, gloves and a respirator. Place wax lines at doors and other places where snakes can enter. Do not forget to repeat the procedure after each rain.
  5. 5. Cleaning the territory. Remove mountains of stones and lumber from the site - they are a natural hiding place for rodents. No rodents - no reptiles near the house. It is also important to remove all debris from the site and mow all tall grass.

Easy Ways to Get Rid of Terrible Snakes in Your Yard

The snakes that are in your area are not dangerous to your family and pets, but below are a few steps you can take to get rid of the nasty neighborhood. So, getting rid of snakes that have wound up in your garden or vegetable garden is very important. If you do not know where to start, then use the tips below and the snakes will leave your site forever.

Cats pose a serious threat to many types of snakes. If you are faced with a reptile problem, then get yourself a pet.
  • Find a nest. To get rid of any type of reptile, you must find and destroy their nest. Look around the area properly to find it. Snakes prefer to arrange their nests in the most secluded corners - piles of wood and compost, various inconspicuous holes in the ground, etc.
  • No trash. Want to quickly and effectively get rid of snakes in your yard? Then do not accumulate garbage on the street. Did you know that such places are ideal for making nests with terrible snakes.
  • No trash. Keep your yard clean and clear of debris, tree limbs, and leaf piles in a timely manner. Make changes to the landscape to change the environmental conditions.
  • Cut the grass. Don't let the grass grow. It's no secret that snakes love tall grass - this is the habitat of mice, rats, squirrels, crickets and grasshoppers - their main food. To get rid of these terrible reptiles - mow the lawn once a week! Be sure that the snakes will stay with you for a while.
  • Remove compost heaps. For what? They are ideal as a hiding place for your reptile yard. This main reason, according to which heaps should be removed from your site.
  • Build a fence. A fence not less than a meter high and made of small chain-link - good way prevent snakes from entering your yard.
  • Use naphthalene. Almost all types of snakes hate the smell of mothballs - so why not use it to your advantage? Do not randomly scatter them throughout the site. Just bury them in the ground in several places. Remember that naphthalene is a toxic substance, so use it with care.
  • No cool places. Bags, bricks, piles of branches and thickets of grass - keep all this as far as possible from your house and the problem of snakes will never touch you.

These natural, natural methods will give you a feeling of relief, unfortunately not for long. In order for these methods to give a long-term effect, they should be carried out on an ongoing basis and then the problem of snakes will never arise. Try all the methods and decide which one is perfect for you.

Now you see what can be done if snakes appear. Snakes inside the house? Try to physically remove them or hire a professional.

They occupied your site? Follow the steps above to make these chill-lovers and compost heaps unbearable.

). But perhaps the most unwanted guests that may appear in your country house are snakes, which can pose a serious danger to human life and health (only vipers). About what are the reasons for the appearance of aggressors on suburban area, about prevention and control measures, you will learn below.

Why snakes are dangerous: the difference between snake and viper and snake

It is important to be able to distinguish snakes. Yes, at non-venomous snakes there is no neck (round head), and poisonous ones have a heart-shaped head (triangular), they have glands there, so they look much more beautiful and proportional, if I can say so about these terrible reptiles.

As a rule, in summer cottages and nearby you can find the following types of snakes:

Important! The snake usually does not attack first unless it feels threatened. Therefore, she can only bite defensively.

Video: how not to confuse a snake with a viper and what to do if it bites you

Simple advice! If you do not want to be attacked and bitten by a snake, then be careful and always look under your feet.

Reasons for the appearance of snakes in the suburban area

Where do they even come from in our personal plots?

As a rule, reptiles avoid meeting with humans, as they are rather cautious creatures. But certain reasons can cause snakes to appear near people.

Food search

Everyone knows that snakes feed on rodents (mice) and insects, and they can also feast on bird eggs. So, if you have them on your site, then in search of food, reptiles can crawl to visit you.

By the way! The main indicator of the presence of snakes in the area is their shed skin.

Attractive place to stay

Snakes may crawl into your yard in search of a new hiding place.

Note! Most often, snakes can be found in the fall, when the temperature begins to drop. Reptiles at this time are simply looking for a place to winter. And by spring, having overwintered, in most cases they crawl away.

Also, reptiles are very fond of settling next to covered firewood, boards stacked in a dark corner, old rotten stumps and tree roots. They also like compost heaps, garbage or garbage pits, tall grass and thick impenetrable bushes (for example, from). In such places, they can build their nests with pleasure and begin to settle in the area.

Naturally, if you keep the site in perfect cleanliness, then there can be no talk of any reptiles (at least on an ongoing basis).

Advice! If you are thinking about moving or cleaning the compost pit, then there is a high probability of stumbling upon snakes, so it is better to rustle and make noise beforehand to drive out uninvited guests.

Neighboring abandoned cottage and nearby forest

If there is an abandoned site near you, and no matter how close it is (maybe through the house, and after 2), then snakes can look at your dacha in search of food.

Also, snakes may come from the nearby forest in search of food or a new place due to the start of deforestation or any activity that destroys their natural habitats and forces the reptiles to look for a new home.

By the way! Dangerous reptiles can start with building materials.

Thus, if you do not want to accidentally meet a snake in your country garden, then initially do not allow the possibility of its appearance. After all, as you know, it is much easier to prevent an event than to deal with its consequences later.

Video: why snakes crawl to our homes, what to do when you meet them

How to deal with snakes in the garden: ways to get rid of

If you have already decided to fight snakes, tune in to the fact that you have to work hard, because by and large there is no one magic way. A balanced solution to the problem will be both the use of folk remedies and more modern means.

chemical baits

Sometimes poisoned baits appear on sale, which, theoretically, the reptile should eat and die. But reptiles have such a keen sense of smell that they are able to sense that the bait was in the hands of a person and, accordingly, resist the temptation to try it. In general, judging by the reviews, such baits are not very effective in the fight against snakes.

There are also biological deterrents (from a special mixture of essential oils).

Noise and special repellers

As you already understood, snakes are very afraid of noise (more precisely, vibrations, they don’t hear that way), so you can place garden turntables that rotate and make noise from the wind.

Also snakes don't like lawn mower noise, therefore, if you decide, then do not forget to cut it. So the site will be neat, and you will not find extra guests.

In general, if you often have fun in the country, listening to music loudly you constantly hear human voices, then snakes are unlikely to be interested in your personal plot, but they can still wander by accident ...

Particularly effective ultrasonic repellers.

Video: scared away snakes

Pungent odors

Snakes do not like strong and pungent odors, both natural and chemical origin.

Therefore, the smell of garlic, dry mustard, and burnt grass will help scare away terrible reptiles. You can also plant pelargonium in the flower garden.

Advice! Plant garlic around the perimeter of the plot, but do not dig it up, let it grow and multiply by self-sowing.

Or sprinkle mustard powder over the area.

As for chemical odors, the “aroma” of burnt rubber, perfume, gasoline, kerosene, naphthalene and diesel fuel will help you rid the site of snakes.

Advice! If you find a favorite place of accumulation of vipers, snakes or snakes, then just scatter next to them, for example, moth balls or a rag with gasoline or kerosene.

Important! However, one should not overestimate the possibilities of such folk ways fighting snakes, since it is hardly possible to completely rid the site with their help.

natural enemies

Who main enemy snakes? Of course, hedgehog. If you have hedgehogs on your site, then do not rush to drive them away, but, on the contrary, try to feed them (spread pieces of cheese or chicken meat with bones, but not milk, from which they have diarrhea), and then they will help you get rid of hateful reptiles.

By the way! Cats and dogs (particularly Jagd Terrier breeds) can quite successfully hunt snakes. But it is hardly worth putting your pets in danger.

Important! This is Photoshop.

Snake control specialists

If you couldn’t get rid of snakes on your own, then you just have to turn to professionals, that is, to serpentologists. They will not only catch them for you, but will process the site and give valuable advice.

Thus, now you know what to do if snakes appear on your summer cottage. Take the time and effort, use the old wise advice and more effective modern techniques and then you are guaranteed success. How else!

In contact with

Gardeners have enough work on their site: this is weed control, landscaping, planting shrubs and much more. But other difficulties are often added to these difficulties - snakes, which, if you do not start a fight with them, can seriously spoil your crop, becoming also a danger to the summer residents themselves. So, you need to know how to deal with snakes.

The main difficulty in dealing with snakes is that they are activated at night, and therefore it is quite difficult to catch them. True, it should be noted that reptiles will not attack on their own - only if they feel danger from you. However, they are quite hard to notice, because the snakes hide in the roots of trees, compost pits also become their place of residence. And if you lose your vigilance, it is easy to step on them while doing garden work. That is why, having noticed the presence of snakes on the site, you need to start fighting them as soon as possible.

There are several ways to deal with snakes, but we will try to tell you about the most effective ones. Following our advice, you can quickly drive the reptiles out of your area, forgetting about the danger of such a neighborhood.

Tips for snake catchers:

  1. Try to catch the snake. So, nosy guests of your site are very fond of strawberries and strawberries, which means that berries can be used as bait. In the evening, you need to put a container with strawberries and hide, just in case, wearing high rubber boots. If you see a snake, cut it with a shovel, but in no case take the snake in your hands.
  2. You can try to lure hedgehogs to your site, which catch both snakes and rodents.
  3. Snakes can’t stand noise, and therefore you can attract them by placing them in rustling bags around the perimeter of the site, especially in those places where reptiles can live.
  4. - another good way, because after cutting the grass, using for this, removing the leaves, construction garbage where snakes can hide, you will deprive them of shelter.
  5. Reptiles will not like the smell of burnt rubber.
  6. Use preparations based on ammofoska and saltpeter, garden herbicides. They should also be laid out near the playground, toilet, outbuildings, warehouse, compost pit and recreational areas.

Now you know how to get rid of snakes in the country, which means that you can start fighting reptiles both to save the crop and in the name of your own safety.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to protect yourself if snakes are wound up in the garden, and therefore cases of bites among summer residents are not uncommon. Despite the fact that non-deadly poisonous reptiles are predominantly found in our country, their bites can bring many pleasant minutes. And every summer resident should know what to do if bitten by a snake.

Summer cottage owners often have to save plants from pests of various types. Many people think that the worst enemy in the country is a bear. However, this is misleading. One of the most dangerous guests on the site is a snake. It is dangerous primarily for humans. The bite of a snake or snake causes pain. In addition, a crawling snake can greatly scare the baby. But the bite of a viper is poisonous and in rare cases ends in death.

Most often, snakes are found in the spring. During this period, they wake up after winter torpor. You can get rid of snakes in your summer cottage with the help of repellents and chemicals.

If you are terrified of reptiles, seek help from special service. If you notice a snake or viper, search the entire area for a possible hole. We need to get rid of the snakes as soon as possible. At stake is not just the health of the future harvest, but the health of your family members.

Where are the snakes on the site

Many mistakenly believe that reptiles live in forest areas, and in the cities they have nothing to do. Anyone who has ever bathed in a river located within the city knows that this is not at all the case. They must have seen a small snake or a large viper. If your site is located in a quiet place, a river flows nearby, or there is a body of water, expect an unexpected creeping "guest" to appear.

If your garden plot is located outside the city, the risk of seeing a snake is quite high. Especially if there is a landing or forest nearby. Snakes do not like people, so they prefer to nest in quiet places. Most often, their homes are located near the summer cottage. In rare cases snake family settled in a barn, compost pit or a pile of garden debris (boards, branches, foliage).

The most common types of snakes found in summer cottages in Russia and Ukraine are snakes and vipers. A little less often you can meet snakes and copperheads. The viper is the most dangerous reptile. During a bite, poison enters the human blood. Without timely treatment to the hospital, a bite can be fatal.

After a bite, try to suck out the poison from the wound. This can only be done if there is no damage in the oral cavity. If you've bitten your cheek or recently been to the dentist, it's best not to risk it. Drink plenty of water and move less. Call an ambulance immediately.

Precautionary measures

Snakes, like wasps, attack only when they sense danger. If the snake does not notice aggressive behavior on your end, she'll just crawl past. Often there are times when you accidentally approach the nest or touch it. For example, when working with a rake, you will stumble upon a dwelling in a bush or a pile of dry leaves. If there are eggs or young in the nest, the snake will attack without hesitation.

If you recently bought a new dacha or just haven’t been to your own site for a long time and suspect the presence of vipers or snakes, walk only in rubber boots. Ankles and calves are the first likely places to bite. When removing old piles of foliage or mountains of branches, be extremely careful. Under them there may be a dwelling of snakes.

Do not try to scare a viper or snake with a wave of a stick, shovel or hands. She will take this as an attack. Better create a loud noise or vibration. Quickly jump in place from foot to foot. If you have on hand iron objects, beat them one against the other. If you see a snake resting "in the sun" in the garden, it's best not to try to drive it away. After a while, she will crawl away on her own.

Bring cleanliness and order

A clean, tidy garden and garden is the first rule in the fight against any diseases, insects and reptiles. There should be no accumulations of construction or garden rubbish in the yard. Heaps of leaves and branches are perceived by snakes as perfect place for home improvement. They are attracted to compost pits, heaps of boards and old slates, abandoned barns. All rubbish must be disposed of immediately.

Tall grass on the site is another favorable condition for the life of snakes. They feel comfortable in impenetrable thickets. In summer, greenery grows especially fast. Every 1-2 weeks it is necessary to mow the grass. If you have the opportunity, use a lawn mower. This will save time and create noise that the snakes cannot bear. They will run away from the summer cottage, hearing the sound of a mower.

Compost pits need to be equipped away from a residential building. Heat and moisture ideal conditions for arranging a snake lair and laying eggs. During the rearing of offspring, the female will be merciless. Any approach to the lair will be taken as an attack attempt. Monitor the condition of the holes. Avoid laying eggs. Getting rid of an adult family is much more difficult than getting rid of one snake.

It is very important to remove the snake skin found from the site. Old "fur coats" can be found right in the middle of the garden or in places of future nesting. The snake leaves her in a chosen place to be sure to find her way back. Don't take the skin with bare hands not to leave your scent.

Get help from outside

The most ardent reptile hunters are hedgehogs. Prickly helpers are simply irreplaceable in the country. In addition to snakes, they catch toads, rodents and insects. In order for hedgehogs to visit you as often as possible, leave treats for them. They love dairy products - sour cream, kefir or milk. Another favorite delicacy of hedgehogs is beer.

Place a bowl of foamy drink around the area. At night, hedgehogs will definitely gather for a feast. Under the hops, the hedgehog turns into a real fighter: he accelerates, his appetite is played out, and in one night he will be able to complete a weekly plan for catching snakes and mice. Another way to get your hedgehog drunk is to add 50 grams of wine to milk.

Cats are in second place. They like to catch all uninvited guests on their territory. Cats perceive the presence of snakes as a threat, so they immediately go hunting. They are fast and agile, which allows them to catch nimble reptiles. If bitten, immediately take the animal to the clinic. Especially if you are sure that the cat was bitten by a poisonous viper.

Snakes are hunted not only by cats, but also by dogs. For hunting vipers and snakes, a special breed was bred - the Jagd Terrier. These are small dogs with a smooth black coat. Their peculiarity is increased aggressiveness towards animals and people. They track well and instantly find rodents and reptiles. Of course, no one will get a dog just to breed snakes. You can invite the owner of this breed to the site.

scare away

As stated above, snakes are sensitive to noise and vibration. In shops for the garden and garden, as well as in shops for fishing and tourism, you can buy modern devices for repelling snakes. They look like small checkers with "legs" for installation in the ground. There are batteries inside the box. The device generates vibration and ultrasound. The device does not give a 100% guarantee of getting rid of snakes and vipers. Mole repellers can be used.

"Rattles" that make noise and ringing can be made independently. Hang Chinese bells or jingle sticks, which are often hung on store doors, on trees. Can be hung on fence stakes cans, empty plastic bottles, pieces of foil. Dream up and think about what material will make noise in the wind. Place coins in empty tin cans and walk around the garden with such a “rattle”. Snakes love silence. Hearing disturbing sounds, they will change their place of residence to a more comfortable and secluded place.

Folk methods

In the treasury people's councils there are answers to any questions. People have long struggled with snakes and vipers trying to crawl into a garden or even a house. Folk remedies show good results.

  • Spread pieces of natural animal hair or woolen cloth around the garden. To do this, you can use pieces of an old worn fur coat or sweater. Special attention give potentially dangerous places: compost pits, house foundation, barn entrance. Natural wool repels cold-blooded animals.
  • Take a dozen old rags and a bottle of mothballs. Soak the cloths in the "odorous" liquid and scatter around the garden. The strong scent will scare away the snakes. They will not nest near a fragrant piece of cloth. Most likely, they will simply crawl away from your site. In addition to naphthalene, herbicides, saltpeter, ammophoska, kerosene and gasoline can be used.
  • Select a "bald" area in the garden, roll the old one there car tire and set it on fire. The neighbors will not say “thank you” for this, but the pungent smell released during the combustion process will scare away the snakes. They will crawl away from your dacha for hundreds of meters. Resin can be used instead of a tire. Another effective method is to burn the grass in the area for the winter. However, not everyone does this.
  • Plant as many garlic as possible. A sharp garlic aroma is not liked by crawling "guests".


Scaring away with the help of "rattles" and the use of folk methods are humane ways to deal with snakes. Sometimes, to save the garden, you have to resort to more cruel measures. Specialty stores sell poisons that kill snakes. They are available in powder form. Once in the body of an animal, the poison causes rapid death.

Most gardeners do not rely on poisons and chemicals. This is due to the fact that the snake is a predatory animal. She prefers to eat only live prey: rodents, toads, chicks, insects. In addition, snakes are very good at feeling the “trick”. They may not touch food with poison mixed in. The third argument is that the snake can starve for a long time. Even in the absence of prey, she will not immediately rush to the set bait.

The best repellents

Scientists do not advise killing snakes, as they are part of the ecosystem. You need to take drastic measures only if poisonous animals have settled on your site. There are effective means leading to the death of reptiles. They are difficult to find on the domestic chemical market. These drugs can be ordered on the Internet on specialized sites.

Snake Shield is one of the most popular snake repellents. The composition of this product includes sulfur and a complex of essential oils: cloves, cedar and cinnamon. Produced in the form of granules. Used as a barrier. The granules are scattered along individual areas (house, shed, summer kitchen, garage, garden or the entire garden plot). Minus - the manufacturer does not indicate which species of snakes the drug is effective against. Universal means, as a rule, provide a lower degree of protection.

Fear of snakes is inherent in humans from birth. At the sight of a living creeping "cord" there is a desire to run as far as possible. If you want to permanently drive snakes out of your dacha, listen to all the tips described above.

Most often in the gardens we have to meet such snakes as snakes, snakes (relatives of snakes), copperheads and vipers. If the first three species are quite safe, then vipers should be feared, but not because they are ferocious, evil, and strive to bite you. No, quite the contrary, the snakes themselves are very afraid of you, but there are times when people, not noticing the snake, can step on it, or get too close to the snake, then the snakes have to defend themselves out of fear. Vipers are most dangerous, especially in spring, during the period of molting and laying eggs. The most dangerous is the gray viper (poisonous of course), you can distinguish it by vertical pupils (the rest have round ones). It is easily distinguished from a viper by two bright orange spots behind the eyes, snakes are blue-black in color, and vipers are black and light brown-gray.
By the way, sometimes snakes are even useful, they exterminate various rodents, rats, mice, moles, etc. quite well. But, all the same, I think you will hardly want to coexist with such useful reptiles.

So you can get rid of snakes in the following ways:

1. Start on garden plot hedgehogs. These prickly animals sometimes exterminate snakes not badly, and sometimes they get along well with them in one area. So it's up to you, here, probably, everything depends on how aggressive the hedgehog you come across. By the way, according to Hungarian legends, hedgehogs become very aggressive if they drink a little alcohol, hedgehogs are still drunks. So, run faster to the store for beer, and the hedgehog will be good for you too (I wonder how much angry hedgehogs hangovers?).
2. There is such a hunting dog breed - Jagd Terrier. So, these cute dogs are not bad at exterminating (choking) snakes, and vipers and snakes at the same time, it’s checked! They can attack humans though, so be sure to muzzle your shaggy pet so it doesn't bite your garden neighbors. Although sometimes outbred mongrels also catch snakes, here again it is a matter of chance, so everything is in your hands, experiment. Some dogs themselves are afraid of snakes.
3. Some cats and cats are also not averse to hunting snakes. Usually they strangle them and bring them to admire the sacrifice to their master (hostess).
4. You can find and destroy a snake nest, then the snakes will have nowhere to live and breed. Favorite habitats for snakes are stumps, bushes, compost pits, manure heaps, or accumulations of various garden debris.
5. Need to ensure complete absence thickets (the first thing to do is mow all the tall grass) and shady, wet places on your site. Monitor the absence of various trash, garbage heaps, deadwood, weeds, big heaps tops or cut (weeded) grass, foliage, etc., etc. If, nevertheless, there are such heaps, then you need to place them away from housing.
6. Wear rubber boots in areas with snakes. Although this is not a method of struggle, but rather a warning.
7. The most inhumane method is to lure the snakes with burnt milk, and then it’s a matter of technique (for example, chop them into kebabs, it’s a joke!).
8. You can stick “windmills” into the ground (such airplanes on poles, you probably saw them), with the help of which they fight moles. The vibration that is transmitted from them to the ground scares away snakes, they apparently do not like “trembling of the earth”. Although opinions differ here, it helps someone, it doesn’t help someone, but it definitely saves from moles. If, nevertheless, you decide to use this method, then put more of these “turntables”.
9. Snakes can't stand the smell of burnt rubber. So, if you have an old car tire lying around somewhere, you can make a small fire, just don't burn everything around.
10. All small rodents, reptiles (moles, frogs, rats, mice, etc.) should be destroyed. The snakes will have nothing to eat, and there will be nowhere to live (they also live in rodent burrows), and they will crawl away.
11. Snakes do not like coals, ashes, scorched areas. So, if you don't mind, you can burn down your garden plot.
12. After the destruction of the snake lair, previously crushed naphthalene balls can be placed in the ground (these are the ones that are usually placed in packages with shoes).
13. You can pay money to 'snake hunters', but you still have to look for such professionals.
14. Pour ammophoska, garden herbicide, saltpeter, and naphthalene balls along the perimeter of the garden. In general, snakes do not like various chemicals very much.
15 . You can also wind ropes of sheep's wool everywhere, but the wool should be sheep-scented, untreated.

But there are also cases when it is useless to fight snakes. For example, when next to you there is a neighboring area all overgrown with grass, bushes and littered with all sorts of rubbish. Then there is only one thing left - to flee, especially if there are a lot of such 'ennobled' areas around.

Rules of conduct after a snake bite:

1. Drink more.
2. Move less.
3. Do not drink alcohol, coffee, tea, wipe the wound with alcohol.
4. You can't pull the wound.
5. You can suck blood from the wound, but very carefully. You can put some water in your mouth to dilute the poison, then spit it out. When sucking poison from a wound, be extremely careful, poison can enter the bloodstream through a damaged gum wound in the mouth, or a decayed tooth. Nothing bad will happen if you swallow the poison, in this case it is not dangerous.
6. After the poison has been sucked out, the edges of the wound must be treated with alcohol solutions of iodine, brilliant green or alcohol.
7. It is strictly contraindicated to inject potassium permanganate or other oxidizing agents into the bite site, to cauterize the bite site with any substances (hot objects, alkalis, acids).
8. It is necessary to put the bitten so that the head is lower than the body, this will improve blood flow to the brain.
9. After all the measures you have taken, the victim must be taken to the hospital, where he will be injected with serum (of course, if they have it).